When Has A Cringy Patient Tried To Correct You? (Doctor Stories r/AskReddit)

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serious doctors over debt what is the most stupid thing a patient has sent trying to correct you I asked a patient complaining of dizziness if she had ever been diagnosed with vertigo the daughter chimed in and said no no she's a Libra I then laughed hysterically at her awesome joke she was dead serious patient comes in with abdominal pain I think it's my gallbladder they say looking over their chart I see their gallbladder was removed 20 years ago so that is impossible I mentioned this to which they reply yet had grew back I took care of a child that got chickenpox the mother was strongly anti-vaxxers yelling at me how can modern medicine not have a treatment for chickenpox she couldn't grasp the concept that we do she just refused it for her child me sir I need to know why you stopped taking your anti retrovirals for your HIV him well I met this witch online that me wait did you just said witch him yeah she sent me a bunch of herbs every month to cure my HIV and there works last time I checked I was cured me where and what test did he do to know you are cute him I made an online test that the witch told me to they were a lot of random questions but in the end it said that I was free of HIV me look we will need to do a blood test to confirm that now can you tell me which herbs were you consuming him I don't know the name did I have them right here points at his backpack me may I take a look him sure I opened the bag and what I saw was nothing but grinded or igano with something that smelled like chlorine the patient sadly died from a severe sepsis a month later with a highly resistant microorganism just because a witch in a website told him to stop taking his meds her mother brought her fourteen-year-old daughter to the adju two hypogastric pain and spotting we asked the daughter when was her last period she said at two months ago we asked her for her sexual history thinking this might be an ectopic pregnancy the mother kept butting in saying that she is still a virgin and she has no boyfriend we left it at that until her mother went out to go to the bathroom the patient admitted that she had sexual intercourse with a classmate of hers we requested for pregnancy test and HCG titters it really looks like ectopic pregnancy we advised the mother that her daughter needs immediate surgical intervention she refused to believe are saying that the lab results are unreliable and untrue she keeps on saying that her daughter is a virgin she stormed out of the ER with her daughter that looks really in pain a lot of these answers were stupid this is one of the first that made me really sad that poor girl I had a patient once with family members who were some of the most frustrating people I've ever dealt with that the patient was morbidly obese and had open sores and wounds in all her skin folds cleaning her when she was first admitted was like some sort of disgusting clown car we found a floral pillowcase shoved under one fold and what we think was a smashed bread crust in a foal near her groin anyway because of her weight she wasn't a candidate for surgery and therefore there was nothing our team could do for her I think about five or six different meetings were held with her family to discuss her prognosis her daughter told the attending physician he didn't know what he was talking about and that she had been this sick before and pulled through her pH was so low it just read as 6 point 8 inches and her blood pressure was a solid 60 stroked 25 despite every vasopressor under the Sun running at three times the max doses when the charge nurse pointed out her blood pressure on the monitor the daughter said psh I've seen lower when she finally died her family was livid that we didn't save her we coded her for 20 minutes and they told us we should have continued for at least an hour I felt terrible that her last days were spent in such torture all because her family was in such denial about her condition had a patient with atrial fibrillation that needed to be on anticoagulation I chose products around patient said no that one does not have any antidote in fact it's the only new oral anticoagulants that has an approved reversal agent patient refused to believe me like I got some bonus for killing her or something and then rebel lady was utterly convinced that her friend got cancer because she quit smoking not because she was a smoker done and this lady had a mild Gorter and her reason for not quitting was that if she quit smoking the lumps in my neck would turn to cancer could not be convinced otherwise then I referred her to end for her hoarse voice and she was surprised how fast she was seen I said well you're smoker so they were worried you might have throat cancer smoking causes throat cancer I always needed a strong coffee after her had a co-worker tell me my dad wouldn't have died from throat cancer if he never quit smoking they've said a lot more ignorant crap like this and I'm glad I don't have to work with them off him one year old hospitalized with ingestion of unknown drug no immediate signs or symptoms mother says it is H from her brother's stash urine comes back positive for M mum gets very angry and defensive and tells us it is just H and we should stop accusing her of having em like lady why you think letting your toddler try H is so much nobler I work in community mental health and see a lot of people on a wide variety of illicit substances it always cracks me up at the number of H addicts that are horrified by the idea of using M & M addicts that are offended that we would think that they would use H lady comes in with shortness of breath we check her troponin levels they are elevated mom you're having a heart attack no I'm not oh yes you are no I'm not her PCP came into the year and fired her as his patient she signed an against medical advice and left she died the next day of a freaking heart attack yep fine traduced myself to her patient as dr. your Annie's sittest patient said that I could not be a doctor as any statists not doctors not long after another patient asked me if I had to go to uni to be an anesthetist and still asked me if I had to know as much as a pharmacist ophthalmologist here tailed patient he needed reading glasses which he didn't believe I explained that everyone develops press by OPI eventually come on George Clooney doesn't wear reading glasses eh yes he doesn't be not sure why you are comparing yourself with him Oh No 25 years ago I had