Arch Linux: 12.2020 ISO Install With Encryption & i3

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hi guys welcome back again to the channel and to a new video first of all let me say a big thank you to all of you who subscribed to the channel and the patreons who are supporting me a few weeks ago we reached the 10 000 subscribers mark which is for me a huge milestone and i really want to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart please keep posting your questions in the videos as you have seen i really love the engagement with the community and i always try to answer you as soon as i can and i'm really looking forward to 2021 and see what's happening in that year in this video we are going to install arch linux with the december 2020 iso this is something i wanted to do live actually on a live stream but because i am in the middle of europe here in switzerland and every country in europe has different rules about the pandemic i'm trying to organize the next weeks because i want to visit my family so it's a little bit more complex and i'm sorry that i'm not able to do this via live stream but i will try to keep up with you guys in the live stream next month or in february at latest now in this video as i said we are going to install arch linux with the 2020 december iso and we are going to install it from scratch with encryption and we are going to install also i3 on that and that's because i want to show you actually some changes in i3 that happen with the latest packages so without further ado let's get going [Music] so welcome guys this is the december 2020 base install of arch linux like i said in the intro i'm sorry that i cannot do this live this time but in this video i'm going to install archenox from scratch and i'm going to do it with encryption and i'm going to install also i3 quickly because i want to show you some changes that happened recently on the packages so without further ado let's get going so i'm gonna look at the monitor most of the time not at the camera just for your information and so let's get started this is the iso i just put it up now a vm from there and the first thing i'm going to do here this is probably optionally for you guys if you're installing this i'm going to hit the e key and add the end key on the keyboard and i'm going to type in video equal 1920 per 1080 because i wanted to recognize my monitor resolution and then i just hit enter to start the system now there are not really huge changes in this iso except of course the kernel and some other packages but nevertheless let's go ahead and install it and see what we can do with that so it's going to take a second here to boot up there you go so the first thing i'm going to do here i'm going to set the fonts a little bigger so that you can see also better on the monitor so i'm going to type in set font and then ter for the terminus fonts dash 132n any tensor so it's easier to see for you guys as well let me type in exit in here so that we start from scratch and the next thing i'm going to do is to change my keyboard layout so let me do this very quickly i just type in load keys and then my layout dash 181 there you go now if you need to find out your keyboard layout you can type in locale ctl and then list dash key maps and you use the pipe symbol and the grep function to narrow down the search so the connotation for example of this keyboard is ch and then hit enter you can see you get the results there and you can choose the one you're looking for so the one i was looking for was the first one which i already loaded up in memory so this is done now i check for an ip so i'll type in ipspace a to see that i have an internet connection here and indeed i have one because i'm connected here with a cable if you have wi-fi you know there is the iwd utility which i already showed in a previous video so if you want to check that out you can click the link that you see on the upper right corner and i will explain you how to connect to wi-fi with that method now let's synchronize also the network time protocol since we have an internet connection so we'll do this by typing in time date ctl and then set dash ntp and then true and hit enter there you go so let's clean up the terminal and use also reflector to create our mirror list refractor comes already installed in the iso so we'll do this by typing in reflector dash c for country i'll put in my country here and then dash a so the age of the server i'm looking for server which have been synchronized in six hours and then dash dash sort i'm gonna sort them by rate or speed and then save i'm gonna save them under slash etc pacman dot d and then mirror list any tensor there you go so let's resynchronize the servers by typing in pacman dash sy and hit enter and this is done so let's type in lsb okay let's check our disk so i have here one this called vda on your computer it might be sda or something else or if you have an nvme drive it's gonna be maybe nvme0n1 or something like that in my case it's vda and this is a ufi system so i need to create an efi partition here it's mandatory and i need to create also a root partition which is mandatory in this tutorial i'm going to create also a swap partition so let's go ahead and do that i'm going to do this using gdisk which is going to create gpt labels i have also a video on the channel explaining you how you can partition the disk with dos or gpt labels so if you are not sure how to do that you can check that video so let's use gts for this let's type in gdisk slash dev vda and hit enter and i'm going to create first the efi partition so i'm going to type in n for new and hit enter partition number one default is fine first sector default is also fine and the last sector defines basically the size of the efi partition now the rgb key recommends here at least 216 megabytes so i'm going to type in plus 260m and hit enter and it created a partition of a linux file system type i