In The Kitchen With Chris & Tammy - Kitchen Talk

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hey y'all it's timmy and chris with collard valley cooks and i did not make sure the savings were good so i'm gonna fix them real quick while we're on live it is good to see everybody here on collard valley cooks um i'm trying to get us some high definition real quick uh and change you may want to change the pixels on your camera but we just thought we would come on tonight it is tuesday night at here in georgia seven o'clock and we we just wanted to chat with y'all see if you got any questions um you might wonder what we've been up to and that kind of thing so um that's what we're here for today we're in the kitchen taking questions and i was gonna introduce y'all to our dogs if y'all want to see our dogs soda can you come here baby she's gonna decide to eat when we do this of course do you have your mouth full of food say yes ma'am um chris is gonna go get one of the dogs we have three dogs and one kitty cat and so we thought we would introduce the dogs to y'all because they don't always you don't always get to see them and i i actually groomed them myself believe it or not and they haven't been groomed in a while because i do it myself uh soda this is soda and she is a maltipoo and they're all half poodles so they do not shed soda was born in 2014 2014 say hello hello and she is just all dog loud breathes loud eats loud uh she's the the alpha dog for sure all right this is happy she's my firstborn happy's my firstborn can you tell i'm kind of impartial to my firstborn this is happy the year that i got cancer and was going through chemotherapy treatments chris had never let us have a dog and i begged him and you know when you're going through cancer your husband don't want to tell you no so he let me have a dog and that was in 2010 and then two years later i got a dog and two years later i got a dog she's shaking i think she knows something's going on but this is happy she was born in 2010 and she is a cocker poodle mix a cockapoo say goodbye and they all have a little something wrong with them i can tell you if you want to know now my next dog has a guzzle and i have not emptied it i know this is crazy but this is a cooking show this is marcy marcy is a peekapoo marcy was born in 2012 okay and marcy has a problem she has a saliva gland that is stopped up and we have taken her to the vet and the vet says as long as it's okay then we can just leave it alone and i actually go to tractor supply and i get a needle because they sell them and i empty it myself because you know i'm just an old farm girl and nothing bothers me so can you say hello marcy she is a lickaholic and that's why she has a saliva gland messed up you can see it underneath her chin i need to empty it i need to give her a trim i need to give him all a trim can you find the cat he'll try to look for the cat our cat's name is joanne we got her in probably 2007. she is a gray and white mixed cat she has a a nose that's the exact shape of a heart and she's beautiful she's getting really old though and um you're not talking about blands anyway um oh here she is hello joanne and this is joanne joanne was our one of our first pets we ever had she has gotten pretty old and uh she's a beautiful kitty kitty i'll let you see her up close because i love her little nose joey look up at the camera this way baby she is a cat y'all say hello hello it's the perfect little heart she sleeps with us at nine the dogs sleep and they're great so chris shares the bed with me and joe and the cat don't you and the dogs somebody asked how the dogs were named amy named marcy marcel marceline after a cartoon yeah and uh may no actually actually happy i named she was my dog okay then we got marcy and that was amy's dog no actually mae named marcy because may like that cartoon that had marcelina okay and then and then amy named soda because she watched what was the name of that movie it had soda pop soda pop was rob lowe do y'all know who i'm talking about in the outsider the outsiders so she was just in love with the boys on that show all right i'm gonna put you down and so she named soda after him soda pop and then joanne got her name from bay because may's middle name is joanna and may name the cat after herself when you're a little kid that's kind of things you do now and maybe was pretty little then yeah never look yeah i was just thinking the other day i know you probably have pets and i was just thinking the other day isn't it wild that you have your pets longer than you have your children i mean you know what i mean like your children are gone and you still have your pants in your house in your house it's really strange i was thinking that actually some people wouldn't happen to have you ever been to westfield new york absolutely not i have been upstate near ithaca new york um and it was beautiful this time of year y'all have very nice weather and beautiful uh fields of corn i was so impressed with y'all's corn fields up there um do we cook fish yes but we never get good views so we don't do it often um but we do you know we're a cooking show to you know to get views we abuse yeah and if we cook something that nobody's going to want and i don't mean nobody but we do do that sometimes like we would yes too yeah we would get like half as many views for fish as we would if we fried chicken but i will say this over the last we gotta eat it a lot weekend i i guess you noticed that we didn't come on i had a migraine and while i had this migraine i decided that i would clean up files so i cleaned a lot of files off of both platforms okay they're there but they're incognito videos videos so like if you're looking for let's say tropical cake and you can't find it you may have to shoot me an email let me give you an actual link to it because they're incognito okay because after time goes by you know it's after the years go by it's good to take those videos that didn't get a lot of views and that are just there and take them off the platform and on youtube we do that it's called unlisting them so that way if you've referenced them they'll show up uh on a on a website or something if somebody's referenced them but they don't show up in the search bar anymore and the same thing happens with facebook so um yeah when you start getting five and six hundred videos that's yeah we gotta clean it up y'all too many yeah yeah but you know some of them we got four and five of like chicken and dumplings you know and so you just pick the one that has the best views and you go with it and uh so y'all understand that i get in here and i cook and i cook the same things i'm just like your mama and grandmother was you know you go over their house and you pretty much ate the same stuff they didn't pull out some magic you know they didn't have a cooking show yeah they needed to cook different things so have i made rhubarb pie no everybody always asks me i have picked it up at the grocery store brought it home tasted of it and never made the pie we don't want a rhubarb pie chris don't want a rhubarb there are some things that people ask us to make that you know it sounds really cool and it's something they probably ate back whenever but we didn't need it growing up that don't mean we want it you know sometimes we'll make it sometimes i do make them yeah but rumored it's like celery yeah we do no it's like a sweet stick of celery now y'all might love it i don't mean to hurt your feelings because a lot of people don't like my blackberry cobbler i sure love it people don't but chris don't like it i don't like blackberries no and uh i need lots of sugar it needs lots of sugar i bet it does um can you tell that we've lost weight this is a cooking show we shouldn't talk about losing weight but we have if y'all want to know what we're doing somebody asked me the other day are you taking supplements to lose weight no as a matter of fact i take thyroid medicine i'm on a lot of different medications that help me gain weight so it's harder for me to lose weight but i'm doing it i'm doing