another chaotic mess of a VILLAGER HUNT (holding out for a hero)

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last time on dragon ball z complete and utter chaos doesn't seem like an optimal state for the island's savior and protector to leave us in however we trust his judgment and are trying to move forward marina once a shy and helpful neighbor has abandoned all inhibition meanwhile sherbs wasting no time working up to what could possibly be his most sinister and powerful form yet today we are setting out to find a villager that might be right to bring into all of this will our new neighbor be able to handle and maybe even help the burning mass of broken dreams that is our island stay tuned [Music] zucker's gone for one day and trip's out here trying to eat people he came at me lips smacking okay he was drooling practically drooling he came out he had a fork in his hand i saw it did you guys see the fork that he had i think he had a knife in his other hand a knife a sharp one narrowly escaped with my life yeah orville you could say that i needed to get me the hell out of here a one-way ticket i'm writing a creepypasta what else am i supposed to do but like do you are you supposed to write creepypastas about that happens to you in real life that's my question you know because this is actively happening to me in real life and i'm not sure if i'm going to make it thank god we're a villager hunting because that is i needed to get out of there just hope he doesn't eat like pom-pom or something you know go catch some bees and chop some trees not really my plan who's this oh goldie hi goldie hey what's up goldie yeah that's goldie but i'm just gonna honest i don't even think she saw me i don't want to disrupt her did i take that art yeah i did yeah because i'm a crafty little badge watch drop item goldie look it's a bunch of fake art over here if you're interested i have a wheelbarrow full of like paintings and sculptures and and she just has to watch me like glitter dump them all on this island and then i just leave without a word and she's like that's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me like it didn't happen to me i just kind of watched it but i just don't know what that was she has no idea i should have at least like offered an explanation but she probably thinks it's cooler than it is you know she maybe she thinks that i stole like real art like from the met and i stole it but then i like regretted my actions or something or like i got scared i chickened out and i just brought it all to a remote island and dumped it and now it's gonna become like a local legend where like one of those islands out there there's like all this like priceless art that this thief just like dumped on one of the islands and then like all of these like geocachers and treasure hunters and they're all gonna like come together it's gonna be a huge thing like when that guy like buried that treasure that one time give you this huge treasure hunt they're all gonna be trying to find our island and then they find it it's a bunch of fake art that someone was literally just trying to get rid of yeah just just a bunch of fakes sorry guys sorry in advance i really am it really was just like a myth you know but i hope you had fun you know hope they all had fun like while they were looking for the treasure and stuff you know probably made some friends along the way that's the thing i actually did all of this on purpose i deceived you i wanted you to realize that you already had the treasure all along they were the friends that we made along the way who's this blue what's his name stew stew what is his name again stew t-bone hey yeah i'm t-boned came here on a whim moocher he just called me moocher i'm sorry sir do i know you apparently you'd like to think that you know me oh you're amanda from malachi and then he calls me moocher listen t-bone you don't know me you don't know the first thing about me i've never mooched off anyone can't believe i'm two islands in and a man gave me his unsolicited opinion and tried to define who i am as if he knows a damn thing about me and about what i've been through and about my journey and about my heart and soul you t-bone yeah i do not with t-bone i really honestly don't and when aoc is president that's the first thing to go men's opinions i am just kidding by the way um but i do love that i get the odd comment that's like i can't believe that you hate men i'm like you can't really i'm just kidding i don't hate men i'm literally married to a guy you all see me simping for all these men constantly you're like i think this girl hates men i'm like sebastian i would cut off all my limbs and bleed to death if you were bored and needed something to do who's this now it's flurry wait no it's not wow i really thought you were flurry wait i can't even go wait wilbur i can't go back i can't go over there who is this woman we are four islands in i think and i'm already pretty much traumatized by the experience i would love to answer some of my patrons questions because i love you guys you are you always have the best questions i love you oh my god frosty my bestie one of many has such a great question that is just standing out uh asking if i ever played neopets children gather around you're about to hear the story of how a small 12 year old girl wants rule donation i was neopets royal team for for a while there not only did i have the lab right because you're lucky if you get a cool color every once in a while but for the most part it's just like oh he went up a level he went blind oh no this one turned into a literal pile of ashes you have killed your pet ma'am even though we said it couldn't be done you actually did it because you keep zapping your beloved animals and it's not okay i didn't zap all my animals because i worked really hard for my neopoints and i bought paint brushes and i mean you you know that there was not a pet you weren't allowed to be at my house if you weren't painted some bougie color hi tia hey your cousin chai is like scaring people maybe you could take her under her wing and just kind of teach her how to act i'm just kidding i haven't met the woman i hear she's lovely i love that chai has a teacup on her head and your head is a teacup i think that that is a beautiful allegory i love the juxtaposition of that i really do i'm just kidding i don't understand i don't have to i'm just i'm just gonna leave he goes be very positive because i wouldn't want you leaving anything behind cringes and piles and piles of fake art anyway yeah i love neopets um i had the bougiest pets constantly i mean constantly and you know what it's not easy you know imagine being 12 years old and you got to learn about the stock market that was the only way you know i was like in my guild i'm like how are y'all bawling so hard they're like honey the stock market i'm like what i am 12 years old and failing math what you know and then you get to the stock market it's like this chia and he's got a ferrari and he's like do you want to know how i got this ferrari and i'm like not really i just really want a baby paintbrush so i can paint my loop so i learned how to do the stock market and so yeah i was just bawling i was doing the stock market and then obviously playing all my dailies and just over the years i just accumulated like a massive wealth of neopoints and i was able to do basically whatever i wanted it wasn't that easy though i would like set goals for myself i'd be like okay like i wanna i wanna drink that's like i don't even remember the the prices of the ship how much was a drake egg those days back in those days i don't even i don't even want to know how how much it's gone up now but like but like back in the day the drake egg you know because there was a couple pets that you couldn't just make in the pet maker okay they were limited edition and some of them you could get on that pet's day like if you wanted a poogle for example which is one of my favorites you had to wait for poogle day and then you could maybe make a few maybe some oh i don't have my wow like can you imagine if it was somebody i wanted jk because i can get that from wilbur but it's just leonardo he's cool but not what we're looking for he's a boy goose ruined his goose ruined his chances of ever coming home with us yeah so some of the limited edition pets you could get kind of easily but it's still kind of hard to get them so they were bougie but then there was a few limited edition pads where like you couldn't get them easily like you had to pay basically like the ones that i remember there was the croc and he was you had to get the pet pet croc because you know your pets could have pets and those were pet pets and then they could have pets and those were pet pet pets don't come at me um but yeah you had to get the croc pet pet and then you bring it to a cave and you feed it like this magical fungus or something and it turns into the croc pet and then there was the uh the drake and you had to get the egg in order to hatch the drake okay and i'm pretty sure was that it in terms of like really really really really rare ones i think that's like it and you know your wanted one because i really wanted to be bougie i wanted to show off if you saw that there was you click on somebody's name because they're talking in the forums time to judge you and your pets and you see they have a drake all bets are off you're bowing down to that person that person has your respect especially if the drake is painted right and i'm talking i'm not talking a purple drake i'm talking like pirate drake honey like a like a multi-million dollar brush okay so there's your really expensive brushes then there's your like cheap brushes you know you got these these other 12 year olds because i'm 12 2 at the time they're on the forums they're being like i have painted pets you go to their pets and it's like they're all christmas painted with a christmas brush sweetie that brush is 20 000 neopoints okay yeah i'll donate one to you if you want to paint another one of your pets but yeah i was all about trying to be real bougie uh with my pets like i had a baby minty i had a baby loop several accounts even though that's not allowed and if you have no idea what i'm talking about i'm so sorry but like neopets royalty is speaking right now so oh and i had a gray drake yeah yeah i really won that i won neopets i know they said that you can't win neopets but i did win neopets with that one because gray is like a paintbrush where that makes them look really sad but they're so cute oh yeah so i cannot get up this i just straight up cannot get up there but i can make one though never mind never mind i'm like it's hopeless all hope is lost it could be raymond up there but i'll never know yes i will yep and the bees are going to get me for sure i bet i just can feel it in my bones you know i just know i'm going to get attacked by bees for charm and i'm not in the mood so i probably will attack the bees right back but um what was i saying oh yeah i had a gray drake yeah sorry not sorry at all and i also was always really good at naming my pets and i would try really hard to name them something so crazy but it had no numbers in it and it looked kind of like yeah see i told y'all i had i just had a feeling i was gonna have to deal with y'all's asses today and you know what i'm so sick of it call an ambulance but not for me just kidding actually the ambulance is definitely for me never mind yeah see i knew this was coming i just felt it i felt it in my bones i knew that this was coming it had just been a while since i got my rocked by you people i didn't even like bee movie okay i hated it actually and you know what i'm the one that's always sticking up for you all saying y'all are