Anti-Soggy Cereal Spoon

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are you tired of finding dead things in the bottom of your giant bowl of cereal because there was so much milk that stuff drowned and died and by the time you got to the bottom it was a skeleton we're gonna build a solution to that problem thanks to Alex's it's to Alex and possessive from patreon we're gonna build a spoon that injects it's the wrong word applies and now to present the cad model i present mr. bones hey kids it's me mr. bones and here is the cad model this is actually I think this sim one of the simpler things we've done a single mount with the peristaltic pump and the cap of the water bottle being held the battery will figure out later that's future means problem the button that turns it on is also a future museum but I think this is the most complicated part and it's only one piece so it's laser time that get employed I need better organization take everyone on the other head of cameras agreeing with me [Applause] [Music] don't want to break that one this fits pretty well there this I'm a little worried about break this good news just thing of a laser cutter at our disposal may have to cut that a little bit hear the creaking and cracking I mean it's going no I can a hammer it it's gonna explode if we hammer it yeah we just glue that on right now what if we but if we mess it up too bad okay [Music] so that's glued what pressure to actually check to make sure this is gonna fit and we drill some holes into there into this wood to hold that into place and then this fits man I really should have tested this stuff before gluing nice it's really not that bad the pump will fit right there okay God Wow that came together really fast I actually don't really know what I'm doing right now I just been drill holes I had lined it up a little bit different we didn't do a perfect job measuring this but whatever [Music] looks good it's great good job good job everyone I was good you know ah hmm I don't know where my tiny screws are [Music] I need to like burn this whole house down and start over just cracking just ripping the plywood apart screwing into the edge of the plywood was not a good idea hey it looks pretty good how do we want to do how do we want to do the silicon through the cap what are you what do you think Internet viewer do you have any advice leave it in the comments oh we may doesn't work like that [Music] what in I don't know is it gonna fall out we have to glue it let's do a test you want some cereal but you need some milk on that bite so yeah we went backwards [Applause] it's done peristaltic pump four double A batteries silicon hose water bottle zip ties super glue a little crumby button I have yet to actually test this let's take a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior peristaltic pump I should my friend Tom this video and he's like you should say what a peristaltic pump is so we're gonna do that parasol's pump is a pump but but it doesn't touch anything it just milks or squeegees the tube running through with these little rollers it can accurately move fluid through if you've got like a stepper motor or an encoded motor you can predict how much liquid is going to come out it's used in medical industry and other stuff where you don't want the pump to actually touch the fluid and get cross-contamination so the tube is the only thing that juice the juice is going and there you go tom I hope I hope that was good dude I don't think it was hello neighbors is it just you or you sleeping did we wake you up we have an invention that we need you to test ok actually got hold it hold it in this hand hold the ball hold it like kinda like that I'll go like you hold a pencil it's like absolutely good button that's the scoop some cereal that works perfectly I suppose it tastes exactly like normal cereal there's no faster it's not soggy it's no it's not soggy yeah I can't we need that bye hey Alan you know what I hate about November what when your cereal get soggy [Music] how convenient who wants to go first who are you shut up Sunita cereal it's also wearing a different shirt we ruined the continuity well I've got a spoonful of cereal here but I don't have a bowl of milk is the button okay oh we make this is what I was complaining about November beam it up you have any mouth well that is something already build this I mean it's not a bad it's the user the fella okay that's actually pretty cool but I feel like you need some cereal here otherwise it overshoots here I'm gonna put in your mouth while I squirt it you just got up [Applause] I'm back into the correct shirt but at the end of the video I'm gonna eat soup out of the spoon wait but first thank you to Diana physics girl and sufficiently advanced Alan pan for testing the spoon out and if you want stickers there KATU I don't know man leave a comment you think it's gonna work and we're gonna make a huge mess yeah both of those things mmm
Channel: William Osman
Views: 2,506,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, allen pan, sufficiently advanced, dianna cowren, physics girl, cereal spoon, cereal, spoon, milk, soggy, laser time, peristaltic pump, cereal machine, cereal robot, breakfast robot, breakfast, milk spoon
Id: xe8Id7pDNOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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