Anime VS Real Life Locations In Japan Quiz

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hello everybody welcome to tokyo creative play i am your host emma and today i am here with the wonderful sarah natasha and shiori today uh shiori is going to be acting as quiz master shiori because she's going to be testing us on our anime knowledge and anime location knowledge so she's going to be showing us some scenes and we have to guess where the animes are set right now we have our uh our favorite backgrounds of uh some of our favorite anime i have got formal alchemists what have you got sarah i've got nana nana is so good but so break your heart that's so good i recommend it natasha what have you got i have haiku and i'm getting hit by the volleyball oh my gosh yeah it's right the hike is so good and the new the latest season is coming out in like a few weeks oh so me sarah natasha our anime knowledge is varied so i guess we're all fair game for this that's what we're gonna do but uh shiori's got a grass background right now but you're going to be showing us the scenes behind you right so now i'm in town you know yeah yeah yeah well you are kind of close to tarayati size now i am i'm going to change yeah like i must say i'm going to change this background to the anime scene and then maybe you guys can guess where the scene is located so i chose a lot of the variations some of them are very popular one some of them are finished some people love that and of course the jeeburi as well so i'm going to test you guys the knowledge of the location maybe you guys can guess even though you haven't watched i don't get one i don't want to embarrass myself at least one point at least one please all right let's begin first question no yes is tokyo right yeah okay what's this anime what's the name yeah your name your name so this place this very iconic scene uh they know each other oh that thing is from tokyo yes so where is it uh so maybe it's a bit difficult to be specified the place like for example shibuya crossing the level you guys can guess the area or the coup the cool yeah many of my friends have been here and i have literally no idea i always wanted to visit it when i was there but i just never knew where it was and i never researched here okay oh thank you for giving us a good view of it are a lot of office buildings and schools and there is the one famous collaboration shop and camera i know what shop you're talking about but i just i didn't know this was bad i have no earrings oh my god natasha what have you become oh we didn't even talk about natasha's here oh oh oh yeah yeah let's say natasha's in quarantine right now this is in singapore as you can tell thank you for joining no problem this is fun okay let's go all right here we go oh okay [Music] this place is located in the shinjuku but only like four minutes by train so it's super easy to access and only 10 minutes walk from san juan station oh that's so nearby right but this uh anime your name is i think their school high school is located in shinjuku as well in the city so many buildings from shinjuku area it's very fun to walk and oh i see this one i saw this one okay [Music] next question i don't know that anime is the name of the anime and then this is maybe it's easy to recognize if you are familiar with that earlier so we chose this picture but can you guys guess this phrase it's accessible from tokyo right yes very accessible i'm gonna be so depressed if i'm wrong oh that does not help me wait oh no that means i'm wrong guys it's quite hard for me because i know the anime but i don't know anything about japan but this kind of the anime location hunting traveling around the anime spot a quite big thing in japan right now the city we called and in this hd junai is making the otaku people going out so it's very cool you know my brother is also very otaku and he but he likes hanging out with the friends who love the anime and going this kind of spot together so it looks so fun so the last hint is in kanto kanto oh my god i have no idea i don't even know what kanto is or what a prefecture is guys this is a wrong quiz for me all right here we go oh yeah nice so there's a prefecture so you got chiba kanagawa and saitama okay the answer is i wonder if you can see this is the bridge i was thinking of wow where is that okutama oh yeah you see it on the train as you go past on the way to okutama but this one is in saitama and then chichibu city have you ever had chichibu city before i think i might be hosted on a train i think the saitama is famous for kawagoe area right i think the tokyo creative play also covered that area from kawagoe to chittibu is like an hour and a half so it's not that near but if you love this anime anohana i think it's anime it's very very popular for japanese as well so the chichi city made a very nice animation map so it's it became very organized and then as long as you have map you can go anywhere the the next question one two three is one punch man yes a lot of the people assume that saitama is living in saitama but actually not so he is located in a really really awesome place in tokyo guess where this is awesome place yes awesome i think natasha likes it this place is somewhere that natasha likes okay have we done a video there before i don't think so i feel like i can't can't lose because it's a place that i like yeah so wherever you say you'll be right but i'm not sure if you actually have been to there but i can't imagine there are so many your favorite kind of places okay we ready yeah she i've been i've been yeah that place is closed down now that's the spooky weird cafe we went that's in is so nice i didn't know he lives there right he's so hipster yeah what the hell the saitama is maybe in like the middle of nowhere you know that kind of guy i thought i was so surprised to find out he's living in the kitchen that's somewhere the japanese people always wanted to live i think