Full Arch Linux Install (SAVAGE Edition!)

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You gotta be pretty savage to grow granny pubes on ya chin.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/_wicked 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

another day another video guide...

this time even asking for support on patreon, you should better ask to support archlinux

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Thoisil 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Element432 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mr Smith.. the human version of the Archwiki..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mxt79 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
okay so it's time in this video we are going to install Arch Linux from scratch this has probably been one of my most requested videos ever I get it a couple times a week so I think it's about time to do it in fact that I should say this is like your tax dollars at work I actually put this up as a patreon incentive one of my first I think it was like a hundred fifty bucks a month and we do an Arch Linux install so yeah this is uh this is that coming to fruition so I'm gonna take a little bit of time with this just because I think there are a lot of videos out there already on arch at Linux installation but they're sort of geared to people who are already ready to install Arch Linux in the sense that I think in this video I want to take a little bit more time explain a little bit more about what's going on just to make sure everyone's on the same page and this is gonna be one that I might actually have to break this up into multiple videos but they're gonna be two main parts and that as one is going to be the actual install and the other is going to be a configuration of our clinics and that incidentally was another patreon incentive that wasn't both of them were met in the past month so that's good support me on patreon um so anyway the requirements for this all you need is an internet connection so I'll go ahead and say that Ethernet is preferred you're gonna want to have a USB Drive or a CD drive or something else like that and you should also have some knowledge of Linux I am going to be installing this well I'm gonna be formatting the USB drive on a Linux machine already it's easier if you're already on a Linux machine or an OSX machine and of course if you're moving into Arch Linux it's probably best if you have some knowledge of Linux already so that's just to be totally clear because I think the product the install process is not too difficult you know I'll try and make it as easy as possible as comprehensible as possible and I'll even talk about maintaining an Arch Linux system but I'll just say that you probably should I mean you maybe not want to like jump into this directly from Windows you might want to play around with a Linux machine before that so anyway that's all you need and the end result is going to be first off you're gonna learn a whole lot about the bull of course install arch linux you're gonna understand a whole lot of the basic unix commands and stuff you need so that comes for free you're of course gonna have a computer with arch linux onyx on it and nothing else in the sense that so as I said in this video I'm just gonna install it and you're gonna be able to boot into a computer with Arch Linux and of course if you don't know what that looks like it's going to just be like a blank screen a blank command prompt so again in the next video after this or next part I'm gonna talk about how do you actually go from there because that's one of the things that people have a lot of trouble with because there are a lot of different choices you can make but anyway so in this video were just gonna do the basic install okay so the first thing you're gonna want to do is of course go to the Arch Linux website so here it is it's just Arch Linux org and as you may be able to guess you will want to go to the download choice and you're gonna want to download in Arch Linux ISO so you can get it either with torrent or you can go down to one of their many many mirrors that they have in different countries to download it I forget how big it is it's probably I don't know a couple hundred Meg's so it might take a little bit but once you do that that's all you're going to need now again as I said you're going to need an internet connection throughout the entire install just because we're gonna be installing packages not necessarily from the USB drive itself but you know or from the ISO itself but we're gonna be downloading them from the internet okay so the first thing I'm gonna want to do is so once you've downloaded that which again might take some time let's see where is so mine I think it yeah it's in the download folder here so we have our Arch Linux ISO so in order to so you're gonna want to plug in your USB Drive and I should say if you don't know on Linux if you want to look at all the devices you have plugged in just go to the terminal and type LS BLK list all your block devices or whatever it is I haven't plugged it in yet now notice that there's this one device here SDA now if you don't already know I'll explain it but all of your different hard drives are given s and then a letter or something like that so SDA here is my hard drive this here SR 0 that is my CD drive now if you have multiple hard drives you're gonna have SD ASDB SDC etc etc so my hard drive here has four different partitions again we'll talk about this in a little bit but now once I plug this thing in once I plug my USB Drive in if I put this in and I wait a second you will see that another we have SDA and now we have s DB so s DB it is now given this USB Drive the label well it's not really a label but it's called it US or s DB so that's the important thing you need to know and you need to make absolutely sure of this for the next part because taking the ISO and putting it on the USB Drive is super easy but you just want to make absolutely