spoiler alert: I marry sebastian in this one | STARDEW #6

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all right we are back at it again with the stardew uh i know it's been a while i apologize i definitely have been playing believe me like i said in like at least one of these videos if not all of them this is definitely like my comfort game you know like this is a game that i can like sink myself into and just like leave the entire planet so as you can see i have a shirt a lot of things to unpack a lot of things to go over i have a shirt in fact i have a lot of shirts things are so different look at how much money i have like it's yeah things are different i will say almost no developments like with people i don't think that i don't really think there's been any because i've been grinding i have been grinding i have i don't even remember the last cut scene i had i really don't honest to god oh my god i think it was the last cut scene i can remember having that i may not have gotten to talk to you guys about was precious beautiful lovely emily doing her dance routine wasn't that like just so delightful so randomly incredibly confusingly delightful i loved everything about it it was the weirdest thing i've ever seen and it made me definitely i've caught feelings for her but no one compares to sebby of course he's still my number one we just celebrated his birthday but for the most part like these towns people ain't been seeing much of me because i have been grinding so it's obviously like almost the end of winter on year three and i think the last time we talked it was year two so yeah it's been like a whole last year um and it shows it shows so i got my sh i got my shirt i have many more shirts that's something we're definitely gonna gonna be chatting about is the shirt situation finally got that sewing machine unlocked thank you emily i didn't even read that what did it say something about morlock yes extra luck sweet what is going on here i gave him too many pizzas oh my god great this is awkward hi amanda guess what my band is playing a show tonight in zuzu city oh you mean sebastian's band meet me at the bus stop around four this afternoon to leave for the show you better be there yeah i'm to be there to support my boyfriend sebastian thanks for the invite sam my boyfriend's best friend yeah it's getting we're getting close i guess night market yay okay as you can clearly see like we're even are we this can't possibly be kestrel farms except yes it can because it is y'all y'all ain't gonna even recognize the place to say is how to grow up is an understatement yeah we have quite a bit to go over so this is like you know where my crops will be nothing in here obviously now because it's definitely winter obviously you all know how it goes finally figured out how the fencing works got all my like basically just money money money money drip drip trip all over the place lots of wells look at this look at my absolute barnyard you know we got this hanging out going crazy going wild over here why did you just do that you dumb yeah eating money because i'm so rich except i'm really not because i just blew a ton of my money on animals because i have so many animals i think i like maybe even low-key like have too many animals like it takes me so much time to take care of all these muckers it really does but they're so cute right so this is my cow and pig bun what could you possibly have to complain about you have all the food you could ever want to eat i don't understand i don't understand ladies what the food's right here why are they mad hello you have food i think i might have like kind of ran out which is crazy because i filled two silos before the winter and still ran out aka i have too many animals like how cute right i really feel like this is a real farm now i can't believe it how much it's changed here's my goat barn i love how they're all happy though despite the fact that they actually did starve the cavs complain they didn't starve and then we got the sheep in here and then down here's the rabbits but i'm gonna go empty out my pockets first because like we gotta figure out what we're wearing to this concert right we gotta wear something like something hot right so yeah obviously been pretty busy got a lot going on like i just wanna make sure my farm was really popping off before i i don't know get distracted with like marriage you know i got that mermaids pendant like so long ago you know what i mean like i don't even know like a year ago and i still i'm just like i'm that you know i'm like a kind of low-key afraid of commitment you know i'm not really rushing to get married but at the same time i know it's sebastian it's obviously sebastian it's always been sebastian i still don't know how to fish period like i just can't do it i've never caught a fish so i'm pretty sure that the only bundles that i have left to complete are literally the fish and that's it it's ridiculous it's so stupid like i just don't i can't do it i'm like not confident enough to do it i really don't know what is wrong with me oh my grandpa came like back to like what the hell was that i love this game this game is so weird my grandpa came back from the dead as a ghost to talk to me and you know what's really funny so he was like really nice to me he was like oh the farm's looking great like you're doing so well you're doing your best you're doing awesome that was the first thing he said to me right and then he like came back a couple days later and he was like i may have been too harsh with you and i was like why grandpa you were like so nice to me what are you talking about and i really felt too like my farm like wasn't at the time like this was like the beginning of year three so i just i don't know my farm like wasn't that great at the time um and he was still like really nice to me and then like i looked it up and apparently he's normally like he normally is kind of like oh yeah the farm is not looking good but okay i'm glad you're having fun i guess i don't know i guess grandpa kind of like berates you but he was really nice to me he was really nice to me and he apologized for like for what he said to y'all i guess you know so just i guess i'm passing it on because he didn't have to apologize to me for so i have like a lot of clothes now yeah yeah i feel yeah i feel like i took power back you know i took the power back from my life i want to look like sebastian's girlfriend you know so we're going dark oh this might be cute i want to look cute but hot you know dark wow bikini top what if i just like pulled out all the stops wore this and this trash can shirt this is actually what i belong and let's be honest i don't know we want to stand out how does this look i love the flower oh no it took all my hair i mean that's very cute for like a winter day i love it but not today i want to look as hot as possible oh don't do that again see how easy it is oh that's actually cute you can kind of like see i don't know it makes me look kind of like shapely hmm oh my god get a load of this i just want to see if there's anything cuter to wear pants wise and shoes wise what am i wearing what is that there's my feet oh with the boots oh wait i like that it's actually kind of cute with the boots and stuff i don't know yeah you know what i think that just might work oh my god i think i look kind of cute you know it's kind of like a long cardigan with a skirt and then the boots i like it i really do think that came out cute just it's