FINALLY we have a new resident! (I didn’t see this coming...)

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oh my god i forgot to close out the game after changing the date oh my god [Music] if nook auto filled that plot it's war it's over oh my god please please please please please oh god i'm sick i can't believe my dumb ass did this oh okay yeah my life's over my life's over there's some rando oh there's a random home in my plot that i did not authorize this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my life oh my god oh my god oh my god it better i better be raymond who the heck is that who even is this i don't even know this man oh my god oh this is a nightmare this is my nightmare who the hell is this excuse me sir you lost huh do you live on this island too that's that's what he said to me i'm sorry cody first of all i've never even heard of your ass second of all not only do i live on this island i own this island i own this island i choose who comes in and out you are not authorized to be here my little blue friend with the oh i could kill him i could i have a new enemy just for the sheer audacity that he exhibited coming to my island and planting his his house down on my open plot because i'm an idiot and i forgot to switch the date i'm gonna kill this man just to let you know and you live on this island too uh what who's cody who the cody is this y'all i'm actually so mad wait what hold on i'm dropping bottles and okay one of my poor friends is is getting called out whose little cody came running to my island i am so pissed right now i don't want your cody why is your cody on my island oh my god this is a nightmare this is a nightmare now i have cody to deal with one of y'all one of y'all let your little cody go and i hope you enjoy your new villager plot because i got your cody right here i am oh my god oh he's a jock i am sick to my stomach i am violently ill oh my god this is a nightmare this is honestly snowboarding i don't care i don't know i i'm sure you figured this out already but sports are my life oh my god he's a boy i feel like you and i are gonna be solid competitors yeah you can you can say that twice i can't wait to see what you got and his oh my god this is a nightmare it just keeps getting worse this is color out of space like this is a lovecraftian waking chasm of horror sick i'm sick i'm simply ill to my stomach gragra yeah sure do you do commissions by any chance sherb do you do you know what cj you should have never let this happen just kidding it's not your fault i love you so much you gay king sure please no gerb i need you i'll never ever be calling on sherb ever again but i'm calling on him now cody cody and he has the same house as sherb honestly you know what if anything maybe me and sherb have a mutual enemy i am sick look at all these weeds like oh my god okay okay the bad news is cody's here from someone else's island i'm mad at you just kidding i think it's a meme honest to god please claim this cody cause like we're forever linked your cody just showed up on my island do you understand the gravity of that i just can't believe it sherp oh god thank god it's you i always dig running into you like digging graves yeah sure no no time for being coy i know you're a serial killer okay i know that you kill people i know that you commit homicide on the regular i'm not going to tell anybody i think we can work together because i'm feeling quite homicidal right now but i don't want to like commit the homicide i want to commission that to occur i would like to facilitate the uh the space in which you would feel empowered to do that if that makes sense so i figured if you are willing i know that you might not have the capacity to understand uh teamwork and a partnership this is me a desperate desperate wary soul coming to you who i'm going to be quite honest you have been the target of my uh obsession in terms of i'm basically i'm al yorkira honestly let's just like say it like it is but i think we need to come together for this i really do uh cody you may have seen him but he's stealing your vibe sure he's blue and he's got the same house as you and i don't like that i think we can only have one blue boy in a blue house on this island you know that's you you're a star sherb i'm like stroking as a narcissist you go you are a star sherb i mean you're wearing the shades so i'm just gonna cut to the chase i think we need to kill him swiftly and in a way that i won't be uh implicated in any way because i have a life i as do you so that's why we need to help each other get away with this i get that you had a dream about this this is great it's making me sick like physically ill yeah so sherb i would love to work with you and i would love for you to let me know uh how i can again facilitate that so this is a code red code blue in fact code red code blue like i am i have all of a sudden look at look at that look at him like we're working together me and kira yeah yeah me and the killer yeah [Music] and it's not my proudest moment but it needs to be done because cody is not supposed to be here this was never supposed to happen anka anka what the hell anka what the hell oh and i can't even get to her she's so exclusive are you kidding me this honestly god can't get to anka and you know what must be for a reason she probably wants to be left alone i don't blame you this island is on fire it's worse than ever cody cody's here hello oh my god kill him kinda can't believe it pom pom can you believe it we gotta figurando walking around who's this cody dude i just yeah i was thinking about you two and just making sure that you're safe because there's a random man walking around i wanted to like explore the update and do all that but cody's here and we have to deal with that okay but like on the reel though animal crossing why do you make it so that the most recent villager won't move out that is so sick it's so sick it's just sick because we don't get to choose those people sometimes i can't think of like a worse villager i mean i guess i could think of like several i mean what if it was like literally wart junior oh my god that would have been so funny i actually maybe would have like appreciated that for the comedic oh my god i walk in here for a minute of solace for a moment of peace and goose oh my god what the hell just who the hell do you think you are everyone around me they're just they're driving me to insanity and they're driving me to murder and i actually just had a meeting with sherb in which i i don't know um solicited him for murder i don't know for a murder for hire i think i think that's what i did right of cody an innocent man who honestly didn't do but that's the thing though he didn't do right oh god goose yeah i'm amassed this whole oh my god like i don't even like what the hell even is this why is this here was someone on my island did someone come here and up what the hell is this flower did i put that there why is that there kyle my life is falling apart yeah i just um i don't know okay where's my shovel the only solution is to uh invite an amiibo camper immediately immediately i can't stand us another