sure that you're dealing with the right device now let me show you let me pull that up again ok so here's what you're gonna want to do first you want to become root so I'm gonna put in my password and the command we're gonna want to use is what's called DD so if you look if you type in man DD here is DD stands I think it stands for a disk dump some people call it disk destroyer because it's a very useful command but you have to be careful how you use it as I sort of alluded to before so I'm gonna quit this so here's what we're gonna do now we want to take the ISO file and put it on the USB Drive that we just yeah the ISO file we just downloaded and put it on the USB and we only need one command for that and that is DD then we're gonna say I F equals and after I F equals we're gonna put the location of the ISO file now that sans I F is like input an input file or something like that so what was that that was in downloads and then Arch Linux alright so that's that's our input file now our output location our output file is going to be s dB so how you write that the actual location on Linux excuse me so o F equals slash dead / sdb and that's it so don't run this quite yet but just make absolutely sure that you are referring you are looking at the SD B drive or whatever your USB Drive happens to be on your computer just if I were to accidentally type in SD a here where SD a is the actual hard drive on my computer this would wipe my entire Drive so that's why they call a disk destroyer be extra careful with it so you want to have SD B or whatever it gave your USB Drive so make absolutely sure of this I'm looking at this right now so right so this is seven point five gigs that's probably my USB Drive while this is you know actually I don't have a very big drive here but whatever so anyway once you do that another thing you might want to throw in just because it's gonna take a little time is status equals progress where progress is in quotation marks and this is just if you just run it without this it's going to you know transfer all the files but it's not gonna give you any feedback but if you say status equals progress it's going to show you as it loads how fast it's loading how much more it has to go etc etc so now I am absolutely sure this is gonna work so I am going to run this press ENTER and as you see it's gonna be copying it over so this is gonna take a little bit of time probably a couple minutes so I'm gonna stop the video here and come back once that's done and then we'll go into booting off the USB Drive and actually installing arch learning okey-dokey so we're back um so mine took it looks like only a little over three minutes but anyway so once you have done that you can actually take your USB Drive out well actually before I do that I'm gonna type in LS blk again and you'll see that well we have our s DB still here it has some partitions on it which are actually the same thing same partitions I had before because I actually just had Arch Linux on this before I just wanted to rewrite it for a lustre to purposes um but anyway what once that's done I'm going to take this thing out you don't have to take it out but I'll just go ahead and say so let's be clear about what we just did okay the ISO file that you downloaded that is a little Arch Linux installation that is going to be on this USB Drive so what you're gonna be doing just in case you know you're not really clear with the concept is we are going to now reboot our computer and basically get into this installation we're gonna be running the operating system that's on the USB Drive that's the thing that we're gonna be doing next or at least that you're going to be doing next so I'll go ahead and say that I'm gonna be doing things a little bit differently because I wanna record comfortably on this nice desktop I actually have here so I'm going to be installing Arch Linux from this installation already have which is a little weird but it's gonna be exactly the same as what you're doing I'll just say so what you're gonna want to do next is plug plug in your USB and you're gonna want to reboot your computer now every computer out there sometimes they're a little different but every computer has a way of choosing what you boot off of and usually it consists in typing well you know as your computer starts booting up at the very beginning typing in f2 or f10 or f12 or something I usually just match them all because one of them works I can be bothered you know because they're all different on different computers sometimes but yeah so once you do that you will get a boot menu where you can select what the boot off of and you want to boot off of your USB Drive which if it's plugged in it will detect so once you manage to do that it will start up an Arch Linux installation and you will basically be in a nice blank screen with a command prompt and that's what we're gonna end up at so that's what you're gonna do I'll go ahead and tell you what I'm going to do so in case you don't know Arch Linux in the repository actually or I think it's the Wonder Arch Linux scripts something like that yeah arch so Arch Linux has these arch install scripts which if you don't know it's basically it just installs all of the files you need to install install Arch Linux on your Arch Linux computer so if you want to do what I'm going to do and install an operating system on another hard drive while you're in arch you can use this but that this isn't important for you I'll just say what I'm gonna be doing is I have a an extra hard drive here with a nice USB to SATA connector and I'm gonna be connecting this to my own computer so let me show you how it's gonna work for me so I'll go ahead say when you boot up on your computer you are going the first command you're gonna want to run is probably LS BLK right so I'm gonna run it I'll go ahead and run it on mine here I have the same hard drive as a dev SDA this is the hard drive my operating system is on and you are going to have the hard drive on your computer and