2 Hours Live Cooking - Mama's Southern Cooking - Old Fashioned Simple Ingredients

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timmy with collard valley cooks we're going to be cooking a lot today and i got a new mount for the phone and i'm soaking i'm hoping it's going to work really well um i think it's going to be great all right so i've got it mounted to a door the door that goes out to the sunroom i am so hungry this morning so before we get started with our green beans we're going to be making some green beans with potatoes we're going to be making a chicken for some dressing we're probably going to make some cake layers today i'm going to do it all day cook today live i don't know that i'll even sign off because if you sign off and go back on facebook messes up the quality so we'll be on here for a long time today y'all can come and go and also do replay i'm going to start out making biscuits this morning just because i'm hungry and i want a good biscuit we have not been eating biscuits because we've been trying to do better but i'm just in the mood for one today and so i'm like i'm making me a biscuit this morning so this is white lily self-rising flour and i'm just going to cut out biscuits because they're quick and easy all right lily is pre-sifted so i don't have to sift it or anything i add a pinch of soda because i'm using buttermilk in my biscuits today and get you some shortening my uh you need about a quarter cup of shortening use your blending fork this is the original blending fork that i got at a thrift store it is a foley fork all right this is the original foley fork and it is an antique but of course i do have one that's not and you can purchase them online if you want to through our website when you cut in your short knee make sure you don't get it into real little pieces make sure you leave some pretty big pieces in there so your biscuits will not be nice and fluffy all right we're going to add a little bit of buttermilk until i get it to the consistency i like it i've got some sausage over there on the stove and you really ought to add your milk gradually publix is so funny they put uh publix most people always use the green top for buttermilk and publix has regular milk with a green top and i thought i had some publix buttermilk and it was regular milk anyway i like this the best it's friendship dairies is this good stuff i'm gonna get a little closer to y'all and show you how this new uh thing is working it's working great holder for the phone that's what i'm talking about all right we got a citra right here i'm gonna put some flour in it or i'm gonna come over here a little closer to you so you can see better and then we are going to cut out some biscuits so we're going to do this right you want to see the biscuit dough that's about what it looks like it's how it looks in in the bowl i'm hungry today what are the days when you're just hungry you can fold your biscuits a little or lot it's up to you now if you want them softer they might not rise quite as high but if you want them softer don't put a lot of flour in them let me grab a biscuit cutter i don't have one i thought i did really i don't like the way that looks all right that looks good it's a little shortened in our skillet i mean our pan now my granny always used a pan this size to make her biscuits it is really a brownie pan and i'm gonna tell you aluminum bakes better than anything else um this is a brownie pan and that's the size that my granny used every day to make her biscuits a long rectangular brownie pan so it's not a 9x9 it's more like a it's 11 by i forget let's see now that's 18. so it's 11 by 7. now i didn't fold these biscuits over as much so i made them taller to start with you can do that too i just want some real soft biscuits today so i'm not putting a lot of flour in them when i fold them and then we're going to get over here flip our sausage we're going to be cooking a lot today a lot so we're leaving to go out of town this weekend we're going to be eating thanksgiving early i'll chris inside the family and my side of the family and uh we're also going to be having thanksgiving meal at the church at collard valley baptist this weekend in my hometown uh so i'm going to be eating thanksgiving on saturday with chris's family on sunday at collard valley baptist church and um on monday for my family it's gonna be crazy y'all i'm gonna wash my hands all right we're going to get these in the oven it's on so i'm gonna put the timer on 20 minutes and in 20 minutes we'll eat a biscuit timer all right and we're gonna flip this sausage right quick and we're gonna clean up our mess but we're gonna flip the sausage first then we're gonna start cooking some green beans and potatoes this is swaggerty sausage i can do it it's cooking just perfect i like it all right with this view y'all are just going to be able to watch me do all kinds of stuff the way this thing is and that's good because then i don't have to pick up the thing and move it everywhere i just use the door and if i want to bring you closer i just move the door closer to my to my table see how that works how cool is that cool coolest thing ever coolest thing ever all right i'm gonna just let y'all get a big view while i'm cleaning up we'll leave our sifter out we might need it again before the day's over we're gonna be making some white layers because daddy wants a white layered fresh coconut cake [Music] i even got my trash can out today so i wouldn't have to open the drawer every time i want to put something in the trash all right we shouldn't need our shortened for a while we might i can't remember if i put soda in the cake or not we'll know in a minute all right so the next thing we're going to do yes i need to put my sausage up maybe go put it up we're gonna make a big can we are going to make a big can of green beans a lot of y'all signed up for green beans for thanksgiving so we're going to make a big can of green beans and i'm going to put some potatoes in them all right so the first thing i'm going to do is open the can we'll wipe it off where's my rag i just used it oh here it is all right and then i'm gonna get my biggest pot because we're gonna put potatoes and i'm going to open it up i keep the juice in it okay i do i do well and what we'll do is we'll let these sit on the stove and start to warm while we slice up some potatoes so for now the only thing that's going to go in here is our green beans all right so we're going to put them in the pot juicing off cut green beans i want to make a green bean uh casserole too i don't know if i'll do that today or not but um i like to make them with french green beans so we are going to sit this over on the stove for now and start letting it get warm we'll put a lid on it got y'all down kind of low and then we'll peel some potatoes i'm just going to peel them into this into this so let me get me a knife this is my raven i will