second of cody on this island so while sherb is is working diligently to take care of my problem and his problem honestly with the blue thing you know i'm just digging up these flowers because i'm like freaking out i don't know i guess we could just go over what amiibos i have um we can go to harvest island and like interview all of them and like look at them up close you know what i mean yeah i want to look at them unlike cody i don't want to look at cody not ever again look i still have like 20 miles tickets left this is devastating cody cody cody i could kill him it's still not raymond y'all were like oh i bet raymond's in your queue raymond's not in my queue all right we are going to harvest island because this is a disaster it's a calamity it is a nightmare we need to figure out who we're going to invite you know what i really think that this is all because i didn't sorry i just keep stopping myself because i'm so angry at myself because we all know i know you know we all know that i made so many grave mistakes don't call me good buddy orville because you let cody walk in here didn't you you just let him waltz in with his cowboy hat have you guys seen his picture i just looked at his picture it's worse than we thought you guys it's worse than we thought it really is it's a disaster so yeah we're we're clambering over to harvest island and i really do think i deserve this for passing up not only tiffany but fuchsia and pashmina okay i should have taken every every one of them like i should have i should have taken them why why didn't i take them you know i just i don't know i just wasn't i don't know why i don't know why i didn't feel the spark quote unquote no we're not doing that anymore this isn't about a spark this is about life or death and right now i have a person on my island who is gonna die as a result cody hate to do it to ya but unfortunately you're gonna have to pay the price for my my oversight um so yeah we're gonna take a look at some of the candidates for my island we're gonna see i don't know yeah we're just gonna interview people we're gonna look at them up close and we're gonna make a decision okay because we have we must we simply must and in the meantime sherb is working to formulate a plan to get rid of cody chelsea is it chelsea it's nice to meet you chelsea thank you for joining us today um so yeah everybody's talking about you guys huh like wow apparently actually it's today that those came out i think and they sold out everywhere and i got so lucky oh my god um because an angel from above sent me all of the these amiibo cards of the sanrio villagers long before this digital thread shop on instagram my absolute bestie just sent me all of the sanrio amiibos like custom made ones um just like for the for the like posters and stuff like months ago months and months ago and now so i have all these loaded up so this is chelsea and chelsea is here to talk to us today about why she doesn't deserve life on molokai because you know i think that i think she's too nice i mean look at her look at the girl she's beautiful she's cute she's adorable and she doesn't deserve this right i don't know you know i just feel like she doesn't deserve it but like if i could get all your items that'd be so great thank you chelsea thank you so much chelsea it's honestly for the best you don't want this position and i swear all right next up is henry henry is somebody that as many of you know but many of you may not i have been wanting to encounter henry i've been wanting to meet this man um in new horizons for a long time he is a beautiful just frog just your standard typical frog he's wearing a jean jacket what kind of villager is henry because he looks very the key i don't know i thought he was more humble than this he's just giving me a look that just makes makes it makes it he's giving me vibes that he thinks he's already got this in the bag you know what i mean and i'm like henry not so much but then again he's a very cute cute young man like just a frog and a jean jacket like who tried who like put effort into his outfit that's a beautiful thing to me yeah he's a smug he's a smug villager okay you know i love the smugs and it's just the idea of a smug frog villager is very beautiful and cute to me but at the same time it's like do we really want you know like why why are we bringing another man into the village but then again why not i don't know you know it's like i don't know i really don't know henry i love you i just don't know i think we're gonna go through the other candidates and we'll see where we land now when it comes to frogs you guys already know how i feel about drift i mean look at this smiling happy boy i can't he is the cutest animal crossing villager look at this smiling happy boy he's wearing this t-shirt oh my god i could die this t-shirt it's almost like it's too long for him even though it's just a normal t-shirt oh he's so cute everything about him look at this baby what kind of villager is he how could he be anything other than what he he must be lazy or something what is he or is he a normal boy come on drift he's so cute come on drift he's he's a jock drift is a jock he's so cutie and he's a libra oh my god no way and his initial phrase is bra oh no and his skill is shadow puppetry but he's so cute what he's a jock though but he's so cute look how cute he is but he's a jock i almost like don't want him to come to my town show me that he's a jock and like ruin my beautiful vision of this beautiful cute little baby boy you know look how cute he is come on yeah i don't know if if having drift come is the right decision i just don't know yeah i don't you know we already have two jocks and i don't wanna i don't want anything to i don't want you know what yeah i don't want drift to come to my island and get ruined like what on earth would be more heartbreaking than drift coming to my island and he ends up being like a boy like i guess it is all men you know maybe maybe it really is all men because apparently drift is also a fuckboy all right next we have marshall marshall is obviously a villager that all of you know that i've wanted for a while i mean look at him he's so cute look at his little tail his little feet he's so small he's so cute he's so smug um but like what would his purpose be you know he just i don't honestly think that he at this point fits into i think he's gonna be a good one for my next island my new island that i'm gonna eventually be making um because i just don't see him fitting in anywhere i think he's just gonna walk around and be cute and that's it you know you know what i mean like what role is he gonna play in all that you know you gotta be bringing something to the table so yeah i just yeah let's um let's say no for marshall for now even though he's got that side bang it's so cute marshall and the toe beans ugh okay kiki really is one of my favorite girls and i mean look at her she is just everything she's just excellent in every way um but i feel worried for her going into the fray knowing that marina and lily and anka though maybe she would be a good match for anka not that everybody needs to have a match