Install Arch Linux the EASY WAY - Archfi Guide (2021)

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hello everybody this is tech cut in this video what i'm going to be doing is showing you how to install arch linux using only two commands now this is going to be with the help of the arch fi or arch fast installer script now the archive script is definitely one of the best scripts out there it's worked for me every single time flawlessly and i did recently put out a tweet mentioning it and when i did that i realized i have no content on this channel about it so what i'm going to do is go through all the steps of everything you need to know and do a complete arch linux install and i'm going to be doing it on this little mini pc here so we are going to be doing it on actual physical hardware now if you are interested in checking out this device i will have a link in the description i did a full video review of it so go ahead and check that out but with that said leading into this video all you need to do is go onto the arch website and burn the iso to a usb drive plug it in boot into that disk image and let's go ahead and install it all right so we are booted into our live disk image of arch and what you're going to need to actually run this script is an internet connection so you can download it now if you go ahead and plug your system with an internet cable generally you're gonna have no problems at all if you need to connect to wi-fi i'm not gonna get into that right now but if you head over to the link in the description there'll be more details on how to do that now if you do want to check to see if you have an internet connection before we proceed it's as simple as typing in ping and then a url of your choice so i'm going to do and see if i have a connection which as you can see i do if i hit ctrl c it will go ahead and in that so now that we know we have an internet connection what we're going to do is actually download this script and to do this we're just going to use a curl dash l command and then it this is hosted at sourceforge and then we do the little greater than symbol in archfy go ahead and enter it's a very small script so it should not take too long at all you can see it's already downloaded so now just to launch this script you're going to want to type in sh archive and then hit enter and this is the main menu of the script the script is basically going to walk you through all the steps that you would normally need to do by typing in commands except this is going to be in a graphical user interface and it's just going to execute the commands for you if you do actually follow along on the archwiki installation guide for example you can see that basically everything is actually in order and this is a proper arch install so the very first thing we're going to do is select our language and to do that we're just going to hit enter and then i am a english speaker so we're going to go over to english and hit enter next we're going to set our keyboard layout there are quite a few choices here so i'm going to go all the way down to us there it is so i'm going to select us hit enter and every once in a while you may see this whenever you see this screen is just confirming what it has done so we're going to hit any key to continue i'll just hit enter now you can see as i am moving through this guide it's automatically selecting the next option that we need to go ahead and do it did skip editor this is an optional step the default is nano but if you're used to using vim for example you could go ahead and select that but personally for me nano is completely fine so i'm just going to go ahead and keep nano selected hit continue and now we are going to go ahead and mess around with our disk partitions so from here go ahead and hit enter and you have a couple different options here if you have an eif system or a motherboard that supports it i highly suggest going with the first option alternatively you could just go with plain gdp or plain dos but for this video we're going to select this first option here and then from here it will show you all the drives on your machine i have sda and sdb sda is my main ssd on the machine that we're going to be installing archon and this sdb is the flash drive with the live disk image on it so for this i'm going to go ahead and select my main drive hit enter and then here we have our first warning you're going to want to make sure you have everything that is already on that drive backed up that's important because we are going to be formatting and partitioning drives so any data on that drive is going to be deleted so for this i'm going to go ahead and hit yes to continue and it's going to go ahead and give us the same warning again i'm going to go ahead and type in yes and hit enter and then it's going to go through the procedure of creating the partitions we're going to need including efi swap and root so from here i'm just going to press the key to continue and now before we go back and we go to the next step we're going to go ahead and check something real quick if we go down to edit partitions cf disk hit enter select our main drive that we just partitioned out here is where we can take a quick note of what partitions actually belong to what so here sda1 is our boot sda2 is our linux swap and then sda3 is our linux file system we're going to need to know this for the next step so just keep a note of that you could write it down if you'll forget but this is important because depending on what option you selected this may be different for you so at the bottom we can see that quit is already selected so if i just hit enter it should take me out and then i can hit the over keys the over arrow keys to select back and now i'm going to go ahead and select my partitions and install so go ahead and enter there and now you can see it's asking me to select my boot device now that's the efi partition which is sda1 the swap device we already know is sda2 and the root is sda3 now it didn't create a separate partition for home so for this option we're going to go ahead and select on none and then here we can kind of confirm to make sure that this is everything we want let's go ahead and select yes because it looks good to me and now we have our format and mount menu so from here we're going to select the first option which is format