the USB Drive now I'm plugging in this nice little portable hard drive and if I type in LS BLK now you will see that this is the hard drive in my computer and this hard drive here is the one I want to install Arch Linux on so the one that you want to install Arch Linux on is you know the hard drive in your actual computer it may be dev SDA want SDA or s DB etc etc it can be different things so just be mindful of it look at the drive size just make sure you know which one you're gonna be looking at but I'm gonna be working on dev s DB usually if you're booting off a USB you're probably going to be working with dev SDA that's the usually what your main hardware gets okay so let's actually get the show on the road how are we actually gonna go about installing Arch Linux so once you have booted up into your USB Drive and once you know which drive you want to install arch linux on you will be all ready so you're going to have a nice little command prompt with nothing there which is going to be even more minimalist than what I have right here now the first thing you're gonna want to do is check to see if you have to have a UEFI system now I am going to be so if you don't know what these words mean just ignore this part and I'll tell you what to do but if you are using a system that requires UEFI I am NOT gonna I'm gonna be installing Arch Linux for traditional BIOS so this is not going to be compatible with a computer that uses UEFI and requires it if you have the choice I always recommend use a traditional BIOS there are different reasons for that UEFI could just be a pain I know there are some advantages some one's gonna bother me about this but I always recommend traditional bios's now to check to see if you need UEFI you want to type in LS cysts firmware efi and then I think it's Fe Fe VARs something like that now if I type this in nothing's happening here like there's there's no folder directory here that's because this computer here uses a traditional BIOS and nothing else now if you type this command in and you get a bunch of results like a whole bunch of files show up you might have a computer that requires UEFI now if you do I'm gonna put a link in the description for another install video where they show you how to you know install it on a UEFI device but the only thing that's gonna be different for you in this installation process is how you partition drives and when you install a boot loader the rest of this is going to be exactly the same so if you type this in and you got the same error I got or nothing was there you're probably you're you can follow exactly what's in this video and not have to worry about it because just know just know that that's out there okay um so anyway let's go ahead the first thing you're going to do is ping a website so I'm gonna ping my website my home page and I'm gonna it looks like I'm getting results so I'm getting data back I'm gonna ctrl C to stop that so you want to make sure that you have an internet connection you can just check it with ping again as I said you probably are going to want to have a an ethernet cord if you don't you can run the command Wi-Fi menu and Wi-Fi menu will actually search all the different Wi-Fi to I find networks and you can choose one and put in a password for one but I always recommend just use Ethernet it's way easier you don't have you shouldn't have to set anything up if you have Ethernet okay so I'll also go ahead and say another thing you want to do is time date CTL and we basically want to make sure that our hour clock is all good so just run that and that's just the detail you don't have to but anyway let's go ahead and get into this so the first thing we're gonna do is what we want a partition or drive so I'm gonna LS BLK again and the drive that I want to install on is dev SDB so each drive can have different partitions there are separate sections where you can basically keep you know different files their different sort of they've all put it this way the reason you want to have partitions is because let's say that I install Arch Linux and something goes wrong terribly wrong with my system and like you know the drive messes up in a part like totally malfunctions in the root directory or something like that and if that happens a lot of times if you just have one drive that's a lot more problematic if you want to reinstall something or reformat it or fix it it's always nice to have partitions to divide your system into different partitions and put them you know basically it's sort of like having your eggs in different baskets now there are other reasons as well I'll just say it's good form to always have different partitions so the first thing we're going to do is take our drive and cut it into a couple partitions for all the important things we need in arch linux so we can use the the command F disk for that so just run fdisk dev s DB and just type that in now you are in a new command prompt now as it says you can type in M for help and it gives you some of the different commands that you can actually run so if we type in P that is going to print out everything that's in our drive right now all right so here's our drive it just has one big so s so we're in dev s DB it only has one partition called dev s DB one now the first thing we're gonna do is I'm going to delete that partition just type in D and it's gonna say it's been deleted if you have multiple partitions you'll have to press D a couple times for each partition now we're gonna want to put well actually I'll type in P again now we just have we have no partitions so now I'll go ahead to create new partitions you're going to want to press in I'm going to say the default for primary partition then you can give it a number I'm just gonna give it one first sector just again press Enter you don't have to worry about that and then last sector let me remove this for a second so this is basically asking for how big you want this partition to be so this first partition we're gonna make this is gonna be our boot