Rediscovering Love in Teaching: Practical Tips in Staying Motivated and Driven

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] and welcome to our saturday stream our saturday webinar um fourth now fourth uh installment i think uh september series no yes we also decided to give this uh this series for our teachers that um although in expectations second year of pandemic uh school year not in peru the truth is actually uh there's uh we just kept on on moving forward and like uh crashing into uh distance learning but before we do that sir jambi let's uh have uh greetings no to our teachers okay um that actually entered as early as 12 36 pm for today okay so uh let me start off with um by the greeting uh uh teacher lamberto pilatan junior uh from ilo and of course to me good afternoon teacher charming de la cruz uh teacher um marietta and teacher peya lebros and teacher mary ann siem and i'll be ending my part to uh by greeting teacher jocelyn good afternoon uh watching from davao davao city teacher jocelyn he says go ahead sir city good afternoon to you as well watching from masbate good afternoon also to teacher rodimer sir fern good afternoon to you as well uh good afternoon also to teacher ellie austria teacher alex javier alvarez watching from kidapawan city teacher lily beth niebres good afternoon to you as well teacher angelica joy binyas yeah virtual hogdin sayo uh oh pastor manny watching from emo city of course blessed afternoon to you and to all of us blessed afternoon [Laughter] uh good afternoon teacher rusell kate vedanes teacher bens rolda from cbn ms mshs miranda and of course teacher ict cdn uh shout out from again cdn mshs teacher rolinda borja um teacher um apl slide shows again our usual always from wherever she is teacher nora from atigan watching from lipacity uh good afternoon as well great afternoon dao from teacher jinlin villar watching from satya good afternoon as well to teacher phil jean shantan good afternoon hi teacher nerissa behind good afternoon to uh teacher crew horizon br robert doria watching from davao city um teacher arnie joy dumalag you know this afternoon again uh second pandemic school year at malama uh your first first talk about our topic for today and why uh this is something that we um we need to talk about okay we need to discuss okay um and some disclaimers as well speakers one of our speakers for today is actually an administrator so we're going to get both on a perspective from the teachers and also from the administrator perspective as well um a motivational speaker motivation driving forces and um again sorry jumping i think classic example of um the many messages and the many kinds of messages i get uh from our teachers and um in existence i believe in feature in the message absolutely [Music] and how do we go uh get through it as as teachers know and sigour sergi albino and disclaimer nothing is that this session will not offer solutions uh it will not end our tiredness perhaps um encouraging our teachers not to share their insights to share their their and um let it be known to everyone that this is a a safe space no let's express our our sentiments um let's express our tiredness our exhaustion let's share to everyone that we're not alone but um [Laughter] how tired you are how demotivated you are to each other to keep ourselves motivated and driven [Laughter] we have invited to uh two speakers for today coming from different perspectives now again coming from an administrator's perspective at um a teacher's perspective no and uh uh and both have influenced me in so many ways no um no magic administrator of all social science department my savior's school board matters i get to learn a lot of things from this person i really admire um both of our speakers for today so let's um now introduce our first speaker so jambi and um welcome our another our first sharer for this afternoon of course ayan as usual it is my pleasure to introduce to you our first of two speakers this afternoon is an alumnus of the ateneo de manila high school and the graduate of the university of the philippines after graduating from college she worked outside the country for 12 years in singapore and the united arab emirates handling communications marketing and customer relations in the telecommunications and airline industry before entering the field of education he began his teaching career as an english teacher in savior's school in 2011 and after five years of teaching high school he was asked to take on the role of english department chair in 2016. he has taken on various leadership roles such as team leader for the savior china experience editor-in-chief of the savior school website and committee head for various institutional projects in 2019 he earned his master's degree in education from the ateneo de manila university and in the same school year was awarded the saver school pinot clifford educators award for outstanding junior faculty concurrent his role as department chair he teaches english language and literature for the international baccalaureate diploma program ladies and gentlemen it is our honor to present to you our first speaker mr paolo suapenko hello sir franco and sir john b [Music] so with without further ado and thank you jandy for the introduction and without further delay um let me start my sharing for this very important sometimes controversial topic of uh rediscovering love for teaching and staying motivated uh and driven sir before time starts from the audience although we can hear you but there is uh like um a little bit of uh weakness doing some sound nothing can we try i will i will try to you want okay powder yes okay okay go ahead sir paulo and good luck teachers enjoy um again don't forget that our session will end with evaluation link for your certificates okay so for the meantime let's enjoy the discussion let's engage in the chat we'll be in the chat while you are listening to sir paulo okay thank you sir franco so i'm acting topic for today i be discovering love for teaching practical tips on staying motivated and driven actually teachers um maintaining love for teaching and keeping driven and motivated imagine a mid amidst a pandemic you can see what what he and his group have achieved so if you if after this talk you still feel lost and you still want to talk about this topic and then lengthy sir and i would say he's actually one of the best people to talk to about this topic but thank you for inviting me sir franco and uh let me begin my sharing for today okay so let's about some disclaimers but let me go through my own uh coverage and disclaimers for my sharing for today so sana sana teachers of all ages and stages of whether you are new or a junior or a senior teacher or even an administrator that's what i hope to be able to address in this talk um i will be covering three rationales or three theoretical aspects uh for this talk and then later on some very what i think would be very practical tips that we can apply when we are in this stage of the motivation uh or trying to find our way back to loving teaching the primary content champion personal experiences i'll also be going technical a little bit i will also talk a little bit about the ignatian pedagogical paradigms framework which is used for our teaching but i have found to also be applicable to our personal lives there's no one-time solution one-size-fits-all solution and it's a very highly subjective topic but i will also talk about how that fits in that the subjectivity of it fits in when you are going through this kind of phase of the motivation okay okay so no invite tahonie franco to talk about this topic is an english teacher breakdown young language aspect i will address the topic as best as i can so super tension upon being an english teacher but that's that's my that's my way of uh preparing for for talks or for my for my teaching so i broke down the some words from this title and zoomed in on two important words rediscovering and staying rediscovering sharing for today the rediscovering aspect and the staying aspect of it if we break down the meaning of rediscovering or to rediscover ebik's ability it was there before it is because if you want to rediscover something the word re means you may have lost it you are at that state where you want to rediscover it [Music] but if you want to stay it means you are still there okay so you know meanings the first point i want to stress about uh this topic is you have to have the desire so i rediscovered in love for teaching staying motivated staying driven hindi will work tips instructions directions if your desire to rediscover the love for teaching or to stay motivated and driven is not there nothing will work so you have to have the desire first i think yearning young desire now what i want to say next is and i just want to say nada landito you have already covered the first point the fact that you are here today means you still have the desire and you want to rediscover it the fact that you are here today listening to this topic listening to this share your name it means you still haven't given up so please pat yourselves on the back give yourselves a self-hug uh it means uh you still find teaching something important yeah you want to rediscover and stay motivated and driven yeah so that's my first point uh so you have to have you have to want to read this rediscovery love for teaching and you have to want to stay motivated and driven you can do something about it because if you don't want to rediscover or you don't want to stay epic you will always see things in a negative lens motivate you the hell you don't want to motivated and driven then we can start the process uh the the the process will start with uh thinking about their route or the roots of the problem so what makes you lose once you what you once had and what causes you to become tired and