AoE2 Hidden Cup | Final + Player Reveal

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1:36:04 is the moment I remember most from the first hidden cup. Super stoked for HC2

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ViCiouS_Marauder 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
alright ladies and gentlemen here we are Dave I do not have team colors on by the way here we are this is the Grand Finals of the hidden Cup in the green we have hidden Cup two playing as the Berbers and then we have number four choosing the Aztecs they're choosing some weird colors to maybe throw us off here I'm going to stick with the colors that they choose throughout the entire best-of-seven unless it's really awkward but wow man I 4,000 viewers two of the best players in a tournament for sure lots of thoughts are going through my mind man this is gonna be great this is exciting and I mean hidden Cup two going for Berbers again you did this earlier in the day yeah deader earlier in the day was successful with it and at that time he was heavy on nights and heavy on scurbs which does work for us mezzo we've seen Aztecs a lot we have seen lei Ming a lot there's suspicions that MBL might be in this game and already we have orange coming forward with the eagle and this is the bill yeah that's just he does he does see and Green doesn't see the Eagle until now now you only shot that boar once a house trick oh man so I think the boar will be lost now but at least the villagers alive this this looks like a low lag game as well do you see how quickly they're moving yeah you go around look at green he saw both of those is green MBL oh so now he's running back oh he's gonna leave that's not at me all that's not a meal well he might he might be expecting orange to steal now so you have to be careful if you're orange because the enemy Scout is faster than yours so they could easily get in front of you and kill you off so there's no surprise element to this because green is aware that that boars on the front and will likely be stolen let's see what happens both going out for Lane so I mean this happens in tournaments someone actually going to bite here someone gonna smack this boar smack this pig and take it back home someone says no lag no lag Brazilians maybe hmm it's possible so we can make the decision now chat up do you want to use red and blue do you wanna make it consistent because we can do that and that way they won't change colors game to game because they're not choosing yellow so a lot of people are saying yes what do you think Dave Oh greens wait and greens waiting for this boy where to go back know how many stopped moving nope oh wait no as loom as loom there's no way what are you doing that was a mistake from green in my opinion I think we should go with team colors cuz it's kind of it's hard for us too yeah like people with colorblindness - I think orange and green are bad so both these players were blue in the previous series so let's go with hidden cup - is blue let's change that now and then red for hidden cup for and we will keep we will stick with this throughout the entire series and the colors were different than maybe but this this makes it less confusing for us alright so no lanes Dave no lanes let's look at the maps briefly red has a nice back gold to back wood lines it's actually missing out on sheep which he'll find Snell and his other goals could be tough to control I think because he can't really t see them but at least they're not on the front his stones aren't great either actually stones are bad yeah there's one forward and then the secondary is way out there and he's got like a neutral stone to the right kind of but yeah if blue decides to push in on the front side and if Fred wants to get to camel archers at some point which is a possibility he's gonna have trouble wait who once against camel archers red or blue start sorry I got the colors okay we got it we got it we got it it's okay it's okay we got the warm-up games in so we're good we can make it through the next seven and I hope there are seven here I hope there are seven oh no loom on this villager it's a Berber villager and can run away quickly a red delaying the barracks from glue you know blue he also is having scouting issues at home that man doesn't see the sheep on the left red is being annoying with this Eagle warrior so I like Aztecs better than Berbers here but blue showed us what he can do with Berbers before so I won't count them out here I just wonder if if you can win here is Berbers you save Aztecs you saved Incas you save mines you save those medicines for what is now a best-of-seven that could be really valuable later on Red's gonna see blue going out to gold here which isn't really a surprise with Berbers yeah you're kind of expecting the men-at-arms right yep in this case I think red is probably going man-at-arms expecting his opponent to play defensively with the man-at-arms and that's exactly what is happening both players advancing the feudal red will have a jump start Reds eco is it's honestly not ideal I'm just looking at how much he rez he has in the bank how much food he has underneath his TC it's kinda tough honestly blue had all the deer right so milling that deer will give him a stronger economy blue was also badly house Wow hmmm MBL can bowl oh he's badly house and he only has two militia that really hurts meanwhile Reds already researching man-at-arms Wow yeah that's that's not good man okay let's see what happens here always taking the fight gets good free hits there but the villager passing right past the man-at-arms in the Eagle warrior she survives Berbers for all their speed yeah worked out that's that's exactly what happened in the previous game right he saved all of his villagers from dying because of the speed and I'll save this one too okay Wow calculated bro calculated but red is definitely on the offensive and I would say red will be happy with idling all these villagers at the very least but he needs a follow-up follow-up will probably be archers nice micro from blue he really saved himself there it could've been so much worse hmm yeah there's the archery range for red very open on the front lots of hills on the front but man the back area of his base is so secure look at that man to lumber camp safe gold blue can't complain either of course hmm well three men at arms four blue mostly on full HP let's see if you can find an area to pressure this will keep red back at home now red needs a few archers to deal with this what blue should probably do is distract keep keep red at home for as long as possible yeah yeah yeah being annoying being very annoying yo do you remember hidden Cup - scouting the weak villes it was game 5 verse hidden Cup 10 on cross yesterday what's that with the scouts to do Scouts yes yes this is the player I think I mean I know a lot of you might have missed it you need to go back and watch all the games to try and guess your way through but whoever this player was he had two Scouts he picked off I think five monks and a few bills it was pretty wild ooh later archery ranges for blue so he's gone for the economic approach so he's bought himself time but now he's going back home little boy might run into a wolf and get t90 wooed here two wolves he's gonna hit one either way doesn't matter what direction he goes yeah man and arms should run don't want to lose these blue okay you got a hit what are you thinking Dave you like Reds position like blues position pretty even I like I like Blues position especially since he kept the man and it arms a lot well never mind yeah I think this is where to fight the Eagles he would have been fine but they're out of position and now and he's forced to wall up like crazy I love the Eagle audition from red this is why mezzo sips are picked in Game one because now the Eagles can counter any any enemies Kermes and blue is up against it immediately force the fort to a quick wall behind as much as possible so as techs in my opinion should win this matchup it's just that before blue is able to make Berbers work and it's not working this time at least so far of course lots of houses lots of wood that's can't go into farms red is so much pressure coming in villager goes down for blue oh god this is a disaster forum really aggressive play red is undefeated in this tournament Dave he hasn't lost a game he lost didn't lose one game no oh no that's a 303 Oh in both of them and in the quarter yesterday and then in the semi blues looping around I like this he loops around with the skirmishers he knows the archers are trapped and of course he'll lose some squirming killed the archers then the man and arms can maybe join the fight to trade verse the Eagles still still really rough to lose that many skirmishers you Eagles though like strong as you think especially against villagers until you get upgrades for them yeah they don't really kill villagers that well so if you get rid of all the archers you got a decent shot to just defend yep I think that bread is done an excellent job to do damage with very low numbers and at home look at his base this see this reminds me of fire I could be way off but something about all the house swallowing I said it in the first quarterfinal with this player it reminds me of fire I'll be interested to see if I get that wrong or right obviously chances are I'm wrong he's gonna advance the castle age Dave so he's done all this damage with few units I like it if the result was different right if the result was different if it was 3 1 3 2 then I'd say okay it's probably fire but whoever this is 3 owed twice of course you don't know who they're up against but a lot of players will palisade while early even viper even doubt it'll palisade while early but this is the second time actually the third time I've seen this guy go for lots of houses and that's seen as a waste by many players to build early but fire does this all the time would be pretty good result for him to get here I think blue could be dead yeah I mean against Eagles right 250 food Nonna's way to castle not even close I think blue could be dead in game one man [Music] he's coming forward these skirts I'm sorry man you're not gonna make it yeah okay well the squirms picked off the archer now the run back probably expecting Eagles might see a quick GG in Game one maybe maybe it's gonna be tough versus many Eagle Warriors of course Knights trade very well verse the Eagles but when you're not in Castle age you can't make Knights he's gonna have to do some like walling gymnastics here to keep these Eagles out yeah he can't let them get into his wood line and stuff when they're upgraded yeah red not only will be ahead in military but hope you had an eco now I could add town centers yeah TC to the North Laurel to workshop oh I like it I like it we could follow that up with a monastery Dave for any conversions just attack that archery range why not wait for your upgrades wait for this each workshop blue no house to do something needs to repair he's walling up like crazy nice aggressive play from red in Game one hmm so anyone in the chat has been around for a few years like from the aoc days that thinks that's fire I'm wondering if I'm crazy hey guy I don't know why I'm so sure it's fire of all people why a blue no red eye I feel like red is fire and it's my heart is telling me it's fire my head is telling me that that's a really bold pick a lot of people are not agreeing okay okay I see some names that have been around for a few years like me okay it's fine I mean I'm okay with being wrong I'm just saying I have this feeling it could be way off oh well that's gonna be a pain in the ass if he takes down the market yeah who needs that market man he needs nights he's going for three stables which is good because he knows he's behind and he finally hits castle agent instantly getting nights out but there's already monks for red there's already monks for red some monks and eagles what are Knights gonna do against that I can't do all that much and blue needs a response now on the attack rounds with the mag and El there let's do a little bit more damage do you run in if your red David you just hold I think you run it okay he's thinking about it there is a risk that if you run in you lose all your army and blue can push back out so maybe you wait to heal up a little bit wait for two monks even as a battering ram here killing I could go for the blacksmith he's killing the barracks killing the house yes I love it he's going for the blacksmith 1tc style push now we'll be two TCS for red but he's invested a lot into this in early castle age I think that's the right play blue needs to do the same so he can combat this if he can kill the monks like maybe loop around behind today kill the monks first then he can kill the miguel's in the Eagles but it's the monks that really changed this Reds going with his third TC now so now he's got to start thinking about saving up army yeah he can't afford to replenish this with three TC he's gone yep the damage has been done so now is the time to make sure that your opponent is not adding more eco than you I like it and red does not see that Blues looping around I really think he's going to come from the other side here that's a lot of nights two conversions though in the game like he yeah I don't think you can take it well it comes with Knights from the front and Knights from the back let's see if two conversions come in one conversion it will be two conversions the monks are healing there's a ton of eagles and remember the blacksmith went down so these Knights they do not have any more upgrades there's still Knights but the Eagles should win this and the GG is called Wow convincing play man convincing play the guys undefeated the guys undefeated hidden cup for it has won seven games now he 302 300 always up one oh this is quite a player mink Berbers is the biggest mistake there though Berbers is a pick that makes you look brilliant if you win but it makes you look like a fool if you lose I love to go okay okay so let's let's look at the achievements briefly is a rather quick game luckily we have six more potentially just came down to the strategy choice I think it comes down to what the sieve offers I don't get Berbers but now as tix cannot be chosen by red later on in this series all right score has been updated I still for you yet to get into your your pregame thing can we shift to your server instead of a private call because I that's why I wasn't talking that much but yeah our connection and it was kind of how does that work you mean use we go to casting boost in your channel yeah yeah try it as it runs off a different server that's fine yeah we can go there cool sorry the audio issues of course happened during the final let's see okay cool perfect can you hear me though yeah okay cool you remember all the issues we still have no no all the issues you use yes I used to have ever had yes of course of course for the record I have never had issues with anything in my entire life chat yeah okay nothing never never well hopefully this works out for us and game 2 will be coming up I imagine if this is MBL he could pick Arabia you are able to pick Arabia for your home map even though it was in Game one but we we couldn't see it in game 3 then as a home map choice you shots blowing up you guys enjoying this you guys enjoying this game too we're not even we're not even to Game three or four we're not even halfway through my favorite part about this is how sure you all are we're all gonna look like fools at the end of this everybody's so sure on their picks would you stake your life on your picks guys would you stake your life on your predictions here please say no because if you say yes you're making some really bad decisions in other areas of your life there's a lot of yeses there okay typing a yes in this is the equivalent to the castles we saw because series pretty much man I'll just put a castle there oh geez well thank you thank you thank you thank you I'm thinking Mayans think you need to go with something heavy here I think you go Mayans if you're hidden kept too I guess it always depends on the map of course but if it's Arabia I think we see Mayans Aztecs it seems like the winning player gets his best saves out of the way first oh wow interesting home map hick for game number two laughs my friends we have Slavs okay so we've seen a lot of non-mirror matchups where someone goes slabs and the others would go from mezzo or go for Britain's this time we have a Slavs war and it's hidden pic as well so it's not as if the other saw his opponent chose slabs and he chose slabs he went for it and happened to be the same for the other guy Gold Rush is an amazing map we saw some amazing games throughout this whole three-day event and blue is here in the south east of the map and then in the north we have red who is undefeated Dave he's finding ways to win yeah it's not always pretty but he's finding ways to win so when it comes down to men that's what it comes down to so on gold rush you do have two piles of golds luckily we'll start with Reds map he has his four tyonne it's three tile in a nice wall ball position can wall in towards his town center a wall in towards the edge of the map Gold Rush is actually quite a wobble map and then blue yeah as a gold behind his TC the other one must be far away oh good god that's far and it's really far it's further than his bores so that'll be tough but he's also closer to the golden the center yeah he's closer to the center gold than he is to his own gold yeah that's ridiculous that's that's good and bad I guess depending on how he plays this a red also is someone close to the center and they both have flat ground to TC so you don't have to go immediately for a castle on the hill or something you can get a piece of this gold beforehand think we'll see a lame on this ah I don't know I think usually what I've noticed in gold rush is the players are more concerned with getting their own boars in first yeah and destroying their opponent and like I don't even does hidden Cup to see his yeah he sees a second more way back there okay you know you know what hidden Cup to also sees he sees the Jags Oh any place to Palace eight there he placed the palace a there okay so this is a trick actually pointed this out in the the latest fat slob episode believe it or not if you Scout an area and then place the building foundation there you still have to spend the resource but you can see anything that's that's there and sometimes you'll see players place Palisades over Jags so if this Jaguar disappears he knows that might be coming towards his base in the form of the war or that could be to remind himself that he could send a spear that direction and war some indirect onin red be careful red be careful though who's your Scout red come on man that's so important I think that's the first Scout that has died to a TC in this tournament I think that's the first time correct me if I'm wrong those that have been here over today in the last two days but I think that's the first time that has happened and this is the guy who's undefeated that is not good