partition this is gonna be a where all the the grub menu and all the important stuff we need for installing this is where we're gonna put we're gonna put that now I usually make mine 200 Meg's so I'm gonna put in plus 200 MB or C's me it's just M in this program and if I run that it's going to sometimes it'll ask you if you had a previous partition there it's gonna ask you to remove the signature if so just say yes and then that'll be done you can press P again and it will print out you will now see that you have this new partition it starts at this you know the it start and end values are here this is basically the size well here's the you know size and readable format but so that is now our boot partition so I'm gonna do the typical format where you have usually what you use for Arch Linux is a boot partition a swap partition a root partition in a home partition and I'll explain those as we go on so we have our boot partition I'm gonna type in again and then I'll go with P for the default go with two for the default first sector just press ENTER and this is going to be our swap to us excuse me our swap partition so this is for when you hibernate your computer or different things like that there are a bunch of different recommendations about the kind of size you should have for this thing I'm just gonna say I think the typical rule of thumb is a hundred fifty percent of your RAM size so if you have like eight gigs of RAM you should have a swap space of 12 gigs or something like that so that's the size I'm gonna go with because I don't have eight gigs of ram on this device but it has a potential to have a gigs or whatever so I'm just gonna type in plus twelve G for twelve gigs so I'm gonna run that and now if we print our partition table out once again we will see we now have stb-1 and SDB - okay so two more to go now you know how to do it though so I'm gonna type in in again for new default value default value first sector default value now this third partition this is going to be the root partition that is root isn't just the slash so this is going to be where all your programs are gonna be and it's safe to have you know some Linux distributions get away with having less than ten gigabytes for this I think that's really pushing it I would say as safe as consistently safe size is probably 25 gigs you can probably do more probably do less depends on how much stuff you actually want on your partition but I would definitely say at least 15 gigs if you have normal computer if you're the kind of person who installs lots and lots of stuff and you just sort of keep it on your computer you should probably have more than 25 gigs or so I'm gonna put plus two five gigs that's gonna be enough and it's asking me to wipe the signature just say yes it may or may not ask for that again and last but not least we're going to have the home partition and the home partition is going to take all up the rest of all the rest of the space that's gonna be where you have all your files that's gonna be where you store all your stuff this is the most well it's not the most important partition route is probably the most important partition but home is the most important one to have lots of good space on so this is where you put all the rest of your space again new for new partition P for primary first sector just press ENTER and for last sector if you just leave it empty and press Enter it's going to fill it up with all the rest of the space so now I'm just gonna again press Y for yes and if we print that out again here we go we see we have four nice partitions this is perfect for a good Arch Linux installation this is the hard part don't worry and it also gives us little warnings just that you know these all these uh previous partitions previous you know they're gonna be wiped or whatever so that's that all right so once you're done with all this you have everything you want to type in W and W means right that means it hasn't actually changed anything on your partition but once you type in W it's gonna write all those changes to and your hard drive will be reformatted so I haven't said it explicitly but in case you don't know this is gonna wipe everything you have on the computer you're dealing with so which means back everything up and this might be a bad time to tell you that but yeah you are going to be wiping over everything else now I will say I mentioned you know partitioning one of the reasons that you want to partition your device you want to have a separate route and home and stuff like that is let's say that you don't like something goes terribly wrong with your Arch Linux installation or you I mean you know it's not lit Arch Linux doesn't actually break all the time I'm sorry but you know let's say you try something really innovative and you totally mess up your your some your user directory or something like that and if you have different partitions it's very easily the totally wipe your root partition and go in and just install a new system and not have to move your home partition or whatever all of that stays exactly where it is but that's one of the reasons you want to partition anyway a long digression there um so yeah just press W and it will overwrite all of your hard drive and that's it and it takes you back to the typical command prompt the typical bash command prompted earth so I'm going to type in LS blk once again so again on my computer SDA this is the actual hard drive the hard drive in my computer not the one that I'm installing arch on SDB is the one that I am going to be installing arch on and you see now that it has all these nice partitions 200 Meg's yeah got our swap partition or root partition yada yada yada we got lots of good stuff okay so the next thing we're gonna want to do is actually mount everything so how do we well actually no we should make file systems no you got to make file systems that's super important so right now we have our drive partitioned but we have to tell we basically have to set up file systems on all the ones