“I'm Chris Hansen." "No you’re not." "Yes, I am." "No you're not!”

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👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/1point6180339887 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Can you filter sex offender registry by occupation? I'm wanting to get a tutor for my kid, and would love to not have to pay full price.

👍︎︎ 168 👤︎︎ u/DownWithBigLentil 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

The police had their own undercover car waiting in the garage to take him away, that’s fucking baller

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/Higgilypiggily1 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Dude's a math tutor.... oof. He picked that job for a reason, jesus that's gross

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/myythicalracist 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Damn dude Billy Corgan looks rough these days.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/RedWong15 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

"Do they film this whole thing?"

"Yes, Mike. We are."

lol okay

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Heavy_Weapons_Guy_ 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Obviously, the guys on the show are horrible people but can someone explain how this isn't entrapment?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/CrumbleUnderPressure 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Pre crime before it was cool

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/techmighty 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

That basic arithmetic chirp at the beginning was fucking mindblowing lmao

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zyrs86 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
this 32 year old guy wants to spend a Sunday afternoon chillin with a 13 year old girl after texting her about getting stoned but Mike man sees date is about to go up in smoke you'll be shocked when you hear what man Z does for a living he's a math tutor you heard a right he teaches some of New York and Connecticut's wealthiest children how to solve complicated equations but you might say man G flunked basic arithmetic because 32 plus 13 adds up to trouble online he calls himself Mike Thrilla he's a self-employed tutor with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from a small New York College he's obsessed with pizza and he says he smokes marijuana often this is the sting house set up in Fairfield Connecticut an upscale town on Connecticut's Gold Coast about 50 miles from Manhattan the watchdog group petrichor is working with the Fairfield cops to bust adult men looking to spend time with 12 and 13 year old children inside and outside we've set up more than a dozen hidden cameras and in our virtual control room tetras operatives are communicating with Man Z these are some of the tax the 32 year old man who calls himself Mike Thrilla sent to our decoy who he thought was 13 did you blaze you're my soul mate wow you are so cute you look way older by the way but he also admits she shouldn't be talking to a 13 year old well you're cool and cute too I just know I could get in trouble even talking to you you know but man Z continues texting he later appears to become suspicious and asks the decoy to send a custom pic with his name on it his fears that the girl isn't real are apparently quashed the date is set and on a crisp autumn day man Z arrives at the sting house yes it what Manzi doesn't know is that I am waiting for him right behind that curtain mic man Z is a math tutor a smart guy who suspected something seemed weird in our sting house but he never calculated that I would be the one behind the curtilage sure no right here sit please okay I need to talk to you well what are you doing here today well I'm I'm here because I was slightly concerned concerned about what well concerned she's talking to people that are a lot younger a lot older on the website now why were you so concerned about a 13mil girl oh well she's talking to other people that obviously same age as me and hold of you I'm 32 you're 32 yes so you came over to make sure she was okay well I'm came over just to make sure that everything was fine everything was okay I was not so you're gonna search the house just now to make sure what well well I mean I don't know I can she could come she could be here with a group of people for all I know and she obviously was I mean don't you think well I think that would be slick a safe idea what was today's lessons supposed to be today today's lesson for the day's lesson forget today's lesson from me was to not unfortunately really worry about other people now you're 2 xored with wreck intruder i tutor our tutor are are these ages older ages what do you trigger them in um mathematics yes ma'am mhm what about smoking marijuana well I mean it's not really something that I turned into to people even though that seems like it from the champion well you're cool and cute too I just know I could get in trouble even talking to you well yes of course but you know look ma'am please leave and I am done okay you have some more questions for you do I be able to leave after your blue blaze we yes sir yes wait are you answer me are you reading stuff yes you can leave after I ask you a couple [ __ ] are you sure I'm their lease outsider I'll get to that then please sir can you please just tell me cuz I really can't so what it looks like mike is that you came here to smoke weed with a 13 year old girl and then whatever was gonna happen was gonna happen yeah but that's not entirely what explain it to me I just told you I was coming here to make sure everything was okay it really wasn't that far I wanted to make sure that there was no no like obviously like she my tummy in and there were not you were just being a good