uncertain so uh it will be a journey inward it's not a one-time solution there's no one-size-fits-all solution telangang what you can do to help yourself now um just so it's not just my perspective i listed down some factors that may cause demotivation or lack of drive but i also want to see um so if i may request our audience to kindly go to and then enter this code that you see on the screen you will just be asked to enter two words that you think causes you to be demotivated or to lose your drive i think uh sir franco will also send the link via the comments you direct link nana if you click that link it will bring you to the uh page where it asks you for the words and then while you are doing that let me shift screen to another uh to the other page where it will show your answers okay so let me present what omega got stressed and tired overwork will spend a couple of minutes waiting for answers to come in before i proceed [Music] that's a very profound answer had the system less support overwhelming workload over too many meetings stress physical stress uh extra workload lack of time overwhelming expectations changing assignments okay forget uh two men okay pandemic okay pandemic very actually that's in one of one of my examples also necessary so just one more minute to allow answers to come in so you also can see what your other co-teachers are labeling as their stressors or demotivators paperwork um unappreciated i actually also use that as one of my examples restless okay okay so actually cheers you if you wish you can continue to answer uh these this question to provide your take on what causes one to become demotivated or to lose drive uh and then maybe i can just send a screenshot later on and then send it to sir franco and if he wants to share it to you guys that he can do that so while you're still answering that and thank you very much let me go back to my my presentation okay so once again thank you to those who answered i will also visit it again later on okay so uh what i would like to label the answers that you gave and the examples i am giving now as the motivators or harry potter fans i'm sure madame harry potter fans jan i i label them as the mentors as advice you remember the movie it sucks the life and the light out of you which is a very symbolic and a very physical manifestation of someone who is losing their drive or their motivation or their love for teaching so i just want to create this analogy of these uh factors as the motivators for the dementors so some of the things i thought about in my own experience and in my experience as an administrator and teacher are these that you see on the screen and you will notice that some of them are similar to the ones you have shared so unappreciated or unheard can't cope with workload or demands tired burn out stress the compensation aspect is also there it's a real it's an honest concern with under being misunderstood young conflicts can be with colleagues with co-teachers even with students and parents and from an administrator's point of view conflict with their teachers uh it's not always a pretty picture means a telegraph between an administrator and a teacher constantly adjusting no movement or promotion and as one of you mentioned in the mentee meter word cloud the pandemic so these are just some demotivators uh that affect our drive our motivation our love for teaching uh if if i were to try to label to do a semantic once again being an english teacher i i thought of a semantic or a collective uh [Music] meaning behind all of these demotivators and separate these are my um uh specific concerns that you listed down and i have listed down if you try to uh analyze them thematically feeling of helplessness so it's that aspect of helplessness that i think debilitates us paralyzes us or makes us feel demotivated now how do we address now that's what i want to also focus on helpless feeling helpless the teacher i'm just really tired you have to have the desire first to want to rediscover love for teaching and you have to want to stay motivated and driven so going back to my analogy of harry potter and the dementor if you recall in that movie and then that patronus uh that uses the light within you to defeat the dementors but it's very theoretical it's very fictional how do we apply that in our lives practically but i just wanted to give you that analogy uh of that helplessness the dementors uh and what we can do to let our patronus patronuses our desire to love teaching and to stay motivated and driven shine okay i go to my second point uh if you are in this state or situation of being demotivated and losing love for teaching uh after you know that you have the desire to love teaching again and to be motivated and driven the next point is you have to know yourself it's subjective it can be different for different people so in order to address that situation you have to know yourself um and although it's uh it's a real thing and that's what i will work on so you have to know yourself that's so that's where personal context comes in i'll talk more about context later on when i talk about the ipp framework don't worry teachers academic okay so the second point is to know yourself uh if you know yourself you will know you're the mentors it will be different for you for me some will be the same but you have to uh know yourself and what demotivates you uh so more often than not these these three motivators are external uh but the last time about them [Music] because they are external factors uh my my say is no there is something you still can do uh and it starts with the process of knowing yourself and then when you know yourself and you have listed down your demotivators then you can start working on your specific action plan your specific uh steps and i'm addressing external factors i'll go very quickly on what i listed as possible work around solutions i say possible or sometimes it's not that easy but just because something is not that easy that doesn't mean you should just give up right away um there are always other ways so some of the things i listed down is if you're unappreciated or unheard if you think that the school doesn't appreciate you then appreciate yourself if you appreciate yourself that will boost your self self confidence self esteem and then that can lead to many many other uh effects um find a workload or work demands maybe there are other ways to work more smartly find alternatives tired burn out stress have purposeful rest set specific time non-negotiable time for me time for resting time for uh recuperating recharging compensation we don't have we can't really do much about it uh but find what is worth staging for and i want to linger here a little bit um i don't personally honestly i don't think there is any teacher who entered the teaching profession because they wanted to get rich i may be wrong but that is my perspective of teachers because we are doing a very noble job it's a vocation and when we enter into teaching alumni so maybe because of that affecting us it suddenly becomes an issue so maybe it would be it would be good uh to rediscovering out what is worth staying for and be careful of blinders we still view them in a negative light uh you know blinders we fail to see the good in what's happening and why we are still here even though it's uh not a very lucrative job being misunderstood i can't think of any other way to address it than to communicate sometimes it's hard especially if you're an introvert or if you're not used to uh if you prefer to keep things private but there's no other way around it you really have to communicate you have to step up go outside of your shell sometimes reach out communicate conflicts cool my hair is all being conflicts well and good if it's an uh if it's an uh unresolvable conflict nataligan you've already tried then that's it as long as you've tried then you can just focus on your good relationships your good friendships surround yourself with the people who support you constantly adjusting so it can be very it can be interpreted in a very broad way a lot of our teachers got stressed because they had to suddenly learn so many things on in online distance learning technology young mentee meters so maybe if you're if you're constantly having to adjust things maybe you need to uh learn new skill sets when it comes to technology when it comes to organizing when it comes to communicating one of the ways that you can equip yourself better to cope with constantly adjusting is to improve yourself and then no movement or promotion very similar to compensation of a different angle maybe you can see ways to upscale yourself and upsell yourself attend seminars uh if you can maybe pursue further studies get certifications the system of other schools when it comes to promotions but for some schools uh you are rated and then you have somehow you have to sell yourself when you rate yourself and then at least you are having a more proactive stance on the mat rather than just aim you're going to promote a movement and then just just not do anything about it the pandemic we really can't do much except what you can so let me repeat that all you have to do is what you can it can be as simple as following the protocols of the oh the government stay at home that's enough get yourself vaccinated that's enough take care of your health that's enough i know the pandemic can be very overwhelming the concept of it and the reality of it but all you have to do is just do what you can to help yourself and others just do what you can and that is more than enough when it that's when it comes to the pandemic so these are just some of my my examples on how to possibly address the motivators again these are not sure solutions or the most appropriate solutions for you but the point is uh you have to have the desire and you have to know yourself