it and this morning i weighed 207 it took me four or five days to lose one pound but i did it and so what did we do today we went out and ate fried shrimp and scallops yeah fried shrimps nothing but that's not when you don't eat french fries and all that stuff and all that stuff to go with it and we we ate a very healthy popcorn for supper i've lost i think 20 pounds yeah uh so far so i've lost 19 pounds and he's lost 20 pounds and yes we're eating and yes we're still eating a little bit of junk but just not near as much okay that's the main thing is we're just trying to cut down the number of calories we take every day we're trying to be careful and not eat stuff that you know if we can drink uh water water when we go out to eat we get water instead of a coke or sweet tea and and if we make a dessert because we have to make it like that's the thing i guess a lot of people were afraid when it's like well tammy's going to lose weight well she's going to start making celery and stuff every you know but that's not what we want to eat good stuff yeah we still we can't eat it but i can't like pig out on it or nothing um if we get a p if we make a cake we get a little bitty piece of cake and we eat a couple of pieces of cake out of it and then we get rid of it yeah or freeze it or something i froze the peanut butter and jelly cake y'all that cake i'm not kidding but y'all know i have a weakness for peanut butter desserts my peanut butter bars my peanut butter cookies my peanut butter pie and that peanut butter cake chris loves the cake and the icing i like the jelly but you know you could just make the peanut butter cake with the ice and y'all that cake is so moist and so delicious and i've had so many people say can i make a cake mix and add the peanut butter and i say no because that cake is so moist and so good and it's not hard it's got self-rising flour you already got to put eggs and oil in a cake mix so why not just make the cake it is so good y'all um and you're better off eating stuff eating a little bit you know instead of like not eating any you know i'm not gonna eat any sweets for a month you know and then at the end of the month i'm you know ready to eat a whole cake no i'll tell you how i've lost weight because y'all y'all are probably thinking how do you do that okay used to and i'm not kidding i'm gonna be real i would get up in the morning and i would drink my coffee and i drink a lot of the creamer in the coffee and i didn't use any powder creamer or any regular sugar i used all international delight creamer sometimes y'all just go ahead and get on to me sometimes i would drink four cups in the morning do you know how many calories that is probably that's all your daily calories probably i would have 500 calories just in my coffee in the mornings who's gonna give me a high five on that one you know that you're one of them you're probably doing it and you're thinking i don't hardly eat nothing and that's what i was thinking because i didn't but when you're drinking coffee all day long and it's full of sugar and then what else have i done um i started eating breakfast more um instead of just having my coffee which gets your metabolism going so i have an oatmeal yeah it's better to eat four or five times a day really if you couldn't do that instead of snacking on nuts which i used to snack on all day long i'm not kidding i would eat hazelnuts all day long or uh my mix nuts all day long instead of eating nuts i'm eating watermelon yeah we're eating a lot of water i eat watermelon we're going through the watermelon yeah i eat blueberries but it's sweet strawberries blackberries cottage cheese um we go light for our meals we'll split it like what we used to get and eat individually we'll split it yeah we'll go into the restaurant in order and we order the healthier food like chews instead of uh like i'll even choose a sweet potato instead of a regular potato because our sweet potatoes are so good that i don't have to have butter i don't have to have cinnamon i don't have to have sugar i don't have to have nothing on them they're good um and a lot of y'all like i just gotta have that stuff you don't have to and so like we choose just eat less choices like that you can distinguish broccoli we get broccoli out but the best places that we've found to eat that we can actually still lose weight and not gain weight or tell them chris i've been talking the whole time ruby tuesday because when they give you a choice of sides they actually have vegetables like real vegetables not macaroni and cheese but vegetables zucchini is only like 140 calories or something but you have to watch it because they'll cook it in butter you have to tell them light and fit depends on who the cookie is uh longhorn has a lot of good vegetables yeah the sweet potatoes they have real vegetables they you know have a steak that's a couple of steaks that are really low calorie but again you have to kind of pick and choose what's on the menu i mean now all the restaurants tell you how many calories you're in it might be awesome you know it may not be exactly except the mexican restaurant don't oh yeah but i mean you know what you know you know what chicken and but when we go to the mexican restaurant i usually get i've got to wear instead of getting used to we would eat all the chips all the salsa and then we would get our meal and i would get something with cheese on it now i get something without cheese um i get a taco salad i tell them not to put the cheese on it or i'll get a bean burrito and tell them not to put the cheese on it and just use the red sauce i mean there's a lot of things you can do when you go out to to cut back still get to eat out don't think you can't do it i mean mcdonald's we go to mcdonald's mcdonald's you know the little hamburger back in the day when you used to go to mcdonald's and you got a hamburger that was the hamburger that's what everybody used to eat they'd eat a hamburger and that little bitty thing french fries and now we think we got to have a big mac and a you know right and two of those i mean and i'm the worst in the world i just progressively eat more and more and more and more and more and then i'll you know get we're away too much and i'll lose 40 pounds and all that you know so you know we know how to lose well you know we just you just have to make up your mind that you're going to do it uh but it hadn't affected i mean it has affected our show because we are doing we're trying to do meals you know that are healthier or whatever and what happens is every time and it's not so much now as it was about a month ago but every time you say the word healthy well if i say healthy to a thousand people they're going to come up with a thousand different versions of what they think healthy is yeah and so you get everybody trying to tell you well you need to do this you need to do that you need to you know well i've lost 20 pounds i'm going to keep doing what i'm doing and you know that's yeah we're not taking drugs we're not we're not doing it without we still have a coca-cola at least once or twice a week just not two or three a day you know um y'all we're doing really good and we are still eating things that we like we have not cut out carbs and we have not cut out anything from our diet we just don't eat a lot of it and i only get two cups of coffee a day instead of four and i'm using artificial sweetener for half of the sugar and then half of the sugar i use the creamer so instead of just getting rid of the creamer all together i'm using half and half not half enough creamer but half of my sweet international sweet cream is what i like and half of agave sugar which is a monk fruit type thing yeah um i have been making some healthy meals but i've also um made some regular meals amy's supposed to come up and see us tomorrow and i'm sure i'll make something good for her um but we are not you know closing down our southern cooking or nothing i'm gonna cook southern yeah we got i'm just gonna cook i'm just sometimes i'll be cooking healthier sometimes i'll be making the same thing