Can a Car Window Break Your Finger?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/stuckin1980 📅︎︎ May 30 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/qwopperi 📅︎︎ May 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey do you remember when you were nine and really dumb I don't exactly remember that long ago ever since the accident my memory has been a little bit foggy but when your parents were rolling up the window and you had your fingers out they'd quickly pull them back in well I've always wondered could a window actually cut your finger off let's find out just a carrot it was just a carrot don't demonetized us YouTube in January 2009 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported around 2000 injuries and five fatalities caused by automatic power operated window systems like someone cut their head off in a car window or maybe like a kid that's horrifying before getting to the finger I kind of want to scale up right like if we can crush a banana it might be able to crush a finger so let's get a banana oh definitely a carrot fruit isn't really a finger substitute but we're not looking for a perfect finger substitute just something that gives us an idea of the damage a window because bananas much like Michael Reeves have a tough exterior but a soft interior I don't think the window will cut through the banana but it should do some damage what if we like break the window in the car we're gonna use John's car because it's more of a straight edge across so it can just be a teen what do you think is gonna happen I think it's gonna just mush the banana oh it's Taylor Swift playing that's not good this is banana getting cut or mushed by window I didn't make me go backwards it detected that no I'm holding up still it automatically detected like a current spike or something a carrot being rolled up in a window with this whole experiment is being foiled by this damn car what what do we do the safety has failed our plans which I guess is a good thing but it sort of feels bad confident in the German engineering of his own car and in the name of science cameraman John offers to sacrifice his fingers ready yeah that was did it hurt a little not really well you have it guys we'll see you next time when we do another stupid video that we spent a day on and then we go to experiment it just doesn't work at all Wow a lot of thought was put into building cars I'm very grateful for it but right now I kind of wish I cannot believe we've been foiled by a safety system this is not okay the German engineering of cameraman John's Jetta has proven to be way too safe so let's switch back over to my American engineered car the Ford Taurus you see how this right here goes like much more of an angle so anything that's being pushed up its gonna get bent tear it on the American car yeah let's get some of that American lack of safety all right this this one I am not sure you there I should put our finger in let's go for the banana or the neighbors must think we are absolutely insane it just keeps going it just it just it just doesn't care this might actually break your finger sausage oh my god it locked it clean off that was awesome if you cruise around in an old Ford Taurus wagon do not let your parents roll your fingers up in the window what we need is to build something that represents a human finger did you know you can buy human bones on the Internet check it out real human finger bones for the low price of 90 US dollars if you ever wondered what the bones inside of your finger look like I think this is it whose bones are these back on the topic of buying bones on the Internet you can buy suppose if a child on the Internet that's not a joke you literally buy the bones of children like do they kill the kids is somebody killing children for their bones I don't know in the end it doesn't really matter because I got what I needed and that is real human finger bones they are much more brittle than live human bones we need a better representation of the actual strength of a live human bone hey dirts a back with another scientific paper biomechanical test substitutes for bone this paper suggests oh the strength of oak versus a strength of bone and tried to come up with an equivalent and I probably didn't do a very good job and is isn't conclusive and I think I actually did a bad job but I tried my best and that's all that matters is your ice cream machine working could I get two cones doing it how often does it break once a week twice a week it breaks she said it was literally just okay conspiracy theory why is the McDonald's ice cream machine always broken any one's pretty oh thank you so much where we leave off oh yeah let's simulate a human finger bone we're going to use oak wood hard oh wait there's got to be better oak dowel the first thing we need to do is make a mold of my finger so we can catch the bones inside of ballistics gel I've always wanted to play with ballistics gel what is ballistics gel it is simply gelatin like it's literally jell-o unflavored jello Allen pan recommended a brand of synthetic ballistics gel which is non-perishable thinking the zip ties might be a little too tight my fingers starting to turn purple and then to make the mold of my finger we're gonna use alginate I've never done any of this so it's gonna be a learning experience one part warm water