devices it's going to give you the warning again everything's going to be erased we're going to select yes now being that i selected efi the only option i have well the only option i should select here is fat32 so this is what the file system is going to be for our boot drive let's go ahead and select that so went ahead and set that up press any key to continue the only option for swap is swap so let's hit enter there continue out of there and now this is where you can actually have a little bit of freedom here you could go ahead and select your preferred file system i'd either go with better fs or ext4 personally i prefer ext4 it's what i'm most familiar with and it works perfectly fine for me so ext4 it is so now that we're done with that let's press any key to continue and now we're going to go ahead and mount this so go ahead and select the mount install or config option so here you can kind of see what it did went ahead and mounted those partitions that we created and it made some directories that we're going to need this is all stuff that you would have had to manually go in and type commands to do just saving us a whole bunch of time unless if you're a really fast typer i am not so it saved me a whole bunch of time so let's go ahead and press any key to continue and now we are in the install menu the first thing you could do if you would like to is edit the mirror list if i go ahead and go over there you can see what it is currently set up as you could change that if you'd like to but it is good enough for me so i'm going to hit control x and now from here i'm going to actually install arch selecting this option right here hit enter and our first option when installing arch is to select our linux kernel you go with either linux linux lts i'm pretty sure at as of recording this video just linux will install 5.11 lts is 5.10 for this video i'm just going to go ahead and go linux so i have the latest kernel well the latest kernel that they recommend you could also go hardened or zen but linux is fine for me next we're gonna select our firmwares i highly suggest you make sure that's selected we're gonna see a lot more options like this to go ahead and select things if you hit the space bar you can see that it deselected it but i want to go ahead and keep that selected and then hit enter so now we have our file system for me dos fs tools is going to be perfectly fine you also have your better fs stuff you have lvm and a few others but for my installation and to make this the easiest on me i'm just going to go ahead and select the default and now you can see that it is actually downloading and going through the installation of arch linux alright so once it is completely done installing the system we have again press any key to continue let's go ahead and do that and then the next option is to configure arch linux now arch is technically installed on the system but we're going to want to go ahead and do this so we can make it bootable and make sure everything is set up properly so the first thing you're going to do is set a computer name you call it arch linux but i'm actually going to call this one media server because i'm going to be using this in a video that's coming up pretty soon actually just media will be fine for now so we're going to hit ok now for me the keyboard layout and font by default should be okay as you can see us is already selected so those options are gonna be okay uh set time we're gonna go ahead and go in there and i am in los angeles well not in los angeles i'm in the time zone of los angeles thankfully i'm not in los angeles so we're going to go to united states pacific which is the los angeles time zone for the hardware clock let's select utc wait for that to finish continue and now we're going to go ahead and set our root password now you could set this to whatever you want it's not going to show that i'm typing anything but i promise i am once you type it in hit enter and you're going to want to type it again just to make sure you didn't screw up hit enter and you can see my password was updated successfully so let's hit enter to continue and now we're going to do is generate the fstab file or as i would repeatedly say a couple months ago the fstab file so we're going to generate that and we're going to go with our first option which is the uuid hit enter and now it has been generated so press any key to continue now it did skip a couple options you could go ahead and edit this if you'd like to you could actually go in and edit your fstab file if you do have other drives and other disks plugged in that you do want it to automatically mount to your system for example and i do have a separate tutorial on how to do that but for now we're going to go ahead and jump into our bootloader settings so from here we're going to hit enter and for this we're going to go with good old grub so hit enter there and we're going to go ahead and install grub so once grub has completely installed we're going to press any key to continue and now we're going to go ahead and install our eif at boot manager you can see it's required for eif computers so let's go ahead and hit yes it's done so we're going to go ahead and press any key to continue and you can see right there it went ahead and enabled well it generated the grub configuration file so now we're going to press any key to continue so now that we've done that we can actually go ahead and install our bootloader if you want to go ahead and edit grub here here's where you can like do a grub timeout for example if you wanted to completely skip the grub boot loader but for now we're going to go ahead ctrl x and get out of here so i didn't do any edits so i'm going to hit no on this and then install grub so hit enter and then we're going to go ahead and install this on our primary hard drive that we've installed the system on go ahead and select efi and now it's going to go ahead and install that so now we can hit enter to continue and now grub is installed so now let's go ahead and go back and now what we're going to do is actually go ahead and go to archdi which is going to be another script that will allow us to install a lot more things to actually be able to get into our system such as the xorg packages and a actual desktop environment so let's hit enter here and then you can see this says what i just