Samaritan well I was trying to to certain extent but like you know I was coming here to make sure he was okay 13800 kids all the time right would you think that the parents of the kids you tutor would be comfortable with you coming to visit thirteen year old girl after talking about smoking marijuana in your obably not your right now you tutor kids sir may I ask you a question yes you met first off that is not completely true I have a couple more questions for you I really don't want to answer any more questions until you have marijuana with you no I do not is it in your car no it is not then why did you say you were gonna come over here and play what a whiner physicai smoked cigarettes in my car again you see how this works I know how it looks and I'm a surveyor a year old guy who deals with kids all the time comes over to visit a 13 year old girl who's alone after a discussion about smoking marijuana sir I understand this I'm sorry when do you blaze did you blaze yes you're my soul mate you call it 13 yo so we were just talking come on please this is 32 yeah nothing else to do on a Sunday I'm trying to watch you're gonna watch football yeah here with a 13 year old girl a few blade you see how this looks I know how it looks I'm very sorry man please leave math tutor Mike mansi's number is up he thought he was going to spend the day smoking pot with a thirteen-year-old girl instead he's spending it with me and the police there's something please let me go home right sir nice it'd be best when you went on this or no happened sir I really can't afford to do this I can't I'm really not here for any mal-intent I really can't please do not look at the channel I really just want to please guys oh this is horrible there's only one way out through the garage where the Fairfield Connecticut cops are waiting with a pair of handcuffs with his name on them nangi argues with the cops and while he's not resisting arrest he's sure isn't being overly cooperative listen closely the cops tell Manzi they may have to pull out the Taser kneel down kneel down kneel down we'll explain everything okay he's put into the back of the unmarked car and hauled off to the police station the only numbers this math tutor will be crunching today how much his bail will be yes Mike we are he takes off his jacket before posing for a mugshot his t-shirt is a math equation it's a t-shirt popular with graduates of MIT the Massachusetts Institute of Technology but it didn't go there he got his degree from a small New York College as he's booked he bites his fingernails laces remaining issues and then he's fingerprinted before he decides to waive his right to remain silent and speak to detectives so now you've read all this and you understand it you're willing to talk to me about yes during the interrogation with a detective Nancy fidgets a lot he lets out a big sigh but it's understandable he's on the hot seat in the ice-cold interrogation room I do I understand the age difference it's important that you understand that I do I do I understand the age difference in that and and that's why I really was not intending on doing anything with this girl would you think when when she said she was 13 I just I I really felt like there was definitely a position that she was putting herself in that wasn't wasn't going to be a good one yeah and she said that her mother was coming home today right until about about 6 o'clock so I was I was going to go there I was gonna go hang out and you're from if her mother ended up you know coming in I would have explained her what was going on but that besides that that would have been that's all were you guys gonna go out to eat or anything you guys talk about food a lot and you did too up a lot I was getting hungry got actually was it sure I have no idea of what was you know you guys talk about wheat a lot about that a little bit we had where's the plane to smoke and I mean you know I was planning on trying to like just like I said being there make sure things were okay I would have definitely sat down and ate I would have hung out you know but that's that's pretty much it all right the detectives asked him about a text exchange with tetrads decoy when he called who he thought was a 13 year old girl his soul mate I'm going to do some yoga later lol how's your downward dog you remember what you said no we don't but you can how's your downward dog well okay yeah that's a yoga moves still it is but yeah Mike come on I'm the guy here a guy I get it putting the 13 year old girl into some sort of danger a 13 year old who can't who can't make those decisions and judgements on their own because their age and that's why they have the long because Manzi never sent any sexual attacks he was charged only with one felony criminal attempt to commit risk of injury to a minor he pleaded guilty and got a suspended sentence of three years and was placed on probation do you think he was up to more than just sharing a joint you know I don't know I mean you know it's hard to say but that's an example of somebody that that we entrust to make our kids and child's lives better you know it happens all the time we have baseball coaches we have tutors we have piano teachers gymnasts we have all these people that interact with our children and we hope that they're guiding them in the right way this is an example of somebody that certainly was inappropriate and guiding that child in a different way but clearly his behaviors inappropriate Manzi dodged a big bullet you might say the teacher learned the lesson today don't contact underage children
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 41,864,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime Watch Daily, True Crime Daily, Chris Hansen, Hansen vs. Predator
Id: KXfibK8tCtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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