want to change this to efi system partition and the code to do that with gdisk is ef00 and hit enter there you go now let's create our swap partition so n for new partition number two default is fine first sector default is also fine and the last sector again defines the size of the disk basically now the rule of thumb is to make the swap partition the double of the ram uh although in this machine i have a 8 gigabytes of ram and i'm not going to create a 16 gigabyte swap partition now if you have a 2 gigabytes ram machine definitely create at least a 4 gigabyte swap but if you have a 4 gigabytes or a 8 gigabytes machine you can safely create probably 4 gigabytes of swap so this is what i'm going gonna do here i'm gonna create a plus four g gigabytes and the file system type for this partition for the swap partition is eight two zero zero and hit enter and now we can create our root partition so let's type in n for new and hit enter partition number three as default is fine so we just hit enter here same for the first sector and also for the last sector because we want basically this partition to take the remainder of the disk so we just hit enter here and the linux file system type is fine so we can accept the default and now we can write the changes to the disk by typing in w and hit enter there we go now we can proceed by accepting the changes here so we'll type in the y and hit enter and the partition table has been written to the disk so let's clean up the terminal and type in lsb okay and you can see we have video one video two and video three so let's go ahead and format our partitions we're speaking with vda1 our efi partition so let's type in mkfs.fat because it's a efi partition it has to be a fat file system dash capital f32 and the partition name is slashdev slash any tensor now let's make this swap on vda2 let's type in mk swap and then slash dev slash vda2 and hit enter and let's activate it by typing in swap on slash dev slash vda2 any tensor there you go now we need to create the encryption on our root partition so this is done in several steps the first one we need to create the encryption then we need to open the partition so that we can format it and mount it so let's create the encryption by typing in encrypt setup and then dash y and dash v will have it verbose and then lux format and then the partition name which is slashdev vda3 and then we can hit enter so i'm sure yes so i'll type in yes any tensor and i need to enter my passphrase and then repeat it so it's going to take a second here depending also how big the partition is there you go so now what we need to do we need to open the partition so that we can format it so to do this we can type in crypt setup open then the slash dev slash vda 3 and then we need to give a name to this partition which is going to be used by the mapper so i'm going to call this script root and then hit enter need to enter the passphrase we just created and again it's going to take a second here to decrypt there you go and now we can format the partition by typing in mkfs.ext4 now i'm going to use the xt4 in this case and then slash dev slash mapper we are going to use the mapper name and then cryptrut which is the name we gave to this encrypted partition and hit enter and there you go the partition is formatted that means now we can mount it so let's go ahead and do that let's mount first our root partition by typing in mount slash dev slash mapper slash crypt root we're going to mount this under slash mount and hit enter now we want to mount also the efi partition into the boot directory which is not created yet so let's create that first by typing in mkdr then slash m t slash boot remember you have to create this under the mnt directory not in the iso and then we can hit enter and now we can mount vda1 in here so let's type in mount slash dev slash vda1 and we are going to mount this under slash m t slash boot and hit enter nothing to do with the swap partition so let's type in lsb okay and you can see we have our mount points so it looks good we can install the base packages so let's go ahead and do that by typing in packstrap mnt and then we want to install the base package i'm going to install the linux package for the latest linux kernel and also linux firmware i'm going to install vim as an editor and i'm going to install also amd dash u code because i have an amd processor here if you have an intel processor you can type in intel dash u code and that's gonna do it for now so we can just hit enter and now we just have to wait until the packages are installed so i'll be back with you in a second guys so it took a couple of seconds to install that actually you can see that i think it says there uh 24 seconds so now let's go ahead and clean up the terminal we need to generate the file system table where the mount points are stored so to do this we can type in gen fstab dash capital u we are using the uuids of the partitions and then slash m t and we are going to copy basically this information we are going to append it better set to slash m t slash etc slash fstab any tension now let's see the content of the of the fs top file so let's type in cat slash m t slash at c slash fstab and you can see there we have our root partition first our efi partition and the swap partition so everything looks good we could move into the installation by typing in arch dash to root slash m t and you can see also the login prompt changed now the first thing we're going to do here we're going to work on the time zones and the locales so first the time zone so we need to find out the time zone so to do this we can type in time date ctl and then list dash time zones and then the pipe symbol and we use the grep function to narrow down the search i'm going to search for the city closest to me which is zurich and you can see this is the time zone i need to put into the system so through this we can type in ln sf then slash user slash share