we need to have file systems so the typical file system for Linux is ext for you don't need to know anything about it you don't need to know anything about file systems we're just gonna do them so to make file systems what you want to do is well actually LS be okay again so the ones that we want to make into real file systems are the boot partition which is number one the root partition and the home partition these are the partitions that are going to be having files now the swap partition this is not going to have a typical file system so we're not going to you know be doing anything we're not going to be making a file system on that so anyway to make a file system it's actually pretty easy just type in in kfs dot ext4 that's just the the command and then you put in the partition so slash dev slash stb-1 this is going to be our boot partition will do that took just a second then we're gonna put in 3 for the root partition gonna run that take a little longer because it's a little bigger ok and now the home partition hopefully doesn't take so long that I actually have to stop the video but oh yeah I guess we have a really small hard drive here or how big is this ok 320 gigs that might be a little bit of time alright I'll be back in a second okay that didn't take quite as long as I thought it was gonna take um alright so anyway now if we LSB LK once again actually did I remember to start recording again give me a second okay yeah it is okay anyway so now we have all our different partitions and they all have file systems on them the last thing we want to do is set up the swap partition so remember dev s db2 that is gonna be our swap partition now to do that all you have to do is say in case dev s db2 so now it is a swap partition and you want to say swap swap on dev s db2 actually I don't know if you actually have to put the drive on there but either way so that's all you have to do to set up the swap okay so now we have basically we've now prepared the canvas on which we are going to write arch linux the last part is just putting the canvas up so now what we want to do is actually take those partitions and put them into the mount them on the file system so we can actually modify them so just to be clear just because you plug a drive in in Linux does not mean or any other operating system for that matter does not mean that it's actually being able to be modified at the time being so to speak so if you see right here we have mount points so again this is my main drive here and you'll see that above everything here so this is my map to home this is map to route this is the swap this is the boot etc these are all mounted to particular places now in order to modify these drives we have to mount them to a particular place as well as well and then we'll be able to install Arch Linux on it which is really easy the actual installation is just like one command and then a little bit of configuring but we're we're about there so first so our the first thing you want to mount is of course the root partition so I'm going to mount dev s DB 3 and I'm going to mount it the traditional place to mount it is slash M&T you could mount it anywhere you but /mnt it's just tradition so let's put it so now that we have let me LS m and T and you'll see that this nice little folder lost-and-found is there that's just part of the you know part of the partition I think it's metadata or something I'm not really quite sure now so now we have mounted LSB LK we have mounted our root partition to the /mnt on our main computer um so now we're gonna want to make folders to mount the other drives so I'm gonna make a directory mkdir mmm slash mount slash home and that now if I show it's an M and T again you'll see that we now have excuse me you don't see that we now have a home folder and I'm also gonna make a directory boot okay and you'll see great now we have a directory boot and we have a directory home now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna mount the boot and the home partitions to these folders so I'm going to say mount dev SD b1 which is our boot partition mount that on to mount slash boot okay that looks good so then we're going to map s db4 to MNT slash home and that's that great so now that that's done let's we'll do one last LSB LK who's probably like the 50th we've done but will now see that our file systems are all where they should be right so they're all in the MNT area okay so now we're getting to getting to the part where we actually install Arch Linux in fact you're really just the one command away from having an Arch Linux installation you have to set up the bootloader to but technically only one and that is there's this magical I'm going to type in man pack straw oh there is no man manual for it but who cares well you can probably do pack strep okay yeah so there's this magical command called pack strap on Arch Linux on your Arch Linux USB and this is going to basically install an arch install arch linux or wherever you tell it to so we're gonna tell it to install on M&T we're gonna say treat that as our new arch linux install and what we want to tell it to basically we want to give say install the base packages but we can also give it other things to install so I like to always install base davell because this package set installs there it's really a group I think installs things like sudo and stuff like that and some development tools for compiling programs that you'll probably end up needing but you can also go ahead and say what other programs so I want on my computer let's say I want vim I'm gonna want vim because immediately once I get into it I want to use I want to end up using them and it annoys me if it's not there so you can go ahead and say all the programs you want to install but once you do that just press ENTER and it is going to synchronize the database the Arch Linux database and it's literally just going to download and install an entire arch linux system right on the MNT drive or the M&T mount point so you're going to now