at all to throw your scout away like that it's impossible to stress how important having a Scout alive is at this level like yeah especially on a map like Gold Rush he doesn't even know where the golds are dude exactly so this is hilarious because everyone was thinking this guy's Viper he's undefeated then he loses his Scout like that everyone goes down immediately changed their prediction like no I can't be Viper Vipers flawless that's that's hilarious well I I think I expect Scouts from both so at least red has that that's probably the most common strategy for these SIVs and Amir matchup but I do think not knowing where the pressure is going to be coming in also the fact that blue could pick off any villagers that might be that red might use to wall there's a lot of factors basically and that puts red in the hole right away yeah if you're if you're blue you know where red is you'd know where the Jaguars are you know red doesn't have a scout yeah just make one militia I just try and get all of those Jags in this base if we see a militia I'm fairly certain it's MBL because MBL made them the spear actually he made a militia and a spear to do that in the one game verse hidden kapten in the dissent sorry quarters which was an amazing best-of-five don't even though we don't know what's the reason the reason I keep saying it's MBL is because that's my guess and I could be way wrong on that but I don't think there's a lot of players which would spend the resource and take the risk to go for that trap again it could be anybody but that was that was when I thought okay this must be him and also oh crap it was hidden cup for who talked to you in Chinese wasn't it yep Oh God I don't know who are these people hidden cup for says hello you beautiful Canadian to Dave in Chinese so that's probably not a Chinese player I don't know who these people are Oh what it wasn't event man okay well are we gonna see a militia I don't think so we see walls blue we'll see I think we'll see a spear never mind militia there we go man-at-arms I guess yeah man-at-arms I do like man-at-arms a lot in blues case because your opponent can't Scout it so it's quite easy to wall man-at-arms out if you expect it so I do agree with with switching it up here cuz you could catch right off guard red seems to be going Scouts here I think he'll build a stable to the left of the mill and he for the most part he's walled but militia could run to the right of this house I like Reds base better though so he has that I think his base is way better than blues yeah but he doesn't even he doesn't really know what blues base looks like yups again the scouting coming back to haunt him yep but fortunately blue knows there's no Jaguars in the center so he won't run into those because they would attack his militia and he will hit phew rage man and arms will be on the way and there's the stable red does he make one spear and send it over there I think he does I think he does cuz he placed the palisade there to remind him where he's got a gather point it's close he's making one spear yeah can I be in the play if he could read red doesn't see these units always gonna distract the TC fire with the scout that's next-level stuff he was thinking about running in now Red Nose Red Gate walls this is he successful he is well that's to high level plays intro slam confirmed you think it's slam could be slam could be a lot of players we know viper and slam are huge with their gates Dave's been rooting for slam man he wants to see slam get a result slam was streaming last night and I went to his stream and I said hello and he kind of hesitated like he was like LT 90 I've really had to think about what he's gonna say about the hidden cup so maybe he didn't want to spoil but that spear is better off being on the front now because it protects from red Scouts I like the decision once again to not upgrade those two man-at-arms yep there's no reason to at this point yep and your opponent's Scouts are gonna do nothing because your fool waltz right so maybe the drush into farm and boom to castle ages a fine decision I want to see him send one of these militia at some point over there to collect this Jackson that's what I wouldn't see man you could get right in under that TC if he's not paying attention yep that villager on the front 18 HP she's weak from the boar earlier she would be the target he killed two bills last time he did that that was an insane game from him too yep these Scouts are gonna be a waste so three Scouts from red which will do very little if anything for him except Scout what he missed before so that's good he can't know where the gold is think about what his strategy might be what a 1v1 meta for gold rush go to the skirmishers with slab just know not what you expect you know I think it should always find a way I think it shows how strong Slavs are with their farming because you don't want to fool one go to Castle age because you need to apply pressure but with slabs you can apply pressure but then you can quickly be up to Castle age because of the farc it look at what blues doing market blacksmith in the back so that red can't see it mmm I guess he's just gonna go as fast as he can to castle and yeah it's it's weird he's probably gonna buy a little bit if he's building the market at this point we'll see I think if he's going nights he would need to stable right but he's aware of what Reds going for red is not aware of what blues going for and blue clicks up oh he needs to wall this yeah he does it's an easy wall though but he needs to send yeah he's sending a villager now he'll be fine yeah he just needs to add another layer yo set send your militia to the jacks at least get the units outside the range that would be so cool if there were ten jaguars sitting there and they killed all Fred's archers that would be great man there's Jags everywhere find them buddy find him chat that's what chat once that's what YouTube wants I can guarantee it ooh it's gonna be late to castle yeah man really late really late I like blue strategy man he knows how to play slabs obviously it is possible that whoever red is he watched the games yesterday saw what blue went for and decided to do that himself these archers will not offer all that much to read at all and they could be completely overwhelmed by Knights and if you lose with slabs man you can't use that civilization again it could be strong on virtually every other map in this tournament I can range two farmers from here it's got to be careful about that TC though do you delete that farm and build a house or he's going to or he's gonna build a gate behind it yeah right here or he just lets them in and then slaughters them with nice yes and behind with the militia no yeah we just hit 5,000 viewers on the stream welcome everybody red runs in red might run past the militia are there let's cool and now red nose there's nights coming so that's good for him he needs to keep all of his archers alive men he cannot lose numbers because he's gonna be completely overwhelmed if he does that to stable siege workshop okay here we go let's see if this works out for blue this isn't the first time we've seen a siege workshop at a moment where we wouldn't expect it you know like right away that I've seen it from different players here just right away in castle and then they don't even make anything from it it's like they're making it just to be safe just in case yeah hmm well we'll have to ask players about that add that to your list of things to bring up with the winner of this event after the final concludes I also I'd like to bring both finalists in I talked to two other pro players about that are playing in this event to stop by regardless of if they're in it now or not would be kind of funny if the few players I spoke to would end up being the winners anyway but yet another siege workshop this is this is different Dave different than I expected double seat workshop double seat workshop maggin ELLs and red scalp movement is great bro he wants to see what's coming his way this is so important remember losing a scout early on he probably felt the difference when he didn't know what his opponent was going for well now he does I don't think he spotted a Mac and L though he definitely didn't see the siege workshop no he'll know he'll know that a siege workshop is coming forward if he saw that ville coming to the middle but he won't suspect - yeah that's for sure there's only three nights here they are getting chained barding though there's a mag Annelle if fred can just pick off this villager that'd be huge he sees her he's distracting the knights all the manga tells the Megiddo the mag knows there will the villager go down it's a 90 percent this each workshop just dis dodge with her dodge with her bro dodge with her the 5ds Oh oh my god did you see that red Miss clicked and click this each workshop and now this each workshop goes up he misses he clicks it's each workshop instead of clicking the villager he had a moment there blues running back and forth we have an amount on the channel called t90 babe let's spam that for that hero villager goodness she's she's gonna build a TC now she is the hero man yeah seriously it's 2018 guys 2018 now night coming out from red I like this a lot well blue see this yeah he saw it really late - hold on back I think he's fine though I think he's fine it's just where these cross was going he has to track them red actually has a slight Vil lead and there's a lot of crossbows here and we could see his micro was good he could also pick off any monks and even Knights but no ballistics lab crossbows aren't it's not the best to stick with them for too long so I like Blues comp better a red conduce and damage soon let's see maybe he's cutting off the reinforcements now Dave and Red's trying to get away from that siege workshop in the middle and he thinks he can beeline it to blue space but he doesn't know that blue has a siege workshop in his own base yeah however blue does not have the gold yeah blue does not have the gold so he doesn't have another mag Annelle on the way the red is being so annoying with the these Knights you know he missed out on an opportunity to stop that TC again so blues TC will go up and that's why you had a monastery here guys probably thinking why a monastery there's a lot of crossbows we need to convert enemy Knights so you don't lose your Mac and else University up for red now hmm it's gonna have ballistics which should be tough for blue to deal with you notice he has a lot more economy you notice how he has 11 more villagers yep I thank you you boom up a bit get lots of military go to stone and then right when you win a fight build a castle on that hill I think that's got to be the plan it's a risky risky castle though with manga Knowles hanging out near there very risky man and his crossbows and it's just what are slabs good at they're good with Knights they're good with siege they're good with infantry not crossbows and castle Age it's fine but you're investing into something he won't use long term he does see blue siege workshop there and yeah he gets out of there man he gets out of there and as of now if Fred wants to collect gold in the center the closest one is where blue his tea seed so he could have gone for that passive option and he's gone here instead I like that decision but it has proved to be too risky in the past I worked for him here who read he did yeah he did did he yeah okay yeah he got ballistics he's also has a bunch of pikemen he's getting Squires I don't think he expects that blue is gonna have so much siege on this Hill there's scorpions now as well four of them with three mag and else that's really tough to take down mm-hmm and it looks like blue is kind of house walling like securing that area yep making it more of a choke point that red has to funnel through to get to him these Mangano's oh no what are you kidding me oh man what a clutch hit from hidden cup four but at the same time blue where you going brother where are you going and now those red push in here this is still a risky move it's a lot of scorpions and there's still Mac and I was on the hill from blue oh man I don't think he'll get that lucky again red I do not but he need if he hits the scorpions it's a different ballgame that's what he's going for here and blue gets his own nice shot one for one that's because Reds because Reds Mac and I'll died the hill bonus was negated let's get away from the scorpions man it's getting a lot of great hits on the crossbows and of course more mac & L's are gonna be on the way I still don't think this is great for red he's Knights have +2 the scorpions there's five of them and so wasn't the best moment for Blu Dave but he's holding on here he's losing his militia though sad day for them I I can't believe that hidden cup too lost those nagging ELLs and he's confident now he knows okay rats running away I should push a little bit but don't over invest here hold your Hill we've seen players leave there he'll lose their army and then get pushed back I don't think he can go any farther than that Red's even making some Scouts to come counter the monks and now he's coming in from the other side with crossbows great split great split but he still has to go back he was unsuccessful with killing the monk nice attempt but blue is equal to it man and one for one here incoming blues micro good micro these two players deserve to be in the final Oh God another shot no maghen ELLs lost yet and all I thought blue was gonna lose his there blue loses two scorpions he loses a ton of Knights red has more Magon ELLs and red kills another one at the top of the hill do you move in now they've all great Megan I'll shot from blue and another one another one no red is doing a great job at dodging this it's still that the scorpions and the Macan elves are so powerful on the hill blue needs to repair this repair this mango okay he gets lucky finally he's gonna win this fight he's gonna win this fight yeah I think so do you engage for the maggot Hills there that's the question probably not because the cross was have ballistics but remember when red had pikemen he only has two now and blue just needs to pick up his micro a little bit and oh can he use the Knights he can't he'll kill that only one though don't go after the other one nice sick game here absolutely sick game and two more stables coming it down in the middle he's just gonna this is a castle war for him yep not going up anytime soon so quote from Viper he said Slavs are great civilization however if you're playing with them you have to go all-in castle age why he didn't say he said he would play it all in castle age because that transition is tough blue is Viper I'm saying that a lot of people in the chat who like Viper would be very happy to hear that quote but oh god he killed his own so apparently it's doubt again yeah I think I think blue can win this fight men kill the mag Annelle surrounds the crossbows red surprises them though not the first time we've said that the sane man this is insane blue runs in with the Knights all these small things happening in the fight the only reason that red had score lead was because of eco not because of military not because of the goals he has and he's actually pushed off of his stone now around the time he wanted to build that castle remember when I mentioned that Dave Reds in trouble goodness gracious he's gonna have to he's gonna have to try and put a castle somewhere whether it's on the right side or if he tries to go ballsy in the forward yeah look where blue is the only way back Morsi twerk shots horse hinge workshops on poor man he's gonna be on four of them I love that location too cuz that's right where red wants to push out from yeah yep hidden Cup four is building a castle yacht to the right to the raid on that hill yeah so now I think your hope is maybe getting to imp and utilizing a greater tech if you're red because you do have more economy right red could lose his face here if he's not careful this is true blue if blue pushes out there yeah this is true you know what that castle does give red it gives him blues gold that's funny and blue is actually going for long swords I like it they do what the pikemen yeah I like if you're gonna go all-in castle hy not right yeah use the Knights for now though you could run right in the red does not have much mobility red is very exposed at the moment does he just go for the eco does he just ran ran down these buildings seems like that's gonna be the attempt this is the best game I mean it's the second game this is the best game by far because the first game was kind of a dud and they're a red player is undefeated in the tournament I don't know if that's going to continue he's struggling yeah big-time is he gonna go bow yards really he just researched chain barding oh he's making more stable so he wants to go Knights huh I think he doesn't have the gold to go Knights yeah I don't think he has the gold to go Knights and it's not too unheard of to see blue go long swords and pikemen unless unless he sneaks around it takes he could take blues gold yeah yeah exactly and sneak around behind this area in the middle that blue controls right here next to the monastery I just steal that I don't know if red has under control or blue has it under control or neither because red seems to be adapting to this blue seems to be in a fine position though he's on his way to the imperial aide Luke could lose three Mangan Elzear if he's not careful oh he sees it though man he sees it it's incredible really and he could go in with Knights the micro from these two is his insane red again better with the mag adèle micro yeah I don't know why blue doesn't just send a knight in there but it's because of that apparently nice micro so long swords so champions and Halberdier is the end goal for blue and red now sees that the man in arms so he knows red has 40 more villagers than blue I mean I'm Fidel this mine yeah and he's got access to gold on the front side so it is not it is not over here not over at all he can sell that wooden food he's bringing in with the rest of his economy you know what this reminds a micro yes yes you know what this reminds me of that one gold rush game years ago in t90 series between mr. yo and the Viper and the Viper was in castle aged for a long long time but he still came back to win if red is Viper if the undefeated player is Viper will we see that again it's kind of shaping up to be that Kassel from blue on the hill they've loved it perfect placement he's gonna go out and trip Reds castle and if red loses that castle there he doesn't really have a foothold on that area and he's losing Vil's to the Jaguars on the right as well look at this castle in the front oh my god that castle almost got killed by the maghen el from blue red just doesn't have enough Manny he's at 27 military but he has worse military and that castle will give him entryway into blues base but but blue could take Reds base or her blue could just just wipe up all the castles with trebs I think he's got his scent some nights into Reds eco you have to freakin wall this off yeah you got