Tammy's Making Fried Apple Pies! Best Old Fashioned Southern Cooks

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oh it's timmy with collard valley cooks and we are back in the kitchen i am doing well and i am not coughing um so i am making delicious fried pies today with some fresh apples i didn't want to take the time to go to the store and buy dried apples when i've got fresh apples here and we're going to make some fried pies in a skillet in an iron skillet i'm going to use macintosh and i believe these are embrosion chris yep ambrosia apples and we got everything laid out the recipe is in our first cookbook and so we're just going to get started i'm going to hop over to the trash can and go ahead and peel these last two this one is macintosh mcintosh is a very soft um flesh apple and it's white it's real pretty and white um so we're going to peel these last two apples slice them up and get them started cooking and they're going to simmer and cook at a pretty high temperature while we make our dough for our apples i mean for our pies hope you are having a wonderful and blessed sunday me and chris sure are it's nice to be back in the kitchen um even if i'm in here today i'm really not cooking a meal today i'm just doing these apple pies we are also going to stay separated still for another four days just in the bedrooms and stuff just to be safe for chris um but things are looking up and looking well i hope y'all are having uh i said i've already said that having a good day um it's so good to see everybody today it's nice to be back in here i have to say i'm a little bit tired from getting dressed but not too bad so we're going to get this party started i am going to add just a little bit of butter to the skillet and it has preheated this is a half stick of butter you could stay right there baby this is a half stick of butter going in well i didn't know it was going to be that hot that's going to burn it we'll just let that sit right there while we uh slice up the rest of these apples so you can see the macintosh is really white and you want to have your pot ready for your apples so that they don't turn brown too quick okay we're going to get them over here and get them cooking really quick so real quick i'm going to slice these up now if you want your apples diced you can dice them i just slice them okay but you do what you want to do i'm making plenty of apples but it doesn't take a lot of apples to make an apple pie when you're doing a fried pie let's talk to them chris while i'm doing this honey bun you got anything you want to say has anybody got any questions while we're on here live today we're going to be using a white lily self-rising flower to do our pie should really just make a biscuit dough and i usually use a little bit of butter in my biscuit dough when i do a fried pie instead of just using shortening now you can use shortening uh it's not going to hurt anything because lord knows we're going to have plenty of butter in these things the secret to my fried pies mostly is that i i put butter in them while they're cooking the apples i put butter in the oil that i fry them in i put a good bit of oil in the skillet and then i add a half stick of butter to it and it makes the crust nice and buttery okay and uh it's one of my secrets you can have all my secrets if you get the cookbooks yeah i'm down to 30 pounds lost and now we're eating this but it don't hurt every day every other or every once in a while i mean i did burn that butter you think i should pour it out and start over i have no idea i do y'all just forgive me i'm gonna make some mistakes today we'll start over it's not real burnt but i wanted to taste good okay so i'm just gonna rinse this out and dry the paper towel or start over go ahead and turn it back on and we'll have the recipe posted uh for you guys you'll be able to go back and look at it on the some people are asking about the recipe okay i'm going to put my apples in here we need some sugar so we're going to put about a cup of sugar in it do you want me to use my mom sugar crisp uh i wouldn't try it i mean we know it's good i just want to know do you want to use it or not okay i never get it you gonna put butter in there i've got two chris i can't do freezing i'd put the butter in there before worried about the sugar all right we're going to add a cup of sugar and a half stick of butter now it's up to you whether or not you want to um it's up to you whether or not you want to add spices to your apples we don't okay mama never did i do put cinnamon sugar on the pies once i'm done and a lot of people don't do that either so i'm going to put a lid on this let me just stir those up good and then we're going to get over here and make us some biscuits so if you're just tuning in we're making fresh apple pie today except where are you making them in the skillet that's how you get them done really quick and it's delicious fast right chris yep and there's nothing like to me it's better i love biscuit dough more than i like kaido myself personally and so um i would rather have a fried pie than an apple pie myself and the biscuit dough just tastes delicious