Fried Apple Pies

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hey guys and welcome to the farm and pastures life one day next week I'm planning on having fried apple pies and so I'm gonna save this video until I make my fried apple pies but first I got to cook my apples and I'm wanting to do that ahead of time so let's get started [Music] okay so let me explain why I'm starting ahead of time I made the mistake one time I've cooking my apples the day I was making my or not really it's okay to do him the day of but I did it like like right before I did my fried apple pies and so it was still hot and yeah when you put it in the pastry or your your dough it's not a good thing does not make for a happy day so you want to be used cold filling to go or room-temperature feel it not hot you don't want anything warm going in your dough so I just don't my life is so crazy I don't get a lot of times to do things to think ahead and do things I have so I'm just doing it today and I'm sticking the frigerator and then whenever I get the chance to make fried apple pies that's when we'll do it and we'll finish this me this video so I'll probably have on different clothes when I finish this video so let me walk around let's get started okay so in my pot here I'm going to put probably a half stick of butter and I'm going to go ahead and put in I got a cup of water here but I'm not going to put it all okay no so this kept water and I'm just going to go ahead and put that on low I'm just gonna get that starting getting warm name when you see how am i doing my apples are gonna think why in the world do you do your apples that way and I know and somebody asked me why do you peel your apples that way and I said well I don't know they said why don't you peel the whole Apple and then I need that bowl of my cores in and then um slice it up and I said why I don't know but this is just the way I like to do it but there is a reason there is a reason my hands cramp up really bad and by doing it this way it gives my hands a little bit of a break and they'll still crap up it'll still happen but oh look at me core but said my hands will still cramp but it's not quite as bad as pilling the whole Apple at a time I mean I can try it Jen I was going and we're keep trying to put the wrong thing in the wrong place I'll try it on the next one I mean of course it won't cramp on the first two or three apples and yeah I probably take off too much Apple with my peel let's gonna track this way see it just doesn't give them a hand there break Kyle I wouldn't I do it the other way it gives my hand up just even if it's just long enough to pick up the next Apple fees it's a little bit of a break you know what you just do what works for you you just do what works for you I mean this works all right guys I'm gonna come over there and cut the camera off and I'm gonna finish peeling and slice them these apples and when I get them all filled and sliced up I'll bring you back as they get one or two done I'm gonna kind of put them over here in my pot all right we'll come turn you guys off for a second and I'll be back okay guys I got my apples in the pot and my butter and a little bit of water and now I'm gonna put in a cup of sugar got some gonna put some cinnamon in here a little sprinkle all right put the lid on and just let them cook down we'll come back and check them out in just a minute I'm going up to a medium high now okay guys let's take a look at the apples we see that the liquid is slowly cooking down and you can see that the apples let me see if I can find a good example the apples are kind of getting this translucent you look that's what you wanted I want to keep cooking it down till the liquid is pretty much almost gone not completely but almost so we're gonna let it cook on for just a little while longer okay guys I believe that apples are it still has a little every little bit of juice but it's kind of soaked right up into those apples they're gonna kind of become almost candy light but so we're gonna take this off the heat I'm gonna let it cool and then I'm gonna put the frigerator and store till I'm ready to make fried apple pies okay guys let's make these fried apple pies I made my apples a couple of days ago and I'm ready to make my pies today now let me explain the craziness of my appearance I don't know why I always feel I need to explain when I'm looking really rough but I did and yesterday was Sunday and bright every now and likes me to flip my hair outward instead of under and so I did and so it was all pretty yesterday and he he refers to it as sect he says Liz I like it when you look sexy and so I was looking sassy yesterday but today's Monday I'm always exhausted on Mondays we go to the chicken house we up and I can't wash my hair every single day because my hair is so dry so what I do at the chicken house is I wear a shower cap because I don't want the smell getting on my hair and so not only do I wear a shower cap but I wear a bandana and then a shower cap and so that kind of flattened out my sassiness I'm not quite as sassy today and but I came home showered just really been in God's Word this morning and I am ready to make some fried apple pies now for my pastry I like to use formulae I've also used just plain self-rising flour not plain flour but self-rising flour with Crisco in it but the easy shortcut way that a lot of people use and that you see and hear a lot about is people just opening canned biscuits flour and then thing a rolling them out okay well that's the biscuit dough so you're gonna use your biscuit mix so I'm not really well let me measure just for you guys okay and I may have to