a wall this off flue both players need to we're at the Knights go from blue now there they are I don't know man this score is a bit deceiving for me it's probably cuz the Ville count but I like Blues position a lot more very compact base oh my god he's open on the backside that could be devastating it's even 1tc this entire time at home yep and then that other one in the center yeah look look look we have barracks going up right understands the situation and he's gonna go Lightcap he's gonna go all in castle age this is awesome this is awesome blue has to start repairing his treads like red just took one down for free basically in the middle and can't let him do that and what do you need to upgrade to Albert here what do you need to upgrade to longswords what do you need for basically everything food and wood and blue despite being in the Imperial age she doesn't have a lot of tech that can be his opponent he's so far behind in villagers Red's going to push this back or attempt to in the castle age this is something else with no gold except for the gold that is actually meant for blue out on the front blue the only thing is blue can't or red can't really push blues position in the middle so as long as blue holds its own pace yeah and like slowly builds up his villager numbers and his eco he should be should be okay as long as he holds at his face yeah and he's doing that now that's why he left his Knights there he's also rating right a little bit of course that's not weakening Reds economy all that much but at least drawing some of the attention back to Red's base I agree they'll keep the trebs alive keep the tribes alive you need your long swords and Pikes right next to those trebuchet x' and red lost one Castle Dave one cast red red is on a ticking timer he's only got three piles of gold left yep and those tiles are probably really low by now yeah he has about actually 1,000 gold almost exactly and he'll probably start selling a bit and the castle on the front from blue right beside his first TC and that's a good castle that's an amazing castle because if he gets it up he can send the trebs comfortably behind trap down red and then East Knights can go forward that's the most important thing here the Knights can go forward yeah and Red's Reds making my Rams trying to push on the topside Bulls lost one trebuchet of course there's plenty more gold where that came from but but Reds stalling out oh man he just misses out on that one though he has to push takes the middle now I think red yeah blues catching up in bill numbers he's almost at a hundred bills now yeah and that was Reds that was Reds advantage and once blue gets if he wants to get like dracaena and how about here yep i I don't know what red can do against that dude start he needs to start with some Imperial age upgrades period he doesn't have any Imperial age defense upgrades on his calves on his spikes on his long swords he's just basically gone for trebs I don't even know if he got conscription when Reds gonna switch direction Dave Red's gonna send the Rams towards the main base of blue where's he make that castle too it said he was dropping a castle somewhere in his base in his base just in case blue wants to run in there incredible so we don't get who the players are Reds on the way to the Imperial age that was a sick gate from blue to deny red going into sight the TREB at his own base huh I like it it also stalls out his ramps so he can't get in there yeah I think he can sell some of that stone possibly but then again he might want another castle in the middle of the battlefields he's making ranges Dave he's making skirm now he's going into trash which infantry does shred and finally blue getting to the point where he can get two-handed swordsman and plate mail armor and he saved all those knights as well yeah they're just waiting yeah waiting for an opening and then they'll go in and maybe kill all those stone villagers yeah I think they could go now he's coming up from the other side too with long swords so maybe he sends all his forces out at the same time yeah and he's also mixing in like to have I think food has been has been his biggest concern though because he's wedged into such a small area and his base yeah here they go right now and red has no access to gold once this is gone yeah no access to gold and he's up against champions and champions are the trash Slayers and wow wow these villagers will die yeah what a hold now on the other side you have to credit red for recognizing the Blues on this gold and taking the hill but I don't think that will last all that long right maybe it will credit to red as well on the left side with those crossbows and scurf yes six stuff man he's camping the relic there these two players are fantastic whoever they are we'll have to wait to find out look at the light gap now the light capital kill the treads from blue blue has not done a great job of protecting his trebs this game I'll tell you that much and hidden Cup 4 is now selling a ton of Reds to get the IMP upgrades hussar and plate barding armor coming so maybe just maybe if he can raid the economy use mobility he can come back into this but without gold Dave it's gonna be really really tough yeah blast furnace now coming in for a hidden cup - so he's getting all his tech upgrades in there yep and he could probably push the main eco yeah he's working on it push the main eco of red soon but it had to say whether red wins or loses he has not gone down without a fight most players would have been dead by now and he's done an amazing job distracting blue because blue doesn't know whether to focus on the middle his base or forward he used to be in three different places yep and that's not ideal when your slaps you want to help one big ball of military but okay 171 population for red this guy just won't go away it's just that he doesn't have the gold and he has no answer to champions and champion is incoming fully up straight champions blast furnace arson yep say goodbye to all of your buildings around here my friend yep and even if he kills this trebuchet Blue has the gold Blue has the gold he probably doesn't even care all that much but he needs to care about his overall population just holding on to the middle look at this this group of crossbows and skirmishers is being micro Don the gold on the left day like this guy's insane whoo that's crazy the attention to detail is he gonna micro this this might be leery dude it feels Leary asked doesn't any attack rounds with the mag Annelle from whoever - is are you kidding me are you kidding me snipe unbelievable stuff here there's 200 population on the map there's so much going on they have to create the military fight with the military this is epic stuff and this is quite a final goodness gracious but I still think blue now with the gold should be finishing off red soon right yeah if blue ever gets into that wood line up north - that is so juicy yeah that's half of Reds eco right there yeah it's just a matter of time now I think blues not taking any losses I mean white loses GC in this that ran but whatever whatever he has he has enough bills I needs to kill the production buildings and slowly push read back and you know take out this monastery because that's the only way Reds getting any gold is from the two relics and this is what I wanted to see more of from red rating with us ours and this economy yeah yeah what it what a performance by both players there man that that is a sign of what could possibly be coming that was only game three and a best-of-seven guys can we get the gee-gees in the chat for that one that was insanity from both from both I don't know how red didn't die earlier I don't know how how blue didn't get pushed back at times either but here's the Eco 369 kills for blue finally gets his win here to tie it up there's the Eco stats as well we actually need to to get out of this quickly because I want to see everybody vote we have 5,400 people here welcome everybody to the stream I will not have time to catch up with new subs Rhys ups we're gonna focus on the games until afterwards I want you all to vote on who you think these players are you can see the players on the right side of your screen it's got to be them we don't know for sure who they are I'm going to have a poll on screen in a bit and when I do you can vote by placing a number in the chat let's go here so this is for number two okay this is for number two this is for the person that won the last game in the blue one is for Viper 2 is 4 mb l3 is for slam force for doubt and so on hi-de-ho man I think Lehrer Vipers got at the end there for sure right Dave Dave is dead I don't I don't know man I don't know hard to say when you have 12 of the best players in the world right yeah I can I can like pinpoint some players that it's not but I can't really I think one of them is definitely MBL yeah could we have a Leary versus MBL here because I think the red players crossbow and skirmishers at the end there is quite telling it could be leery yeah and we've been thinking that hidden cuff to is MBL for a while now it's possible it's possible we have 20% on doubt 31% on MBL and 20% on Leary so chat agrees chat agrees okay so we'll vote for the other player see what you guys think about him he was undefeated until this last game and now you can type in the chat to vote for him as well really cool voting system I'm glad we have this this makes the stream so cool at all a lot of ones they think Viper was on the feed until then Wow a lot of one's an overwhelming number of ones in fact 65% of viewers think that that was the Viper so if you go off the votes it's a normally final I wouldn't complain man these games have been amazing I would not complain so whoever that person is he gets to choose his map and we're gonna see that here in a bit the game has already launched we're a little bit behind but we'll be in it in no time thank you thank you thank you chat for being here for being just thank you this is amazing turnout I can't believe it I'm pinching myself over here I'm so hyped to get into the next couple games Dave I want to hear I want to hear like a definitive guess who you think they are I'm going with Leary and MBL I'm going with MBL and slam let's go he's like where am i from Canada slam all right I mean it could be slammed it could be slam delirious stuff could easily be slam ask right ladies and gentlemen I like to welcome five and a half thousand people to game number three between hitting cup number two and hidden cup number four we do not know who they are exactly about what we do know is it's a Japanese verse Italians were huh okay now did the colors switch here on us I had the last time blue was number two right yeah yeah so I need to switch the colors back I don't mean to confuse you guys there we go so on the right we have the winner of last game he has chosen Italians and then we have the the four only undefeated player who lost the last match he is playing as the Japanese so we got Japanese again Dave why Japanese you get a discount on all the gather buildings like lumber camps and mining camps and mills and stuff so you only pay half price for that which means you have more wood for docks and fishing ships plus your fishing ships have twice as much HP they have armor and they gather faster yes now only good on water mats we saw somebody try Japanese and blues to read here I believe if I'm getting it right red had chosen Italians in that best-of-five this is the semi he won with Italians and then he decided to choose Japanese here perhaps seeing that it was hard to kill his opponents fish what's happening he said sorry I'll just could finish this point with that being said whoever did have Japanese in that game did not take advantage of the bonuses like he could have played much better so I think that Japs can work the Japanese player in that game had a better start and he had the advantage over the Italians he had more efficient ships he had more Navy at the start he just didn't follow up correctly yeah I agree 110 percent so there will be a water focus here you'll see players building their dock shortly and then there is potentially a land focus though I doubt it on this map because there's so many areas you can wall and the choke it's like glue can wall here it could wall here it's quite easy the transports are always a possibility of course but it comes down to water normally and blue is very close to the shoreline Dave that could be tough it's it's good at the beginning because you don't have to walk to get your dock down and you don't have to worry about your villager being sniped by the enemy Scout yep like later on you see at each side of his base if red wins water he can just camp ships yep on each side and blues like she's toasted he's toasted then yeah indeed and players Scouts are gonna encounter each other this is quite a big deal and Wow look how long the ball he was there red gets the early shots in and blue needs to run back this is the guy who lost a scout last game so it's good that he now has the lead with the HP race could be tough that the the berries are there as well for blue because fire galleys galleys can range that and you normally do go to your berries after you hit fuel age and the fighting begins so there's a couple reasons why blue should make sure he maintains water control it's got the shore fish next to the berries that's a nice little perk oh he tried to wall in red Scout and red you can't lose your Scout twice in a row and red also has a horrible dock placement I mean good placement just unlucky there's no fish close by Wow so there goes the Japanese bonus right there I looked away I'm bringing them in looked away for a second what exactly happened there Oh the palisade walls is that what try to wall him in and then red fought the villager and then the TC killed the Scout and losing your Scout on Baltic because you're probably not gonna go for land army until later yeah really because your opponent could come forward with something yeah you would have no idea another thing is that blue scalp he'll be going forward this Scout has enough HP on it to kill a villager building a new dock for red which will happen so the players of this level normally wall their bills in quickly but if the faster if there's a faster feudal time for blue which is likely because he's Italians and he's just clicked up he will get that extra and he could kill a villain honestly if he does that it's probably over for it at that point the Reds right behind him Dave just with one less bill yeah and it'll take blue time to come across the map right Leigha blue is scouting where the doc is so he knows exactly where to go yeah yeah and I guess red did see that fortunately so he knows and yep look here comes the Ville let's see Reds point of view oh he knows where the Scout is though he's looping around yeah blue sees it and I I think blue should attack here he has a small hill but oh oh are you kidding me it was so fast he's like no you don't well light he pushed that down quickly and this scout has to scamper off to find another villager and instantly everybody says Viper I you know what I don't think anybody else could quick well like that probably is can I was being sarcastic everybody could quick like that everybody could click well like that that there's really no way to know I can't wait until this series conclude so we'll find out but okay oh is house bad oh he's house bad Oh blue is yep fire guy he's on the way though luckily he was slightly faster so Italians verse Japanese Italians have won every game which was just one game when they played verse Japanese on Baltic so whoo statistics fun all right man a guy named demolition go at my twitch chat said I can't wait for the demos they're coming man you start with fires one queued up for red yeah start with resources go for demos three docks for the Italian player only two for the Japanese player sometimes you can get away with two if you're if you're getting good demo shots in yeah yeah different approaches than different builds this is not the first time we've seen two docks verse three and three docks normally wins because they can create units faster Oh Blues gonna be super annoying with this Scout he's looking for weak VLEs yeah there any kicking around here oh there's one on the wood line there oh there's one on the wood line oh I see there's a few actually that's exactly what he did in that other series remember he's really good with that and red comes in he's has a demo coming here you want to connect with two enemy fires both players doing this and that's a better demo for red there man but a good one for blue coming in right here no he only gets one yeah probably not the best really needs to hold now blue Reds micro slightly better on water still two docks he's a safe Japanese fish at home so so far so good for red but I don't know what his intentions are with two docks maybe he'll add farms early oh he built a barracks he built a barracks and he's housed badly oh boy this is sloppy and his is blue gonna see this with his Scout that's a big deal if he sees that Archer inch yeah because that means that red wants to goal and he's given up he's given up on water well not entirely but he try and hold on water not try and win both players got housed here so well with the fire ship and kill the fish from blue nice oh wow the demo on the fire should defend it though nice defense there you had to waste two ships for it but he'll save his fish nice job where did blue send his scout Dave oh look what blue is doing in the south don't know he's sending some villes let's go but red already has red already has land presence I don't know what expects it that's what's really interesting at the very least if he builds a tower there on that gold red is in big trouble but this is funny blue has not scouted the fact that red has a range already I think red might try and transport what transports skirmishers I think well he's making archers I genuinely think he's gonna transport four or five of them across but he doesn't I don't think he has any way of knowing that blue is here unless he's scanning like you can do with this wall here see he's doing well on the water too he's repairing that ship yeah and the Scout coming Oh lose your scalp lose your Scout he loses the scout he won't know Dave he won't know that his opponent will have defensive archery ranges this is interesting and it keeps looping around to try and kill blues fish he got one of them he keeps sending one fire over to kill it he's doing really well in the water battles he is I think if blue hides the fact that he's doing this though it could catch red off-guard you get four or five archers with fletching you could kill all these gold villagers if you position them correctly and transport coming out for red right now oh this is great this is the hidden Cup the forward from blue is hidden the archery ranges from rather hidden they have no clue I love that the hidden Cup has put a huge emphasis on scouting you know [Music] if he expected something like this he would have probably built an outpost but he hasn't built that the