YOU Can Draw This WATER DROPLET in PROCREATE | how to paint a water droplet

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you can run this in procreate all you need are the brushes that are already in the app and I will guide you through every step of the way you will be learning by doing because we will use this much tool we will be using the quick shape we will be using layer clipping mask and much more before we begin I want to thank you all for sending your artworks on Instagram I think it's great seeing all of your tutorial results if you want to get a chance of seeing your artwork in the next you can draw this video then make sure that you tagged me in the image on Instagram and maybe we'll see your artwork here in the next video first things first our canvas it is 2500 pixels by 2500 pixels and we'll get started by filling in this canvas with a color I have made a compound for you which you can download through a link in the description it's totally free of course we are going to fill our canvas with this light blue color and can easily fill your canvas by dragging in the circle onto your canvas and then letting go for this tutorial we will be painting using the watercolor brush and you can find it under painting and there you see watercolor and let's make an interesting background we will pick multiple colors let's go for this pink we are just going to make some interesting shapes on our background let's make our brush pretty big let's say 40% now let's make some diagonal strokes we're using a pinkish purplish color right now but let's also use some of this darker blue just some diagonal strokes let's also use some of this light blue here I'm gonna make the brush a little bit smaller let's say 20% there are some smaller strokes and I also want to use this blue here I'm gonna make the brush big again to 30% to drop in some of that blue there there may be some more purple you can just do whatever you like just to make an interesting background I'm going to 20% just diagonals and some multiple colors and now we are going to the magic wand to go to the Gaussian blur and you just swipe your pen to the right to blur that background a bit I'm going to 15% and now we are going to use the smudge tool and we will use that watercolor brush that we just used to paint we are going to use that as a smudge tool now if you click and hold this much tool it'll set your smart to the brush that you were using for painting and now we are going to smudge back in some of that watercolor paint texture we're gonna make the brush 30% and we're just slightly gonna smudge that background to put some of that text texture back in I recently posted an Instagram post with a water droplet just like this one and a lot of people asked me where the YouTube video was where the tutorial was but there wasn't there wasn't one because the process that I used for that painting was quite complex it was really painterly so I decide it's a simple final process for you and make make you can draw this video after all now you can see that there's some nice painterly texture by just using the smudge tool and dragging those close but I keep making diagonal strokes let's get started making that water droplet we will do that on a new layer so go to these two squares and click on the plus to make a new layer to make the water droplet we'll get back to the brushes and we will select the monoline brush which is under calligraphy and we will pick this dark blue right here and we are going to make an oval first so just draw an oval and then hold your pen in place to let it snap to a quick shape you can use edit shape here and drag those handles to modify it a little bit and then we will drag in this color to fill it of course this doesn't look like a water droplet yet we need to adjust a shape a bit and we'll do that by going to the magic wand and then click liquify and now we can change the shape a bit and move it up a little bit now I have to brush size set to 60% and we can flatten this underside a little bit I'm gonna make the brush even a bit bigger let's go to 80% and you can gently push on those sides to adjust the shape a little bit to make it look more like a water droplet because the droplet is not when you look at it from the side it's not a perfect oval it's something like this click the magic wand again and we're back if your water droplet is a bit too small or too big you can just go to this arrow and while you have it at uniform you can adjust the size of your water droplet and move it around let's place it here it's time to start painting on this water droplet and to make sure that every paint that we put down will only be on this oval egg shape we will use a layered clipping mask go to these two squares and make a new layer by clicking the plus then click the layer and select clipping mask now this new layer is clipped to the shape and that way every paint that we drop on it will only show up in this oval and we will use a brush that's under airbrushing we will use the soft brush at first let's drop in some highlights some wire touches to this water droplet and we will use this light blue color and our brush is set to 15% now let's drop in some light on this drop its add some light on this side on the underside make it a bit smaller to 10% a little bit of light here [Music] a bit like this let's make a new layer and add some darker touches as well so we'll go back to the layer palette and click the + again and this layer we will also clip to that oval shape and now we will pick this very dark blue let's make our brush a bit smaller let's say 2% and we are going to add a dark edge here just gently go past that edge you can just move around your canvas like this with two fingers if you like working in this angle a bit more for example let me brush a little bit bigger 4% and I'll make some darker strokes here as well a little bit here I'd also like to add slight dark touch at the underside want quite a lot of variety in our droplet a bit here so this is what it looks like right now next up we'll make some hard edged reflections and again we'll make a new layer by going to these two squares and clicking the plus and again we'll click clipping mask and this time we will pick let's pick this very light almost white color and we will go back to the mono line brush which is under calligraphy and we are going to make an oval shape to create a highlight let's do something like this and you can click Edit shape to make sure that it's right near that edge of the water droplet move it around till it's well let's say about here and now we can fill in that shape but of course this highlight looks a bit weird we need to cut some parts off and we'll do that by using the eraser and if you click and hold it you will use the current brush so you will use the mono line brush and I will make an oval again with our eraser like this hold it in place and you can also use at its shape here you can make this very nice looking reflection this way there now all you need to do is erase the rest and a quick way to do that of course you can just erase it by hand like this or you can go to the selection tool that S shape ribbon and go to freehand and then select that part that you want to erase click that circle here and I'll swipe with three fingers to erase that entire selected area I think the reflection is a little bit too long so I'm gonna erase a little part here we are going to follow the same steps for another reflection we will make a new layer again and clip it and we'll use the monoline brush again and we will make an oval these are the same steps as we just did but now we are going to make a reflection here very close to that first reflection now with a slightly different shape so fill it again by dragging in that circle and go to the eraser tool again make an oval with your eraser and go to edit shape and this highlight will be a bit bit bigger something like this and I will use the freehand selection again to erase a part I wasn't quite accurate so I'm gonna use the eraser to erase that little edge and I also want to erase