reflecting, opening up, & ringing in the new year with my besties

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hello hi happy not 2020 anymore so ready to not have this year be happening [Music] happy new year i wanted to start this off with a content warning i do talk about the loss of a family member that i was really close with that i experienced this year it's uh not something that i'm gonna go into great great detail about just a little bit about kind of processing the grief of that and i feel like the video is mostly super positive but i just again wanted to let you know so i will have some time stamps down in the description for anyone who just doesn't feel like they want to hear that today or ever that's totally fine i get it thank you for hearing me out and for always being there for me you guys are everything to me uh isabelle oh my god right we're we're looking extra we're looking uh unique we're looking quirky can you believe it today is the last day of 2020. this year has meant so much to me isabelle okay yeah no honestly same like i have so oh my god it's been actually like such a weird night for me i don't know maybe we can try to assess what my brain is doing i don't know yeah uh this year has meant like a lot to me in like the most i mean i don't know i will talk about it anyway she goes oh my i better change the subject before the microphone gets all soggy i mean like literally same isabelle and it doesn't get soggy you can cry and like it the tears will actually um like if you position your head correctly like i've done this a million times so if you just position your head a certain way yeah they usually roll right off and onto the table you don't have to worry about them rolling under the mic basically like too long didn't read you can cry you can cry isabella in fact it would actually make me feel better if you were to break down and have a mental breakdown right now because i don't want to be the only one doing that sister is in solidarity i don't know um anyway in celebration of new year's eve we're holding a grand countdown event in the plaza we'll be selling and giving away items all day long so please stop by to participate in the festivities i can't wait to ring in the new year with everyone on this island that's all for today have a fun day out there isabel out here in like a bow tie in a tuxedo we love to see it we love this is a boss move yeah it really is i gotta get dressed let's get that straight and yes i do keep up my christmas stuff until well after the new year has been wrung in because it puts me uh into a depression if i don't because like you know there's nothing more i don't know i wouldn't say there's nothing more depressing but there are very few things more depressing to me than taking down the christmas stuff something about that i think it might be from like my childhood i don't i literally don't know what it is i mean it's probably a pretty universal feeling honestly like i'm acting like i'm like i'm very different but i just don't like taking down my christmas stuff like no i'm pretty sure everyone hates taking down the christmas stuff like i think that's a universal thing that sucks i get like a lot of serotonin from christmas time and then they take it away and it's weird for me you know uh you probably get it um but yeah what are we gonna wear tonight i wanna look cute for once in my life also i've just been having kind of a weird night to be honest like actually it's been really a weird night uh yeah yeah yeah no it's been um yeah i just feel weird oh i like that no that's not new years hold on what do we even wear for new years let's change the shoes let's start by changing those stupid and dumb shoes i would love to look like a cool girl i don't know i just don't i don't know if i have what it takes tonight to pull off what i'm envisioning i don't know we'll have to see okay i've been trying to put together like a new year's eve outfit and like i don't know why i feel like this is it i i want to wear a bopper where's the boppers do i have any of those boppers where's my bopper here's the bopper bulb bopper where's the other bopper i know i have that yeah here it is the flower bobber hold on let's turn the light down look at me look at that bopper yep she's ready she is ready and you know what i really haven't been out and about since everything went down what oh my god these two have been dragged out they we dragged their asses out we managed to drag their asses out oh my god the old bag of bones himself mr tom nook old man nook standing before me in the plaza he decided to show up he decided to come down from his little castle he's come down from his high horse to address us face to face in the plaza in the plaza in the town square here he is does anybody have a guillotine on them anybody at all i could really make this new year's one to remember anybody do we want to try to craft one real quick they're out here trying to relate because they're just like us right they do this once a year it's about maybe twice i guess there must be an upcoming election or something huh uh amanda hello hello i'm helping everyone gear up for the countdown event today i've got some nifty party goods for ringing in the new year so take a look hmm oh that reminds me i also have some countdown related gifts thank you nook those are party poppers i have no doubt they'll bring some fun and excitement to the countdown this event only happens once a year so make the best of it he's a lizard