one thing I want to see is a demolition ship on the shore fish and the berries from blue really red spotted that earlier like my bills you could wreck his entire economy although that earlier where are these archers going they're looping around the right okay he's not gonna be happy about this coming in he's not he's not creating any more units he sees it early though he sees it earlier which is really important but he's off his gold all what a play I'd say Blues in a better position well I was trying to gate these villagers unsuccessfully but he kills two and now ready sit on the wood line for blue whoo wow this is crazy both players kind of base swapping here and blue will take more losses at this rate he doesn't even realize he probably thinks that the attack alarm that's going off is from being attacked at Red's base that's not the case okay he realizes Dave Wow two bills down for blue as well and you know blue bill a forward Tower so he's unable to build the defensive Tower Oh God and all the archers are dying to the pusher blue is just failing here and white is in the blue space turn around and ease up to Castle Wow he's gonna do this isn't he with the Japanese the gold and the wood is here these walls don't really protect the villagers all that much the house is at 10 HP blue is scrambling man blue is scrambling the archers are gonna get in the archers are gonna get in they will find ville picks there's one og so many feels good yeah there's gonna be two and if he focuses on the right Billy can get three oh there we go yeah there's another one but it doesn't matter I think the damage has been done oh you want to give him another bill that's nice of you is that the game right there blue one for the gamble it's not gonna pay off he's gonna lose that chick on the front I think it is man I think we'll see the GG come in another villager I think we're gonna see the GG that's what ready it's Castle H there yeah he's gonna get back in the transport maybe yep come back around whoo man that was an awful lot at once and blue perhaps should have gone for the transport himself man because he walked all that distance all that way just get found out and his opponent went for the transport is he is he gonna see these fills now he can't he can't take him down but the demo the demo would be so juicy I know send a demo please make one he's not he's not he's going around the other side though and it doesn't matter Dave it doesn't matter the gee-gees are called and what a game on Baltic Japanese best have confirmed Matt yeah they perform well they pretend really well yeah in theory you save let's see his one two three I mean he's tons of mils he has to Mills is three mining camps to two mining camps tons of lumber camp saving a lot of wood the fish were still alive to this day and I really think that read won this game not necessarily because of Japanese but because he took the initiative to land early and he also defended from Blues Landing right all right looking at the achievements red had more kills came down to the economy at the end of the day more food more wood collected for red and better timing with everything he did in that game and so blue after winning on the gold rush game he loses on the home map of red I don't know what to think man all I know is that these two players are extremely good we're going to Game four because I have no way of predicting who these players are guessing who these players are they're so good so up next this is where it gets real interesting folks up next we have the map fool we have a map pack so when you're picking civilizations you don't know exactly what the map is so you have to pick a civilization like Malians we saw on the previous semi-final like hoof basically and he said that's versatile right cross Baltic Arabia El Dorado Bedouin land of lakes Gold Rush golden Islands chaos pit Scandinavia could be any of those we haven't seen a scandi it heavily we saw once candy Zac and I casted that on day one so we haven't seen a lot of it we've seen a lot of El Dorado we've seen land of lakes a few times one chaos pit better ones but not as part of the pack picked I want to see Scandinavia man that's a great map skier chronic fun is great to watch and chaos pits always just ridiculous Robo corrects me Robo says there was once candy on each day Thank You Robo Thank You Robo hey by the way everybody who's watching this you guys are are probably enjoying this not realizing that Robo put in weeks of work to make this happen he was the one who organized with all the players yeah four dollars an hour but he did work so thank you robo can we get some love in the chat for Robo it's also a like 6 a.m. for him he's stayed up all night to admin for us so thank you very much Robo for everything man seriously there's a look at the prize pool breakdown it is slightly higher than this now but it gives you an idea of how much the champion will make still the runner-up is gonna have a chunk of change but just so you guys are aware we'll go to the brackets if you want to see the results of these players again hidden cup for he's only lost one game one game in this tournament who is this person by and it's against hidden cup two so it's a good final yeah yeah hidden cup two also had some amazing results so I think chats gonna be very surprised at the end I think chats going to be very surprised I think we're all going to be very surprised and that the players these guys are probably going to re-watch this stream and they're going to be so offended that we're not guessing their name yeah I mean just imagine you get to the finals you lose one game and everybody's saying Viper and really it's really night be a little bit peeved but that's what's fun for the viewers I think let's go into the next game oh we got it Dave we got Eldorado again so ladies and gentlemen welcome I need to switch the colors again I guess I need to do this every game my bad in the blue we have Aiden kept number two he is down one two two lots of twos here and he's playing as the Aztecs on a map called Eldorado and then we have Huns for hidden cup number four who's up two to one Aztecs was chosen in Game one by red he cannot pick that again per tournament rules so now Aztecs for blue I think Aztecs can throw well here Dave yeah especially when you want to get control of that middle part early yeah Aztecs really really good hunters Huns is a sieve we haven't seen picked very often in this you're right man I think that players have to be smarter with their picks now because this could go to seven games whereas they maybe only had a list of five civilizations when it was the best of 500 you steal a boar on this map it could be huge oh my god there it is and he could get the Sheep Red's running away with the Sheep because he knows well blue go out of his way to get the Sheep too he will he's going the opposite direction to get the Sheep confirmed Wow Reds gonna try and cut him off man he sees you saw the way that board was going yep dude if you're blue you have to go the long way around the long way he's gonna miss him or maybe not maybe not oh he's right behind let's see oh my god fine I think the boar if he wedges him the Scout to the left of the boar and uses the wood the boar will stop look at that because of the trees yeah that's the second time he stopped a lame from this guy yeah second time possibly due to the fact that there's not a lot of lag possibly due to the fact that he plays whoever this is a lot possibly because it could be Viper and MBL maybe maybe Oh God look at that eye I think red is slam look at that lumber camp man is slamming his lover camp efficiency he loves doing that oh man blue turns around decides to fight this because he has a little bit more attack of course he has less HP on his eagle here and he calls a read Wow okay okay so it calls Arie I think I was just gonna say they do get restarts here they have not called any yet so I call the read I think that's good verse a player like whoever hidden Cup for is never want to give him that map control so we'll go back there's always that Lane potential again so same map same map same saves and I think I gotta talk to Robbo how many restarts did we give them normally it's two for best of seven so it's possible that he'll have another one of course red has not used any yet why is that allowed actually well you can call it up to four minutes okay they get one restart so it can be because of maps it can be because of a bad start it's implemented mainly due to the fact that maps can be very different in Age of Empires too it's part of the charm of the game yeah it's exactly active but at the same time you can get you can get screwed over yeah your map correct so you usually want to save it like that wasn't that bad of a start for blue he's gonna get screwed by it trust me yeah so guys you call that restart and then you have three forward Gold's in the future you're stuck so normally you it's a risk too lame and to call re there is something that red will be happy about red will be happy that his opponent does not have a restart there must have been something else that like it wasn't it allocating and stuff - yeah it could he didn't have two sheep yet there's could've been a bunch of things doesn't matter though the rules are you can call it up to four minutes and it was called exactly at four minutes by the way it was called exactly at four minutes I can see that I'm not 401 no no the game guys the game ended at 405 he said read at 359 correct yep and then they he was the other person responded and then they resigned the infamous Norway 401 yeah oh boy well gives me a little bit of time to do shoutouts cuz I missed a few so you tell says really nice to see you streaming this event and here are amazing 5400 people watching I no rival Thank You silver Andrews vapor the lunar teen eternal nary guden Robert Ron thank you all for the primes des Ghul donated 5 bucks Dave and he said just wanted to say Dave is the Don Cherry of AoE announcing how do you feel about that makes me feel pretty good man I'm actually I'm naked from the waist down though so I'm not wearing a nice suit like Don Cherry would thank you for the information I'll let that sit with the rest of you guys yeah I you mentioned Don Cherry before I believe he's a Canadian announcer for hockey right so many people watching the stream might not know about who he is but doesn't matter doesn't matter what they do know is that we're in Game three here in the hidden cup between hidden cup 2 and hidden cup four hidden cup four is up two to one at the moment and this is part of the pack we have Huns verse Aztecs and we just saw the REE from blue so he's stuck he he has to deal with whatever situation he gets maybe he'll be a little more conservative here Dave it doesn't seem like he wants to lame yes it does yes it does with his yep but he's got to go around the middle though because both lawyers can see that right yeah if if blue knows that the eagle is coming or right I hang out here in sports Oh which wait which red is Hans red is Hans okay hey so every game unfortunately you're gonna have to change the colors because I screwed up in Game one so okay alright so Huntress Aztecs Aztecs generally pretty strong they do you start with extra gold Mandan arms into eagles into archers always an option for them Huns they normally utilize some ability and this is possible on a map like is but I feel like the main focus is on the center which as Dave said everyone can see that's the only non hidden thing in the hidden cup hmm Hun's is a good choice probably not as good as Aztecs in my opinion the red can't choose Aztecs cuz he chose that in Game one so when blue lost in Game one I said well he is a Styx later on so he could tie it up with an Aztecs pick maybe and red taking the boar in super early even though he had the fish which collect faster yep taking it just to deny it from blue and I think blue knew that was gonna happen as well and he just didn't even go forward to try for it exactly Brandon says can you briefly explain the map yeah sure so again the golden the stone is visible in the center players only have two tiles of gold than two tiles of stone at their base so it's similar to gold rush and golden islands where you're always at central focus there's very small wood lines so you're normally going to have open villagers there and also the fish here so like betta wins where they're ashore fish there's now great fish and you can collect food from them with your villagers which is actually faster than bringing in the boar but the fish are always going to be there and the boars could be lame so they took the boars first for that reason and they're pushing in the deer right now just well they can yeah in this downtime because eventually they're gonna have to use that to fight and scout their enemy yep and this is a different version I don't think you can build farms you can you can build palisade walls on this quicksand so some versions you can't build palisade walls there you can wall the whole way into the edge of your TC if you choose to that's important information for red saying that gate and the wall going down there yeah because players do have gold that you have stone so you could always try and advance later to the next stage and go for maybe a slightly stronger strategy that takes more time when you see walls like that from your opponent you're probably thinking okay he's not gonna up all that quickly and Reds gonna find the two sheep as well yep from blue my blue pushed to deer so oh wait never mind no sheep no sheep for him and he led the Sheep he at blue likes true Scout blue also left some sheep to the south here is red coming forward with towers I get a cell in the middle just rat man it's a good strategy got my forward with Vil's here we go and blue is not even up yet oh it's going for a lumber camp is this a slam lumber camp it is it looks like a slam lumber camp doesn't it slam would pick Huns - I don't know we obviously don't know for sure but we like slam and he's known for his for being particular about his lumber camp placement slams probably out there watching this right now this isn't him and he's thinking you guys are dumb I would never place a lumber camp like that it's a slam Bergkamp yeah well done Chet you know what he's really thinking though what oh yeah oh that's a great lumber camp yeah oh great lumber camp as always day with his fantastic slave impression that is spot-on for those that don't know slam that is spot-on that is exactly what he sounds like slam even agreed he's done that before well played Dave that's why we pay Dave the big bucks yeah that's definitely why I don't any money what are you talking about I was supposed to get 50 a joke here's a good joke no we didn't do percentages lies don't don't trick the audience man you can make me look that in front of 5,000 people this just got really awkward this just got really awkward all read that he's trying to get in here's trying to start you can pick off weak villagers if there is any yeah and oh look so Reds point of view quickly he sees the blue villagers and blue is going for militia and probably a tower soon and there's a tower I I like the tower what do you think Dave yeah I like it you should have I think you should have put it in the stone in the gold there so that there's only two sides that can be battered down yeah maybe a bit further up but maybe he wants to leave a gap there so if he needs to repair with villagers he can sit them right there you can collect the gold I think players will prioritize this stone in the center first four towers because they have the gold at home yeah dude red scout is trapped in here so he's gonna have to find some value out of it kind of sucks for him I don't think he should have gone in he probably should have stayed outside what do you think of red strategy to go straight into trash I don't if blue gets man-at-arms that's yeah I don't really know I don't know if that's the greatest strategy yeah man-at-arms or Eagles I think blue is gonna skip the men-at-arms upgrade for now actually lacking the food so it could be that two could go heavy on gold Scouts he saw all those skirmishers and scurbs are basically like essentially useless until you get like 10 or 15 of them yep against Eagle Scouts second tower going up so blue gets to the center first he will get this tower up red cannot stop that with just trash that's for sure I'm liking Blues position I'm definitely liking Blues position bread can still harass possibly hit the wood line here but that's about it man that is about it doesn't have a lot to do with the Eagles [Music] he almost kept that gate opens you see that he tried to run underneath with the spirit he's trying to learn look at this he's trying to lure blues yes it worked - the Eagle lost eight HP now Red's got to be careful he doesn't lose all his curves here though yeah do you had Scouts here maybe Scouts and scurbs I think you could do that Scouts for the Eagles skirmish for the Spears loose Eco is not he doesn't even have enough wood for a stable man yeah you you by the way read his Huns oh all trap trap okay getting some value out of the militia eagles are pretty weak here but against skirmishers they'll still do the job blue needs to chase chase buddy chase damn they're actually dying to scurbs you can go garrison it in the tower and again once it's healed yep this is true scurbs doing work here first Eagle warriors just not enough of them not enough upgrades luckily blue kept his numbers alive he should heal up another barracks now and now Red's probably certain his opponent will be going for full eagles hmm so eagle has 50 HP you get 50 skirmishers you can one-shot them maybe that's the Shaffer Eddie's halfway there magic trying to make a building with like 20 people throwing javelins at you yeah I was I was probably Bale pretty early you know I don't think I would be as dedicated as these villagers there we go they got it up a good thing about Eagles is that it's an easy transition right once he goes up to castle age yeah that's gonna cost him a lot in feudal age but if he makes enough he can just upgrade them right away once he gets a castle yeah and I don't know if you'd want to continue with archers if you're red who's still making skirm zaanse Kermes on skirm stave he has tons of farms he's safe at home so that much is good this is really interesting you know because I like the Eagles better here Peretz economy might be much stronger it is was this his plan like I don't need any gold I just need insane amounts of military his economy's way better I think Blue has five farms one two three four five seven farms verse Reds 15 huge difference there but the Eagles kill all the hard work here scale mail coming in Oh what do you think about this flight for blue Dave he needs he needs forging as well okay I think the skirm sir see he's got another group of screams now he's got enough that he can just keep running around sniping the weak ones Wow great micro from player 2 incredible micro actually you know these are not cheap Eagles they take a long time to create and he's microing