Annoying Things That Patients Do (Doctor Stories r/AskReddit)

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doctors override it what do patients do that annoy you non-compliance oh you're not feeling any better after the antibiotics I didn't take them med students but usually something along the lines of oh you smoker double-quote nope have you ever smoked yes how long were you smoking for - two packs a day for 50 years when did you give up double-quote three days ago my partner is a doctor she had two answers first the doorknob comment come for a 15 minute appointment spend 14 minutes talking about a mild cough then as she goes to leave the room patient suddenly remembers oh yeah and my dong is green and smells strange second having to write medical certificates letter for employers that require them if someone takes a day off because they're sick waste of everyone's time patients stated he has a cold examined and determined that patient does indeed have a cold thanks for wasting my time when patients tell me I've got a really high pain threshold during the history and then act like they are being exploited when I take blood or put in an IV line I've got a really low needle threshold when they're come in with non evidence-based and proven and sometimes dangerous recommendations from their nature Oh paths sake broccoli juice cures cancer or they come and say my cheero said I had a stomach parasite but luckily he fixed that and that prostate cancer you said I had last year seems to be gone now with my homeopathic spider venom I'm just here for a check-up because I can't ejaculate anymore and there is blood in my urine when they bring their family member who has some medical training and that family member orders me around it is not their fault but where I came from we have to see 40 60 patients in an afternoon time is of the essence and we have nearly 15 minutes to interview figure out what they haven't tell them what can be done because of the time frame during the interview we need objective answers something patients avoid like heck we asked when the pain started and they say well I was at Mary's wedding when it started thinking who's Mary when was it 28th day thinking of which month I have several other patients and don't want to be rude with this one but I need answers physical therapists here when this conversation happens patient you made my back pain worse me oh no which home exercise aggravates your pain patient I didn't do them me okay then what did make your back pain worse patient I have no idea me what did you do yesterday patient well I felt better after you examined me so I played golf for six hours yesterday when to roller derby practice helped three friends move ran a half marathon with no training and now I feel worse me faster Pam I've done nothing and I'm all out of ideas I've offered to refer people to physio and they've refused because they just give you exercises rage when they come up with these miraculous ways to lose weight fast hill ways to keep looking young come to me and ask me what they could potentially have and then interrupt any because they're google PhD knows better animal doctor here I hate when clients bring in their pets for sick examined decline all diagnostics and treatments it's one thing if they're financially in a rough spot I try to help them out as much as I can but it's another when they say things like I just don't believe in medicine or I think I can fix this with coconut oil turmeric essential oils crystals and I don't trust any of your advice I feel like I've done nothing to help their little friend and I worry about their pet all day bonus anger when they want to pay for a toenail trim for twenty books and the medicine they've declined is cheaper than that I've even gotten those when I try to give them a free trim so that I could send home meds not a doctor but pharmacists chiming in patient I have a two-year-old with a runny nose and I found this homeopathic remedy that doesn't actually have any medicine in it is this a good choice me well there's no evidence to suggest that this product is effective but this claritin zyrtec is not only cheaper it has real medicine that has been clinically proven to help manage allergy type symptoms including runny nose and is labeled for use in a child this young patient no thanks I'll just give this other crap after wasting ten minutes of your valuable time against your professional advice while I don't see it often there is one thing that annoys me about patients though I wouldn't express it to them anyone who defends cigarette uses something more natural relatively innocuous I had the aunt of a pregnant teenage patient rhetorically asked me if quitting smoking would cause a shock for the baby and therefore be harmful for the pregnancy it was clear from the tone that she thought the girl should continue to smoke another wanted only natural medications vitamins during the pregnancy no vaccines fully natural childbirth with no cord cutting or lot which I am fine with for the record but continued to smoke one stroke to PPD during the pregnancy to all smoking pregnant preconceptions I say for the grand majority of pregnancies up to the point the child is born you quitting smoking is more important than anything I can do as a doctor and I will gladly help you in any way I can towards that goal not a real doctor but a dentist here there are a few things that hurt me but I do realize that people really do not want to come to the dentist so I try my best to ignore most of it so the only thing I'll say without trying to toot my dentist horn here is that believe it or not a lot of the things we do in dentistry on a day to day basis are actually pretty difficult technically the fact that we do it so often that it becomes routine does not change that I realize that patients have no idea what I am doing in their mouth for the most part but believe me when I say that mistakes within fractions of a millimeter can mean the difference between a amazing result and catastrophic failure as such when patients have either a bad attitude