DOIN ALL THE WINTER STUFF | animal crossing new horizons

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hello it's me obviously who else would it be on this literal channel see this is why i don't do introductions i am here in my living room my christmas living room and look at the look look at the place look at the place this really is the the hap happiest season of all look at this so i uh yeah i'm just gonna go around i don't know kind of show you my island a little bit first things first i want to change in my refrigerator a refrigerator should i change like that should have never been a thing animal crossing what is wrong with you anyway yeah so i want to try to get some more outfits ooh what is this oh sorry i just haven't seen this yet i love it oh i love it look at the boots the boot socks she that's all i had to do i love this i love it yep that's the look for today oh girl look at you in this whole ass big thing i love it i'm doing it i'm vibing already all over the place so yeah today we're just gonna it's like a low pressure video i'm probably gonna answer some of your questions i'm going to show you what i've done with the place so far for christmas time but we're also gonna first and foremost thank my patrons because everything that i have on this island that is christmasy is because of them let's get one thing straight second thing that we're gonna get straight is that i don't know how to make a snowman i'm really bad at it i've made several snowmen snow boys i should say but i can't make them perfect and they yell at me and then they melt which is really traumatic to me because they're my friends and i love them so yeah we've got like a a good old christmas island here you know this is like i've of course gone crazy with the christmas kyle what you doing buddy you going to pierces look at you looking cool as ever he wants to give me my space and i really i really do respect that palm kyle's looking cute what do i do pom-pom where's your bed girl where are you sleeping at night oh my god yeah that makes perfect sense pom pom doesn't have a bed but you know who does pierce girl i got you pinned and you know what i'm loving it you are my hero because yeah you sold your bed you don't need it anymore you're sleeping with pierce at night but you still kept your house and yeah you are taking up a spot on my island when you and pierce could both be living together but instead you held firm because you still need a place to go and retreat and have your own space even though you're in a relationship and i just i just love you and i can't stand you hard enough you're my hero i love you so yeah you know everybody's vibing for christmas like it's christmas time in malachi and everybody is trying to vibe we're trying we're trying hi marina it's really cold out you don't have to work out all the time you know but yeah i wanted to try to get some more because i really need more of these snowflakes um but i only have three of them so far and so you know i'm gonna try to get those but i also need to try to build a snow boy and i gotta do that by oh there's rooney hi rooney what's up rooney oh hey oh wow i think he's got a crush on me so yeah i really don't know what to do with rooney but honestly i think it's almost time for him i think i want him to go back to spend christmas with with walt you know i really do and i was talking with my patrons and i was like should i get like a second switch someday when there's not a switch shortage should i get a second switch and have rooney and wall and like so i can visit them you know what i mean like that would be so nice and then i could put all the other villagers that i like want but don't want that much on like my main island i could put them all there and that could be like the less problematic island let's try to build a snow boy and then we're going to time travel we're going to go multiple days i've got questions from patrons that i can answer we're just going to be vibing so first and foremost i'm going to show you guys what i do when i try to build a snowboy it's not been working out for me but i'm i feel like i'm close you know i've been really trying really hard but i always like ruin them they're really hard to make there we go good job i'm doing a good job so far building a snow boy and i'm also gonna look for patron questions because i know there's a lot of good ones but i want to pay attention to my snow boy stuff too so let me go to patreon or let me go to discord michaela not trod i hope i'm saying that right michaela no trod not rod i love your question so your question is you always say you had a beautiful childhood and i was wondering what some of your favorite and most formative childhood memories are very few people say that they had a good childhood so i would love to hear more or if you have any other stories along the lines of the valentine's day man i'd be content i love it yes okay so that's very true yes it's kind of sad like most most people that i know too didn't have a good childhood like a lot of their trauma came from their childhood which is so sad because you'd think that like treating a child kindly is like you know the easiest thing that we can do but so many people have a hard time with that god how am i gonna get this baby out oh no i'm gonna kick it right into the water no ow yeah so that's what we get that's all we got yep good job building a snowboard i mean how else do i get more snowballs maybe if i maybe if i close it out and then come back yeah let's try that maybe i probably didn't even save though honestly yeah i'm sure i didn't let's just change the day it yeah it seems i i michaela if i'm saying your name right i hope i am it really does seem like that is the case that so many people have had bad childhoods and i hate that i really do and i'm not gonna lie and say that like everything was perfect because we were definitely i would say poor like below the poverty line most of the time like my parents struggled a lot but they still managed to like you know be nice to us and and it's you'd be surprised how far that goes it's almost like kind of a lesson that like you know how like in the movies they always have those parents that work really really hard right and they don't spend any time with their kids because they're working constantly and they're like i'm trying to provide like a good childhood for my kids i'm trying to give them more than we had like i want them to have everything you'd be surprised at how far your time really can go because like the lesson of those movies is always like no like please spend time with your children please if you could that'd be great like they really would rather have that and like that is so true like it's not like my parents really had the option like they worked really really really really really hard and that's kind of another it's almost like a myth you know how like um you know me i never hesitate to say to say like what everybody's thinking so we were pretty poor growing up but my parents worked harder than anyone that i know period so whenever i hear like rich kids who grew up in privilege and first and foremost if you are like a rich kid if your parents had money that's fine you don't need to apologize for that but you also don't get to say hey i don't have any privilege my parents worked really hard for what we have like my parents worked really hard too they just didn't have the set of circumstances that your parents did to have money and just because somebody has money doesn't mean that they worked any harder than someone who doesn't like poor people are not lazy they're