not like an earthly squamate lizard like a jeff bezos mark zuckerberg type of lizard like a lizard person it's 500 bells for a new year's hat and today it's only 300 bells for a five pack of party poppers i mean yeah give me the new year's hat obviously what color new year's hat would you like i don't know green i guess thank you he's always trying to make a buck he's just always trying to make a buck and it shows oh he's a pleasure yeah always trying to make a buck actually is what you're really doing i don't know um didn't he already give me you know i don't need anything from you yeah he wants me to buy isabel can you believe it you actually got your you actually brought your ass out into the town square how do you feel you may have noticed but resident services is closed today yeah isabel honestly y'all could get away with closing that like twice a week easily like i could count on two hands how many times i've walked in there and used y'all really y'all can keep that closed for a couple of days for real you don't have to be out there every single day slaving away behind the desk you can take a day off every once in a while mr nook and i have mr nook his name is tom he makes you call him mr nook that's really weird and alarming okay mr nook and i have been camped out here in the plaza all day to prepare for the countdown event i do hope you're planning to take part in the festivities as well amanda how wonderful would it be to ring in the new year together yeah no i totally agree in the meantime have a look around we really pulled out all the stops if i do say so myself oh that's right one more thing i got you a present to help celebrate what is it isabel she's always coming through it's a light stick we're all gonna wave them together once the countdown begins thanks is uh so cute where are my buddies yeah so finally finally in a shocking turn of events isabel and mr nook quote unquote are out and about with the rest of us like normal ass citizens of the world we love to see it i don't like to like reward basic ass human decency but in this case i'm really gonna have to give it up for tom nook i guess for letting isabel free for two seconds can't let these two little ones free though can you just for the day can't close up shop for one day canyon nook always trying to make a buck eat em eat em up eat him up for dinner i feel the need every single new year's to be all poetic and be like this is you know next year is going to be this and last year was this and blah blah blah and like just really introspective and like this is what i learned and this is you know what i did and blah blah blah oh that's cute oh that's cute damn damn damn mama she's thick for the new year i love this i think that this is what i'm gonna wear because yeah i because i'm just deciding that i like this and i'm gonna wear it so i love that um i don't know i just always feel like i have to be really introspective and like i don't know i don't know i always feel like i have my together a little more on on the day of the new year or whatever i don't know even if i'm just like pretending to have my together i usually do you know i'm usually ready to be like this is what i want to accomplish and like i have all these plans but this year i just oh i'm wearing the green one now i kind of like the green one yeah i usually i don't know i don't know everything is is different everything in this year is different and i'm pretty sure that's the case for everyone everything is different this year and it's just weird and we just don't quite know how to do it or how to handle it and i guess i'm dealing with that now but i'm not allowing myself the grace of like it's 20 20. you don't have to have a plan or know what to do because yeah usually i'm feeling i don't know i'm very i'm very like i'm a very like cheesy person as you know so every year on the new year i'm always like oh my gosh like i've been reflecting on the last 365 days of my life like i don't know i always act oh kyle oh hi kyle yo you want to chat i don't blame you cutie oh my boyfriend have you ever been to lily's house it's really nice but it smells so much like pear juice that it kind of freaks me out like how much pear juice do you have to drink for your whole house to smell like that oh don't throw shade at lily oh hi zell you know how some folks pretend they don't like to gossip i'm upfront i love gossip so i heard this from someone on malachi the rumor has it that when it comes to movies you're kind of obsessed with horror yeah yep i totally get it i'm also obsessed with horror i can't believe we ended up on the same island two celebrities both bonkers for horror we should definitely turn this into a tv show somehow oh my god zell is the perfect best friend for kyle and for me honestly he he's gonna fit right in here i love him check it out i'm wearing the puffy vest you got me a while ago i think about you every time i rock this outfit oh kyle it looks really good on you come on in somersault my home's your home cricket the plaza has been buzzing with preparations for new year's eve i'm sure it's gonna be a ball cricket i can't help getting swept up in all of it me neither lily honestly i'm getting swept up in my feelings and emotions because it's just been like a really weird year i don't know god look at him oh god he really did use that table that i gave him the hat and it looks so dumb goose you weren't supposed to actually use it you idiot oh god somersault nice of you to stop by how you been