How to Make: Fried Apple Pies

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[Music] hi welcome to Crisco for you too I am excited about the recipe that I'm making today I have been trying to make this recipe for two years and I have not been able to make it simply because I could not find one of the ingredients and then my daughter said why don't you go online and order it duh I went online and I ordered it and now I have it here I ordered it from the company that I buy my fruits and my nuts from for the Christmas holiday so if you want to prepare it you might have to go that route because I've tried several times at Walmart and other stores and they just did not have it so today I'm making one that takes me back to my childhood brings back very very good memories I'm gonna make fried apple pies this is really simple it's really easy but it's really really good I'm just gonna add a couple more ingredients that my mom did not add when she was making this but it's still gonna be equally as good here are the dried apples now normally you can get dried apples in your local grocery store but for some reason I couldn't find them no matter how many times I tried I even came online and asked them some of my viewers if you can find it get it for me please get it for me and I didn't get a good response out of that so I'm thinking that they couldn't find it as well but here you're gonna need the dried apples you're gonna need cinnamon nutmeg and those are the two ingredients that my mom did not add but I am going to add them you're going to need pie crusts you're gonna need butter vanilla flavor and of course sugar now with the pie crust you can make your own but it's not necessary to make your own it's so I mean it's gonna be equal if you make your own or if you buy the one that's in the store so I just chose to get the ones that's in the store because I don't want to go through that long process of making your own and you're really gonna get the same taste so I'm gonna go away and I'm gonna get these apples put in a pot once I get them in a pot we're gonna start them to boil that's the longest part of this process it's gonna take maybe about an hour to an hour and a half for these apples to actually boil but I tell you this is one that you don't want to miss and if you can remember back to your childhood you will know as well that this is a very very good recipe I'll be right back okay now I'm at the stove so I'm gonna go ahead I have two pounds of dried apples because I'm gonna make quite a bit of it so I'm gonna go ahead and put my two pounds of apples 1 pound in 1 pound packages I'm gonna go ahead and put them in my pot and for those of you don't know how it looks this is the way it looks it's just a dried apple so to that I'm gonna go ahead and add 4 cups of water so that means 2 cups of water for each 1 pound package of apples now I'm gonna take my cinnamon I'm gonna add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to my sugar which works out to be a half a teaspoon for each and of course as always your ingredients will be in the description box and it will be there just for the 1 pound of apples so if you want to make two pounds and you're gonna double it and I'm using a half of a teaspoon of nutmeg half of teaspoon now I have my butter that's sitting over on the side so I'm gonna go ahead and put in a half a stick of a butt of butter which would be 1/4 of the stick if you're only gonna use just enough for the 1 pound bag I'm gonna stir this sugar over in here and for now I'm gonna add half of this sugar and let it just boil so I'm only gonna put it in half of my sugar now then after this ball for about 30-40 minutes then I'm gonna go ahead and put in the rest now it's really gonna take this about an hour and a half to actually cook up like I need it to okay so that's about half of my sugar and I'm gonna put in about a teaspoon of vanilla now that's all it takes for now so you can go ahead and let this just boil for and boil it on a medium heat you can let it boil for a good 35 40 minutes and when it boils down I'll bring you back if you should run out of water which I don't think you will but if you do then just add a little bit more water to it so you can complete the boiling process so I'll bring you back in about 3540 minutes okay now I came back just to show you this do you see how the apples are actually bloating as long as those apples of bloating they are not done and they're going to continue to blow for a while it's not time for me to put in the rest of the sugar yet but I did want to show you that so make certain that when you're cooking these that you have a pot that's big enough to handle when they start to bloat or when they start to rise up and get bigger and see and so you want to stir in them a little bit and even though I'm gonna knock them down they're still gonna puff back up and that's why I said the cooking process takes a little bit longer than it normally would take to cook so still haven't gotten to the part where I'm gonna add the extra sugar but I wanted to show you this because if you've seen it bloating when you were trying to cook it you might wonder why the heck is it bloating up like that that just means that these apples were dehydrated and now if you can look at them they're getting back they regular size which is the process that they go through when you're dealing with dehydrated food so they're they're getting bigger they're expanding so I'm gonna keep on allowing them to cook and remember as long as they're like this they are not done so I'm gonna keep on allowing them to cook and I bring you back when I get ready to add the rest of that sugar be back okay now I'm back and as you can see they boiled down and see they still have a little bit of the shape still to him because that's what you want you don't want it to be mushy but as you can see I did have to put some more water in it this is how much liquids that I had so I'm gonna go ahead and add the rest of my sugar and the reason why I added my sugar half-and-half it was because I did not want this too thick up into syrup because if it dict up into syrup and my apples were not done then I would just have a complete mess and I would have to just keep on adding water water water so what I did was I waited to add it so now since they are done I can go ahead and allow all of this water to cook out so that's what I want down I wanted to cook out and once it cooks out I'm gonna show it to you then I gotta let this totally cool and when it totally cools then we can go ahead and make the fried apple pass so you see how much liquids I still have over inside of my pot so I'm gonna let that cook out now I did want the sweetness that when I put it in and put it in the first cup of sugar I didn't want the sweetness I wanted it to boil and I wanted it to constantly be getting sweet that's why I added that sugar but I didn't want that thick syrup so now I can get that thick syrup and I can go ahead and allow these to finish up so they won't totally separate like applesauce but to be like this that's fine without the liquids that's fine okay so you got a couple of men here to steal probably need to cook just a little bit more but I'm gonna go ahead and allow it and I'll be back once they cold I'll be back and then we'll put together these fried apple pads right okay now I'm back so I want to go ahead and show you how to make this into really apple pies so that we can fry it up here is the apples and what I did was I let the apples just sit in the refrigerator for maybe about five or six hours first I let them