really important to the environment and i'm talking about the wasps wasps matter too but you know what i think i actually don't believe in that anymore the golden age of neopets i just wish i could go back it was it used to be just so delightful and then uh what was the other thing oh the biggest biggest change the worst mistake neopets ever made this is why neopets failed used to be when you painted your pet that's what they looked like they came with some clothes but it was a picture it was art and they were beautiful they were beautiful the gray pets the royal pets the baby pads all of them they were so beautiful you got exactly what you paid for you know they were just beautiful but then they always have to go and do this we don't want to customize we don't care we don't want to dress our pets up i never got used to that pets have a big sparkly cowboy hats and wings and no no no no no that's not what we used to do that wasn't that's not my culture not my president at all we didn't do that back then our pets were perfect the way that they were i don't think i'm gonna have enough wood wait just kidding our pets were perfect the way that they were because we worked so hard and we spent like 60 million neopoints making them that way you know i don't want a big sparkly like moving like dress that emits musical notes like i don't want that but they made this thing where they allowed you to have to customize all your pets and because they did that they instead of the beautiful artwork that came with every single painted pad they made it so that they all kind of fit this style like your pet basically stayed the same it just had it just was painted but oh god it's just hard to explain but but like the gray ones for example a sin a tragedy they just made them look normal-ish like it looked like a regular ass drake but it was gray basically and it had like red like dark circles under his eyes instead of the gorgeous artwork of the gray drake before unforgivable okay i should make a whole ass video about neopets and like what the hell was going on over there because it was those were some times you know that's why we're all so funny and resourceful is because we we were on neopets which one of my pets was plushie i had a plushie one oh it's vespa all that work for vespa the chalkboard face it's fine is that her name vespa vesta i always call her vespa what is vespa who's vespa where did i come up with that i thought she said i looked pretty from the air like i looked pretty from far away but then she saw my face and saw that i'm all swollen because i had a medical emergency and yet people laugh at you in this game it's really bad anyway runs away crying uh yeah anyway neopets was my life for a long time it was the only place that i ever felt like i had any any control over anything any power in this world over anything you know and uh it was beautiful for for a moment in time i was infinite all of my pets were like sentient creatures they were part of my family i had this big story with them they were my babies i was their mother and we just would go out there and we would you know we took part in like things that happened in the in society historic events like when they killed king colts and and i you better i was there for that i saw that with my eyes happen we had to figure out who the fit and it was awful the lost desert was never the same he was a good king cold sand but thankfully we got to visit his shrine and um and he would give you free burnt food and they said that there was always this rumor that he would give you like a million neopoints but i don't think that ever happened for anyone if it ever did if you got a million neo points from coltan's shrine let me know who on earth is this who's this ricky sheldon who the hell is sheldon i don't like you sheldon i don't like you because you remind me of the big bang theory which is which ruined my life i've never seen a single episode of that show but i can say with confidence that that show ruined my life just knowing that it exists and if seeing anything from it at all i hate it i have a don't even get me started about the big bang theory i honestly there are a few things that get me more like zero to a hundred right away i just hate that show anyway i yeah i was i was born at the perfect time for neopets i was there like do not cite the deep magic to me witch i was there when i was written i really was i really was you know and i do i do like still have a neopets account um and i went on there yeah this is a whole thing a couple years ago i went back on there because i basically i like you know grew up um they had done the thing where they're like you i bet you want to customize your pet and i'm like no i don't none of us do i did not meet a single person that was like i love this i can't wait to customize my pet we were like i think we're entitled to financial compensation because he changed my pet and it gave me mesophilioma it was awful and like you know i just kind of started going downhill from there and so i stopped playing it but i like obviously had this account that i remembered the name of and and i remembered my pet's names and i so one day um i would just like randomly as like years and years later i have my oh who says tad tad my ex out of all people how do i fix my face again oh i need medicine which i do not have nice sick tad is my ex i don't know if i want him to see me like he's looking right at me he's laughing at me he turned around because he's embarrassed he's embarrassed for me secondhand embarrassment i'm out of here i don't need this after i'm like reliving the trauma of the fall of neopads okay uh anyway so years and years later i'm like an adult and i just got i got like i just wanted to play neopets i'm like i want to check in on my pads i want to go play neo-pads so i try to log on but i don't know i guess my i'm thinking i guess my dumb ass didn't put my real birthday in or something but i heard that that happened with a lot of other people so i'm thinking that like our birthday is just it's something messed up because did my dumb ass not put my real bro why why would i do that who was i trying to fool you know i didn't know my birthday like they were like okay what's your birthday if you want to log in because it's been so long and like we don't want this girl getting her like baby mensie stolen oh and her plushie poogle yeah that's also there that we're trying to protect and her grey drake it also looks like she's a multi-millionaire and then she's got so many neopoints like this has never even met the soup kitchen fairy she doesn't know the woman she wouldn't know her if she was walking down the street never really had a need or the giving tree oh she's the one who puts the gifts in the tree yeah she's a philanthropist we want to protect your assets so put your birthday in but i don't know my birthday apparently because i couldn't put my birthday i i worked this account day and night trying to get in there i like emailed neopets they they couldn't help me so my account was lost and then eventually i would try to look up my account and my pets and i couldn't find them they were like oh these pets don't exist i'm like what it's like if you somebody told you your family didn't exist anymore apparently my pets don't exist anymore i sat there in that drake nest and watched that drake hatch and then i painted it with a brush that cursed it with a lifetime of depression so that it would look cute and you took that away from me so i didn't want to play neopets ever again because i was like i'm gonna have to start from like rock bottom what so i didn't play neopets didn't play neopets but like it was always there and then finally it's like two years ago like very recent i was like i'm just gonna play neopets again and like and beat the game again because i was bored i guess who says rodney okay well good thing i have my shovel because i'm about to bury a body rodney so hooray for first meetings i'm visiting from another island my name's rodney i'm a supreme gentleman yeah i'm a nice guy girls never want to date me even though i'm such a nice guy because they're all rodney rodney's brave rodney's bold yeah rodney just let this one fly amazing he goes meeting you here meeting you here like this feels pretty much the way i always thought destiny would feel lee ham rodney you're the reason that i don't feel comfortable going to card shops to play yu-gi-oh with fellow yu-gi-oh vans it's you rodney it's always been you rodney sucks anyway so yeah i decided to make a new neopets account like let's just see if the still got it you know let's see if she's still got it she does yeah within i think it was like within a couple months i had the lab ray uh i had a moroccan drake i had a what else do i have oh i had a peachia i actually i i gave it away when i got bored of it again that is not a pet that you come by often a pgia hello oh i had a plushie hissy and i know there's one other one i just looked up on google this is not okay i'm sorry i looked up on google neopets the amanda files to see if that's my account because i was gonna look and see i think this must be an ad it says what to expect when dating a woman with adhd can you guys stop stalking me that's an ad that came up shut up what to expect a lifetime of misery i don't know oh my god i just went back on neopets just to figure out what the last because i knew i had one more really bougie pet but i couldn't remember what it was crazy that i couldn't remember because it's an alien asia yeah i have an alien asia i don't even know if that's how you say that this was me trying to just see if i still had it your girl still got it okay she does but i just went on neopets because i i uh basically longs for short i started playing oh it's hornsby again is it ever a villager hunt if i don't see horns we gotta go throw them some snacks you know what hornsby they actually re-release dungaroos can you believe it here take these anyway oh i went back on neopets and it's worse than ever oh my god yeah because i was playing it so much i was actually kind of addicted to it for a minute there and it was taking away a lot of my life so i had to stop playing because i was playing it too much that's how i got all those bougie pets it's because i was just playing it non-stop i was like grinding and for what like i didn't even have it was just to prove to myself that i could do it i didn't even i wasn't in any i wasn't on the forums i wasn't showing off to anybody i didn't have any friends that played it matt's never played neopets so he didn't understand when i was like oh guess what i just got a fountain fairy quest he's like okay well um dinner's gonna be ready in like 15 minutes so um but anyway i just went on there it is worse than ever didn't even recognize the place it's not been that long since i was on there but i just it's bad it's bad over there shit's not good over in neopia okay it's just really not good ever i honestly swear to god ever since coltan died ever since king coldhand died shit's not been the same she's never been the same he would have never let this happen he would have never let this happen not any of it i stand by that anyway uh i'm gonna make myself stop talking about neopets because i just saw that someone else is trying to open up a can of worms now so pilmo did a bad thing and asked have you ever played the sonic adventure games and the chow garden yeah yeah you could say that um wow like i really don't want to make this a whole like a villager hunt where like i'm going to title this video a villager hunt where i just talk about the rise and fall of neopads and then go through every single detail with a fine-tooth comb about why sonic adventure 1 and 2 were the magnum opus of the sonic