you know what i mean that's another thing it's like it's like not everybody needs to have like a pairing you know what i mean but then again it's it's it's malachi like what do you expect but also i don't know you know do i trust marina to be kiki sweet precious kiki's neighbor not sure but i love her though look at her sweet face oh kiki i love you you know what i really do love kiki i really do love her is she normal she's just a normie yeah yeah we already have all these normal girls that are so cute so sweet except for marina who is on a tear right now but you know she's obviously a sweet girl when she wants to be and in her in her essence and her soul i don't know i don't know if the island is stable enough for kiki or maybe it's maybe this is exactly what we need you know a girl like kiki a dependable sweet wonderful girl like geeky who knows you know we do need more fights i feel like it's been so long since anybody's gotten a fight on the island and that that would be i think something that kiki would not be bringing to the table so i'm not sure it's nothing against her i mean look at the girl how could you ever how could you falter for anything at all ever you know this obviously comes as no surprise to anyone he is fabulous he's what i mean he's the villager i was looking for out on those dirty i would have taken him on that villager hunt if i had encountered him and yet here i am like questioning that look at him he can't he doesn't even have the decency to open his eyes and look at me in the eyes i i couldn't stand him harder i mean honestly i think it must be julian however i do have a few other considerations that i want to take a look at even though this i mean i just i i don't know if i want to slap him or give him every penny in my bank account you know what i mean look at him he's sitting there like he's too good for us and that's exactly why i want to drag his ass down to malachi so he can suffer with the rest of us you're not too good for us julian you're exactly our type i think i don't know yet we have a few more i want to go over i mean obviously he is the savior of the broken the beaten and the damned uh he's a phantom to lead us in the summer but it's not summer yet and also zucker just left like if you don't know already wade is another one of the like little prophet children that i foresee saving us all in the end in the end times because he's this little baby emperor penguin but he's like a baby and he's our size so he's probably gonna be like so big when he grows up and he's gonna be able to save us because he's just gonna be this giant penguin um and look at him look at his face like i i almost just wanna invite him but i first and foremost i don't think he's ready yet because he's still a baby oh he's so cute look at his cute weight is is wade not the cutest villager in animal crossing is it is it official is it true oh my god he's so cute wait he's so cute i kind of can't even handle it he's so cute and i just don't even know if i trust my island with him yeah he's too precious he's simply too precious you know all right we've got eat well is that how you say that eat well right it means star right i could be i would watch me be like totally wrong and everybody who's like actually speaks french is going to be like amanda stop i think it means star eat well and she's beautiful she's a star of course however can you just imagine this positive happy walking around malachi you know what i mean like avoiding drama as if she's gonna be smiling like walking around i'm not gonna ruin her life like that you know what i mean i'm gonna take the items thank you for visiting harvest island and giving me access to all your items appreciate it eat well really do but yeah i know i'm not gonna ruin her life like that not eat well never no marty hello you're cuter in person marty you are i'll say it i hate the butt rug i don't like it i just don't like it okay just like you have a whole butt out on your floor and you're stepping on it you know what i mean so thank you for everything but i i will not i probably won't be using the butt rug um not that i don't know that makes me sound so like not fun i just it's a it's not a butt it's a butt hole okay i'll say it i'll be the first to say it not that i have anything against buttholes i just don't want it on my rug because i am a karen apparently right apparently marty is that an acorn on your head marty he doesn't even know he's not even aware and you know what for that can't help but stand i love the eyebrows this guy is a champion he's a champ and he doesn't deserve life on malachi he deserves something bigger and better he deserves life in the big city where he can actually make it in in in whatever he chooses to do because i think he can do whatever he's got his mind to oh i forget this one's name hi hey how are you yeah let me just look at this paperwork real quick i don't think it says it on the amiibo it straight up does not say her name on the amiibo you you are i love the ghost thing on your head i love that that is so me so my style i love ghosts toby right is this toby this isn't marty and the other one's toby right this one's toby yeah this one's toby okay toby's the one with all the frog stuff too good for toby thank you toby yeah we love to see you here toby we like we it's been great meeting you honestly toby i think you're killing it i love the shirt i love the hair i love the ghost pin apparatus thing and therefore because i just love everything you're doing i think that you got to keep doing it elsewhere world tour baby world tour don't stop here keep going keep going until you reach the moon okay was that all the the sanrio villagers wasn't that all of them was that every single one there's not another one that i'm forgetting is there not any others right i probably need to do this just real quick i just don't even think she needs to sit down i think she pops in and out and i can get the items you know and i just hope that zucker is going to be available if this goes south you know what i mean oh my god okay my god my god gorilla i just can't believe it's you in real life in the flesh my god about this girl is spectacular spectacular oh my god oh baby why you wearing capris are you a human with skin or is that your hair and it stops and you have human skin it's just everything with this villager come on i can't be the only one i think i'm the only one saying it but i don't think i'm the only one who thinks it i mean everything they did her dirty in the design room come on rila you can't trust these people they are lying to you rila it's cruel it's downright cruel to send her out looking like this everything everything the bow nose bow tie nose whatever that is the um eyes and eyelashes and the hair it scares me i hate it i mean everything look at this like white hair poking out um i don't know and you know i'm just judging this girl i brought her here to judge her i don't think so that's not me rila you are free to go miss girl i i'm gonna be wishing you the best honestly it's not her fault it's just not her fault i'm just yeah i'm done with this interview i'm leaving but i just