heck of a time as a kid because I have myopia at age 7 it family didn't allow me to wear glasses unless I'm outside cos they believe the eyes would readjust to normal and the myopia would decrease at I ended up perpetually squinting no my myopia never went down I have very high diopter myopia in adulthood now patients stated he got a full fellatio at his previous hospital before being transferred to my hospital not sure if he was trying to say fileted in regards to debridement of his lower extremity wound patients satisfaction scores at that hospital are great had a female patient her mom asked me to adjust her scrotum trying not to burst out laughing I said your daughter's scrotum she acted like I was stupid and pointed to the back of her neck I knew she wouldn't listen as she was so convinced so I stopped arguing with her and I also wanted her to go around saying it to other people go to make your own entertainment med student that a patient was telling me about how a doctor suggested she may have shingles of the eye trying to get me to laugh at the other doctor because apparently shingles of the eye is a ridiculous concept you can totally get shingles in your eye though the time I was telling the family that the patient is going to die and her lab results pH 6.6 lactic acid 25 are not compatible with life and they said they were pretty sure she would wake up if I put ice in her underpants well yeah we are not going to do that she died and they still didn't believe me she was dead they kept trying to wake her up people are weird about ice I had two guys who were absolutely convinced that they could lower blood pressure by dumping ice down their shirts I didn't have a heart attack I had a myocardial infraction that's what a heart attack his chief had a patient come into the IDI for what was essentially a cold kept requesting antibiotics kept explaining that they wouldn't help her viral symptoms but I did then sit down and give her a basic tutorial on the differences between bacteria and viruses and antibiotics and antivirals hopefully it was enough to help her in medical school finals the next week and a doctor but this was mine on are not a patient she was drinking 11 cups of coffee a day which is too much we held an intervention while visiting for dinner and when we told her she was addicted she responded no no the coffee is good for me it helps me with my shaking she cut down once we explained to her what drug withdrawal was the fact that you got a little old Italian lady to change her mind and do what you told her to do is amazing might be late to this but a 17 year old girl who was pregnant and came into the emergency department to get checked if she was punched in the stomach but she wanted to go out for a smoke so I did the whole pregnancy and smoking spiel she stopped me and told me I knew nothing as the baby would be harmed if she stopped smoking straight away I hate when people tell professionals that they know nothing in their field especially doctors I mean they have to go through so much schooling when I was a medical student this middle-aged male patient from a rural area got it in his head that I knew absolutely nothing and he was doing me a service teaching talking to me he was in colorectal clinic for something unrelated and started telling me about the gland on the back of his neck that would drain every so often when he saw that I was unfamiliar with this particular gland he gave me this knowing look laughed and started instructing me the dun little medical student about this gland apparently everybody has this gland for the immune system but that his would drain when he was stressed no sir I was being polite but you have a nasty frickin abscess on the back of your neck I was hoping that the patient would try to explain this medical wonder to my attending when he came in but alas he didn't med student here but I have had two winners when discussing a precancerous skin lesion on a patient they opted to use their laser ray instead of classic treatment it was a cancer laser ray that was bought online it also apparently had frequencies for arthritis they insisted that the vibratory frequency can be tuned to destroy cancer cells just like a trained singer may be able to use her voice to break a crystal glass the patient did not believe that cancer cells and regular cells would have the same frequency another patient insisted that his cancer had been properly treated at home with baking soda he gave me a website like skills cancer calm or something the patient also had with them a surgery report in which it appears their baking soda consumption resulted in buildup of abnormal calcium in the wall of the stomach which had to be removed veterinarian here the anti-vaxxers been slowly seeping into my profession for years but in my area it's gotten much worse recently almost every day now I have a client informed me on how toxic vaccines are and that I should talk to their dogs breeder because he/she is very informed most of the time I'm able to convince them that this is incorrect however some are still quite resistant vaccinating for rabies is not just a suggestion it is the law and my clinic has a policy that we don't let any of our healthy animals be vaccine free I've had a few clients walk out over this policy I feel bad for their animals these are the same kinds of clients that won't use flea and tick prevention on there obviously flea infested dog that will use lemon grass and peppermint instead spoiler it doesn't work mum off baby I don't vaccinate it's against my religion me oh really just out of curiosity what religion is that mum I'm Catholic not really a correction percent but made me laugh a lot my mom didn't vaccinate me and she claimed religious exemption every year because my school's required it her religion is like spiritual I've had a few patients expressed dissatisfaction that their buttocks only lasted three months and they suspected that I was diluting the buttocks both statements are absolutely true and consistent I can give you the full strength but one of us is going to prison and the other into a grave guess which one you are I wonder how many buttocks patients don't know what it is why are you looking at my hip I said the pain was in my knee woman with this weird abdominal cramping twitching presentation I won't say stupid because she probably had some kind of undiagnosed dementia but definitely the most bizarre ask her what she is feeling why she's twitching her abdomen it's like it's trying to get out like what's trying to get out mom my my my sperm um mom