so you can try to work things out uh i now go to the idp don't worry in the ito lecture i will go through this very fast in such a way that will be understood but i'm sure many of you if not all of you know about the ignatian pedagogical paradigm if not it's simply a framework for teaching for pedagogy uh so it has these five uh components within the lesson and after the lesson a reflection point so i will let my students reflect and i as the lesson plan maker will reflect on what happened uh and then hopefully after the lesson make my form of action it can be performance tasks it can just be in the in the form of a personal change and then evaluate it uh and you improve what work what did then and then uh repeat for another lesson now let me apply that in today's topic so and the context of your environment so know your context and then just go about the experience of teaching waking up every morning going about your daily life and then through as you go through your experience having that awareness of yourself uh we go to reflection reflect and then when you try certain steps certain moves to try to address whatever issue please know that failure is an option in the ito test hindi degrade that no one is grading you so if it doesn't work out try another way if this solution that you thought of and enacted didn't work it's okay try again that's where you evaluate it at work it's on that work and then repeat the process okay so this is uh having a more proactive move in rediscovering love for teaching and staying motivated and driven so yeah young ending lecture about ipp but just to stress the importance of context of knowing yourself so uh helplessness external you can't do much about it sometimes you can sometimes you can influence change externally but more importantly you what you can do is internal about what you want to happen and remember that you have that desire now to rediscover love for teaching and be motivated and driven advantage that will help you in your path of rediscovery and staying driven and motivated now go to my third point it's a choice realize that love for teaching is a choice being motivated is a choice and staying driven is a choice in the same manner that when we wake up every morning it's a choice to have your coffee is a choice to make your coffee it's a choice to open your laptop to show up for work to teach these are all choices you love for teaching being motivated and staying driven you don't just wake up one day motivated that never happens it's a choice you have to make i want to love teaching i want to be motivated i want to be driven so that the choice is yours and guyanas the fact that you're here that the fact that you want to learn about it it means you've already made that choice so i just want to stress that it's a choice and it's a you have it's a proactive choice because you have to work on it you can't just and it stops there so remember know yourself and then it's a proactive choice and when we choose i'm i'm nearing the part where i give the tips six tips so when we choose to love teaching and when we choose to be motivated and we choose to stay driven and video we find ways because we choose it if we don't choose it you will never find ways but because you choose to love teaching you choose to be motivated and you choose to stay driven you will find ways you will find your answers one way or another bahamas but you will find ways now speaking of i'm not promoting video but if you have a video account i really love video pay anyway moving forward so if so in your way still finding ways is now how i will transition to some of the tips i would like to share with you so i go back to my disclaimer and these are some of the ways you can apply uh to address that that stays or that state you arguing right now learn the art of noticing uh this is also a very ignatian um uh tennis about the art of noticing things around us so but don't don't don't just notice the bad naman also notice the good and especially the little things batman features everyday airports i'm talking from an administrator's point of view now when i when i have to deliver not so good news to my teachers shampoo they will react in their own ways and i have to understand that that's the reaction and that's very valid uh but what i try to remind the teachers is please know uh that uh the school really wants what's best for us so i hope you also notice that the things that the school is doing to try to make things better it's it's not always a perfect institution it's not always a perfect system dying on those habits the system is what causes them to be demotivated it's never perfect there's no such thing as a perfect system but also please try to notice the good things and the little things maybe that will help uplift your not so positive states the tip number two is add humor to your work to your work life learn to laugh with your colleagues at your colleagues with yourself at yourself if that will cause you to uplift yourself to laugh to look at the letter things then great also learn to laugh at your mistakes but you know you learn from it and laugh about it if it's a very difficult and great mistake then go through the process of reflecting on it and then after that and it also helps when you have that humorous relationship so this is for administrators also and for teachers now if you have that very light and humorous relationship with your teachers you can joke around uh it helps it's that that's in my case now i have a very uh not too serious relationship with my with my teachers we share very famous or funny success have that light and humorous uh relationship with with your colleagues and yourself tip number three uh reframe your way of thinking easier said than done but you can't always change external factors but you can do something about the internal a change of perspective being more open-minded can be an open-mindedness of networking that's perfectly okay but being open-minded about why things are happening and if things are not going the way you want them try to keep an open mind and maybe you will get a different have a different take on things tip number four keep connected please don't be an island there is strength in solidarity especially we we really need to reach out more to each other reach out to your family your friends to god pray to yourself also stay connected to yourself and then if you're having a hard time uh i think we as teachers are naturally very generous of ourselves and then you ask them for help i'm very sure they will help it's i think it's innate in us as teachers uh to want to help when it's needed so reach out i put in the presentation not everyone is psychic or administrator maintain the lines of communication keep connected you don't have to bear the burden alone tip number five there is live outside work i cannot stress this enough sometimes we are so attuned to work because we love our work to begin with we love our work and then we're trying to rediscover it but because because we become so attuned to our work we forget about other aspects of our life so nurture those other aspects your your life is not made up of your work alone uh and that will cost you a lot of stress if you're too devoted it's okay to be devoted to work but devote them to other aspects of your life your hobbies your passions reading uh learning a new skill gardening home cooking and homes selling them products nurture other aspects of your life uh also if this pandemic has become a chance to reconnect with family uh with people from the past 1995 so i think doing these things will help recharge you my last step is to have an attitude of gratitude i personally believe that that gratitude is the cure to a tired mind and a tired heart when we are very tired mentally and emotionally when we are thankful of the things in our lives that we have it puts things in a new light we notice no test things more positively if we are more thankful to our lord and to our colleagues and our family and our school and our friends and our colleagues so you know six tips so uh this is actually the last part of my talk for this topic and i will end with this quote uh i i am an avid fan of the author ayan lavanzan and she saw that she's whom i call my miracle or a miracle author in very difficult stages in my life i read many of her books you will see the titles on the screen one day my soul just opened up yesterday i cried and in the meantime and one of the quotes that struck me from her literature is this quote remain open uh there is something bigger than you know going on here bahamas you you are in a very difficult and low state um don't give up remain open bahamas don't lose hope and with that i end my talk thank you very much i don't know if i went over time sorry if i did but thank you very much and thank you for listening most welcome sir welcome nothing you know i think i think administrator um for a while hello everybody to be we do not exist in isolation uh are connected to somehow bigger um bigger things and swell us could also be something shared he would not be shaking but i was watching in the background yeah um via youtube la muna um but you know when i was hearing your when when i was listening to your talk it was like sobrang refreshing it's not something grand divine you just had to put it into our consciousness so thank you thank you sir for that and and put it beautifully they come in bits and pieces and but the way that sir paul put it together like it it brings meaning comments that superb no thank you sir um young discussion again and we'll see you again later now during our panel discussions controversial questions about this rediscovering love for teaching later on see you later in a while [Music] this our next speaker is one of the ones that actually um initiated at um nagano the nexus support community