don't think this is right for me all right some people who are in my discord will be quite surprised or maybe not surprised to see this gentleman joining us today because if you are lucky enough to be one of my patrons therefore in our discord where we um have i don't know a whole life outside of this like a whole i don't know we just have a family a community a life a purpose i don't know it just is our home um then you know that at 2am i might just write an entire fanfic about how ken is um just a a ruthless ruthless chess playing bad boy who actually caught the eye of goose so my head cannon while i'm like putting borders on him i just can't help it look at him look at ken who isn't talking about ken everybody is the answer to everybody yes it is i mean look at him come on who can resist yeah i'm putting borders it's hard to pay attention i apologize ken is obviously very handsome i mean god kill me dead ken come on so in my little fanfic we were just we just always make up and then it becomes a fanfic um [Music] oh we were talking about how goose might have like a small crush on pierce just because like you know they've been getting so close and he's getting married and maybe goose is like experiencing a little bit of jealousy with that and so he goes outside after at like the bachelor party and then he sees ken outside and he's like smoking a cigarette and he's like so cool and goose is like feeling a spark but ken's like just trying to play with him like he's a little cat toy because ken is a chess playing bad boy i don't know and he plays chess which isn't really anything it doesn't mean anything but it does because he's just like a badass he's so intelligent that he can just play chess like it's a game because it is and he like smokes cigarettes but only like to look cool it's not even like an addiction and yeah that's ken and like what would he do on my island i don't know wreck goose's life wreck others others lives as in the process possibly i don't know i really don't know on the on the other hand like do i really want to be giving a villager to goose but then again is it going to humble goose is it gonna make goose a better person to get hurt by this man i don't know i just don't know um ken thank you for coming i'm not sure i have to consider it okay i'm gonna call some references okay just to make sure you're really this great and also this dangerous and this actually honestly bad of a person when it comes down to it a bad person yeah but also very very charming and very handsome and i will yeah i'll i'll be in touch okay roscoe i don't even think i invited you here why are you here wait yeah i guess i invited him but i i'm not roscoe why are you here you should know that i'm trying to take this process seriously uh the leather jacket was unnecessary in every sense of the word um i'm not sure what you what you think you're bringing to the island i mean he's um you know he's a horse he's uh got emo hair i'm pretty sure he's a cra he's a he's any a cranky villager he's like a grumpy cranky villager so like we don't have one of those but like do we need one not really right like the last thing i need is first of all this like emo king horse who wants to be a lawyer who is friends with kyle anzel like walking around acting like he owns the place wooing everyone in his path second of all i don't need this emo horse who is a who is a king who is awesome who is successful who is thriving who is young acting like he's old i hate that the cranky villagers do that like he's gonna be like oh my hips my back like and he's like literally in college like trying to be a lawyer come on i'm sick of it roscoe i didn't ask you to come i didn't invite you to come and yet here you are what is your intentions with my island you know what i mean like i just don't think that this is gonna work out roscoe i really don't i think that you i think you should leave roscoe that's what i think okay i don't know i do you know what leave the chair but not the room okay you're on standby whatever this is what i should choose in every regard this is cherry you know i've always loved cherry that i've always wanted cherry she's a sisterly villager she's not gonna come and put up with anybody's not my not marina's not goose's not anyone's but she's also going to be like a helpful hand in getting through all of this you know it's like i think i think we really need her i think we need her to come in and and fix us and put us back together again you know it's like what more could i ask for i think she's like really the only sisterly villager that i haven't amid before but she's also one of my favorites like it's cherry come on look at her piercings like cherry hello it's cherry can you imagine anybody better cherry come on it's gotta be cherry right come on okay i think we're down to three finalists all right we really find ourselves here with a libra who is um supposed to choose to make a decision i don't even know why ross goes here in this lineup roscoe why am i considering you roscoe of all people really like do i really need roscoe no probably not right i mean but i i don't know the fact alone that he's even here is startling i just wish i had brought fuchsia home or pashmina i really don't know who i want like oh my god i'm such a labor like i really my brain is like rosco cherry cherry it's gotta be cherry roscoe julian [Music] yeah no yes i kind of want cherry but i kind of want roscoe or no do i want cherry or do i want julian you know what people i'm gonna choose when i get back on my island and look at my map okay i don't care i don't know i i just yeah i'm having i'm having an issue i'm not choosing until i go home and look at my map i don't know why i just stay stay tuned i don't know i'm mad at this oh oh my god yeah i can't choose all right a decision has been reached in the only way i know how aka messy indecisive um wow everyone's out and about today that's great i mean everybody's feeling good yeah so out of the three options that we had julian roscoe or cherry my messy impulsive libra ass decided to choose diana welcome diana oh my god she's even more beautiful i love her i'm sorry no regrets literally no regrets i just randomly it's so funny like i'm such a mess that i couldn't choose when you give me choices when you give me three choices like pick one out of these choices i i set myself up for disaster like literally nothing against you know i love julian someday i'll have julian whether it's on my new island or what you know i love rosco you know i love cherry but i i doomed them lining them up like that i should have never done it i couldn't pick and so i just randomly got a thought in my head and i was like okay why don't i i remember i was like why don't i go ahead and order the amiibos of like pashmina and fuchsia and tiffany since um since i regret not choosing them so much and while i was thinking of amiibos to order i totally was like oh my god i forgot about diana i've always wanted diana and so here she is i have no idea why or like how she's gonna fit into the island like she look at her oh my god she's too real you know i wonder because another thing