burning a hole in my pocket not gonna lie yeah these leather boots let's see if they look any different than the fire walker boots because that's kind of cool it's like how do you beat that do they look any different oh these are actually kind of cute i think which ones oh my god i have like 20 minutes ah fire walker yeah actually i think it's gonna be the fire walkers yeah yeah yeah buy a long shot actually wow i have like all this cute furniture that i like forgot i had in here holy whoops whoops um do i have anything in here really quick these i doubt these are going to be the ones i really doubt it yeah wow what a risk girl you look like a blue footed boobie put them back i don't think so yeah it's going to be the fire walkers wow yeah i actually managed to pull off a cute outfit things are really turning up for me in stardew valley grandpa yay oh my god it's sebastian i know this is like supposed to be a date with sam but like it's not and i really hope that it doesn't end up being like a thing oh linus come with us linus hi amanda thanks for coming yeah of course i will always want to come support my boyfriend sebastian of course well our gears loaded already looks like everything's set yeah sebastian are you gonna sit next to me all right everyone let's get in the bus yeah let's do it i actually you know what i've been so busy i unlocked the bus like a while ago i guess it wasn't a while ago it was like a couple days ago and uh i still haven't gone to the desert yet i haven't had time i swear in my life have not gone yet let's do that let's make sure that we i'm gonna make an effort because i've been wanting to go so bad i want to go so so bad but i just always forget gulp i'm starting to get really nervous oh sebby are you nervous you're not okay cool that's good good to know okay here we are wish me luck i'm gonna wish everybody in the band luck good luck to the entire band i wish i could go on sebastian's side whoa look at those cool people that emily found i want to talk to them hey everyone we're from pelican town and uh we're called goblin destroyer i love it great job oh look at linus he's looking in the trash i love him where are we by the way it's like a back alleyway where is this yo look at these look at shane in the background look at this guy with those big baggy pants oh my god this guy over here with the green hair i love him oh my god me and penny together the front row i honestly look so cute [Music] sebastian you've never in your life look better oh my god baby i'm so proud of you i really wish i could go stand on your side because i'm your girlfriend but whatever wow sam go sam wow sebastian you're killing it you really are [Music] great that was great everybody loved it yeah sebastian killed it everybody killed it abby over on the drums girl that's so badass girl drummers we need more girl drummers we really do more just more girls and bands in general like normalize girls and bands but they're not the lead singer am i right i really love that heavy breakdown at the end yeah actually same honestly like sebby really killed it that keyboard solo that synth oh the synth was the best part actually honestly y'all are so progressive i love it wait what did i do what did i do what why is everybody clapping for me what excuse me but you should really be clapping for amanda oh i guess that one time that i went to their room and they asked me what kind of music to make wow yeah i'd like literally oh that guy's still bobbing his knees that guy's drunk can somebody tell him the whole thing's over big lebowski over there is vibing look at him what the hell can somebody just tap him on the shoulder and just snap him out of it and you know what else is really embarrassing sam is that everybody here is clapping for me for doing literally nothing standing here watching the show so you're like an honorary member of the band then well you know honestly i really could be like a full member if they wanted me to i'm a decent singer i know sam's already the singer but sam like if you wanted to you could um you just focus on guitar i could be the singer i will not settle for tambourine girl yeah i will definitely pick up one of your demos even though i already have 16 copies that i have already gotten from sebastian who is my boyfriend so yeah that cutscene was just a general moment in my life it had nothing to do with sam that went well thanks again for coming with us you know i'm getting nervous that like it's getting the point where like i'm getting too close to these people oh my god i look so cute i'm sorry i'm really sorry but this is honestly what i deserve you know what i did all my chores and i'm going in the desert i don't care and by the way can we just talk about how pam is the bus driver um hello is she sober what no way like i've never seen anything about this are you kidding me wait first of all can i please buy a camel you're so cute yes you are oh my god i love camel so much i have this thing where every single time i interact with and see a camel i want one i'm always like yes someday i want one like i'll tell matt i'll be like when we get our farm like we're getting a camel he's like amanda what and i'm like that's the one thing that's all i want that's all i ask that's going to be like a little bit as far as like big like crazy like kind of exotic animals because you can find camels need homes you guys there's a lot of like unwanted camels out there there's like camo problems in other countries and stuff i don't know if they like ship them here but i think there's like too many camels right i'll take one i love them i think they have such gentle beautiful souls oh a war oh what oh they trade stuff here oh no wait so i can't buy anything oh my god this is actually so cool what well good thing i'm not gonna buy that anyway because i feel like that's very culturally appropriate oh my god a butterfly hutch i knew i've been saving those batwings for something oh my god what is the staircase oh wow how cool no way a mega bomb well guess what i've never even used a regular bomb because i'm scared so wow so i brought nothing to trade whatsoever can i have this he's so cute hi baby and they have four knees oh i love them is that can i have this oh hell yeah what this is oh my god it's over for everyone oh my god how cool i actually just ran i cut down all the trees i need more trees can i get wood from this hell yeah i really need wood y'all is it regular wood please tell me it's regular wood hell yeah yes because i i swear to god i cut down every tree i've been deforested stardew valley i'm so sorry i know they'll grow back thankfully thank god there's a coconut um yeah thankfully they'll grow back but i for now like i need them and i've been like cutting down the little sprouts and i'm like this can't last forever amanda this is not sustainable because like they're never gonna grow back the full trees yeah i'm constantly building buildings and and that takes a lot of wood this is so awesome wow this is so cool is there anybody else here like any like hot guys i'm just kidding i'm devoted to sebastian but honestly though like are there i love this i love that there's just like a randomly a desert and i'm also gonna deforest this desert but i'm sure the trees will grow back that's all that matters i thought that was a bee's nest for a second animal crossing i hate when that happens that's devastating oh my god the cave what wow yeah i'm never gonna put this down holy how could you ever get