add to it because I'm not sure how hard will go I'll be right back okay guys I'm gonna start with 3 cups of biscuit dough and if we have to make more we can 1/2 just a little more cuz some of those cups were just shy all right now let me get my better milk out we're gonna use buttermilk you can use sweet milk whatever you have alright now I usually like my biscuit dough pretty moist and I like my dumplings pretty dry so my fried apple pie dough I like somewhere in the middle and I went over there and laid my butter melt down and just lift it I'm not to go over there and get my buttermilk so like it's somewhere not quite as dry as dumplings and not quite as wet as I like my biscuits so it's better to pour it in a little at a time and I am NOT measuring my buttermilk I'm sorry but I will show you the consistency that I like it and I'm in just a minute I want to have to put my hands in there to put just a little bit more just to get up these little crumbly pieces this is my any kind of bread I make I usually make it in this pan although I'm gonna have to go to a bigger pan when I start making loaf bread but this is kind of my go-to bread pans all right there are still just a few you see these dry crumbs over here I want to get those incorporated in so I'm just gonna put just a little bit more over here on the edge alright that looks pretty good it and if it's too moist once I get it I'm going to incorporate some flour when I roll it out it may be a little too moist so we're gonna add in some flour when we mix it out so let me get my self rising flour let me put everything my buttermilk up and I'll bring you right back okay I've got my self rising flour I don't have I haven't put it in my my flour container yet because I kept I'm wanting a new flour container there's a kitchen person always want new kitchen gadgets I know I do and I started using a dough scraper and paint cleaning is any kind of utensil that's got bread dough on it in the sink because then you just get these sticky pieces they end up sticking in your rag and it's just loose so as much as I can get out that's always helpful all right here [Music] I'm gonna hang on to my dough scraper I've got to make crusty bread tonight we're having spaghetti and meatballs and I want my crusty bread when I have spaghetti and meatballs all right see we've incorporated most of that flour I put on the board here we're just going to keep kneading it around you want it to be the consistency of a good pie dough and you don't want it to fall apart when you stick it in the bowl to fry so I always get my dough a little too wet and I but I don't fret about it because because you just you can just add flour to it add self resin flour to it to build your consistency yep now had I'm not I was a little panicky that I didn't have self rising flour and that's okay you could have used our purpose to to dust your board with but oh wait the self-rising cuz i just think it gives it a little more poof up a little more lift to the dough alright that's good right there let me tear it apart and I'll show you the consistent it's like a good biscuit like you would get out of a can I mean that's the consistency it's better than I can this get let me tell ya we call canned biscuits hypocrite biscuits they're biscuit wannabes alright we're gonna give it one we're gonna sprinkle a little bit on top give it when we're going hey guys I'm sorry to interrupt this long video I don't mean to but let me I wanted to explain I'm jumping in really quick because when I on this video when I made my pies when I cut out my pastry or my dough and when I made my pies I used this little nifty gadget which is great but I realized now that I've completed the videos that not everybody has that so real quick before I finish the video let me I've actually already done the video I'm jumping in and coming in and editing this so I'm gonna show you out of a makeshift dough a piece of parchment I cut out a dough look through a piece of parchment I'm gonna show you what you can do without having this little nifty thing that I cut out and made my paws with alright so let's get started okay guys so we're gonna pretend this paper towel is my dough and let's say you don't in the video you'll see me come around and and cut out my dough using this now you can use anything if you want to leave your dough a little bit thick and use the top of a glass to cut it out and then roll it out thinner you can do that but look here the top of a coffee can perfect or a dough for fried apple pies and you just push it down and what law we have a pastry okay so what you do is you're going to put your pastry here I don't have any pretend filling so you're just gonna take a spoonful of your filling put it right here here's your center line of your pastry and you're gonna put it right here leaving an edge okay and then you're gonna fold it well first before you fold it over you're going to take some water or something and just dip around the edge of half of it you don't have to do both half fold it over and take a fork you can dip it in flour if you need to and just go around the edge and crimp the edge just like you would a pie or you can come in and crease the edges just like you would a pie dough I'm sorry I did not demonstrate in the video this way I just got carried away using my little thing you'll see I've made a mistake and so I got carried away with my mistake and so I'm just wanting to show you that that you don't have to have one of those things but I think I'm not sure what you can Google I mean a check up on Amazon I think it's just a I don't know I don't know what it's called but it's a nifty thing