that kind of perturbed me was that i was looking up what um personality types like get along and stuff and i saw that sisterly villagers don't get along with snooty villagers like at all and so i was like we cannot have that like i don't want some riding on ka's ass all day pissing her off that's the last thing i want so if it was going to be another girl i don't i don't think we can have a sisterly on this island i'm not sure you know i really just don't want anybody to bother anka so why not another snooty and look at her i mean come on she's gonna ah she's gonna wreck so many lives i don't even know where to begin with this like oh my god look at her look at us besties girl is there anything i can do to help you like you want me to unpack some of these boxes actually i'll get out of your way you know i like to do things my own way too i'll be back tomorrow she's gonna destroy the the whole town the fabric of our society as if it as if there is any fabric there oh we've gotta work on this my god yeah let me just take all of this away actually and then um maybe tomorrow we can work on that but yeah she lives next to marina we'll see how that goes yeah so we've really gotta kick it into overdrive i really don't know if i want this here i think i'm gonna move it or just not have it i don't know i think because i think that's the last thing i need to worry about right now is some extra ass you know what i mean so yeah yeah we gotta do the plaza we've gotta do um hey marina can i help you with something good afternoon cutie i bet you oh yeah you're trying to make the most of your day by talking thank you kyle wow kyle removed himself from the situation because she was looking and she followed him oh she's us she's a sly she was trying to talk to kyle i don't know why i think she's just being friendly i'm probably reading it too much into it but why did she move and start singing by what are you guys a duo now you guys the partridge family come on what are you doing it'll ruin your appetite and intuitively eat whatever the hell you want oh sure but he's starting to kind of try to be i don't want to i don't want to trust him too much because he really working with him i'm not gonna i'm not actually not at liberty to talk about any of that um but let's just say it's worse than i could have ever thought he's he just doesn't hold back he i don't think he has any i think he doesn't have emotions given diana a few days to settle in and she has so nicely and go oh i'm so sorry jesus i just pushed my best friend anka oh i was just thinking about you too i haven't seen her and like diana talk at all but i i hope that they'll get along i think they will right yes it's so beautiful i wouldn't say that malachi looks like it could be the background of a fashion shoe because it's a disaster mess right now in every form and way but thank you for saying that oh sure what the who the hell even is that god actually you know what today earlier when i was playing this i think it's like march 28th in the game i didn't get to film it because i thought i would be back to film it later i saw the waking nightmare and i swear to god it really actually scared me because he was like up here freaking zipper t bunny he was all the way like up here i was just like running around like having a mental breakdown like always and i just ran right into him and it it honestly honest to god like i know we always say he's scary but it really truly did scare me because he was just there he would he was like walking around lurking and then he turned around and started like doing his thing and i was like and it was so terrifying and i went to go tell sherb and i told because the whole thing with me and sheriff is complicated i will explain but i like ran to tell sherb and i was just like hey like i'm just scared and i just can you just have my back if he if anything happens and now i've been looking for him because i wanted to film like i wanted to to cover that i wanted to be like look at him he's so scary and like just kind of drag him basically and i can't find him he's gone and i know he's supposed to come like the day like when he comes like he comes one day to tell you about bunny day and then he leaves until bunny day but like today's it's still supposed to be that day that he's here you know and he's gone i've looked at every i have looked everywhere we can keep looking but i have looked everywhere because again i specifically wanted to film him he's gone and these trash bags are in there that's all i'm saying i don't know it's it's a it's a precursor to the fact that i think i'm starting to rethink the sherb situation on the island i think he might be a good asset basically i think he might it might be good to have him in in my corner hi diana you're so beautiful hi girl please come in make yourself at home cutie well first and foremost i was already in i let myself in i didn't ask and uh i appreciate you inviting me in when i was already in there because that it is awkward that i barged into your house and i'm sorry i've gone rather gaga over painting lately she's so quirky i'm working on my psja resistance now in fact it's quite daring probably butchered that pronunciation it's fine see it's both a landscape painting and a portrait and i call the art style abstract surrealist realism i think she's making all of this up as she goes and i love her for it of course i'm adding only one brush stroke each day so it'll be some time before anyone sees it okay i'll buy it i gave her the glasses the other day oh my god she looks so damn cute in them and this pearl bed like this is your bed diane are you kidding me i'm very particular about my bed clearly i sleep extremely well on my shell bed here i mean just look at me they don't call a beauty rest for nothing cutie like she's just living the high life here and we love to see it anyway i actually did get some stuff um for her yard that we can put together she has less space than i thought which is usually the case so i really don't know even what i'm gonna do but in the meantime we can talk a little bit more about sherb who's that co you you're asking about i'm sorry what what happened to cody cody like with a c with a k the villager i have no idea what you're talking about cody is that that is that an animal crossing villager you go you have him no yeah i have no idea what you're talking about sorry no no no we've never had a villager named cody here not to my knowledge no no yeah i'm i don't know if you're mixing it up with maybe like with zucker zucker's the last person who lived in that house and then diana came along yeah i know i have no i've never heard of or met cody yeah no idea we're talking about sorry sorry about that yeah no it's odd this might be cute um hmm i'm almost thinking it might be cute like pushed right up against the house i also kind of want to mess with marina's like what the hell even is that i think that was from chevre and i was lazy and i never changed it that's not marina style you know let's see here um like how because i like this bench a lot and it just doesn't make sense to have a random door like you know what i mean like