to me so i'm watching this a little closer because this is that monk fruit sugar and i wanted to make sure it was going to melt and not stick to the bottom we're going to put a lid on that now i haven't been in the kitchen in a week so hopefully chris has got things mostly where it goes and i'll be able to find stuff that looks good already okay that's doing good y'all it's doing really good we're gonna put a lid on it so that all that melts down in there and that's gonna cook while we're mixing up our pie dough now for the pie dough we're gonna use a cup and a half self-rising flour and this is a cup i could get by with just one but i guess i'll do the full recipe we can do something else with what's left all right you're going to use about four tablespoons of butter now this is soft butter and i stuck it in the microwave because we didn't have any at room temperature because we haven't really been eating butter so we're going to cut this into our pie crust what i do have that's soft enough this is um biscuit dough it's really what you fry fried pies in you don't really make pie crust you make biscuit dough or that's the way we grew up eating a fried pie most people make them with a biscuit dough now i use sweet milk when i do fried pies i'm going to add the rest of that in there too i use sweet milk and not buttermilk when i make fried pies but now you can use buttermilk if you want to okay now we're going to add our milk because it's sweet milk it's thinner and when i say sweet milk i just mean regular milk so you really you should never really go by the liquid in a in a biscuit recipe you should add it a little bit at a time no matter whose recipe it is even if it's mine because it scored what kind of milk you got you could have whole milk which is a little thicker you could have skim milk you could have buttermilk you could have whole buttermilk and they're all a little bit different in their thickness which does make a difference in how much it's going to take to bind the flour together okay i'm going to reach behind me and stir this over here here's our apples we're going to add a dash of salt to these apples right quick and i'm going to turn them up on high we want them to get done add a dash of salt to them where are you going that's the sugar that we're using it is zero calorie sweetener zero calorie it's sugar-free vegan zero net carbs non-gmo gluten-free tastes like sugar now as far as the only thing we care about is it's euro calories um i see yeah i mean yeah it says it's tooth friendly it's good for your teeth i added a dash of salt to these apples while y'all were stepped away over there and we're just cooking them and some people are asking about the pastry fork and stuff like that anything that we have that we use is on www.collardvalleycooks.com www.colorvalleycooks.com anything that we are using you can find there and guess what i added to the list of shop now today what i did this morning aprons and table linens and i've got some christmas and some thanksgiving there's some really pretty stuff in there y'all um so y'all should go check it out if you um if you can just go to the website and click on shop now and then click on um aprons and linens and you will see some beautiful aprons it's my favorite um apron company and they have really good quality stuff so you'll see about how you mix up pie crust it's a little for fried pies and dumplings are the same way so you could use the same you use the same method for a dumpling as you do for a fried pie so you want it a little bit drier than you would a regular biscuit okay now that's an apple top i guess i should have cooked my apples before y'all came on here i thought that it wouldn't take them that long to cook okay so when you do a fried pie you do have to roll your dough out pretty thin just like you would a dumpling if you don't then it's going to be too thick and you're going gonna have a huge bite of dough with just a tiny little bit of apple okay so you want it to be pretty uniform uh with apple and dough so try not to make a pie dough for your fried apple pies that's really thick okay it also needs to be stiff enough that the pie that the apples do not make it tear apart that is a little bit soft do you see how that fell you do it just like you do dumplings okay so we're gonna put just a little bit of flour in here and that way when you pick it up as a sheet it shouldn't fall apart like that okay because if it does that means that when you add your apples to it and you crimp the edges they're just going to get soggy and cause a hole in your pie and usually i don't have that much time to show you how to do a really good progress but today i do since we're cooking these apples okay today i'm having to go at a slower pace because i am recovering i'm doing really good the biggest thing that that kova did for me um as far as now i didn't even have a fever y'all with it which is amazing but the biggest thing it affected with me is my heart rate it made my heart rate really high so when i get up even now my heart rate goes to about 120 i mean it used to didn't do that and i read about that online and it said that