you haven't been dodging me right not that you could i may be swole but i'm not slow cutie yeah i'm cringing for goose and it's making me feel better about everything in my life because yeah goose i have been dodging you as a matter of fact yikes hey yeah is it weight training time what's the latest goose i've been counting down sets of five to get ready for tonight i'm like push-ups five four three two one crunches five four three two one still haven't figured out how to count down a plank though ew okay this is so cringy yeah goose is still as cringy as he was when i first got him in march of 2020 when i got this game it's just honestly so weird to think about like i don't know this whole year i guess and i i i feel weird even oh pierce pierce the fiance i have not been gone that long i really haven't i don't know i i think it's like i see everyone else summing up their 2020. you know everybody's like summing it up in just a few words or whatever and everybody had you know generally the same experience it was the worst for for everyone and if it wasn't the worst for you it was the worst for someone you know it's just been overall so heartbreaking and something that i haven't talked about a whole lot just because obviously it's incredibly hard and painful for me to talk about but super important to talk about at the same time is that um my aunt died of kovid in may uh yeah i haven't really been able to talk about it with anyone because kovid has this funny horrifying not funny at all way of not really letting you have the um the proper or the the standard grief exp experience that you're used to and so because we've gotten so used to that like formula for grief we don't really know how to process grief now that we're not like getting to follow that formula if that makes sense so my aunt passed away and uh i mean i don't know long story short she was i guess one of the i have so many aunts right like i've told you a couple times about my my family it's really big and my parents both have a lot of siblings but i think maybe possibly out of all of them casey was one of the one of the ones who was the closest to me and she was my godmother so i you know even though i'm not like a religious person i grew up catholic and and so i did like my confirmation and all that stuff and you need like your godmother to be there when you do all that stuff so she would come to all of the all of the meetings because like my parents made me go to sunday school my whole life and i would always there was all these events that i'd have to have my godmother show up to and that was always casey and casey was just such a hilarious wonderful person just the best i don't know she just was like even it's like so hard to even think of how to describe her like i don't know she was just like the funniest like she's too real she always had like a designer a big designer bag and like the craziest nails whatever season it was she had like this manicure that was like ridiculously like on brand like if it was the summer she had like palm trees growing out of her nails and and like the sun and if it was christmas she had like santa's whole ass face like painted on her nails like she was just that that she really was like that for sure like she always had her her nails were always like popping she always had the coolest like craziest hair colors like she was just always the coolest one in the room the the most extra ass i have ever met like oh god she really was so damn extra and she was always she would always show up if we told her if i had a play and we just mentioned it to casey she'd be there if she said she was gonna be there she'd be there she always showed up she always did she showed up she clicked her heels walked in with her purse her big ass like freaking designer purse she was just that and it's just like i don't know she was so different than everyone else in our family too because like nobody else in our family is like that and uh and so she just and she was so like aggressively loving too she would like yell at you but it would be like because she loved you you know she'd be like where the hell have you been i don't know she always like she had this incredible way of like scaring the out of you but also making you feel like no one in the world loved you more you know and uh she died this year because of covid 19. so and she was 44. it's just it's hard to even make sense of it i haven't talked about it with like anyone so you're the first people that i'm talking about this with in this kind of way and it's uh i don't know why i do this i hope it doesn't affect you and i i hope that i'm not like bringing anyone down if anything i mean most of us have lost someone this year and that's so messed up right like that's so terrible that we have been through this that we've gone through this horrible thing together i hate that more people than ever before are experiencing this this type of grief i hate that i really do and uh it's been so hard for me and keep in mind that i'm in georgia and my whole family actually my whole entire family is all in massachusetts so i haven't been able to be with my family at all through any of this which is awful obviously and so watching my mom go through that and my grandma go through that is so awful because i feel even more helpless than i think i would if i was there you know because i literally cannot do anything to comfort them at all and it just makes me feel paralyzed like i can't do anything to help and so it's a