sharpen it right quick if y'all haven't bought raiden knives there's a a link in the post and they're wonderful and the little knife sharpener is real easy to use you just sit it down and run your knife through it [Music] that's it then i wipe it on my thing now we're just going to peel some potatoes that's all we're going to do for now because we're going to add some potatoes to our green beans today then we're going to start a chicken we're going to boil a chicken today and i'm going to peel these right into here and i guess i'll try to see if y'all can see my face oh this is a new holder for the phone i like it already so uh chris loves potatoes and his green beans i will say that if you're gonna make my green beans the way that i typically make them that has the sugar in them they're not really that it's not good with the potatoes and i'll tell you why because the sugar absorbs into the potatoes it doesn't just stay in the skillet i mean in the pot like it does when you're making my regular green beans so you can't make granny green beans with potatoes if you do it just don't taste as good okay heads up on that one now you can make granny green beans boil some potatoes and then add the potatoes into the beans after you've made the green beans but today i'm just gonna make some green beans with potatoes and not use that method yesterday me and chris cooked a turkey it was absolutely delicious we made it in the oven and we videoed it so i'll be posting that late tonight it's a beautiful day here it's cool it's about 63 degrees in the house i haven't turned on the heat because i knew i'd be cooking all day and chris has gone fishing and i thought man i'm just gonna go live and make me some biscuits and start my green beans we're going to start the chicken i want to make some white layers for daddy he's picky he wants that homemade white layer fresh coconut cake i don't know if y'all seen that video or not but it's a good one i made such a good video last year i don't plan on doing it again on video but we may make the layers today that's my little bird clock that a viewer sent me i get the sweetest things from y'all i'm just going to cut up about five one two three four five i think that's gonna be plenty for the amount of green beans i'm cooking uh when you're southern and you cook your green beans like we do they cook down to nearly nothing and so you know you think a big can is going to be a lot of green beans and it's really not once they're cooked so if you've got to take green beans somewhere please at least get that biggest can don't you know put four or five little cans of green beans in a pot and cook them and think that's gonna be enough if you're taking it to a get-together whether it's at church or you know family or whatever make enough and that way you might have some leftovers all right i'm gonna rinse these off and we're gonna put them in our beans right quick my sausage is done i'm just going to turn it off since i can't season my beans with my typical sugar and oil i'm going to put a little oil in them and i'm not going to use fat back i actually have some uh lord have mercy i'll think of it a minute pork belly i have some pork belly that i used on top of the turkey yesterday and i had some extra when i bake my turkey i lay pork belly over it okay you you cook it with breast down if you've never made a turkey that way watch my video that's gonna post today it is the best turkey you will ever have that's just cooked in the oven um and when roasted i was a full roast and it was still tender and so tasty on the inside yesterday well let's add a little chicken boiling into these beans sorry i'm really close up but i gotta reach in here we're gonna get out a little chicken boy and i'm gonna take these potatoes out that i put in there real quick because it's not hot yet and we're going to put a little chicken boiling in here and add a little bit more water to make sure you make sure you've got enough water to cover the beans and the potatoes okay so we're going to add a little water to it because there's just not quite enough in there which is a good thing it was an off-brand of green beans but the good thing is that it had a lot of beans in it it had more beans than juice which is a good thing i got a man i can't even remember i think that's a win-dc yeah a winn-dixie brand so what we did is we added a little oil and a little bullion now y'all can add all the fat in there you want with pork and stuff but unless i've got some fresh not fresh but unless i've got ham i won't put it in there i don't like the taste of bacon in my beans and i don't like the way bacon separates it congeals and like separates out i don't want that either so i'm real funny about bacon i like it in some things but not my beans but y'all can eat it all you want to because i know some people like it but this southern girl would raise eating it that way my granny did put it in there and david my mama all right we're just gonna put a little now that's gonna have plenty of salt in it y'all cause the beans already have salt in them and now we've added bouillon salt and then we're going to add just a little bit of black pepper and then we're going to mix it up with a spoon that will cover it so it's just green beans and potatoes but the potatoes have got to get them in that water or they won't get done and by the time this thing simmers and all this water gets gone you're gonna you're gonna quickly these just like you do my other ones until there's absolutely no water left in them cook them all the way down the potatoes are gonna be done and the beans are gonna be done but don't put sugar in it when you're adding potatoes all right heads up don't make my granny green bean sugar recipe if you're using potatoes if you're using the green beans it's perfect it doesn't taste like sugar it glazes and does great but it if you use it with potatoes the sugar gets into the potato and it doesn't do what you want it to do all right we're gonna put a lid on that i think i'm gonna move these to the back [Music] because we're going to be rolling a chicken too our biscuits have got about four and a half minutes left so we're gonna start a chicken now all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna walk over to the sink i'm gonna rinse my chicken off and i'm gonna put it in this pot normally i boil chicken in the same pot that i'm using on the stove but i only have one of them so i'll be using my green bean pot for my chicken today because my uh i use you know i'm making a lot of green beans so i'm going to open this up rinse it off leave my rag and get it in the pot and then we're going to add some stuff to it and what i'm doing this chicken for is dressing i'm going to make some dressing i'm going to pre-make it put it in a container and freeze it for thanksgiving we're having thanksgiving with the kids on thanksgiving day and so i'm preparing dressing for thanksgiving day