I Bought A BattleBot and People Are Mad

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welcome to the first video of 2021. it's crazy right i haven't posted a video all year laugh laugh at my job people are mad at me for buying a battle up people are mad that i bought a battle bar let me read you a comment will this ever end up in the battle box again or is it just going to become a dangerous toy for a youtuber with too much money he clearly is pushing it way past its limits to the point of danger and i'm not quite sure if he understands its mechanics or how to fix it please prove me wrong though have you seen the television show battlebots where they take two giant robots and put them in an arena in an arena where they explode each other how could i possibly do anything worse than that how do you say arena arena it's been a rough year it's been it's been a rough year watching him wear out red devils parts physically caused me pain since it's all completely custom-made and expensive as hell have you seen the show battlebots where they take two giant robots and have them explode each other i don't understand i don't understand fun video but i'm sad all those good and expensive parts didn't go to amateur bot builders we i am out of my mind like jerome the guy who built the robot and sold it to me why why can't he do what he wants why can't he sell the robot to somebody is he supposed to piece it out and like tear it apart and give the parts away for free why do people have opinions about stuff that doesn't matter this is not your problem the internet they're commenters here's a doozy william osmond's videos were better before his house broke down william's different there's someone else who's mad at me and it's the guy who is taking over the team red devil because it turns out the teams that compete on battlebots have this really creative thing where they name their robot the same thing as their team name so when they sell the robot or something else happens they want to make a new robot but they give it the same name as the old robot the guy who's taking over the team is mad because he's going to make a new red devil but i'm saying i have a red duck and what he wants me to say is i have the old red devil i'm not the team red devil i'm william oz i'm not going to compete or anything this robot is just it's just i don't know i got it i don't know i don't know what i'm doing but i'm not gonna compete i'm not red devil i hope that clarifies everything anyways i broke the battle bot in the last video when i was trying to tug my car down the street but i think this is a good opportunity to go through it and see how a battlebot actually works and how complicated it really is it's something the tv show i think always did a bad job at so let's go through it let's see what makes this thing tick i i got a little bit ahead of myself it's already quite a bit taken apart yeah look at that what i started realizing is the robot is actually a lot simpler than you think it would be you go down to your local department store and buy a coffee maker and tear it apart it's going to be more complicated it's so dead simple and it's brilliant because when you're fighting a robot and it gets destroyed like that's what you need you want something that's simple and easy to fix and this robot is simple is it kind of like how race cars have like their pit stops in like 20 seconds yeah basically here's the weapon there's two bolts that hold the weapon on the weapon itself is driven by a single motor with a chain and then it's lifted up and down by another motor with a change you got a little clutch on here so the whole thing when it's pivoting up and down doesn't apply too much pressure onto the blade these linear actuators open and close the claws this will convert you know rotary movement of a motor into linear movement so yeah let's go on the inside here and you can see it's just a whole mess of electronics this is the physical safety switch which is used to turn the robot on and off you stick an allen wrench not this one you stick an allen wrench in there and you screw it and unscrew it and it's just a physical contact that touches or untouches and it connects the battery directly to the robot you've got a big motor driver in here i think a 200 90 amp motor driver like the dual channel 40 amp so you can put a bunch of power into motors using this thing there's two of those in there there's another smaller motor driver and a bunch of wires i mean this is as close as it gets to an rc car that you can buy at the hobby store like it is literally a remote control car just with bigger motor drivers this is the drive pod it's got its own electronics inside of it [Applause] oops nothing it's just a motor and a gearbox attached directly to this track you look on the outside it seems incredibly complicated but the more you take it apart it's almost simple to the point that it's not interesting which is kind of hilarious it kind of said what was happening is the main body wasn't pivoting up and down for some reason you can hear the motor spinning and kind of worrying but it wouldn't lift itself this is where the tank treads attach to it and if you look on the inside it's going to be a little bit hard to see in here this is the gear motor that lifts the body up and down the output sprocket moves a chain which moves another sprocket that sprocket had a broken key on it and a key is what keeps the shaft engaged with a collar this is the shaft key pass gas i did fart yeah does it smell bad i'm sorry i got excited about the shaft key this is the shaft key that gets wedged into this little cutout right here and when the shaft turned and there was too much shear force on it it ripped the key in half so what do you do buy another key two dollars each or no even less maybe a dollar each for these keys and i got the right size it's a little bit bigger than the janky key they sent the robot to me with so hopefully this is enough cross-sectional area to stop it from shearing i'm just gonna install this and put the sprocket back on and the robot's gonna be perfectly functional again when life gives you salt go on reddit and complain about other people [Music] the moment of truth will it lift yes yes it does live whoever doubted that i could fix it oh i remember swaldo one with a reddit comment that has negative four points that's who doubted me so will this ever end up in the battle box again no is this just going to become a dangerous toy for a youtuber with too much money no i spent all the money on the robot i'm not quite sure if he understands his mechanics or how to fix it i fix it although this is what you get for being a whiny little years of negative comments from people it's a very small percentage of the comments very small but i'll tell you what you know what we're not you know what therapy therapy that's what i need i'll just do it by hand can you help me find the robot [Music] do you see where the robot is there's the robot [Music] we'll cut that part out of the video good evening sir how was your meal would you like another refill of wine well things are could be better you see the wine's a little dry oh the wine's a little dry well how how is your meal at least these delicious fresh bell peppers ah the bell peppers are undercooked but you ordered fresh uncooked bell peppers no you know what i'm sorry i'm sorry for talking back the customer is always right i'll go back to the kitchen and make sure it's taken care of right away thank you i have very bad news chef the customer said your cooking is absolute dog crap how's your bell peppers now cat warehouse catwarehouse.com buy shirts from catwarehouse.com the t-shirts are made by cats we've enslaved the there's an entire warehouse just full of them that paperwork has adopted but i say enslaved we had to modify the sewing machine so the cats could use them to make the t-shirts buy t-shirts from cat warehouse you should see their little paws move while we're sewing the shirts together there's only 40 t-shirts left of the we got evicted so if you want one you have to buy it now i'm never gonna print them again can't warehouse
Channel: William Osman
Views: 2,093,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves
Id: 3fLApNso5L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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