Animal Crossing New Horizons Gameplay: Shark Fishing! Weddings! (Raising Money for the NAACP)

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hi everybody welcome welcome along to another animal crossing livestream with me Luke it is June the 1st and that means that the animal crossing waters are teeming with sharks and the air is full of new bugs hello everyone in the chat so I'm before we kick off you may well have noticed if you've been using your eyes and looking at the YouTube that on the stream we are raising money for the n-double-a-cp I'm sure we're not the I'm sure we're not the only ones who've been watching the unfolding situation in the US with the demonstrations they're following the killing of George Floyd and we basically wanted to try and help in any way we can and you know on these channels we do we do live streams we play video games and you know that feels very trivial and it certainly can feel very very trivial you know at a time like this when the world is in in a rough sort of state and but we felt like if we could we wanted to use that platform to try and raise some money the n-double-a-cp is is one organization that's helping to fight that kind of injustice and it's a really good place to donate um I've seen a few people already in the chat saying that if they're in Australia they are struggling to donate YouTube does have some like regional blocks on might way you can and can't donate from but in the youtube description for this video we have popped a link to like a card that has a bunch of other links and like great places and other great resources where you can donate and I am already so so astonished and blown away by the generosity of our community because I'm looking at it now and hang on hang on let me refresh it cuz I want this to be up-to-date the stream is one minute in and we have raised an unbelievable 3.3 thousand dollars we said a ten thousand dollar goal on this outside Xbox is streaming later as well also also raising money yeah for the same cause so yeah so check that out I'm absolutely amazed it seems the donations are coming in way faster than I'm gonna be able to to to call out but I will do my very very best Thomas angel donated 50 pounds my goodness thank you and honest in 80 20 pounds I'm sorry if I'm not gonna be able to get to all these but I'm seeing them Andy and producer John are in the chat and they are um they're also offering a thank yous Ellen's in there as well Ellen's going to be joining us on the stream too it's the plan okay Wow five pounds 20 dollars 10 pounds 5 pounds your what you're all absolutely incredible and as I say if ya if you are finding that wherever you are you're unable to donate then you can do so yeah by the link that we've popped in the description Lucian Colin says I've rarely been so frustrated over being a broke student wish I could donate only donate if you can obviously but all are appreciated but Lucian thank you for tuning in much appreciated okay right oh my gosh Mikey B donated 50 pounds Samir donated Samir T donated 10 dollars 20 pounds from enormous disaster Voltron donated $20 oh my goodness okay that's that's unbelievable thank you so much you've all staggeringly generous I'm blown away right back to the matter at hand for a little bit yet so it's the first of June which means that in Animal Crossing they've just added a load of new fish and bugs and we're going to try and catch them because they're sharks and I want sharks I want sharks in my museum but before we begin I have got one new bug this is the only thing I have not even looked at the oceans so far because I wanted to save it for the stream but I did find a drone beetle and that's new so we're gonna hand that in to bladders because I just wanted an opportunity before we kick off to do the bladders voice and and yeah then we'll get underway Steven Dean 25 pounds thank you anonymous 20 pounds amazing amazing whoa lyric donated five hundred US dollars oh my gosh that is that's amazing wait what are we at now I will talk to you bladders blood let's calm down bladders for goodness sake wow we're at 5.6 K of our target I think we're gonna have to move that target I think we might have to drive that up a little bit I don't think it's gonna stop people donating once we hit it so why don't ya why don't we see how much further past ten 10,000 we can we can smash that my gosh don't we just have the best community on YouTube you will a blowing my mind right now and speaking of blowing minds why don't we blow the mind of blathers by donating a a drone beetle here we go oh wait hang on sorry I need to take a sip of water I gotta do the voice sorry what's going on motor wretched thing unless I'm obliged to ask would you like to learn more about this specimen in that case mmm-hmm I must say the drone beetle is like that boorish acquaintance who is much too loud for polite company okay play this I'm right here geez that is it is a large bug with a square head and is so named for droning noise it makes when it flies I can play this right here furthermore it has hooks on its feet to help it to cling tightly trees hook feet how gauche any hoot my sincere thanks for your donation and speaking of donation Helen Hart thank you for that five pounds Ricki McFadden five pounds as well their their port they are pouring in faster than I can possibly say but I'm I am seeing that I'm seeing the more fly past in my peripheral vision and I'm so grateful thank you and doback salivating by different fish draw the reading will get the best of care yeah is there anything else I can help you with no bladders you've done more than enough Andy in the chasis quit stalling show us the Sharks alright we're gonna go look for some sharks now okay alright alright now I've got a little bit of a fish bait but not loads not as much as I would like so my strategy in this stream is going to be more along the lines of walking the coast looking for those big shadows there's so much new stuff I'm probably gonna catch like everything