bored of this game there's just so much oh my god do i even have everything do i have my swords and oh my god oh i have that skeleton key too i was wondering where that was gonna go to i was like i have no idea should i look it up oh my god no way yeah what yo this is so awesome oh my god it's like a tomb should i be in here get a curse king tut curse wait i want to go back out there i think this is like just another mine but you know i love a good mine oh it's 8 20 p.m that's the thing with this game the time goes so damn fast so damn fast wait do i just want to like keep doing this until no because it's a waste of time go amanda drink a coffee and go oh what the hell god it was not prepared what the hell was that what is that get the out of here you piece of no i'm not doing this with you no because there's nobody here who's gonna scrape my ass off the ground no lioness isn't here oh my god yeah i'm out of here just not today not feeling it today honestly it's 9 p.m and i'm like really not feeling fighting a literal dragon what is this this is for the alien spaceship this is aliens okay period i love this guy what is his name gonna be oh my god i love him what should we name him his name is gonna be marcus yeah his name is marcus anything else what is this the oasis are you kidding me is it closed are you kidding me what is this uh customer oh damn sandy damn hi welcome to sandy's oasis dude i swear to god i haven't heard of like any of this like nothing i've never seen her in my life even as like much as i love stardew valley and i like don't even try to avoid spoilers who why aren't we talking about sandy i'm never gonna stop wow emily's been writing to her wow emily emily the hoe i can see why yay i'm so happy oh my god me too i think you're so pretty what do i do what's what is this what is this place who the is that i'm not doing this not today what is this who are you what the man in black bouncer excuse me what the hell i'm not allowed not allowed in there huh why oh my god how cute can only be grown indoors yeah please yep let me just spend all my money thank you mmm yeah loading up let's just get like 30 to start oh my god yes yeah i'm not gonna need miss uh purple pig anymore no except for just kidding because i get my fish from her right now because i can't fish so whenever she's selling oh a skeleton shirt hell yeah yeah whenever she's selling like a fish wait why why won't he let me in there please visit again soon i get so bored out here girl you know it yeah honestly girl if you ever need anything like if here's my number like text me if you ever want to talk or something text me on the job why won't he let me back here girl can i go back there i'm feeling like a little bit offended oh it's 10 20. i gotta go girl sorry why can't i go to the oasis what is this does anyone know about this this is a whole ass like undiscovered it's ma gates at the desert sun even in death it yearns for a taste damn concerned ape do you ever just like fall in love with somebody based on the game that they built come on he's like the coolest guy ever right that's amazing where's my ladder can i go up there whatever i gotta get going bye marcus what's your name again sorry i didn't catch your name welcome traveler interested in making a trade what's your name sir i would like to be friends with you bye marcus can i have him if marcus ever needs a home if you ever don't want him anymore just let me know i get back on the bus and pam is like passed out she's asleep i have to drive the bus home like i just can't believe out of everybody it's pam driving us to and from a whole ass desert okay wow i went to the desert for the first time today and went to the concert what an eventful day so yeah i guess like what i'm trying to do is like work on getting i wouldn't necessarily say that i want to get like i i'm actually kind of low-key nervous that i'm going to start getting like cut scenes with people that are going to be like intimate because like i genuinely do not want to like cheat on sebastian let's see what the heart's doing yeah see shane is that that's yeah let's get into this get into dangerous territory it's already been in dangerous territory with shane what am i talking about sam it's getting dangerous with sam especially because that's his best friend like i was just trying to kind of like have a bond with sam because he's my boyfriend's best friend but i think sam is starting to kind of get the wrong idea not gonna lie emily yeah same she like is in love with me abigail we're still at four hearts you know wizard since i changed my look i haven't really needed the guy i haven't really talked to him i'm not gonna lie linus my baby haley you know i could stand i'm trying i'm trying with george i forgot that that was my goal but i'm gonna keep trying pam i don't care about the woman at all um so yeah there's definitely evelyn hates me marnie hates me yeah marnie hates me and everybody keeps telling me to do the thing for mayor lewis where i get his underwear back and apparently they're in marnie's room because i don't again care really much about spoilers but they said that like you know the whole situation with them is worth in in investigating so we're gonna try to do that too because of course we are i really pulled off the out i pulled off this entire day not gonna lie this was a win this day was a win yep today was a fairy tale not gonna lie yep got my bag too yep i managed to look hot at a concert where my boyfriend was in the band playing um go to the desert for the first time met one of my best friends of all time sandy looked hot doing it and got my bag while i was at it pretty amazing doing great yeah you could say i'm thriving in stardew valley finally it's been a while long time coming this is what i deserve luck will not be on my side great so yeah i'm also trying to start thinking about like what i'm going to wear to my wedding to sebastian once i propose to him because i'm a bad oh sam that was nice amanda the show was a rock and success i wanted to say thanks again for all your help in creating this amazing band we couldn't have done it without you i literally didn't do but i'll take it yeah you're welcome anytime i see you've entered the skull cavern well done i've got a better challenge for you kid make it at least 25 levels deep i've got a mountain of whatever the that is gold to send if you can do it your friend mister key is that key key except quest yeah sure yeah bring it on challenge accepted this is the black parade i'm sorry hello let's actually hi rigby hi baby come here do you want to get a camel i'm trying to buy marcus i really am been a whole year and i really do love the night market always so much to see and do this guy's shifty as huh his eyes how's that please yes i'm actually rich now for the first time so i will buy everything because i'm trying to get a bunch of plants for my bougie little like thing should i be like getting these i guess right why not oh my god look at me i'm like yep put it away amanda come on hey my buddy i love how she always waves oh yes perfect another thing for my bundles yellow couch i'll take it i am blowing money like very irresponsibly it's fine we'll see what you have tomorrow oh i like this can i buy this actually yes i'll take it it's a snake it's nice being reg the serpent i love it thank you hi okay so i got distracted for like five or six stardew days and like redecorated and just did a whole bunch of stuff like got some work going on some