oh that might look nice yeah i don't yeah right or something yeah maybe we'll try that oh did she just come out of the house damn oh my god she just walked out like that jeez give us a warning before you do that where are you going miss witch miss wicked witch of the west with your broomstick you're going to sweep the the sidewalk or you're just going to go fly away freaking kiki's delivery service over here god damn i'm sorry i'm just like following her she's amazing she's a vision yeah i think i'm just going to follow her she's just holding the broom i don't know where she's off to oh my god is she waving august like hiding behind a tree dude this is what are they doing oh god i saw that that was really some like once upon a dream she came out with her broom and brought it all the way to the town square so that she could sweep the town square sharp remember what i said about diana we like diana she's going to stay with us okay where's anka they were like going around the tree again anka's like is she like shell shocked or you can't see her because she's behind the building of course she's like shell-shocked look at her she's just holding her sticks doing really nothing girl you okay thank you for checking in with little me so often today yeah apparently you need it girl oh my god look at her she's a vision there's like bees and flying around like she's cinderella oh my god sherby sherby no don't get in yet no be nice be nice good boy see you just he needs he just he likes a firm hand he likes direction actually i think it goes well for him when he's on the loose and there's no one really there to like direct him or control him to be quite frank um i just yeah i want to kind of control the situation actually but he he oh my gosh herb tone it down oh notch okay you don't just say that to to people whoa diana you smell really pretty thank you i've been unsure if this new fragrance is flattering it's called ew di truit you've heard of it uh nope hey you should try smelling me too oh sure this is not how like interactions go but he i think he's trying i think he's trying are you trying out a cologne as well let's see i detect notes of uh what is that oh it's probably blood moldy mushrooms yeah that's what it is diana it's definitely moldy mushrooms uh no hint of lime or blood or flesh at all whatsoever yep i'm not wearing cologne i just wanted to be smiled thanks diana oh my god i see well that scent is very you don't mind him honestly just i would say keep up the good work uh you are very polite and i i highly suggest continuing to just show him mercy at every given point and if he honestly if he freaks you out or does anything a little too much you just come to me okay i'm kind of i've kind of become his handler so to speak so uh and help yourself by the way i put all this stuff out help yourself it's all up for grabs sherp i would suggest um you know especially when somebody's brand new in town just kind of staying in your own personal bubble but thank you for treating her kindly because again diana is somebody that we like and that she's our friend okay along with everyone on the island right now who lives here every single day label right there as we know we've talked about she's nice she's our friend too hi oh hey sherby good boy that was very good sherby good boy that's exactly what we want to be doing yep and you help yourself to all the candy okay baby good boy see he he really does well i think that it um what are you doing lily she she sat down and got up she's like ah not this spot oh my god she's so cute oh damn it lily no i think sherb like he is obviously very scary evil bloodthirsty individual however i think he actually does do well under a firm hand under control he would be a very good minion he'd be like a very good like um i'm trying to think of like the dynamic of that it's like you know how like an evil person they have their like their creature that they send out you know what i mean and then that creature will do their bidding you know what i'm talking about what what i'm trying to think of something it's like the first one that came to my mind not even kidding and there i know there's even better ones but the first one that came in my mind is lotso and big baby he's like big baby you know or he just does all of lotsa's bidding but there's an i guess yeah big baby's a good one what's the other one um where is that oh there it is oh my god i don't even know you know what i mean though it's like the scary like creature that they send out does that look good that actually um does it uh kind of i don't know actually i don't think so anyway i guess what i'm trying to say is that you know whereas i was once very scared of sure very critical of him very like i'm on to you i'm gonna get you i think now you know i still i still don't fully trust the guy don't get me wrong but i think that we can have a mutually beneficial partnership and i think that i'm in control of that which gives me comfort you know i don't think that he i don't think that he's he's he's pulling the strings here and i think that he is i don't think that he's stupid by any means i think he knows what he's doing as well but anyway i think i kind of want to bench there but i kind of don't i don't know um i think it may be in my best interest to keep sherp close basically to keep you know friends close enemies closer you know what i mean that kind of thing i think i'm starting to realize that that may be the case here it might be not only safer for me and for the town because then i can just be like sharpie it makes me sad when you kill residents when you kill my friends you know and uh that can be really helpful because i think he really does i think he likes me and i think he kind of sees me as like a mother figure to him at this point kind of like jason see where he's like jason you know where he um yeah kind of except for not yeah a little bit well no because jason is also in my opinion sympathetic character for me whereas sherb again he's much more aware of what he's doing i think he genuinely just enjoys it enjoys killing and he doesn't have to have anybody tell him what to do however when he likes someone i think when he like imprints on someone as he has with me i think that he will listen to to their direction with zipper t bunny i was really really scared he was ruining my life you know the presence of him it was terrifying to me beyond terrifying in so many ways and i didn't like it and i didn't want it in my sight i was so scared and lo and behold it just it appears as though sherp has has taken care of that worry for me you know and that is a good thing in my opinion and i'm happy knowing like if they try to send another zip because obviously it's a costume the zipper thing um so if they try to send like for bunny day like another zipper tea bunny costume person i just i feel safe knowing that sherb is on my side now and he's kind of if anything waiting for my direction i like that i think that that's a good thing but anyway yeah i think i don't know you know stay tuned for sure because i don't know how it's going to go with that but right now it seems like sure