said it's a second script which will help you install a full workstation we're going to go and hit yes here and it's going to go ahead and grab that so from here we're going to do install and run archdi the developer recommends sourceforge so let's just go ahead and go with that and we can see it working and now just like before we're going to go ahead and go through this script just as it's laid out so we're going to start with updates and we're going to select the first install pacman drewboot yes and it's going to go ahead and download install that there we go so now we can install an aur helper um generally i prefer pamac but it's not an option here yay is great for now so we're going to go ahead and install yay and then select yes and let's go ahead and do the default selection of all of these packages hit enter for yes and then it's going to go ahead download and install yay all right so i've selected proceed with installation a couple times i think this is the last time so i'm going to hit y and there we go so now before we go ahead and install stuff let's go ahead and update our key ring so let's select this yes there we go and now we are good to move on so you could do some more stuff in here such as edit your mirror list edit your pacman config whatever you really want but for now we are good to go one thing i'll do first is go ahead and upgrade with yay so let's hit enter there and make sure that there's nothing to do which there is not so from here we can go over to back and now let's install so here is where we are going to install some of our primary system components starting with console so from here you can basically select what you want but i'm going to run through and select things that i prefer just so you can kind of work on that so going into generic we have nano i'm actually going to deselect vim because i never use it we want the base devil bash we want that do make sure you install the base devil packages no matter what that's very important i'm going to go ahead and grab neofetch here because why not and do make sure you have the linux firmware here we should already have it but go ahead and select it there just to make sure so for me this should be pretty good i'm going to go ahead and hit the enter key to select this let's go with yes and it's going to download and install all the packages that we went ahead and selected skip any that we've already had and let's continue next we have compression tools let's go ahead and select everything here we want the zip unzip on rar all that fun stuff so proceed with installation continue now we have some network tools now for me the default options are completely fine i don't really need any of these other tools quite yet and with anything that you're going through right now you could always install later so i'm going to go ahead and enter proceed with the installation continue and move on to our web browser now this is console web browser and i actually don't want any of these so i could go ahead let's hit enter to get out of there we have recovery tools so i don't really want any of these either so let's go ahead and get out of there and then go over to ok hit enter so that's about it for console stuff so let's go back out of here and go over to system tools so here is the kernel we already selected this during install so we should be good to go but i'm going to go ahead and enter make sure that these are selected i do not need the documentation hit enter and make sure that we have everything that we need so you can see we basically did already have anything we were really only missing two packages so from here we could continue out of there and let's go ahead and go back let's go over to services and make sure we have everything we want selected openssh is very important for what i'm going to be doing so make sure that's selected and here this is also very important depending on what kind of computer you have or what type of processor and chipset so for example if you're doing this on a intel machine you'd want to deselect amd and select intel again using the spacebar but this actually is an amd machine so i'm going to make sure amd is selected and from here we are good to go so let's hit enter select yes and it's going to go ahead and grab all those files and packages so now let's continue out of there and it's asking us if we want to enable network manager on boot let's go ahead and do yes and this is just another example of why i really like this script that would have been quite quite a few different commands here that was just executed to be able to do that and we just saved all that time so any key to continue and now since we did install network manager we're going to go ahead and disable this service continue uh start ssh server yes we want to do that so let's enable that now it's asking us if we want to enable crony on boot and again the reason why it's asking all this is because we went ahead and installed all these packages that are generally ran when your system is booted up so this is just going ahead and setting it up for you so we're going to select yes and now we have an option to enable the num lock service so yes and let's go ahead and start that up at boot continue so start have ged so let's go yes enter now start bluetooth service app boot uh for me i'm actually gonna say no if you do want your bluetooth service enabled hit yes but this is gonna be a server and i'm never gonna use bluetooth so for me i'm gonna select no so now we're gonna go ahead and go down to file system so from here we're going to go ahead and this actually looks pretty good if you want to add a couple more packages from here that you're used to using you could go ahead and do that i'm going to select os prober because that's good if you want to like dual boot and i might but actually i'm gonna go to leave a deselect because i know for sure i'm not going to be multi-booting on this machine but if you do plan on dual booting any operating systems with your arch install i would highly suggest you go ahead and install os prober but for me now i'm going to keep everything at default hit enter and proceed with the installation and then press any key to continue and now we're going to go over to sound here's where you install pulse audio and all that fun stuff the only thing i'm going to do here is disable the