right now early i'm an early bird so we're just going to take the whole chicken and rinse her good she don't have any giblets or anything in her or or you know no nothing they don't give you harley nothing anymore in the chicken like they used to i'm gonna put her dress down in my pot and wash my hands we're gonna put some stuff in her to make her taste good all right and while we're at it let's get this sausage out and put it on a paper towel because we're facing ada sausage biscuits that's gonna be my lunch today a sausage biscuit all right now what we're going to do is about to bring out over here close and this is my trash and this is my potatoes we're going to get our stuff ready for our chicken all right here's our chicken tell you what dave i might set up right here and let y'all watch me right here okay i'm going to get a couple i'm just going to get out a couple of salts of celery and an onion i had an onion laid out yesterday or where i put it i must have put it back in my onion thing and the reason i don't have everything laid out because we're cooking all day this is what real cooking is nobody just you know y'all walk around the kitchen to cook all right we're going to chop up a little celery and throw in there with her may as well throw this in there too i'm going to eat it i'll eat these very end pieces because i'm hungry then we're going to use an onion and peel it and get it in there that vapor went off that means our visits are ready so put your onion in the pot now all of them do is put a bouillon in it a lot of y'all probably think why are you using bouillon when you got a real chicken because i like to put a bullion in it now i'm gonna cover it with water let me show you what it looks like and you can put a little poultry seasoning in there if you want to um all right let's put this stuff up we're doing it y'all we're doing it today we're gonna have so much fun in here i'm gonna sit down and eat a biscuit and talk to y'all for a minute as soon as this biscuit comes out which is like right now so let me get me a rack and i'll put them up here for y'all to see it's they're vaping they're saying we're done we're done all right there they are i want to see them up close and personal there's our biscuits we're going to eat us a biscuit right quick and then we're going to make a cake we're just getting all kinds of stuff done today because you know why i'm super excited me and chris too our collard belly cook money went to lowe's and got me an upright freezer i am so excited because with an upright freezer i can make cakes whole put them in the freezer and pull them out when i need them oh what a blessing i can make my dressing put it in the freezer pull it out when i get ready to bake it i can make my sweet potato souffle what i do is sweet taste to fillet as i do the bottom part put it in the baking dish freeze it in the baking dish then i pull it out and make the topping the day that i bake it there's so many things you can do that way and get it ready ahead of time for thanksgiving you can do hashbrown casserole early you can do a green bean casserole or any casserole early you can do your dressing early and tell you the truth it marinates and makes it taste better um i mean you can just do all kind of stuff so y'all see all my christmas decorations all right let's put some water on this chicken and get it started we're gonna have a chicken cooking we're going to have green beans cooking and then we're going to start making a white layer cake yes we are i'm going to show you how quick you can get stuff done if you just get in there get it get it done now this pot is full so i'm going to have to just cook her on simmer a low temperature so i'm going to put her right here wait a minute right here this is my simmer and we are going to turn up the heat but just not a lot on her so instead of it being real high like that i will cook her on a lower temperature more like that and cook her longer put the lid on her and there's our chicken let's make a a biscuit and i'm gonna sit right here and i should be able to read those comments while i'm eating i've got coke zero made let me grab it so we're gonna get out some mustard because that's what i want i'm gonna eat one sausage biscuit with buster and i'm gonna eat one biscuit with my blackberry jelly then we're gonna make the cake my blackberry jelly should be in here mustard jelly a spoon my drink a plate let's sit down y'all ready see how close i can get y'all to me sitting down bring this over here because i want to be able to read the comments while i'm eating maybe that'll work yeah that's gonna work okay i've been up since 5 30. i've got a load of clothes washed this morning and i hadn't folded any i better get these biscuits up they're nice and brown on the bottom y'all look how brown they are now i see a biscuit up close this is a pretty biscuit it's nice this is not good lighting where this is but it's soft white lily makes the best biscuits yum let me open it up for y'all look at that now i mean gotta grab me a piece of sausage and oscar sent me a bunch of sausage i may take some of the cedartown with me i just might make my daddy a good sausage biscuit uh-oh that one broke i'm gonna get better in one of these real quick what did i do with that butter oh here's some okay y'all let me see what y'all got to say pork belly is very flavorful yes it is that's what i put on my turkey yesterday what i do is i take the turkey a washer in a dryer i rub the inside with lemon then i stuff herbs in her i put in fresh thyme rosemary from a yard an onion some green onion and some butter salt and pepper then on the outside i just sprinkle poultry seasoning all over her which is the main ingredients time and then sage so it's got a lot of sage and then i pull the skin back from her breast meat put butter in between there and two pieces of pork belly and then i cook her down on her breast side down so that all the juices run into the breast with a pork belly laying on top of the turkey so you will see that video it's coming up i've gotta edit it today sometime i'm gonna make these cake layers and get them in the oven then maybe i'll edit some this is my blackberry jelly that i made this is my last jar of it so i have to make some more we had blackberries in our yard when we lived in paulden county but it's got the berries in it oh i just love it like that um i miss making homemade biscuits i'm in arizona arizona i've even i've never been there never never been to arizona see what y'all are saying hello everybody saying hello hello y'all tell me where you're from today so i can look later what am i making um let mean i got my mouth full this morning when we make biscuits sausage we're making green beans with potatoes in them we're boiling a chicken for our dressing because i will not make dressing unless i boil the chicken and i've got chicken and chicken broth that's really good we're going to