you don't have sperm Oh for those of you curious by the time I saw her last official diagnosis was pseudo seizures she had a tendency to start twitching parts of her body whenever we would start asking whether she had twitching in those areas mom have you had any twitching in your legs she looks at leg leg starts twitching yeah I have woman with breast cancer she was in the medical field too so I am unsure why she said the things she did perhaps she was still in denial idk anyhow so I was the intern when she came in for a chest tube insertion to drain her pleural effusion it was obviously suspected to be malignant after the procedure I went home and the resident on call had to deal with multiple calls from the distraught staff in her ward for reasons I shall explain below the next morning I was told by said residents sporting a Haggard appearance and bloodshot eyes from a busy shift that she was my problem now but with that the poor man left for home I go in to see her and first get accosted by ward staff who tell me she legit refused all pain meds right after procedure which entailed a tube scratching against her parietal pleura now so I go in and I'm told by this woman who let me remind you was employed in the healthcare sector that the tube has been pushed in far too much and is stabbing her and that I need to under the stitch and pull it out a few centimeters and no lady I'm not authorized to do that the x-ray was fine no intervention was necessary I tell her she needs to take her meds if she wants the pain to get better and she says no joke that pain meds will further spread the cancer and that I should know that being a student of medicine and she further said look no need to tell anybody your doctor use your own judgement and pull the tube out sigh she was adamant my professor was going to be late that day and I obviously wasn't going to do anything without his permission I documented her refusal and went on my way she left by the afternoon against medical advice I feel bad for her but she won't letting me help so yet doctor here one we get commonly as I know my body scoped a guy with knee pain the joint looks perfect told him after the surgery and he told us no my tendons are all torn I know my body tell the lady she was pregnant no I'm not I just had a big lunch I know my body my body is just a casual acquaintance probably the legions of women that seemingly don't know how long it can take for an IUD to work and wanted taken out cause it didn't instantly stop their periods within a month also the women that come in with chlamydia but deny having had sex like come on I'm not your boyfriend you don't need to lie to me I'm the opposite of those women my IUD literally immediately stopped my period and I rushed to the doctor panicked because everything online said it should stop within six months and I thought that meant something was wrong jinnah colleges here imagine a revved up version of that dreadlocks beanie wearing woman meme it's not vagina anymore it's pronounced var zhe nano Vezina the warrior princess me your blood pressure is very very high you need to take the blood pressure medications i prescribed you him I don't need no pills doc all I need is Jesus well to be fair without pills you'll get to see Jesus very soon radiographer here and had the IDI doctor give me a request for soft tissue neck x-rays and the doctor was P much like don't question it just do it anyway after that patient had left the IDI doctor came and told me that the gentleman presented to IDI at 3 a.m. because he had hot milk three days ago and his tongue has been hurting ever since the patient basically burned his tongue that was insisting on our x-ray to ensure nothing is wrong paramedic student here not the most stupid thing I've encountered but the most common stupid thing do you have any pain anywhere else not all good then what do you take this specific medication for oh that's for my back pain or any past medical history nah ever been to hospital nah have you had a heart attack before yeah how do you know has a massive personal medication bag to do with cardiac meds while I am a doctor this happened to my wife also a doctor female PT came in complaining of infertility said she and her partner have been trying to conceive for like five years and had tried everything at one point she led the pronoun slip she and I and my wife said wait let's back up a minute turns out the woman had been in a hetero relationship for a few years and never got pregnant despite using no protection she then entered a same-sex relationship and again never got pregnant even though she really wanted to leading her to believe she was infertile when my wife tried to explain that conception requires sperm sourced from a male as well as an egg the PT was incredulous and exclaimed that she didn't need a man in my life when she didn't like being judged perhaps needless to say the patient was lost to follow up even worse is that unlesss woman was trying to secretly get pregnant then two women were dumb enough to think they could get pregnant without sperm when I was about 16 I went to the hospital with sharp pain in the lower right hand side of my abdomen it seemed pretty serious so both of my parents were with me which was unusual because they had divorced a doctor looked at my symptoms and said it looked like appendicitis I groaned I don't have an appendix it was taken out my parents said yes you do when I was six I had surgery to correct testicular torsion I kept both my testicles my parents politely told people I had my appendix taken out to explain why I was in the hospital I accepted this as the actual reason for my surgery so years later when I learned the location of the appendix I assumed they did some kind of laparoscopic surgery through my scrotum to explain the scar there I was very surprised to learn that I do in fact have an appendix the pain turned out to be from a sharp piece of chicken bone I am a family practitioner and I had a family not one to vaccinate their newborn because they heard that vaccines were derived from monkeys brains and they didn't want their child to develop monkey-like characteristics a vaccine turned me into a newt you have been visited by the money cat subscribed it up Dutra didn't get rich in 3.8 days if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, doctors of reddit, doctors, doctor, medical, hospital, nurse, medical school, patient, patients, emergency room, diagnose
Id: 6EaNYOl_Hx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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