not working less hard than rich people basically there's so many more things that go into that there's privilege in so many ways there's whether your parents had money or not like both of my parents parents were dirt poor and after a while like it's a cycle and it's really hard to break out of that and a lot of the time people who grow up in poverty don't really have the means to escape that so that's kind of my thoughts on that like my parents work just as hard if not harder a lot of the time than people with super rich pairs oh my god they're always together have you guys seen the pictures on my twitter if not i will get you caught up with zucker and marina but they are a couple i didn't want to just auto ship them because they're the octopuses but they are a couple sorry to break it to you but they're in love they really are in love they're always together i forgot to eat lunch cutie oh marina eat lunch now eat lunch marina zucker make sure that your girl gets some lunch please anyway despite the fact that we were definitely you know not very well off my parents spent time with us however much time they could they spent with us and we didn't have money to go to like disney or to go on like fancy vacations but we would go camping or we would go like one state over to like a really shitty motel and there was so i lived in massachusetts i grew up in massachusetts and if anybody knows these areas or these places like shout out because y'all know what's up but there are there is in new hampshire and like the green mountains area i think is where it is there are these three like amusement parks and they're like really kind of low-key like kind of dodgy right but they're amazing and they're kind of cheap oh that's cute that's actually really cute it's like a cute look that's a cute look i might throw it all away and put put this look together actually because it's another day actually oh some of this is really cute you know what i'm gonna throw it all away and do this yeah i am so there's these three amusement parks that we used to go to we used to go to these like super cheap motels and my parents would like scrounge and save all year to bring us to these places and we would usually only go to like one or two of them each year but we would try to fit in like as many as we could there was one amusement park called storyland and it was like this storybook theme like you were in like a storybook you know so there was like mother goose and like cinderella but it was like not disney but it might have been like a little bit of a disney knockoff there was like cinderella and snow white and like all of these like princesses humpty dumpty and little red riding hood you know like stuff like that and it was like just so awesome i loved this place it was just the best and like it was just like a storybook land and then there was six gun city and it was a cowboy themed water park y'all it really was and they had like they would have like you know how when you go to the renfest there's like little like situations that occur that the actors are doing they would have shootouts and stuff like if you were in the town square they would have like the outlaw and when i was little i have a distinct memory of being like seven years old and seeing the outlaw and he was in all black and he had like a black like cowboy hat and he had like that fit right he had like a black horse black cowboy hat black shirt black tight pants black boots and i was low-key high key like seven years old and being like damn damn i think i like bad boys like i think i'm rooting for the outlaw like honestly like damn and i think they might have hired just like a hottie to play the outlaw and he comes strolling up on his like dark horse and i'm like oh my god like what could he have done what could what's the worst he could have done really you guys don't wanna maybe it was like seven or eight i don't know but i was just like damn i think i like bad boys like uh-oh and then there was like a good guy and he was like the sheriff or whatever and he would be like this town ain't big enough for the two of us i don't know if that's what he would say for real but like i feel like they would have a shootout you know we have like get back and i don't think it was like real guns i think they were the guns that like made a lot of smoke and stuff but i feel like nobody ever died either because it's like a kid's camp so like they would end up it would like it would like knock the bad guy down and then they would bring him to jail and then you could go to jail and see him and he was in the jail you could like go to the gym if i'm remembering this correctly i hope i am i feel like you could go to the jailhouse because i feel like me and my brother went to the jailhouse and he was in there oh did i change whatever it's fine and like you could go to the jail and you could see him in there and he would be like let me out and he would like be trying to get the kids to like help him get out and i was honestly like god see this is why i grew up the way i was honestly like maybe we should help him though and my parents and my brother were like no amanda he's a bad guy and i'm like i know but he's i think i could change him then the third and final park that is possibly the funniest one was santa's village and santa's village was open like in the summer so it was very much like a christmas in july vibe right actually you know what this is adorable and i'm wearing it it was like a christmas in july vibe so you'd go there it was like summer and stuff and or like maybe spring i don't really remember we like you know it wasn't open necessarily in the winter because it was like uh it was like a theme park with like roller coasters and stuff and the roller coasters were dinky i will say it was like dinky you know it wasn't like this whole it wasn't like six flags it was very much like i think they were like affordable you know what i mean i think that these places were like affordable because i don't even think most of the time we couldn't even afford to go to six flags or there was another place and if you're from massachusetts you know what i'm talking about canopy lake park you all remember canopy lake park was discount six flags and a lot of the time we couldn't even afford to go there to canopy and so look at these two they're in love they're doing a duet right now i swear to god as a duet it's like he's holding back he's hiding from what i can't decide why won't he be the king i know he is the king i see inside i know marina why can't you feel the love tonight the peace the evening brings oh i gotta get rid of this rock anyway so we had these three places right and santa's village was awesome they had this reindeer roller coaster and they had this you know those those rides that you get in the car and you just kind of vibe and there's like a scene that plays out they had like one for um oh what was it was that guy's name mr scrooge and then they had like real reindeer and stuff you know so that was awesome and so yeah it was like this like christmas themed theme park it was like the christmas themed and it was during the summer and i just thought i would like be beautiful love it so anyway we would go there we would stay in like these motels like and they were dingy and like we would get like mcdonald's or like bring or like get food at the grocery store and like i think we would have like one night where we'd be able to go to like a restaurant but even then it would be like a kind of cheap place but we still the thing is like we always managed to have so much fun because my family for