be making some white like cake layers in a minute and yes i've decorated for christmas because it's just how i am i'm to to get all that stuff out because i have to put it up by the first of the year because mom always told me it was bad luck to keep it out into the new year so i like to enjoy it for a while hope i won't drag it out and do it navarre florida north dakota somebody made my dressing yay chicago i've never been to chicago but chris went to chicago for his senior trip middle georgia that's good now we're from all over the place what all right i'm almost done and we're gonna cut some but i had to sit down for a minute that's how you cook you just sit down for a minute and get up make something else but you can't sit down for long or you'll get too tired and then you won't want to get back up i'm looking my fingers this is so good we haven't been having biscuits and there's nothing better than a biscuit yummy all right i'm gonna put my jelly on my biscuit then we're going to get out all the stuff to make our cake for my daddy i've already had coffee this morning so good oh my gosh i just love blackberry jelly well it's not jelly it's preserved there's nothing better than a biscuit with butter and homemade jam my dog's gonna talk because she smells the food i may have to let her out all right while i'm eating i'm gonna look at the recipe i also want to do red velvet we're gonna do white cake layers today we're gonna have a stick of butter a half a cup of shortening one one and three quarter cup of sugar six egg whites okay y'all about ready to cook if you're just tuning in we're cooking a lot of food today and i had to take a break and get about to eat all right i'm gonna go wash my hands and put this stuff up and then we're gonna start our cake layers okay i just love my new uh faucet it's so nice we'll give you a stick of butter it's supposed to be room temperature and it's not so i'm gonna stick it in a bowl right quick put it on defrost for a second we're gonna use eight inch cut pans today okay it takes me a minute now we got a pan of biscuits for my dressing you can use biscuits in your dressing or you can use um left bread whichever one works okay so now we got extra biscuits our green beans are starting to boil over here and you can see them cooking good so i'm going to turn them down to a medium low for now i'm going to go ahead and take the top off of it i guess i need to leave them up pretty good because you want all that water to come off of them you don't need to stir your green beans or you'll make your potatoes fall apart and i have melted my butter because i'm talking we're going to make it just like that anyway it won't hurt all right so i'm going to set up my table for making a cake we're gonna put this other stuff up [Music] all right you're gonna need buttermilk so i got that out i don't need mustard okay this cake uses all-purpose flour not self-rising so let me put this stuff up and we're going to bring the mixer over here now we're going to be using my bosch mixer today what i like about the box there's things i do and i don't like about it i'm going to be honest um i like a kitchenaid's bowl better because you can pick it up and use it easier and you can put it in the dishwasher the bosch bowl has where it attaches to the base is uh it don't need to get wet so you can't put it in the dishwasher but i like it for the show because you can see good but i like the fact that it's lightweight and i can pick it up easy and move it around for the show because you know how heavy a kitchen that is and they're so hard to pick up to move around and this is a lot lighter okay so i can't throw my bowl in the dishwasher but who cares i can pick it up so i'm gonna plug it in right here this is our mixer we're gonna mix the cake in all right we've got our butter shortening you gotta have sugar sugar i'm actually going to use my other sugar six egg whites i need to be using my fruit sugar for daddy but i'm about out of it we gotta separate our eggs right quick you're gonna be using a lot of eggs i'm trying to decide how i want to do this setup for y'all with this new view maybe i'll put this here so that you guys can see what i'm doing here okay that looks good okay we're gonna separate six eggs right quick i'm gonna move this way so that my hand ain't right in front of y'all because i'm right-handed okay now you can keep the yellows um and make some pudding or lemon curd would be good i actually have i need something to put my trash in i can use this green bean can that i used earlier with potatoes um anyway my neighbor has my lemon tree it's full of lemons and they're beautiful and big so i think i'll make some lemon curd out of the yellows [Music] let's do the whites in here now these are room temperature eggs and i do keep my eggs i know you're not supposed to but i keep them out a few days when i know i'm about to cook and they're fresh so don't have to worry about them being bad there's three [Music] so it's a lot harder to separate yellows when they're room temperature so if you're afraid to do it just separate them and then let them come to room temperature all right one more i may have enough lemons to do some lemon curd today it only takes a second in my way to make lemon curd and it's delicious okay i'll rinse my hands off and wipe off the table so when you're cooking they don't wash your hands a lot all right eggs we've got butter sugar shortening flour i gotta get out the flour now this flower we may need to see it because it's all perfect and i don't really know that it's precepted real city we're gonna skip this right quick so let's put these we'll get the yellows out of the way we don't need them we'll make the curve out a little bit and so let's sift some flour right quick let's say we need two and a half cups of flour where's my sifter over here sorry y'all just moving y'all around with the door well i had to dump out my flour because it had self-rising in it so let's put two and a half cups of flour in here sorry i keep walking from y'all but just the way it's gonna be today honey buns all right two and a half cups there's one two and a half everybody acts like that bacon is such a science and i personally don't think so i don't think it's as complicated as people make it out to be it never has been for me and you notice how i measured that flower okay this is white lily all purpose two and a half cups my lord my granny used to take up to measure flour my mama did too just any cup in the pan in the cabinet would have done and they never had a half cup they just eyeballed it and they cooked their whole life and it was delicious don't let people tell you that just a tiny bit of flour is going to make a difference in a recipe because it's not in my opinion all right here we go we are going to use the paddles and i need my little scraper attachment let me run get it okay now this uh mixer you can buy a separate