the group that's getting attacked you notice red every time a skirmish was being attacked he moves it look at that you see that this is well done man this is well done scurvy ously better than Eagles right market coming down from blue now he needs to balance his eco he's got more than enough gold yep but he might want to buy himself up here because the Eagle warriors once they're upgraded do so much better than these crappy Eagle Scouts yep see that upgrade at the top right scale barding armor knell which means we'll see a stable from red I haven't seen it yet but he has plenty of Lumberjacks he just needs the wood and if he goes with Scouts and squirms he could trade verse 2 Eagles before they're upgraded oh wow look at how many squirming in here this is enough to 2-shot villagers blue needs to be very careful he's got nothing to deal with this he's done it's unbelievable isn't it blues gone forward thinking that red would never dare to go in red has gone in okay now all the scams are gonna run out wow this is dude I've never seen this before I've never seen someone go full scurbs for seagulls but we rarely see El Dorado it's kind of working I felt like red could have walked in there yeah I think the same blues ecofarm see gold yeah I agree Eagles but still it's got the advantage definitely an eco yeah oh but look at blues resources Dave he just needs to hold on to his equal numbers and go up oh and he's putting a third barracks down too this might be the shift here yeah like I said before the transition is so easy for him yep and he has the gold access as well the gold and his base has five villagers on it and then he has five villagers on the golden censer so ten villagers on gold could possibly sell a little bit of wood or something comes right with a tower Red's coming to the middle this is Reds Tom right right beside the barracks he wants to pressure and he's got Scouts behind as well he has to finish that stable there we go 96% blue stable Scouts defense and attack upgrades in and with this tower he could hit the gold from blue now blue can reposition of course but loose force to deal with this man he can't do it right now he has to wait for the upgrades interesting map interesting strategies blue sees it he's not going to react he's keeping those scouts he's keeping them hidden to a whole good point oh wait no blue can actually see that [Laughter] yeah well they're coming in now anyway and they're going right for the villagers making a beeline for him bills need to get into the tower it's actually not enough room to take down the tower yeah can't touch him hmm pretty soon red will know if he doesn't already know red knows that his opponent is on his way or going to hit Castle age but Dave now Reds resources looking good he'll click up still has the gold in his base and can I get through here house walls so important he's gonna get is there's a gap there already isn't there it looks like it I don't think there is other is actually but he wants to go the other way he wants to go the other way see now blues gonna have the Eagle warriors which can take down these skirmishers but it what's red upgrades these two elites Kermes yeah I think you might have a shot if he micros correctly he has to fight very goood up there yeah he has to fight it in feudal now doesn't he I show you blues HP his units are really holding up there's one week one in there and he's gonna make more because he does have access to the gold all this would be where red loses all of his advantage man and he didn't use those Scouts it could come down to just not having or creating the scouts was the mistake he's still microc down the weak eagles spot yeah kill another one here kill another one he's close to killing one more he'll lose his tower in the center to the Eagle Warriors and red is gonna get a whole lot of them or blue sorry he's gonna get a whole lot of momentum here with them but Knights will be in coming Knights oh look at this scouts bro he's gonna go like yeah Betty oh my god where did they come from that could work he just kept making Scouts he has so many farmers why not he need something blue just noped his way back to the middle oh my god full upgrades full upgrades we don't often see the like calves upgrade but I think it'd be a wise decision to research that here chain barding armor on the way these will be like calves the skirmisher survive a little bit does he go into blue space did there's a hole oh blue just patched it okay thank God I think he was considering it may be blue opened the gate for him you never know hey I think he's snagging the reinforcements which you can do in this situation yep snagging a ton of reinforcements and a village I love how the villagers are stacked there so there's actually two bills they're safe or they were safe and calves are chernow for calves Archer for red eye I'm like in Reds position Dave I'm really liking it running out of gold Deutsch if he's gonna go cabbage running out of gold yeah but 500 remaining for now can he get a TC up in the center anywhere not really maybe in front a blues mining is this pikemen gonna open the gate get in there are you still snagging these reinforcements I like it whoever this guy is he's really good remember in the Gold Rush game he lost he was insane with his units good Mac and L shots the crossbows and the skirmisher micro it's almost as if neither player can push out if Fred pushes out or if he leaves this area for too long then blue will gut him and blue doesn't want to leave the center for obvious reasons and blue blue also only has five villagers in the center it's not like he's you know taking all the gold out there great actually looping around a little left-hand side with those skirmishers I thought those were dead yeah kept them alive men kept them alive there's still just fuel scurbs what they will do is they'll harass the lumbers echo all but where blues going now this is a gamble blue he expects that he'll be able to quick wall so he runs in with the eagles to hit Reds eco and red has nights with plus two he's gonna take the fight red [Music] and now he backs out of it yeah I think you should wait for another night or two but I I think red can clean these evils up really do it's a lot of weak ones tents gay men three villager lead for red despite losing a few there the skirmishers will die to pikemen the light calves are still around and they could go right in for the gold villagers that blue has in the center do you think blue should a town centered here uh he will eventually I don't know if he can even afford it at the moment like Eagles are so expensive right yeah he might drop one in the next like thirty seconds he's cut the wrist for it now yep well priority has to be military so he'll actually go from monastery first this is probably the better play because then he can heal up his Eagles and he can convert any Knights that might come in and guys if you lose all your military control and you have a TC with five villagers jump inside it's just a waste oh that's gonna go for Castle red is gonna go for a castle here whoa he's coming forward and he's gonna put it right there and you know what that's a good castle because blue can't go around that it's in it's in a really good choke point area if red walls he won't be able to kill the villagers building it it's a perfect castle that can't be stopped already needs is a few walls here and blues go on oh no not my watch let's see red one palisade wall there it is he has the choke castle should go up here blues gonna engage anyway oh my god what is happening man what is happening the ego slide right in the Patrol buck to his calves weren't attacking oh no oh it immediately takes the score lead he's building a TC and he will destroy the army the red has and red calls the GG oh my god ah that is a heartbreaking loss that is a heartbreaking loss man what happened he it was going so perfectly then he just led the Eagles right in should have walled it up and maybe is one too many clicks for him huh maybe he missed clicked I don't know but he could have Walt that even with Palisades and ran away with his army and the castle would have gone up and then he kills the towers and then he secures a lot of the Gold's that was a bit of a throw there and it shows that this guy's human whoever he is he's human also that means it's two to two right now on a vest of seven Dave why like I could feel my hair the hair I have left turning gray the stress of that castle if that was me oh man I'd be on tilt right now yep well there's the KD for you that final fight obviously helping blue out and he had 1800 more gold and obviously after denying the castle it was GG there he would have had it all man so that last map was part of the map pack guys I was random they don't know what it is going into it I'll go back to the map pool so you can see what might come up next they could always have the same thing I hope there's a bit of variety here cross baltic arabia el dorado bedouin is gold rush land of lakes golden island Scandinavia chaos pit so longer this stream stays live the longer that this final goes on the the more viewers were getting and the more we're shattering my record this is way more than I ever expected to have here today whether you're coming from YouTube whether you're coming here from twitch whether you here for the first time or the 3000 I can't say that work or the last time no however times you've been here or how you got here thank you all very much for being here at current said been missing your stream for a couple weeks due to work schedule glad to find you live today it's been crazy man I'm glad to be live a plasm says this tour knee has been fantastic t90 thanks to you and Robbo for organizing it also dave is my favorite co caster he has good color commentary bring him back for hidden cup - dave is a consistent feature on the stream regardless of what we're doing men I agree Dave is the best coke caster in the game thank you for the five plasma @p and Antoine thank you for the 1000 bits and thank you Shepard monk what a name perfect Age of Empires name thanks she was PI am i right no meatloaf guys get meatloaf in the chat thank you for the fry bro back flip yes thank you for the bits Dave and I were just kidding around earlier by the way I used to I think we were at bunny warren thank you he says he says pate hashtag pay Dave hashtag justice for Dave we got a clip somewhere you said you would give me 15% if someone was gonna drop a tower and they did no it wasn't it was not 15% it was much worse than that Dave and I were casting a game Dave goes Dave goes what do you thinks gonna happen and I go if he doesn't build a tower I will give you every cent that I will earn for the next ten years that's exactly what I said and then the guy didn't build a tower so yeah I should be heavily in debt right now Koby and bunny thank you guys for all the gifted subs chat is going crazy good god man good god you i-i can't gather anything more from this I can see slam I can see Viper I can see MB Allah can see doubt that's Illyria I can see all 1200 I'm stoked for the reveal oh it's gonna be so much fun it's gonna be so much fun to find out I think that there are gonna be a lot of disappointed people because I still believe that Viper was knocked out I mean I'm mainly saying that because a lot of people are doing gonna disagree and so those people are gonna be like no Viper and that everyone else is like yeah fly perk up got knocked out and then it creates all this drama and you know it's what sports commentators do I want to try and I want to try and get chat engaged I think chats engaged I can't even just a little bit just a little bit oh my god I'm not putting it in slow mode man I'm not putting it in slow mode this is not something that happens every day guys if you're new to the stream leave a follow we stream eight or I stream Age of Empires five times a week whether it's commentary of community games or expert games or tournaments but this is a first for us this is a viewer record this hype is something else words cannot explain how I'm feeling right now and finally they've started the next game so we have two minutes game time so we're in game number five I think we're I think we're going to game 7 here I think game 7 is gonna happen Oh Mass Maura giving him the business what's up Nelson Nelson thank you bro for those that don't know Nelson Nelson is one of the casters they used to watch and admire back in his day when he was casting all the time hope things are good for you man thank you thank you you I would still be watching and admiring you by the way if you were still casting I didn't mean to imply that I no longer admire you my friend Dave what map do you want to see here man I'm hoping and Kaos pit scandal for scandi chaos pits always I will never say no to chaos yeah this is true never this is true chat what map do you want to see and don't say for us nothing come on now Roche Massa Moore is also one of the top backpack thieves I don't think people are gonna get that inside joke but if there's any crowd and out they will Crips backpack at a tournament yeah land of lakes a lot of people want to see land of lakes ok we'll find out Arabia people are gonna be so pissed I love Arabia I love Arabia we have Berbers vs. Malians on Arabia like what new map we go to see good hyped something different and boom the map pack has given us Arabia it's all tied up they'll - - - we have Berbers for a hidden cup before did I switch the colors again oh god of getting so confused no no no this is wrong this guy should be red hold on one second Dave I have I have red for hidden cup for just like before and dilute yes blue for hidden cup - okay if you're just getting here we do not know who these players are I have casted three straight days to get to the finals plenty of people are guessing nobody knows for sure civilizations cannot be reused in each set so we will not see Berbers again for red we will not see millions again for blue and this is a fun fun Civ matchup lots of mobility lots of options Dave take it away start with whatever map you want I mean I would start with blues because that's disgusting but do your thing then I was just about to say I think if blue has he called a rillette he was the guy who did it last time and so we call it this time exactly if you look at his map both of his boars are forward his deer afford his stone is on the hill his main gold is on the hill both forward yeah like he's only got two wood lines to go to and everything is just everything's just ugly about this map I don't like it I don't like it at all I uh I believe the AoE gods are dishing out some karma forth a tree a lot of people in the twitch that were like hey you shouldn't be able to call a restart and whether you agree or disagree on that the point is is that blue called a restart earlier because he tried to lame failed and now he has an awful map and he is stuck there's only one restart per player this is gonna be tough man this is gonna be tough but red I mean red has a decent map as far as wood line scope but at the front of his lease he's also got kinda the same problem not as bad yeah the stone and the gold are both within range of that hill this is true man and I would say that Malians are stronger in early feudal because they're they have stronger man-at-arms then Berbers slowly gets stronger maybe once everyone's on three TCS it's hard to say because Malian still have the Gepetto's they still have the camels they still have the the the Knights but I think this is probably one of the closest if matchups you'll see for an on mirror matchup and one of the most fun as well when blue went Ford for the lame hasn't found that anything just yet but he knows where his opponent is oh the gates from red dropping him in there yeah and blue it was aware of it I wonder if he's going to attempt to bait his opponents TC sometimes you can run towards it make them think you're going to run into it take that sheep though thank you very much okay the importance of the scout has been obvious in the past two games especially I think that blue could go men-at-arms towers here I think he should yeah if you if you have I was just about to say that if you have your rez forward on the hill like that yep there's two options either you build your buildings really far out and try and like wall that choke point what's not even a choke point that large mile-long gap yet or you go forward with towers and then avenge at some point you'll put defensive towers around your own stone and gold and secure it that way I think blue at the moment is looking for the second stone from red and if he realizes that it's even further forward than the main he'll come forward to this hill man man-at-arms and towers again Malians have the better man at arms I guess you could think something similar if you're red because this is not a great map for him either these are the kind of maps I'd like to see because it promotes aggression right it promotes scouting because you can't just blindly make these decisions see now blue sees these and he thinks well this will be good and then he'll go forward and pressure it so yeah I agree it's very aggressive but it's about scouting the map than knowing how to play the map and see if matchup oh yeah he's going he's going forward yeah here we go villagers already coming out to stone I think it's a straight Tower rush then because he doesn't have a barracks right so I think it's a straight tower rush now red red knows the stone is there he knows the gold is there will he scalp the mining camp just hanging out maybe he expects the drush or something barracks coming down from blue now hmmm Spirit sees that mining camp he's gonna see it he should double-check here he should run in no he sees for Vil's building it he's letting him know he's letting him know that he sees it that's such a cheeky little play that's it toppers dude to like mine game the other guy and then he just saw the bills put the fields down dear blue psycho red and now he's coming forward now that Reds out of this line of sight put that on the list of things to bring up because if that was intentional if he shot that deer intentionally red might truly think that deer are being collected and that villagers aren't going forward that's brilliant I've never seen that before yeah that's that's nutty man oh my god and now red is coming in to double-check you know anyway she's like please bro look he goes right back he goes right back along the palisade lost palisade wall Wow and he goes yeah he's aware med that that's why Dave and I get excited for this game man it it never ends guys it never ends the brilliance of these players so he's aware and there's there's been a pause do you see where Reds trying to go Dave see that mining camp that's risky right out to that other stone a well if blue doesn't see it that's the thing it's so early that I don't think long that it's yack blue is aware it's there but it's so early that blue will not pressure there he'll pressure the farm space first which will be successful will he follow this Scout back look he's with it he's going with