the longest time and i won't get into it but basically like my parents got divorced when i was 16 which is like the worst worst age in my opinion to have your parents get divorced because you already have all these memories and you have this entire childhood of like your your parents being together and you being used to that like i feel like when your parents get divorced and i'm not like invalidating anybody whose parents got divorced when they were younger but it's just my belief that like if you stay together for the kids but then you get divorced when they're older that's not necessarily like a good thing either what do you guys think a little bit bigger on this guy just a little bit i feel like this guy needs to be a little bit bigger anyway like when you're when your kids aren't used to seeing the parents together um that's gotta be it i did it yes i did it i can't believe it you got everything right color check shine checked size check you made everything about me perfect we have a word for people like you in the snow world amazing did you get that amazing thank you i really needed that but i'm so happy right now i know it's dangerous for snow folks to cry but i don't think i can help myself i can't praise you enough for your top-notch snow sculpting skills whoa that's kind of hard to say i think it's only appropriate that i share a diy recipe with such a gifted snow crafter he's talking about me that's right i know i'll show you a frozen chair and i don't have that yet yes thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you snow boy thank you i don't want you to melt i want you to stay here forever i don't like when they melt i love him i love him i don't want him to melt he's my new boyfriend please don't please please don't melt please please please please please please don't melt stay forever how do i make i got to make him like a frozen house i i know we can do this we can save you let me animal crossing nintendo hear me out mate let help me i don't want to lose him i can make him a frozen house i can i want to make him like a walk-in freezer come on this seems like a very nice island it'll be he's going to die in three days like this is like the ring no no i love you i love you i want you to stay he is an old-school an old soul you really are and i love you so so much thank you thank you how do i make a three-tier snowman you know what i mean like that how do i make that i don't know let's see here i think this might be perfect let's check and also i got to make those snow chairs see we're getting somewhere on on these videos anyway i don't want to get too into it because it's like a huge trauma for me but my parents did get divorced when i was 16 so that sucks but i will say that we had like a really great childhood and for the longest time it was just me and my brother because my two younger brothers came along when we were older like i think it was 10 and 13 when my two younger brothers were born and they are the loves of my life like me and my siblings are so so so close and and i just love them so much but me oh oh i didn't open it yet duh you stupid what's new what's new anyway ooh big giant snowflake amazing hopefully this isn't fake make a donation yay it is it's real yeah yay awesome love it thank you anyway me i'm the oldest in my family and then my brother that is closest to my age he's two years younger than me so that two years like that is prime like we were best friends growing up and we're still like obviously super close but he was my best friend and so whenever we would go on trips like down to storyland or whatever it was like having your best friend with you always you know and you got to you know make these awesome memories with him and uh and like have fun with them and my parents too were like such fun people like and we were just all i think all four of us like when it was the four of us and like tyler and ryan my brothers uh shout out to you guys i love you and it wasn't awesome because you weren't there it's just like the four of us like we really were like best friends like my parents were so fun and they would have like fun with us and we would play games together um like whenever we had long car rides we would play we have like all of these car games that we would make that we made up and that we would play together and like all four of us would always participate and like my mom would would make she would sew like our costumes every year and like make our costumes and we'd all for the most part we'd all go together and i will definitely give you some proof of that so like every year my mom would be like what are we gonna be for halloween like let's have like a hole like let's all let's get the whole family involved like like every year they would want to do like a joint costume and my brother would be like okay yeah like i'll be luke and my mom can be princess leia amanda you can be han solo and i'd be like no i want to be sonic the hedgehog and they'd be like oh okay yeah and so there's like a picture of mia sonic and them as like a like a beautiful like set and like i think my dad would always he would kind of play along but for the most part he'd just be like the picture taker but um like one year my mom was dorothy and my brother was the tin man and my mom made these costumes and my mom's like what do you want to be and i'm like a bat and they're like oh okay yeah and whenever we would go out they'd be like are you toto and i'm like now i'm a fruit bat like and they'd be like oh okay uh that was me but like we always i don't know my mom never like forced me to be she always wanted us to be whatever we wanted to be for halloween and she would like make the costumes so we would we could be like literally whatever we wanted because my mom would just ask like what do you want to be for halloween and we wouldn't go to the store to pick it out unless i wanted to be like sonic but like she would make us whatever we wanted ugh what does pierce want to leave pierce you want to leave i'm not talking to him i don't think hold on see butterfly oh see i can catch it for you i probably won't honestly uh so yeah like my mom would make us our costumes we got to be whatever we wanted we were really close with like all our cousins so like there was a few times where me and my brother and my parents and like a lot of my cousins and my uncles and aunts like we all went together up to storyland and like sixth gun city and we would get like a big campsite and like it would just be like my family like there with all of our cousins and like you know when you're friends with your cousins you're like laughing and like having fun and joking and like it's like you're somewhere with all your friends you know oh we have a campsite villager okay and so yeah like just being that close with my family like it was just it was just so many awesome memories and oh boy who's this again antonio no no not olaf yeah hey you're a local right the name's olaf huh that's how i laugh what the f okay i'll be here for a little while laughing sometimes and fake crying other times ah the life of a performer i'm out of here this guy's freaking me out this guy is freaking me out a lot a lot not a little a lot anyway like i'll be honest like i'm having a hard time picking like you know specific memories because yeah my childhood was like just that it was you know we just had like again like going on long car rides like because both of our grandparents both set to grandparents they lived like 45 minutes away so and we would visit them like a good bit so we'd all pile up in the car we certainly didn't have like