scraper attachment it clips on to the top part and it has these little feet that go on it and it keeps the shortening and ingredients from sticking to the sides of the bowl and that way you don't have to scrape your bowl and so i use this when i make a cake because it makes things much easier let's just snap it in there now y'all aren't going to be able to see unless i put it down here and mix it um i guess i could that'd be kind of cool watch this we'll put our noggins together y'all so y'all can see better i've got two i've got this cut board right here and i think if i do this i won't be able to see where there's a wheel there's a way right so what you're gonna do let's see if you can get part of both yeah what you're gonna do is you always when you're making a cake you always start out with your shortening and your sugar and you fluff it or butter whatever you're using okay so we're going to put in the butter and i know i got that melted but and it might keep it from looking fluffy but it is what it is i'm cooking it all right and now we need a half cup of shortened i'll see how i put that in there half cup and now we're going to turn that on and mix it up and i'm going to go ahead while it's mixing and add the sugar our sugar is one and three quarter cup [Music] now this is a half cup so it's gonna take three of these in a quarter [Music] so you're gonna mix it until it's nice and fluffy you can turn it up let me let me give you a cake kit right here when you're making a cake a lot of people will tell you you're going to over mix it you can't over mix it but only after you add the flour you can mix it all you want to till you add that flour once you add the flour then you've got to mix it in about a couple of minutes and that's it okay so it's the gluten in the flour that reacts with the sugar so that's why you can overbeat it but it's after the flour's added so right now you want to beat it a lot and make it fluffy okay lord i hit a button by accident [Applause] looks good already really now we're going to add the eggs [Music] [Music] now it's real wet looking [Applause] all right right quick in this flower because we're using all purpose we need to add the other things that make it rise i've about i didn't forgot and didn't sift them in so we're going to add them in here and use a whisk and whisk it in before we add it to the cake so what we're going to need is two teaspoons of baking powder a half teaspoon of baking soda because we use buttermilk in this cake we use soda and then we're going to be using this salt a half a teaspoon so we're going to add that in right quick so you've got a half teaspoon of salt half a teaspoon of baking soda when we had that out for the biscuits earlier so it's sitting out on the counter already and then two teaspoons of baking powder i was getting my teaspoon i'm looking for my baking powder okay now before you bake for the holidays make sure you've got in date baking powder because if you don't your cake won't rise you can't just keep it in the cabinet for three or four years and think you're gonna make a pretty cake okay same way goes with flour use fresh ingredients for the holidays even shortening if you've had a container of shortening in your pantry for six months and you haven't used it it's going to have a smell to it and it'll make your cake taste like that in your food so use fresh ingredients when you're cooking for the holidays the lighting i'm messing with the lighting stand in here it's flashing back and forth maybe i'll change places all right and then we're going to need some vanilla and one and a half cups of buttermilk we'll go ahead and pour that up and that's and then we're gonna be done then we'll get them in there i don't know if i got one and a half cuts i don't think i do i gotta go get some out of the fridge [Music] all right this buttermilk is a tg lee and it is good too man there's some good buttermilk makers you're gonna add your flour and your milk alternately and we're going to have to add another half cup to it before it's over all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and put my vanilla in here about a teaspoon and i'll i'll maybe i'll review back when i start mixing i'm coming to this side because i was messing a lot with the lighting from the other side let me see if this is as close as y'all can get i guess that's about as close as you're gonna get okay so let's start mixing it up [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my mama's white cake recipe yes so good [Music] now this is when you don't want to over mix it we'll mix it about another minute that it's going to be ready get the flour off the top of that let it go down in there [Music] now i'm going to show you the hard part about having this mixer the hardest part is taking it off but i'm going to show you our chicken over here it's boiling down see it it's boiling so i'm going to turn it down lower now that she's come to a good boil i'm going to turn her down on low and cover her and we're going to just pick up all the stuff before we put our cake in the oven i don't even have the oven on but it won't take it but a minute so we just made biscuits i was going to show you all this watkins mama always used watkins they also have a butter extract that's clear it's really good in frosting like white buttercream frosting to use the clear buttercream heads up for the holidays making vanilla you can find these on my website under pantry items i don't really make anything on you anything you buy a pantry but but we do pretty good if you go through there to buy the stuff for your home or your kitchen we do get a small percentage and it really adds up and it enables me to do things like get that freezer yesterday it's amazing so we appreciate you shopping on through our website you don't have to buy what you link why leave you decide you want something else and change your mind we still get credit as long as you went in through a link so it's really a blessing to us so we're just going to pick up right quick then we're going to spray our pans and get this in the oven sugar sugar sugar i like to kind of pick up as i go if i don't that lose my mind i can't stand everything laying around me and making a big big mess drives me nuts and that way if you need something you know where to go back and get it instead of it being lost on the camera somewhere because things do get lost on the counter too and y'all know that's true especially scissors about a bullion i need to fill it back up and then we're going to start baking the cake and if y'all want to we can make some lemon curd may as well keep y'all on here all day may as well so we got chicken going for dressing we got green beans and potatoes cooking biscuits made we need to make some cornbread but we're going to bake the cake before we make cornbread okay bacon powder okay all right we're ready we are ready girls and boys whoever's on you y'all can tell