the Scout now he's trying to take a good fight up on the hill yep but he's not gonna see those villagers over at that mining camp I still like his situation though it all depends on how red treats this because he as of now he's denied the main stone and the main gold of his opponent so that's always good antique owning the sector's well yeah see that gold on the right so he could go over there at some point however red can build defensive towers so he can not only build one he can build two in a bit so red might not be able to push him much further and for that reason well played red blue you can't necessarily run over to tower this stone either because red has some squirms and spears to disrupt that the Great Wall of China is coming down in blues bass as well oh boy so instantly chat says vivvy certainly chats like China but dude I like it like he realizes that he's not gonna progress much further he builds a mining camp here and he's hung up and it's those ridiculous and what do you what are you doing dude the woman goes to the edge it's like he's like drawing a picture is something with this yeah and now red realizes okay he's given up I should tower this snow and so he can't take it from me that's a bad tower though that's a really bad tower you could have placed the two tiles further forward oh god he's falling out the stone that's already secure in the back I don't know I know he can't see it but who blue-blue yeah yeah the gold yet well now it's defensive towers in boom for blue and honestly probably the same for red he might be able to counter a little bit you could go for a counter tower rush which would be interesting here but you know your opponents on stone already so probably not red will have a lot more food he has 350 food he's been collecting the deer he built the farms before blue so I think blue so far behind economically in terms of reaching the next stage that he needs to send all new villagers to the gold and market and start buying food a little bit maybe not now but within the next couple minutes can we talk about that scouting again though and ever that whole sequence events that was crazy man the deer the deer thing now blue states doubt wow the fact that red came forward saw no villagers on the deer and was like yeah he's like trickery huge I love a man and he must know now that his opponent could be over here yeah he probably palisade scanned yeah that's that's stone and read like this Oh Stu he knows he's coming in but that tower they'll both go up and they will but red oak might even lose a villager here we'll see well I think they're all full HP I think they're all full HP so and Berber villes so if he runs him side to side yep nice job and he can rush this down with his Vil nice job he could wall in up up here comes the wall all blue runs out just in time that was slick Oh again blue needs to be careful red doesn't trap him here look that field will die no he's dodging oh yeah and blue he's uncomfortable now oh don't what are you doing running around okay this is a bit sloppy for sure this is a bit sloppy for blue and this is what he had to do because of his map now he goes to the gold from his opponent so still red remains on stone we know about the berbil cam berber camel Archer if he hits Katz castle each first I'm sorry I can't seem to speak right now then he could build a castle and go for camel arch for to be really strong blacksmith in red space but I think if red sits there he can deny that's so annoying he needs that building to go up I know just to squirms he's making use of every single unit there we go there's the blacksmith coming out red trying to get his gold back and he's on the way to Castle age these villes men they are stranded it's like they had a one-way ticket to these Gold's in these stones and they do not have a return flight planned hey they should probably run now yeah any time better to run now think what I don't think he knows where everyone yeah me neither weird pathing here I'd run buddy run back home save them Oh forward stable stable forward okay so you really want to hold on to this and I think that our red player is going to hope for camel Archer he's getting stone mining now and if that's the case then Knights could overrun him if he's not careful Knights could deny the castle - yeah was stable from red coming down now I think he saw the one from blue yep very good response then he can make his own knights and camels I still think red is fine if he does that whoever wins this game is gonna have a huge edge going forward puts him in a great spot in best of seven these scams are gonna get a kill man I believe they're getting so many shots goodness that's weird how you know they're not like blues playing mind games again making both of those archery ranges back in his face and making marchers with Malians and the stable forward we gotta get a feeling that he is playing mind games or he expects the camel archers to come out and he wants something that can yeah toe-to-toe with them there's the castle he wanted to deny the castle I bet how sick would that have been not gonna happen but he could range the wood line on the right yeah let's see where he goes I hope he goes there cuz on the Left there's towers logically you should go to the right but he hasn't long scouted that if he's really sneaky on the left he can go around that cliff and then back into that gold but I don't think he's gonna be that sneaky and Red's killing the forward villagers as they try and run they finally gettin out of there but why why why builds lumber can't man and now he has to show the archers to red it's not like red wouldn't have known but I think it would have been nice to have them sneak up on his opponent but he saves the bills probably the better play and blue immediately going to that right side cuz he knows it's the only vulnerable spot on the entire map red will kill two of these towers that one Tower will will likely die for blue as well so all of his control here will be gone before you know it and a new TC for red there he's walling up on the left now to make sure that no Knights will sneak in so blue yeah he's been playing some mind games Dave but it's a bit weird now for him he built is used yeah before with two villagers so there's a siege workshop okay now this game makes me think vivy everything about this game is vivvy but the other games not so sure if it is vivvy and red is viper vivvy said that he wants to beat viper in this tournament that's specifically what he said in the interview people were saying Viper has this game but Viper has to ski yeah I mean camel archers are okay unit I guess they're they're actually they're good for mobility right now but they're quite weak in comparison to crossbows in straight-up fights until the Imperial Age or until thumb ring and ballistics which is quite expensive siege workshop for red as well yeah and he knows the crossbows are there he hasn't lost any Vil's great play man great play well calculated yet again from him blue sea is this each workshop doom aliens get Redemption yeah they do of course that was it was a Malian war remember with oh yeah true as a Malian war so they do does he go for that he has not the gold right now but possibly in the near future in crossbows at his base defending against the camel archers who again they're not gonna do much right now so maybe blue can pressure this I mean he he has a Vil lead somehow does he have T C's behind this he's to TCS behind this man and look he'll kill the villagers from red if red tries to kill the tower blue is actually winning this it's impressive oh yes I don't get it man I I will say that his strategy has worked because he has an awful map and there hasn't been any focus on his map and now he's putting a new TC so it's slowly getting more secure Wow oh man this is what the hill can give you read with a direct shot on Lou's Mac and L and because he's firing uphill that magnet will not die and it will be repaired we've seen that both players love the manga no micro as well yeah saw that in that Gold Rush game and this TC from blue I mean it's gonna be denied that's that's a good TC cuz he doesn't have to delete the walls but he loses three or oh god hasn't noticed yet no he's too busy focused elsewhere fires gonna be so angry when he sees that yep and that goes Seville lead yeah that here come the manga notes dude he still hasn't responded to this does he not realize was there no attack sounds and the mag Annelle from red this is all good for red because just needs to hold the blue cat my skills no he doesn't written written oh wait man howdy notice this already funny no hitting himself right now funny enough as both players micro at red space nice microphone blue that makes the Ville count even but not ideal obviously if the TC would have gone up a bit earlier the red would have been pushed away and blue would be in a much better situation that happens what happens once it could be the game blue needs to continue to pressure on this hill I guess cuz that's the only goal that he's denying the only Woody's denying from his opponent might be fine might be fine just that Reds Castle really secures his base form doesn't it does yeah like blue wants to get right back in that wood line and the gold but it's impossible for him to get back there yeah and the second castle could be coming out soon and these camel archers are getting stronger and stronger now and the mag Annelle micro from red up hill he misses he misses twice but soon camel archers will loop around behind I feel oh nice shot from red [Music] okay yeah I think he could commit it they're too late now does blue build a castle forward I think he has to build everything defensively now at home right no Reds building another castle somewhere there it is right in front of the gold oh boy and he's got the manga doll there he's trying to wall in but blue is on the hill with these crossbows I don't like this castle I don't like this castle at all today it's crazy it's like everybody's dealt and now look at the crossbows blue has he has another Mac Adele in the siege workshop he can deny the castle air mow the Campbell archers Oh kill the camel archers and look at blues micro on the hill oh he's so close to killing that blues right back in the lead unbelievable unbelievable red forced back into a tower I mean at this point we should believe doubt castles because they're happening pretty frequently I'm so surprised to please even in this situation after how red dealt with the early threat will the tower be enough it's just such a delay yeah it's such a delay I don't think the castle is going up dude the towers will just go right down towers gonna go down yeah you've got to be kidding me men everything has been near perfection from these players with the exception of the castle placements and Rebs is trying to deny the reinforcements coming forward with those camel archers yes he can't engage he cannot engage that army on the right and blue hesita sees in the perfect spot camel archers just don't know where to go oh my goodness guard tower on the way from red as he loses this tower and he builds his castle back further which does not really protect his gold but he might get it up blue don't kill your own max oh oh here comes the mega nose into that castle okay even that castle is gonna it could be denied if he killed the range or the barracks he's gonna go after that TC at the North maybe he has time he has time here yeah maybe go to the TC as of now he has a hill he's denying a lot of space and farms and he's denying a lot of wood and gold and Red's not denying much but he does have mobility he will have two castles with camel archers and Malians should not be going crossbow at least my opinion is right gun going oh my god the house wall you got to delete your farms if you want to stop the camel Archer from going in red just dumps ducks right underneath that town centre Dave I love this move it's got some crossbows and skirmishers but that's not gonna be enough slight hill advantage will he have reinforcements red should micro down every military unit here get as much value out of this as possible as he loses his TC on the side of his base red slowly being cornered though slowly being cornered and unless he can do some serious damage with these Camel archers in here gonna have some problems it blue had a castle you should research the unique tech where his tea cease fire arrows that would actually be really nice because he mainly has TCS nice job from red to go in there though I think but problem is will we have reinforcements to send back forward I think he's saving for imp now while blues nowhere close to the Imperial aged blues echo up at that TC at the north is not pretty I don't just a little man just a little it's fine okay now elite skirm which is more food that blue doesn't have put into a unit that he shouldn't be making long-term at least in my opinion because Malian scrims are not the best in him and all of micro he's gonna go forward and push that gold now at the front of red space I think Reds Castle is just a little too far away maybe he camps the wood line yeah thinking the wood at the very least red should run here each trapped if he goes this way he doesn't know it yeah that's funny a blue is blues aware that he's trapped in there and blue will need to deal with that because the gold which is funny why is he deleting the walls to go and make a mining camp with all those Camel archers there I guess these congressmen clear it up yeah he's confident and red is losing his camel archers he's focused on the front behave you're right you're right about the range of the Magon ELLs blue is doing everything he can yeah the castles just like two tiles too far yeah and I bet you another castle would secure that gold especially building a castle on the hill there would secure things for red putties sixteen stone short I'll have to buy it here comes the castle from blue right up right up in the middle and I think red is coming forward with a castle as well on the left side of blue nope lumber cabin he's got the stone man where is he gonna place the castle uh I think that gold is gonna be a huge concern for him so if he can get to this hill yeah look he'll secure the hill build a castle there let's see seems like it right yep okay that's probably better red this castles brilliant because he knows he needs to stall right I like it I like it a lot I would Stonewall them out I would stone wall because camel archers are faster than anything that Malians have on the fields so for that reason I would say don't be vulnerable on the flanks and build lots and lot and maybe build towers build stone walls blue is aiming for the champs girls that way that's a bold move my friends that is a bold move these Malian infantry units have extra pierce armor per age which will help but it's still gonna be champions vers camel archers and he's making watchtowers as well around maybe he upgrades to guard tower and he sees he sees the gold now he wasn't aware that was there he's as gold which is very nice this could work bro but he is to take a lot of hills from red the one on the left and the one on the right this game could go on for a long time get the relics guys get the relics find the extra golds and either players scouted them in the north you'll need it so blue does he go cavalier now because champion man I mean I'm sorry not blue it's guys I apologize I've been casting for for seven and a half hours I am making some mistakes here but I'm thinking you go camel archers and Cavalier for camel archers and and huh Tsar if you're red hmm he's looping around yeah towers aren't gonna be enough it's a bit weird who doesn't have anything here to defend against this at least he can keep his Vil safe for the time being yeah and now red nose okay he has a gold here should pressure this I think one thing both players should have done better with is scouting those extra golds there's two of them in the north red especially because he has the mobility right now could be taking advantage of that he has not gone out there you know blue is building up his army and if he gets these upgraded and runs into red space those castles won't be able to do too much damage against them if they have full armor this is a wipe up all of Reds eco like do you think he is aiming for one big push like Lacombe has how many long swords he has I think he has two might work with Trent work I think you need trebs because cap trim won't be enough for the castles he'll need a lot and he'll need gold for that so he builds another tower here to secure the area it could work you're right man but Elite camel Archer Fred that's not cheap that's take a thousand would eight hundred golds it's quite expensive I'm thinking back to that one cross game remember where he was Malians he was playing against hidden Cup ten yes yeah he waited until he had like a ton of units and then just won the game in about a minute yeah and that was Game five this is Game five different map and different situation because this time there's a very strong ranged unit for his opponent but it's the pierce armor okay this is what I'm talking about man gold relic red could do this if he gets these golds get the unique tech maybe for your camel archers so the heal up get cavalier in front all right it's a lot of military for blue yeah and a lot of military from red can he keep blue on his toes yes he can't blue blue has 10 idols consistently as 10 idols so that also doesn't help him look he's even getting tracking everything operated fully upgraded chance before he engages and he's just ignoring this army on the left side it's completely ignoring it he's gonna push the center red has to address this doesn't he red has to address this he'll have to come back he wants to go in his red see this he does not 1 plus 7 pierce armor camps girls there's three castles here there's towers there's camel archers there's Cavalier but there's not a lot of cavalier they don't have a lot of upgrades and here come the rams red probably sees this he's like oh and look how long it takes to kill one single champion takes that whole group can he focus down the castles this is still gonna be so tough for blue I think red can hold here Dave if he kills the Rams what she's doing with the Cavalier the camel archers can maneuver enough to give me the kindness yeah he's got this yeah I think blue needed to get some champs into the eco from red really kill quite a few villagers yeah Malian so strong with their infantry but it's not gonna be enough burst the camel archers probably the the best mobile unique unit in the game obviously depends on the situation you still have my informed archers and mangu died but now red look he has the other gold he's getting the relics Dave this is where she wins yeah I can stables on the right he's been I mean blue has a note posts out there so he's exploring as well but Reds just one step ahead of him yep and if he plays this right he should never get hit by the champs and he's doing it all of these champions will die think blue is in trouble I don't see how I can switch it up here if he goes for