it's okay so I don't know where we were before I got interrupted by phone calls but anyway that's how you can do it if you you don't have to have one but they're pretty inexpensive I just don't know what to tell you the search maybe just fried pop folder I don't know anyway y'all enjoy the rest of the video I'm sorry this is a long one I'm sorry okay guys I have rolled it out a little bit thicker than a Pato this is my crimpy cramp that I closed my power with so I used the bottom to cut out my my circles with I thought I was recorded and guess what I wasn't so each spring woman may need a little bit more [Music] finagling because these rounds tend to draw up just a little bit so I'm just gonna give it just a little bit extra rolling now let me tell you why you want to make your day ahead of time and I don't mean you have to make it you don't have to make it days ahead of time but you want to make it earlier in the day or at least to let it cool I made it one time and I forgot to let it cool and I put my feeling in there hot and the biscuit dough just kind of went I mean just broke apart it just disintegrated because of the heat so always remember to let your your filling and I'm just going to put the filling on one side oh I need a little bit of water and I'm just gonna take my hands a little bit of water around the sides I'm gonna bring this over this little contraption is so cool and I squeeze and I want to just rip off this extra dough lay it every year with my extra and I got a little salt there in the back we can fix that there's nothing you can't fix guys you can usually fix anything I'm just gonna add a little bit of dough and we'll get a plate all right and y'all behind me is behind me I've got all and that's some butter I'm not gonna roll it out this time I'm just gonna kind of Pat it with my hands and get it a little bigger you know I've got oil and some butter in a frying pan once I get a few of these made I will turn it on but I want to get I want to get a good amount going first all right I'm not gonna feel this one quite as full as I did the other one all right we're gonna flip it over squeeze you don't wanna squeeze too tight cuz it comes out the back let's squeeze around the front and I just clean off I forgot to wet my edges but that's okay it probably crimped anyways because like I said mine's pretty moist anyway so there you go a beautiful pie and I'm just creating a pile for extra dough - and I'm gonna that one that one was a little bit sticky see I'm terrible about making my um dough but I just ripped that one good gracious let's get some more flour out here let's get you over here in the flour you know I like to make fried apple pies when I'm at home by myself because I it is I make such a mess with it oh this one's gonna be perfect this one's gonna be absolutely perfect I can already tell I'm just gonna dampen one side not worried about both get in there alright I'm gonna flip it over crimp down really not many sides to pull off not much dough to pull off there you go all right I'll bring you back when I get enough made to get going in the OL okay guys so I was gonna edit my mistake out but I have actually chose not to because you guys need to see that you can fix a mistake my dough was just too loose but it was just it was just too tender and too fragile so I just added more self-rising and I needed and needed and knead it away and so now I actually just have a perfect dough let me show you some of the scrap you can just see like before it just fell apart soon as I pulled it now you have its there's some get I mean it still comes apart but it's it's stronger than it was so all I did was just add more flour and I needed it and needed it needed it till it felt firmer I mean you can actually feel it get firmer so um that's what I did I was gonna just edit it all out and just act like I had started from scratch but then I thought you know they need to see how to fix the mistake if they make one and and it will happen I mean I've been making fried pies forever and I make good fried pies and so mistakes happen they just happened and but there's not many mistakes that you can make that you can't fix and it's not a good thing so my first few pies I made may fall apart when they fry and that's okay it's okay we'll just throw it away I'll just do them last I'll just fry them last and so if they fall apart they don't miss my great step so all right I'm gonna keep fixing my good pies now and we'll be back okay guys I've got a good amount of all about almost an inch and I stuck some butter in there and we're just gonna place our fried pies well they're not fried yet but our pies and I'm going to get some napkins on a plate now we're gonna let them fry I turned it down to low oops all right well they're continuing to fry what I've done here is I've put some sugar in a pie plate and I'm gonna put a few sprinkles of cinnamon in there and then mix it up now I make something and some with cinnamon and sugar I had never had to spend a minute sugar until I saw Tammy on colored belly cooks and I thought oh that looks so good now it is so weird in my household that all the females like the cinnamon and sugar on the outside and all the males like it plain my brother my husband my son all of those like it plain let me get something else to help me turn it honey too and I probably subscribe these I don't want to tear my biscuit dough aren't they beautiful they're not hurt I mean they're just beautiful so hopefully my other ones the dough won't be too wet fry them but we shall see I'm gonna sit this down right here I'm gonna set you guys over here lift you up a little bit so you can