buildings you know not what i was planning on doing at all that because that's that's what i do but i needed to do it and it gave me some time to think about like what i'm actually doing you know so i can actually be kind of organized and uh actually get some done so um what are we doing oh i want to be friend marnie so i have something that she loves that i'm going to give to her i've been giving her little things here and there i also yeah i did some redecorating in here what do you think i love the way this came out actually like i've never actually like gotten to spend much time on my house so i'm kind of glad i actually don't want this chair there but i'm not doing that right now because i will get sucked back into it and i don't know if i like this big huge bear statue that's kind of tacky but it's awesome too right you know when you have something and it's awesome and you want to use it like i don't want that to be like in storage but i also don't even know if i like it so that's weird and then i did some like i did like all the organizing in here like because atd like that's just my life um so yeah and then i've been thinking hard about this honestly giving me a lot to think about to say the least and then i want to try to freaking figure out that try to figure out fishing because i really do need to finish the community center and then yeah i want to go to the the dentist again i mean oh my god the desert did i say the dentist the dentist the desert amanda not even related at all they share the first two letters and that's it the dentist i can't be trusted to speak be patient i still have a lot of work to do i was literally just saying hi and wanting to know if you wanted a coffee or something you want a coffee or something thanks this is really nice yeah you're welcome thank you thank you mother-in-law maybe this spring yeah i think we should just do it right i think the only thing stopping me at this point is having something to wear so yeah that's another one of our goals now that i think about it yeah find something to wear for the wedding and if i can find something then it we'll get married you know it's gonna be a big video i guess we'll get married i really don't even know what is gonna happen after marriage like yeah he's gonna be sleeping in the same bed as me every night sorry that's like so exciting i'm such a simp my little sim part can't take it to see like i can't even i can't even picture sebastian in bed with me yes get me all sorts of excited did i check on my sheep i don't think i did oh and then for my secret santa i never get a fun secret santa ever like a caroline i don't even know that i don't speak to her i don't know she just seems kind of like stuck up i just don't like that whole family pierre in them who's that and they they that them too produced abigail see i you know what you know i i like don't i didn't like i've never talked to caroline but y'all told me about the wizard theory 100 that's a hundred percent are you kidding me pierre he doesn't have he doesn't have it in them he doesn't i just don't like that guy at all i really don't something about pierre he's just so he's he's one of those people who's like punchable you know what i mean he's just like a and like people like shane consistently is telling me like oh i got something from pierre's shop and it was awful it's all mangled and like moldy and stuff and i'm like hmm pierre that's like really embarrassing for you he's just like my competition you know so i really would love to see him fail i don't know just something about him he's like a dweeb you know i'm like literally in a skirt and like a tank top it's great i'm such a badass hey girl give me access to your room so i can get them shorts start unraveling the mystery oh my god she's so sweet she's such an angel look at her angelic little face this is an incredible gift thanks it's just too bad that her sprite ended up like that like what the up with her smile what is that oh there's shane do i do it to him yeah i think i do hi shane oh hi shane this is great thanks are you my friend or what if i watch more tv maybe i can forget about life that would be relaxing ugh shane poor guy at least he's got his little blue chickens that he's these little like gmo chickens that he's making right i wanted blue chicken yo how do i get the void chickens what the hell how do i get that stuff tell me how cause you got you guys have like told me how to play this whole ass game how do i do the crab pot i love these these are so pretty i could be at the desert right now but instead of freezing my ass off in winter in the middle of winter and you know what i did not dress appropriately and that's everyone else's fault but mine come on see this is why i hate this i hate this my poor horse is having a stand here elliot please come help me elliot can you just catch all the fish on this list please for the junomas why do i have to be the only one to do the community center no one else is helping that's why i hate mayor lewis i get like squeaky vibes from him i just don't feel like the guy honestly if i'm being completely honest with you i just don't like him i think we butt heads i think we both have like a dominant personality and we bite heads i don't like the guy i kind of want to ruin his life you know that's why i'm trying to get to the the bottom of this marnie situation if he's hurting her my my marnie mayor lewis honey yeah i'm not the kind of person you want as an enemy just gonna say that i'm a bold ass just kidding runs away crying yo i'm sick i'm sick and tired of this i'm pulling out i hate this oh that's so sweet it would be fun if we could go sledding wouldn't it yeah miyu and sebastian he likes to talk to you so have you been doing lately that's really nice you know i'm really happy for all the people who went with sam not that i'm not happy for myself with sebastian but like i'm real real happy for y'all you know what i'm not ready to go to the desert today i'm putting it off for another day because you know what i'm just gonna go to the mines instead do i even have like room in my pockets amanda stop carrying people's trash around with you you absolute embarrassment to society oh but anyway yeah like i'm really happy with sebastian love the guy to death obviously he's like ugh just thinking about him gives it just makes me dizzy but sam he's like a tender hearted guy he really is and he just like you know something about him like i love that sebastian's like very mysterious he doesn't like all right he doesn't give you too much you know you're really gonna work to get another guy but sam is so cute he really is he's kind of a himbo he's kind of a little bit of a himbo right sam a little bit yeah you're not like huge or anything where's my pizzas my pizza stash i always keep like 10 pizzas on me can you imagine just walking around with 10 pizzas in the mines like it's just so funny to put i always like put this into perspective like i got like two sea urchins and ten pizzas in my pockets in a watering can i'm like hey guys see this is why women need need pockets this is because we have so much to carry around like two sea urchins 26 cups of coffee and nine pizzas okay where am i gonna put my nine pizzas if i don't have any pockets what am i oh i'm gonna water the slime is that right is that rain a little chocolate chip ass come here yeah that's what i thought yo i haven't really got i don't know if i've gotten this far on the game though but why is robin building