franchise especially sonic adventure 2 but both of them honestly magnum opus it never never ever ever ever even came close it was so good that they used up all their good juice and it was like is this sonic is this how it's gonna be oh there's rory i love that name rory it's a cute name sonic adventure one and two my god where do i even start i promise i'm not gonna go too hard on this but i actually might but i will try my best not to i just can't even i just don't even have the words yes i play those games and i love them i i played them many times sonic adventure one you see so me and my brother had the dreamcast and oh my god the dreamcast if y'all never had a dreamcast come on why did that system fail i i loved it i enjoyed the hell out of my dreamcast i loved it there was this one game called echo the dolphin does anybody remember echo y'all that game is was what we wanted that game was what the people asked for why don't they make games like that anymore the game was literally that you're just a dolphin you're just a dolphin and you're swimming around in the sea and you just have to be a dolphin and like go on quests and like and like do missions and you are a dolphin named echo and you have echolocation and you like swim and you try to you gotta try to catch fish and eat them because you are a dolphin living in the ocean named echo and there's like other sea creatures that like call upon you for help what a game from what i remember that game was amazing i literally still remember the first time i ever popped sonic adventure 1 into my into my dreamcast and i didn't even know what to expect i still remember the feeling we're like whoa a new sonic game this is so cool it's so different this is because at the time like we had we had never seen sonic like this 3d obviously the graphics at the time they grab it it's amazing to look back and be like you know at the time you don't even notice because like that's all we had so at the time we're like oh my god that's what sonic would look like if you were real look at him he's so real he's so real it's like he's right there like i could reach out and touch him because he's like that is so realistic yeah it's crazy um we just didn't know any better but the graphics at the time were amazing okay unprecedented and the first level of that game like it's no city escape but emerald coast is so fun and it was just so different than anything like that we had played before because it was like this open kind of open world obviously wasn't an open world but it was more open than just like a straight line in the other sonic games and you're just like going and i had no idea what to expect and like all your friends are there we got amy we got big we got knuckles tails oh my god shawn mendes can i get your autograph bettina you know what you look really busy and uh i really don't want to hold you up so i'm gonna go and keep talking about sonic adventure anyway emerald coast is so good and like i just again had no idea what to expect so i have you know all the buddies are there the squad big knuckles amy tails the amazing thing about sonic adventure one was that it was just so different like you play a few you play like a little bit of the game through like every character you know you have to do all these levels through every character and um and so basically the premise is that there's like this creature his name is chaos he's so cute he's just a baby but he doesn't know any better and um so chaos is out there and he's like he's gonna get more and more powerful with all the chaos emeralds like this is why i really think that end game like jacked the plot of sonic adventure i like went on a tangent when we saw that i was like that was a great movie but i really do think that they stole that from sonic adventure and all my like friends and everybody and matt that we saw it with they're like amanda no they didn't and i'm like yes they did it's like a little mcguffin thing where you have to find all the chaos emeralds and they're like all over the world but everybody's got their own like arc you know that they're going through everybody's going through including gamma the robot you all know i don't really like robots and maybe it's because i don't trust them or maybe it's because i am i it's my it's a trauma of mine because gamma this robot you know it's like you get to play as all these really cool characters you're you're like you didn't even mind like you're all these like fun animals you know i'm like oh great i'm knuckles i'm tails i'm amy and then you have to play as this robot i was like i hate this i don't want to play as a robot are you kidding me i bought this game so i could play as anthropomorphic animals that are slightly attractive okay some of them not all of them i don't want to play as the robot i'm i want to wear clothes as an animal even if it's just gloves and shoes just want to be an animal and so i didn't want to be the robot but obviously gamma has the best arc in the entire game it brought me to tears it ruined my life it's like this robot he's like trying to figure out who the hell he is and what his autonomy is and like why he was made and what he was made for and he finds out that he was made to kill i was like a war machine but he like doesn't want to do that because he meets amy and um she talks to him about how like you shouldn't kill people and stuff and he like you know becomes like really sentient he wants to like free his brothers even though they're evil you know like definitely one of the most developed characters in sonic history you see his whole life start to finish you know and um you know he is just he had like no neck he was just this little dude he was actually so cute there's alves elvis i'm sick and tired of you i'm just kidding i really don't even know the man i just wish it was raymond i don't know why i don't really know what my like plans for raymond would be if i were to find him i just think it would be cool you know it'd be like a cool event in my life just something that i haven't done before anyway so gamma ends up slowly but surely learning about like you know morality and like humanity even though he's not a human he really does feel empowered by being kind and being good and so he's struggling with like an existential crisis basically of like what even am i like like metal i'm like a machine but like i start i'm he has like a he starts to develop like a soul and he is like i want to liberate other robots because he's just so good he's a good robot the only one i've come across in all my time out here on these dirty streets basically and so just when i think i can't handle anymore oh and the whole time there's this chow garden right these little chows which are like basically my children they're my biological children um i don't even know how else to describe them they're like a little chaos water elementals because i'm pretty sure chaos used to be a shower or something and then something happened right he's like a water elemental but he's also did he used to be a chow or something am i just making that up in my head because i love it i love the idea of chaos used to be a chow hold on i might sound stupid right now i'm cancelled in the sonic community it's fine i bet i love yeah cause like chaos and chow like ciao is chaos without that without the s chaos is a chow y'all they're like a little species um they're so cute wait i need chow plushies all of them oh my god and they had like different little looks and you could um you could breed them and shut like that was my bag dude i got this gorgeous beautiful story and they also gave me a whole ass beautiful garden hold on is chaos a child he ain't a child right they're gonna laugh at me it's just gonna be like lol is chaos a town like chaos is actually so cute he's my baby he really is my baby he's not a chow stop he's the guardian god of the chows shut up he really honestly is a good creature but when you got the chaos emerald you get to control him basically and it has all these different forms um he's actually like normally like a really good like benevolent like god like creature who is us who is this gonzo hi gonzo is that gonzo did you take your medicine today gonzo okay just check in proud of you anyway oh chaos yeah he's like a really cool creature he's like a god basically a boss fight every single time you encounter this man for sure it was always so cool when chaos like stepped on the scene he got like another chaos emerald and then you like grow even more and you're like this is getting out of hand y'all what the are we gonna do you really think sonic can handle this okay if you say so i don't know though honestly it was a really close one what was it gonna say oh and then the chow garden yeah so imagine me getting the perfect game the perfect adventure like campaign of all time perfect couldn't have been better and then they also give you access they're like hey we bought you this whole ass huge beautiful garden and we're gonna give you these little creatures they're called chows they're adorable they're so cute as cute as you could possibly imagine like if we just gave you a crayon and a piece of paper and said draw the cutest thing that ever existed that doesn't currently exist right now like make it up like an alien a cute adorable alien one you would die for and then you draw it you drew a chow because they are so cute they're just these little like plant babies i don't even know what they're they're little aliens and and you breed them like they're just like hey um we know that you're like literally trying to save the fate of the world and humanity right now but on the side like as a hobby if you're interested you can also be a child breeder and you can spend time with these ciaos because it's like a stress reliever i think they gave that to you as like a therapeutic like way to just like relieve some tension you could just go to the chow garden and hang out with the chows and like just chill with them for a little while you know and just be okay like nintendogs who i swear to god this chow garden i never wanted to leave it was my heaven it's what heaven is if heaven's real prove it send me to the child garden please please i'm begging you that's all i want i'm a good person i've lived a good life i deserve to go to the child garden as heaven please anyway this game was amazing and so when sonic adventure 2 came out it was like how could anything ever be better than sonic adventure one and then you know they answered the question and they were like well it could be who's us somebody scary this is that crazy yep that crazy the crazy with the makeup mm-hmm and the child yep she's in a cold drawn all over a kid's face with sharpies get help you should be ashamed of yourself what is she doing what are you doing astrid what is going on behind you what is this doodle bear i can't believe her anyway sonic adventure tomb uh wow where do i even start i tweeted about it if y'all saw that um about just how i feel about shadow the hedgehog that's not a childhood crush that is a modern day crash that's an adult crush that i'm having i'll admit it i'll admit it yeah yeah i love shadow the hedgehog yeah i'd die for him but you know what i don't really think you know him like i do unless you played the game then you do i'm really gonna try to be quick but uh and i promise after this i'm gonna choose a juicy question that's gonna make it so that i have to talk about something other than neopets and sonic adventure something real personal you know so today i have prepared a powerpoint to highlight all the reasons why i think that we should replace the declaration of independence with a copy of sonic adventure 2. the reasons that i think that this would be a good idea for not only the