can last up to 70 something days and sometimes even longer so that's just part of it and i've never had any kind of heart issues i don't even have a high blood pressure but apparently the virus does go into the heart muscle with a lot of people and it splays the muscles you can read about that if you want to but you can look it up all right i know i've got enough flour in there i just want to roll it out pretty thin okay okay i'm gonna reach back here and turn these all gone it's gonna take these a little while to cook apparently i'm gonna have to do something else i could use some filling and make them so i use the bottom of my sifter a lot of people look around the house trying to find something real to cut their circles with you can just use the bottom of your sifter um it works perfect if you've got a regular size sifter it does a really good job actually and i don't know how i discovered that one day i was just in here cooking and i thought you know timmy it was time to cut the circles and i was looking all over the place for something to cut them out of and and i just it just dawned on me teeny use the bottom of the center that's round it's round and it's open with holes so it breathes it's perfect it makes the perfect circle for your fried pies 360 degrees 300 and see i was thinking why is he saying that it's a circle it's a circle correct all right we're gonna cut out two more and i like to cook my apples y'all until they're good and done and soft mama always cooked them until they were almost dark looking and sticky you really should i probably should have used regular sugar but because i really don't know how that sugar's gonna react to make a feeling i'm just going to cut out one more now i'm going to go ahead and open i am i'm going to go ahead and open some filling i'm going to turn this on and start preheating this oil okay and before i open the filling i am going to roll these out a little bit more once i cut them i also take the um rolling pin and i roll them again so i get them as flat as i can okay and if you if you make your dough right it should be like that it shouldn't just tear all the pieces if it's tearing just throw it all back in a circle and put some more flour in it okay just start over it ain't no big deal you can just keep going lord everybody loves fried pies don't they chris oh yeah i loved peach the best when i was growing up but now dried peaches have a very distinct flavor one time i made them for chris and he wasn't crazy about them because dried peaches taste a lot different than fresh peaches don't they cris but because i grew up eating them i love them like that so take the time out to roll it out one more time just to get it good and thin and that way you can get more apples or filling in there all right go ahead and preheat your oil what kind of body you want chris if i open some filling y'all i know y'all probably think i'm cheating but i don't have time to wait on these apples to get done i thought it wouldn't take that long and you know i'm recovering so i'm not going to stand up in here for a really long time today and mama can do that okay by the time i fry the first batch i might can get some of these apples and use them yeah they're starting to cook down now but i want to go ahead and make a few okay so that we're not bored all right if you come over here to my pantry you will see that i have let me move this pie crust plenty of them um filling and i've got peach i've got apple i've got i thought i had some lumen but i don't i got strawberry i've got apple let's do the peach um well i guess i don't have lemon i thought i did you want to do peach yeah let's do that all right so we're going to just use some dunkin heinz peach pie feeling so that we can start a um batch now let them see me for a minute if you're new and you haven't seen me cook on the cooking show with collard belly cooks i do cook like mama did but i am recovering from coved this is my first day back in the kitchen and i'm already getting a little short-winded and tired so instead of standing here forever and waiting on these apples to cook we're going to open some pie filling and we're going to go ahead and fry about three pies while these apples finish cooking and that way you guys can see my method of what i do okay without me wearing myself out too much okay all right you can come back over here baby all right we're going to make three peach three fits in the skillet good i use a ten and a quarter inch iron skillet when i fry pies um let me get me a spoon now lots of times this filling don't have enough peaches in it it's mostly gel so i am going to personally pick out the peaches since we're just gonna make three of these and not just let it be a bunch of goop but more peaches if that makes sense we'll put a little goop in there to make it delicious okay yeah but you got to be careful if you put too much of that stuff in there y'all know it'll turn to liquid i'm going to make sure your pies still good and all that well if they if they roll out their pies like i did today they're going to be nice and nice and tough and they shouldn't tear y'all i'm being picky because