if you see the lanking of the japan where you want to live kind of ranking always the kitijoji is on the top ten taitama is really i thought she was a character but she has smaller boobs and though it's a different character but she looks the same what's this this is your favorite anime only your favorite anime why does the book look so small in this picture no zombies because we are in the mikosa it is it tokyo look at this so this place this obviously shrine right this shrine is very famous and popular place for the fans right now so they collaborate with the anime and they produce a lot of the goods there's the anime it's a very cool place right now and easy to access for us as well instead of know zombie being boobies [Laughter] this place is so easy to access for all otaku okay here we go okay the answer is oh that was good is the name of the shrine and then it's so easy to access from akihabara 10 minutes anyway you guys can see all of the anime characters the rubber live anime character goodies and the drawing fun drawing in this shrine check it out this so the next question is this one i don't know where it's set one thing i like to clarify is i don't think the ghibli has ever said that all our animation is located this area before so fans are basically finding a seeking oh where this mothering you know kind of thing so this forest everyone called totoro nomori right now is in the between kanto prefecture for example tochigi and nantucket prefecture kanagawa and nantucket prefecture yeah i feel like so many forests look like this it could be any forest it could be anything here we go sen whoa that's sort of like surprising this area looks so so total fitting do you guys know that they are the satsuki and the maze house in aichi as well but they are making the jewelry park that's right i'm so excited for that does anyone know when it opens 2022 so the same exactly the same place they are going to open up the djibouti park the next question anime it looks like it's the one with that song everyone's oh my gosh [Music] i don't know where this shrine is i see it um i see it everywhere and i have no idea where it is yeah i edited the video i just forgot the name of it uh me aki joey and emma went before oh my god i don't want to cheat i don't remember the name you know i blame quarantine guys i feel like i'm slowly losing my mind and it's not my fault usually i'm very smart you are very smart thanks emma thanks i got you sherry is just like not supportive are you ready sen oh is definitely hakone pirate ship you got mount fuji right right good times so i can go to hakone area there are so many events going on no i wouldn't say all the time but there is like a temporary of those characters and you can get the products and also figures and a lot of the exhibitions more exhibition going on in hakone area so if you like the eba this is so iconic and so instagramable sports the line if it's tourist season the line is so long to get your photo taken there oh i wanna introduce my other favorite anime which is really old and nobody else knows it what is that this is katakyo hitman reborn it is from like thousands it's like a mafia fighting you know those like akama type anime and he has 200 over episodes it's so good 200 this is claymore there's some badass ladies they have monster blood in them that makes them super strong so they can wield these giant claymore swords wow and they kill uh they kill monsters for ages but i loved it in high school it was just like going on yuri was like so kawaii i love her personality this is the spirit away right and then this is the onsen so like i say in the totoro cruise deeply didn't mention specific place but fans are assuming this onsen is from three places actually so there are three guessing places the one then was right i can give it a point but we didn't count the point of it okay so point is just for you to be to be happy thank you but yeah can you guys guess three locations there's three locations okay we got our guesses okay say [Music] model we once assumed the inspiration but there are other two other locations which is the kuma prefecture shima onsen and also nagano shima onsen kanan [Music] the next question natasha you need to get the correct answer for this because you are appearing in this movie [Laughter] yes located in tokyo tokyo can you guys guess which area this is from is any hymns do you get it it's within 30 minutes from the main tokyo area shinjuku and it's along to ko line as you can see the building seeing the ko i got it oh close i was i was thinking tofu area as well you guys are getting so closer but the answer is which is in a tama city no idea let me check the distance now who's the closest in terms of answer oh i think i am what's his name what's his name uh my little violin boy a little pirant why a violent violent boy take me home is only an hour on foot so emma is got the ball yay hey thank you any of us keep track of the points no no but i think emma's winning do i get anything a high five virtual high five thank you yeah yeah yeah that's the end thank you so much chiodi for being the quiz master today your shirt matches shizuku's oh whisper of the heart oh it looks like huh can you sing take me home country road i was singing smaller way so you can start doing the wrap-up while she audio is singing along to take me home country road uh we will wrap up thank you so much for watching everybody thank you to the wonderful sarah natasha [Music] these places it's so cute i'll take it let us know in the comments down below if you manage to guess any of these places but we will see you today in the next video thank you thank you [Laughter] this means this is
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 54,329
Rating: 4.9631338 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun
Id: jeN-xOuDzc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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