have Arch Linux on this drive now as it's starting to load this is gonna take a while so I'm going to have to cut the video off for a second but once we do this we'll have the entire Arch Linux on the system but we're not totally done we want to install a boot loader so grub or whatever knows how your computer knows how to actually load arch links we're gonna want to make an FS tab I'll explain what that is in a second and we're also gonna want to set up things like you know your your internet access and stuff like that and the objective is once you're able to boot into Arch Linux you have all the basic tools you need to configure whatever you want just as long as you are totally you don't have to rely on the USB anymore that's the thing we're looking at but we're almost there so I'm gonna cut this video off and I'll see you in a couple minutes well it's a couple seconds in your time but a couple minutes on my site all right so once that's done we have a couple options of what exactly we can configure next there are a couple other things we need to do before we can successfully boot into the system so first I'm going to go ahead and make an FS tab file so what exactly is an FS tab file so let's put it this way we have all these different partitions one of them is a root partition it has all the you know all our programs on it we also have the boot in the home partition and we of course mounted those a little bit ago manually we manually said mount the root partition here mount the home partition here boot partition there etc etc now of course when we're booting up an actual machine you never have to tell Linux to do that that's something that happens automatically how does that happen you might ask well it happens with an FS tab file let me go ahead and say let me pull up pull up another terminal let me show you the FS tab on my computer here now if you open up ed c FS tab this is basically a little file that just lists out all the different drives that linux is gonna try to load so here we have our root here we have our boot our home and this down here is our swap so we want to generate one of these files now of course you could go find the UU IDs and manually write them out but screw that there's a there's one command you can do to just automatically generate them now keep in mind we've just installed the system we haven't even cheer changed route into the actual system we're still in our USB drive so what I'm gonna do here is I have this command Gen FS tab I'm just gonna run it it shows you the kind of options you have now if you run Gen FS tab and then ice if I say Amon slash M&T what it's gonna do is it's gonna look at that M&T directory and that of course is where we mounted all of our different drives and it's going to say ok based on that I'm gonna take all the different things that are mounted here and I'm gonna return them so that's what it's done here now there are two things so notice what it's outputted so notice there are two things that are I guess wrong here or things we should change first off since I have this isn't going to be a problem if you booted off your USB Drive but since I'm on another computer with another swap drive I actually have to swap drives here because both of these are on so SDA one this is the one on my computer now and SD B - yeah so this is the one that I made a couple minutes ago right so I'm gonna want to remove that but we'll do that later the other thing is right now it's looking in these drives that's looking at their address in you know if their dev s DB dev SDA whatever whatever and the thing about those kind of you know locations in the Linux file system is that sometimes they can change depending on what drives you have in your computer so it's better to use uu IDs now these are commented out but if we run gen FS tab capital u as an option that's going to use uu IDs by default and that's really what we want now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this file or take this command and we're going to output it to /mnt slash Etsy /fs tab okay so if you know just the case you don't know outputting and stuff like that all we're doing is taking what that command would puke out and puking that into a file so once we've done that we can actually open up that file again MNT at CFS tab and we will see that all of this stuff that was outputted by that command is now here now I'm also since as I said I'm not going to need this here I'm gonna delete that entry and the only ones left are the ones we actually want for our are our actual Arch Linux system so now when you try and boot when you try and boot Arch Linux with all these partitions it's gonna know what to put where or whatever you know it knows where everything's good everything goes great so now that's done now what we're gonna want to do is jump into our actual Arch Linux system we just installed and to finalize the installation by making it bootable so you can actually boot into it without a problem so the command you're gonna want to run is arts true route change route and then /mnt now when you do this what this is gonna do I shall just run it now it doesn't look like anything changed but actually something very big happened that is before that you were in your USB Drive running the commands from your USB Drive and that's that's all that's all you were doing now you are actually inside of your new Arch Linux installation if I type ls' I'm actually in the root directory it's gonna show all the files I have there etc and or if we now put so notice the Etsy that excuse me the FS tab that we just generated it's not gonna be is now going to be in our at actual Etsy file or directory' rather than mount Etsy slash Etsy okay so anyway so now we are now in your actual arts Linux installation so one thing I'm gonna go ahead and install a network manager and that's because by default Arch Linux is not gonna detect whatever Ethernet you have Ethernet port or whatever you happen to have now there are different choices for network managers