and if there's a way to make something healthier we'll try it or we'll do you know and and by healthier again i don't mean you know biscuits and you know biscuits and carrots you know i mean biscuits and gravy if there's a way to make that lighter well biscuits is not helpful we'll try to do it i know but i'm just saying you know we'll if there's a way to cut some some calories we'll do it and that's you know that's our thing that's what we do there's a lot of good choices that you can make when you go out to eat there's still a lot of good choices even at the fast foods like we'll go to uh firehouse subs and we'll share the engineer it's actually my favorite sandwich it is also the lowest one of the lowest calorie sandwiches we share it we get a zero we've been drinking some pepsi zero pepsi we found actually we used to like coke zero we've never liked diet coke i'm sorry dot coke and but we have found ourselves really enjoying pepsi zero and pepsi zero cherry is the best it's better than the dr pepper diet to us it tastes like a regular sexy zero cherry tastes like a regular if you haven't tried it give it a try okay um avocados toast is healthy last night we had avocados for supper i made uh guacamole yeah guacamole and we had guacamole and some chips last night for supper but that's all we had but it was plenty yeah it was you could eat a whole cup of it like 300 yeah calories yeah i noticed a lot of people are talking about soups and and smoothies and stuff like that and i have to say we're not doing anything like that we're not eating soup a lot um it doesn't it was winter we yeah it's just hot and chris works outside and we're not drinking smoothies or protein shakes or anything like that we're eating food we're not supplementing our diet does it have an aftertaste the the pepsi zero cherry a tiny bit but nothing like what you normally get uh if you get it really good and cold it tastes like what comes out of those uh like you know those those uh drink fountains now where like you pick coke and it tastes like everything because they all come out of the sink right that's kind of what it tastes like yeah it does it tastes like regular pepsi with cherry what are those called free stuff free form or something it tastes more like a freestyle drink yeah that you get out of the fountain but i like it yeah so all right questions you know that's something we could talk you know people ask us they'll ask us every video how much weight of you you look like you've lost weight and all that kind of stuff we have uh i just hope i don't find him back real quick chris works out i do not work out at all i do not walk i do not work out i try not to i don't i stay at a desk most of my day and on my feet part of the day but i don't uh work out i can't yeah she can't do that physically i can't my legs are really bad in my feet so even just walking gets to gets hard for me i know that's crazy but it is the way it is um so yes you can lose weight let me go talk to her yes you can lose weight even without working out because i'm doing it thank you for saying that we just want to let y'all know tonight we were talking about this today me and chris that we do not tell you guys how much we love you and appreciate you enough and so we wanted to come on here tonight and tell you that um we have the the views have gone down a little bit lately but it's because of the time of month and the time of year it is but once school starts back up youtube will pick back up people will start watching again um but really we get our views because view youtube refers people to watch our videos and they've just not been doing that lately as much but what are we what we want to say is that i've gotten i've had several things happen over the last few weeks where i got a lot of personal messages through the mail through email through messenger and i tried my best to answer most of them but it's really getting hard for me to get everything done and personally respond to everybody's messages and it's something i've always done and it's really hard for me not to be able to do it but i really need to just start telling y'all how much you mean to me and how much i love you and let you know that i read all of them i do i read every single one of them and they mean a lot to me it's very encouraging when i get up on a monday morning and i come to my desk because y'all i'm in front of my desk working for colored valley cooks every day she stays she if i didn't say something to her she would work 12 hours a day just don't call her valley cooks that's the truth she would sit at that desk in there or with my laptop in my life and it would be all day long answering questions i don't just answer or working on videos or whatever but i mean i work on the website i do a lot of different things that y'all she likes she likes to do a lot of that i do all the editing but she works more than she did when she was an architect well don't say that you do well i probably do you do she does you know but that's her choice to do that but that's you know one of the things i told her i said you're going to have to stop and you can't answer every single question it's too much and people just have to understand when you're getting dozens you know a day you and you know it's hard i could answer them because my answer is going to be yes no he isn't really sure that's good you know we're glad you're watching those are my answers but her answers are going to be you know woman's answers and so it is hard it it's you know it's hard for her to do that and then turn around and make videos and then you know get them edited in the house today y'all i got to clean out my pantry my spice cabinet and i rearranged the kitchen a little bit and see i miss doing stuff like that because like if you're not a youtuber and you're just at home women and men enjoy their kitchens and they enjoy revamping stuff and cleaning out old spices and bringing in the new spices and putting them out where they can see them a lot of people are like why does your kitchen look so cluttered i like everything to be out because if it's out of sight it's out of mind so if i put my spices out on the counter i'm more likely to pick them up put them in a recipe than if they're in a cabinet and so i like it that way so i had so much fun today uh doing that and um that's what i mean she's gonna work i'm not saying oh yeah i'm i'm a busy boss she's going i'm sure y'all can figure that out if if there's something to come up with to do for collar valley cook she's gonna do it and let's have to see but it is hard like when you feel you want to do it you want to have a good time if you do if you're doing youtube or whatever you want to have fun doing it and you don't want to feel like it's a job or that you're obligated to have to do a video every day stuff like that yeah it's hard and it's hard not to do that yeah i mean me and chris have been doing a lot of videos over the last few years and we've got girls in college and and it financially we needed to do more but we're getting large enough now that i could slow down a little bit and enjoy chris and go out fishing with him and do a few more a few more things and be more refreshed but over the weekend i was so sick i didn't get to do anything and what another thing he's not saying is i might work like that but then i have a lot of days that i can't do anything uh because i have a migraine or because i'm having a fibromyalgia day and i wind up spending half the day in the bed or half the day on the recliner and so i can't always you know most the time i have about two really good days of the week to where i could just go all day and the rest of the time i slow down as the day progresses today these are our favorite spices i was going to show you some of them uh ranch dressing mix people like no chef would use that well ain't no shelf all right um can you skip just a tiny bit because i'm gonna put it in right in the middle all right this is chris's rib rub and you can't get no better rib rub period it's worth going buying all the stuff and mixing it up having