LXQt 1.0

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel and to a new video so a few weeks ago lxqt reached version 1.0 so in this video i'm going to show you how you can install it on arch linux but if you're another distribution and you have lsqt already available what i'm going to show you here especially about the customization should be the same so without too much talking let's jump into the video [Music] [Applause] [Music] so lxqt is the successor of lxde which was based on the gtk toolkit and lsut is based on qt or qt so in this video i'm going to install it quickly on arch linux but what i'm going to show you here is going to be basically valid with other distributions as well in terms of lightness of the desktop environment and also the customization options because the desktop environment will be the same for every distribution in this video i'm going to show you how you can install the latest version of lxqt which reached version one just a couple of weeks ago after eight years of development so let's go ahead and install the packages we need so this is a basic install of arch i already installed the base system here so i'm just going to build up here the desktop environment with the display manager i'm following the archwiki for most of the packages but of course feel free to variate if you have other needs so i'm going to type in here sudo pacman dash s the first package i want to install is the lxqt package which is basically including all sqt packages we need for the desktop environment and i'm going to install also an icon theme in my case it's going to be the papers dash icon dash theme i'm going to install also a couple of themes for my installation so one is the arc dash gtk dash team you might be wondering well sqt is based on queued why are you installing gtk well because this is actually the theme that gtk applications are going to use into lsqt i'm going to install afterwards also arc kde which is actually the cute version of the arc team but that's in the aur so i cannot install it with pacman and i'm going to install also the display manager which is sddm it's the recommended one but you can actually choose also any other display manager of your choice if you wish to do so and the last package i want to install is the xorg dash server i'm not going to install the whole exo group here i just want to install the server just the package i need and then i can hit enter so here i can accept the repositories also for the fonts and here i can basically hit enter to proceed with the installation so this is going to take very little time because you can see here we have only 50 packages the installation should be pretty quick the icon theme is always the one which takes longer and also updating the cache takes a moment here and then we will be done so we installed now the packages what we need to do here we need to activate the display manager and to do that we can type in sudo system ctl enable stdm this is the display manager i chose and now you can see we have the symlink created so when we reboot the machine the display manager will display itself so what we can do now we can just type in reboot and reboot our machine it's going to take a moment to do that so i'm going to hit arch linux here and if everything went well we should be greeted by stdm there you go we have stdm here we have the lxqt desktop is already selected the keyboard layout you have to change it afterwards so let me just enter my password here and go into the desktop so we have a few things here to change you can see the resolution is also not correct but i will change this immediately i'm just going to go here in the menu and go to preferences don't worry about the icons missing we are going to check this in a second what i need to do here is to go to monitor settings and i'm going to select my resolution which is 1080p and i can click apply and also save so that it's saved for the next time and i can click close so this is the lxut desktop very standard but let's go again into preferences here and go to settings and go to configuration center so you can see we are missing a lot of things here no worries we can double click here on appearance and for the widget style it's basically going to show you what kind of wizard you want to have so what kind of windows you want to have you have fusion here you have also windows up to you i prefer fusion here so i'll go back to this one now the icon theme i want to have is actually papiro stark because i have already a dark team here so i'm going to click apply and for this to take full effect i need to log out once i'm going to do it afterwards and for the lexu team i'm gonna go with arch colors we have an arch linux theme here already selected and you can see it changes also the colors here in the bar now let me close this and close also this window i'm gonna log out once here for the changes to take full effect so i'm gonna click log out and enter my password again and now we should have also the icons appearing here in our menu there you go so let's go back again in our lsqt settings here and configuration center you can see we have also here the borders of the windows which are not yet themed and that's because lxqt is based on open box if we open open box we have several themes here already pre-installed but these are not the ones actually i want so what i'm going to do i'm going to close this up and i'm going to open up the terminal and while i'm at it i'm going to add it here to the taskbar just so and open it up and i'm going to actually configure this as well very quickly opening the preferences here you can choose the font in my case i'm going to choose here the