but I like network manager which is my preferred network manager and yeah that's the name so if you just type it in pac-man s network manager that will install network manager so in case you've never used Arch Linux or Manjaro or any other Arch Linux based distribution before pac-man with the capital S option that means install a package so I'm gonna run that it's only gonna take a second but I'm gonna it's just gonna install the whole thing so by default of course again if I just reboot it into my computer I wouldn't have internet access I'd have to manually put that on so I'm gonna install our Chilean or excuse me extol Network MANET install a network manager and then activate it and hopefully it doesn't take to me okay I'll guess I'll have okay so once you have network manager installed you're gonna want to tell system D to automatically start it on startup so to do that you just type in systemctl enable and then network manager and in him in and M are capitalized so if you run that it's going to create a bunch of symlinks that basically will tell arch to automatically start a network manager whenever you log in so now you'll have your Ethernet is gonna work by default and stuff like that and of course you can throw in Wi-Fi stuff as well I'll talk more about the kind of stuff you can do for that in the video where I talked about configuring arch but for right now this will be enough ok so create a network manager another thing we're gonna want to install is of course grub or another bootloader so I'm gonna install grub now grub of course is the nice little menu that comes up when you first load a Linux installation or you know other stuff where you can choose the different operating systems you have now you do in fact need it because grub is the thing that you know goes about detecting all your different partitions and actually you know deciding which ones which so it is important to have it looks like it's installing pretty quickly is it ok yeah so once once that's over your we're gonna want to generate our grub configuration so the first thing let me go back to LS BLK again so again we are well my machine is the thing I'm running it on is SDB you might be doing SD a or whatever just be mindful of that so we're gonna what we're gonna want to do is first install grub on that and you do that with the grub install command and then you type in I had to write this down let me double check because I always forget how to write this but it's slash slash or - - target equals i386 - PC and then we'll put in dev SD B now you don't put dev stb-1 just dev SD b now run that and it's going to install grub on your acknowledge oh it's already done grub is now installed but we also have to make the configuration file for it and to do that we do grub make config and we're going to output that config to boot slash boot grub and then grub dot CFG actually this might automatically run when you do grub install but that's probably safe for you to anyway so now we have a configuration file now we have grub so I think right now if you turned off your computer it would actually boot up successfully I'm not entirely sure I think you need to set a locale but we got most of the moving pieces in place ok ok so now we just have to pick up all the pieces a couple other things that need to be done so we might as well set a password so well you're definitely going to want to set a password so to do that just type in pas swd and since it's your first password all its gonna do is prompt you to put something and I'm just gonna put you know something totally non forgettable and totally not secure but once you do that you'll finally have a password on your device so this is going to be the root password since you're running this as root so when you log in on your new system you're gonna use the username root and the password that you just put in so that's gonna be it ok so now you have the password the next thing we're gonna do is I am going to open up I'm gonna generate our locale so what you want to do is take them or Nano or whatever well maybe we should do nano lot now I'm going to use vim because anyway so and open up locale dot Jin so locale dog Qin is a huge list of all of the different you know different locales you can choose from there are gonna be you know languages and countries I am gonna look for e in underscore US because I want American English and what you're gonna want to do is just uncomment the two lines that are relevant to you now once you do that of course you can choose multiple languages if you need them on your machine but once you do that just save this file and exit it and then you're gonna want to run locale dot or no yeah locale - Jin yeah okay that's right and so what this command is gonna do is read the file the read that file forward lines that are uncommented and create the locales for all those ok so now that we have our locale there are a couple other things that are sort of language or region specific that we might as well do so you are going to want to open up etsy slash locale with an e at the end Kampf actually I think this this should be a new file so it should there shouldn't already be something here um and you got it you should set your laying there eeeh belayer this is pretty important I'm gonna put in so my languages is of course English American English so I'm gonna type in en US dot utf-8 with utf-8 encoding and I'm just gonna save that that's just to set your language and stuff like that you might have to look up I mean if you speak another language just look up which one you need or you know your country code or whatever and put it in there so set that as well and the other thing you want to set is timezone because I'm not pretty sure you may need to actually manually set it even if you live and what what is it like GMT or whatever but to do that you wanna well I'll go ahead and put it this way so if you look in where is it I think I wrote it down this is another thing that I sort of have trouble remembering okay so it's user