museum that currently houses the declaration of independence but also for america as a country one the declaration of independence is boring and sonic adventure 2 is one of the most dynamic character-driven action games of all time the second reason why um i think that the declaration of independence should be replaced is because uh everybody already has seen it i think whether they've seen it in real life or in pictures i feel like everybody at least knows what it is and like isn't really interested anymore um because it's like it's been there for a long time and so maybe you guys could uh get more people coming to your museum if you had something new oh god there she is naomi on the loose can you even believe her she really is not even here with us on earth the woman is somewhere else entirely and i'm really not trying to take that away from her so i'm just gonna quietly leave anyway the declaration of independence also uh is just really not visually appear appealing it is really old and um again it's just kind of something that we are kind of bored of as a country whereas sonic adventure 2 is something that i feel can really get people excited in history again because it is a historical artifact as well so i feel like it would really get people excited about history in conclusion i really do think that the declaration of independence is important but also really boring whereas sonic adventure 2 is dynamic emotional full of life lessons and full of lessons about just kind of society in general and so yeah i hope that you will consider this uh this suggestion thank you are there any questions anyway did not need to do that so basically uh sonic adventure 2 is where we first meet shadow the hedgehog who is the ultimate life form and my favorite character in the sonic franchise never even really liked sonic honestly honest to god never even really liked the guy if we're being completely honest i mean i don't hate him i don't wish ill will upon him you know he just thinks he's so cool shadow doesn't think he's cool shadow knows he's cool he's perfect he's the ultimate life form and he knows it he does know it he's also like an emo like hot topic boy you know so you know that that girls like me never said a chance um knuckles who for sure at this point in my life because yeah shadow's just been through so much like he i'll try to make it brief but i probably won't he basically was created to help um because he's like the ultimate life for him and something about him there's all this science and he was created to help heal people basically leonardo again i said no fuckboys anyway so he was he was created to like help uh like cure illnesses and stuff and uh basically he was created by this guy gerald who is actually eggman's uncle or something and then he had a daughter maria maria was like sick she had like cancer or something she was also they were like on the spaceship and stuff and the only companion he ever had was maria and they obviously got like really close and he loved her so much because it was like his only friend like they just had a beautiful bond and then uh hit the fan really bad and she died she told him she's like please like protect earth for me like that's my one wish but then he like gets his memories erased because he actually dies that night too and his memories are all transferred into the new shadow that they build but his memories have been tampered with okay i feel like if i don't stop now i'm gonna give you a beat by beat plot synopsis but to wrap it up basically the game is really cool because it allows you to play as the heroes you play as sonic and knuckles and tails and then you get to play as the villains like you get to play as rouge the bad the woman who made me who i am today it's really cool because you get to see their motivations for things in their their side of it instead of them just being like these ruthless bad guys and shadow is especially nuanced because he's only a bad guy because of what he's been told you know what i mean it's like this whole allegory for the folio man i swear to god like sonic's out here like smell you later loser and then shadows like all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream like it's not even comparable okay it's not even quantifiable i'll end it here but if there's a lot there and yet they make these games that like literally no one asks for it's like no one the sonic team makes a game where sonic makes out with a human being sonic team what the hell are you doing yeah yeah you had it and then what why why there he is it's biscuit i don't understand to this day what that creature is i'm gonna leave him to it anyway i could i could make a whole video about sonic adventure which i think i just did did i do that oh there he is okay see this is what we're not gonna do i'm already like so shaken by the fact that sherb literally threatened to eat me he lunged at me and he tried to take a bite of my skin of my flesh now i get to deal with this with hopkins the blow up toy and he is not trying to hide it either he's literally not trying to hide it he's like hey i just want to remind you that i am not real i am an inanimate object i'm a blow up toy i'm a blow up doll that's what hopkins is for all you people out there who think you can trust hopkins i invite you to look that is a air valve that's a valve that you put your mouth on and you blow it up with air or sometimes if you got it if you got a bike tire pump or something you're like going tubing and you have one of those pumps you could blow them up and you could put him in the water and he will flow in the water and that's how you know that they're a witch yeah this is a cursed object on this island and honestly i think it's supposed to be here and stay here you know this is like the indiana jones like warehouse where they like roll things away and put them in boxes never to be touched by man again i do believe wilbur that some of these islands are no-fly zones that you're not supposed to be here right now because some of these islands are probably the places where the government is keeping dangerous entities at bay i think that this is one of those islands and i think that when you bring me to an island that has ribot or sprocket or cocoa or stitches as much as i love stitches they are cursed objects chatter walking talking piece of fingers with a tuxedo on like he's going to a wedding and he's a piece of cheese no one's inviting you to their wedding chatter you're literally a food item okay it's a absolute miracle that hopkins didn't see me and come over to me and and he's a and he's a blow up doll i there's no telling what he could have done to me how he could have brutalized me pray for me oh ellie really came in with the questions okay i'm gonna try to get to a few of yours without being too long-winded so first what inspires you the most i love that it is it's like practically impossible for me to narrow it down because everything around me like just being alive and being human living in a society who is this is that ketchup my wait no that is either ketchup or someone like male or some who's this malory who's this who is that who is that i don't actually know that woman who are you state your name it is ketchup wait i'm so sorry ketchup i for some reason i thought that you had lipstick on and like and like crazy eyeshadow i don't know why i think it was a way that the sun was like in your face it was weird i'm just so glad to see you you're gorgeous i love ketchup unfortunately though i literally have new from just like a slightly less fun universe pom-pom not that she's not fun it's just she's not a tomato girl no one can be you catch up and you know what i wouldn't look at people like that if i were you because that was kind of scary you sent chills down my spine anyway what inspires you the most yeah you know just like on any given day just being a human being and having to be alive in society you know things will just kind of pop up and inspire me you know i obviously as you guys know by now um you know i got really inspired by like my favorite musician buckethead because they like are this anonymous musician and i think that's really cool music really inspires me in general um but then just people's stories hearing people's stories can inspire me i should i go get some medicine maybe because i really am out here like trying to meet my new friend and i look like quasimodo you know not that quasimodo isn't a wonderful friend i just don't want to scare anybody you know lily i hope you're doing great i'm trying to find you somebody who's going to treat you right girl actually i really don't know if what i'm looking for at this point marina please just be responsible and make good choices marina uh made me uncomfortable kyle made me uncomfortable not the way that he i think he looked at her like i'm watching you oh god and i'm talking to my boyfriend and he's making fun of me or something i don't know wow this is the worst day of my life it's okay um ah see this is my literal husband it's okay yeah and i'm the same way i'm so awkward and i say everything wrong i love you kyle thanks thank you kyle that was cute and awkward and honestly so relatable and i really don't think that kyle was looking at marina that way i really don't i think that he was looking at her like why is she up my ass lately i just don't get it and then marina is trying to get her ass beat or something i really don't know really not sure i'm just so confused by her behavior lately marina i don't know if you remember bianca but like her funeral was like really sad for all of us that is definitely one of my friends that he's eating currently probably yeah marina that was a good decision to go work out in your own front yard she's like on the prowl and i don't think anybody's man is safe really don't uh or or a woman for that matter anka's too smart for her for the likes of her anyway wow marina what the hell are you doing what is she doing anyway inspires me uh it's basically okay so one of the things that inspires me is grief actually because it's my biggest fear a long story short i went through this like phase where i got out of like a really really really bad relationship that was like scary uh that made me feel like i was weak and afraid of everything and so i kind of realized that i had so many of these little fears i was afraid of spiders i was afraid of needles i was afraid of going to the doctor i was afraid of driving i was afraid of crowds i was afraid of being alone i was afraid of climbing things i was afraid of jumping off things like i was afraid of doing much of anything and so i did this i kind of like went a little crazy and like conquered all my fears and it was like a big goal of mine and i was like i don't want to be afraid of anything like i want to be fearless i really do and so i conquered all my fears but i realized that i still had this like huge mega like i have like this impending doom complex basically where i just am constantly like i try really hard not to think these thoughts anymore as much as i used to because i feel like i can channel my thoughts into like thinking that they won't happen because it's like i can manifest it so might as well manifest my entire family like not dying in a fiery rack instead of thinking about it constantly you know i just don't want to put that thought and that energy into the universe anymore so i guess in a way i'm kind of getting over that but basically every single day i used to just constantly think who is this woman rolled out of bed and just chose violence timbra of course i know you timber's like winding up to hit me i gotta get out of here uh so yeah no i would just i think it was like a thing it was a part of my anxiety i don't know i was just