pantry and school number and um i'm i'm i'm really glad to see you know congratulations day 129 if i'm not mistaken speaker later on i think it's day 129 supporting our school stuff now all throughout those many days no giving them food um and all other things clothes etc your community pantry tendency because of the lack of supply but this person um persevered gate stay motivated stay driven all throughout to be able to support that community pantry okay and i i have the honor you know and i'd like to do of course um the introduction to this person with our speaker for today uh our next speaker uh is currently a guidance counselor at savior school he graduated with a bachelor of science in psychology at the university of santa tomas with units in m.a in education major in guidance at eu dilemma he's all he also obtained his life coaching certification into 2020. he has served in various degrees as officer of the faculty organization or association of savior school recently has been in charge of the community pantry of the school which has supported stuff members of the school for at least 129 days talking about motivation and drive major mahiraptalunin [Music] hello good afternoon everyone thank you for having me here again and uh happy to be here again share and impart uh about the topic as well for your session is how do you do it how do you keep motivated and driven in supporting that uh our community pantry or time of after that 129 days time yes yes 129 days because i know it's so hard to maintain such a um such an undertaking so what's what's what's keeping you motivated and driven to do that uh actually when you do things for others that's the best motivation because when you just do it for yourself you could just easily give up but when you know that others benefit from your projects then you continue to move on especially when there are people uh supporting your course then it's really uplifting and good okay teachers good luck on your session we'll be in the chat again to engage with our teachers we keep on sharing your insight teachers we love your insights okay so good afternoon everyone and thank you for having me here uh let me just share my screen and uh hopefully things will be okay so rediscovering love in teaching so before anything else i would like to introduce myself i am uh dan abrahina i'm not really a teacher i'm a guidance counselor and i've been in the profession for 21 years so do you see my screen already franco yes or done okay okay so um my my screen is there so as a counselor i do colleague counseling and teachers go to me and share their personal experiences not necessarily academic but their experience as teachers person so a while ago uh sir paula discussed uh that there are a lot of the motivators that that happens and uh when you cons when you concentrate on the negative stuff then that becomes a challenge so the teaching profession is a very special profession because it requires passion and like uh if you go into business uh your your motivation is uh more on earning okay and promotion but the teaching profession uh is not just passion but passion with a vocation it's uh helping other people in this uh chosen career as mentioned before uh there's no other careers without teachers so uh telegram teachers who chose this one and uh sir paulo mentioned that we chose this career uh we have chosen uh we have uh chosen this career not to become rich but because of our passion for help so what important he has mentioned is passion and passion is something that gives us joy passion is a kind of emotion and uh emotions are not permanent so sometimes we're too happy next time or sad all right the same thing with passion sometimes we're too driven sometimes it gets out of the way or sometimes we're not driven so passion fluctuates but it is always there so as mentioned in kanina uh remember why did you choose to become a teacher so what made you decide and uh passion is an important because a passionate teacher is always remembered by students so making teacher thai because there's this one teacher who inspired us to become a teacher so hindi union teacher na would be relaxed and uh just go and do the usual things so we would see them how they care about their job how they care about the people they work with and how they care about the students so i'll be discussing two points so the first one is igniting the passion for one's profession the passion is there you just need to uh make the flame uh hotter okay recognize nothing and the second one is how to stay there because uh every now and then we'll really lose track of um why we are at this particular job so the tips that i'm going to give are not all applicable because it depends on your context so you may be an extrovert that will work well with uh people support or uh you may it may not work for you if you're an introvert because you prefer uh being at your own pace at your own circle of friends so just try to pick uh what would work for you or if it may not work for you learning that thing or two would be uh you could suggest it to other people you know and uh this might work for them as well so i've been in the counseling profession for 21 years so a while ago i heard there's someone from le pacity so greetings from people in lipa and from there and uh when i moved to manila and uh pursued my career in psychology i really wanted to be a guidance counselor i want that feeling of uh talking to people helping them help themselves etc but uh going through the process uh i learned that the profession is more than that so i enjoyed my work that's why i've been in my career for 21 years but that doesn't mean that uh everything was well and good so there had been the motivators as mentioned uh but that came my way and uh there was a time that i even almost quit on my ninth year all right so i've had uh a lot of challenges uh professionally personally but uh who doesn't have right all right whatever career you chose you choose there will be challenges that you will face so uh what you need to know is how to deal with these challenges so there are a lot of high points okay appreciation from uh colleagues uh administrators and uh students uh i've been i'm the youngest in the family and working with the kids uh really brings me joy but uh i never had a sibling younger than me so working with them is like being a big kuya and i love uh that uh part of my work but also i had some negative experiences i received the letters from attorneys complaining about how we deal with students uh some disagreements with supervisors but that's part of life and uh experiences good and bad we take it as teachers we know that uh this experiences would make us uh learn from it and become a better person okay i have ten tips for you in igniting the passion for one's profession the first one is love what you do so one of the challenges of being in the education system is loving what you do because i think teachers has the most work that they experience okay compared to other professions you prepare uh you prepare what you're gonna do the next morning uh teach the whole day and then check papers afterwards reply to men it's like your your whole day is dedicated to that so the first thing to do is to love what you do okay so you've decided to become a teacher and make sure that uh you you accept all right whatever uh you have uh chosen to because uh some people who do not succeed in the education profession is to teach uh is the thing that teaching is just a job it's a way for them to earn and uh it's like uh waiting for 4 p.m to finish the job and uh it's not whole-hearted uh do not do things wholeheartedly so take pride of what you do yeah uh and uh do not uh stop in uh pursuing your education get here okay second is strive to impact others not just trying to work for a company making them earn so that you would earn as well so uh we have seen some people who are really passionate about their job yeah they're able to succeed when you enjoy what you're doing and you'll never work uh the whole time of your life so but also knowing that your job has a purpose then the more that you will do your job so what do i mean by that for example why do journalists risk their lives in going into bad weathers or wars just to make reports the same thing that like doctors and nurses even know that they are high uh high risk namakera non-kovid and yet uh they push they push to do these tasks uh simply because uh they know that when they do this they'll be able to help others and one of the most uh noble profession is being a teacher because when you know that when you teach and you teach your all you know that your students would learn a lot from you so make sure that you know what happens when when you do your job well so you'll be able to inspire students as well uh i remember when i was a student uh i'm not really good in speaking so my teacher encouraged me to join an extemporaneous speech and uh i did not do that well so but my teacher uh talked to me and encouraged me took time aside from talking about uh the curriculum she took time to discuss other things and encourage me and from then on uh i was able to believe into myself so it means when a teacher believes in yokai indeed at all you're able to believe in yourself i've proven that uh uh when a student okay was not good in dancing and asked okay if it's good in dancing i said that uh you have the potential to be a good dancer and one encouragement could lead to another and after several practices even if i myself did not really see the potential at that time okay uh the student believing in himself makes him uh work on that and when you see students succeed that makes uh that is an additional thing to uh uh to be happy with your work to be more passionate with your job okay third is state your use so the common mistake of uh some educators is to