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it's done finally it's taken probably 40 50 hours worth of work uh if you want to check a bunch of live streams i stream like probably 20 to 30 hours of this creation process but finally the ultimate perfect greatest ultra bestest system in the world when it comes to linux has finally been created and i'm not talking about some distribution because screw distributions we don't need no stinking distributions that's not proper english but what you do need is this script i've written it i feel so confident in this script but well you know what let's just wipe out this entire system because guess what the script sets all of this it does it all and you might be thinking well how in the hell do i run this thing titus i'm glad you asked simply go to this github oh that that is github but it's very very bright but anyways made a new project called arch titus all of the time and effort has been put into this i made an entire script on how to do it basically all you need to do download this iso from arch linux because i'm not making a new distro linux already has enough distros you don't need another one so just download this torrent or just come down into your country of origin and download it from here put that on a thumb drive and go i already have it on a ventoy based thumb drive but you could use etcher you could use rufus whatever you do to make bootable media on a thumb drive just grab it i got mine right here we're just gonna toss it on here and guess what this this entire iso is like less than one gig so you've got no excuses put it on here i recommend ventoy but whatever you want to use to make your your image go ahead and make it so you got your arch linux on there and you might be thinking wait a second that's that's hard mode that is difficult linux because there was a thing that linus tech tips you know shared lately and it was this beginner medium and hard mode guess what this isn't hard mode this is one command you run it and go so you've made your media it's arch linux we're going to install hard mode right now we're just going to hit f8 on our asus startup here and from our menu we're going to select our thumb drive boot into our vindhoy bootable media select arch linux and go into this i said one command and really this is a little more than typing in some stuff but if you type exactly what i show you my script takes care of the rest so even though this may look complex it's actually pretty simple the first command and it's rather simple i'm actually going to blow this up real fast and then clear the screen all right i made the font bigger just so you can see what i'm typing but the first command you want to type is pacman s y it's dash sy and then git because we want to access that git project and we'll say enter you don't even have to type y for that it just automatically hits enter and then we're just going to clone git space clone and then https chris titus tech arch titus boom it's already cloned all of the thing because it's just simple scripts now we're going to change directory and go into this script don't worry hang with me it's about to get a lot easier and then we just type arch titus and then from here dot forward slash arch type or just type arch and then hits the tab bar to complete and enter this will launch the script we're done and now it installs all of arch for you now you might be thinking well why is this a big deal well arch linux can be a little cumbersome to set up this will format install every package that i use on a day-to-day basis including gaming the entire nine graphics card drivers don't worry it detects you're using nvidia it installs nvidia drivers if you're using amd it installs amd don't have either because of graphics card shortages don't worry it installs your integrated graphics as well so we got all of this and i'll walk through the script as it installs here this does take about 20 minutes to run end-to-end and it does ask about three or four questions the first question is what drive are you going to put it on now for me personally i'm going to put it on my nvme drive so you're going to do forward slash dev forward slash and then usually most systems will just have one maybe two drives usually that's sda or sda sdb but we're gonna do an nvme drive sitting on my motherboard and we're just gonna do this make sure you don't do the partitions like obviously like sda1 that's a partition don't do that you want the actual device uh for me i'm doing nvme e1 in one yes to format this will erase everything so do not click yes if you don't want everything on this device to get erased if you're unsure don't proceed but there we go we are ready to format and now let's just sit back speed this up about 20 x and just enjoy the show as it formats installs everything and don't worry i did something special here with the downloads a regular person installing arch this might take quite a bit longer but i did parallel downloading we also did a shift to where it picks the greatest servers in your area so i'm in the us it automatically auto chooses us based on where i launched this command and it starts installing so there's a lot of optimization to this install so you'll see it install a lot quicker than most people installing arch but let's sit back and enjoy now this stage has been running for about one minute and we're actually ready to reboot into a live environment if we were just doing server work we'd already be there but we're going to select our user i'm going to call my user titus we call years whatever and then we just enter our password i'm going to just use a really secure password here and hit enter this will make my user it'll assign my password and it'll install all the rest of the