constantly thinking like why would i think that i would be so lucky to go through life without you know my brother dying in a car accident or me getting cancer and dying at 34. like every phone call that i got i just would constantly think that like bad things were gonna happen and people were gonna die i still definitely have huge issues with with the fear of death i have a i would say that is definitely my biggest fear obviously because it's like the one thing i can't ever confront or conquer i can never ever ever just get over my fear of death i'm just so scared of dying and i also am just like so so connected to the people that i love and because i don't have a belief system or anything and i literally can't even it's like not possible i like my brain just is not doesn't work that way i can't like i can totally that's why i'm like one of those people who thinks that religion is actually when it's not used for evil or made like forced upon anybody else i think it's a beautiful thing and i would never want to take it away from people because it offers people a lot of comfort and to be honest like i wouldn't if i could i would definitely partake in that comfort because it's a horrible thing to um constantly think about this is definitely again gonna answer your question i promise but um yeah i definitely like really suffer and like have a lot of anguish over thinking about just like the totality of death and like the inevitability of it and it's like i can feel it some nights i'll just like lay there and i'm like i can just feel it inching towards me and matt and everyone i love in my dogs and like it's awful always looming over me so in order to process that i do like end up exploring grief and loss and stuff in a lot of the things that i write whether it's like books or poems or lyrics and stuff i think that like that oh god there he is yep simon i really am not in the mood to be cursed today just not in the mood for that so yeah i end up like exploring those themes a lot and it helps me more than anything like through writing about like say i'm writing about about other people like characters and they're dealing with loss and grief and stuff i'm kind of able to go through that and work through that through somebody else so i'm not like being overtaken by by grief because i think a lot of people put off thinking about how to process it until they're actually having to process it because they're going through it so it's helped me to like learn more about it and about what happens to your brain when you are feeling those things and it's my hope that it can just it can help a lot which it has actually when i do actually experience grief it has helped me significantly to know different thought patterns that you start to have and different feelings and emotions that you deal with and like it has helped a lot so that's been great this is so cheesy wow like this sentence in my brain i hate it and i want to tar and feather it but i can't because i don't know any other way to say it i am like so inspired by love and i think that's like my favorite thing about being a human being that's why i'm like such a sucker for dating sims and for a romantic subplot and anything and i love writing like romance and stuff is because it's like i get to experience that again but it's always inspired by like the the things that i've experienced and the ways that i've fallen in love and there she is who's the sylvia that's gotta be carrie who is it i gotta know i just gotta confirm i think it's carrie carrie and no kit kit okay i always forget that she exists anyway um yeah i know so i think like the ways that people have made me feel uh inspires me both like if they made me feel something really really really really strong and positive or really really negative like that inspires me because it's like the power that people have to to give you experiences based on like the way that they make you feel you know and you i don't know it's weird it's just i being a human being is honestly very inspiring to me one more of your questions that i love oh this is good what are your thoughts on dreams and nightmares i love them i i think they're so fun and cool i like i literally still can't fathom dreams i just think it's so fun and cool it's like one of my favorite things about like being alive and being a human is that when we go to sleep our brains just do that like they just go off i don't even i don't get it i still don't get it um like i definitely do think it's really fascinating that some people think that like dreams mean stuff i'd like to believe that i just don't know how any of it works scientifically you know what i mean i never really necessarily had a dream that i was like wow i can't believe i had that dream and then this happened you know who's this running around on the loose ciao big ol chow he looks like lurts from lord of the rings with a big orc that kills boromir and i will never forgive you for that even though boromir was such a dick yeah i did i'm so dirty you know anyway oh but you know what something i really want to talk to you guys about actually you guys remember okay so you might may have seen it may have not in my when i went to ikea village i think i talked about my one and only time where i had sleep paralysis happen and i still to this day i've never had it happen again but it was one of the coolest things that ever happened and at the time it was definitely not cool nothing cool about it was so lame and long story short like i go into detail in my ika village video you know classic sleep paralysis where i was paralyzed could not move a muscle hardly could move my eyes but kind of could and i saw skeletons screaming at me over my head then i saw um i remembered actually something else that i forgot when i was talking about it i heard jeepers creepers laughing i remember that now because i wrote about it um on my facebook and i was like oh yeah jeepers creepers was laughing in the other room so that was great then i saw samara from the ring like a just a ghost girl with like hair in her face or whatever but the biggest thing the thing that is that is me up still to this day is that i saw what i thought was jack the ripper he was a big silhouette of a dude he had a big hat on like a top hat but it was like kind of wider than a top hat it was almost like a cowboy hat top hat mix thing and he was so scary like something about this entity in particular was the scariest thing because he was he opened the door slowly and he was slowly coming into the room and even though i couldn't see his hands or anything like i had a few i had a feeling that like he was going to hurt me for sure i thought he had a knife i knew that this was like the big bad this was the final boss like this was the one that was gonna get me and again i couldn't see if he had a knife or anything but like but like i knew that he did have one like i just knew that he meant me harm and that was the thing that scared me the most and then like i never like looked this up or googled it or anything i was just like whoa that was so crazy like whoa my brain just like so me over like why did i deserve that it was just this weird situation where like i couldn't move all this horrible was happening horror movie stuff linus lion whatever i've seen every single lion i really kind of think i have except for like bud unnecessary like i really haven't even seen anybody that good like hedgehog i think it's the only one that's been decent and goldy i guess what the losing my touch definitely don't have powers anymore anyway the sleep paralysis thing so apparently because like when i post that video everybody's commenting and they're like oh you saw the hat man other people like that's something that a lot of people see when they have sleep paralysis what i'm sorry what what how could that be possible we're not going to meetings and talking about hey what should we see when we have sleep process what should we all lie about and say that we saw that we saw together that is collective no i have not talked to anybody i saw the hat man y'all and apparently i kept doing research that the shadow people it's shadow people y'all they're shadow people that you see so apparently when you have sleep paralysis the most common thing that people see are shadow people and they're just these silhouettes of people and i guess that makes sense like sometime in my brain a little bit because like maybe your brain is casting images of like you know we see people every day and like maybe we're subconsciously like seeing our shadow constantly and like we get used to seeing it kind of like how you can see your nose but you your brain like blocks it out because it doesn't want to constantly be looking at your nose i don't know that was my brain trying to trying to like do mental gymnastics about it but it's all very like so you're having sleep paralysis you're seeing these shadow people and they all cast like the same feelings to you they don't make people feel good like they did studies on this when the people when you're seeing the shadow people you never are like oh that could be my dad with like a birthday cake for me like that could be harrison ford coming to bed finally because he's my husband that could be jason mamoa here to take me away like that you never associate the shadow people with something good you're always filled with dread and terror who is this sterling out here pretending to be a night and you know what i would never take that away from him i think you're doing great sterling anyway they always fill you with dread and apparently people see just regular shadow people more often but i don't know allegedly the hat man is the most the scariest one like he's the darkest one he's the one that scares people the most he's the one that like he's like the boss mack daddy of the shadow people what's going on america explain what is this how like explain to me how that's something that i can't like i don't often see dudes with these big like top hats walking around with a k he had like a weird cape thing like jack the ripper i've never seen jack the ripper no one has we don't even know what he looks like that's the thing like so like why i wasn't thinking about oh guys what big hats the man in the yellow hat from curious jord hell yeah daddy like i wasn't thinking about that i don't like nested particularly like that style of hat i just don't know why that happened and i also again had never heard of the shadow people had never heard of the hat man and once i saw the pictures that people drew of the hat man i was like uh yeah yes yep that would be exactly the entity that i saw that is exactly what i saw what the y'all weren't there like y'all had no idea that that was what i was seeing why did we all see the same thing what is that what is that that blows my mind that's honestly so cool to me and i know people are probably like oh i bet you're so scared i'm like no dude this is awesome that's the closest i'm ever going to get to see in a ghost or something you know something is supernatural like it was it a demon was he a scary guy is he bad was he like about to possess me or something or like get me and then i woke up like what what did he want why did he come into my room like that trying to rip me like jack the ripper why why me why did he pick me he just wanted us is that what they really just wants to shake you up like he's like oh this is bored she's never felt like the dread of like a looming serial killer before so let's just like pay her a visit you know quick little tooth fairy-esque visit you know just take a little bit of innocence though instead of a tooth and leave no money and just scars memories it was so real it was there that's the thing y'all i know the difference between having