believe that they're already good enough so if you state your use and you know that uh there are still things to learn then do it never be complacent do not settle for mediocre mediocrity so [Music] uh even at my age uh i'm old already i'm 42. uh i still pursue uh further studies i enroll uh in courses that uh like in coursera online courses uh to pursue my craft because i know that uh learning never stops and sometimes uh there are things that you would learn a thing or two that you haven't seen in the past even if you are an experienced teacher so there are also times i observe how the new ones do their job and i see some of their practices that are valued so sometimes you see that they're [Applause] younger teachers have a greater connection at times with students because they're relatable so you could learn also from new people so do not assume that you know everything stay curious uh do regular research uh ask probing questions from your supervisors and um never never cease learning okay learning never stops tip number four try something new so a while ago sir paulo mentioned that the mentee meter was a very hard thing to do before but now it's a regular thing and doing new approaches makes you discover your job on a different aspect when you do things monotonously uh we lose the drive we lose the passion it's like uh waking up doing the same thing over and over again i can't imagine myself uh doing uh working in the factory even if i paid highly but i'm just doing the same thing over and over again i'm a teacher so uh to grow in the teaching profession when you're not when you're too comfortable in your job then you will not grow as a person so go out of your comfort zone re-evaluate your other strategies try new things like uh kahoot quizzes and uh it may not be easy at the start but uh when you do this you do not only grow but your students become more engaged of what you do number five is try other things so being for me being a guidance counselor could be uh monotonous at times that uh when students would uh be brought to me for certain incidents it's like i already have a definite answer of what to do but each case is different and uh but uh we don't uh sometimes we listen just to respond all right but we don't listen attentively but other than that is that being too comfortable with your job makes also your job and exciting so i do other things in school that uh would deviate my thoughts once in a while from my work to break the monotony so i've handled clubs i was a debate club moderator student council moderator as well when i see uh students on a different aspect so that's good i also uh accept committee works uh i facilitate uh recollection with sir paulo and uh i accept also other uh responsibilities um not just on work like what sir franco mentioned volunteering for the community so when we do things that we see value and people other people see value in it then we get validated and that makes us feel good with what you do next is mix with like-minded people so the challenge here is that uh when you go with uh different types of people most likely you'll be able to absorb the energy that they give you so if you go with people who are constantly uh complainers okay do not see anything positive most likely you'll have that uh negative energy in you or people who likes to rumor monger or talk about other people would drain your energy as well and make you lose focus but if you're with people uh who would bring the positivity in you or uplift you you could have friends where you could discuss uh things about um work about faith about relationships and uh be with people who would uh have a positive impact in savior we have the skikas companion so it's a it's a group where we discuss more about our faith because you don't talk about faith uh casually to people no but when you're in a uh in a group that is more open and more understanding then it's good as well so work life is not just concentrated with academic requirements or the things you have to do uh you have to develop your whole person in the work so that uh you'll grow in the job shake up your routine that's why we're bored at work so if you have a work area that you usually go to try uh working in a different part work in your garden or if you work in your room try to work in the living room next time so other things is uh do something that is novel so something new in ilan young [Applause] the usual routine that you do in class if you remember back in time that uh there will be teachers who will be having manila papers and we'll just ask you to read what's on the manila paper uh would uh write different kinds of verbs and then point a stick ask you to read and do and that all right you remember those teachers but you don't remember the impact that they made and they don't look happy as well doing that but it's convenient but shaking up your routine uh means when you do something different it gives that certain excitement with what you do number eight is take a break uh sir paulo mentioned this also young uh loving yourself with uh things all right love all right so uh your job is there but your job is not your life it's just part of your life and you need to take a break once in a while so sleep if you need to sleep unplug so most of us we take a break by watching netflix or playing games in the computer but uh try to unplug that means uh no gadgets because this will make you more relaxed and it will be better for your eyes as well uh learn to recuperate so sabine i know mr paolo uh do not be over indulged with your work young life mom or i'll still get burnt out so if uh for me what i do is i do physical activities as well to lift myself which goes to number nine so exercise your mind and body um it's during the pandemic it's really hard to teach just being seated and talking to a computer right now i can't see anyone and i'm just looking at the green dot of my laptop pretending that they're all present and listening to me so you have to exercise your mind and body once in a while to break that particular so how do you exercise your mind uh try to read all right from books not just ebooks to uh make your creative juices alive you may draw you make pain these are other things or answer puzzles uh do jigsaw puzzles play scrabble with friends or of course exercise the body yeah so that you won't be uh too tired okay or you won't get sick me i do hiking running uh walking and other stuff and lastly remember your goal why did you decide to be a teacher so when you go back to that uh goal then you totally ignite why you want to do these things and uh of course i think uh the number one goal of being a teacher is not just for yourself and that is for others and when you know you make a difference in the lives of others then uh you'll do it more because it's not just for you so again the 10 tips love what you do striking back others stay curious try something new approach us with your job try other things other than your job mix with like-minded people shake up your routine take a break exercise your mind and body and remember your goal it's for the first part for the second part is staying motivated and driven so you know now you're passionate all right but how do you stay there you don't want to wake up now it's like your uh and uh it happens that uh we need to show up even if we don't like it even if we're not passionate on that day uh our work is not something that uh we work long because we like all right we work we signed up for this so we have to show up regardless of our moods and emotions unless you're not healthy to show up then it's okay so here are the other tips so one is the commitment pack okay also known as the ulysses pack so the story of this is the or the ulysses pack is based on uh greek mythology that ulysses wanted to hear the songs of the mermaids but if you listen to it you'll go crazy so what he did was he asked his men to tie himself in a pole and that when they passed through that way all the sailors would just put earplugs and so that he will be able to hear it but would not do anything crazy and die the same thing with the commitment the commitment pack is committing into something that you would do and sticking to it regardless so for example me uh i often go to the gym on mondays wednesdays fridays and uh sometimes it's hard to take that commitment that ah i will not go it's raining the man or someone invited me on a monday and i'll just go on another day usually when you break your commitment it's easy not to follow it on the succeeding days so make sure that um you do what you have committed so other examples of this is that uh people the 50 peso challenge if you remember that that whenever you have a 50 pesos you will not spend it put it in a coin so it's not easy but once you committed on it the fruits of it are worth it so in the context of teaching uh minaman the commitment pack is that uh i will not go home uh immediately if i'm not finished with my log for the day so we have a logbook of what we did for the day and sometimes it's easy to just dodge it and just do it the next day until those little things that you don't do would pile up and it's hard to do that so i told myself finish my lug book before going home and i can't go home once right then so make yourself accountable to this particular tasks and stick to it the commitment second is chunking or clustering sometimes young uh we're not motivated when we see there's a lot of things to do and uh example uh your boss would require you to submit uh 20 reports due next friday it's easy to be overwhelmed and say to yourself i can't do 20 reports okay in a week but okay if you try to chunk it or cluster it into smaller tasks then uh it becomes more achievable so i'll do four reports on a monday for reports on a tuesday something like that all right so in five days i'll be able to do 20 