slash zone info slash europe slash zurich i'm gonna link this to slash etsy slash local time any tenure there you go now we can synchronize the two clocks so we can type in hw clock so hardware clock dash dash cis to hc and hit enter there you go now let's work on the locals let's type in vim slash etsy slash locale dot gen any enter we need to find out our locales i'm looking for english us here which is down here we're going to select the one with utf-8 so we need to delete the hashtag here and then save the file and exit bim and now we can create the locales by typing in locale gen any tension there you go now we need to create also the file so let's do this by typing in vim slash etsy slash locale dot conf any tensor i'm to enter here lang as a string and then the string we just found so en underscore us dot utf-8 and we can save the file and exit bim and we need to also put the keyboard layout into the file so let's do this by typing in vim etsy slash vconsole.conf any temperature and the string is keymap and the string itself it's d e underscore ch dash latin1 this is the string we found at the beginning of the video and then i can save the file and exit them and now we can work on the hostname so let's go ahead and do that let's type in vim etsy slash host name and hit enter i'm going to call this machine arch crypt and that's it for me so i can then save the file and exit them and now we can work on the hosts file so let's type in vim slash etsy slash host any temperature go down here to the end of the file and create a new line first the ipv4 address a tab and then local host next line the ipv6 address colon column one tab tab and then again localhost and in the last line then the hostname arch crypt dot local domain and then a tab again and again the hostname arch crypt you replace of course this accordingly and then we can save the file and exit them there you go let's give a password to the root user so let's type in passwd and it enter select the new password and retype it there you go now we can go ahead and install the packages we need for the system so let's do this by typing in pacman dash s the first one is grub our bootloader then efi boots mgr because it's a efi system and then i'm going to also network manager and also network dash type here dash manager dash applet i'm going to install also dialog and also wpa underscore supplicant and i'm going to install also mtools and dos fs tools these are two packages used for working with fat file systems and i'm gonna install what else here let's install also base dash devil and also linux dash headers and also some packages for our bluetooth adapters one is blues and also blues utils also cups our printing system which received an update lately i'm going to install also dash xdg and also xdg dash user dash deers for user directories and some audio packages one is alsa dash utils and also pulse audio and also pulls audio dash bluetooth i'm going to install also git and i'm going to install also reflector to have it also available in the installation so that's going to do it for now we can just hit enter and accept all the defaults here and proceed with installation so again this is going to take a moment to install and i'll be back with you when it's done so guys there you go the packages are now installed so we can clean up the terminal now we are using encryption in the system so there's something we need to change in the file so let's do that first let's type in vim slash etsy slash any cancer so what we need to do here we need to go to the hooks section and we need to enter here several hooks so the first one after autodetect i'm going to enter here keyboard and also keymap because i changed actually the keyboard layout and before file system here i'm gonna check also that encrypt hook is there so i'm gonna type in here and crypt and i'm gonna delete here the keyboard hook which i already have before and that's going to do for that so let's save the file and exit them and we need to recreate the image so let's type in mk init cpio dash p and then linux and hit enter so it's going to take a second to do this as you can see the encrypt hook is now in there it's going to take a couple of seconds to finish the regeneration here there you go so let's go ahead and install now the grab bootloader so let's do this by typing in grub dash install then dash dash target and then equal x86 underscore 64-efi and then efi directory equal you remember the boot directory we created here was slash boot and then dash dash boot loader dash id equal grub and then we can hit enter it's going to take a second to do that there you go installation finished no error reported so now we need to generate the configuration file so let's do this by typing in grab mk config dash o so the output goes under slash boot slash grub slash grab dot cfg and then we can hit enter it's going to take a second to do that there you go now before we continue we need to also change the configuration file because we are using encryption that means we need actually to have the uuid of the vda partition the root partition and also we need to put in the configuration file for grab the root path basically the mapper so let's do this we need to find out the uuid or vda3 first to do this we can type in blk id the block id and you can see that on the sixth line there is vda3 with a uuid so we need that how can we paste this because we are on the console well one way is to basically output this command to a file and then copy the lines we need so i'm going to do that again block id and then i'm going to basically create a file here in the system called uuid and if i type in ls you can see i have uuid there at the end so now i can type in vim and then uuid and i go to the vda three line here i hit y twice to copy the line and then i can exit them and now i can edit the graph configuration file by typing vim slash etsy slash default slash grub and hit enter and i'll