the african slime farm a slime farm i'm sorry what what is that what's the what why why what's the use for that y'all are breeding these little for what for your own sick enjoyment like why and then you just kill them you you breed them that's am i getting this right i just i don't know i haven't been made privy to like any reason to breed or to have like a slime farm i hate these these are my mortal enemies you little shits yeah you little and i'm not trying to bring them into the world just to slaughter them are you guys doing that for fun just for fun huh yeah because you're sick i don't know why why the hell is there a slime farm option i just don't get it and i would love for somebody to explain it to me i will say that i get the uh i get that slime as a commodity hot commodity i needed it for my oil makers you know and that's 50 slimes thank you very much and i've only managed to get enough to make two but like i'm not trying to have a whole ass farm just for like the slime so i can have what a whole emporium of these oil makers i don't know what are you guys doing with the slimes please tell me because i'm actually so concerned oh they're so bad because they're just so mean they're nasty little things i am so gonna pass out it's not even funny and get robbed by harvey morris or some random guy you know what is the most insulting thing though is when you pass out on your own property i passed on on my skin deck on my deck recently on my deck my own deck what you're telling me somebody found me on my deck first of all what are you doing on my property harvey first and foremost please let me know what did you just do in your rounds at one of two o'clock in the morning doing your rounds on my property okay let's get one thing straight you're not allowed on my property no trespassing where's banksy in this situation banksy next time you see harvey morris not linus but the other person the person who's apparently going through my pockets rip them two shreds sick them okay rip them to shreds i don't care you see me passed out on my deck first and foremost again i cannot stress this enough what the are you doing on my property please explain that right now before we go any further with the conversation second of all mind your own business you didn't trespass on my property to mind your own business i get that yes i am passed out cold blacked out on my deck and you need to mind your own business that's what i'm saying it's just insane i get it if i if i'm passed out up in the mountains or whatever you know i get it fine sue me bring me in i don't know i'm just gonna do this real quick and then we're gonna go to the desert love that i got on the bus with like this big baguette put this away amanda why is he tied up by his neck i just noticed that i don't like it i need um what sorry marcus if this is scaring you why is he tied up by his neck i don't like that i'm confiscating him thank you kill kill kill everything in sight i'm like the one slur i really am acting like wansler out here really cutting down all the trees piece of that shit's my favorite i really want to get like a tattoo the word unless because i love the lorax book like i saw the movie in theaters because i love the lorax you all know i love the lorax and like i'm not gonna lie to you when i saw the once i was like wow i can't believe they did him like this like he's like an emo boy what the is this i'm kind of digging it except for when he went he was he got too cringy too quick for me for my liking you know all that with him in the green i don't like that i don't yeah that's not my thing i really dude you're cringing me out never mind you and the green pin stripes with the top hat no no no no no no no that's where i draw the line munchler it's so funny though that it became a whole ass fandom i actually kind of love it i'm not gonna lie okay girl what's up you won't find these goods anywhere else yeah i'm looking at them i'm i'm looking at you not your goods let's just say that may or else oh this is a dick measuring contest between me and lewis it's over i'm gonna wear these yes i love it oh my god yeah my new goal in life is to with lewis wait can i please go back here i just really want to go back here this guy's an what the hell becky what's her name again sandy hey can i go back there with that guy what's up what's up with that what's that all about can you like tell me i really am having fomo because they heard i'm in the wansler fandom they will not let me i don't know why i'm just keep bringing this up because i was cutting down too many trees like how bad can i be amanda stop mayor lewis and marny marny sweetheart i think he could do a bit better than that honestly you know i think i'm just really pissed that he made me do the ice fishing competition that one time i really don't think i'll ever be over that mummies yes i'm really out here trying to get cursed by king toot and common love that for me where's my pizzas oh my god your loyal horse waits patiently for your return my loyal horse i love you so much rigby i would jump in front of a speeding train anything in front of a skeleton love how i just had to like waste some more time just i could be really late how far can i push it you know how bad can i be stop making one slower references amanda please please you're making people uncomfortable i would have never kept cutting lorax pops out he's like please stop i'd be like okay of course of course of course i will definitely stop once or just couldn't do it goody grungy ass glove ass wearing up in the thing with a big beard what's good ho woo we having a standoff no i'm just kidding we're cool oh anna oh and oh you found the lucky purple shorts better return it to lewis no no i don't think i will honestly what if i didn't like what if i didn't you know what if i just didn't would that be like illegal because like he probably forgot about him you know i don't know i kind of want to use him as like blackmail as much as i don't want mayor lewis's crusty ass boxers boxers he's wearing boxers how old is ew better not inspect these too closely yeah men are disgusting so that's done and then yeah i actually have some like options for the wedding that's coming up that like i should probably get the show on the road for right because like y'all when i think about proposing to sebastian is too much is too much like i'm sorry it's just like okay full disclosure i'm so awkward as you all know you all know me by now my awkward ass right also totally about like dismantling the patriarchy and like gender roles that right however personally just for me not for everybody else there was one gender role that i was more than willing to conform to and that was that i would i was so happy that the chances were pretty likely that a dude would propose to me as opposed to vice versa because i don't think that i could do it like period it's just too scary like and it's so funny because it's like when matt like proposed to me like after i was like oh my god were you nervous because like i had no idea you know he's like my bestest friend in the whole wide world so i'm like oh my god were you like nervous and he was like yeah and i was like why freaking dork what did you think i was gonna say no why are you nervous he's like i don't know it's like a big deal i'm like i know right it's so weird like it's so dorky that you would be like nervous but then like it's so because like matt's the type of guy like not he's not like a nervous i don't know he's not