you know tv in the car like like or and it took me like a long time to get my game boy color and uh and like so i was a little bit older than i then i think a lot of kids i will never forget the ques the christmas that i got my game boy color oh my god like it was so magical but it took me a while to get the game boy color and so for the longest time we would get in the car and my parents didn't have anything to pacify us you know we would just be in the car for a while so instead of like i don't know instead of trying to like pacify us like they would like make car like we loved long car rides they were so much fun i'm like gonna get emotional because like it just makes me um it makes me emotional because like that's like that's what sucks about your parents getting divorced when you're older is like all those memories you're kind of like damn no like my childhood was that good that you're like damn like will i ever get that back but then you remember i guess it's like you know a lot of the time when i'm thinking about that stuff like and i'm like very emotional so i'm just like gonna cry because y'all already know like you guys are my best friends so like i'm just like not even trying to hold it back but it is really really really emotional when uh you have such a good childhood and then your parents like ended up hating each other in the end and you're like damn like that's crazy because my whole childhood i saw them as as like the picture of love and uh and if anything the thing that i hold on to is that it made me the person i am today and like it made me realize that like if i ever do have kids like i want to be that family that like car rides are fun and they don't need to be on their ipads and like you know when we used to be in the car we'd play our games or like we would put like music on and we would all sing and like we had these songs that like that my parents like ingrained in our brains like and we would like just have so much fun singing them and i think the ones that i can remember off the top my head like they're like specific songs so there was garth brooks friends in low places or they would put on guns and roses and we would sing like sweet child of mine and like um like welcome to the jungle and like we would just scream the lyrics and like we had so much fun and like so every time we would get in the car and we were like so little but we'd be like oh let's listen to this listen to that and like they would like put it on and they'd blast it and we would sing so loud or like margaritaville and it was just like these fun like silly songs or oh my god fleetwood mac like so many fleetwood mac songs and we just have like this family sing-along and it was like really like a movie you know like we just had so much fun and i think that was like the biggest thing about my childhood that made it so special was like we were best friends like all four of us and then you know the little kids came along and we were old enough to like really love them we were all like when tyler came along we were like all old enough to be like completely obsessed with him you know and like we just all bonded over the fact that we had this like adorable baby who was in the family now that we were all obsessed with and then ryan came along and he was a little younger and tyler was still a baby but now we have like the two babies and we were just obsessed with them but everything that we did we did together and we shared and like we were just like but i think that was like the biggest thing is like yeah they were our parents but they were like we were all best friends you know so we would have it wasn't like going on vacation with your family and you were like i was like going on vacation with your friends you know but they were also obviously our parents and they were good about disciplining us and stuff so i think that's like the big thing is like yeah my parents ended up getting divorced and that sucks and it happens but they really gave us this amazing childhood that you can never take away even though they got you know divorced or whatever and that sucks and it kind of like it does kind of hurt because you realize like there's so many things like i just like obviously started almost crying because it's like really not not a good age basically for that to go down it really isn't when you're 16 it ended up being pretty awful and someday you know maybe i'll talk about just what kind of that does to you as a 16 year old but um but for now you know it's just kind of one of those things where it's like you know it's still they still gave us this incredible childhood and there were so many great memories and and yeah i was like you know i was just like my best friends were my family so we i never lost them you know like you have so many friends growing up uh that you kind of lose contact with but like my cousins were all like my best friends and we still i'm able to see them all the time and see kind of who they grew up to become and and we never went to daycare you know so when my mom worked in the in the in the day we would go to my grandparents house and i would have other cousins that would go to my grandparents house too and my grandparents my on my dad's side they raised 11 kids so they were like totally good with having kids like their grandkids come and stay with them during the day like they knew how to take care of kids and my grandparents are just like that like my grandpa is the type of person who like makes up stories and he'll take you out in the woods and i have so many good memories of like going out into the woods with my brother and my grandpa and we would be like singing beatles songs and going on hikes and he would like immerse us in this world and we would be he'd be like what are you doing pierce what is doing is he playing the guitar pierce yeah keep working on it don't quit your day job pierce uh anyway i think i'm gonna oh i'm gonna try to make that thing yeah anyway um you know my grandma was like the perfect like making cookies grandma and then my grandpa would like be out with us like in the woods and he would be like let's pretend that we're like looking for this like lost treasure and we'd be like out in the woods and he would like immerse us in these like beautiful like and we we have like these big imaginations so we would like get right into it and like it's amazing to i don't know i don't even it's just it was perfect it really was like and we never really wanted for anything even though my parents didn't have like a lot of money we still were so happy and like our christmases were great even if we didn't get as many presents like i remember one year i had like a great christmas right but then i got to school and all my classmates had gotten ipods for christmas and i definitely didn't get an ipod because we definitely did not have that kind of money and so i felt and i felt weird that that i that i hadn't gotten an ipod because like all my friends were like oh my ipod my ipod they were like the big thing to get and so i like you know i lied and i was like oh i got an ipod too but i broke it that very same day so that sucks and my friends were like oh that's weird okay but like i still that was like the the poor kid stuff but the fact was that i still had a great christmas that year even though i didn't get an ipod you know i just kind of had to like lie to my friends and say that i got an ipod and it broke but um but i still like i think it was more them that made me feel like my christmas wasn't great that i didn't get an ipod it wasn't it wasn't it was never that like like i never would go