i don't want just a bunch of gel isn't it crazy how they fill up this can full of instead of peaches it's full of the other stuff so if you make some and you're using a filling whether it's cherry or peach or whatever it is if you use it out of a can like that try not to just feel it full of the uh gel part like you that's the way you get them if you if you get them from the store you know they're just full of hardly any real fruit now we're going to take a because you're starting to cook now all right you want to start kind of getting a little bit brown like that now we're going to take a fork and we're going to go around the edges of our pies with a fork and then we're going to drop them it only takes a minute to cook them but please take the time out to really roll them thin like i did because if you don't you're going to have a lot of dough real fat dough and hardly any feeling and it's harder to get all the dough done and you don't want it to be raw okay when you take it out it's really easy to do this y'all it's a lot harder when you're talking and showing somebody what to do i could have had these done a while ago if i were just if i already had my feeling made because i can mix that biscuit dough in probably about three minutes typically that's about all it would take me all right i want real butter in here not margarine i'll get you something there's something right here okay when i fry my pies i heat up the oil and then i add some real butter about a half a stick okay it makes all the difference in the world and it makes the crust nice and buttery mama didn't do this but i do sometimes i do things that mama didn't quite do this is uh guerra i think it's the name of its butter it's some good stuff it's french butter you can show it to them chris clover however you say it all right here we go y'all ready we're gonna add these to that skillet i usually cook three at a time and i put the round part of the pie along the rim part of the skillet i'm gonna turn it down just a hair [Applause] all right now you can tell that these apples over here are getting brown and that's how you want them to be when you make a pile of them you want them to start glazing over like that um they're going to make a really good pie so we're going to bring these over here they're ready they're getting sticky that's how you know they're getting sticky i'm just going to set them right here and we'll make about three like that but i've got to watch these you can't leave these in there forever but we need to hurry let me see chris you just watch those while i throw some feeling in here i'm watching she usually cooks these maybe what about three minutes per side something like that i don't know i just cook until they're brown sometimes it don't take that long come here show them these real real quick y'all see the apples and then we're going to see how they're nice and brown that's how i like them now i'm going to fold them over and get them ready so but i'm going to flip these right quick um there it is it's golden brown see it only takes them a couple of minutes and really you need to have the other ones ready when those come out because you don't want your grease to get too hot if you do it's not going to taste good and the flour that's left out in the bottom of the skillet is going to burn and then your pies aren't going to taste as good and they'll also not be quite as pretty now these pies because this filling was wet are going to want to tear apart easier so i'm gonna have to be really careful when i put them in there this is more like granny ones well yeah sometimes i will actually i'm gonna grab this over here honey okay we're gonna get these up perfect all right we're going to throw the other ones in there real quick and while those are hot it's good too this one's torn a little bit that looks more like granny's you got to be careful dropping them in there don't get grease on me [Applause] you can freeze these two y'all you can freeze them so like today um if i keep making them i can um i've got three left i can freeze them when i'm done and then me and chris could take them out of the freezer and warm them up at our air fryer and have them with ice cream on the night then i don't want to cook a dessert okay oh cinnamon sugar sugar now you don't have to do this a lot of people don't like that but if you like cinnamon sugar i like to put the cinnamon sugar on them while they're still hot me and chris really like it now some people don't so i'll put this on too so that we'll have some with and without okay this is one of our favorite things in the world this time of year especially using fresh apples and now we always had dried apples most of the time mama made these with dried apples because grainy had an apple tree but now you don't have to use dried apples that's a pretty good temp because they're getting nice and golden without getting too brown that one was busted open so you can tell um where it was busted this one was too that don't hurt the taste of it though they're so good y'all i'm telling you you can't get a better dessert than this and we like them just like they are we don't need them