ANYONE Can Draw This Diamond in PROCREATE | Diamond drawing easy step by step

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you can draw this diamonds in procreate we will be using the brushes that come with procreate you don't need to purchase anything else I will walk you through all the steps to create this diamond and I'm sure that you can draw - first you need to set up a canvas you can just select the option screen size this canvas of mine here it's just screen size and the first thing we'll do is add a drawing guide just click the selection here and then go to edit drawing guide now if you have selected the screen size option as well then you can just do the same thing as I'm doing here first do backspace and then set the length to a hundred now your canvas and your drawing guide will look exactly the same as mine here now you can just pick a color here I often accidentally click right here and then press done and then I'll think well where's my drawn guide so be sure to set it to a color that you can actually see and now we are going to draw the diamond let's first make a sketch though and we'll just pick a dark color and the HP pencil to make a sketch first and to measure everything out now let's go from the top we'll go down about four and then make a horizontal line of six squares like this six squares and then we'll go down one square and to the left three squares here and also on this side go side words three and downwards one and we'll go this way so the thickness here is two squares that will be the top off the diamond there and here on this side we will go left two squares and down two squares and we'll do the same thing on the other side and here we will go down three side words too and here as well and now we will just connect these to these and make a horizontal line here and now we will go down straight through the middle and we will go down seven blocks one two three four five six seven this is where the lines will meet so we'll have a line from this corner to here here all going down to this point and then we have our basic sketch of the diamonds and we can actually know we'll keep on the drawing guide but we can turn down the opacity of this sketch a little bit and we will make a new layer on top just click the plus here and we will select a different brush will go to calligraphy and use the Mona line brush and now we will start making the shapes of the different facets of the diamond now I've made a color palette it's cold you can rot it's diamonds and you can find it through the link in the description you can find it on my patreon page and download the palette if you would like to use the exact same colors I'm using first we'll pick this pink magenta light color and we will draw a shape on top of the diamond we can zoom in a little bit let's check our brush that's a little bit too thick want to go mid dinner yeah that's fine it is set to let's see three percent and now we will start following that sketch and try to be as tidy as you can't following that drawing guide we will just follow the entire sketch there this side and if you draw a line and just hold your pen on your screen it will snap to a straight line automatically now we have to shape here and we can fill it by dragging the color into this shape and now we have our top the top of our diamonds and to color to draw the other facets we will be making new layers we want them all on separate layers so we'll make a new layer by clicking the plus and let's start off by making these facets on the sides pick a purple color for this one here so that's this one and again we will just follow the lines [Music] to make the shape [Music] and we'll drag the color in to fill it I'll do this side here make a new layer again and let's use just color again just follow follow to sketch lines [Music] and fill it with a color and I will do that front facet of the diamond so again make a new layer you know let's pick another color let's pick this one and fill it and we'll do the same thing with the facets at the bottom well we'll just use different colors let's make a new layer again let's pick a dark blue color for this left side and as you can see once you hold down your pen you can just drag around your line and well that way you can place it the exact way you want it and of course always make sure you make the lines connect otherwise if you drag in the color your whole screen will turn blue make a new layer for it that right side pick a lighter color there [Music] [Music] all that is left is that front side so a new layer again and we'll pick this nice blue color maybe let's pick that one and we'll make this big triangle now we have all the facets and we can start adding more color and more detail to our diamond but we can turn off this sketch layer here and we can also turn off the drawing guide we don't need that anymore and let's give our diamond a nice background color you can click the background color and select it's nice dark color and to add more detail to our facets we are going to use the alpha lock we use alpha lock on a layer you will only be able to paint on the pixels that are already there so we can only paint on this pink and we won't be able to go outside of those lines let's grab the soft brush it's on there airbrushing and procreate and let's pick a lighter color and add some white paint here [Music] maybe we can add a little bit darker pink here so we have a little bit of a gradient there and we'll do the same thing for the other facets we'll just start with this one and if you find all these layers confusing then you could just name these layers give them all names like top facet left middle right so you can easily find the right ones now for these I want to add a little bit of dark darkness some shadow here so I'm just glaze in that over softly not too much we'll go to the middle facet that's too up select alpha lock again and I'm going to add some little blues and some Pink's here on top because we want to create a little bit of a gradient in a diamond from pink to blue at the bottom so that's also add a little bit of dark blue at the bottom here now we're going to the right facets again I'll use some pink and we don't have to go all scientific here and get the exact right shapes inside the diamond just do what feels right what looks good to you just play around with the with the colors we'll do that bottom left facet again click alpha lock and we'll grab a nice dark blue to add some shadow ear let's do the same thing for the one on the right don't forget to click alpha lock and let's go to the front facet I want to make that nice and blue the nice gradient going down so as you can see the opacity is pretty low so I can just glaze over I can just gently dark in this area up and we can do the same thing from the bottom to the top we can just pick that lighter color and paint some back in making this nice-looking gradient what we will do now is add some bright edges to these two DS facets so we'll make a new layer and we will go back to calligraphy and select the Mona line brush again and a very bright bright blue color and we want the brush to be a lot bigger now to go over these edges and again we will be working on separate layers this is one and we will go to the eraser and the eraser is also set to mana line and we will erase a part of this off this line to make it sharp and tapered so with the with the eraser you can do the same thing as with a normal brush you can just hold it to make a straight line make it look pointy like this and we'll make a new layer to do the same thing with the utter edges so let's go from here to there and again grab the eraser to make a nice pointy line and what you can do if the placement of the line isn't