go down here to the grab command line linux and to the end of the line i'm going to press p to paste in the lines so we have some cleaning up to do here so let's do that let's enter insert mode and let's delete one of the double columns here and let's type in crypt device equal uuid equal now we need to delete this as we don't need it and we just go to the uuid i delete the double quotes i will end them at the end of the line afterwards and at the end of the uuid we just press the colon key and then we need to define the name of the mapper which was crypt root and then we define the root mapper name which is root equal slash dev slash mapper slash cryptrut there you go and then we can delete basically the rest we don't need the rest of the information here so let me do this there you go and actually i'm going to create an extra line here so let me check this out crypt device and the uuid crypt root and the root mapper that looks good then we can save the file and exit beam and we need to regenerate the configuration file by pulling on by pulling up the last three four commands here and hit enter there you go so let's go ahead and enable the systems we have in our installation here so that when the machine reboots they'll be enabled so the first one is network manager so let's type in system ctl enable and then network manager any temperature we'll do the same for the bluetooth so replace network manager with bluetooth and hit enter and we'll do the same also for cups so let's type in here cups any tensor there you go now let's create a user so let's type in user add dash m capital g and then wheel and the user name is hermano that's my name so the m switch is the home directory the capital g switch creates a supplementary group which is the word group it has to do with the pseudo privileges which we'll configure in a second so let's hit enter here first and create a password also for the user so pass wd then the user name and hit enter the password and retype it there you go now let's type in editor equal vim and then vice sudo any tensor we'll scroll down until we find the real group we just talked about which is down here so we delete the hashtag here and now every member of the will group will have sudo privileges so there you go now this is the base install it's basically done well we need to try out if it works so what we can do now we can type in exit and we need to unmount everything so let's type in umount dash a and hit enter there you go and we can reboot the machine so let's type in reboot and hit enter and actually i need to remove the iso from the machine before i can start it up so let me do this very quickly i'll go here and remove the iso click apply and start the machine again and go full screen and if everything went well we should be greeted by the grub bootloader there you go here is grub so let's hit arch linux and we should be asked for the encryption there you go that's the encryption there so let's enter our passphrase and it should continue now to the installation there you go so let's type in a username and the password and we are in the base system now i see the resolution is not correct actually i forgot one option in the configuration file for grub and also to install the terminus fonts so let's do that quickly let's type in sudo pacman dash s and then terminus font and hit enter enter the sudo password and proceed with install there you go so i'll type in sudo set font ter 132 n there you go and let me also change the configuration file for grab again so sudo vim slash etsy slash default slash grub and hit enter i'm gonna go here at the end of this line again you don't have to do this this is what i did at the beginning of the video i just need to tell grub to switch the resolution to video equal 1920 per 1080 there you go and i need to regenerate the configuration file so sudo grab mk config dash o and then slash boot slash grub slash grub dot cfg and let me reboot the machine one more time this time everything should work fine so grub will come up again there you go let's start arch and you can see the resolution is correct so i type in my password and we are logged in into the system so again my username and the password and there you go so again sudo set font ter 132n and my password and there you go so a couple of things before we continue here is to enable some of the services for the ssds and reflector so the first thing let's synchronize the network time protocol so let's type in time date ctl and then set dash ntp then through any tensor and i need to enter my sudo password and this is done and we need to synchronize also the hardware clock and the system clock so let's type in sudo hw clock and then dash dash c2hc and hit enter there you go now reflector let's create our mirror list here so let's type in sudo reflector and then c4 country then my country is switzerland and age so dash a and then six hours dash dash sort then rate so that means the speed again dash just save etsy slash pacman dot d slash middle list any tensor and refresh the servers sudo pacman dash sy and there you go so actually let me go ahead and install one package that i forgot sudo pacman dash s bash dash completion it's gonna help me out here afterwards so there you go now we can still actually enable the fstring timer for your ssd and also the reflector timer so that the mirror list is updated regularly so first let's begin with reflector let's type in sudo system ctl enable now and then let's type in reflector dot timer any temperature there you go now let's enable the fs stream timer so let's type in sudo system ctl enable now and then fs stream dot timer and it enter and this is also done so your ssd will be regularly checked and optimized for performance now let's go ahead and install i3 because i want to show you some things in there so let's go ahead and do that sudo pacman dash s so you will need the graphic cards drivers if you have an intel card