share zone info now if you look in there that's where they keep all the time zone information for all the different countries cities whatever's so what we're gonna want to do is link well I should also say this so two by default there is I don't think they're files okay yeah so there's a file Etsy slash local time and what we want to do is we want to link that file to the proper time zone we want or whatever so to do that it's actually pretty simple it's just one command so link so Ln is for establishing links you can make symbolic links and stuff like that and we want to make one between users share zone info and then you're going to pick which zone you want you can of course tab select to have all these choices so I am gonna want America and of all the possibilities here I am gonna want Phoenix because I'm on Phoenix time you can pick New York or wherever you are so and that is going to as I said Etsy thought excuse me you slash local time and just run that and that will basically tell your computer I am in this time zone so again this is of course is a general thing if you are using your sista I mean let's say I mean something that happens to me a lot is when I go on a plane somewhere else I gotta reset my time zone this command here is all you have to do just reset it to whatever time zone you want and that's all that's all you have to worry about so the last thing we're gonna want to do is I'm gonna set a host name and of course this is going to be the name of your computer so on this device that happens to be tester because this is what it this is the computer I test all the stuff on that I'm developing or whatever but we want to add a name for our computer and to do that you go into Etsy what is it host name and this should be a blank file again you can name it whatever you want well not whatever you want it should be just one word or something like that so I'm gonna call this I don't know maybe I'll just call it arch or arch installed or something like that and just save that and that is going to be what your computer looks to this file is what your computer is gonna look to as for you know what its gonna call itself or whatever okay so I think at this point we pretty much have we've hit all the spots so when you reboot your computer well I'll show you how to reboot and everything so keep in mind we're still in the UM okay so well you have to remember we're in a very weird position so we're on the computer we are we booted off the live device and we went from the live device into the actual hard drive so if we go here and type in exit or now we're in the actual hard drive but when we type type exit now we are back where we originally were in the USB Drive so for safety sake I guess we can unmount all those drives through your mounted so if you type in you mount and unmount you mount and then capital R and then MNT /mnt that will the RS for recursive that removes what's on /mnt and everything else so if we type in LS blk again you'll see that nothing here is you know mounted so after that you can pretty much type reboot and well remove once your computer finishes shutting down or whatever you can remove your USB drive and it should boot off of your new arch linux installs so i'm gonna try it on my device and i'll show you okay so hopefully you rebooted your computer and everything worked out fine I'll go ahead and show you that mine worked so if I pull up I actually took a picture of it since I can't really show you it um but you know you just log in as root and password whatever the password you gave it and you should see your nice little host name here you should be able to ping stuff you should have network access since we installed an enabled network manager so this is all you need to jump to wherever you want whatever kind of configuration you want you now have a system a bare-bones system to really start installing stuff or doing whatever you want so now you have installed Arch Linux you now have our machine running Arch Linux now you have to uh oh I'm gonna put up a couple videos in the future now one of them as I mentioned before is what exactly do you do once you get to this point how do you install a desktop environment I'm gonna put up a video on that pretty soon I'm also gonna put up a video on how to manage an Arch Linux system how to update it what kind of things you need to check out for and stuff like that so I'm gonna put up that put those things up in a little bit I will say I would be wasting my time if I didn't make a shameless plug but just because it's there that is if you don't want to go through configuring and putting up all your own stuff into Arch Linux and you know MIT figuring out how to do a desktop manager as you may know if you're my subscriber I have a configuration script that you can easily run on any fresh install of our clinics which you conveniently now have that is as long as you have the course this is larva larva XYZ is the website all you have to do is literally just run these two commands and it will bring up a prompt that will guide you through the installation and it installs basically the setup I have here all the bells and whistles that I use that you see on my channel um so check that out if you want otherwise I'll be putting up videos on Archie Linux how to configure things as I said in the future but yeah anyway so hope you guys enjoyed it and it all see you next
Channel: Luke Smith
Views: 477,601
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: distribution, network, luke smith, drive, xubuntu, podcast, wifi, root, automatic, linux, start, live, enable, boot loader, gnu, install, usb, partition, antergos, not related, format, arch linux, parabola, dd, traditional, bios, ubuntu, arch, manjaro, fstab, artix, pacstrap, vi, installation, ext4, dhcpcd, systemctl, gentoo, boot, pacman, distro, systemd, vim, terminal, bootloader, home, grub, ethernet, gdisk, fdisk
Id: 4PBqpX0_UOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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