me a lot of women use their men's uh accounts and then i think i got a man watching me and it's a woman i get all excited when i think of guys watching me i don't know why i just do um because you know we grew up in women cooked that's all it could but now my brothers cook amazing and so i love to see a man cook and chris can cook he just hardly ever does where's my baking spray sorry y'all i'm having to look in the pantry if y'all want to look with me oh it's not gonna it's not gonna pull that far i don't have a lot in here but it might be enough for these layers all right let's get over here so we can put our batter in it i'm gonna wipe these out i just used them the other day to make that apple that cake so i'm gonna split this up into four layers now you can make three layers or two layers however you want to do it but to me the more layers the cake has the better taste so what what i do is i start putting the batter in one cup at a time and then i just until i get it equal all right so down here i'm going to show you how this is a little difficult to do you have to take this off and don't put these paddle things in the dishwasher if your dishwasher gets really hot like mine does because you don't want them to melt now these are fine to put the dishwasher these big pieces but i'm just talking about those that keep it from sticking to the sides of the pan then you've got to get this off and put it in the sink rinse your hand off oh yeah i love this batter it reminds me of being a kid my mama always made this cake the only thing i did different with her recipe y'all is i uh put let's a little bit less sugar in it mama put two cups of sugar in her white cake layers i put a cup and three quarters so i use a quarter cup less sugar than mama did that's the only thing i do different these are non-stick cake pans and i always use 80 inches because it makes the cake look taller i never use a nine inch tape layer ever mama didn't either we always use eight all right we're gonna start putting a cup of the time in here when you're making something for the holidays i mean you can just pick it up and pour it in there but try to make it a little extra special and so that all the layers are the same height you know so when you slice a piece it's really pretty it doesn't take that much more time okay my cakes have two and a half cups of flour in them when most people use two cups of flour because i like a lot of batter okay it's obvious we can't get another cup in them so i'm gonna go get my quarter cup and we'll see if we get another quarter a quarter cup in i might get a third cut but i'm gonna get a quarter yeah i could easily get in the third all right there's a quarter quarter quarter quarter i might can do that twice scrape it and see oh yeah i think i can y'all so i think it's going to be about a cup and a half a batter per layer and remember if you don't have four of them and you got three you'll be a little more that all right now i'm gonna pick it up and just pour it and i might eat a bite i love cat batter i know i got this other one left so it needs to have about a quarter cup added to it now we're just going to spread it out and mama always banged hers on the counter did your mama bang hers on the counter to get the air out of it so we'll do that just in honor of my mother mama made wedding cakes a lot and so she always wanted to make sure that they were flat now this cake cooks up really pretty and flat it doesn't have a dome in the middle like some cakes do all right we're going to beat it on the camera then we're going to slide it in the oven then i'm going to eat the rest of this batter there's not much just enough for a taste brings all the air bubbles to the top and lays it down flat i'll never forget y'all the first time i ever did a video this is funny first time i ever did a video with a cake i was beating it on the counter like that and the the mount for the phone was on the counter and every time i would slam it down back then i edited everything uh the picture would go up and down and it was just hilarious it's crazy how much you've learned after you've been doing it for a while i did it eight times on every one of them now we're gonna put it in the oven we're gonna bake them at 350 degrees for notice that's 325 30 to 35 minutes now i've got four layers and the amount of minutes change now just because i say and just because mine cooks in 25 minutes it's going to how much batter you got in the pan so you need to make sure your cake is set up before you get it out of the stove and when you're making cake do not i'm putting them all in one rack do not uh what was i gonna say when you're making a cake oh do not open the oven for at least 25 minutes because once the cake reaches about to two-thirds of its cook time it has risen and you won't make it fall so don't open that oven until it's been at least 20 to 25 minutes okay uh lord we've done a lot today y'all some people don't like it because i lick my fingers i don't i love it if your mama or your grandmother didn't let you lick your fingers or licks a bowl then you didn't have a happy kitchen whoa what a good when i taste that it's just like i'm a little girl all over again standing in the kitchen looking up at my mama while she's making a wedding cake and she let me eat the batter because it's her recipe i love it i miss my mama i miss my mama i bet you do too we've had a lot of fun today yeah i want to make lemon curd right quick let me look and see what's involved and if it's not too hard we'll mix it up or we'll just do everything that won't we limit her let's look it up it's in my first cookbook page 67 and if it's not too difficult we're gonna make it right quick six egg yellows which we have from making that case the perfect time to make it you can use it in cake layers a lot of people with their fresh coconut put lemon curd in between the layers back in the day when we were growing up in georgia we had a richest department store in downtown atlanta at the mall in that department store they had a bakery and they made a fresh coconut cake with lemon curd in between the layers in the richest bakery and one year they had the recipe in the atlanta general constitution of course i saved it lemon curd six egg yellows two large lemons zest and juice a cup of sugar a half cup of water two tablespoons of corn starch and a half cup of salted butter y'all that is super simple and easy we're gonna mix it up real quick and i'm going to show y'all how easy it is to make all right so let's do it and then our joy of baking and cooking is going to be done for the day our beans are have still got plenty of liquid in them and it'll probably take them another hour it takes forever to cook down beans um on a gas stove especially and i do have them on the back eye i'll move them to the front after we get off here but they'll burn me up if i'm in here working and cooking like that let me move this mixer