a dream and being wide awake my eyes were open i was paralyzed and i could see this it was visual hallucinations visual hallucinations that i've never had before and one of them was one that like a lot of other people report having and it makes them feel the same way why are we seeing this hat man who are you hat man and are you related to the hat mouse from stardew valley because if so please just let him know that i am thinking about him and i hope he's doing well me and a bunch of strangers just randomly saw the same thing i don't know anyway i think that's really cool i'm still like trying to figure out what that even what is that what does that mean what are them does that mean i'm gonna have good luck for a year i don't know what does that mean to see the hat man but i think it's really cool that i don't know like i just don't know um but yeah for the most part i actually love dreaming i do remember a good a good amount of my dreams most of them are fun they're just like just weird and fun sometimes i have dreams where i like something bad happens and then i wake up and i'm like god oh my god i always always have dreams about my my teeth falling out my teeth breaking so i wake up every morning and i feel my teeth i'm like oh thank god they're all there nothing that i didn't already know was messed up is messed up this is this is good a lot of the time too i have dreams that i like come into a lot of money like i randomly like get in some way or another oh it's bam is that bam that's bam yeah bam bam margera why is this villager hunt not giving me exactly what i want i don't understand so anyway i was gonna say yeah i'll just have a dream where like oh you somehow got two thousand dollars you somehow got five thousand dollars in one way or another it's not often that i win it it's like other things like i had a profitable business venture i don't even know i just end up getting this money and then i wake up and i'm like does that yeah no we don't yep no we didn't no that's not that's not real that didn't happen and then there's other times i had them more when i was younger but i always had dreams that like i met ryan ross and i got pictures with him or like i met pete wentz and got pictures and then like was gonna put them on my myspace and then i wake up and i'm like i like literally have to check my phone i'm like that didn't happen are you kidding me isn't it funny how you have a dream that like so obviously didn't happen like i mean do you think you went when you went to a fall out boy concert last night when did you go to the concert why are you thinking that that happened last night did you have plans to go to a concert last night no you watched netflix until three o'clock in the morning and yet you have to lay there and be like did i like hook up with p once last night like what the that really happened like for two seconds you're like oh yeah no i don't have to pick it that's not that's not real it didn't happen like of course it didn't happen you idiot but you still thought it did for like two seconds it's so funny dreams are awesome i love them i actually got this stuff because i heard that it makes you have crazier dreams like it makes you have more vivid dreams called um oh god what's it called i forget it's like an essential oil i don't really believe in this stuff or anything but i just heard that it makes you have crazy dreams and i'm like hey anything that's gonna like up the ante on the dreams i'm willing to try it i don't care literally i've hardly ever done essential oils before i don't even know if i'm doing them right i think i just you just like put them on your wrists and stuff right is that what you do i don't even know i really don't no because i don't read the instructions mugwort oil apparently it makes you have better dreams i have been just having the same old crazy dreams that i always have lately but again could be using it wrong who is this my god it's spud or what the hell is this person's name i can't even believe this happened they came out of a trash heap who is this why does this villager exist does anyone love spork does anyone like spork or love him i'm out of here spork i can find spork but i can't find julian and raymond and renee what the hell wilbur i would love for you to get your head in the game that's what i would love for you to do so again you ready i don't know wilbur are you ready because i really don't think you are really don't i don't think you've been ready for like quite some time actually wilbur i think it's been a tough year for you buddy anyway uh dreams are really cool i really enjoy having them the one thing i will say is that a lot of the time like i'll wake up and i remember the dream vividly why the hell does this happen it's so stupid like don't take my away from me please this is my dream and i always think i don't know why i never i don't think to write them down because i'm like there is no way that i'm going to forget this i'm not gonna forget it of course i'm not gonna forget this and then i forget it in the first hour that i'm awake why i need to start writing them down because a lot of the dreams i have like all i know like i know last night i had a crazy dream and it was cool and fun but i can't remember it it was taken from me by the shadow man by the hat man i bet that's what he does yeah and when he comes to you and your sleep paralysis he's just coming to laugh in your face he's like yeah i take your dreams and eat them and then he takes off his hat and it's gengar it was gengar the whole time and he's eating our dreams and i'm like gengar i give you permission i actually love you a lot big fan i don't know uh yeah so i need to no no that's what i was gonna say i really need to start uh writing my dreams down maybe i should just get like a dream diary will i ever use it though is the question and probably not because i never do anything i say i'm gonna do joseph why are you so brilliant and beautiful and amazing this question is perfect if you were a pokemon gym leader which type would you specialize in is such a great question it's hard for me to narrow down one but i think it would be electric type i do it is peggy and i just can't believe it listen peggy we don't like you okay i'm kidding anyway yeah electric type i think just because most of my favorites are electric and i do like i don't know i just feel like i understand it the best i can build a really good electric team you know everybody's obviously got their strengths and weaknesses so you know if somebody comes in packing heat with water pokemon and i'm screwed but i feel like electric is really strong against a lot of other types obviously my favorite pokemon of all time is jolteon so that's probably the main reason why is just because i want to have a jolteon be my main companion i mean as far as my team goes like not only is jolteon my favorite but he's also he's he's perfect he's a great electric type he's fast he's agile he's a eeveelution like come on you can't beat it uh zapdos too i mean i have this weird thing this is just me it's just me but i always feel weird when like i'm the only one pulling up with whole ass legendaries i always feel weird about that you know it's like oh like like i'm always like isn't this like in the news or something like i caught a zap these zapdos i think there's like only one and it's mine i feel wrong about that like obviously i want tapu coco on my list too but like i feel weird about having him because i don't know i always feel weird about having legendaries it's like the last unicorn thing like let the last unicorn be free you don't want to pull up and be like i'm the one who has yep yeah you heard right you read right on the news i'm the one who has the zapdos and the taboo coco it's like leave them in the wild if there's only one of them if they're like this legendary creature you know what i mean i just always feel wrong about a little bit wrong about that you know when in all the games when you catch the legendary it kind of feels wrong to me but at the same time obviously i need to have a coco and zapdos on my list um luxray monetric i mean mega monetric bye bye yeah i'll start digging your grave i'll help your family out and i will get started on digging the grave i'll dig the first few feet uh thundurus um lantern honestly don't sleep on lantern uh yeah no you're going down for sure you're going down down down down who else um oh raichu i love raichu especially give me an alolan raichu and it's over for you for you sims it really is blonde hair i went blonde for it for the occasion and i have like yellow eyeshadow but it like kind of comes out into like a lightning bolt and then i just have a bomb ass like cool lightning dress like it's really short kind of skimpy and one of my tactics is actually to seduce people like throw them off a little bit throw them off their game a little bit these little sims get so distracted checking my hand to see if i'm wearing a ring that they don't even notice that i am carefully and methodically handing their asses to them and by the way sweetie even if i did have a ring i wouldn't be wearing it while wielding my electric type pokemon idiots simps your big brain can handle rick and morty but it can't handle an electric type body that's right and eventually i would gain so much notoriety that um that i would be asked to join the elite four like i'm pretty sure there isn't even an electric elite four champion so that would be me they would invite me in and they'd be like honestly make it skimpier make it more distracting the thigh highs make them higher a little bit higher can they go any higher than that they can perfect who's this diana no way absolutely bury me no way bury me bury me no way bury me dig my grave dig my grave my funeral is swiftly approaching so please make sure you rsvp uh that is on sunday actually i am being buried as a dead person because tiffany just ended my life she decided that i was not fit to be alive anymore so she did that to me look at this imagine tiffany like i'm out here trying to talk like i'm a baddie like i'm going to be this pokemon electric type baddie i had no idea what it meant to be a baddie nobody knows what it takes what it truly takes this day and age to be a baddie except for tiffany can you even believe that this is legal and i and you know what i also have never seen her i've never run across you tiffany not ever because i would definitely remember i'd remember the way that you make my heart feel because i am sweating right now i don't believe we've met i'm tiffany and you are like she just looked me up and down and she thinks i'm trash god i shouldn't have wore the furby shirt what a lovely name you have there amanda it's a pleasure to meet you well if you're ever looking for a friendly face during your island vacation you know where to find me do i tiffany i know where to find tiffany oh my god how did i get here yeah spending time on an island like this is so relaxing i feel like a movie star off on an exotic vacation ah yes i could easily spend the rest of my days basking in this sort of life bun bun you know what tiffany imma be straight up with you we're too insecure right now we're just not really then she pulls this one out i'm glad you understand me i understand her now great like she's wearing the fishnets and they're they're like strapped like she's just this app she's a she's a stripper i don't know if she's a dancer she's a she's a dancer i'm in love with a stripper she pop and she rolled and she rolled she grabbed and like i'm in love with the stripper y'all i really am she has got a choker on this girl has got a choker on are her clothes even available for anyone else but tiffany no they're not probably she's got a choker on she's got