bluetooth option because i won't be using that but for you the defaults should be okay and if you're ever looking at any of these packages and you're wondering specifically what it is you can just search it in the arch wiki and it will tell you exactly what the package is what it does how to use it all that fun stuff so i'm gonna go ahead and enter continue with the installation and then press any key to continue from here we're gonna go over to print support i technically don't need print support for this but some i might want to for something eventually so cups is the service that arch uses for print support so i'm going to go ahead and keep the defaults hit enter and proceed with the installation wait for this to go ahead and grab everything and then press any key to continue next we're gonna it's gonna ask us if we want to go ahead and start cups services on boot and for you you want to hit yes for me i'm gonna go with no because of my use case for the device that i'm installing this on and from here we could go ahead and go back next is going to be xorg this is our actual display manager this is very important so let's go ahead and select that so with the first option we could actually see what type of graphics card are running so i am running a amd graphics card it's the internal vega series graphics mobile series so being that it's amd i shouldn't have really any issue so let's continue but from here we're going to want to go ahead go down to install and we have two options selected by default i'm going to go ahead go through and actually select just about everything now selecting everything isn't necessary but there are some good tools to be able to have on your system just in case if you need them such as x kill is pretty good at closing applications that are giving you issues if we go down to x r and r that's really good for setting display resolutions there's a lot of good stuff here but definitely things that you do not need so if you do want to you go ahead and go through all this and figure out exactly what you do need everything here is fairly lightweight so going and installing all of it is not that big of a deal let's go ahead and hit yes and proceed with the installation so now any key to continue next we're going to go ahead and go to fonts default just go ahead and make sure they're all selected okay install them all so now if we go ahead and go down to ttf we have a lot more fonts to choose from out of all of these probably one of the more important ones that you're going to want is the ttf ms fonts this will make it compatible with any like microsoft documents so you'll actually be able to open them and you don't get a whole bunch of squares but honestly i'll just go ahead select everything and install all of them so now with everything selected we're going to go ahead and hit enter and one thing we can see here is the ttf nerd font symbols and mono are in conflict and let's go ahead and get all these from the aur real quick uh select none enter there we go so i went ahead and pulled all the fonts it could from the aur since we did have a conflict i'm just going to go in here and make sure that it actually installed all this so i'm going to select all this again and the conflict was right here so i'm going to deselect this mono one hit enter and from here i'm going to proceed with the installation now you can see the total download size is 1.5 gigabytes you definitely don't need to select all these fonts but i'm going to go ahead and proceed all right so i grabbed all those packages let's press any key to continue now we already have this so it might skip it for us so let's go n and and yeah went ahead and skipped everything because we already have that so now we could go ahead and go back go over to our input drivers and from here i'm going to go ahead and just keep the default selected there's nothing to do because we already have it so from here we could go ahead and go over to video drivers now here is we're going to select open source or proprietary this is basically amd or nvidia so for me it's open source and then i would just go ahead and select the amd gpu if you did have nvidia you'd want to go back over here and then select the nvidia drivers here but i have an amd so i can go ahead and go to open source make sure my amd gpu is selected additionally if you're using like an intel integrated graphics you go ahead and select this one right here but from here i'm going to go ahead and enter proceed with the installation and continue and now i have those video drivers so let's go ahead and go back back and now is when we're going to have a little bit of fun let's go ahead and select our desktop environment so for this install i'm looking for something fairly lightweight i'm probably either going to go with lxqt or xfce i'm more familiar with xfce so let's go ahead and select this obviously i could easily change this down the road if i would like to so depending on the actual desktop environment you select you're going to have different options but for xfce i'm going to go ahead and make sure everything is selected install all these packages and when it's done continue now i can get some of the goodies you can see everything's automatically selected hit enter grab all these packages and then we are good to go we have some compliments here so you go ahead and install these if you'd like to here is where i have like my light dm gtk reader and a couple other things so i'm gonna go ahead and download all these continue with the installation and then continue so now that we want to start light dm service on boot this is what's actually gonna be our login screen that allows us to get into our desktop environment so yes we definitely want to enable that and then from here we could go ahead and go back if you want to install more desktop environments you could go ahead and do that now for example if i wanted plasma you can see i have my plasma packages kde applications you have all different categories and stuff through kde kitties is just as light but it's definitely a more complete set of packages so i'm just going to back out of here back out of here and now we have our display manager now you saw we actually already enabled our light dm greeter when you install your desktop environment it's probably going to go ahead and install one of these