what it was warm were [Laughter] [Music] making a mold of something small before going on to larger models you'll gain a lot of experience Yeah right I don't need to do any practice I'll nail it on the first try this stuff like stick to clothes or does it come out free malaria alginate is a really inexpensive mold making material it's kind of one-time use but it's so cheap that it doesn't really matter we're going to mix the powder with warm water and then I stick my finger into a shot glass filled with the paste and it solidifies in about five minutes then I can remove my finger what a weird feeling it was like molting I felt like my skin was shedding a layer and fill the mold up with gelatin just normal ordinary gelatin you can buy from the store except way less water than you'd normally use for a dessert or I don't know what else do you use gelatin for it smells like a very gross soup gelatin is an animal by-product because why it smells so weird kind of like a mild corpse smell it's not great but the idea is that gelatin at a certain temperature I think around 40 degrees Fahrenheit is a really good representation of human flesh so if we can create a human flesh exterior with some sort of interior structure like the O'Doul we should have a pretty good representation of a human finger that we can crush in a car window look at this it's worse than the first time it exploded again and we the same exact mistake twice in a row yeah I think we ruined her clothes well good thing this wasn't like a one-of-a-kind hand-painted t-shirt from a fan how to clean alginate off my computer algae no alginate Oh oh my God look at the detail this is awesome car dagger open your hands no please open your hands what do you think it is your finger yeah this is creepy does that freak you out a little bit come back wait no Josie wait come back she do the bounce test all right American car gelatin ballistics gel I think this window might actually break your finger synthetic ballistic gel finger with no bone Wow if you don't have any bones and your fingers kids you can roll them up in car windows and they'll only come out mildly bruised now unfortunately for those of you who do have bones and your fingers let's see what happened when we roll your finger up in the car window yeah it's not quite a scissoring action like it's bending it too much as I sort of just slowly scoot the window up you can see it just like turns vertical this would still be really painful look it's starting to like cut the skin now I think this would mess your finger up but we're not quite in a position to break it cuz of how the window closes caretaker is letting us try her car you know with car windows customer place right and the synthetic finger in caretakers car 3 to 100 that would totally break your finger it snapped it right in half it just kept going it like powered through its in the medical industry this is called bones sticking out of skin ah did you get that that was awful it like exploded it that sounded like a finger breaking - that was that was a pop and the worst part is it automatically goes up probably I can't believe the newest car of all the cards here was like the most dangerous so I don't think this is gonna be conclusive what it will show us though if you don't want to stick your finger in a car window you think we'll do the center bone we're gonna go further what do you call this because I'm thinking like a kid hanging their finger out kind of hooked onto the window real human finger bones synthetic glowsticks gel three two one didn't break but it mush the finger good they bad look gross on the outside Oh rip the skin off at what point is hit no longer broken bone and just a severed finger I think we might have found that plan it it just it split the bone at the joint but it just ripped the gelatin we're gonna go for the big bone do we do we have a name for these bones any medical experience this is the bottom of the finger the largest bone we have synthetic ballistics gel real human finger bone three two one whew that felt like a good solid grab I didn't hear a crack but if it was gonna break it that would have been it I don't think you're gonna break your finger in a car window maybe an older car or different like a certain type of car there you have it fellow kids don't be sticking your fingers in your parents window when the car is rolling them up that didn't make any sense but we're sticking with it if you want to win my human finger with 3d printed visit miners at Cameron John's that's right if you would like to win my finger with 3d printed bone in it leave a comment we're gonna scrub the fingerprints off of it so you can't get into any my very important saves we'll see you next time I really want to go get a car door from a junkyard and jerry-rigged it to just crack right through this that'd be fun I think I'd be fun you want to see a magic trick oh I got your finger dad are we there yet
Channel: William Osman
Views: 30,223,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, finger in car window, ballistics gel, mythbusters, bone, human bone, finger, breaking bone, science, engineering, stem, steam, myth busters, adam savage, car window, electric window, power window, finger vs car window
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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