We Cooked ANIME Food In Real Life - BREAKFAST Edition 🍳 πŸ₯ž 🍚

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welcome back to tattoo creative play i'm alex i'm sarah i'm your host yori we are going to try cooking japanese anime looking breakfast we are going to try delicious looking breakfast always appearing on the animes me i'm trying to cook japanese stuff i'll be cooking bacon and eggs from the very popular film house of moving castle by studio ghibli i'll be making some japanese pancakes sorry that we don't have emma today but emma always cooks stuff on her own channel took the travel so if you miss emma please watch her channel kitchen chat but let's try cook let's try cooking [Music] so here are all my ingredients i have my hot cake mix which had three packets inside this makes 12 pancakes and then i have some maple syrup it's like special pancake syrup three eggs some strawberries and then my milk so this is the all ingredients i'm going to use for breakfast rice meat tofu miso dashi egg egg dashi and wakame seaweed and sake this is the tofu skin and also carrot now to make the very complicated dish bacon and eggs we would of course need bacon and eggs so i've made pancakes quite a few times myself but they're not like japanese pancakes they're really thin kind of like crepes and i don't even add sugar so this is my first time making like a hot cake mix so i'm interested to see what it'll be like unfortunately it's all in japanese so in the bowl i'm going to mix my eggs my milk and then mix really fast alright so let's go there we go i got it so next i'm just going to add the milk that's a lot of milk these are going to be the best pancakes all right so once the mixture is kind of fluffy like this the instructions say it's time to add in the powder so i'm going to add in my powder this is growing really fast well i guess pancakes super simple right well that's what you think but getting the perfect pancake takes real skill culinary skills okay i'm going to mix this a bit next mix mix time to add a little bit more i'll be doing something completely different from surety i'll be making western style breakfast and usually in animes you see it being served with a side of salad bowl of soup and it's usually corn potage some toast bread or coffee and tea let's heat the pan with medium high heat first thing i'm going to cook is rice nice rice rice even japanese people i think it's so rare to eat the rice in the morning lately we ask this question sometimes i'm going to cook rice now i think most of the japanese people set the timer for breakfast but i didn't do yesterday so i need to cook rice right the now thing i'm going to do is make that fluffy how to make it fluffy is you are going to put the water and it will take 15 minutes to 20 minutes to be more why say more is this hijiki will be expanding unexpectedly i'm going for this much of the hijiki only like this let's see how fluffy they could be i have a water filter so i this one is also black so it could be also good this is quite sour this one is with vinegar so either hijiki or mozilla uh this is terrible so typically in western countries i find that pancakes are considered a breakfast food but in japan i feel like i can go either way it's more like a brunch later in the day you'll have it and you might go out to the cafe with friends and get pancakes and they're kind of like really fancy here like some cafes just specialize in pancakes i don't feel like that's an australian thing so in anime you'll find that like pancakes come up a lot like for example in your name pizza she goes to tokyo while she switches his body as the pecan and then she goes out to have like pancakes for lunch and she's like wow this is so cool well there's like scenes and pokemon where they're eating pancakes and stuff like that so i'm going to go on to the last bag i'm so glad this is the last bag because my arm i think it could do another fourth one this is a serious workout so i finished adding all of the mix and this is what it looks like it's a lot but we're going to make 12 of these and i want to taste it before we make it it's like sweet thick beautiful pancake mix so next step we need to fry the pancakes and while i'm waiting for the hijiki it's next step next thing i'm going to do is making miso soup water and use these of course you can make the dashi from scratch like using the kombu katsu bishi bonito or niboshi those things it will be really delicious but this time it's breakfast and very quick style so i just used dashi pak which is also tasty as well i'm going to boil the water so this dashi needs to be set with water and boiling together and then while i'm boiling these things i'm going to prepare carrots i just cut the kettle and tofu skin so next thing i'm going to cut is steak this steak is for miso soup i just got make for two ways this small thing for the hijiki and this mountain for the miso soup okay first you want to put in a little bit of oil not too much because the bacon's gonna oil the whole pan from the grease roll it around a little bit spread it all out i decided to go with a bigger pan because the smaller one could have fit three eggs and three bacons so first i'm gonna add in the bacons [Music] i bought this from a japanese supermarket it's honestly really hard to find a legit bacon if you know what i mean if you've lived in japan long enough you realize the japanese supermarkets don't sell actual bacon these are more like i don't know it doesn't taste similar to the ones where you find in you know breakfast outside western breakfast kind of stuff here is the little bubbles popping i think they say when the bubbles are popping it's time to mix so i can smell it it smells divine yummy i'm gonna try and flip it i'm holding the camera please forgive my poor flipping skills all right three two one go oh not bad not bad there's my little guy the first one oh it's burning oh my god oh my god all right one done miso soup dashi is ready so i'm going to add seafood this is from okinawa last time i visited my grandparents i just got people have many many things so that's the small shrimps this is and of course there's the wakame i'm going to use just one comment for [Music] i this added the guacame to miso soup therefore miso soup you always add the ingredients first before adding miso the next thing i'm going to add is soft if you are tofu lava you should remember this kanji this kanji means silk so kino tofu it has the no texture if you choose momento and then that will be a bit a little bit harder this one is very silky the other one is more tough the tough tofu is very good for the mimono kind of things because it's a chip remains very nicely even though after cook longer so i'm going to cut like this and then i'm going to add this and then after that i'm going to add this leek the leak should be less because the texture is very nicer a bit crunchier if you add in the glass so seaweed is back now it's more fluffy it doesn't look tasty but this is before cooking before adding the nice seasoning so of course this is from