confusing situation and grief is already like the most difficult thing that that humans in general have to face in in life in the human experience grief is the is the worst of the worst it really is i don't i don't think that there's anything worse than grief especially on top of work because some of you might know um you know work has just been really hard for me too i'm just like unloading at this point and i really do apologize if you like wanted positivity like i'm gonna get positive i'm gonna get super i will let you know that this video is gonna get so positive it's not even funny because like i'm feeling good i really am that's why i'm not sobbing and like if i wasn't feeling good if this if this if this whole thing didn't end on a great note not a good note but a great note then i would be choking on my tears right now but i'm feeling like pretty pretty great actually so um yeah i work at a indescribably amazing conservation organization called the amphibian foundation we have over 600 animals and normally we have like at least 20 volunteers helping with all of those animals but you know most of the volunteers have been unable to volunteer over the course of this entire year so it's been uh largely on me with the help of just a few wonderful volunteers who've been able to to uh to remain like maybe it'll be me and like one or two people on a given day many days it's just me and there's a lot of pressure for someone to just be suddenly responsible in in every way for 600 animals that's been a lot um a lot more than i ever thought i could handle you know if you had told me that like oh you're gonna be like caring for this entire collection someday kind of low-key high-key by yourself you know with the help of just a few maybe one or two like amazing volunteers which again i could not have done any of the things that i did this last year without the volunteers that i had helping me at the end of the day it was like my sole responsibility to make sure that everything went well each week for these animals and uh and it was just yeah it's been like the most challenging situation of my life by far and um and i won't keep droning on about all of the all of the bad depressing things that happen a few more things for the highlight reel if only just to kind of put it into perspective um within a month of each other our cat amy had to get all of her teeth extracted and then we found another cancerous tumor on our dog brynn and she's already had a mast cell tumor which is a type of cancer before and the surgery to remove that tumor is super involved and like really difficult and so she had to go through that again and it was just such a rough recovery process for her and in the beginning of the year um for the last like five years or so one of the biggest sources of income for me has been dog sitting and i usually you know stay with people's dogs and pets while they're away while they travel while they go away for work so obviously that became a completely unviable option for me and that was really scary for us because we didn't really know what to do and the whole thing with unemployment was so wonky and it took forever to even go through that it was tough as i'm sure many of you dealt with this year as well and yeah you know my whole family again lives far away so i have to travel to go see them but you can't travel during a pandemic so it's just been even longer since i've seen them and uh and yeah it's been difficult of course just like everybody else you know when stuff like this is going on mental health becomes a challenge even more so than usual because when you lose so many of the distractions that were always there it kind of just leaves you alone with your own brain but like despite all of that it's hard for me to admit that there have been so many good things that have come to me in this year too even to miss like all of that tragedy and just hardship you know we're so lucky that matt's job was able to adapt really easily to the point where he gets to work from home forever now if he wants to which is great because i actually really love my husband and he loves me and we like being around each other you know so having him home more often has been so great i actually really love it a lot and uh and when bryn was going through her surgery and her recovery it was just i mean i don't even know looking back how we would have made it work with the amount of care that she needed around the clock if we were both working you know i just don't even know what we would have done it's kind of it worked out well in a weird morbid way and we had more time to spend together so we finally played red dead redemption 2 and it was such an amazing experience i love that game so much and that will be one of my favorite memories ever just kind of getting to spend like all night on the couch playing that with matt and just like being immersed in that story and not really having any distractions from that and then as soon as we were done playing that we played the last of us too and that was an amazing experience too and throughout all of that um you know i got to play animal crossing and that was a good distraction from the like kind of heaviness of those two games but you know the older you get the less time you have to play video games and spend time with your spouse or your friends or anybody who is close that you can live with and that you quarantined with your family so i feel like a lot of us did get to spend a lot more time with the people we