like the type to get nervous you know he's like i don't know he's just like gonna do it so me like i don't know it's so weird that it's like your your bff that you like love and you like know this person pretty well you probably have a good idea if they're gonna say yes or no even if you like completely surprise them and like take them by storm it's still like you probably still have a decent idea that they're like not neces you know it's not like i was like shocked that like we'd been together for gosh six years i think at the time that we yeah like six years or something i was like i wasn't and we like talked about it it wasn't like we didn't plan it at all like he didn't have i don't know i didn't even really know what what we were doing like but i just knew i was like obviously we're gonna get married i'm not doing this again of course not you know like like one and done dude i've already invested seven years of my life into you or six or seven years into my life into you yeah but i was in like no rush kind of that situation but still like you you have an idea but i would still be like i think i would just chicken out straight up i think i would have the ring with me and i would just not do it i just wouldn't find a good time you know because i'm just that awkward oh i'm planting seeds at midnight so smart so cunning so good at this game okay so yeah i'm gonna start getting ready to like propose to sebastian right ooh yikes dude like what's that how does it even go how that should even go dude do i have time to plant one more like a little patch of seeds probably not probably not amanda you're always pushing it harvey found me on my porch again not too long ago we got an hour which is actually what five minutes not even not even one minute one minute a single minute actually is what we what we've got to work with here anyway what was i going to do oh yeah so tomorrow we'll try on some wedding clothes and we'll think about doing the thing with sebastian yikes dude what do i do what do i do should i plan something like special like should i take him out to dinner like what do i do what do i do like i just give it to him one day i just whip it out i'm like hey and you know like super ancient tradition that y'all like take very seriously he's like typing in his lap he's got the thing in his lap he's smoking i'm like hey so uh ew like how do i do this i just hand it to him yeah yeah i guess i mean he's my best friend sebastian it's sebastian what do you think he's gonna laugh at you yeah yes i do actually okay while i'm in here i can try on some some options ew so i'm just saving these for like a later date trash amanda it's trash trash trash it's junk okay i'm gonna start like saving up for the fair i won last year year three i won i sweeped them yeah did you all know that i won the fair i did also the fortune teller said that she saw me and sebastian oh god what did she say i'll put a screenshot i took a screenshot oh we were working on a farm together can you believe it yeah my luck yep yep i love that for us i really do can you throw the trash away please and in the trash because it's trash thank you okay yeah let's try on some stuff some options let's just get everything that's white we'll just see what it looks like you know oh my god this little tiara how cute yeah i'm really hoping to look like decent on my wedding day because this town has really tried to pull quite a few fast ones on me in the past when it comes to outfitting i'm wearing this to the luau by the way yeah i am i've already decided i'm gonna show up a smoke show a whole ass married woman and a smoke show because i'll probably be married by that sebby's wife pulls up in that yeah i can't wait i can't wait it's really gonna like make some waves i think can't wait stay tuned okay let's get this naked yeah oh man i still have like dumb like dorky boots on are those gonna be on for my wedding okay so we got this thing ugh i don't know yeah it looks like a pillow case but we'll see what it looks like on sailor shirt sailor shirt fluffy shirt it's kind of fluffy oh jesus amanda yeah yeah we've got a long road ahead of us i think that's gonna have to be the bottom you know that's like the only thing that's gonna cover up my dumb farmer's shoes unless i want to have one of those like weddings with the with the cowgirl boots that's what like everybody expects me to do you know i want to blow them away i can't wait to see what sebastian looks like i really can't oh my god i'm so overwhelmed i'm just going gonna let the animals out real quick oh wait i can just let this thing ride i can just let this fill up why haven't i thought to do that before like if i don't have time you know yeah let's just do that pocket come on ladies what is this honey what emily lots to unpack here what do we got amanda i have this crazy new idea that i want to involve you in it's called clothing therapy the first sentence is great like that sounds like exactly what i need i am on the hunt for the perfect wedding fit currently before i propose if there's like any anything to do with clothes at this point i'm interested sign me up anything to do with emily at this point i'm interested sign me up it's the second uh sentence that that puzzles me please come to the mayor's house today to see what it's all about love emily so i'm sure is this a cut scene this is probably a cut scene probably going a little too far with emily it's fine um but also is this also is this like a ploy to get the mayor's underwear back that's what i'm concerned about like are they ganging up on me why is it at the mayor's house clothing therapy at the mayor's house really i don't know i guess we'll see what all that's about uh once i finish my chores because i have i don't know i yeah last thing i need honestly emily is like you and mayor lewis ganging up on me so like just don't disappoint me don't let me down how about all right what's miss emily got up her sleeve now wow the whole gang welcome to clothing therapy you're probably wondering what is clothing therapy i'll try to explain so many of us are struggling with personal issues things holding us back from living how we want it's important to me that everyone has a free and happy life so i came up with a new kind of therapy to help people achieve that it's based on the amazing power of self-expression self-expression is a wonderful healing tool did you know that behind this curtain you'll find racks and racks of clothes there's endless options to choose from your job is simple find the outfit that truly speaks to you and put it on shane you're up first oh my god she's just really gonna make people change and stuff are we doing a fashion show where am i where am i there i am ah amanda you're just in time just observe and keep an open mind okay yeah you know me emily i mean i'm gonna judge every single person that walks out that curtain but okay shane i'm sorry but i can't do this right now buddy oh what shane it's a new side of you we've never known about that's great that's for damn sure dude wow i mean you look great i'm very proud of you wow all right is he just he's sure and he's going out like that oh my god emily's just shaking up the whole damn town oh my god robin's next okay we'll see what oh my god clint goes oh no let's see what robin pulls together he robin no way yeah god damn let's see what demetrius thinks damn robin holy my future mother-in-law is a smoke show goddamn robin can you give me a dress like that and white please