reports so i'll commit on doing a particular chunk so that it will not be too much for me on that day so same thing all right when you were reading a book sometimes it's hard to read a book in one sitting or uh even forgiven along that line uh we tend to do it the last minute but if we try to divide doing it on certain days it becomes easier and achievable okay third is artificial positive reinforcement um it was mentioned that being recognized or appreciated at work is something that motivates us but it's not always available especially now that you're just by yourself so what i do is an artificial positive reinforcement so what is that i give myself a reward whenever i accomplish certain things that is not too much okay so simple so for example i like flat tops those chocolates and i do that whenever i finish one report of a student so that i'll be motivated to to do another report and then get that particular chocolate so you could do that on other things so for example if you're able to finish uh two lessons two lesson plans you can put uh 20 pesos in your lazada fund or shoppie fun so sometimes we have to to just reward ourselves every now and then to validate that we are able to finish a particular class it doesn't necessarily need to be big but it's something that needs to be tangible but you see what you have achieved number four is visualization visualization is trying to capture what will happen if you finish the task to motivate you more uh for example on my example a while ago finishing reports within a week so i'll try to visualize what will happen if i finish the report earlier so that means if i finish my report in four days instead of five days i'll have one free day and on that one free day on the friday i'll be able to do other things aside from report making rather than uh just trying to drown yourself from uh going to that particular or the same thing for example in losing weight what will happen if you lose 10 pounds you'll be able to bike do sports activities you'll be able to fit in smaller clothes rather than concentrating on the pounds you have to lose so there's a reward at it and looking at it will be a good one another kind of visualization is uh having this uh small board in your room and cut out pieces of the things that you want to see and happen so sometimes they say that when you put that though um you're conscious of seeing it so it's a constant reminder for you to do things in order to achieve it it could be a picture of a country that you want to visit okay a restaurant you would like to try or other things gentle self talk so challenges young teachers is feeling not good enough all right and their greatest critic is themselves supervisor i'm not a good speaker but uh instead of uh being too hard and harsh to yourself reword your your the things that you wanna tell yourself in such a way that you could do something about it if i try to do more speaking engagements i will reach that all right but um after the reading it's two or three times i will be able to identify kusanagi and improve it and be positive also about yourself so began me sir know yourself so uh what are the things that you could offer [Music] so each one of us have a positive side in him or her another one is the calendar strategy so if [Music] so if you're able to achieve what you have to do for that day put across more on that particular day so if you're able to see that you're being consistent you will not break that uh that i know that streak you know so the same thing [Music] 100 when you see that your calendar is full of excess it's a sense of achievement oh my two weeks ago now i'm late coming sorry i was able to arrange i was able to come to school on time i was able to submit my requirements on time so that's good seven social support so even if we are teachers uh we will always need help so from your colleague from your supervisor from friends actually um because asking that person a particular help gives that person an opportunity to feel good to feel good of himself now oh in the asmr uh also when you ask help they will not be shy to ask your help as well that means uh they will be open with you now so uh having that circle of people whom you could ask help or whom you could volunteer for help okay as if they need help do that and this was discussed by sarpal a while ago proper mindset so uh the same logic with the glass and a half full to half empty so whatever you think is true if you think you're not good then it's true if you think you're good that's true as well so putting that particular mindset that you will be able to do things positively influence others positively um that's a good thing number nine is the distractions list so uncanny sir paul and uh uh the motivating list all right other things that are not necessarily the motivating but uh puts your mind puts your focus away from your thoughts so minsan indiana [Music] and other stuff or you have a work area that invites you to be distracted my food my particular non-related stuff from work so make a list of these things that distracts you and once you're conscious about it then good mother david you have to avoid these things and lessen those destructions okay and last all right is the bumpy wagon plan all right meanwhile we plan okay of things that we're gonna do and we have a plan a plan b and a plans which is good no but uh also make also a plan what will happen if all of your plans do not work so what if your plans fail what would you do if plans a b and c would fail what would you do and identify what are the things that might cause your plan to fail because when you identify those things that you that might fail your plan then you can address it beforehand okay so the ten things for that the commitment pack chunking clustering artificial positive reinforcement visualization gentle self-talk and positive regard the calendars are strategy social support proper mindset the distractions list and the bumpy so what if you're still not happy after all of this all right so you try to look at your passion you try to maintain those things for passion maybe be open also to understand that teaching is not for all all right so if all things fail then there are other things so thank you very much and i hope you learned here are some of the sources that i use for this okay and thank you for for all those and loaded tips and uh we'll just wait for our my co-administrators to also go in um also welcoming no humans acting stream for today uh sir angel as well okay coming from a meeting uh right off a meeting uh and of course we'd also like to welcome back uh serpao uh into our session as well for today for our panel discussion yeah um so uh [Music] some of you might have pen and paper is i mean you cannot just whimsically write anything so pero those that was shared by sir paulo and cerdan are chuable tips as in what do you call this machank concrete steps on how to do it so thank you it's very practical now very practical humongous tips okay so teachers uh let us now uh i don't know um have your questions in our chat right now okay if you have questions or insights you'd like to share and while we're waiting for uh your uh insights uh and questions in our chat okay we would like to uh throw some questions now to our uh to our two speakers not our two great speakers so let's now uh have some questions okay while we're teachers now you can also ask questions in the chat we'll be waiting for that but while you're thinking of a question or an insight uh here are some questions that we'd like to discuss with our speakers for today and our first question is experience for for everyone's knowledge i'm still on quarantine i about two weeks ago i got tested positive for for covid uh and but i'm okay [Applause] but i just wanted to share my experience last week i was really sick i but i'm vaccinated and then i i i was having a high fever like 39 degrees flu symptom so that week last week i was really not okay but um for that entire week i did i did not call sick and i realized now that was a big mistake uh i did not call sick i still attended meetings i still answered emails i still everything i had to do for work even though i wasn't okay and i think that aggravated my situation so um it was mental both mentally and emotionally and uh physically i i felt and i know i i have to be okay i have to do my work i have to fulfill duties especially also because i had some some co-teachers nah like a so i had to cover i had to sub i had to do other their their work for them and it's not their fault but i took it upon myself guyana's having a survival mission superhero complex i would say to answer the question i would say uh there's no such thing there's no such thing as a time where it's not okay to be okay if you're really not okay um accept it i had one titanin and know yourself i would like to add on to that uh to honor yourself and to love yourself whether physically or you're not well emotionally or mentally acknowledge it accept it and going back to my tip a while ago reach out reach out for help when you need help uh i i even though i felt that at that time my department was crippled because i had two sick teachers and then i was also sick i have to sub for them i have to cover for them there were other people more than who would have been more than willing to help our principal always tells us because she also she used to be an english teacher also and became the english department chair and so on and so forth she would always offer oy swap if you need me to sub for any classes uh let me know langha and then also our assistant principal for academics mr x times na the kahakon scheduling teachers and so on and so forth they always offer if you need us to sell people's up for you i i should have um taken advantage of that press help button i need help so yeah so that's just at the point