by default when you do install your desktop environment if you don't get a thing that pops up to actually enable the service like you saw with light dm greeter when i installed xfce make sure you go ahead and get yourself a display manager and you can see here like gdm comes with gnome sddm comes with any of the qt stuff so lxqt or kde plasma this comes with lxde and this came with xfce so i don't need this because i already have it so i'm going to go ahead and go back and here we have applications now you could completely skip this but we might as well go ahead and go through and grab some extra things while we're in here so i'm going to go to office suites and here we have an option for libreoffice i'm going to go ahead and grab libreoffice fresh so we go and select that continue with the installation there we go so now i have an office suite now these are additional language packages i'm unless if english is an option i don't really need any of them english great britain i'll select that just in case if it doesn't come with one so let's go and enter yes and continue and now i'm pretty sure i don't need anything else if we go under office we have calculator application i don't really want that one so let's go ahead and back out of here under internet we have options for our web browser for here i'm just going to go ahead and i'm going to grab firefox and i think that should be good so let's hit enter install firefox and then continue out of here next we have torrent and email clients for now i'm going to go ahead and actually actually no no let's go ahead and get kate torren ktorr it's one of the better ones in my opinion so from here let's continue because this is a media server so i might want to do torrents directly to it free and open source torrents of course there we go so let's continue out of there i'm not going to need any email clients on this so we'll go back multimedia we have g streamer we have audio video players video tools burner tools so i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna need any of these but we will go ahead and grab these uh g streamer tools so let's go ahead and continue with the installation continue and then go ahead and back out of here if you go under graphic you have like inkscape and all that fun stuff i'm not going to need any of that under dev we have some more tools so you have notepad qqq which i would recommend if you're looking for a notepad plus plus alternative and then we have genie vs code i'm not going to need any of this under system we have some tools let's see if i need any of this we have g parted um actually that's going to grab g parted uh keep pass virtualbox stuff wine stuff uh con key so basically g parted is the only thing i'd want out of there for now and continue and now we have pac-man gui i like pac-man in the terminal so we're just going to go ahead and back out of here and then if i go ahead and go back the last option is to config so let's go ahead and go in here first we have bash so you go through and mess with your bash configuration if you would like to for me the defaults are going to be good right here you have firewall stuff so if you want to you go in and change your rules and all that but i'm going to go ahead and back out if we go down to accounts this one's pretty important what we're going to do is go ahead and add a new user so i'm going to add a user and the name of the user is going to be my name so brandon okay and then i'm going to give myself a password i'm going to go ahead and do the same password as my root there we go continue and you can list users just to make sure it's in there you can see i have brandon so i'm going to go ahead and back out of here and i'm going to go to sudoers out of sudoer and add brandon as a suitor and you can see all that did was edit the ect sudoers file so from here i could go ahead and go to ok actually now it's going back out of here back out of here so now we went ahead and created our account so that is what we're going to use to log in so that is really about it that we're going to mess with in this menu we could go ahead and edit some more things here boot for example you could go and edit your grub config but that's everything we really need to do in there so we could go ahead back exit out of this script and now we are in our main script so from here we actually want to go ahead and go back and then in this install menu we're going to go ahead and unmount our partitions continue and then we should be able to go back again and reboot our system so we'll select reboot hit enter reboot yes and it's going to go ahead and reboot our system all right so let's go ahead and select arch linux and it's loading the kernel starting up and everything should work just fine theoretically which it looks like it is we have our login screen here so i should just be able to type in my password and get into our arch linux there we go so now if you do so remember we went ahead well first let's make this display a little better so one of the things that we talked about earlier was xr and r so here are all my available display resolutions so what i'm going to do is go x r and r dash s and set this to 1920 by 1080 hit enter and there we go that's looking a little bit better since we have a terminal window open here we could go ahead and type in neo fetch just to make sure we are rocking and rolling on arch linux so technically other than checking for the internet that is how you install arch linux only needing to type in two commands granted you still need to select and do everything but it is through a nice little graphical user interface so do thank you so much for watching like i said there will be a post on featuring this video with some extra tips and tricks that you may want to look into please go ahead and check out my content over on odyssey everything's synced up over there and that is in my opinion a superior video platform with all that said please like this video if you did subscribe ring that bell so you do not miss any future uploads i hope you have a beautiful day and good bye
Channel: TechHut
Views: 65,191
Rating: 4.9019189 out of 5
Keywords: linux, linux tutorial, desktop enviorment, tech, arch, arch linux, arch install
Id: u2l54FMgWq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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