really does like respect my direction and uh he responds really well to it that's what i'll say well trey i think this probably won't go here yeah no no they assume the first thing you want to do if you press a while you're standing in the flowers is pick the flowers why that is so annoying anyway um yeah so that's surprising never thought i'd be sitting here saying that kind of thing that you know there's some kind of an understanding between sherb and i oh wow so that's how wait let's see how the trash works hold on wait how does the trash work oh see this is my first time ever using the trash y'all told me all about that thing with the trash um i think you have all probably noticed by now that i have a very i very interestingly nah that's kind of out of the way i have an interestingly kind of distinct brain because in many ways i can admit it um i am smart i know that i know that i'm a smart person i don't think that i'm dumb in general i think that i'm smart you know i'm able to retain lots of information regarding all of the science and the biology that i studied for many years i had a 3.9 gpa i got scholarships because i did so well the last few years of high school uh and so i know that i'm not stupid that's why it doesn't bother me when people are like oh my god you're so dumb because i am in so many ways and it's actually you know it doesn't it doesn't make me sad because it it's it's it's in ways that i can almost like be amused by you know just ways that it does make my life hard every day because i i lose things every day and things that no one else would would lose like things that you shouldn't lose i lose all the time um i can either have like an amazing memory where i remember like every single thing that someone's ever told me and then on the other hand i can i often very often forget why i walked into a room i and it's kind of like a it's a joke between me and matt because it's just something that kind of affects my everyday life and it's almost like again i i do acknowledge that i am a smart person for the most part and that i like the way that my brain works i like the way that i uh see the world i that i perceive things but it's almost like there's a dead zone in my brain right where it's just like you know how like when you um when you have a christmas tree and you have like a string of lights and maybe there's like a short in it so it's just a a little strip of the string of lights oh she said she was like into painting now maybe i'll give her a painting set or something but anyways like you have a short in in your string of light so a little strip of it is out that's how i see my brain i think that there's just a dead zone in it that makes it so that just randomly i end up being one of the dumbest who ever lived just randomly i'll just be like so dumb like how i had the ladder with me and you guys all saw me running around trying to craft a ladder even though i was looking right at it i don't know how i didn't see it i just didn't i and then yeah the trash can thing where i was like literally bringing with me to mystery islands as if i thought that that was that that made more sense that i i i couldn't for a million dollars imagine what animal crossing oh didn't know we could uh customize these i couldn't imagine not for a million dollars what animal crossing could have possibly implemented in its game for us to get rid of things we didn't want never for a second even though i've owned trash cans i've seen the trash cans i've used them in my own decorating if you had offered me a million dollars to guess how you how animal crossing intended us to throw things away i would have never guessed not for a million dollars that it was in the trash can which is quite frankly it's remarkable how dumb i can be sometimes it really is remarkable and there's just like a million other examples of this i think a lot of a lot of people probably in the discord are starting to pick up on it like they're just like amanda what girl you know what i mean and matt is a con he could probably probably name a lot more instances where i was so stupid and dumb like again my ability i'll have to tell some some amanda losing stories at some point because my ability to lose it's remarkable it's remarkable there was one time that i got a flat tire when i was out i was at like barnes noble and so i called matt to come get me because i was going to have to have triple a come out because i didn't have a spare tire so matt came to get me and they got my car and we were going to follow it to the uh to the mechanic so that we could bring my car's key and put it in their dropbox so that they could have access to my car so that they could use it and so i had my car key with me of course and i took it off of the i usually have my car keys on like a big lanyard because i lose things so often it's so much less likely that i will lose you know a big lanyard that i have like keychains dangling off of and so i take my uh key off the lanyard because i just i don't know i was like getting ready like i knew i was gonna have to take it off but for some reason i took it off as soon as i got into the car with matt and then you know i just i i don't even i remember the moment where i just forgot it existed but i did and i you know me and me and uh matt were talking and stuff and then we get to the mechanic place and um i think this is i don't really know if i like this but i think it's i think it's okay i think it's okay for now yeah for now i kind of want her to have a chair but i love that cushion so maybe we'll do both you know anyway long story short we get to the mechanic place and the key to my car is nowhere to be found nowhere to be found and the only place that i could have lost it was in matt's car right so matt's like it's got to be in here somewhere you know and i'm like yeah of course like that's what i'm saying so we're looking looking looking long story short we had to go home and get the spare and bring it back to put in the lock box we never found that key we did never ever ever find that key still to this day matt has had his card detailed like he had he and he's got like ocd so he like went in there hard and he like looked in every single spot that's how good i am at losing i lost it in his car and we never ever ever ever found it ever again i don't even know how i really don't i just my brain just stopped working at that moment and i will never know where i put it or how or why did i throw it out the window like we have no idea um another thing that i have lost twice now is my medication which is like it's like a controlled substance and you're like really not supposed to do that um and so yeah i've lost my medication twice have no idea how um just so many things that i've lost so many things that i've lost that are very important oh my god documents you got to take those away from me my social security card like you know my freaking like just important tax documents and you have to take those away from me and file them somewhere or i will lose them i don't even know how i don't know where they go i lose clothes all the time don't know where they go so yeah that's my that's