out of the way and we'll make our lemon curd i got cake batter on my glasses y'all when i was beating those pans against the table one splattered up on my glasses but i don't want to clean it off right now okay lemon curd let's just get out our ingredients first yo i got a beautiful meyer lemon from my neighbor's yard i'm gonna pick this up so we're gonna need it let me go get my lemon this is a meyer lemon look how big it is it looks like an apple from my neighbor's yard okay so we're going to make this curd with my li meyer lemon and i actually have a little extra in there because i used that i used a different one to rub my turkey down yesterday on the inside so we got plenty of lemon that's fresh from the yard we do live in the south so we have lemons and oranges at our disposal here's our yellows we need sugar we need water cornstarch and butter and that's it let me get some corn starch how much water half a no a half a cup of water oh i have a corn starch let me go get some cornstarch this ought to be enough cornstarch shouldn't it okay first zest your lemons with a lemon zester and set it aside juice them and place them in a small bowl with a zest and then a batter bowl combine the sugar the corn starch and whisk it well in the batter bowl combine the sugar and cornstarch the sugar is a cup i know y'all can't see me but the main thing is that you see what i'm doing right cup of sugar two tablespoons of corn starch some of y'all might say well my mama made lemon curd on the stove top so what my mama made lemon curd in the microwave and she did her pudding that way too and you can't beat it you just can't beat it just like that microwave peanut brittle i made the other day is the bulb as long as you roast your peanuts first it's super good all right so we're going to mix this up before it starts to sugar i'll show you how easy this is if you want to serve some fresh lemon curd with some scones or biscuits on your beautiful thanksgiving day with your family you can just make these white layers to make my fresh coconut cake and take the yellows and make you some lemon curd all right now add your water egg yellows and zest and juice that's it how simple is that all right so let's juice these lemons i'm gonna show you how pretty they are when you open one let me get my glass juicer what did i do with it all right this is an old-fashioned lemon juicer that's what we're going to use i'm gonna wipe it out this has been in the cabinet okay and i'm gonna slice this and show you how beautiful it is let me get on this side okay look at this beautiful lemon aren't they gorgeous right out of the yard meyer lemons they're huge and we didn't zest it i'm crazy now i gotta get the zester and zest it so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna zest it right into the bowl okay so you're going to put some lemons that disaster into the bowl you're going to use two regular lemons because they're smaller okay but this is huge so it's going to have a lot of juice in it when you're zesting your fruit don't get down into the white part just keep rotating it because it's bigger down there mary mitchell sent me this years ago this zester i've never had one before i never used this my mama didn't either we just used the lemon juice but it is good all right we're gonna let me get on the right side i get off to chris for videoing and not getting it right and so i gotta do it right because i'm right-handed y'all need to be on my left side is how it works i am right-handed the camera's backwards good lord this is a juicy lemon i'm telling you you can get from these fresh lemons that we have here i guarantee you we get double the juice that you would out of a lemon you buy in the store it's so juicy crazy i will pour it up and tell y'all how much juice it was we'll strain the seeds out of it in a minute it is a lot i thought i was going to need that extra lemon but i'm not we have limes too here we have lemons limes and oranges so you can make this time of year down in the south for thanksgiving it would be smart to make key lime pie and lemon pies and lemon curd and anything like that because that's when our fruit comes in season most people think oh that's a summer thing but here that's when you get your fruit in i want a little bit of that pulp in there so what i'm going to do is just take these seeds put them in here and then i'm going to get me a spatula and scrape that into there and then we're going to put this in the microwave we're going to cook this in the microwave all right so we're going to add get that good pulp in there okay we're going to add this made that one lemon is a a little over let's see right at a half cup four ounces that's a lot of lemon juice ain't it for one lemon look at that so it's a half cup and then we're going to add a half cup of water so i'm just going to go add water up to the cup mark try to sail this side so y'all can see now all we do is add our eggs well let's add our water and lemon juice first so that the eggs aren't sitting in the sugar then you're adding your eggs then you're going to whisk it together place it in the microwave for 30 second intervals now i will say with a lemon curd you got to be more careful than you do with pudding and that is because you want it to be smooth and pretty all right if you destroy the microwave and cook it it's gonna be lumpy so what you gotta do is you gotta really whisk it good before you put it in there make sure all that cornstarch is in there good there's none left on the bottom of the bowl and then you're gonna cook it on 30-second vegetables oh i hit hit start button why is it working lord i was about thought my microwave was tore up i was gonna have a fit you're about to see me that you said i bet you didn't know i could do bad i'm gonna load my dishwasher with all this stuff up chris can come in and eat a sausage biscuit for lunch whenever he gets home and i'm gonna put my cornstarch it has smaller one for my pantry that's what i do i just buy a big one and i refill my little one i know it might be a pain in the buttocks for some of y'all to think that you've got to take this out and stir it every 30 seconds but it's a lot easier than having to watch it on the stove continuously okay and you can clean up in between don't just waste your time in the kitchen so by the time this is good by the time it's done our kitchen will be clean and ready i'm gonna fill this up right quick i think y'all can still see i think let me let me do this [Music] one of the best things i ever bought was these funnel set that's uh stainless steel i love it they're on the website i don't have a lot of cabinet space for baking stuff so i just transfer that corn starch into something smaller whisking lemon curd if you're just coming over we can lemon curd every 30 seconds so that it's nice and and beat it good use your muscle muscle [Music] now we got a thing full of cornstarch for the cabinet done