red gloves she has got the shortest dress in the game what dress is even is that she's got a bow tie on this woman is an exotic dancer and i love her send me the the of link please tiffany thank you i'm out of here wilbur don't you ever do that to me again not without a warning i'm out here have it and my nose is bleeding wilbur yeah no yeah that is blood coming out of my nose yes it is don't tell me how to treat my nose bleed i know i'm tilting my head back yeah tiffany of all people emerges emerge is like a vision like a siren beckoning me from the depths and i am at her mercy i really am i'm swimming out to you tiff tiffany i just don't think that we have the facilities honestly for tiffany i really don't could you even imagine what a festival would have looked like if tiffany had been there i'm like thinking like so many casualties like i don't even know yeah she would have really i think she would have destroyed us quite frankly because i just don't think that this town can hold her i really don't honestly though that encounter with tiffany it was it was nice it was just good and nice and i enjoyed it thoroughly even though she spit in my face i didn't record it because i was embarrassed but she did spit directly in my face and the reason i was embarrassed was not because she did that it was because i liked it i i know i smiled and i thanked her for it i just felt like a little too much of a simp so i i edited it out but it happened it did yep it did i feel like that was a good thing that's a that was a good sign maybe we're on a batty streak please please please please please please be a baddie couldn't be further from a baddie in fact what is it cody murphy see another villager that i constantly forget exists you know what murphy i wish you nothing but the best how about that well bear please apply the plane and don't stop until you find a baddie how about a baddie should be easy to discern ooh this is a good one uh samo asked any stuffed animal or toy from childhood that you fondly remember or that was your favorite i was definitely the type of kid like first of all y'all already know that i love stuffed animals and plushes um and i've always been that way i've always been this is just like nothing that makes me happier i've always been the type of person that slept with them like religiously and like as a comfort object like hardcore like couldn't sleep without my favorite ones and like i love hugging things when i'm asleep i still to this day like either sleep with stuffed animals or like have a pillow that i just kind of hug and like curl my body around it's great and uh and so for most of it it was this bear that it's funny how like i had all of these amazing plushies but it's just the things i don't know you don't really choose the one that ends up being your like comfort object they kind of choose you you know i got all these beautiful plushes that were amazing and of things that i was hyper fixated on and loved but the one that i sank everything into who is this pango she's gonna hit me she's gonna slap me across the face she is she's just totally coming for me so i'm not even gonna take the money yep not even gonna take the money bye anyway uh was this bear and it was like this per and she's like this purple pinkish bear and she's not even like she's kind of rough like her her texture wasn't even that soft she was kind of wooly she had like gangly limbs but her limbs like the bottoms of her limbs were filled with like the beans you know so they were kind of heavy but then she was soft but she was mostly like you know filled with stuffing and she was a bear and her name was amanda because she actually had my name like written on her foot and my mom got it for me because she just saw i was like oh it says amanda on the foot that's cute oh and the weird thing about that too she actually was like oh yeah i saw it in a catalog because it was like back in the day when like yeah like i don't even i honestly don't even know how y'all did it has anybody ever ordered them from a catalog what do you do you call them do you call them do you send something in you really did that they i think that what they i think they did but i'm not sure i've never ordered anything from a catalog pretty sure did they rip the page out and like fill out what they wanted on a page and send a check and stuff and say this is what i want from the catalog is that what y'all did really really what that's crazy you all must be so happy with it with online shopping and stuff but anyway my mom i guess i think from what i remember this is so weird but she found the amanda bear that she got me in a catalog and i remember this because i remember my brother he just wanted something he didn't actually care about the amanda bear he wouldn't have loved her and cherished her like i did but she was like yeah i saw it in a catalog and my brother was like why did you get amanda a random present but not me like why why didn't you give me like a one that said my name and my mom was like showed us the page and there was only two bears and they had an amanda bear and then they had like a bluish one and his name was matthew bear matt bear matthew bear weird right or it could have just been that they were the most popular names that year or something but but whatever i choose to see it as a premonition because amanda bear is psychic but anyway i love this bear still i mean my mom has her at her house and i kind of want to have custody of her again actually because i just do but like you know i was moving around and stuff and i was young so i was like take care of her because i might lose her i probably will because i lose things even if they're important to me i just lose things a lot so she's with my mom right now there she is again i don't understand she is really out here trying to be cast in the next blade runner it's amazing anyway yeah amanda bear was my number one i was just i mean she was just my you know she's the one that i brought to the sleepovers and i also had this horse that i got that was like this floppy horse and i named him mosey um and i loved him and i slept with him and then i was i was actually amanda and mosey and i needed both of them that's when you get into dangerous territory my friends is when you're starting to have multiple stuffed animals that you need because it's like now you got to keep track of all of these comfort objects you can't sleep without them and they were just my my fl my my squad you know my squad really needed a mosie and amanda bear and they're still alive today but they're just at my mom's house because i just again entrusted her to care for them and i want them back so i'm gonna make my mom send them to me in the mail but then again are they gonna get lost in the mail forever and die that would be awful i should just go and get them anyway yeah i was definitely a stuffed animal person who needed to sleep with stuffed animals sarah asked what is a song you wish you could listen to a book you wish you could read a sh or a show movie you wish you could watch again for the first time i love this because i'm always saying that i'm always like oh i wish i could do this for the first time again and it's funny because i feel like i was just just talking to matt and i said that i was like oh i wish i could watch it again for the first time but now i can't remember so i'm just going to try to see what comes out of the top off the top of my head mac is that mac mac it's getting hot out but it's still pretty cool i'm just reminding you that you are a brachiocephalic breed take it easy when these hot summer months come upon us please love you anyway uh yeah so what was i saying i don't know but a few that are coming to mind baby driver is one and the reason i'm thinking of that one is just because i remember like me and matt went to the theaters and we were kind of like we kind of went in blind like i think we just got like our friends were like oh you got to see this movie it's really good and we didn't really know what it was about but like we just the process of watching that movie for the first time in the theaters was just so fun and like i just had no idea what the hell was going on like and it was just so fantastic like i say i don't care about spoilers but then i always like have a great time when i'm not spoiled in something i don't know what it is i think honestly i think it's just my anxiety and i kind of like to have the forethought of what's gonna happen in movies most of the time or at least i think i like i like it but then like when i go into a movie and i didn't get spoiled like i just so happen to not get spoiled i end up enjoying it you know it's weird my psyche is weird another one is the sixth sense for sure because i still vividly remember another movie that miraculously somehow even though it had been out a few years before i saw it i somehow managed to not get spoiled with that movie and i had no idea i did not see it coming like by now i i'm pretty sure that everyone is spoiled of the sixth sense like i don't even think it's possible to watch that movie without knowing the twist at this point but at the time miraculously i think it had just been a few years since it had come out and miraculously like when the twist happens and i won't if some item i mean if you're somehow i have never seen the sixth sense and don't know what the twist is go watch it right now don't look at anything just go watch it i swear to god it's gonna be so fun but honestly i don't even think people that don't know the twist exist anyway like i watch that movie and it's also and it's such a good movie but then the twist happens and i was genuinely like what no no way no way what what i was just floored i was shocked but it was such a good twist it just like was the payoff was good the execution like the setup like because at first you're like nah and then you're like wait yeah no that makes that's makes sense yeah yeah that's uh yeah such a good movie uh and such a good twist and then i was just thinking of another one um oh my god this is so random but honestly watching um ocean's 11 for the first time so fun so fun having no idea like if they were gonna get away with it and stuff even though like obviously they're gonna get away with it but like how are they gonna do it and like oh no they didn't account for that yes they did what a fun movie that first one is and like watching it for the first time without knowing exactly like what is gonna go down amazing amazing so good uh oh my god definitely midsummer watching that for the first time oh god damn don't even tell me that's broccolo okay someone's child is is about to get their ass kicked today i uh okay somebody's gonna have to hold me back hold me back from this child like give me one good reason not to throw this child into the sea into the salty salty sea give me one good reason oh oh you eat it is that what you just said you just said eat it to me throwing broccoli into the sea yup throwing him into the seed this little this little look at him walking around with a smug little smile eat it i just told a grown woman to eat it broccolo you're in for a rude awakening buddy okay whose child is this honestly like whose god broccolo anyway [Music] oh my god okay parasite parasite dude holy parasite yeah i wish so badly that i could watch parasite for the first time again oh my god parasite is so good bong joon ho is my absolute favorite person who ever lived i've i actually worshiped the man yeah i'm obsessed he's like my favorite director by farm once i saw parasite i like because i had already seen a good amount i've already i already saw a snow piercer and i saw the host um and uh okja but i ended up like watching all of his films again and like i just went crazy and i'm