Linux Desktop Kinda Stinks. How Did We Get Here?
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Channel: DistroTube
Views: 118,460
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Keywords: linux, gnu linux, linux desktop, desktop environments, window managers, linux distros, linux sucks, open source, operating system, windows vs linux, free software, gnome desktop, cosmic desktop, budgie desktop, solus, pop os, ubuntu, linux mint, gtk vs qt, gnome vs kde, enlightenment desktop, linux fragmentation, linux operating system, why linux, why linux is bad, why linux is not popular, distrotube
Id: OTY620NUdPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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Don't need a crappy DE when you can just have a distro like Arco set you up with a window manager and bar.
Fantastic video.
Wayfire seems like it has potential an alternative Wayland desktop, which is still open to feature possibilities.
Also, XFCE is pretty dang good, and especially could use contributions from those devs who are going to Enlightenment. Why would someone move to the Enlightenment toolkit?
What about QT's relationship / dependency on . . . QT?
Sorry for my non organized thoughts.
Obviously based on my experience with the DE's in various distros that I used. Today I am a Fedora, sometimes Manjaro (secondary computer) user.
Gnome is my DE of choice, really don't like using Plasma (KDE). Cinnamon was the DE I used as a transition from Windows at the time with Mint Gnome 3 really got me away from it for a long time until I was gifted a Mac Mini, several years ago. I used Mac OS use in parallel (yeah the 3 OSes at the same time). The environment/workflow really got me, but the over simplicity impose by Apple made me more and more have to install plugins, file manager, iTerm etc vs Windows becoming each day just a gaming system, made me use more and more Linux daily. So I chose Gnome as a DE. Gnome 40 brought me hope that the damned extensions breaking and the dumb over-simplification would stop and things like Gnome Tweaks would be integrated: can't use dark theme without installing Gnome Tweaks, can't have a tray, can't even restart or shutdown the system without more steps than necessary, oversimplified volume control etc...
KDE Plasma extreme customization but no consistency vs Gnome extreme simplicity, crippling, reducing user's capability to customize it with ease.
Of course, I like modularity, very good to adapt my DE for my own use, but breaking my experience every single time became really annoying.
I also used other DE's Unity (really wasn't a good experience) made me go away from Ubuntu, thanks to Mint folks; MATE very good when coming from Windows, but I had various freezing problems every time I tried. It's been years since I last tried, but a friend's father used Mint with it and likes a lot. And sometimes I test some DEs like XFCE, LXDE etc when going to install on older hardware.
Anyone there making a Knome? :)