it handy this is a greek seasoning which is good on salads and stuff that's not something i use all the time it just happens to be up here this is popular right now it's the bagel all everything bagel seasoning but it's good on breads and stuff um fried rice seasoning this is madea uh most of the grocery stores i have figured out don't have it and that's a shame because half of what i got in here is but is bidet it's affordable it's good um roasted garlic there's nothing any better than roasted garlic powder if you ever get a roasted garlic powder you'll never use regular garlic powder again poultry seasoning blend and then my steak and chop of course is on here and uh the best fajita seasoning and on the face of the planet is bidets fajita seasoning i mean you just can't beat it if you can't get this fajita seasoning and you like to eat mexican food at home go on our website and buy it i'm not kidding it's worth it it's worth it we balled when we moved when we were down in pensacola they didn't have this seasoning and so we went around trying to find fajita seasonings and everything we found we didn't like i mean we put them together and combine them and see what was in that and make it and we could we couldn't do it and y'all i just couldn't live without the stuff i just couldn't i mean i could but you know what i mean we'd have to move somewhere else i'd ordered on amazon that's exactly what i would do so um but i've really enjoyed hearing all your messages about white lily flowered how much you love it what a difference it really does make in your biscuits i've had so many women and men send me messages that are 60 and 70 years old no kidding and they're just like this stuff is great i never would have dreamed that a flower would make this much of a difference and i'm not just saying that because we're sponsored by them i promise and they're all that's all we have ever used in my family and that's all chris's family has ever used and there are other flowers that you can get that are good flowers yeah we're not going to promote them because we promote wildlife right but if you find a flower that's a white winter and there's different regional parts of the country that have different flowers that are really good um but if the flower does make a difference somebody says they like the southern biscuit mix i like i can't i'm not going to say i don't like it because i do i like it we like it yeah okay um yes and we use it yeah i'm not gonna lie we use it um but we use white lily to bake with and to cook with now uh if you are somewhere else and you absolutely can't get white lily i do have a second recommendation and that is king arthur self-rising flower and i like to believe i like bleach flower it tastes different y'all it really does and i like it bleached because that's what i was raised on and a lot of parts of the country can get that that can't get white lily you know right the white lily is doing a lot better at trying to get their product in more places so if you can't get it try the other okay they're the next one i would recommend you get because i've tasted them and done a taste test okay a blind taste test um we showed you our family dogs and we told you all about our diet and a lot of y'all use flowers i've never even heard of because we can't i know that different parts of the country y'all have different things than we do and that's understandable uh you made the hershey's cake sunday and it was a hit i bet it was i've been wanting to make that cake and chris is like timmy we're supposed to be on a dime you're gonna put a whole thing of hershey's syrup in a cake and i'm like yeah she had the video where she told everybody she was gonna go on a diet and then the very next thing she wanted to do is make it i'm like at least wait a month or two so i made that so peter paul my own cake like that could be any better yeah but it was weeks after oh my gosh she waited a while she wanted to do it like the next day and i'm like don't do it the next day they're going to jump all over you i'm telling you everything yeah eating that cake but i froze that peanut butter and jelly one because i i said i am not getting rid of all this cake we are putting it in the freezer and when we go home to cedar town i'm feeding it to my daddy and yes he's diabetic but he's gonna eat a piece a little piece a little piece he does i have a lot of people on here with fibromyalgia and can i just say praise the lord that y'all know what i really feel like it's so it's one of those things that unless you have it it's like the unknown like people are like are you just making that up does that really happen and it's what used to bother me the most i haven't had as much of it here but i have it is hot spots you feel just like you're sunburned on different parts of your body i mean it feels just like a really bad sunburned and it'll last for days and if you're a fibromyalgia person and you get a hot spot like that i know that sounds crazy because that's what animals get if you're a farmer and you know what that is but that's not the same thing but if you get one you can use that um arthritis cream that rub on stuff that rub on arthritis the new one that just came out and it's for uh author it used to be prescription and now it's over the counter i'm gonna go get it while chris talks to y'all because i can't remember the name of it but if you have fibromyalgia i'm telling you if you'll get that cream and you'll rub it on those hot spots they won't last for two or three days they'll go away okay let me go get it and some people were asking how her neck is doing uh it is doing better um the weird thing about it is is they deadened the nerves so the other parts of her neck are have been sore um and stuff like that and she's had some kind of different you know pains or whatever but as far as just the neck uh we think it is fibromyalgia my nerves are a little bit sensitive compared to some people's maybe um this is the name of that arthritis gel and most people will tell you it works really good and then i've only had a few people say that it don't work well it ain't gonna get rid of arthritis that's horrible but i'm telling you it works for different things i love this stuff i wouldn't go without it i mean if i go anywhere i take it with me but my neck is still numb dmso but it itches constantly it's itchy dmso is a miracle what is that what is that they it's for like horses and stuff like that if they injure their but it's not that kind of hot spot i've seen people use dmso like if they pulled a muscle like football players and stuff really okay i didn't he didn't do it but i've heard of that he's heard of it in places he used to work with football players you know i didn't i never did that but it makes your uh never mind let's talk about something yeah let's see uh any other questions that we have diclofenac is the generic yes ma'am and i have some of that too and i take diclofenac every morning and every night y'all will just die if y'all know how much medication i took it's ridiculous it's like i'm the pharmacy yeah right um our first is this our first live lord no no sometimes we get questions no we've done hundreds and hundreds of live videos yeah but we don't just sit down that's about the fourth one this is about the fourth one in about four years yeah we don't do them very often um any more tornado encounters no but we had some internet issues and praise the lord i had a young gentleman come and fix my internet he was such a joy to talk to i enjoyed getting to know him because he was here for a while apparently lightning had surged our equipment which has happened twice twice since it's also hit this so yeah we've had a lot of lightning issues telling you down here it's so flat the lightning just goes everywhere yeah there's no hills or or mountains to stop it what are the white jars behind chris above the stove oh you mean the those up there yeah oh that's just the seasoning they're probably yeah they're some of my favorites there's some i've some people get worried about us keeping those up there and