sugar up for the second time making spray up y'all we've only got one minute left on the cake it's not done though i put it on the lower uh minute it's not done what's that cake say it's in the middle it starts to come away from the sides of the pan a little so you need to cook it [Music] till it's done [Music] trash our marching [Music] we're still using this i got plenty of lemons so don't fret over me putting that peeling in the trash that uh cornstarch is about i've used it before all right it's starting to get good and warm and when you cook pudding you don't mix it every 30 seconds you mix it every couple of minutes until it's thick but with the lemon curd let me show you how it looks you got to really see i've mixed it so much it's foamy on the top you gotta really do a good job [Music] and you're going to see how pretty it looks when i'm done you will be amazed if you like lemon curd you can buy it in a store you know just like you can buy jelly and jam but it's not hard to make especially if you have a lemon tree like we do well we don't but my neighbor doesn't she says i can have all i want because she's an older woman and she don't want to fool with them and i said yes her name's margie margie says i can have all the lemons i want i'll take her something good to eat maybe i'll take her some lemon she can make her some biscuits and have it with some lemon curd you're gonna beat this until it's sick okay [Music] you really want to cheat and put it on one or two minutes it's really hard to wait but you should do the right thing now look y'all how easy it is to pick up this mixer i can do it with one hand that's why i like the bosch not because of the bowl because i hate the bowl but i like it because it's light and i can pick it up and move it when chris is not here to move it for me [Music] [Music] [Music] about cheating all right we're gonna log the dishwasher real quick and then we're gonna be done [Music] [Music] [Music] i beat the hand out of that stuff i don't think it's gonna be lumpy so that time i'm cooking a minute and then it looks i have to tell y'all 30 seconds cause y'all will blame me if it don't work y'all will blame me i don't put anything sharp in the microwave dishwasher because it dulls it but everything else i throw in there [Music] now i guess i can watch it oh it's there y'all [Music] doggy oh yeah it's getting creamy now let me show it to y'all see if i can get a good view for y'all i love my new little thing for the phone it's awesome i know y'all can't see the food as good but it sure is easy on me all right i'm gonna put it in there 30 more seconds i want it to be sick but it's real close oh y'all we are doing good today got the dishwasher loaded now let me show you about this thing right here and then our curds gonna be ready [Music] see on the bottom it attaches the bottom of the mixer attaches to this this cannot be put in the dishwasher because it's mechanical and it doesn't need to be dried out my dishwasher so you have to wash it out of your sink after i eat the cake batter i will i'm throwing away that good cake batter this is ready let me show you how it looks when it's ready let me bring y'all over here and i'm gonna pour it in a dish and just show you how pretty it is may even put it in a jar maybe i'll take it to my neighbor since she gave me the lemon look at it pretty let's put it in a jar for her we'll take her present we'll just use this little pretty jar and she gave us some women and told me i could have all i want we'll take her some lemon curd and she can have it for breakfast or however she wants to eat it because it's gonna be herbs and you should be able to keep it in the refrigerator for a while okay and we just used my funnel that i usually use so we'll see if we can't do this well i guess i could whisk it first let's whisk it oh it smells good pretty it's pretty i'm gonna put it in something so y'all can see it too y'all can't really see what i'm doing let me move to this side look at there i could probably get two of these out of here so if you want to make people lemon curd for christmas that would be a good idea to do it's not hard to make y'all all right i'm gonna put some in the plate and just let you see how pretty it looks so if you don't believe me you will not a little piece of lemon okay and i guess we could end on this let me move this so that y'all can see this good look at that is that not beautiful it's creamy it's gorgeous and beautiful now we have done it today y'all i've got lemon curd for me and lemon curd for her and we have green beans with potatoes let's check on those before we sign off we've got a cake that's ready to come out the oven right now let's get it out before we sign off [Music] me wipe my counter off we got to get this cake out i'll show you the cake i don't really like this for cake because it's lines and the cake wants to go through it i like the square ones this is my favorite my favorite coolant racket is on the website it has feet legs all the way down and it also has a wire on the edges that you can pick it up with it's really nice all right it had something on it piece of fuzz all right you ready we're going to put these cakes over here but i'm going to show you how they start pulling away from the edge and the ones in the back i just got out earlier because i made them all on one rack most people wouldn't do that but when i cook i get it done all right let me pull this back around here because the lighting is better when i show y'all food we'll learn as we go with this new thing all right here's the layers see how they pulled away from the edge i baked them at 325 so they're not real brown on the top but they're done and i'm gonna tell you these uh cake pans are so nice they won't stick in them or anything like that always take and you can press the middle and if it sponges back you know it's done if it's jiggly then it's not um it's ready now i'm going to flip those out probably immediately after we get off here because those pans are so nice our chicken is boiling and now she's been in there about an hour and a half i could probably turn her off i want her to be falling apart done we're
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 348,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collard valley cooks, collard valley cooks recipes, country cooking, cooking shows, collard valley cook, southern cooking, cooking videos, cvc collard valley cooks, colored valley cooks, collard valley cooks green beans, southern cooking recipes, collard valley cooks lemon curd, biscuit tutorials, cake recipes, comfort food, from scratch, homemade, mama’s recipes, old fashioned, simple ingredient cooking, southern baking, southern recipes, biscuit recipe, easy biscuits
Id: PnkTPjS__y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 14sec (6374 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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