or are not interested in trying to help me it adds a huge degree of difficulty to something that is already hard enough people who don't open white on purpose even after being asked or keep trying to sit up and want to rinse constantly or ones that try to grab my hand when I am given an injection or drilling I'm not asking you to do or not do certain things only for my own good it's actually for your own good so that I can achieve a great result for you and your dental work and also so that I don't accidentally bury my drill into the side of your tongue or the floor of your mouth while you are squirming around I'd say the general belief many patients have nowadays that pain is never okay that being sick and feeling like crap while your body heals is unacceptable you broke your angle I can do lots of things to help you heal and be in less pain but it's going to hurt being pain-free is impossible you have the flu you're going to feel like complete ass for five seven days feverish achy weak coughing frankly unless you're seriously ill you shouldn't be contaminating your community and my waiting room go to bed take Tylenol or ibuprofen fluids and wait not a doctor but my mother is so I heard all the stores while growing up here are a few things that annoy her one arriving late to your appointment if you arrive late and she's already behind and seeing the patient after you she may ask you to reschedule if it's not an emergency if you know you're going to be late call in and let them know it might save you a trip if the doctor is already behind or they could tell you to come in anyway too if it's your first appointment try to arrive at least 15 minutes early there is going to be paperwork three it's obvious when people coming just looking to score some opiates or pain medication it's sad and she wants to help but most all of those people are just looking for drugs not help before if for some reason you do not want a female doctor you should tell the Shedd Yuling people when you make your appointment it's happened a few times where a man would come in and not allow her to touch him due to religious restrictions you just waste everyone's time with that five don't just stop talking your meds because you start to feel better oftentimes the meds are what makes you feel better so if you stop them you will be back to square one but some meds need to taper down so it can be dangerous to go cold turkey six if you do not speak English or are calling in for someone who does not know English please let the staff know when they schedule the appointment the clinic is required to pay for an interpreter for you if they show up and can not communicate there is not much that can be done if this is the case please show up because they have to pay the interpreter even if you don't show up seven pay your bills the billing department will work with you if you have a certain number of unpaid bills you will not be seen some guy once hired one of those services that claim to reduce your medical bills by negotiating for you that sort of thing only really works with hospitals where you don't have reoccurring visits the hospitals might settle for getting a lower amount rather than getting even less by selling it to a collection agency but a clinic that you have to go back to every six months will just fire you as a patient eight don't be a dong the doctors and nurses are doing their best to help you and deserve respect they do not have to see you so don't go treating them like some minimum-wage cashier you should also treat cashiers with respect and try to walk all over them my mother has fired patients who were repeatedly rude to the front end and phone personnel there is a section in your account where the staff can put notes for everyone to see when they pull up your billing info if you're dong - then it will show up there and you will find everyone much less accommodating belittling their gp's family doctors I'm not a GP but they don't just deal with colds and gastro if the GP misses your DVT you could die if the GP misses your bowel cancer you could die if the Jeep he doesn't treat you for a community-acquired pneumonia you can die if the GP doesn't realize that your headache is actually meningitis you could die or be left with brain damage and what is there to belittle GPS in Australia can make at least thirty five dollars for two minutes of work that's all it takes to sort out a sick note or a flu shot not a doctor but when I'm doing history intake when the patient says it should be in the chart for basic screening questions like do you have a family history of cancer bonus points if there are brand-new patients to the health system some of my absolute favorite things to hear as a GP no you see I know my body before diagnosing themselves with the most ridiculously far-fetched affliction they managed to Google I have a high pain threshold but before fainting from a hypo needle prick I never ever on a fever all the opposite no really thirty-six point five degrees Celsius is a very high fever for me you don't understand I need this cold to go away as quick as possible and that's why I really do need antibiotics oh I'm sorry that's all right then my bad telephone call at 2:30 in the morning I can't sleep well neither can i now and yes this actually happens my personal favorite are patients with lower back pain demanding investigations for their kidney pain must be awesome to be able to diagnose yourself what do you even need me for and just for shoots and giggles here's my real absolute favorite thing a patient has ever told me my date of birth how should I know I never went to school the biggest thing for me is not being able to provide a useful medical history even if you don't know anything about medicine you should know whether or not you have diabetes high blood pressure lupus same for medications just write down a list and bring it with you it's amazing how many people can't tell you how long they've had X symptoms if they've ever had them before etc and no I can't skip the questions and just look in the computer because the electronic