they say they're going to get ruined or whatever but we'll use it with them too much we'll use them before they get ruined these are called the gourmet collection most of the time you get them at marshall's ross home goods bails places like that tj maxx those kind of places pizza palooza is so good when you make a pizza with those nan that nan bread spread with olive oil around the outside take the pizza palooza sprinkle it on it and if you don't have this use italian seasoning um this is chili lime holy smokes i didn't have this when i wrote my cookbook i didn't have any of these when i wrote my cookbooks uh chili lime this stuff so good in avocado guacamole so good we had this for supper last night guacamole was for supper last time garlic bread these are my favorites if you see them out get them garlic bread it's spot-on yeah great sprinkle on your bread before you eat your pizzas and stuff it's good you have to put all the garlic butter on it and all that kind of stuff right and now this one is roasted garlic and bell pepper oh i love it on everything love it love it so i mean there's a bunch of them and we like them and there's a there's an adobe adobe like a mexican blend there's a curry chicken there's different ones i've never gotten one i really the only one i'm really not crazy about is the lemon pepper one it's not very lemony at all i'm not impressed i'm not impressed with the lemon pepper we like a lot of lemon yeah but the rest of them have been really good i'm interested in your meat turner the pigtail hook thing okay this is complicated when i first one thing you're gonna figure out that believe it or not we do sell a lot of items through amazon okay that we recommend when we first started using this it was a gift i fell in love with it they had this one for sale on amazon for about thirteen dollars it has to say jackard if it doesn't say the word jackard in the title it will have a big fat hook where's those big fat hooks in the garage let me go get one yeah i'm gonna show you the difference you could you could really hurt somebody with one of these you could keep it by your bed at night all right um now they've sold out of these and they don't know when they're coming back in so i've had to recommend that you get one that's in a box it's in a box it has a 19 inch and it has a 12 or 13 inch like this if you do not get the one and i know it's expensive it's like 35 dollars if you do not get it or 30 something you'll be sorry because so many people are deciding to do something different and getting the cheap version and look how humongous these things are this one would work but they are a lot they're not as good look at the difference y'all i use easy to grill with so who's i bet a bunch of y'all ordered and you're probably even using these look at the difference in that hook you can sharpen it they're not quite as sharp and they're just not as good so do not go the cheaper route and pick the caveman hook or pay for yeah make sure you get what i tell you to get now for a few weeks i'm gonna be honest with you i had referenced something i didn't know it was going to be that big and i'm sorry but right now i've got the right thing on there hope that explains it they're wonderful is the wood container you have you're cooking can't no it's not the thing that holds my cooking utensils it's not available i picked it up it bales um yeah if you get one of the bigger ones you can give them to your husband for the grill they're fine for the grill oh she's saying i'm her favorite to watch i can't read the they're coming in so fast i can't read them all um jacquard makes a wonderful razor blade meat tenderizer as well i bet they do yeah but they got good products what is it called again go to my website please click and then go to shop now they're under bestsellers and they're under utensils you'll find them there one shows a picture of one holding a piece of chicken and then one shows a picture of two side by side like this and i fixed the links today to make sure they were right if for some reason they go out of stock just wait on them to come in stock they're worth it it's j-a-c-c-a-r-d i believe yeah what is it used for to turn bacon to turn meat to turn you could pick up a whole roast with this thing it'll pick it right up and flip it over they're amazing they really work good can i do a video making potato wedges you know what i've been wanting to do one for a long time and i'm gonna do it i'm personally gonna put them in my air fryer but now you can put them in the oven but i'm not going to wait for them to cook in the oven when i have a wonderful air fryer um and if you see airfryer video like some people will see it's an airfryer video and they're like i'm not gonna watch it but you can do the whatever we cook an air fryer you can make it yeah especially if you got a convection oven but it may take a little longer you know it can't be it won't be as fast somebody just said that they had the hooks and they're called pigtail hooks they are called pigtail hoods all of them are yeah but if you don't get the one that like i said you're going to get the caveman looking one like chris brought in here a while ago um wants to know what i be i mean yeah separate my meat with there's two different points and i will be real with y'all i got two different ones made by two different companies i'm gonna tell you which one's best and i know they sell them down at the dollar store they do but you get what you pay for all right this one is raider which one which is the one that the knives that sells our knives this one is pampered chef i like the right one better and i'll tell you why my pampered chef the ground beef and y'all know what i'm talking about the ones that use one the ground beef gets stuck right there in that crack and it don't want to come out with this one it's bigger the blades are further apart and they're not curved like that so your ground beef don't or whatever you're browning it doesn't get stuck all in there and not not want to i've even had this one not even want to come clean in the dishwasher this one don't do that so bad okay any more questions all this stuff is on our site yeah a lot of it you can just go look you'll find it somebody said yes it does it gunks up it does it guts up somebody asked if we would if we wanted a bigger air fryer um if you're trying to feed a family of four or a family of five or a family of six an air fryer you better have two yeah you need a couple or you need a big one but we like ours because the whole basket comes out you can take it apart clean it it cleans up really easy i mean we've had we've had like three or four different when we had all the girls here we had two yeah because you could put french fries in one and make wings in the other one i'm gonna be honest with you y'all it's not for cooking i wouldn't get some really big one ours is 5.8 quart and the reason why is the bigger they are then the longer it takes them to cook all right then it's just a big oven yeah then it turns into just like an oven and you don't get the quite the effects of a real air fryer air fryers i don't care what air fryers are amazing there's so many people even my brother well i bought one i didn't like it and i got rid of it i'm like well you didn't use it because me and chris use ours like when we had those nachos last night i threw those nachos in the airfryer i moved my airfryer today i threw them in there put them on two minutes they're hot and delicious they're real good for warming anything or for leftovers or like if you make chicken pot pie and you put it in a and you put it in a bowl and you stick it in the microwave it's not crunchy or you know if you got pie crust on it or anything like that if you put it in an eight inch cake pan they'll fit right into our air fryer exactly and put it down in there and warm it up it gets so toasty and crunchy around the edges i mean there's nothing like it love the airfryer it's a lot different tool yeah i mean everything's got its you know place place to use it for certain things and that's really the only