with ice cream do we chris no we just eat them they're too good too good on this one's busted too that's what happens when you're using fresh apples lots of times they bust not all of them will bust so if you're to freeze some eat the busted ones first and save the ones that are sealed good for the freezer yeah you have to eat those damaged ones yeah that's the fun part i remember when i worked at kroger when i was in college i worked at kroger and back then we would get the pound cake in and we would mix it up and put it in the oven and take it out and we'd have to flip them out back in the day now everything comes in frozen but um we loved for a pound cake to break and sometimes uh people would accidentally break them oops just so that we could put them out as a sample i broke the pound cake yeah and then we would all get a bite my grease is getting pretty doggone hot can you turn that down a little bit chris it's too hot it really is smoking hard ain't it the more you make the uglier they get because the grease gets dirty and you can add a little extra to it if you want to but i'm not all right i'm going to put some cinnamon sugar on these a couple of these and then we're gonna open one up and give it a try but let's finish this up real quick so that um i can get these out i know it's been a long video but it's been fun to be back in the kitchen and i thought today you know what if i'm gonna get back in the kitchen and get tired i'm gonna make something that's worth it so [Music] if you've never had a scraper in your kitchen and you do my and stuff like that and double them mother never had one when i was growing up i'm gonna tell you they're wonderful they sure do make cleaning up easy baby now watch how easy that is to clean up so it's really not that hard to get in the kitchen and mix up something homemade and i'm gonna tell you if you use white lily flour it's gonna taste even better won't it chris oh yeah and always use self rising i use self-rising for everything i batter i use self-rising for everything except cookies and pies cookies you want to be chewy and flat so you don't want to use it for that pie crust of course you don't want to be fluffy unless you're making a biscuit one like we're doing um but the rest of the time even in cakes white lily flour is wonderful even in the cake it's a very light flower and it makes a delicious cake [Applause] back there buddy oh we're almost almost in almost there y'all almost there whoa i'm hot i'm doing good i haven't even called god is good amy me and chris are still kind of staying away from each other we're still in our separate rooms um i'll be so glad to get back to the bed with my husband i'm not gonna lie i told the doctor when i seen the doctor yesterday i said do i still have to separate from my husband because it's been 10 days and he said well as long as you're coughing you really need to stay away from him and i said well don't go on i've been away from him for so long he said he said i have to stay away from my health and my wife because i'm around people in this in this uh office and i said well yeah i guess so you know you don't think about the poor doctors and health workers and how they have to guard their families too i'm gonna take that off that eye aren't those pretty you know what those last ones coming out are not dark they're pretty where you turned it down this is the last three oh yeah aren't they pretty whoa let's eat one y'all y'all ready it's time for the reward i'm gonna try one of these well really truly the peach pie filling is nothing more than canned peaches with just a little bit of glaze so we're going to have two of them we'll have a apple one and we'll have a peach one okay we may be over there okay so here's one isn't that pretty can they say it good a little dark it's because of the angle you're at probably see that that's the peach let's get an apple anymore i don't want to get burnt we got to get one that's not just come out when i taste it and there's the apple that's good i'm sure the apple's going to be better because i made it from fresh apples my peach is good too though it's like having a peach cobbler and a buttery crust you can't mess it up and an apple cobbler and a buttery crust to me these are better than apple the regular pie crust they're just so good it's like a buttery biscuit with some delicious feeling thanks so much for watching collard valley cooks where we cook like mama did
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 160,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried apple pies, fried apple pies recipes, fried apple pies with biscuits, fried apple pies with dried apples, fried apple pies with canned apple pie filling, deep fried pies, deep fried pies recipe, deep fried peach pies, deep fried apple pies, homemade biscuit fried, homemade fried pies, homemade fried pies recipe, homemade fried apple pies recipe, homemade fried apple pies from scratch, how to make homemade fried pies, cvc fried pies, apple fritters, cvc fried apple pies
Id: taWGw8qVOTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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