love in many ways even if we didn't get to see others that we loved which was really nice and of course speaking of distractions or having more time to do things uh you know a lot of people when they hear about how much pressure has been on me at work and i really haven't had a lot of extra time i i didn't get to be completely quarantined i had to keep coming to work so i never was like stuck at home or anything i was always just continuing to do that because the animals of course they need somebody to care for them and so when people realize like oh wow you were working you weren't just like out of work and doing this youtube thing um there's been some people that have been like oh my god you don't have to do this like you can take a break but like to be completely honest like this this making videos and interacting with all of you and doing all this stuff has been a it's been i don't even have the word to describe it like a like a safe my my safe place to hide my my comfort zone uh just such a beautiful distraction a way for me to work on something that i just truly find so much gratification and joy and something that makes me feel a sense of accomplishment in a time where a sense of anything positive is hard to come by and uh something that can allow me to be creative like i like to be and just i i can't even begin to describe what finding all of you and doing all of this having the opportunity to do this has has meant to me and and what it's done for me in a year that would otherwise be so so dark for me it has had the power to make this like one of the most monumental years of my life in in many positive ways too and uh yeah i don't have it's not easy to think of a way to to sum that up or to to express how grateful i am for all of you for um forgiving me so much you know just watching my videos is is is enough but the the fact that you're so nice like i've never i don't even think i've ever had my feelings hurt and i always thought that youtube was the place that you go to get like completely roasted that youtube comments were like the dredges of society and they are you know a lot of the time and the bigger you get the more that stuff will come but this this year when i needed it most i found the most amazing people the most hilarious people i love getting to know you and hearing your stories and um you know just having you here with me has been everything to me it really has i can't thank you enough it brought me comfort to make jokes and to be silly and to um kind of narrate my characters and what they were saying and what they were doing and uh and people also found comfort in that i guess and that's all i've ever wanted to do is is to make people feel better the fact that i've been able to do that in any capacity while trying to do that for myself too just everything i've ever wanted all of this is everything that i've ever wanted and more and i just i'm i'm really loving every single second of this i really am i i feel again like it's so fragile and like at any moment i could be pinched the wrong way and it's gonna wake me up or unplug whatever beautiful simulation that this is everyone i've met through all of this all of you are just the best people and sherb is being so weird and oh my god oh my god yeah zucker is escorting him off the property thank you zucker yes he's escorting him to jail hopefully wow um yeah now we're talking about a party now we're talking about a party this would be a party this is actually technically physically scientifically a party right here happening in the town square everyone's here everyone is letting loose having fun because it's a party the whole town is there the whole town oh my god i'm coming i'm coming do i look decent enough probably not it's fine yeah no i look like the green goblin i know you don't have to say it yeah i'm realizing it now mmm can't you just feel the tension in the air a whole new year is about to begin i can't wait to forget what year it is for a whole month cutie yeah same honestly same at least a month goose what look at him he looks like such a joke whoa last day of the year you all set for the countdown tonight i am pumped cutie get the hell out of my face it's finally new year's eve i'm so excited i can't sit still up here he comes mr steal your girl and dump her body in the local reservoir he shouldn't even be here he should be in a federal facility somewhere i know you've been on this island somewhere glit what oh my word what what is he what's he talking about oh my what's god emergency yeah i'm being murdered like what the dude he literally is saying like the proof is in the pudding the prosecution rests its case we the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant guilty guilty as charged he couldn't be more guilty there is no question beyond a reasonable doubt that this man is guilty of killing multiple people i even stood outside your house for a whole day except for when i had to go to the bathroom like what the he was just telling me i know you've been on this island i just couldn't find you i know you're in there like he's a serial killer y'all i know a killer when i see him and i'm gonna listen to my gut feeling and i'm going to flee at this point it's finally new year's eve i'm so excited i can't sit still oh my god everybody's so happy and excited tonight's the countdown it's the last party of the year so let's go all out yeah girl your party that you had last weekend the engagement party though where's pierce where the hell's