i want to stress if you're really not okay acknowledge it honor honor yourself uh accept it and then reach out for help uh there is no no one no other person who can evaluate your okay level than yourself uh so if you truly and sincerely feel you are not okay there is no such thing as it's a wrong time to not be okay thank you thank you sir and i hope this surpas uh as mentioned acknowledge when you're not okay because uh when you acknowledge it that's the only time you will know how you will address it uh so being that okay is something that you you plan so it just happened that you're not okay for that day so acknowledge it i just ask for help and if you're not okay that's not the end goal that means you have to kept to keep on moving so that you'll be okay so do not uh recognize it but don't stay there all right try to do something to move so that you'll be okay yes uh it means anything to add before we move to our next discussion question um teacher pao all right you're okay okay okay that's why uh just to share a personal experience that i i always have whenever that's why i miss school at times one of the things that makes me okay one thing that makes me motivated is the coffee of faster than so that's why i will always go down actually i'll always go down to that coffee yeah some coffee maybe because one thing that i realized is that the more that you're not open can you force yourself to be okay the more that you become unproductive that's why i have to stop really i have to stop things that i have i've been doing if i'm really not okay i long on a break i really take that break just to have and then you guys having any certainty you have to move forward acknowledging it but don't stay there but you have to move forward yeah welcome hello when is it okay to say i quit i've lost all of my motivation i've lost my drive it's time to shift uh it's time to find something uncertain um so hello sir dan would you like to go first absolutely all right when you've tried all the other means to be okay and still it's not for you you don't just quit because uh it's a spur of the moment so you quit because you have thought of it you have tried things to uh to amend or fix it and still at the end of the day you feel it's not for you and you have other options naman then uh we grow okay on teaching is not the only profession uh that could uh make a positive impact impact or to others so that's for me yeah explore thank you sir dan sir paul [Music] as long as you've tried everything and there are really pertinent reasons for you to move on um then by all means move on but i just want everyone to be careful about their reasons for wanting to quit and to move on to another institution probably the grass is always greener syndrome because you are here in this space you always think it's better elsewhere it's better in that school i'm putting it in the context of teachers it's better in that school it's better in that in another country because um if i may share also not my personal experience but the experience of experiences of very close friends who have moved on to other institutions and other countries even other countries they all um well it's very specific to savior but they always they always there's always that element of regret now um uh the things that they used to complain about uh back in the in their previous workplace it turned out to be worse in another institution or i've been away if i if i could go back i would go back sentiments but that's not always the case manga success stories i'm so happy now that i left this my previous school so i just want to stress that i'm a sedan but be very critical be very um be very careful of your reasons if it's just the if it's just the theory or the the concept now it's better elsewhere do your research make sure your reasons are solid make sure that the the move will be worth it uh and then hopefully hopefully if you do if you do reach that point of moving on then things will work out for you thank you it's your pal would you like to add anything yes oh okay i came from from a point where i had to leave no it was my third year of teaching i finished third year of teaching but i had to leave so why did i had to leave because of priorities so i think that's one thing that will tell you if you needed to quit no if you tried to reevaluate your priorities and it ended up that um you really have to do this then you you got to move on no um without really um um you you don't go somewhere because it's better there no you go there because um i i'm not sure nope in terms of comparison i understand the reasons for for teachers going abroad because they want to bring their families there because maybe um uh for me i had to leave before um but that was because of my priorities and i didn't burn any bridge no um it's just that i had to do it because of priorities and remember that um if you've tried everything if you've reached out to the administration if you've you know evaluated everything as in 360 lahat mulasata and you really feel na um my priority main main identify can a certain priority more than you move on no but um but don't burn bridges talaga promise you've met that person and you know you will have nothing to remember sana except the good memories we're down to our last question though because we can't see questions from our i mean i know um before we go to our last question let's address that first do you want to go first [Music] so since that is the case it's a reality uh one way to look at it is um it's a chance for you to um learn more about yourself to improve yourself to challenge yourself uh so if you are a believer in there's no such thing as coincidences maybe that person from a philosophical point of view was brought to your life to allow you to learn something about yourself that's one the second is um remain open uh there is something bigger than you know that might be happening here um don't close your doors might end up being the person who helps you when you need it the most in the label might be the person later on might eventually become your closest friend and i i'm see i speak for experience now i've encountered teachers but um i never gave up on this on hypothetical i never gave up on if you do encounter such a situation don't give up on that teacher and because you never know uh and young what what happened to us eventually um as things evolved as things progressed um now i consider this person to be quite close to me so don't don't don't close your doors to the person you are labeling as contraband that's it thank you okay was able to get his dream job mary the perfect person live the life happy ever after um it gives character development negative things about you okay and will really put you on your toes to be your best to do your best all right to prove them nah you're worth it etc who would really point out what's what's wrong with you and that is what makes you grow as a person perfect so when we listen to that and we know it's constructive we know that it would help us s [Music] but they don't just know how to express it properly and i'm giving the thing is a fault finding so be open with this one yeah contravitas are good at a certain extent that pushes you know to identify you know these contraband people that you consider these are the people who [Music] it's a character development you you really grow as a person and sometimes those people are are actually if you look at them as some someone or some people that really cares for you then uh what they are doing it may uh may seem to be a contra vida for you so you shine the brightest in the darkest [Music] okay um we're down to our last question um and it i think perhaps it's one of the most controversial questions we're going to deal with today in this session but uh it's something that you also have to really talk about because the concerns of us it's all about passion it's all about um mission but it will always come into play okay so um sir dan ser paolo and to our administrators um your thoughts ideas on this question how important is salary money to stay motivated and driven sir dan would you like to go first now for this one it's important the salary here you get is your value at your work now and when you feel that you don't get enough but you're not appreciated enough for that uh but money is not not everything so we'll go from some big companies they see leave even if they have a six-digit salary because it's not what makes them happy so it's a factor but it's not the deciding factor all the time pero it's a different challenge i say you don't just think for yourself but you think for the welfare of your family it's not enough it's fulfilling uh you're happy with it but at the end of the day but if you know that you can provide it's not enough and you can provide for the family then uh it's either we find a better paying job or we explore other means to augment the salary that we have um sir what dan said [Laughter] uh yes what dan said i i agree uh but uh to go to another another concept to also consider is the concept of everything in life has a trade-off so maybe in your current situation you don't have the best salary but you have great colleagues you have a very supportive administration has a very supportive administrative administration uh you have good benefits maybe not monetary so um if you are seeking higher compensation uh just know that connected you move to another country or you move to a hard period setting or an international school that pays a lot more um just know that that additional compensation being added to you will also mean that you have to work for that additional conference insurance so it will need it will it might mean more work it might mean more stress because you're paying being paid a salary can be a reflection of your value so if you're being paid more uh then the company