back and be like mom why didn't you get me an ipod because i was perfectly fine with what they did get me you know so so yeah i don't know i could keep on going forever like my childhood was great my parents were loving and awesome and they just spent time with us and i think that was a big thing and i think yeah if i ever have kids i want to i want to make sure that i have the time to spend with them and you know working really really really really really hard so that you can buy your kids ipods i guess ipods are obsolete at this point oh she's going to change my nickname yes please what is it superstar uh superstar what should i make her call me um not cool i wanna i want you to call me something else i thought it was fab you don't think it's fab oh i feel bad ah i feel bad i thought she was good oh now i feel bad palm i'm sorry i'm the worst anyway you know just because you can't buy your kids like the the best ipad or iphone or like sometimes your time and the family traditions that you make and the experiences that you give them if you take them camping or if you take them to that weird kind of kind of dodgy little amusement park or you take them you know just like have memory like if you give them memories that's sometimes gonna be way better than than possessions than working really hard so that you can buy them all this fancy fancy stuff you know what i mean like that's what i learned i guess and even though again my parents ended up getting divorced it's like i still have that forever hopefully this doesn't fall into the flowers it fell no it didn't oh thank god thank god um but yeah i like i'll never not have that and that means a lot more a lawnmower come on i need diys anyway i think i'm gonna change the day palm i'm really sorry that i did that to you please don't be mad at me yeah i'm gonna change the day after i find out whose this is ankas huh yeah wouldn't pin on gotta be the type this to to lose but okay and pom poms got the shades on and i feel really bad about rejecting her i just thought she was gonna make me come up with something i just i don't know i'm sick of the glitters and the superstars like i just want normal going around on the island you know give this back to anka and then we'll change the day oh anka look at that bow you look amazing anka my purse it's just a little something for all you've done i love you anka i love you so much my baby girl okay let's go ahead and save and then we'll start another day all right we're back for more just a little bit more you know we're just vibing today uh let's see if there's any more questions that i can get to real quick that are like kind of you know like less long-winded my baby no don't melt i hate that he's melting let me try to make another one how do i make like a different one you know what i mean do i get three how do i even get three did they give you a chance to get three you know what i mean can you make him bigger can i save him maybe i can save him i haven't looked up any things and i'll look for other questions after i'm done with this but i really want to save him like can you save him how do i make a three-tiered snowman or maybe i just make another one i don't know i really don't stresses me out cause i just miss my snowman that was so nice to me nobody will ever be you baby nobody will ever be my first perfect snowman in new horizons i feel like this is harder this time is that that's the right yeah let's try this i probably won't do it i'll probably make an imperfect one then i have to watch somebody else die on my front lawn i'm gonna kick this ball around until i can roll it and then roll it in circles i feel like i even need to make this one a little bit bigger honestly i love the feeling of it there we go there we go that's good now i need to make this a little bit bigger too i could i did it once i can do it again i know i can i know i can do this oh did i do it so close i was almost a perfect snow person damn it damn it damn it i get nothing okay so his head's got to be a little bit smaller damn it how do i help you can i get you something can i get you some clothes are you allowed to dress them how do i do snow people i don't know runs away crying ran through the flowers crying zucker i love you where's marina right here with you it's only goose is actually talking to you which is not good sup marina you've been working out i got some pointers if you want them girl stop hitting on marina working out oh um a little i guess but nothing serious it doesn't really interest me good girl what but working out is so much fun i bet you just haven't found the right workout yet oh god don't you hate these people i don't know goose i've never been the athlete type i'm not really sure where to start you tried yoga i bet you'd be great at it plus it hits every muscle group this is he's hitting on her i bet you'd be great at yoga yeah yoga i didn't think that counted as a workout but i do yoga all the time yoga's totally a real workout it makes every bit of you ache that means it's awesome i know whenever i do yoga i'm a wreck for like three whole days three days huh i've been doing yoga every morning since i was little and i've never felt sore for that long are you sure you're doing it right yes marina destroy him good girl my good girl oh you look so fabulous today you look so gorgeous good evening to you don't you love it evening walk cutie i love you sometimes night time can feel lonely i'm glad i ran into you well you got zucker too y'all are never far from each other aria love birds love birds ugh ooh fumi this is a great question if you could have one important thing named after you city new animal new invention etc what would it be and why that is a perfect question i love it and and i have a simple answer i i have always felt like the greatest honor is having an animal named after you i really have basically there are lots of animals like scientific names that are named after a specific person kind of latinized and there's even some animals like uh that have their common names named after a person like uh a good example is like the whites tree frog everybody like tends to think that they're a lot of people tend to think that they're called white white tree frogs even though they're green but they're whites with a comma white's tree frog and named after a scientist white so that's like just one example i've always thought that was like one of the biggest honors that could be bestowed upon people and that's why it really pissed me off when there was this thing that happened where uh there was a cecilian and a sicilian if you don't already know i would highly suggest looking them up oh my god i love these i love these i'm buying all of them oh my god anyway a sicilian is the third and least popular type of amphibian in the world they are absolutely amazing and someday i will i would gladly make an entire video about them because they're like one of my favorite animals but sicilians are amazing there's about 300 species of them they are an amphibian that kind of looks like a worm right and they like auctioned off the rights to name this new sicilian to like the highest bidder right and like the money would go to conservation which is nice however what's not nice is that the highest bidder bought this the rights to name the sicilian and decided to name it after donald trump so basically what happened was there was a new sicilian species that was discovered and the headline is like very eye-catching and like witty because it's like blind creature who buries its head in the ground is named after donald trump and it's like okay well