pierce i saw pierce earlier where where's pierce he's not gonna be around to kiss his girlfriend really he's probably just changing just changing his outfit like a big dumb himbo it's fine what do i do where's my thing goose has his stupid thing out where's my thing i don't even know if i can handle this like i'm so emotional kyle it's almost here don't blink or you'll miss the magic moment glitter he wants to kiss me at midnight i know i know he does obviously he does yeah for sure i can't believe that this is my life like i'm making a youtube video because people care about what i say like a lot like they care enough where i'm sitting here playing animal crossing in a way that i would have been doing anyway except people would like for me to record it and upload it to the internet because they would like to watch it because i am somehow some way relevant to them and it's just it blows my mind it's i the things that have come from this from this from the 32nd clip that i uploaded on tick-tock of goose and pom-pom fighting and me just kind of reacting to that has turned into all of this you know i i can't believe it i don't really have i don't know i don't know i feel like i need to put it into something eloquent for you but i don't know if i can do that like i just i can't tell you how how much it means to me and how thankful i am for all of you you're so nice too i thought that people were going to be mean in the comments you're not i don't know you know you grow up especially if you have a hard time relating to other people you grow up thinking you know maybe if you're lucky you'll find one person that you can relate to that will get you that um that will love you for who you are and if you find them then they're your soul mate and you better marry them and you know blah blah blah but i just i feel like i've found i feel like i found out that i have like thousands of soul mates over over the course of this last year thousands and thousands of you who have showed me that you love me for who i am and that i don't have to be anything else and this is like the first time i've ever like just been myself without having to fake it and i just it's like literally almost time to be like woo so i'm gonna stop ranting and rambling but yeah wow oh i should probably be like near kyle actually why am i like on the opposite end hi kyle let's make sure we kiss at midnight eight i'm off time with everybody of course seven six five four oh god i'm i'm off time two one happy new year yay it's not 2020 anymore 2021 hell yeah we are no longer in this up shitty ass black ass year hell yeah yes we're kissing happy new year this is the year i'm gonna turn on my energy to a thousand yep nothing's gonna stop me in 2021 i'm gonna drop a new mixtape every week yep we're kissing we kissed at the stroke of midnight as you know yay palm happy new year here's to another year of fun times here on malachi and to my wedding look at those fireworks ringing in the new year we're officially living in the future yeah oh lily doing fireworks i don't think i've told you this yet so happy new year somersault oh lily you're the shortest person by far oh look at zelle he's so cute sure please don't stab anyone happy new year it's 2021 starting today that's pretty cool yikes oh goose what happy new year somersault welcome to 2021 where's anka where's anka anka's not here ugh what come on anka and pierce pierce the fiancee of my best friend really what a himbo he just like forgot i guess it's fine happy new year anka oh my god i love her oh my god she's just in here vibing herself she's a queen she's my queen oh anka she really said i don't feel like celebrating with those peasants tonight i'm just gonna stay here and celebrate myself happy new year somersault why this is our first chat of 2021 i hope it's just the first of many oh you know it my girl i'm so pleased you came to visit me i couldn't ask to start the new year with better company girl my my vibing all by herself i love her see that's why i love her so damn much i love that i really do pierce where what the hell are you doing you dumb himbo get out here you're engaged you're like the man of the hour he was out there you all saw him in the intro pierce what are you doing you dumbass feels weird saying this out loud but i'm pretty psyched for this year's muscle soreness girl yeah because you're getting married i'm actually kind of winded after all that anticipation what a rush he's getting married in 2021 so he's just trying to get ready for it it's great i'm so happy for them i'm happy for everyone and i'm trying my best to also i don't know be happy for myself because i did no it was such a shitty year it was such a bad year i feel so bad having like anything good come out of this year you know like i i don't know i just feel this weird sense of like this is the worst year ever and i should feel like it was 100 because it was and it doesn't take away from any of the horrible things that have happened this year but i don't know i just um this could have easily been the worst year of my life by far and because of all of you it was it was a really really really tough year but it was also one of the most remarkable like extraordinary amazing years i've ever ever ever had and i am so i think the biggest thing is that even though it was really tough like i am filled with so much hope and excitement for the new year and i i mean i don't have to be so cheesy like god i can just be like yeah animal crossing new year woo