records are often incomplete or out-of-date I know we asked a ton of questions but I promise they're important and it's really hard to help you if you can't answer any of them I stopped taking my medication three months ago because my bingo buddy said it doesn't work no I didn't tell you because I thought you'd be upset I want what's best for you if you're not okay with the treatment we can talk about it also when set friend comes in and says they only used their daily meds once a week because it didn't work gee I wonder why it wasn't life changing not a doctor but I work as a technician for a dentist whenever a patient says I'm planning to go to insert a place ridiculously far in permanent trip out of the country in two days please get this done by then when that happens you're basically asking for a crap job there's a good chance whatever work you're getting won't fit properly or may crack break in a few months besides the obvious rush mentality that gives the result a risky conclusion it's also because you give very little option to the dentist to do trying appointments the trying phase is very important and a good investments to ensure that your restoration will turn out good to compare what you're basically doing when you ask for something in two days as you're completely skipping the test drive and just buying the car or thought what you know from specs and then expecting to be satisfied with it be kind and give your dentists and technicians are good minimum for five working days for low unit jobs that is single crown denture flipper and 812 working days for high unit jobs full mouth restoration x' multi unit crowns and bridges implant work for each part of the phase but I'm a dentist and we know most patients are pretty high anxiety and everybody deals with that in their own ways sometimes it's talking a lot sometimes it's wincing even though nothing hurts sometimes it's even being mean to me or my staff we get it and that is why we spend time before any procedures explaining things and talking about anything you want but what really annoys me is once we get going I just need you to sit still and keep your mouth wide open I am performing microsurgery on your tooth with a very sharp drill that spins at 300,000 revolutions per minute and I need to make cuts to tolerances of one stroke ten of a millimeter and dark confined spaces in the back of your mouth I'm sorry you don't like the feeling of your own saliva pooling in your mouth but I just need you to suck it up for 30 seconds so I can do a good job and we won't have to Ray do this in six months my dad is a dentist when he was removing my wisdom teeth my mom was the assistant I gave him the opposite problem I was so comfortable with em and drunk on nitrous that I kept asking all kinds of questions about halfway into the procedure he had to stop and tell me that he appreciated my interest in learning but could I please just shut up so he could perform surgery wife is a radiographer she takes the x-ray pictures it's all the people who just don't freaking listen lie on your side does not mean on your front hold still means exactly that by having to Rhea do x-rays people are getting extra doses of radiation I cannot believe how stupid these people are from the stories she tells patients who don't use their screening opportunities I'm in the UK so it's all free but so many people don't get their cervical smears or bowel cancer screening mammograms routine STI and HIV checks not just when you think you might have caught one it's such a small part of your time and has the potential to save your life not doctor but former EMT the final answer is lie lying to a health care worker is the most irritating and infuriating this people can do honestly no one gives a crap but when you say your issues start at 30 seconds ago but it's been three weeks it could be a very different potential diagnosis probably not the best example but so many people lie to health care workers you quickly become a detective to cope with it abuses of emergency medicine my blood sugar is high how high 170 how do you feel fine have you been taking your Merritt Foreman no because I feel fine the ones that bugged me the most other people that have a basic URI the freaking common cold come to the IDI and say something along the lines of it's been going on a few days when I knew I should come get checked out and then look at me expecting a freaking pat on the head number you didn't do good you're more on another thing I hate because I'm officially venting now how bad is your pain zero ten zero is no pain tennis being on fire while covered in salt and lemons 10 as they sit there freaking with their phone and eating cheetah's normal vital signs no distress another one I hate big tough guy comes in hurt is back working out or something cold freaking muscle ten stroke 1000 x-rays negative no neurologic deficits nothing wrong well can you give me something for pain sure take some Tylenol that doesn't work for me ten minutes later how can you be discharging at me when I'm in this much pain it's easy crap sting I just printed your papers I just wish these people could see how much time they are taking away from truly sick people also stop being a P you're going to hurt sometimes we're only like two generations removed from most of the population doing hard labor where they lived with aches and pains all day every day now a sprained ankle merits some Norco and are reassuring talking to buck the worst is the patient that is allergic to everything except the medicine that they want which is dilaudid most of the time you've been visited by the good sleep dog ow like within the next four seconds and you will be blessed with cozy and restful sleeps if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 103,074
Rating: 4.9102674 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, doctors of reddit, doctors, doctor, medical, hospital, nurse, medical school, patient, patients, emergency room, diagnose
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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