oh my god i hope i got a wedding dress out of this oh my god what did mayor lewis pulled the once-ler my nightmare wasn't the prophecy foretold this the one slur the literal once-ler mayor lewis uh yeah we're enemies for sure oh my god i cannot wait to see what abby pulls out yeah she's abigail yes that doobie some abigail oh my god i love her yeah abigail she's walking out like that that's my girl honestly nobody like abigail in town that's for sure clint oh great let's see what he pulls out yeah why don't you pull yourself together for once clint huh use this opportunity to really wow her is what is this clint are you dressed are those your boxers your boxer shorts you didn't put your pants on ah cute sigh i would say that's a compliment from emily oh cute that's great you wear a number right emily i better get a damn turn well that went very well no it didn't i didn't get a turn it didn't go very well excuse me i mean it was cute i thought it was beautiful i thought it was like this is one of my favorite moments in the entire game this has been so much fun but if you don't let me have a turn oh no i think she's getting the wrong idea amanda um oh god there's clint i couldn't do it i don't want to break out of my shell oh god well honestly thank you clint because i'm literally about to be engaged oh no this is getting messy yeah i have successfully given emily the wrong idea oh i i guess i'm interrupting something here aren't i no clint you're not honestly i was just about to take my turn in the stall actually i understand i'll leave now congrats amanda yeah thank you i haven't necessarily gotten engaged yet to sebastian but i'll take the congratulations early because i think that's happening this week honestly oh emily girl you're in for a rude awakening my friend me and sebastian are about uh get me out of mayor lewis's house i have a lot of feelings why didn't emily give me a turn why didn't i get a turn that's my question i just don't understand but whatever emily's a doll she is the glue that holds the community together that's it that's that's the tweet like that is it she's beautiful and honestly emily in another life it would be me and you but unfortunately i'm proposing to sebastian in like mere days so i'm gonna have to put a stop this is where our story ends we're just friends okay thank you clint for interrupting an otherwise very awkward confrontation one day it's over baby someday we'll find a way out when all our strengths are broken you'll see that we could do without when all our dreams are over when all our hopes are dead with this town turning cold with all our colors bleeding red a bearing of when the storms are hit i'll sing you any song you wanna hear [Music] cause you [Music] you bring heartbeats into a broken [Music] maybe we'll leave tomorrow maybe we'll stay a year maybe turn joy to sorrow maybe you leave me here whatever happens when the storms are here i [Music] you bring heartbeats back again again again again when all our dreams are over when all our hopes are dead i'll always be your soldier [Music] you you bring heartbeats back you bring heartbeats back to a broken heart again again oh my god she did that yeah yeah she really did that look at her too bad fathead lewis is standing right in front of my gorgeous gown got my hair done at the wizards place thank you wizard sebastian i am so in love with you yeah this is the happiest day of my life this is a beautiful ceremony oh my god my all my friends and family are here the only thing that would make this better would be if lewis wasn't standing in the way i just can't believe this day is finally here when amanda first arrived in pelicantown no one knew if she'd fit in with our community dot dot dot okay so lewis is dragging me on my wedding day that's great how long did it take you to write this speech lewis jesus but from this day forward amanda is going to be as much of a part of this town as any of us so i haven't been i've been here for four years and y'all have been looking at me like i'm an outsider this whole time yeah you know what you made that clear at the flower dance and this is my revenge outfit this is me rising from the ashes as a phoenix once louis steps out of the way y'all will be able to really see the full scope of the situation [Music] not that it matters because it really doesn't but i just want to note real quick as the two of us are standing before everyone in our lives that we're the hottest looking couple in town are we not look at us oh my god we've never looked back this is so beautiful i'm just like staring into his eyes like unblinking i don't think he's blanked as the mayor of pelicantown and regional bearer of the matrimonial still that was quick we didn't even say no vows or nothing holy no ideas no this no that no rings what i now pronounce you wife and husband oh i love that he okay louis i see you oh my god you make us oh look at us oh my god look at marnie absolutely wilding out love it ah life is gonna be different from now on but the future looks bright i agree i agree oh my god it could not have been more perfect could not have been more perfect oh sabby oh my god bliss absolute bliss in every way yeah these are our wedding pictures bliss i love this yeah happiest day of my life happiest day of my life sebastian you really outdid yourself with that one buddy oh my god what sebastian's motorcycle oh my god can i sit on it can i use it can i ride it no okay oh my god sebastian's just like in my house because he lives with me and we're going to sleep sorry what time does he go to bed you think oh my god he just kissed me i just put this off can i do that whenever i want now oh my god i'm sorry like that's just like killing me oh my god can i just keep kissing him yeah oh my god okay i gotta stop no i don't yes i do ugh sebastian what am i gonna give you baby i'm gonna cook you up something real nice yup i'm gonna cook him up his favorite the only thing i know how to cook just kidding i always got ingredients for you baby yup i really love this i know baby because you're my husband that's how i knew um am i allowed to decorate his room because i have something that he would love that i've been saving for him hi what are you doing you're just like pacing around how do you like the place i mean i think it's perfect for us i do i think i need to re-paper the walls and stuff but oh thank you emily i love her little drawings so cute i haven't even planned it i think i'm gonna just take it easy this season like i'm i just got married like in a honeymoon phase you know where's that thing i have for sebastian i better still have it i better not have gotten rid of it did i get rid of it yet no of course not okay hopefully i can put this in his room i think he would love that you know hey baby what are you doing just sitting by the fire hanging out he looks like better somehow now that he's like married to me it's amazing am i oh yes perfect sebby right how much do you love this right subs what are you doing you're just chilling i love you so much anyway um yeah so married life so far it's really beautiful you know it is all it's cracked up to be it really is it really really is and i am just living in utter bliss other than that i mean i think i really don't know what is he gonna just i mean not that i care he can do whatever the hell he wants but is he just gonna stay inside all day forever now is that all he does is just walk around in circles because that's a shame like i want him to still go to