in love with him uh and i love that movie parasite and i've seen it multiple times but nothing will ever compare to the first time i ever saw that movie nothing what a movie yeah oh god if you haven't seen parasite yet y'all have got to see parasite oh my god oh and trained busan too oh my god see and train to busan for the first time again wow can you imagine can you imagine watching that movie for the first time because i can i was on the ground rolling around part of me actually maybe doesn't want to watch that movie for the first time because the suspense nothing i don't i think yeah i think that was the most suspense i ever felt in a film watching watching a film i know there's probably like a million more but i'm just unable to think of them oh and then songs uh lateralis by tool definitely oh my god okay listen thank you next by ariana grande what a song like when that first came out and i was like listening to the lyrics i was like like i was reacting the whole time to hearing what she says like every time just something about her it takes me a long time to normally warm up to songs and to fall in love with them but i feel like so many of ariana grande's songs instant don't even tell me this is gloria y'all this is really gonna be like a gladiator style like battle you know it really is like i'm gonna make up a helmet out of one of these pairs and i'm just gonna stab her because like she knows better look at her can you even believe i ever let her set foot on my island actually i didn't i never gave her permission to do that i'm so glad she didn't see me because like meeting her gays that would have just sent me and then oh my god listening to uh lights lights up by harry styles can you even believe he did that like come on harry styles lights up hearing that for the first time adore you like basically just realizing wow harry you really went and wrote the this album you really went and wrote fine line oh my god and there's so many buckethead songs that i wish i could listen to again for the first time soothsayer obviously being one um the coats of clawed too is another one that i can remember like it viscerally just like affected me oh yeah bloodsport by uh sleep token for sure ooh in a book a book i could read for the first time oh my god oh um first one that comes to mind is actually the seven husbands of evelyn hugo because it was i recently read that book and i like you know it was one that i recently read in like like two nights and it was just like ugh it was just such a i just loved it it was just such a good book and i just it just totally captured me and swept me away and i'm literally forgetting other books which is gross but you know how it is you forget like that you're like i actually don't think i've ever read a book before thanks for your question though i am i appreciate you assuming that i've read books even though i literally read all the time so much i've read so many things obviously i could say all the harry potter books even though like i would love for jk rowling to come and fight me basically is what i'm saying would love to fight you joe really would you and ted cruz together i think i could take you both honestly where are like my lists of books that i've i've read like come on i am not even kidding you i'm having a weird like hallucination that this is spork again but it can't possibly be spork again can it no no they wouldn't do that to me would they yeah this is spork again the potato it's a it's just a potato walking around i don't even think it's a it's an animal uh yeah very odd situation for me to have to go through honestly mooney asked do you remember what your first hyper fixation was i think basically dinosaurs like i have a couple of like distinct memories of me being way too young to be like doing this when it came to dinosaurs like in public with people because i was that like convicted to them it was like my kindergarten i literally i was kindergarten kindergarten class was learning about dinosaurs right and uh we made this big huge t-rex big huge one made of paper like everybody pitched in and we all had to draw like a certain portion of it and then we put it together and the class had to vote on what color the t-rex would be and it was between like green red blue um but we we like raised our hands to nominate colors and i nominated modeled modeled it was the pattern modeled because that's what it said in my book that that dinosaur skin was probably like modeled which just means that they have like little just means that they have like it's kind of like i don't know how to describe it it's like not tied eye but like just a kind of a swirl of colors and my teacher didn't remember when you were a kid and you couldn't say good so the adults had no idea what you were saying that was me i was like modeled and they're like what and i was like um modeled because i read it in my book and i remember i read the word and i didn't know how to pronounce it so i asked my mom to pronounce it for me so in my mind modeled was like a color like a specific color uh and i was like modeled and they're like i don't know what you're saying it molds like green and i'm like no modeled and i was so upset that they didn't understand like you're a teacher you should have known that it was modeled that i was saying anyway that reminded me of this time too that um i think we were like learning about different biomes and we were talking about the tundra and we were all you know raising our hands because they were gonna list as many animals as we could think of that came from the tundra and my ass i was again in kindergarten and i knew what lemmings were everybody else is like polar bear penguin all the basics you know what i mean and i'm over there like lemmings and my teacher i will never forget they didn't know what they were like what are you saying lenny like do you have an uncle lenny that lives in i'm like no lemmings but like i couldn't say it right because i was a kid and my voice was probably dumb i don't know i was like lemmings they're like lemmy and i'm like lemmings they're like lemons i'm like lemmings and they're like can you describe it i'm like there are these wrote little small rodents and they're like i don't know what you're talking about i was gaslit in kindergarten warmings yo anyway i also remember i got angry and like i did caused a scene in class because i raised my hand to say that dinosaurs had feathers that many uh theropods had feathers and my teacher again was like i don't know about that amanda and i was like well now you do because i just told you a lot of theropods including all raptors and probably even the t-rex had feathers and they were like i don't think so because this teacher was getting their information from jurassic park and giving it to the youth of america the future of america i couldn't believe it even as a child i used to storm home and be like mom i want to go to a different school like these people do not know what they're talking about they're educating me the wrong way there's caesar really don't like the guy oh and then my teacher also i have memories y'all thought you could get away with it but i still remember i said utahraptor as like because we're naming different types of dinosaurs and my teacher didn't know what that was and was like utahraptor did you like they always tried to gaslight me i swear to god they were always like oh yeah they have a lot of fossils in utah but you saw i'm like i've never been to utah we're broke utah raptor is a species they're like oh i bet that you've there's a lot of fossils in utah i'm like i know and if you could just write utah rapture that's why they named it that down on the list of the other kids stegosaurus triceratops brontosaurus which isn't even a dinosaur by the way it's apatosaurus but like they were naming these basic ass because they all watched oh good for you you watched lamb before time that's great i'm very happy for you oh sharp tooth you put it on the list and the teacher wrote it down i'm out of here i am no longer attending this elementary school like i really didn't belong there but yeah no that was uh that was my dinosaur fixation period um because they're really cool you know buckmink asked what other languages do you speak and what languages are you particularly interested in learning great question so right now i would say that i am not fluent in anything else yet but i am okay with spanish like i can survive when i am in peru for example like i i i really brushed up on my spanish before i went and i um have a pretty good grasp of it and it was really helpful to like solidify a lot of that um when i went there and had to like speak a lot of it for like a month so that was really helpful and then i have a basic understanding of asl american sign language but those are two languages that i really really really really really really want to be fluent in um and i really need to get on that duolingo is just honestly so clingy that i that it's he's pushing me away he really is but with that being said i really want to learn american sign language that's probably one of the languages that i'm most interested in learning that i wish everybody would learn because it could be such a good universal language so i'm i do have a good basis of it um i would say but i obviously have so much to learn and then yeah with spanish i would say i'm like halfway there i can survive again in like a spanish-speaking country it's to the point where i'm starting to get to the point where like if i'm if i hear spanish being spoken like in a movie or like on a podcast or something i can i can follow it somewhat um but i would not call myself fluent because it's so hard anybody like literally the amount of respect i have for people who learn any other language especially enough to be fluent i mean it's amazing it's like one of them i feel like it's one of the hardest things you could do especially when you are an adult that's why if i ever do have kids like you can apparently if you learn language as young like your brain's plasticity is so much more absorbent or i don't know what the word would be it you can absorb more you can learn things really easily and so if you load those babies up with a couple languages when they're young like they'll remember that why am i seeing sylvia this is not sylvia what's her name again i have no idea not the slightest idea marcy marcy hate that your baby's got those falsies on girl why is th is is that why is that but anyway yeah i'm gonna do my children a favor of having them learn languages when they're young maybe like one or two at least probably just yeah sign language is amazing to teach the babies because like even before they're old enough they can still communicate which is really cool and then yeah like spanish i think is just a really great language to learn because it's such a commonly spoken language like there are really people out there who know like several languages how are y'all keeping your story straight it's amazing anybody that's why i rage when people make fun of other people for having broken english or like accents or something but they're like literally in your country speaking your language like if you went to their country for two seconds you would literally die because you wouldn't know how to ask for food okay shut the hell up cletus [Music] you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 36,564
Rating: 4.9446449 out of 5
Keywords: theamandafiles, amanda sargent, animal crossing, acnh, animal crossing new horizons, villager hunt, dreamie hunt, villager hunting
Id: vqvB1Y3Zv3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 18sec (5598 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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