every sicilian is blind sicilian literally means blind they have these rudimentary vestigial eyes because they're facorial and they live underground and they don't need to see and they're just these amazing animals and like this poor sicilian species was discovered and it has to carry the name of donald trump for a meme and that's just like really i don't know it's shitty to me because it's like an insult to the sicilian and you know obviously we like appreciate the money that whoever you know bought the rights to name the animal spent but i think they did it for like a meme and it's just really sad that like somebody who is so detrimental to conservation has has an animal named after them because again it's it's such a high honor that's that i'm gonna switch days because wait no let's look let's look around try to get some ornaments i would love to give some people some gifts it's hard to like i just can't find any of those freaking diys you know where's the ornaments michaela always hitting with the good questions okay michaela asked do you have a favorite slash most interesting serial killer or true crime case i have a couple that i'm like obsessed with you know i think everybody who's into true crime has like those cases that they just can't get out of their head so as far as like the cases i don't know if like serial killers necessarily get me i don't know what it is about the serial killers i just think that like after a while like they're just like i don't know i'm just like dude chill i think what scares me most is not like the calculating like this sounds like so stupid but i think in general being killed by another person is like the most horrifying thing you can imagine basically it's like don't end somebody else's life like you don't get to do that we have enough going on in the world that we don't need like people doing this like it's so dumb what scares me i think more than like a calculating like stupid-ass weird little dorky dude who's decides to be a serial killer i'm always drawn to like the isolated incidents the family annihilations or like the this one thing that happened in this town that's like what the hell happened here and so as far as like i think the case that like gets in my head the most that i can't stop like looking at stuff about is the watts case obviously like it's obviously like one of the most popular quote unquote cases out there because it's just like so beyond anybody's comprehension you know like chris watts is such a stupid dumb idiot man like what a dumbass oh i would just love to smack him like among other things like he like he had it all you know he really did and like why the hell did he just do that like i don't know i guess it's just the fact that like he seemed like pretty basic and normal and boring and then he just does that like he had more than he even deserved honestly and then he just knows that to his beautiful family beautiful like beyond like he couldn't have asked for more literally this man didn't even deserve half the he had he's such a bump on a log like he's he's like the the uh i can't hate him more i really can't hate him more and i guess i just like um so i think the thing that like gets a lot of people i don't know like obsessed with this case is that like his wife shanann had like so much on social media and there's so many videos of her and them as a family that like you kind of feel like you know them and it kind of freaks you out a little bit more because you're like damn like they really they're dead they're really dead like he really did this and it's just you can i don't know you can ask forever and you'll never get an answer as to like why the hell this stupid man did this like men are so dumb like he really thought like oh i hope a new girlfriend better kill my entire family including my beautiful innocent daughters and my pregnant wife so that i can be with her like what a oh god stupid man oh i hate him i oh god yes i can't get that out of my head and the other one that i can't get out of my head for obvious reasons is the delphi murder case which is uh and there's like a great podcast called down the hill about it that you can watch if you're interested in true crime but basically it is a devastating unfathomable case of these two beautiful adorable little girls who were both like i think they were like 14 and they were you know just hanging out outside and the worst part about this case is for me is like they were doing the kind of that like me and my friends would do they were walking on the train tracks like just having fun on a day off having a great day uh and then they went missing on the train tracks and the worst part about it i think is that like um one of the girls had had put like a um a video up on her snapchat about of this guy who was following them and like who told them to go like down this hill and then they go missing so they obviously like you know had been taken by this man and nobody knew who this man was and they you know obviously like the girls are missing and they're trying to find them and then they find their bodies in the woods but they still to this day two years later they haven't they literally have the guy on film because one of the little girls got him on from his his actual picture his picture and his voice and then and yet they still haven't found him yet and so it's just so devastating because these two little girls like they're just so innocent and and just trying to hang out and kyle wow looking cool anyway uh oh he's so sweet here's a gift anyway uh you know they're just like trying to hang out like little girls do and then they get killed like is it that hard to just not kill people god i hate that's what i hate so i i think that's like you know obviously i don't like true crime at all but it interests me i think because oh i think he just looks so good in that i don't know why like i just think he looks good in it you don't need to give me a basketball tank but okay anyway thanks kyle bye ah i think we're like talking i think we're taking things slow that's what i'll tell you about me and kyle i think we're taking things slow we're not like jumping in to a relationship again i think we're taking it slow i don't know i want to give him i have this like snowflake sweater that i think he'll look really good in long dining table i'm pretty sure i already have that but yeah i think those are the two cases right at least right now and i can't i think if i can think of any others uh oh my god yeah the christian andrakio case too it's this boy who was definitely killed by his friends for his money and his ex-girlfriend and yet the whole town that he lives in covered it up once you like learn more about the case you realize that he was at he was a hundred percent heard by his ex-girlfriend and his friends for for his life insurance because he put he was gonna put his ex-girlfriend as like the beneficiary but i guess he like didn't or it didn't work out but there's absolutely like a motive and it's just like oh wait where's that ah i don't have it do i not have it anymore damn it oh i put it away oh god i'm the worst he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me like rooney rooney i don't got anything for you buddy sorry yeah i'm messing with you sorry damn it i'm the worst anyway yeah that one's a big one too so there's a podcast about that called culpable that is like really really good it's just like a wild ride so i think the cases that like draw me the most to them are the ones that like need justice or the ones that like are just so unfathomable that you just kind of can't make sense of