but instead i get to let it all out um i feel like i have found kind of my my my thing in general i just i just have never felt more like i'm on the right track and like i'm doing exactly what i'm what i'm supposed to be doing i i feel i don't know i just feel so lucky and i'm enjoying this so much and i love all of you and i really can't tell you how much it's meant to me how much all of this has meant to me it's just again it's it's like it's like i'm living in a dream and i'm terrified that i'm gonna wake up but instead we're literally in a new year like it's definitely not a dream amanda you you're doing this it's happening and i just love all of you so much and i'm so excited i'm so excited for the new year i really am i'm so excited i got my new switch it came in i did i got it i can't wait to show you oh this moment right now will always be my defining memory of 2021. i love him stop hitting pom pom stop oh my god yo i'm telling you i'm telling you y'all think i'm kidding y'all think i'm lying the new people who come in they're like sherp's baby i'm like no he's not look at this the countdown's so cool it's like something's gonna happen but nobody knows what this is like some joker look at him go nobody does that look this is how it goes one one he's going he's going like this i can't even go that that hard he's really going hard on that and it's scaring me and everyone else it really is and you know this little crazy town is always gonna be my number one because i did get my new switch and so yeah that is gonna happen um very soon and then again i've i've said this a couple times but i can't wait to start streaming on twitch of course that is something that i can't wait to be doing i gotta get a new computer so i'm working on it i promise i am gonna do that soon in this coming year uh and i just yeah like i have so many video ideas both animal crossing related and not animal crossing related stardew valley obviously like everything i just you know i don't know like a book possibly that means the world to me i don't know we'll see i just i feel like i can do anything now and and i've always wanted to feel that way uh and it's all because of you because i just you guys believe in me and uh and you love me because i'm myself you know i don't have to pretend to be someone else you just love me because i had the weird idea to just try to be myself and it worked out and i can't thank you enough and i love you all so much i really do i mean that i'm not just saying it i always had a hard time making friends and i feel like i've finally found all the friends that had been kept from me all this time that i've been looking for all this time you're finally here and i feel less alone than i've ever felt in my life and uh yeah i could keep going and going but i will wrap it up here because i'm gonna get to work on more videos for you so thank you for making my 2020 one of the most monumentally important years of my life i'm so so glad that you're here all of you yikes the fireworks are so pretty more more yikes get this person away from me get this sheep away from me this this goat what what even is sherp do we even know what kind of animal even is sherp does anybody know does anybody have his birth certificate i need answers i'm scared help sherb's on the loose shrimp's on the loose oh lily [Music] if no one's told you this yet please let me be the first um to just remind you that if you didn't like accomplish anything this year if you feel like you just kind of sat around in quarantine and you played video games and you just tried to get your mind off how how on fire everything was around you please know that we have never been through anything like this as a collective like species and we don't know what we're doing like no there's no right or wrong way to feel or to to be coming out of this if we're not even you know out of it yet and and if you feel guilty because you see all of these like influencers being like there's no excuse like here's some in-home workouts or like you should still be like getting done and like you should be motivated and you should be creating and starting your own business while you're in quarantine and reading all these books it's like first of all you guys like not everybody is on their game right now okay god like everybody handles this kind of stuff differently and if anything you know i would i would see it if you didn't get a lot done or you feel like you just kind of did a lot of sitting around like that's kind of what what this was for you know we just we just needed to to rest and to give ourselves time to process what was going on and i hope that any of you who might be you know feeling guilty or feeling like you weren't as productive as you should have been or that you wasted time or that you didn't accomplish anything or that you you know weren't as as healthy or whatever you didn't exercise as much you ate you didn't eat healthy whatever the hell people are trying to make you feel guilty about like we literally are just you know you get a gold star because you made it you survived and you're still here and you're doing your best and i'm so proud of you i'm so so glad that you're here [Music] you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 22,139
Rating: 4.9766355 out of 5
Keywords: theamandafiles, amanda sargent, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh
Id: HeM2JSe9qzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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