entirely correct you can just go to transform and you can tweak it a bit you can also rotate it make it a bit longer like this until you have something that you like let's make a new layer because we'll make a new line and it's better to make these new layers because we will be erasing you don't want to erase the other lines that you've already created well that's a bit long let's do something like this this time I will make it point you at this corner there again new layer with this side [Music] just repeat process and transform it if it's needed and if you want to really really tweak this and don't want to well like you just saw I have magnetic magnetics magnetics turn on and then you get this and you can't be very precise so be sure to turn off magnetics and you can set it to the store to really tweak that line here another layer because we will also be on with this direction and put this line I just want it to be a little bit thinner I want a full line here maybe it's just this one a little bit [Music] I can't a new layer for this corner don't tweet this one in a little bit and let's also go downwards towards this point here so again we'll need a new layer go into this end [Music] and on the other side here and let's also make a little line here on the outside perhaps we can just make our brush a little bit smaller let's try eight percent don't that's the eraser and to set the normal brush to eight percent [Music] I just want a little bit thinner there now we have this bright shiny corners here these bright edges and I want to add a little bit more shine to the diamond will do that by well first let's just merge all these layers to clean up that mess [Music] let's add some yeah some more details to two facets we'll do this by adding new layers add a new layer to this facet on the Left first and we will use clipping mask it's a bit like alpha lock but this time we will we will be drawing on a new layer but it is clipped to the layer below and this way you will only see pixels that yeah that are exactly above the pixels here so you won't be able to see any pixels any pains outside this shape here let me just demonstrate it to make it clear let's pick a lighter got the lighter color maybe this one look you can only see the paint inside of the shape so that's clipping mask and what we'll do is we'll make some random shapes like this as you just saw I close the shape you weren't able to see it but I close the shape so I can fill it like this and I'm going to set this layer to screen you can go here if you click on that N and then go to lighten and then select screen this way it will lighten everything beneath we can turn down the opacity a little bit maybe to 75% and we'll do the same here that's that front facet make a new layer set it to clipping mask and it will select a bright call out this one and just make a flowing motion now let's fill that again set it to screen turn down the opacity just a little bit 75 and we'll make these kind of shapes on the different facets [Music] [Music] let's also do it for the top facet or is it up here a new layer setting it's a clipping mask and let's make let's make a straight shape like this and again set that to screen and we can play around a bit with the shape as with all the shapes you can just use a transform tool that's that little arrow there and you can drag it around until you have something that you like turning down the opacity again and now let's go to the front facet that one at the bottom and again use clipping mask and we'll use a hole let's use this very bright blue maybe make something like this again setting it to screen and lowering the opacity go to 50% we'll do the same with the two facets on on both sides making a new layer use clipping mask and let's use this blue then just draw in a shape it just adds a little bit more interest to the to the diamond and yeah a little bit more detail just looks a little bit more interesting let's also do it with the one on the right new layer setting it to clipping masks let's use just use this one and this kind of gives the sense of some reflections or for refraction I'm not sure what it's called inside the diamond a little bit more interests interests yeah intro interesting a little bit more interesting it makes it a little bit more interesting also let's add some very sparkly sparkles we can do that by using a proprietary luminance you have this really nice flare brush and we will set it to a very bright color and let's just check it out first let's try what we get well that's a little bit too big so we'll have to make it smaller maybe 34 now that still to be we want to change the direction a little bit that looks nice let's add some more maybe one that's pretty nice and a smaller one in this corner here or maybe a little bit bigger let's say 12% just experiment with the brush until you have what you like there now we have this nice sparkles let's just work on the facets a little bit more let's add some more color variation we can just click on the different facets and go to airbrushing soft brush and I want to add a little bit more of a gradient some blue and a purple and maybe some pinks and the blues just a little bit more interest let's go to this one no this one let's add some blue there [Music] and maybe some pink on this one that's that bottom facet you can add some of that bright pink and I'm just using very little pressure and the opacity is very low so it will be very subtle I'm gonna make the brush a little bit bigger that's a bit too much maybe here maybe some darker blue we can also add some blues on that one on the right just a little bit more color variation that will add a little bit more realism now I went to the facet on the left I'm gonna add some bright blue there maybe turn down the opacity of this one a little bit more we're almost done let's add a little bit interested a background as well to really make this diamond pop out to do that we will make a new layer B low the other layers and it can be on top off the sketch layer because that's turned off so that doesn't matter let's add a little bit of a glow we'll do that by using the airbrushing the soft brush that you can find add airbrushing and we'll use this bright blue at the bottom really gently using that big brush gently adding that glow as you can see I'm making some circular motions and I will do the same at the top but then we will use this bright pink here then we have a nice gradient at the back as well and if you feel like it's a bit too much pink then you can just turn to the blue again and to make it look a little bit more subtle you can use the opacity slider and turn it down just a little bit to get a nice subtle glow in your diamond and then we can call it finished if you followed all these steps and now you have a really nice shiny colorful diamond and I would love to see your results now if you want to use the same colors as I did you can check a link in the description and find a palette and download it for free on my patreon page I hope you enjoyed this video thank you for watching and I will be seeing you next time for the next digital art tutorial have a great day
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 142,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond drawing easy step by step, anyone can draw this diamond, procreate easy drawing, procreate easy drawing tutorial, procreate drawing step by step, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, how to draw a diamond step by step for beginners, ipad pro, digital art, art with flo, diamond drawing, how to draw diamond, procreate drawing, procreate tutorial, procreate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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