skirmishers Malians don't have the best skirmishers and there's scrims died at the cavalier he's our cheap cavalier for red and okay blue sees this he's like okay I need to stop the stables from raiding me on the flanks like nothing is done here nothing to see here and there's another monk there as well just waiting that's funny for monk I can't marchers are so fast man they'll clean this up the monk you can get the relic oh look more stone I'll take that thank you hitting cup for doing a fantastic job here guys doing a fantastic job here he's killing it man and all while the quikwall from blue but is that even enough workshop to watch just bust right through Hey nice nice quick Waldo I'll give him credit but he's probably dead now he's probably dead right us so much control really well played from him Red's coming for with a ton of stables as well I think the GG's called here because these cam largers cannot be killed they can not be killed snow nope and that's gold that blue needs and blue will not be able to push on the front at least if red pulls back and he is yep I think he loses too much eco here and he knows that he doesn't have the relics and blue will call the GG and what has been a fantastic Grand Finals in the hidden Cup the Reds on the verge of victory then of course blue can tie it up three to three in the next game we don't know what the map will be a blue is not finished yet though they look at the front champions and Pikes yeah but murder holes coming through Fred so oh man how often do you see that at this level it is kind of a risk to send your whole army into your opponent's eco red has to hold here will blue can blue take down this gas that's enough Dickon can he kill this thing surely not Randy will well send huh stars in to kill the tribe and the tribes not even attacking the castle yeah this economy is so weak for hidden Cup too so so weak and the mobility from red remember last game where he threw his mobility was superb this game he's used it is blue gonna have a villager left by the time certainly you won't have the resources to make much more right and red knows that so he needs to hold at his base and clean up everything blue has all maggin else it's actually not bad but micro down of course and I think Reds had enough of this he leaves after the full tour of his opponents base and he'll join the main army craziness absolute craziness Blue has been splitting his army up a bit raiding different areas but think it's a bit too late right yeah a bit too late it's tough for him here I like the champs Carl's I just feel like he was too far behind at that point red was already on three castles red already had the upgrades he needed that push needed to be a bit earlier or he should have done so like more of an eagle style where he just sends it into the back and tries to kill as many villagers as he can wow what a game so as we hit 6,000 viewers here on the stream the game ends it is not the end of the series though it is now 3 to 2 for red we don't know who red is we don't know who blue is we will find out after the best-of-seven finishes who will be the champion of hidden Cup we'll find out in a bit let's look at the achievements 268 units killed for red I think it came down to the initial defense and fuel age didn't it Dave possibly and the castle age raid with the camel archers right yeah yeah it was that was pretty sick that was yeah that was really bad for blue not to notice that remember he lost about like six or seven villagers without noticing for sure what was happening yeah if in theory if he wouldn't have lost those villagers he would have had a better eco and then he could have pushed with the champions earlier correct yep yep so that could have been the moment right there these are two of the best players in the world so it comes down to very small things still though I think the biggest the most exciting thing for that game for me besides the fact we had 6,000 viewers during it was that the feudal age thing with the scouting and the deer trick that was something that was so cool though that was brilliant okay so the guy who was undefeated in the quarters undefeated in semies is here in the finals with a 3-2 lead for those just getting here we don't know who he is we don't know who his opponent is it's one of those players there on your screen and the next map is going to be one of these maps it will be done randomly with the map pack also players cannot pick civilizations they have chosen before so we have crossed Baltic Arabia El Dorado Bedouin land of lakes golden Islands Gold Rush chaos pit and scandi for the maps as I've said before I didn't expect this turnout today I expected a big turnout I expected an amazing event but thank you all for being here this is just crazy the next game is going to start I promise you there will be a time when I thank everyone for all the WoW the donations the the new subs all of that the gifts I will get to it guys can we get the chat flowing even more than it is now with some hypes some t90 was some progress and pogchamp going into this next game because it's potentially the last game and whenever the last game is we will then find out who all the players were in this 3-day event you ready Dave I was born ready you were born ready now at this point are you more excited for the next two games or to find out who the players are I've been excited for the reveal since the beginning day yeah yeah I know it's it's gonna be so cool it's gonna be so cool normally people leave right after the final game but more people will show up this time ladies and gentlemen welcome another Rabia we have another Arabia ok well the last game was amazing we have Mayans first Goths on Arabia Dave Mayans first Goths they had free free pick of any civilization they had left what is this 2010 y'all I am fairly certain that whoever red is he recognized that Mayans was still left for blue and that blue would pick that and he he picked Goths that's next level that is the next freaking level if he did it indeed we need to switch the colors I I keep making this mistake my apology so this is these are the actual colors a hidden cup to is way hidden cup to is in the red correct yeah and we have a lane we have a lane immediately from floor who lost the last game and remember early on in this event he failed with his lame and call it as restart he gets Mayans and he gets the lame Wow this is to blue dave is to blue did I get it wrong yeah - 2 should be blue ok I mean I I believe - is blueforce yeah you're right my bad my bad I had to think about it we're good we're good and - is currently behind and he just misses out he just misses out on seeing that he was trying he was trying to intercept it but when you're up against the mezzo sieve you kind of just have to you just have to assume you're gonna be down one bore right luckily for him is dearer possible distance ya wants to bring a few of them in I'm confused at this point last tonight is correct for four was read last time right for one that last game so he's in red now we're good we're good that's moving so fast I never know who's telling the truth I just want to make sure I'm getting it right I'm not crazy sweet so for with some brilliant brilliant slamming here but he's up against a state that can't counter him if the Huskers come out Davis and that's not easy only if ya Mayans usually have a huge advantage leading up to that point and I've even seen like 1v1 Goths verse Mayans where even after the HUS girls yeah and still win yeah it's it's a pic that'll be brilliant if it works it's a pic that'll look really dumb if it doesn't work because I think there's plenty of other saves to have Eco bonuses that have more options than Goths that could that could really pan out well for him but he's gone for God's probably expecting mines I hope it works but we're a long way from blue being in the castle age we're a long way from seeing those house girls it's funny how things change - because Goss used to be like a mid tier sieve yeah you know high tier on Sun Maps and now they're probably the least picked in the new expansions like an expert 1v ones yeah it's because they're great Civet only after they get a few town centers in Castle age and there's so much that can happen before that as we told last game there were towers there were archers there were tons of things going on I believe now that blue he has to come back he has to push his deer he's down a boar and he probably wants to be aggressive in feudal a with a towel rush man-at-arms into towers is he down sheep as well watch Oh God he's down sheep too yep and red isn't gonna find them yet nobody is Oh oh my goodness that one game where he tried too lame and failed and he called that read he wasn't in an awful situation and here he is he has no food underneath his Town Center he's on the brink of defeat he's probably kicking himself for calling that restart man if he wants this it's something else if he wins this it's a comeback yeah man down a board down to sheep ballsy move from ready to come forward with his eagle again after the lame as well because the low HP can blue kill this I think he's got it yeah yeah red should run Reds on the way to feudal Dave I mean lightning fast times he's sending to to gold blue is nowhere close to clicking up but he has killed that Eagle warrior what do you do if you're blue you push more dear and you pray okay him not having those two sheep yeah yeah inches away - well that's why we have best of sevens it's why it's not a best of one right things are going to happen you have to learn how to adapt can he drop off the food from his berry villagers drop off the food from his farmers and click up he can all for food boom ok he's finally up but he's pretty far behind his opponent what do you do in this situation well it's really interesting because Goths would typically go man-at-arms here but you can't come in at arms right away I think you also can't go straight into Archer defense I could see him going scouts just as like a panicky kind of okay yeah because Gus Gus get bloodlines so their Scouts aren't bad that's that's doable you're right and he has the food arguable might be better than any other option because after you go with militia you're going to transition into archers minds can counter we're gonna see these militia though coming across he's just gonna miss him he'll he'll miss it wait what well you know it's it's like he's sensed it yeah maybe the time okay always see maybe it was his opponent hitting the next stage can he catch up to these things he might be palisade scanning here too yeah I mean it's obviously not a stream snipe there's a three-hour delay with what they do and yeah he sees it well well done and he can wall a bit yachts of course cannot Stonewall stable okay so man-at-arms they'll apply pressure but they won't find ville pics immediately there's not many villains ITC either Oh nicely done there blue nicely done there buddy that could have been bad but it's a I hate that's a great wall from his the edge of the map to his TC as well yeah he walls between that cliff and the wood line on the left he's completely completely safe for the time being and I think that's where he'll go next with his bills check and of course he has golden stone in the back it was coming forward from red is blue gonna spot this with the Scout he does that has gotten so much value yep and a forward range so blue knows what's happening blue does not know about his back stone Dave he thinks that's his only stone forward will he starts scouting these areas hoping there's more stone it's gonna come out and Ville wore these man-at-arms he's got two Scouts in there okay red thinking better of it retreating he could just tower the range then as well as could get messy all man that's a weird first hour for me that's a weird first hour red doesn't like it though both players taking the gloves off to fight here putting their gloves on I guess it's pretty brutal so maybe all get real messy here oh boy it's so hard to cast something like this because it's about the little cliques the spears red though run away try to get that tower down he's not yet he will though he will though he loses one who lose two and he will not get that tower up 77% he's coming out with more he's coming out with more this is MBL for sure he's just gonna rush it down he's just gonna go for it he figures his tournament life is on the line let's get the tower up he loops around on the left he'll get the tower up while Reds building one and that's not enough towers he's saving his weak villagers can he come back from this this is so awkward for both the towers going to go up the villagers will stay up and now Reds forced to rush this town yeah now blue needs to repair the tower he can't engage with his Scout still because of all the spears I think the tower will go right back down but blues having none of it that's a dead tower that's a dead tower still don't know who's dead on the front though Dave could be both what the hell look blue has so many weak bills one down the archers are here oh boy this could be the game this could be the series he says flame what a way to end it man I mean I love the fact that he went for God's it's a funny idea but I think there's other options there and I think that Lane was was amazing that's the importance of laman right there hidden cup number 4s identity will be revealed to us shortly everybody we will know who this person is shortly but whoever it is I'll bring up the brackets in a bit to show you but they won the quarters in a sweep they won the semis in a sweep and they got to the finals and they were amazing games and they won 4-2 - hitting up forces no English voice-chat Oh No wait really is it baby or could be a joke Robo says can you hang around both of you for voice and hidden Cup forces no English I don't know if it's a joke or not cuz we're open O's with what their identity is Robo knows their identity so this is gonna be a lot of fun here let's look at the achievements we'll find out soon enough this is I'm so excited man nine kills six deaths or if you want to look at them at the me meais KD six kills nine deaths quick game quick game aggressive play I think will be kicking himself because he used that read now hidden cup number two said let's do it in Norwegian and then hidden cup for Shh Shh this Evelyn Viper I mean there's only two Norwegians let's let's look let's look guys we're gonna get onto teamspeak quickly so if you hear some teamspeak noise my apologies actually you know what I'm going to mute the desktop audio so you don't hear any effects here and I'll make sure that we'll get right into interviewing the winner and revealing all the players just don't want any spoilers until we're prepared for this so Shh repair yourselves you testing testing debut there Dave I think Dave's here I can't hear you if you're speaking Dave we are in a teamspeak Channel right now I'm gonna minimize teamspeak because I'd like to hear the players voices my back chat we good we good they're gonna be joined your channel hello all right we're good they're not speaking whoever it is they don't know if it's the winner of the runner-up it's the second we called you a long time ago what's up mvo what's up what's up what's up man great game so you were the one who said let's do it in Norwegian so I think I know who's coming oh boy no we were wrong Dave we were wrong I loved the mind games from both of you though MBL fantastic games bro you had a really tough road to the finals I have to say yeah I'm tired yeah yeah we are - what we're gonna do here in a moment is I pull up the brackets is we're gonna well we need to get the winner in here and then we are going to have you guys guess who you played earlier as we reveal them the whole way up to the finest you joined your channel top that's not gonna fool me [Laughter] who's this I don't recognize that voice oh drunk teamspeak name is doubt you tease and people did you better just know better just speak normally hello hey what's up fight for well played man congrats thanks man oh man that was crazy I thought Viper I'm a bit angry at you why because I had your stream up on the other monitor one night like last week and you said I lost and hidden Cup man and then you were like we're all hush-hush about it and I was pissed I was like Viper spoiled this and I I should say something to Robo but nobody in your chat freaked out so I figured okay we're good and turns out you were just tricking me isn't that what this what this event is about yeah that was that was we'll talk about that later oh my god okay so I know you guys played a lot of games and so what I want to do here is I want to start with the qualifiers a VIPRE you did not play right and the qualifiers MBL did not either actually so no okay so you guys got free passes to the quarters I talked to my moderators about how we're going to do this guy's - bear with us please I'm gonna refresh this bracket so Robo if you're listening if you could change we could do it match it by match up actually we could go with eight and nine first and then we can move on I'm not sure it might take too much time to go through all the polls especially because a lot of people chose doubt for every poll so this snow I mean we might just show the identities and see what the results were and then when you guys didn't watch the other games right and watched a little bit her in there but not much okay so not enough else I think I have a good idea who everyone is oh really okay well then who do you think who do you think is number eight and who do you think is number nine eight is wait oh wait let me think eight is taro okay and then who do you lose three one nine nine is Miguel yeah - Miguel really okay yes so I have to refresh this let's hope this works del Del Rey was that was hidden cup eight okay yeah that was so wrong I'm I'm a bit angry you chat because I all my poles were ruins and doubt was knocked out first debt the first set okay think of all those castles that didn't go down I know that was fascinating wasn't it alright well who's the next player are we still guessing oh wait online - well yeah I wanted to go with nine tatah was revealed though - also lose as hidden cup 12 laps okay Robo if we could do it set by set so if we could do whoever doubts opponent was next and whoever won there instead of the losers I think we should do it that way you well I we were guessing doubt and Tatsu later on Dave later on so yeah we were wrong oh yeah right right Miguel all right so what about their play can you tell me exactly well I know someone who played against Miguel so ah so there were some conversations behind the scenes maybe gotcha what about you Viper I kind of was a little bit spoiled by the cattlemen dealt like a kind of way I figured it's okay who was there so I appreciate your honesty I I figured that the teams would talk to each other so all right fair enough let's move on here Robo I'm gonna refresh and see who I didn't cup 5 was he got swept by Viper Viper do you have a guess of who you might have been well he had to be doing like seven times to fix pass proxy it wasn't okay