thing we use the microwave for it mostly is oatmeal grits popcorn melting butter yeah stuff like that soft and stuff you know puddings yeah fillings lemon curd double set over there that's about what i use my microwave for my airfryer we make we warm everything up we do toast in it we do toast we do toast in it we do pizzas we do yep nachos we warm we don't cook uh like we don't cook pork chops and stuff like that yeah but we do other stuff with some people want it and they want to be able to fry chicken and stuff you know the chicken's good in it we made that chicken the other day and i mean i just assumed how it is the little oven i use for my cornbread is a little convection oven it is also a kasori uh quiznor makes one two that has a dial bed and it's easier to use or the same thing they do the same things they're on the website under small appliances i think is that is if you just click the tab shop now it'll pull down and you'll see the appliance section and they're on there now i love my little oven in the summertime i don't turn this one on unless i make a cake or unless i'm videoing something for y'all everything we do uh my 12 inch skillet fits in it don't it i'm pretty sure it does yeah i mean not my 12 inch my 10 inch yeah it's a it's nice and big i can make a pony corn ready and i can make my biscuits in it we can make cookies in it we can make just about anything in it muffins yeah we use it a lot we use it more than the oven probably yeah so we like using that so it doesn't heat up the house as much does it get hot yes but it doesn't heat up my kitchen like the full big oven does so um tell us our love story oh i got a good joke i was thinking about today but i'm not going to tell it you know what some people i'm not going to tell i'm going to save her from my channel why don't you tell them chris cause some people think i'm so mean to him but it's my personality i have a type a personality it just ain't me my family would be laughing at that they would they would enjoy that yeah but i'm good to my kids it's good to the dogs oh i spoiled the dog she's really nice to the baby i spoil my husband are you kidding yeah let's do whatever he does all the time they tell him tell them tell them i'm not that mean to you and that you don't take me serious no no i thought lord if i got my feelings hurt every time you know tammy said something i'd just be lenient before crying you just wouldn't make [Laughter] uh when we met i would be saying stuff like that and she would be like she just looked at me so funny and she say are you is that like a joke or are you being serious i don't have to tell her to see him or something i would have to tell her when it's a joke i'm like hey that was a joke yeah because i would hurt her feelings and you know especially when we first met she had no idea whether i was trying to be funny not being funny or what i'm not a romantic person a woman i'm not the kind of woman that likes diamonds i'm not a romance person i'm not a i love getting stuff for the house for my birthday and my christmas and i'm not the kind of woman that says she's oh i don't she's real practical and real you know very my dogs yeah i mean for heaven's sakes which is a real pain in the butt talks but nobody else does it better i'm one of those kind of people she knows i'd do everything yeah she'll go to the doctor and tell the doctor what to do you know girls look at her like i did some doctors are okay so much like well you know what yeah you know what's wrong you know with your body and you know how medica and some of them it makes them mad yeah you know it does but i mean when you've had lord put it like 17 surgeries or whatever i mean there's probably some doctors that did surgeries on us and she had more surgeries than they've done you know uh mama and my mother had crest syndrome she had all kinds of and her mother had lupus and mama had a lot of surgeries when i was growing up and um so i was always the kid for some reason that stayed in the hospital with her took care of her so i learned all the ropes and all about the different ailments and the different medications and when mama had uh was in the memory home i mean i did all that stuff and so and her doctors and all yeah and so i'm just pretty smart when it comes to um medicine medicine and medical stuff but i'm not a doctor of course no it's not dr tammy no but we met we met on a blind date uh a guy that was in my fishing club um just asked me one day he goes you want to go out with uh because you know he knew i wasn't married and he knew i probably wouldn't get married because i was fishing every week i was fish all day saturday all day sunday you know and uh and then i was coaching and teaching so i mean unless i met you at the grocery store on the way to my house which he could have he had really pretty legs and i was always you know so it was like so i guess he felt sorry for him and he was like you want to go out with my cousin and he goes she's pretty yeah okay chris is like yeah i wonder he was scared of death and so that's how we met i'm gonna go get the picture that i look like when we met just to show off okay cause it's fun yeah because i you know when you're young you just take it for granted yeah you do but uh anyway that's how we met and uh we went to like a we went to eat out you know the first time and went and uh went to a movie and then uh when we got through with the movie here's how you know she's very practical when we got through with the movie uh she wanted to watch the movie that came on like at 10 o'clock and i had a fishing tournament the next day so the movie stayed on like 11 30 you know so on the way home i said well i could get up in the morning like 4 o'clock and she's like well why didn't you tell me that i'm like well you wanted to watch that movie and she said well we could just went home and i was like oh great you know that was just my personality i didn't mean anything but i was just like well we could have went home then we you know we started going out after that we were crazy wait too long before we were ready to get married so within a couple of well within about 10 days we were pretty yeah didn't that be crazy about each other well when i went to eat at her house the first time and she made fried she showed out i made fried chicken and do you know that the day he came and asked me to marry him it was november the 22nd and he came to the door and he knocked on the door and he said tammy and i had my apron on and i had flour all over i mean i was making fried chicken and i was 29 and this is what i look like i'm gonna show you how i look now one of these pictures is kind of a sexy picture believe it or not i'm 52 now but i hung this in our bedroom when we were you know young because that's where stuff women should have a nice picture in their bedroom for of themselves for you know for their husband that's me that's what her hair don't know if y'all can tell what that looks like or not it's so it's it's glaring but anyway i was blonde blonde and um so the first thing she did was cut all of her blonde hair off why did i cut it off and she cut her and she died it back red but why i don't know are you kidding me what would i know why you cut your hair off he goes i said i've got to go have my hair fixed she wanted to say no he said with her no he said how much does it cost and i told him how much it cost because i don't know why would i have asked how much that cost we weren't even you did i guess it was within the first two weeks when we met each other chris just listen i remember it like it was yesterday and he said it cost that much money and i said yes he goes you just need to let your hair grow out now tell her you got your hair cut tell him what i told you no she got her hair cut she didn't let it grow out it was grown out and then she cut it my hair was never cut short until after i had my first baby okay it was not maybe she had it died i got my hair cut when i had my first baby y'all he was men all right tell him what i made you do quit smoking cigarettes i made him shave his