a part here a little bit here like that now that we have these two reflections let's merge these two layers by pinching them together and I want to blur them slightly to merge them a bit more with the water droplet and we'll do that by going to the Gaussian blur again under the magic wand and I'll blur it just slightly let's say three and a half percent for our next step we will go back to the airbrush and we will start to paint in details by hand first let's make a new layer and again we will clip it to that oval shape so click the layer and select clipping mask and we'll go back to the soft brush which is under airbrushing so now we are going to add details by hand we'll still be using that near white color and I'm gonna set the brush to seven percent now first we're going to add more light to this side of the water droplet and I'm gonna follow the shape off that droplet a bit go to this underside I'm gonna make the brush a bit smaller go to five percent again I'm following that shape off the droplet making very gentle strokes I'll let the light that highlight go to this side some light here and I'm going to make the brush even smaller to 2% to add some highlights on this side [Music] if you enjoy following more challenging tutorials like this one then you might like my patreon page because there I share a lot of fooling irate at video tutorials and they range from beginner level to more advanced levels so if you want to learn more you might want to check it out just adding some real small details I make the brush bigger again to 3% to add a little bit of light here and we'll make a highlight here as well come back to a smaller brush again 2% for some lights here at the bottom and also here of course you don't have to copy this exactly make your own version off a water droplet now that the water droplet is almost finished we are going to work on the underground and to do that we will make a new layer above our background layer so we'll go back to layer one click that and then click the plus to create a new layer on top of that background layer and let's go back to that watercolor brush which is under painting now let's make an interesting underground we'll go to this dark blue first and make a stroke right here to create a start for that underground I'm going to set my brush to 15% and I'll make some diagonal strokes and I'll make a little bit of a shadow underneath here let's also add some purples let's pick this one and let's add some purple here I'm just making some horizontal strokes downward and some purple hair [Music] just adding some color variation I'm also going to pick this light blue a nice reflective surface here maybe also some dark blues like this one I'm gonna make my brush a bit smaller let's say 8% to add some of that blue and just play around with this with these colors make something nice and colorful I will also grab this very light almost white color I'll make my brush even smaller 4% and I'll add some light here and on this side as well and now I'd like to blur this just a little bit by going to the magic wand and using the Gaussian blur again and slide your pen to the right on your screen and let's go for three and a half percent again go back to the smudge tool it is set to watercolor just like before and now we will use that smudge tool to smudge this all around I'm gonna make the brush a little bit smaller let's go for 20 percent and this gives this nice painterly look and I'm making sure that I'm making horizontal strokes so don't go crisscross all over your screen just try to make these same horizontal strokes just work your way around that area where we just painted here we can make some diagonal strokes our brush is set at 10 percent right now making some diagonals here and go in horizontal in this area again now let's make some diagonal strokes here as well and down here we'll go for horizontal making the brush a bit bigger again 20% our water droplet is almost finished I would just like to add some final touches and I'd like to do that with all the layers merge together because I want to use a smudge tool and you can only blend colors that are all on the same layer that's why I want to have everything on one layer now you could just merge everything by squeezing but you could also duplicate these layers first in case you're not sure about a whole smudging thing you do have a backup if you duplicate it first so let's first select everything by swiping to the right and then group these layers and now we can easily duplicate this group by selecting duplicate not the leaves and we'll turn this one off and now we can merge these all by squeezing them together if you are not able to duplicate these layers because procreate says hey you okay you can only have this many layers then that's because of your device and you might have to make your file a bit smaller by decreasing the pixel size of your canvas or what you could do is go back to your gallery duplicate your file and then merge your layers in your new file that way you still have a backup in case you mess up your smudging okay so let's get started of course we started a long time ago we're not getting started we're just getting started on the whole finalization of our piece first thing I want to do here is go back to the airbrush to our soft brush and add a little bit more detail before we go into smudging and the real final touch I'll make the brush quite small maybe 1% and I'll keep this light color you got the almost white color and I want to make a little reflection here and that underground just some small horizontal stripes here we'll make them smaller and smaller [Music] we'll also do to hear little reflection on the surface and you can just use this part of the painting process to add some little tweaks to your painting with this part to be a little bit merged with that underground [Music] now that we have these little highlights in place I would like to go back to the smudge tool and still it is set to the watercolor brush and we're just going to smudge a little bit of this edge down here merging it a little bit with the underground let's go to 8% I'm just going over this edge making it a little bit more blurry make these little downward strokes here and now I'm going along that edge just slightly blurring it because otherwise that edge will look too hard there and we can also do some smudging in the bubble itself we use the smudge tool you kind of move the colors around see it as if you are pushing pushing colors around so if we want some light in this darker area we can just drag it in there and using this technique gives the whole painting a bit more of a real painted look give some nice texture you can also drag some of that in there let's go a bit bigger let's say 20% to add a little bit of texture in that bubble so I'll drag on this side to dare moving along the shape of the bubble of the water droplet and then pulling some of that dark back to that side make sure that you move along that round shape of the bubble of the droplet I'll make it smaller again 10% to also smudge a bit on this side don't go overboard don't smudge too much you're smaller to 7% with this little part let's smudge this edge of this reflection just a little bit that's it there's our water droplet if you enjoyed following this tutorial then you might like these two videos as well go check them out I'll see you next time for the next you can draw this video
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 95,556
Rating: 4.9158926 out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this water droplet, how to paint a water droplet, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, digital painting, art channel, procreate tutorial for beginners, you can draw this, art with flo you can draw this, art with flo, anyone can draw this, anyone can draw this water drop, procreate tutorial, ipad pro, gal shir, you can draw this procreate, procreate tutorial you can draw this, procreate 5
Id: rZ135K1eCMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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