my my burden to bear i pronounce words in my own special ways for some reason because then my brain just reads them weird so that's the dead zone in my brain i think i'm a smart person but i i can be dumb as hell when i want to be or not when i want to be actually if it were up to me i wouldn't ever be dumb as hell but i can sure i can certainly arrange a dumb moment so that's me and i am aware of it you guys are allowed to laugh at it because it's thankfully the kind of dom that hasn't i don't know it's kind of you know it doesn't hold me back in life thankfully but anyway yeah uh we're gonna finish up the little you know what there's a piano bench up here that i remember that i'm going to take and see if it looks good at diana's i think it will yeah we're just finishing this up just for funsies and then yeah because i think this piano bench will look better and it's like a very cute understated bench and we've got lots to do now that we have a villager that i think will probably stick around with us for for quite a while we'll see kind of how she she blends into society um but now we can really get started on the i've been wanting to do for a while um i'm gonna just move this it's gonna be so much easier see that was a smart move right because normally i wouldn't i would just have it make my life a living hell for no reason uh yeah see that's the one that i don't want this is cute or is it i don't know actually yeah so we've got diana she's here with us she's she's here for now because i i had to choose someone else because i gave myself a decision never do that if you're if you're a libra or anyone else who's just like indecisive don't do that that was so dumb oh that might be cute i have one of those back home that was dumb on my part i i acknowledge that now um just doomed all three of them julian roscoe and cherry just doomed them but you know like i said we've got our new island coming i know you guys keep asking me what i'm gonna stream i still need to get a new computer i'm working on it i keep saying that but obviously it's expensive so i have to save up for it but once we get there we can start that whole journey because i wanted to start that with you or the whole island you know i don't want to start it before i can stream it so i think that would be really fun and then uh yeah i don't know what's going on with me and sure but you know i'm not you know i don't want to jinx it or anything but i think it'll be in my best interest to keep him you know keep your friends close keep your enemies closer you know what i mean not that he's even an enemy at this point i wouldn't call him a friend and i wouldn't say that i understand him either because i don't i can't i can never understand why people would would kill you know why they would choose violence i can't understand that however i think that i've found a happy medium and a place where i can i can be assured that he will listen to me so that i can protect my friends in this in this community and that you know i can also protect myself if there is a threat that i need him to take care of for me so i'm so glad that diana just came to town right away right after zucker that there was no other villager that swooped in to make that difficult that would have been weird you know um gosh is there not like a bench that i like am i gonna have to because like gazelle already has this but like i'll i'll just whatever i'll just order it but anyway yeah we're gonna yeah i'll finish up diana's thing i think we're just looking for a bench i'll show that off in the next video and then yeah we're gonna get started with uh some some major renovations that we desperately need to take on sherby sherpy we did it buddy oh who are you talking to i'm sorry he's on the phone what do you i didn't even know you had a phone um anyway this is for you look at diana in the background diana come on you don't have to be doing that okay we know you're perfect anyway i made this for you just kind of as a symbol of our friendship um yeah it's your from from me who is your mom i guess there are a lot of things like this but you gave me this thing so it's extra special once i've cleaned up my house i'll set this out i can't wait to hear what all my bug friends think about it you know it's it's actually cake so you can eat it it doesn't really need to be um who are you talking to are you taking a picture yeah he's taking a picture of the topiary what's wrong what's what's okay anyway yeah yeah yeah me and you are friends jeremy you go off and do your thing okay where's diana again she's just out here apparently like she's just the perfect girl so be nice sherby [Music] okay oh jeez hey diana you'll never guess what i'm totally hooked on right now riddles they're so much fun even though they make me think real hard jesus in fact sometimes my noggin hurts from all the thinking i have no doubt it does sherp now when you say riddles do you mean like how is a raven like a writing desk i never could figure that one out yeah just like that but totally different see i'm making up my own riddles and they're way better hey popcorn you want to hear one of course i do sure yes right on okay here we go what do a centipede and diana here have in common oh good grief really i don't know sheriff what do we have in common you both own a lot of shoes get it diana's like um sure how do you know how many shoes i have and i'm also asking that question because he's never been invited into her home and yet he knows so it's obvious he's been there several times while she's been out you know i'm gonna have to talk to him about that later but the good news is that he trusts me and he listens to me so i can tell him hey sherpy don't go into diana's house or anybody's house when they're not home okay baby good boy you know that's how yeah that's how we're doing this ah yes i see my love of shoe shopping has provided you with a punch line hilarious darling really now let me give it a try diana go easy on them okay don't upset him what do you any used pencil have in common feel free to take your time you might get it eventually cutie diana sweetie just ignore him you know that's probably the best uh thing to do thankfully i don't think that he picked up that that was like an insult but i just wouldn't recommend insulting him i think he's fine though yeah he's off in his own little world nothing serbs world and we're all living in it i guess or or are we you know we we can live in it if i continue to to appeal to his better nature so me and my serial murderer go running around and renting a boat i once thought for sure that he'd slow my throat but now he's my favorite murderer go me and my dangerous bloodthirsty goat he stalks me like praying leaves creepy notes anyone who'd mess with me now they won't because of my marvelous murderous goat
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 28,351
Rating: 4.9422631 out of 5
Keywords: theamandafiles, amanda sargent, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, villager hunt, dreamie hunt
Id: rsf79XGOrzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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