goatee and mustache i was i didn't like it well no i did i would if i was if i was on fire i'd smoke what that was the only time i didn't smoke oh well he had to go tear in a mustache and i said you gotta shave that off honey she said i wouldn't have no man i said pretty men don't have to hide their face my mama loved facial hair i hate it i'm just like my granny bee she hated it too i don't like it the only pers i think really i think that good-looking men should never cover up their pretty face sorry guys because you know the fashion now is to have those big beards you're hurting that's just your heart that's your heart oh my gosh i'd love to take the scissors to your beard they're you're hurting everybody's feelings all the men i'm sorry all the manly men with these big beards you're hurting their feelings i would rather see your face any day than see that somebody and chris only had a goatee i could just imagine if he really had a beard i would have died i probably wouldn't have went out with him again i think i'm on girl [Music] i'll start today don't do it say a lot of these women like facial hair oh and i'm gonna grow back in the day tom selleck looked pretty nice with this mustache but that was a long time ago and i had a mustache before i had to go tea if i had just had the mustache you probably wouldn't said that actually i think i did try to show you off the go tin leave the mustache and you didn't like the mustache either no i didn't so i checked it off but i had a mustache forever big manly mustache like my grandma i'm looking at the ladies like your grandmother she didn't have a mustache that's not true no she didn't okay did you have a mullet yes he did i have a video about that explaining oh nicholas retirement empire i had a mullet before bibi ray cyrus came on the scene he brought the bullet in style three years before billy ray came out with his mullet i was already i'd already got past the mullet i'd already had the mullet quit wearing the mullet it's over then he came along and they're back like he made the mullet and she didn't i didn't either but but yeah i did have one if i had hair and i got another video y'all should go watch my y'all should go watch my what year did you graduate high school 1984. he graduated high school in 1984 i graduated high school in 1987. so that should tell you about yeah how we dressed and what was in style nice what is my college's degree for architectural engineering i got a four-year bachelor of science in architectural engineering it took me forever to learn how to spell it no i couldn't spell but i was pretty doggone smart when i was young i have to admit i'm not gonna lie i'm not anymore i'm pretty smart still but not like i used to be smart i did commercial work mostly churches and schools for years and years and years until i got cancer when i was 40 years old um wedding pictures we have pretty wedding pictures it's not a good place to show you our pictures that one just glared like crazy i showed them on the real southern woman a while back yeah i did if you want to go look at our wedding pictures i had them on the website for a long time i could turn it back on because our anniversary is indeed in uh lord april and so i had a whole page dedicated to me and chris and our wedding pictures y'all should check out the website more there's a lot of stuff on there but yeah if i had what age did i start cooking because my mama had a lot of surgeries and stuff for real i was cooking a full meal i would say by the time i was 13 13. me too he was playing basketball having fun i could make brownies and stuff i could i could make whatever mom made yeah you can't i mean he can now for sure um chris did you graduate with the school system after 25 years no i retired after uh in georgia you retire 30 years alabama is 25 georgia is 30. and so i had enough for i had enough sick days built up where i could retire 29 years so i retired at 29 years everybody's been wanting to know where my butcher blocks are they're in the kitchen um i burned them next to the stove i don't use them that much anymore because i like the flat surface this has got a wood top i got those before i knew i was going to have a wood top so they rattled they rattle on this because this is not level and they're heavy for me to move back and forth constantly because of the show most of the time i don't need them need them so i'm when we first started the first year i was just pushing them back and forth back and forth picking them up moving them and i just put them kind of to the side now i did move it today uh and i lowered and i put it here and i'm thinking about can they say yes nope um i'm thinking about using it the next time i'm thinking about using it some so you may get to see it i put it on the side of my sink and that's where the light switch the light shines down on it so i'm thinking about using it some i actually got it out today and put it next to the sink so that we could try to use it some on my video you miss the girls lord they never even got on here hardly they they never really were big fans of getting on our youtube channels they'll get on mine i ask them to and they'll go no mama they don't they don't really want to have much to do with it do we like wine no we don't drink it no ah we'll cook it well we don't really even cook no not i personally do not like any alcoholic beverages at all period and so i don't like to cook with them either and i much rather have chicken broth in my recipes than wine now will i eat something with wine in it if we go out fine dining absolutely most of the time it's good but sometimes sometimes it's not it's important if they cook it right and they burn it off um so you're not going to see me making a rum cake you're not going to believe it but when i first started the show that first christmas everybody was asking me to make a rum cake and they were made they were asking me to do all this stuff and i was new and i was trying to please everybody so i go in the grocery store and i asked one of the guys i said where is the rum and it goes what it's a liquor store and he said where are we i said where is the rub i can't find the rum i want to make this cake and he goes honey i don't think you bought much alcohol have you and i said no he goes you can't get that here you have to go to the liquor store and i called chris i said i would have to go in the liquor store to get that and he goes i said well wave at the preacher while you're in there i went in there and i got it y'all i still got no i got like three different kinds because i didn't know which kind was the best one to use and it's still it's it's in there in the cabinet it's still sealed yeah and that was back in 2017. it'll stay good for a long time 17 18 19 20 20. that's been four years ago it'll last now you don't have to get rid of it yeah so anyway no we don't drink alcohol now chris used to like to drink well that's right after i quit smoking well i mean he did go to university of georgia forever hey well it's true there's a lot of people that go to the university of georgia that don't drink or smoke there are i bet i'm sure maybe ten percent well at the engineering school i went to most everybody was straight because if they weren't that i never got out of school well we never got out of school in georgia for you straightened up right oh lord alcohol never goes bad i know i guess i could try to make a rum cake for y'all this year but it's just a whole cake that deliciously come to waste what if we don't like it we had a uh me and this guy at work one time had a contest uh but who could make the best i don't know why we had this contest who could make the best pecan pie so i went and made mine and he made his and he put bourbon in it and uh we had the taste off you know it at lunch one day in the in the teacher's work room and i took a bite of his pecan pie i mean i swear it was like this straight up bourbon it was i was like oh my lord i was like worried i was gonna get sent home i was gonna lose my job over one bite of this it was horrible and uh we had two or