ocean so there is some sand that you need to wash properly and then it's good to go for cooking sofia now i'm going to cook hijiki i'm adding sesame oil i'm adding these leeks this is just my own recipe so i'm going to add a bit of salt here i'm going to add and then i'm going to get toasting i mix it with my please round the lid supposed to be for the miso size okay i can just cut i'm going to add the cannot i just microwave it and just so we need to show you i'm going to add meetings meat and cookies [Applause] it's not black it's more like colorful dish but okay green bacon's in while the grease is coming out we're gonna prepare to crack some eggs oh it smells amazing right now in my kitchen okay next i'm gonna break the mix and put it inside here ow no my egg broke no not one joke okay in goes the third egg oh god i tried not as pretty as i wanted it to be let's see if i can save it a little bit maybe i can push it out no well anyway it smells amazing and i would still eat this whole plate of bacon and eggs oh my god what happened there i don't know what happened here but we're gonna break this off the main pancake looks good so i'm currently waiting for one of the pancakes to cook so i'm gonna show you the ones i've made so far they're quite thick and big i think these would be really filling but this is already like a main meal i'd say at a cafe in japan and i think i made them too big i don't know if i can make 12 but i make as many as i can guys they smell so good all right back to the pancake making next thing i'm going to do is making the sambal first thing i'm going to do is to make the salmon dry you need to wipe the salmon properly absorb all water so after salmon is dry you can add salt and then you can start making here one thing you guys should be careful is the salmon in japan in supermarket so salty salmon is available and usually those summers is really really salty so just be careful you just cook like this okay after one side is nicely cooked i'm going to suck it it could be water but i just prefer the nice smell of the sake i'm not alcoholic i'm just adding and it makes the fire really really smooth and it kind of like steamed for five minutes while i'm cooking salmon i'm going to finish the pizza soup to be honest miso i add tektori while you're mixing and then the miso will be like the chunk and now it's time to add these leeks and then this summer is ready open oh she's oh someone's ready as well bacon looks good smells amazing what do you think of the presentation so far doesn't it look exactly like the movie are you a big fan of bacon and eggs and how often do you eat them i honestly love bacon so much okay so i think the egg has to be cooked a little bit more i'm worried about the sides being too brown so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cover it real quick to cook the top of the egg just real quick this part is not in the anime but i just want my eggs to be more cooked than having a raw yolk on top so okay let's do this woo all right i think we are ready so now i'm gonna plate it next pancake i think we're up to number five so i'm getting quite good at this pouring in oh my god flipper and oh yeah okay i'm gonna try and do a really high one ready last thing i'm going to make is satashima kita mango which has a very nice japanese fleshy flavor not just with salt it has dashi nice flavor unfortunately i don't have the cool tamago pan so i'm going to make with this one but if i make it happen with this one which means maybe you guys also can try so i'll do my best and i'm going to use this hirotashi and then you need to add water but instead of water i'm going to add special thing tony okay [Music] first patch go i love you need to make sure to have the layers and this chunk of the egg will be together because [Music] it's been so heavy now i don't have time to wait go go go before the egg is can you guys see this nice egg now i'll have a bit of the more burning texture and then done i'm going to cut nice [Music] nice it's ready open oh nice don't forget to mix after the nice things ready [Music] so here are the pancakes whoo i think i made how many did i make i made one eight nine ten so ten japanese pancakes they're really wobbly oh my god they're gonna cool and i'm gonna put on the sauce so the hot cake sauce drizzle it over oh yum so here is the slice of butter i'm putting it on the top there you go you can kind of see it um but this is the end product this is the final pancake um it's a lot but why not all right so plating it to them here my bacons are a little bit slightly burnt but that's okay i love my bacon's burnt too okay there you go don't worry guys i'll eat it later this is the japanese style breakfast days [Music] very good easy and delicious next thing i'm going to eat is i got from oita okay [Music] i made [Music] it's all good i love this kind of simple very similar japanese food we call it but it could be yoru it could be lunch dinner and this style of the food or japanese washoku they always have the one soup and then three different small dishes it's just some size style so this is right okay so now this is the moment of truth i'm gonna taste test my own bacon and eggs which i've worked so hard my blood sweat and tears everything inside let's see if it's good we got a bit of bacon a bit of eggs i can't say this enough i think i should be on masterchef this is so good i'm sorry i'm just gonna cut right there and enjoy my breakfast this is so good i'm gonna start you know itadakimasu i don't know how to approach this i'm just gonna like break into it i was gonna cut like a huge triangle i don't think that's gonna work so we're gonna go for like a little bit off the top it's um like a mixture of the butter and the maple syrup because it's melts started to melt it's yummy i don't have the strawberry the strawberry goes really well with it it's like that fresh fruit flavor i'm going to try and challenge myself and finish all this or get some of my um friends to help me eat it because they're waiting around like right beside me but let me know what your favorite anime food is in the comments down below which breakfast style did you like the most please leave the comment down below which one you like to try japanese style western style what would you like to see us cook next please share the some ideas you want us to cook i think we are going to continue working remotely and then filming remotely as well so please share some thoughts or ideas with us be sure to like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next video bye [Music] oh oh god oh there's a lot of eggshells i have a trick cracking an egg with one hand let's see if i please [Music] oh yeah
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 69,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, anime, food, japanese food, anime food, cooking japanese food, ghibli, japanese culture, pancakes, bacon and eggs, をニパ, をニパ料理再現, γ‚Έγƒ–γƒͺ, パンケーキ
Id: XmGFJmk3o68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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