them and it just keeps me up i'm just like why did this happen this didn't have to happen it just pisses you off so much because you're just i don't know it's just like so unfathomable like i just can't imagine like hurting someone else let alone killing them what's wrong with you people like what happened it was so wrong with these human beings that they're like just killing people for fun like i just ugh i don't get it all right i think i'm gonna change the day we'll try to get into another day here all right we're going into the third day in a row to see if we can build another snow good boy and you know get some cool stuff at the shop i have a great question from sunny ann uh since it seems like you had an awesome childhood and love kids not to mention your creative talents thank you oh my god you're so sweet uh would you ever consider writing children's books absolutely i think that that would be like so much fun and like so i don't know i feel like after i start writing like and i i guess kind of like build my rapport as a writer like writing an actual novel is so difficult and i feel like i have so many little like cute stories especially about like animals and and like even just like the the loving bond between a family like that i could just like totally oh i could pour the hell out of my heart i feel like i have so many like beautiful like and i'm not like trying to gas myself up but like i feel like i have i just have a lot of feelings i like really am that girl from mean girls who's like out here trying to just have like just random feelings like what what is this oh personal tv habits i thought she was saying that it's like celeste was there or something but like i i really feel i don't know i feel like uh i feel like i have so many like emotions that children's books not only do i love them and think that they're like so be oh no my favorite guy oh he keeps giving me large snowflakes thank you i love you they're so like witty and cute i feel bad for them no you do i love them why are you making me watch my loved ones die like this i hate it but anyway yeah i would love to write children's books i think that would be like i think it would be like one of those things that's like the perfect break after i write like an especially like heavy novel but i like want to keep writing like i i can see so many things pouring out of me in that way great question love it um celestina always asking the right questions what is your go-to comfort meal slash junk food i love this because i have like i don't know i think i have this one thing in particular that's like that stands out because like in my weird my tastes are like really weird and like they change because i because i do this thing where i just like eat something that i'm into like every day all the time and then i get sick of it and then i don't ever want to eat it again however the one thing that i never fail to like turn to when i need comfort or endorphins or like oh hey rooney what's up you know what burns my beans he just said oh he's giving me all them reactions though thank you rooney that's what i need from you buddy he's adorable he really is and i like really oh i love that face oh that's perfect i hope i'm using it correctly oh cause you're worrying good oh rooney's gonna just work out right in the middle look at how his hats fit on his head oh rooney oh rooney anyway uh yeah there's this one thing that like never fails oh lily oh labelle or label why is pierce and i don't know i don't care right now i don't have the energy anyway i have this one thing that always that i always turn to and it's fruit roll ups and like fruit by the foot and like gushers like i will just get like a i'll get like the 16 pack because that's that has the best flavor of fruit roll ups in it and you can only get it in the 16 pack to my knowledge so i'll get i could just pound fruit roll ups and they like are just my favorite i love them so much i can't stop eating them help me i'm kind of not kidding i can't i have them in my bag right now i really do i just got some more today look you can hear this is gushers yeah i just ate those gushers i had to i have like a problem when it comes to them i really do i really do i really have a problem oh i don't have that yet i don't know why this reminds me of stardew valley like i feel like somebody in stardew valley would wear this like the wizard right wouldn't he wear that or like my grandpa i don't know anyway i gotta change my outfit too but yeah that's my weakness that's my favorite comfort food junk food is definitely gushers fruit roll-ups and fruit by the foot i gotta find some more snowballs because i gotta try to make a snow boy another snowboy snowboy where are you another snow boy where are you i think it's weird that you can't actually go in there i think that's really weird and like alarming because it's like why give us a tent if we can't even use it hello oh bye snack sewell i loved i love your scream name screen name do we still use your name this does like aol days a-i-a-i-m days jeez oh my god it's a dung beetle and i haven't gotten one yet and it stopped in its tracks let me see if i can catch this hold on come here baby you're so cute rolling that look at you my baby i love them okay thanks for getting getting the ball rolling for me no pun intended anyway uh by snaxuel asked have i ever met any celebrities besides animal people great question i'm like not sure why but i'm not like remembering well right now if i have met any like notable like i know i've met like a lot of people from like like back when i was like a scene kid you know like i've met the entire band of like all-time low multiple times and like the academy is and like cobra starship and like all those types of bands like i know i've met them a lot so the funny story i wanted to tell it's not about meeting somebody it's just about like seeing them randomly okay so two years ago i think it was me and matt my husband we went to california like we do we do uh most years now we go to california to like the san francisco area to visit my aunt who lives there and we go with my dad so yeah we go to california to visit my aunt every year my cousins and stuff who live there with my dad and it gives me a chance to see my dad because he lives in massachusetts and he's just like the funniest person ever me and mad get such a kick out of him so we go to this awesome awesome museum i think it was called like the california academy of the sciences i'm going to actually double check that because it's that good i just want to make sure i get it right the california academy of sciences it's like this museum and it's like a family kind of museum right and so i don't want to like wreck this i really don't you got to be so damn careful with this you really do is that it do we want to make it a little bit i think that might be it i think that might be it is that it yes it never gets old it never gets old it never gets old oh hell yeah hell yeah thank you thank you snow boy i love you snow boy i love you snow boy i love you i love you so much a frozen counter oh i already have one of those but it's fine i love you snowboy thank you snowboy i wish i could keep you forever i really am impressed with the way you made me i'm not vain i just appreciate the craftsmanship thank you snow boy thank you so much i love you anyway okay so we're at the the california academy of the sciences right and i love a good museum like you can't you can't tell me nothing in a museum i will be i'm like immersed every time i read every single piece of signage love this right my favorite