cool on the stove then I put them in the refrigerator and you don't want to work what I'm hot you want to work with it cold because you don't want it to melt you're dope and if you work with him when it's hot is going to melt your dough so you don't want that so here is our apple pie or apple mix and then we have here the pact crust now this is the pact rust as I showed you and it comes to rolls so you have to roll so you can actually get six pies out of one roll and you can get less than that or you can get more than that depending on how big you make it so what you want to do is you want to fold this over in half and then once you fold it in half you want to cut it in equal squares okay and you only trying to get three so actually that's three apple pies so we're gonna just go ahead and do this one first now if you want to be bigger you can cut it where you can get two or if you want it to be smaller than you can cut it in smaller you know little sections but six you know making three that's good enough for me so you're gonna take your pie crust and you're gonna sit it down and if you want to do homemade pie crust go ahead and do it but this is not necessary this pie crust is just as good as if you made homemade pie crust in order to make this this is a simple being a very good dessert so what you want to do is you want to lay some of your Apple mix down on your pie crust now I told you that you don't want this to be hot if it's hot you're gonna have runny juice and that's what you don't want you don't want any juice to be running you want this to go in and you want it to go in solid so you put just enough don't come close to the edge okay don't come close to the edge just put enough in your pack crust just to make your form your little pie now you're gonna fold your crust over and you can do it one or two ways you can press this together which is okay but if you put it together with a fork now I'm gonna cut off just a little bit of the edge right there now if you put this together with a fork you can press it so that your juices won't come out okay I can't see on next side so I'm gonna turn it yeah it's fine okay now if you press it would afford you're actually sticking both parts of it together now if this wasn't was not cold if it was lukewarm or if it was just a little bit there would be runny juices that's what you don't want because once the runny juices hit the cooking the wall you're gonna get a splatter or you may get a burn so you don't want that so that's the way you do it there is your apple pie and all we gotta do is just fry it up so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make two more and don't put enough apples in there so that it's over runny you don't want it to run over you just want to put enough apples in here so that you can seal this up you get a good taste to apples and a good taste of crust this is a very good dessert and I'm telling you this brings back very fond memories of the time that I spent with my mom and my grandmom even though they're going on but this is one that really brings my heart a lot of joy and I like I said I've been trying to make this for two years and I couldn't find the the dried apples in order to make it okay for some reason they didn't have that they had dried peaches dried everything else but they didn't have dried apples okay now once you put it down that's not the end of your ceiling you take your fork if you see that you have too much on one side of the other and you want to cut it off just go ahead and cut it off because you don't want to run that pack crust you don't want to run the apples up to the end of the pack crust okay you want to run it just where you'll be able to press together with your fork in order to see a list okay this is real simple but I guarantee you this is a good dessert this is once I'm back in the day but you will truly love this you will okay there is my second and I'm gonna do one more and then I'm gonna go away I'm gonna get these all finished up and then the next step I'll meet you at the stove so if we can just go ahead and fry it up okay so I'm putting this down like I see it don't overrun them because when they taste that Apple that's on the inside of this this is really good this is really good and I can't wait for these to get finished my hands take off a little bit of my excess crust and then just go ahead and seal it now you shouldn't evil but if your fork starts to stick you can just get a little bit of flour just put on the fork in to prevent it from sticking okay now how simple is that that's real simple real easy the only thing else we got to do is Friday's up and you don't want to prick it because you have to fry it on both sides so you don't want to stick it and get hosed him to go fry it on one side then you're gonna fry it on the other and I'll show you that when we get to that step so I'm gonna Bowl way and finish this up and I'll be right back when I get them all done okay I'm at the stove and I have my cooking oil already in here and this is fresh cooking oil you don't want to use any used cooking oil because you don't want your Apple pass to taste like either bacon or - it's like chicken so I've gotten my oil it's heating up and that's how much oil you want to put in there not a whole lot and you want to place your pies in now these pads are cold and the reason why the colors because we use cold filling and using cold filling that's the better way to do it try to see if I can get three in here that's the better way to do it because if you're feeling is cold in your dough will not tear up so we're gonna go ahead and put that in and let that just go ahead and cook up and once we get ready to flip it then I'm gonna bring it back and bring your backs all you want to do is just fry these up on one side get it brown and then fry them up on the other side so this should take maybe three minutes on one side the only other keep your stove at a medium or medium low you don't want to turn it any faster or any higher because you don't want to burn your Apple Pass so I'll bring you back in about maybe a couple of minutes and I'll show you when I get ready to flip them okay so it looks like to me it's about time to flip and when I start to see the brown going around the edges of it and lets me know that it's about time to flip so all you want to do is to just flip this over on the other side I want to move that one out of the way alright I'm gonna fry these up and when I get through with these I'll put the rest of them down and I'll keep on doing it until I complete it and show you what the finished product looks like right okay I got the last one in the skillet and I got the remainder over here this is a fried apple pie that is the way it came out and I know it's going to be delicious I also have one that I got cut and it's waiting on me I let it cool but it's waiting on me so that I can tear it up and normally we don't eat these with forks we just pick it up and we bite it so we've got a little bit this falling off here and I can get rid of that real quick man that is so good I mean that is really good so I'm gonna check this last one out nice toes off okay that's all chris has for you today chris is making fried apple pies and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you too bye [Music]
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 35,361
Rating: 4.9263802 out of 5
Keywords: fried apple pie, apple pie, dessert, chriscook4u2, old fashion dessert, pie filling, apples
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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