terminus font because i really like this font for the terminal i'm going to bump it up to 16. the color scheme i'm going to leave here linux the widget style at system default that's fine with me scroll bar i don't need a scroll bar tabs position is there but i'm gonna deselect it here because i have only one tab the cursor is underlined for me i don't wanna have the menu bar i will leave the window borders for now but i'm gonna hide the top bar with only one tab and then click apply and okay so this is how it looks like it's not really elegant here but we're going to change this in a second and i forgot actually also to change my keyboard layout because this is actually booting up with the us keyboard so let me go here under keyboard and mouse and keyboard layout here and add my keyboard which is the swiss german keyboard here and i'm going to select it here click ok and remove the english one and now i can type without typos so what i want to do here i want to actually install also the arc kde theme because that's based on qt so let me type in here git clone https colon slash then aur dot arch linux dot org slash arc dash kde this is the package i want so we can clone this and then move into the directory if you are another distribution probably rkd will be in the repositories but on arch it's in the aur and then i can type in make pkg dash si and it's going to take a moment here to build the package and install it it shouldn't take too long because it's not a big package i need to enter my password here and install now also a couple of other things you can see i'm installing also quantum which is a theming engine quantum qt5 and quantum theme arc as well and for a reason i will show you afterwards why and now the packages are installed so i can actually close up the terminal here and do not ask again and i can open here for example again my system preferences configuration center again i go to open box and you can see here we have several new themes now the one i want is actually arc dark so i'm going to click this and you can see immediately the border of the windows here are changing corresponding to the theme i can click close and i can click close here as well and i can open up also the quantum manager right there and i want to change the current theme so i'm just gonna click here and select here instead of quantum default arc dark and then click use this theme and you can see now it applies the theme on the widget as well so this is very quickly how you can configure lxqt but if you open up the terminal now and we type in three dash h you will see it uses very little memory it's about 300 maybe bytes even less sometimes depending on what your computer is doing on the background so it's a very light desktop environment and i would definitely install it on an older machine where resources are limited now when we install the lxut package let me close this window here we installed also the lock screen if i'm not mistaken let me actually delete this and try to lock the screen with the lock screen you can see actually here the screen saver has not been actually installed so let's install one so let me open up the terminal here and type in sudo pacman s i'm gonna install x screen saver you can also install other ones but they have to be compatible with xdg utils otherwise they will not work so let me authenticate here and install the packages this is actually a fairly configurable screen saver so now it's installed and let me close the window here and i'm not sure if i have to log out let me check here i click lock screen yeah probably i have to log out one more time so let me click here and click log out and click yes i need to authenticate one more time and now if i hit lock screen you can see it locks automatically now there is a fade effect here and you can see this is one of the animations we have in x screen server so we can type in my password and we are back in our desktop now we have x screen saver here installed so x screen server is there we can of course configure this with many different things we have a random screen saver as well we can lock after a certain time and here under advanced we can also change some other things like for example text manipulation or also the theme right now it's gonna show like this not really the most modern one but it's actually very functional let's go for example with borderless you can see this looks a little different but you can choose other themes as well so this is how you can quickly build your lxqt desktop on arch but if you run out of distributions you should be having actually lsqt1 pretty soon it's a very light desktop environment and if you have especially an older machine with little resources definitely give lsqt a go you will probably like it a lot so this was lxqt 1.0 if you install it in arch let me know what you think about it and again if you're having an older machine and you want to install something light a very light desktop environment lsqt is definitely a great choice so if you try this out let me know in the comments below how you like it and if you have any question about the video let me also know in the comments below as you know i will try to answer you as soon as i can thank you so much for watching the video guys i'll see you very soon in the next one [Music] you
Channel: EF - Linux Made Simple
Views: 6,205
Rating: 4.9647579 out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Arch Linux, Software, Training, how to install, install arch linux, install linux, tech tips, it tips, linux tips, UEFI, linux help, lxqt, lxqt 1.0
Id: bjrV-5RmSpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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