movie one of them one of my top 10 favorite movies is also signs by m night shyamalan that signs yeah don't we're not here to talk about that but i could defend it to my death i love that movie i think it's amazing but anyway i digress so we are i have i remember it clearly we are in this room with a like diorama the dioramas with all the animals one of my favorite rooms oh i hate when that happens uh it's because it's clearly not a diy is it i don't remember anyway we're in this room with all these dioramas and there's only like a few people in the room and matt comes up to me and he goes hey um don't turn around right now but i think that that's mel gibson behind us and i'm like what and of course knowing me right you know i turned around at media i was like what and i turn around and i'm like that's not him because he's got like this big beard i'm like that is not him matt he's like amanda it is you're thinking of like signs mel gibson but that's him like that's him now and i'm like so i look it up on my phone like mel gibson 20 like 19 or 20 yeah like 2019. and then i look at matt i'm like that's that's mel gibson and that's like i told you because i'm like yeah yeah yeah that's him yep that's him that would be him yeah you're right yep yep i stand corrected yes yes yes that is definitely him and i'm like holy that is him and i'm the type of person y'all know i'm never never going to approach a celebrity ever ever ever ever you just like i don't want that like awkward like leave me alone i'm just like especially mel gibson like i'm pretty sure he gets mad at people doesn't he doesn't he get mad at people i don't know that was the impression that i had that he like is an angry man and he gets mad at people there was no way like in no version of reality that i was going to be approaching mel gibson for any like i didn't even want to so i got to my dad who i was under the impression was like a functioning adult you know at this point and i just think he's going to think it's neat because like a lot of these mel gibson movies that i love i've watched a lot of these movies with him i'm sure he's gonna like think it's cool that mel gibson is like in the same room as us so i go up to him and i make sure like mel is like far far far away from us and i'm like dad that's a male gibbs and he goes no it's not and i'm like yeah yeah no keep it quiet he goes where where's mel gets and i'm like dad shut up shut up dad stop if you go quietly and just like look he's like i'll just go look i'll look and i'm like yeah keep it down could be subtle okay he goes okay yeah and he goes looks around he makes it so obvious too he like walks up to him he looks he turns around my dad is so close and he's about halfway to us and he goes yeah that's him oh my god shut up and he goes yeah i think that's him and i'm like dad yeah and i'm like it's just kind of cool he goes yeah you he's like you guys want a picture you're gonna take a picture of me then i'm like dad no no no no he goes why not he's you're not gonna go shake his hand i'm like no dad he goes why not it's mel gibson he's the celebrity i'm like i know and he's trying to enjoy the museum and i think we need to leave them alone and my dad goes listen amanda i've seen every movie that guy's made the least he can do for me is shake my hand i'm like i had to oh my god the shortest and the tallest on the island so cute anyway i had to beg my father not to approach mel gibson he was like why not and he goes oh my god my dad's just like one of those like boston dudes who doesn't get what he's saying he's like he's like he's a celebrity amanda he's used to this this is what they do this is what they're for he goes a part of his argument he's like amanda honestly i bet he feels depressed if people don't recognize him because then they're like because then he's like gosh like who am i what am i falling out of relevance i'm like dad no i think that they just want to live like you and i he's like then they shouldn't they should have picked another job then if they want to live like you and i they should have picked another job i'm like dad stop and so i had to the whole i'm not even kidding the whole time me and matt had to stop my dad like he was a toddler from approaching milk and like we were i guess going on the same like trajectory as him so a lot of the time we were like within 10 feet of him a lot of the time and he's like with his family he's trying to enjoy his day i'm not trying to get like bitched at by him like oh my god i have like i have very bad secondhand embarrassment too so i like wasn't about to let my dad do it even if i walked away because i knew my dad would be like yeah he yelled in my face like literally last night my husband like always watches the office right and i love the office too but he like puts it on if he doesn't know what else to watch and he just like vibes and the other and i was like laying on the floor playing my switch and the episode and i love the office again i don't give a i love the office love love love it love it it's like one of my favorite like it's like one of my comfort shows just like that we put it on when we don't really know what else to put on and we want something on so the episode where it's like scott's tots and he like promised that school that he would pay for his for their tuition but then he like doesn't have the money when he comes back and everybody's excited and he has to let them down i can't handle that episode i saw it once and then never again i can't handle that episode it's just like the secondhand embarrassment is just too much for me like i can't handle it period i just can't can't handle that that episode and i literally i was watching i wasn't even watching the show i was uh listening to something in my headphones and i had to ask matt if he was engrossed in that episode and he was like no why and i was like can you just like change it because i can't even like have this episode playing like i can't even have it on i can't i can't and he was like oh yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize i just can't even see the disappointment in like the kids eyes like i can't even see i can't i hate it i hate it too much so yeah needless to say i was not trying to have my dad get bitched out by mel gibson and my dad like we went up this like big spiral thing and my dad's looking over the thing he's like i wonder if we could see mal from up here i'm like dad stop god we shouldn't have even told him he was here it was so funny but yeah thankfully we didn't meet mel gibson because i had to keep my dad away from meeting him which was really fun anyway uh this video is going to get really long if i don't stop now and i really want to put out like multiple videos this uh this week and this season so i'm gonna stop it here uh but i think making two perfect snow boys not too bad huh not too bad at all uh so yeah i will be coming at you soon with more stuff i got a couple more things i'm working on of course there'll be more uh more stardew valley can't stop playing that and a really fun collab too that i did with like one of my favorite animal crossing youtubers so i'm really excited about all that and i hope to see you all hanging out with us for all those videos coming up and so yeah i will catch you guys in the next one bye so so you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 33,066
Rating: 4.9676299 out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, theamandafiles, amanda sargent
Id: AzK4KmgkYBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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