three other women coming there you know and they tasted it and uh one of them she knew i could cook because i used to make like banana pudding and i'd bring it to everybody in the bus drivers and all that stuff she knew but i told him how to make it and so she uh came in there and she took a bite of mine and she was just oh yeah that's that's good you know she took about his look on her face it's like i was just like man you lost this contest i'll tell you right now nobody that comes in here is going to like your pie you know better than i swear it tasted just like i mean it's like he just poured bourbon on top of it yeah cut it you know but it wasn't good oh so why does chris wear alabama shirts yuck by the way war eagle i like alabama he likes alabama i grew up yeah when i was a kid it was alabama all alabama that's all i you know mama my mama was from fort payne and all that so everything was alabama and i lived right on alabama tennessee georgia were all right there together and so i was always alabama and so when i got out of high school i uh applied you know to go to alabama and uh when i found out that i couldn't go without paying the out-of-state tuition i was like i when i found out how much it cost to go i was like i can't go to alabama you can forget that and so uh i went to north georgia college because it was the cheapest school in the state and then after my sophomore year i went to georgia so and when i went to georgia i became a georgia fan because you know if you're going to school there that's your school and they didn't play alabama except one time the whole time i was in college so i just i've always liked both of them so i i like both of them period tell them how much i like football she don't care anything about football she don't even like it it's not she don't care about it she don't like it so when we got of course when we got married it didn't help that first thing that happened was i got fired from football and had to go to another school and then after two years there we got fired there and then we had to move again we had a one-year-old and a two-year-old and uh i mean that was like the first thing i had when i got married was uh they fired the coaching staff so that's part of football they didn't phase me i just did i just didn't want to handle as a woman yeah i just did what i normally do for a job that i'm not sentimental and i'm not romantic and i'm not but i can't stand to see those boys get hurt it just kills me and i think it's i don't think it's worth getting hurt over no and i don't i can't get past that sorry i just it's not fun to me when i see kids getting hurt period or having to pass me you're having to pack up your house and move over high school football right for a team that never wanted to start with yeah really somebody that was part of it we knew that's what did i find my cancer or did a mammogram find it i found my cancer it was like a thick area that felt like a scar tissue spot and i ignored it for a little while and then i went in for a mammogram mammogram couldn't see nothing in december that february i could feel something a little different so i went in mammogram still couldn't see it you know i had four simple cysts in a in in cancer in the middle of four simple cysts on my right breast and i have little bitty i had little bitty boobs i was only a size egg hub i mean you'd think the mammogram could have picked it up but because i was young your scar your breast tissue is denser and those simple cysts were i guess in the way there was it was like stuff was around it or something because it didn't pick up the simple cyst either so when they did the ultrasound you could see it all just as plain as day and then i was like well i've got this top thing at the top that fail feels just like it did at the bottom and sure enough i had it in the top two and then i had it in 12 lymph nodes so thank god i found it when i did um but no a mammogram didn't find it you should always do self checks in the shower with your moisturizer on your hands and always always know and be familiar with uh if something's different right chris yep men too are supposed to do it um it's 8 20. did i go every six months for a mammogram no i had both of my breasts removed nipples and all so i never had i've never had another mammogram and um i had such a i was a 3c cancer and so i had um i had to go to the uh oncologist every three months for five years sure did sho did that's why i've got this bigger arm y'all notice it like see how it looks bigger because it's got a lot of fluid on it because that's the lymph nodes we're taken out of this arm so like when i'm cooking and stuff i notice it you know but i'm glad i'm here god god is good um is it true y'all honeymooned in virginia and is it for lovers smith mountain lake it's for fishermen it was a good time to go fishing boy we got married over spring break uh and it it was a good time to fix it that was one of the best cars catching bass i think we've ever experienced was on our honeymoon and it rained almost the whole week we fished in the rain so yes i fished that's the kind of woman i am i'm weird she fished i love it i'll be back out on the boat when i when i'm feeling better i told chris i wanted to go back on vote the end of this week i hope we can catch a fish when i go y'all will have to watch nichols retirement empire when i go fishing i always have fun she always catches all the fish when she goes her dad had cancer in his breast and also suffered from melanoma yeah see men do get it everybody should do that well i guess we need to sign off we've been on here for quite a while and i just want to let everybody know that we don't always come on i don't always you know come on and and i'm just going to be for real with y'all i need to do it more i need to tell y'all how much you mean to me more because you really do mean that much to me but if i come on every day and i tell tell y'all every you know i don't know i just want you to know that you do mean a lot to me i also want you to know that um i may not always get to answer your questions i may not always get to answer your responses your emails and your personal stories but believe me i read them and it is very encouraging for me uh to to be able to open up and open them up and hear your stories i love i love them i have been trying my best to respond even if it's you know weeks down the road but it's really getting harder and um i don't want y'all to think i don't care about you or that but or think that i don't read them because i do but um and that's pretty much it so we will see i want to make my uh whole shebang cake tomorrow and i'm hoping to um you don't have to ice it and you know anytime you eat a piece of cake without icing it's a little better for you it actually even has some healthy cake it even has some applesauce in it yeah do you know it's not a healthy cake though y'all are gonna love it so maybe i'm gonna come on here and show it to you guys tomorrow i've been wanting one and um muffins are good to eat too when you're on a diet not the kind of muffins from the store they're full of sugar but my muffins are good to eat when you're on a diet well i appreciate y'all watching uh so much i hope you enjoyed the the talk we had and got to know me and chris a little bit better and our little fur babies if you didn't get to see them then um watch the beginning of the video you'll hear all about our diet and how much weight we've lost and you'll see our little fur babies and uh we thank you for all you do for us by watching our videos and um supporting us we appreciate it and we just thank y'all very much and hope y'all have a wonderful evening we'll see you next time on collard valley cooks where we cook like mama does like mama did i'm mama's tired bye i love you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 68,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8FMlogIy0VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 19sec (4759 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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