or the school or the institution will expect more of you uh if you're okay with that and your priorities really align with the need for more compensation because maybe you have uh your own dreams and goals for your life or you have a family then by all means go for it uh so you know um if if you are seeking more compensation uh because you're unhappy where you are that's there's nothing wrong with that that is nothing wrong with there's nothing wrong with that on its own uh but also know the reality of things that more pay means more work and expectations and if you're okay with that then sir franco yes going back to my experience before how important is salary or money to stay motivated i when i transferred job for that year school year no um from teacher i became an admin assistant the take-home pay was half of what i was normally earning so in vikko alamko but i did not quit no because i was thinking of my priority and my priority at that time is to have a job and that's already annoying middle of the school year hiring is done so it's very difficult for me to find a job especially that the profession that i graduated so i was able to know um i was able to survive the man no um that time no because that was my priority to have a job but um when another job opened up no that can pray you'd have your needs or dance or pow um family if it would be better for you to move to another because you have that priority you know of um earning for your family also so um i think um young salary per se uh important just as a factor a factor in your land priorities it would not be an issue let's get it uh i always have to consider that especially that kids are growing up it changes pero i always believe that it's not the end-all important thing because uh i experienced also having a good paying job naman as a teacher because i've been in institution where uh very generous if you are not uh also motivated and if you are not uh feeling okay in that particular community in different reasons no matter how much you earn i have to balance balancing is look at the environment that you are if you're happy with it and okay in my conversation stay if you feel that there is a need for you to to improve more or to have more needs maybe look for another way of because sometimes the the the place that you are are the you know money you know motivator you know to keep going uh the money it will come and go but at the end of the day it is really uh how you embrace everything and if you're not happy with where you are it is important of course but it's not the only soul motivation because you can have all the money in the world that's not motivated [Laughter] so it can't be the reason why you're pursuing things it can't be the reason why you are doing things no um continuously say for example uh teacher support we started with nothing we were nev we don't have like salary we have nothing to start with but uh it was the love for teachers that actually um brought us here and la no faitsi serpao caesar dan que es ser sergello teacher pow attack my teachers know i know that there should be something bigger than money okay so many circuited there one of the portions we will always demand for it but it should never be just what keeps us you know into teaching and um can i think you have to i don't know um be realistic about it so you're pursuing money for example from one school to another or one place to another you know you're in a better position to decide for yourselves it will matter a lot in deciding how you stay motivated and driven all throughout yeah and we know that still a very controversial uh matter you know and we only shared what we know and what they've experienced our thoughts and ideas and we hope that you uh um appreciate that those uh sharing okay so uh we're now down to our last part um and of course we'd like to share um our appreciation to our two speakers for today um to uh sir dan and sir paul and we'd like to uh present our certificate of appreciation for our two speakers for today um teacher paul would you like to read the citation for our two speakers sure alright so thank you so much for gracing us this afternoon we couldn't have thank you enough now for for the time that you have spent and so um we present the certificate of appreciation to sir paolo suapenko for sharing his knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled rediscovering love for teaching practical tips in staying motivated and driven awarded on september 18 2021 signed by to be signed by the administrators sir jose angelo m santos myself sir angelo bimaliari and sir franco nicolo adam the same certificate is actually presented also to certain abrahina thank you so much sir and cheers thank you thank you so much thank you like we'd like to ask like a message of encouragement from our two speakers before we let you go maybe we could start with cerdan for his message not our teachers uh always remember why you started this profession uh it's not just about yourself uh what you do would always influence uh other people so staying inspired motivated and passionate uh would surely bring your students to a better place in this society so thank you very much all right sir my quick message is just really uh to remember that you are not alone and i i know that uh that's what kagapi stands for tomorrow so there is always hope and that you don't have to carry the burden alone uh reach out if you need help and also offer help if and when you can so but uh it's the only way we will survive this pandemic uh and even post pandemic that um continue that that uh that attitude of uh hope and positivity and solidarity that's it thank you my name is and i will now be goodbye to our two speakers our two great speakers for today uh sir paulo and sir dan ramsay [Music] a foundation of that uh initiative my name is thanks for dancing everyone thank you thank you it's really the it's really about that idea of like putting it together indeed like uh in a robotic manner pandemic you're doing things that you're doing yeah so um you can go to our evaluation link at https call on recharge04 or scan our qr code and that will also be the basis of our certificates please make sure that you encode uh input the correct name and the correct email address needs to be for us to be able to send your certificates after this session [Music] um uh doing the team replay no for being in the institution for ozona pero all in all 14 years now where i'm working right now and um the whole um q and a it's all about priorities and for me in a job it's the my priority are the relationships the relationship to myself and the relationship with other people now that's what that's what makes me driven no yeah in relationships so that's that that's my priority that's what that's what makes them driven and you know it's not asabi it's not bad to think about that your priority is you know feeding your family and learning that much so there's nothing wrong with that it's really your priority so far right now um um very lucky in our institutions that they're really very generous so but more than that more than the the um monetary value it's the relationships that you've built with the people no so young that's that's for me if i'm not okay and i'm not okay working with the people baka hindi akomaxiste it's really about that and finding that that sweet spot of getting what you need and still being able to do what you love okay um you remember correctly i'm quite happy that i'm actually at that point one takeaway that i will have in this particular webinar that we have is jung time to pause at times we are so the term the term that i'm i'm thinking at this very moment is autopilot this is just an honest feeling if the pandemic did that happen we might not be able to have that really time to just pause then and uh at times this is also what i see in myself magenta in doing what you're doing because you've been doing it for guys sometimes you're trying to improve yourself you're trying to improve uh okay i continue doing that pero uh there was that particular um sga that we have that makes me ignite us and one of the things one of my takeaways there is really to just stop and sometimes yeah and letting go of things and letting god to do the things practical tips it makes me reflect and i agree that we oh we we have heard this one already every now and then sometimes it is in listening again reflecting on that that we learn more that we gather more despite whatever you have if you don't have that love for teaching for love for your students even if you might feel at times that you're not appreciated or feeling incompetent if you have that love for them it motivates you it drives you and my practical tips but these are practical things that we can really do and again teachers okay um thank you so much for joining us today we'd like to invite you again uh on our thursday um event okay that will be on level up powerpoint presentation okay we'll be having a class point um discussion as well as uh creating interactive powerpoint presentation on thursday and of course on um saturday we'll be uh talking about bichronos teaching and learning um blending asynchronous and synchronous teaching learning process and we'll cop off our september series with a one note complete walkthrough on september 30th okay so teachers will see you on those dates okay again okay congratulations to my teachers for the first week of pandemic school year second pandemic school thanks a lot [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 1,483
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: passion in teaching, motivation, driven, self appreciation, practical tips
Id: vInM4EiG1cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 27sec (9147 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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