sam's house and hang out with sam and stuff i don't want him to like lose his identity wait till the luau what day is the luau at yeah i think honestly yeah we got to see an event oh my god yeah we'll do an event and then we'll we'll call it a day how about because oh my god that luau i'm really gonna shake up like i know i'm a married woman but like i'm not afraid to to pull out a look at all mm-hmm trophy wife when's the luau oh okay let's go to the luau yeah and if there if anything crazy happens i'll record it i'm sorry but sebastian is a king he's an amazing husband he's he's a king and i didn't know that like i'm so pleasantly surprised i don't i guess i didn't really know that this actually happened that this i had no idea what to expect from marriage y'all were good at like not spoiling stuff for me not that i'd care really but when i tell you the that i almost cried i come out he's standing on the porch it's like 6 10 a.m and this emo prince says to me hey i got up early and watered some crops i hope that helps you out he watered all of the crops not some of the crops all of them this man woke up at the crack of dawn he's been living on the farm for like a week and he's watering all the crops and he goes oh and i also filled banksy's bowl he's like i'm just gonna stand here and watch you i really love watching you i'm really enjoying it on the farm this is so different like this is such an adjustment from him this is such an adjustment for him he was like on the computer all day long living in the basement this is a huge adjustment for him i have like it i just and and the biggest and the biggest thing for me here is like he's going above and beyond versus that is so helpful i it's so helpful that i can just sit here the game's not even paused i should probably pause it like i'm killing time i'm wasting time because i don't have to rush and water my crops anymore i can just stand here with my husband i have seen several people in the comments be like oh sebastian's like the worst husband though what how could it get any better than this i'm sorry he's cute and he's helpful and he's so sweet to me he's been so sweet to me he's just been a doll he's a doll i love him so much i really do and he's helping me on the farm and i just can't believe it it's blowing my mind yeah this is amazing i finally have some help around here amazing i had no idea if he was just gonna stay inside all the time but he's helping he's helping and i'm just so thankful it's just so beautiful and cute i love you sabby i love you sebby i love you sabby i love you we're just gonna kiss we have time now because he watered all the crops thanks sabby parties here make me your aphrodite make me one and only not me realizing i don't know any other words of the song that that's the only part of the song i know but look at her though oh my god she didn't right a married woman shows up like this the hottest girl in town yeah now that she knows how to make clothes where's my husband my husband is still gonna stand here acting like we're not married oh sweetheart no baby what oh my god i'm doing my best to stay in a good mood sweetheart you didn't have to come you don't have to come to this we're sure as hell not going to flower dance ever again you can bet your sweet ass on that one it's only me and you we're the only ones that matter in this goddamn town okay i mean besides like linus and evelyn and uh oh marnie i like marnie shane's cool right are we friends with shane are you friends with shane i don't even know if you know the guy do you even know shane have you ever met shane oh your parents right demetrius is kind of a dick though right yeah we can share on that listen one time with maru sabby have we talked about how much of a dick your stepdad is i'm sorry i tried to like the guy and i think you know that and i think you tried to like him too like at first glance he is everything that i would get along with normally he's a scientist i'm a scientist he's a cool guy he's smart and then i go over and hang out with my friend maru my sister-in-law maru future sister-in-law at the time kind of i think we had just met actually but anyway i was like trying to help in the lab mara walks at a lab for two seconds did i ever tell you about this i can't believe it i'm like telling you now at the luau when we're married whatever so anyway she walks out of the lab and demetrius corners me and is like listen i don't want maru to have any friends i don't know if you're like into her or if you're like trying to be friends with her i don't want her to have any friends any fun no distractions she's going to be a scientist i'm like listen dude i'm a scientist too and i still like twerk at the club on saturdays and then go in and gonna run a few samples on a monday okay no i've never twerked at any clubs i'm just saying that like i could have if i wanted to if i had any friends if anybody invited me actually i probably still wouldn't have gone actually people definitely did invite me and i didn't go because i don't like to do any of that but anyway that's besides the point point is he's weird right he's mean to you for no reason he wrecked your snowman i don't we don't like him but love robin robin is my girl i don't even know what we were talking about i'm gonna go put some garlic in the soup i guess i was gonna sabotage it but this is like my first you know we're just trying to make a good impression that's like the newlyweds so i'm just going to be good this year i guess does anybody want to congratulate me on like getting married or being a bomb ass right now hello my bikini my grass skirt i'm the only one dressed for the occasion everyone pulled up in their freaking daily drivers i pulled out all the stops i got a flower in my hair the only one who gets me is sebastian and emily she's unresponsive my girl my couldn't be more proud anyway let's like do this whatever but yeah don't i look amazing obviously never looked better look sharp the governor's here for his annual visit louis you don't see what's right in front of you blind i am looking sharp done and done louis unlike you do you ever change your clothes do you shower yeah i put it in yes let's start every single time i've ever done this it's always been just like this is an average soup and i'm like shut up it's not it's gonna be amazing do we get anything if it ends up being good is it bad does he hate it come on what the does this guy want i put in a gold star garlic garlic hello this guy's impossible to please lewis shut up you did nothing to help you put this all on me like you do every year he's right it's nothing special not bad though okay what were we going for blowing his mind it's okay to just be average yeah let's eat the soup whatever i hate these people the governor the hoop is just average whatever i'm married to the hottest guy in town and i look so good he's already in bed he's over here like i'm an insomniac i can never sleep sweetheart i love you oh sorry i didn't mean i thought i was gonna be able to kiss you in the head or something sorry anyway yeah i'm married to sebastian now and everything's perfect [Music] [Music] you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 20,412
Rating: 4.9866886 out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, theamandafiles, amanda sargent
Id: Y9ah0drjG5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 2sec (3962 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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