you can type in xf86 video intel if you have an md card you can replace intel with amd gpu and if you have an nvidia card you can replace the whole thing here with nvidia nvidia utils now if you have an older card i have a video on the channel that shows you what kind of drivers you can install so make sure to check that out now in this case i'm on a vm so i don't need any video drivers so the first thing i'm going to do is to install the display server i'm going to install xor the whole group because it has some fonts there that will be available to me after e93 then i'm going to install so the i3 window manager this includes also i3 status and i3 lock and i'm going to install also the menu which is already configured also in i3 i'm gonna install also light tm as a display manager and also light dm gtk dash greater and also light dm gtk dash greater dash settings and let's see i'm going to install also ttf deja vu some fonts here and also ttf dash liberation and also the noto fonts and let's see let's install also firefox i'm going to install also nitrogen and pycom our compositor and also lx appearance to change the appearance of the eventually the file manager which is going to be pcman fm and i'm going to install also materia gtk dash steam and also papiros dash icon dash theme and the last package is xfce4 terminal and then for now it's going to be enough so let's just hit enter here and accept the defaults and proceed with the installation so again this should not take too long these packages are not that big so i'll be back with you in a second guys so here we go the packages are installed i need still to make one changes to light tm before i enable it you might not have to do this but i have to own this vm so let me do this by typing in sudo vim etsy slash light dm and then i'm gonna go here down to the seat group because i need to change the display setup script which is here so i will uncomment this line and the script i need to run is x render dash dash output and then the display name is virtual one again you might have to skip this step this is just because i'm on a vm mode and then 1920 per 1080 there you go and then we can save the file and exit theme and we can enable light dm by typing in a sudo system ctl enable light dm and hit enter there you go while i'm added actually i'm going to install also sudo pacman s and then the wallpapers of arch linux so arch linux dash wallpaper any temperature and let's install this as well there you go so everything is done we can reboot the machine and we should be able now to see light dm when the machine reboots so let's do this let's hit harch linux enter our encryption and let's see if light vm comes up and there you go well it has no backgrounds but we will check this later so let's enter the password here and we are in i3 so standard configuration here i'm just gonna i'm just gonna hit enter to accept the defaults of the configuration file and also for the mod key now look what happened when i hit enter here i did nothing wrong actually but we have an error in the configuration file and that's the update that happened a few weeks ago if i'm not mistaken into the i3 packages so what happened there let's have a look let's click on show errors you can see here there is a duplicate key binding in the configuration file and the key binding with duplication is the d that actually is the key binding for d menu so let's explore this and see what's wrong in there so let's edit the configuration file let me actually close this and before actually i can do this i need to change again the keyboard layout here in the terminal so let me do this by typing in set x k b map and ch there you go now let's click again edit config and i can close this terminal so let's see what happens here let's search for d menu so d menu and you can see there are basically two key bindings with the same key combination that's why we have an error there so we have one here which says exec no startup id menu d run the menu run sorry which is gonna run basically the menu the menu we know or we have also the other one which is going to run i3d menu desktop so this is actually going to look for desktop shortcuts so let me give you an example if i use this one it's going to basically look for lx appearance as lx appearance but if i'm using this one it's going to look for lx appearance as customize look and feel so it's really up to you the one you want to use i want to use the second one so i'm just going to comment this and i can now save this file and exit them and reload i3 with mod shift r and you can see the error is not anymore there so now we can proceed by configuring our i3 window manager here and did i actually install nitrogen let me check this out oh yes i did okay so the first thing i want to do let's go ahead and actually configure our keyboard so let me open up the terminal and type in vim dot config slash i3 slash config and i go at the end of the file with control end here and insert a few lines so the first one is going to be for my keyboard so i'll type in here keyboard and the command to execute is exec set xkb map dash ch and i'm going to run this in the background and the next one it's going be nitrogen although it's not yet configured but we're gonna do this in a second so nitrogen and the command to execute is exec nitrogen dash dash restore and the next one is going to be pycon our compositor which the command is going to be exec picom i'm going to put the fade option here there you go for now this should be enough so let's save the file and exit beam and reload i3 with mod shift r i'm going to configure very quickly also my terminal here i'm going to disable the screen the scroll bars and delete the menu bars there and also not display the borders i'm going to change here the fonts to nodo sans mono regular and i'm going to increase the font size here to let's say 16. there you go and click close then you can close the terminal