packages as far as the rest the prompts i think we only have one maybe two more prompts but let's see 20 minutes later and now that brings us to our final thing we've been running for a little under 15 minutes here if you had a faster internet connection than 100 megabits that's what i'm running right now it's going to probably finish a lot faster than what this did but for now it's a little under 15 minutes for the complete run at the end here it does ask kde plasma or other you just always want to type one to this and this just imports our theming and then we just simply type reboot at this prompt to reboot into our manager here's the initial boot into our new drive and we simply type our password in and hit enter and here is our desktop as you saw just at the very beginning we have all the transparency effects everything is set as default you have a gorgeous looking desktop and guess what you're not on some obscure distro to get all this stuff you have every package that i use let's say i was going to do my thumbnails i'll just type in and guess what gimp's already installed for that or let's say you needed to jump on a conference call you launch your browser which i personally use brave uh and then you launch zoom because guess what the zoom clients already installed all these things i know that's a little cringy for some linux folks that like to pick other packages but the beauty of all this is it's all open source and if you are a linux vet watching this video fork my project remove the packages you don't like add your pr packages in and it's all done it's just perfect i absolutely love this setup and i honestly don't even care that i wiped everything out because everything is as it was all my shortcuts are the exact same holding the windows key or this meta key moving left and right going up maximizes and meta q quits all my applications if i want to launch my explorer meta e or windows key e launches that meta q to quit meta b to launch brave browser all these things all these at your fingertips and you might be thinking well how in the world do i install packages now titus there's no easy package manager like all those big name distros on linux with the easy click installs well just use terminal honestly if you're going to be in linux just get used to terminal that's i know that's not what some people want to hear but for real uh just yay syu that command right there updates the entire system so if we just run that it'll update the system obviously it's already up to date because the script does all of that for you uh let's say you want a discord we'll just type yay dash s discord and says hey discord package is there it'll go and install discord for us that's it there's no going to the website download next cubital running all that no no no you just run that command and if you don't know the package you're you're wanting or you kind of have like an idea you can do yay dash s lowercase s and then like snap and it'll tell you all the different ones or if you get too much you're like you know what i really just kind of want to know um installed things with snapped in it installed with a capital and it'll show everything that is installed with the you know snap portion in here which i'm using snappy which is another kind of cool benefit uh which i'll get into in a later video probably going over snapshots as this has full snapshot capabilities but before you go check this out i do have an image or if you just love this script and just want to support me go to from here just click downloads and i do have arch titus right here uh this is an actual image if we go to the download page it's actually a clonezilla image to where you can just take it and drop it on your dot drive i will say i don't actually like this image as much yes uh it is a five dollar donation to do this download but honestly you don't even need to do it i highly recommend running the script because it does customize to your system by using the image you may not get like let's say you run an nvidia driver you're not going to get those nvidia drivers installed but everything else will boot up and it will use open source drivers until you install those drivers and if you do use the image on an nvidia system just do yay s nvidia and that uh basically installs the nvidia package and that installs so that's that's the gist of arch titus or or really what it is is arch linux using a script i wanted more people to actually get in here and use it more and i thought this would be a good compromise let me know your thoughts down in the comments and i know this script is extremely complex and extremely long but uh let me know any issues you guys have i'm sure we'll have some but this should work for a majority of systems out there and also be careful when running it again we are dealing with hard disks here and i do recommend a separate hard disk to boot from uh nothing with windows on it no no uh one hard disk two systems uh don't run this with just one hard disk it'll end in tragedy and with that i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 111,899
Rating: 4.9428096 out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, Setup the perfect Linux Gaming system with one command, linux, linux gaming, gaming on linux, gaming, steam, lutris, proton, ubuntu, nvidia, pc, wine, linux games, tutorial, open source, windows games on linux, linux mint, windows, play windows games on linux, distribution, linux distro, how to play windows games on linux, install, gaming linux, linux tutorial, pop os, kvm, how to, amd, games, computer, linux gaming 2019, mint, gaming pc, elementary os, dxvk, geforce, steamos
Id: z0SBsV3i-_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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