Visiting the Real Life Locations From Your Name.

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Kind of video i would watch after watching anime. Great video!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kechid_Abdoo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 10 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What I would do to just go and see Japan in person. All the videos I see just make it seem so amazing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheShadyGamer420 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sometimes itโ€™s hard to tell which one is real. Really cool to see.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Everyday_oddity ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 10 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
the police have it all blocked off I can't believe we actually found one [Music] [Music] I think that way weโ€™re very close, oh we are very close We weren't we continued walking towards what we thought was our hotel but little did we know there's actually a lot of Apa hotels in Tokyo and the one we were looking for was about a 40 minute walk from here but that was the least of our worries we were about to face our biggest challenge yet Where's the light switch? It's gotta be this. The bed turns on? We cheaped out too much there's no lights. We got a flashlight! Yatta after playing pacman for ten hours straight We finally made it to our first hotel and I don't know if you guys realize this or not but it came it's quite the surprise to me that when people talk here there aren't any subtitles and that makes things pretty difficult to find your way around also we've been here for a couple hours and I don't have a harem of girls in love with me so I'm not entirely convinced that we even come to the right place but I guess we'll find out tomorrow It's currently 5:05 in the morning. Itโ€™s currently 5:05 in the morning and we're about to attempt to walk from Shinjuku over to Ginza, Jinza which one is it Ari? Japan. Weโ€™re going to try to walk over to Japan We're about to try to walk from Shinjuku over to Ginza and see what we can see. So we started walking towards Ginza and I noticed on the map that we're gonna come right across the stairs and the train station for Your Name. so that'll actually be our first location walking and drinking like a degenerate, oh crap after reporting Ari to the police for his disgusting coffee related crimes we started walking towards the staircase but we only made it a few minutes before stumbling into an empty courtyard which unknown to us turned out to be the Tokyo Metropolitan government building which is generally a pretty popular tourist destination but since nobody else was dumb enough to be awake at this hour we had it all to ourselves after far too long of exploring and taking pictures which if you'd like to see are all over on we remembered our mission and decided to push on but again we didn't make it very far before seeing something cool after surviving the angel attack we began the longest leg of our journey the map only took us a few blocks off the main street but it felt like being transported into an entirely different City [Music] They're doing cosplay. She has the ribbon in her hair. [Music] I can't believe we actually found one this is ridiculous remember when I was sitting in my room and I said I kind of hoped by making this video that the plan would seem more doable but if anything it just makes me more uneasy well it's actually working we actually are finding locations and I mean obviously this is a pretty easy and popular one Iโ€™m kind of speechless how spot on this is to the film like everything all the details are here it's really really cool you're like way too tall bend over [Laughter] just as we were about to leave we noticed a map of Your Name. locations just sitting on top of a bench held down by a few rocks I think it says a lot about Japan that nobody has ever taken it it showed locations I've never seen before and definitely came in handy on the rest of the expedition [Music] another one this is a good example of a shot where the geometry of the space has been tweaked to make a nicer composition for the film and therefore cannot actually be recreated in real life I had this problem several times throughout the trip and what I ended up doing is choosing one prominent object to use as my anchor which in this case is this building in the background so even if everything else is off the anchor should line up fairly closely oh it's that building I was way off Oh and you can even see the lantern go do the lean again [Music] so we're trying to get to the Imperial Palace but the police have it all blocked off the Emperor has a New Groove or something or there's a new emperor so that might be why it's shut down because there's big big March or parade happening tomorrow but we're gonna do the next best thing which is go to the Marunouchi building which is a location from Tsuki ga Kirei Giving up on seeing the palace we begin the long journey to the Tokyo National Art Center which is the location of the cafe that Taki took Miki on a date to I started to feel nervous that we made such a long journey for nothing the shot I needed was clearly from the third floor but all the stairs seemed to be blocked off I was just about to give up hope when Ari came to me saying that he found an open elevator [Music] although the Art Center was a long ways to go for just two shots I'm so glad we did because they definitely turned out to be some my all-time favorites it was getting late so we began the long journey home only stopping for the absolute essentials and by essentials I mean who had to a Akihabara exploring a five story anime merch building for way too long we got kind of thirsty and had no choice but to stop at a hedgehog cafe for refreshments exhausted from an incredibly long day we headed straight back to our hotel to sleep is what we should have done but what actually happened is sort of a blur [Music] so I'm at my hotel in Roppongi Ari just went all the way back to the Sky Tree to buy a jacket that he really liked so I was thinking that I might go find some more locations but the first location I want to go to The Mori Art Gallery and then get up on the roof which is a location from weathering In You but for some reason since it's Japan on Tuesdays basically everything's closed or closes early so I was gonna go down to Minato city and check out some Love is War locations but the sun's probably setting pretty quick so I wouldn't make it so I think I might just go walk to where the high school from Your Name. is and just try grab a couple shots from there I had to walk as fast as I could because I knew I was losing sunlight quick when I finally got to the first location I encountered a new problem people and more people and a couple more people and this dude trying to watch the sunset [Music] while rushing to grab some b-roll I accidentally captured another shot from Your Name. just from a much wider angle at this point the Sun was basically gone so I broke out into a jog because I really wanted to get one last shot before dark it broke my heart a little that in my determination I had to run straight past a street festival it smelled so strongly of delicious takoyaki that I almost tripped and could have smashed my camera and dreams into a million pieces now this next shot I'm really not proud of it was getting so dark that I knew the lighting wasn't going to remotely match and in my frustration I completely screwed up the framing notice how lining up certain anchors completely throws off the rest of the composition walking away I took one last look at the memorial gallery before bowing my head in shame all I could think about was what that nice gentleman on the bridge would think of me after I failed to recreate the last scene but then something happened I heard a strange song playing off in the distance and that's when I remembered I pulled the sick 180 and began jogging towards the music before I knew it my nostrils filled with the scent of fresh takoyaki and a weight was lifted from my shoulders as I forgot all about my little blunder if there's one thing I learned from my first trip to Japan it's the magic of just picking a direction and walking my favorite memories of the trip are the times we didn't have an objective or agenda and ended up just stumbling into places and adventures like that festival that otherwise I would never have seen don't be afraid to turn down an alley where it's supposed to or walk into the first restaurant you see I managed to meet back up with Ari and together research for more locations around Shinjuku After scouring Tokyo for Your Name. locations to film I was sad to be moving on but the excitement of seeing the incredible views of Mount Fuji from the very same places showcased in Yuru camp made it hard to sleep that and the nightmares I was having about driving on the left side of the road there was only one thing left for us to do before I'd be okay with calling our Tokyo experience complete So even if we're out watching weird robot shows [Doobstep] Thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed don't forget to Like and subscribe because there are many more episodes on their way featuring different anime from all across Japan if you'd like to see all the comparison shots from this episode in more detail I've uploaded a compilation of just the locations and if you want to support a second season of anime expedition I've got a link to my Patreon down below
Channel: Kinda Neet
Views: 6,958
Rating: 4.9894738 out of 5
Keywords: Anime, Expedition, Real Life, IRL, Locations, Finding, Visiting, In Real Life, Inspiration, your name, travel, Japan, Tokyo, anime in real life, anime locations, anime real life locations, anime IRL, anime pilgrimage, places in real life, comparison, real world, anime locations in real life, japan travel, kimi no na wa, makoto shinkai, suga shrine, your name locations, kimi no na wa tokyo, crunchyroll, taki tachibana, your name live action, radwimps, sparkle, ending scene, taki, mitsuha, OP
Id: rKU2ZS3Rk9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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