so we might know so there was there were a lot of storms in China when these games were being played so it also could have been a Chinese player no it's not you think it is knock off and you complained he woke up but something very early to play against someone who was a micro nerd so so you you know that he knew Kevin lost the Viper okay he was he was tilted that set man well GG really early a three games he did and I recall stark in the chat saying it was niqab as well interesting okay so we're gonna keep moving on down here hidden cup number seven lost in the first set do you guys have any guesses as to who they were who hidden cup 7 this let's see was it here no I'm not sure who hidden cup 7 was I believes them okay he picked Malay in Arabia something sambal do any world later I'm not you December fire it's okay to be wrong because we were wrong with all day every day Wow okay what seven let's see yo Oh whoo okay yo interesting so we had hold on a second we had tatto we had doubt and we had yo out in the qualifiers okay did not expect that did not expect that at all okay let's move on down hidden kapten was really good MBL you beat him that was wins can I say what yeah yeah yeah reah reah - yeah all right yeah that player was really good that was when we called you Viper but I in my defense I believed you when you said you were knocked out and so I thought okay this person's losing it has to be Viper all right I got ya he looked really solid man he did he did edy 10 is 10 is reott okay so reott beat yo 3 - that's an amazing result right there and he came really close to beating um BL that that was the cross game that was Malians and magyars right that was yeah I played like a potato that day it was like how did you play today did you play a cup of tater today I felt the play pretty okay against the hidden Kappa tree Intel tell us when I start losing cuz then I went on a tilt to to come back with some bumps and stuff it was like lucky for us okay all right well let's let's keep moving on down here chat we have hidden cup 6 next one three two one and then lost one two three in the next round do you guys have any guesses for that guy that's to be firing right yeah I mean we're running low on numbers here maybe the embrasure hidden cap 11 is vivianne absolute at Castle and please I don't think I don't tell the rod oh I don't think I think he didn't come to us baby I think yeah well he drew up hidden captain Leonard Lamm riddle yeah I was your paint in China ping ok well then see the players the players could tell you guys had a pretty good guess right you could narrow it down at least know what you guys could at least narrow down who it was yeah because the ping yeah we as spectators didn't have any of those clues all right so I'm gonna refresh this now it did it was very vivid like to choose Spanish on El Dorado and try that strategy though so Roadshow if we could do hidden cup six and hidden cup 11 now hire fix why I'm refreshing it on my stream so it I'm a couple seconds behind fire and vivvy okay yeah so it was slam the three Wow how is he he was acting like he was baby man like I think it ought to happen stuff because he jumped from 400 to 200 ping so I was very confused that could be a strategy to alt-tab in caps hook and everything he'd definitely pretend he was baby yeah not anything though we can have like you can ask them if you actually tried to make me think there was there were a couple people who were really Minds gaming up with the G's so I wasn't sure we had maybe it was you VIPRE somebody say something in Chinese in the semi-final I forget he's probably you my name was it was a good lap I could tell it was fake I didn't translate it until Dave translators were later and I said hello you beautiful Canadian so that was the final level yeah yes I'm a comment was something else yeah did you was it so I guess you played Miguel in the semi yeah Miguel also said something in Chinese didn't he yeah he answered it muted in Chinese it's so good I was so shocked like in censored in Chinese yeah okay that's hilarious okay robo so we're just gonna fill out the rest of the bracket here I guess you guys guess slam as three right gettin live on this Louie okay it's only Miguel with some good results and now I feel bad because that one time that the guy was on tilt I said it was Miguel and he's like one of my closest pro player friends no offense and beyond and Viper you're there too but but I was like MBL or Miguel is gonna message me and be like what the hell man what the hell I wasn't Nica what's really cool is that if Miguel can keep this for him he can qualify for her and they see to be without Leary yeah those are those are insane results look at that look at the top doubt he beat out 3-1 he beat Leary three two that's incredible vipir did you have an idea of who you were playing when you were in the semi-final today yeah I knew okay now how big of a difference is their ping wise style-wise between let's say the other Brazilians I create fire and Miguel because there's three of them I would say Miguel it's very I think it plays very similar to me okay a very macro oriented fire I don't know he's I don't know I can't explain fire at the moment no idea what he's up to have a place anymore Rios is always super good as well he is also he had that's a lot more ok Miguel so it's not as solid as Miguel but you can do really good place to him okay interesting oh go ahead Dave Viper your first two matches you said the FP issue hello hold on Dave you're gonna have to repeat that what what happened you cut out man you cut out everyone's ass proxy best proxy on teams there was there was FP issues with knee cough so you knew who it was and then your second matchup there was you knew it was Miguel right yeah so it's basically pointless hiding the player names because you knew who you were facing and you could kind of play to that before the game right yeah I'm pretty sure he knew who I was as well okay I think Nick I've told him so did you know who I was yes before or after like from the quarterfinals by play style man okay though this beers bro listen the Spears that the lame the Scout activity aye that's what we guessed you we were for sure in the fifth game but first reott with his two Scouts MBO he picked off all those monks he had extra Spears that was one great game yeah so you guys for the most part we're able to tell who you were against except for MBL who didn't know who you was worse yeah I knew member game yeah okay I mean I expected that right and I did ask you and some others if you guys would know but man was it fun on the other side because as a spectator you just have no clue yeah very surprised by slam though play you play girls he finally did well like this yeah he did he did um I didn't understand the three range players - those strange three range plays mines was that when you were Berbers yeah he did that against fire as well but he won that though but well in that game he made a big mistake he added sperms he saw your archers he's back to you - crow go crossbow which was just not right and so he had half scrubs half crossbows when you had squirms and knights so you have some schemes yeah good awesome well I could tell that there was relatively low ping in the final in some of those games because you guys were microing a lot so I was so pissed man like the last no not the last game for the rape again where he had third person and stop my TC and kill all my dad in that game there was this moment where you went forward MBL and viper had his scout around and there was a couple small things there where MBL you didn't want him to know you're going forward so you attacked the deer and invited over saw the deer and we thought that Viper assumed that you were just eating the deer what was going through your mind um bo was that intentional to shoot the deer for that reason it's just so typical every time I go forward against him here scout so I thought okay should I just fake that I'm going up there instead to trick the second and he saw that the deer had no villagers on it so he went immediately back to his base yeah you got him for a second though no no he would never send for me just randomly to shoot there's five yeah I think you just spares towers wall go Knights mango knows but he got of course he got to the second stone like I also pissed off because I saw to stay are you so angry man like like these things I'm not angry in general like that game just made me angry yeah yeah everything went wrong I wanted to control the two stones in the front and then suddenly he just sneaks around to take the stone and gets into Camelot sure which can't happen and I'm Molly and since Berbers I can't I can't do anything against ya that I could see how that could be frustrating cuz you're thinking okay he's not going to get camel archers because I know where his stones are you know he moved out to that stone right as you built the first tower it was so bold that you would have never expected it I guess huh happens well he did play very good so I okay yeah yeah before him well I I don't think you can be upset with yourself to beat slam and to beat MBL and get to the final and lose for - that was really good chat is pretty much spamming questions right now they want to know about Vipers castle at this point oh yo what was that on El Dorado men talk about it I was trying to drop a gate but it kept going diagonal yeah that one pal side oh yeah I didn't understand you know I kept moving I kept scrolling my wheel whenever I was in position to place it kept going diagonal again it was so annoying and then I mean cause I'd spend time with that I didn't use my army man we could've been in front as well but that was disaster for me you have to practice man I don't see you do that enough yeah I think you need to practice with your gates I didn't understand the full scare intro so I was just so like weirded out by that this well I just tried a GUI go said they died to them I was like the first time I had egos tight skirt so I was this game man yeah it's a lot of a lot of them so the yeah I was lucky he didn't wall in the castle sure I told the stream earlier that I contacted two players yesterday that regardless of their placing in the tournament they would be here I could ask you the questions you want to guess who the two people were yesterday chat these two so they both said sure I'll be around so whom I wonder why oh man that's hilarious that's hilarious well chat if you have any other questions I know Dave might have a few I I'm exhausted the event was super cool on our ends I know you guys couldn't watch today but seriously it was so good from a spectator standpoint yeah ask away everybody ask away there's gonna be a lot of disappointed people when we skip pasts questions oh why Japanese on Baltic that's a good question okay um I guess cuz of the fishing if I worship change take it one damage to a fishing ship fishing ship can basically just tanked and forever okay yep thanks for explaining I'm bill no problem gots yeah I want to hear about the goth pick I said it would be really dumb if it didn't work out and it did not work out yeah I guess I was lucky with like I was lame that 40 seconds that was like oh the poor went into the fog no you're too cheap to Scouts and stuff trying to go who's scope but Helen I don't know I was hoping for a different map because I don't want to play Arabia with girls I would like to play something else but deal whatever I get I just like okay why did I do this I did like when he launched the game after Pig gods I cancelled it for one second was like should I change was yeah I'm sure that just went for Arabia still I mean the what forgot still hmm yes stupid choice I have yeah was it would you pick that if you were up there would you have picked it if you were up three to two and not down was it a mental thing where you knew you were behind and you felt like you needed something well I was gonna pick mines like I was 1% sure okay but I wasn't I didn't feel like my award if you like Burmese didn't feel like doing any of that stuff okay but yeah do you guys have any suggestions for the next hidden Cup if there is one different names yeah boring just being hidden Cup yeah yeah we I figured that out after I said the same person's user name five times in the first 10 minutes at the first game so yeah it's very hard to to think about how things will play out until you actually do it so I think next time if we do this we can create names that can be remembered easier and then player identities can be attached to it a little bit easier try to find a way for ask scripter and make him remove ping from the game hide can't hack hack the game and this thing is it the ping number that gave it away or was it the feel in game though number really I mean the number but you can see the number and also you know I before Anna anyway girl was playing so it didn't matter yeah but still I would be able to figure it out but it being I did think I was playing fire oh yeah but someone I think Miguel told me those reasons yeah I mean those are gonna be a tricky like when there's through brazilians obviously they could be same but I'm thinking of doing it region based if we do it again through 16 people four from each region so four from Europe or from South America for from North America we'll have to hunt for some but we'll find some and then four from Asia and then it might be difficult so you might know okay this persons from this region but I don't know exactly who it is that was good ya know Ritz in the chat yeah I serious in the chat thank you hey stop stop laughing at North American daily we're getting there man Peres yeah we got Hera we have a slam I mean don't make fun of Canadians sneak bill to the corner that market goes down at nine minutes oh man you know ask about the Rio okay I can ask about three everyone wants to hear about why you called the restart MBL I think it's fairly obvious but go ahead the whole well my name fail and I mean the horrible lumber camp obtuse right like two three two three lions on the edge of the map I thought there was like more wood but yeah yeah okay yeah that's why I called me yeah well I'm gonna let you guys I assume you have the stream up I'm gonna let you guys answer whatever questions you might have in the twitch chat and Miguel Miguel just messaged me said hey ask Viper why he doesn't press resign button but Viper why don't you press the resign button then I did twice do they that first game between you and Miguel I thought you were dead I thought you were so did I yeah that was which which one was that nice yeah first game are they all over the place yeah I thought he was dead there - Miguel II like potato Miguel went through that me I had one way to win that game and he gave it to me yeah chance I had to win I have watched you play Miguel in Ko TD and a best-of-five I've watched you now play Miguel in a best-of-five in hidden Cup and I can tell you Miguel if you're out there listening you are losing games that you can win or in some cases you should win I think VIPRE would agree with that even so just trying to make you feel good we go hey Viper Viper won't acknowledge that right Miguel is a really good player he's very underrated I think he's really good chance of I talk to him after the games because I both knew it was it we were each other right yeah yeah though we talked after games and I told him that he has a very good chance to qualify for any c2 as well but some reason doesn't seem as confident I don't understand why he's mean he just beat Leary yeah I mean it didn't go too well against me but still the games were close so definitely is a good shot at that mentions up I like how you mentioned beating Leary as a feat and not beat yourself is that no fee no yeah I think you two could change one thing to next is to not have map pack as the yeah yeah for seven because then you just gamble with the civilizations and you might get lucky which makes the game more orangey yeah I agree with that statement I mentioned I think I mentioned that to you last night right I think in the future we can have the sieve selection and map selection be a bit like other 1v1 tournaments and it'll be it'll be better or you could just set set the maps I mean just just have the map selection out there but that players pick every other map and I mean auralic losers picking yeah or however you do that but like just pick but no repeat and you'll see different maps yeah I think my mistake for this tournament were literally just the settings and the promotion of it I'm surprised I don't know if you heard but we hit over 6,000 viewers today which is still just mind-blowing to me nice so great I did a piss-poor job of promotion of it and the settings could have been better but I'm gonna blame my busy weeks leading up to it but anyway man or guys it was it was amazing it was amazing yeah well thank you really fun to play like something different so it's nice yep so to everyone watching I'm gonna let these guys go these guys have played all day so they're tired as well if you have any more questions you can throw them out on the chat they might respond on the twitch chat or something but I don't want to hold them up too much it was an amazing event Thank You MBL and and VIPRE I'm very happy for both of you VIPRE you've been here before MBL you you've been close before as well I'm I'm like I was rooting for you MBL like I really wanted you to get to the finals and perform well and you did so thank you stuff man thank you all right well okay I'm guess we're heading off this is that awkward moment where we say goodbye but yeah you know congrats and congrats in the prize pool I got everything to you thank you yeah setting this up was great event Congrats on your numbers euros great we'll we'll talk soon all right man see you guys right boys bye babe but user dis going on your channel good all right buyers are disconnected from your channel come on Viper you got a nice screen time he's so clingy sometimes I swear to god man I login I get messages from the guy it's like Oh back off oh goodness he's winning these tournaments just to gain your affection Dave that's what it is that's it yeah so everybody who's here and the twitch chat thank you for today it was an amazing event I'm sure those on YouTube will enjoy as well there's many new faces here today many new faces here today 6,000 viewers that's a lot of people I I'm speechless anything you have to say about it Dave it was great having you man it's a long day man yeah what time did I get on like 10 10 10 casual seven and a half hours yeah yeah well I wouldn't have had it any other way man having you here on the final day so thanks I wasn't sure if you'd be able to be here for the whole time
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 137,978
Rating: 4.9057379 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, wow, omg, lul, t90Woo, strats, funny, impressive, sick
Id: pRj1atbgKL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 4sec (10804 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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