with mod shift q and reopen it up and you see we have no borders there now i'm gonna still change also the fonts here in the configuration file so i'm gonna search for pango you guys i have also more tutorials for i3 on the channel so if you want then more customization you can check those out i'm going to change this to noto sense mono and i'm going to change the size here instead of 8 to 12 and save the file and exit bim and reload with mod sheet r so i can see my fonts a little bit better now let's download actually a nice wallpaper shall we well actually we do have already in our papers we installed from arch so let's search for nitrogen and let's go to preferences and go to add a directory file system root user share backgrounds and arch linux and click select click ok and now we have our wallpapers there so let's select one i'm gonna go here for a nice well i'm gonna go for this noise since we have snow right now so i'm gonna check this one and click automatic here and zoom fill and click apply and let's quit nitrogen and you can see we have our wallpaper here now let's go ahead and search for linux appearance now if i type in alex appearance you'll see nothing happens here but if i search for customize you can see customize look and feel and here is alex appearance so let's search let's uh so let's go for the material dark here and for the icon theme i'm going to go for it appears and click apply and then close this up and let's do also our light tm gtk gritter wallpaper now the thing that we need to use sudo privileges so we do this with a terminal so let's type in sudo and then light tm settings any tensor enter our pseudo password and so let's select also here the theme you know with materia dark and the icons also papillos and for the background here again i'm going to go to file system user share backgrounds and arch and these guys i'm going to choose here let's see i don't know let's choose sunset i don't know what that looks like doesn't matter and click save and we can click close we can close the terminal and exit one side three with mod shift e and see if our wallpaper in the greater is there well there you go that's a nice wallpaper and then we can just enter our password and we are back in i3 now i want to change also the transparency you saw i put actually pycom in the configuration file but transparency is not working so let me check here in the preferences appearance and background transparent now you can see although the compositor is working it's not available because i need to change one option in the configuration file for python this is because of my virtual machine so let me do this by typing in sudo vim slash etc slash xdg slash pycom.conf enter my sudo password and i need to search for the vsync option which is there there you go so i need to basically comment this line with a hashtag and comment the other one out so the option is false and then we can save this file and exit them we close this and we need to exit once i3 so let's do this and again enter my password and mod enter and there you go we have transparency so this is a little too transparent for my taste so i'm going to go back here to appearance and go to 85 there you go and this is going to do it now we have here if i open a new terminal you see we have the windows but i want to have the gaps the gaps are not there so how can we change this well let's do that let's open up firefox and let's search here for i3 gaps and we'll go here let me check this for english and we'll go here to the gita project we scroll down the page here there is actually a template that we can copy here you'll find an example configuration in the wiki and we can copy this code and right click and copy let's open up the terminal and we need to again uh conf edit the configuration file and i'm going to put this before the commands i actually did before so i'm going to enter an empty line here and then hit shift enter i'm going to accept the paste there you go and exit well save and exit vim and again i'm going to close this up and exit once i3 i think it's enough to reload it but just to make sure and let's see what happens now if i hit mod enter and i get mod enter no gaps there right but now if i hit mod shift g i'm asked which gaps you want to change i want to change the inner gap so with i now with shift plus look what happens we have our gaps there now it's fine for me here so i just hit escape and close one of the terminals and now i have my gaps available so i can change also the split i go to vertical here and there you go so there you go guys this is the installation of arch linux with encryption and the i3 window manager with the news that i just showed you if you see that error nothing big really just change the key binding on two sticky binding i want to use so if you have any question about the video let me know in the comments below and i will try to answer you as soon as i can so there you go guys this is the installation of arch linux with i3 and encryption with the december 2020 iso if you have any question about the installation or the video let me know in the comments below i will try to answer you as soon as i can and if you want to support the channel you can do so by visiting our patreon website or donate your paypal to our website as well a big special thank you also to our patreons who are supporting our work i really appreciate you guys i couldn't really produce these videos without you thank you so much for watching the video guys and i'll see you very soon in the next one you
Channel: EF - Linux Made Simple
Views: 24,124
Rating: 4.9686275 out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Arch Linux, Software, Training, how to install, install arch linux, install linux, tech tips, it tips, linux tips, UEFI, linux help, linux uefi, december 2020, i3, encryption
Id: SFzN6e7USGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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