continue to see and watch I just need a place to lay my napkin there puffing up alright guys I'm gonna get this out of here alright let's put our next view in these are some of my wetter ones and that that sounds kind of gross on it but these are my mistake ones but I have a feeling they're gonna be just it's pretty I'm saving my worst one mercy look at all that flower good rice and you just really want to cook them till they're golden brown let me get this flower up my alright I'll just rinse my hands I didn't wash them real good but I just wanted you to see how beautiful that is right there it's really hot look how beautiful they turn it out so gorgeous you know y'all can put chocolate like a chocolate ganache and have chocolate ones you could do a cherry filling a blackberry a blueberry filling fried pies are amazing and they're wonderful okay I'm gonna try to keep men's and women's separate I haven't fixed the women yet but I'm trying to make a spot I gotta get my my spaghetti sauce my tomato sauce back over here on the stove and make my meatballs and I gotta make my crusty bread I got a lot to do before suppertime I cook supper about two to three nights a week for my family how often do you guys cook supper now what doesn't mean we eat out the rest of the night like sometimes we eat leftovers and so forth all right let me get this other one in there my last one this is the one that's probably gonna fall apart that's the one that's probably gonna fall apart out even with my mistake I'm not good to know that you can make a mistake and it's okay can be fixed all right I need to clean up but first let me wipe off the counter a little bit I'll bring you guys right back in just a second okay guys so other than getting it a little bit more done because I was busy cleaning up even that one turned out so I'm actually glad I left my mistake so you could see how to fix it I mean I didn't actually show you but I told you how to fix it but even the one that was a great mistake turned out wonderful all right so let me show you what I'm gonna do with that girls and we'll even but we're we don't have an even amount Bronx watching this sugar so we'll give them this short amount and they can eat it with cinnamon sugar they just would prefer it plain so I'll give them four in fact I think just him and my son and all and Judah and Judah probably likes either one so we'll keep that alright so I have a total of nine guys and I probably could have made it 10 hit by the put enough flour in my braiding so this four right here I mean these five I'm gonna make this for the girls and it just means I'm gonna while they're good and warm I'm gonna put them in our cinnamon sugar or mixture we're gonna put him over here Isaac's girlfriend Jessica's coming over and she loves fried pies loves them see this is the one I thought would fall apart I got it a little too done but it's still beautiful see that's all there is to it I'm not just cover it pretty good with this cinnamon and sugar that's it guys I'll bring you back just a minute for the taste test okay guys I'm ready to get into one though I've got me one down here and we get you guys turned down and yes I could just hold it and bite it but it's hot and I do want to pose it for a picture for the thumbnail so here we go I'm gonna just take it you know look at that YUM yeah yeah ready for me to give it a taste okay y'all ready this sassy hair girl - give it a taste [Music] [Music] that was so stinking good yeah my family my family it's going to be in heaven tonight homemade spaghetti sauce and homemade meatballs homemade crusty bread and fried hmm now would somebody not like fried apple pies that all over my mouth mm-hmm y'all they just suck in well as I got me this t-shirt damn he got me the right size but they must run really big and it's huge and what makes that funny it's what it says my daddy was a pig farmer Isaac goes to school down in Eastern North Carolina where the hog farmers down there have faced a lot of persecution unfair a persecution and don't get me started because I'll get all fired up but anyway I got my soda so I have a tender heart for pigs because my daddy was the hog farmer these hog farmers down the east I just feel bad for them I want a pig to to raise them to be able to butcher for our own meat haven't got there yet but what um we just don't have a lot of time so but anyway I want you to see this shirt is huge I mean I could sleep in it huge don't you see what the back says can you see it go big or go home I think so it's it go big or go home so anyway y'all talk about hair anyway y'all have a great day thank you for joining me for fried apple pies wish you were here we'd pull up a chair I'd make a pot of coffee and we would just sit and fellowship over fried apple pies but thank you for letting me come into your home and share this with you thank you for visiting with me down here on the farm where if the grease is hot enough you can fry anything even fried apple pies bye y'all thank you for watching oh and listen and this is a big plea to invite your friends share my videos I don't want to do that often but so over the next few videos we're gonna have a big push for new subscribers y'all helped me and yep so cuz the next giveaway is that a thousand we're almost at 750 now so y'all invite people share share share my videos give me thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed please do so love you guys have a great day bye
Channel: The Farming Pastor's Wife
Views: 162,740
Rating: 4.8093152 out of 5
Id: ZYebqwPVHzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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