I see I will be fishing with my eyes closed what do we got what do we got what do we got oh no that you're not new dace on the sea is me doing a shark catching live stream and what do I get first a dace unbelievable oh look this is new this is new on my Island this little like Island chill-out zone tiny fish that's probably not a shark is it should we find out for sure Oh early biter Larry the ring Ray's donated $20 thank you so much alright alright alright come on give me the sharks give me the sharks when you've got two hours it's not a very long time to grow up a whole bunch of sharks you do not have a fin so I'm scaring you away you do not have a thin please be scared away you are a bottle you're easy easily caught welcome along new member wolf hi okay alright we've struck out on this coast we're running around let's use all the bait that I do have straightaway shall we probably the smart thing to do no no Finn no good aren't you oh hello shark okay play it cool play it cool Duke here we go don't screw it up why isn't the shark into the okay here we go oh we got it we got it we got it we got a shark oh my oh my what we got the best shark right off the bat unbelievable unbelievable the it's it's the great white it's the great white shark yes I caught a great white shark watch out for is jaws you know what this shark seems reasonably chill I will say like it's not thrashing around too much we're gonna need a bigger boat Wow how about I always have such such good luck on these live streams that's awesome but not nearly as awesome as by Oh Nick a i/o eight who donated $20 to the n-double-a-cp thanks very much thank you for that donation that's brilliant and Rachel Talbot donated 20 pounds thank you thank you Wow okay a whole lot going on watch out for its jaws so all right well I guess so I guess we'll end the stream there um why don't we see how much money we've raised because I suspect it's a huge amount oh my gosh seven point four thousand dollars that's amazing and helping out there is Ravenclaw 7:27 donating $20 thank you so much calling craker donating 10 euros 15 pounds from anonymous Clarissa Wren five dollars shells HSN 25 dollars thank you Griffin poem Pulliam 20 $20 that's amazing that's amazing Hanna Weber $20 slim bean 20 pounds I'm I can't believe how thick and how how fast these are coming in I tell you what why don't we get a like spike when we donate this beast - blathers Oh looks like someone's on their way over that'll be Ellen she's heard that uh she said that my island is rich rich in precious sharks we're not going to stop there of course we're gonna get more fish and we're gonna raise more money anonymous donated five-pound thank you Evan Saunders donated $10 that's awesome the PI of the Firefox sorry Pi Fox $20 thank you Angela Sanchez thank you $50 wow that's really generous I've made some woods $50 as well incredible thank you dead stars burn donated $10 I mean okay right I feel like it's probably quit stalling get to the shark marriage says Andy in the chat okay okay okay don't worry before the end of this stream we will marry off some sharks but a small fry influence that Ellen don't do yourself down mr. the Jeff 20 pounds thank you so much Matthias Mueller 20 euros and here it look here is Alan Jax teller five pounds thank you and 50 pounds from anonymous awesome I think that I think we've just passed if we just passed 8,000 I think so oh my gosh okay let's meet should we go meet Ellen from the airport does it update live this thing the donation tracker yeah I think it does oh man that's man that is that is kick-ass right where's Ellen there she is hey Ellen I want to see sharks but we don't have any short selling we only have sharks all right Ellen you wanna help me want to help me fish want to come find some of those I want to find some of those sharks oh what's that is that a shark it is it oh wow it is a shark oh my gosh okay all right second sharks pottage okay all right nice and easy nice and easy come on okay cool very cool no come on oh come on look it's right there buddy don't you want to be in a museum it's cool this is all load of other fish you could be friends with we're gonna marry off some of the sharks apparently okay there we go okay right got it got it that was a lake press but we just got it and there's the hammerhead unbelievable right 4:16 p.m. [Laughter] it's the hammer hug look at this cute little eye and it's flapping around how has this happened HAP oh my god Luke says carline yep yes I caught the hammer Chuck I hit the nail on the head all right let's try and get that whale shark I can't believe this I was hoping this would keep me busy like all through June okay right should we um should we donate them so we don't know what we've got I can't I can't believe we just caught the great white shark and then the hammerhead shark um looks like this isn't the content that's going to keep me busy right through to July after all Oh a $20 donation from anonymous Thank You Shan Louise blend all donated fifty pounds thank you that's so generous and Charlie breaks twenty pounds that's awesome a hundred dollars from Brian Shona amazing Scottish wolf donated $20.00 Dorothea dan80 20 euros thank you so much if you're only just joining the stream we are raising money raising funds for the n-double-a-cp his crackle pop 1080 20 pounds right okay I want to make a donation please blathers oh right sorry we can't we can't do that because we got ill investing how do I forget that every time no worries no worries we'll do the dough will do the donor it's probably better to hand blathers a pocket full of sharks really freak him out okay we're right where where's Ellen gone I've lost her she's probably poaching my best villages probably off trying to seduce Diana and get her to move to her Island it's all of her cool popular influencer villages right now we got nothing up here a wolf donated she's looking for she's looking for sharks an honest day to $20 thank you Michael home says can Ozzy's not donate yeah YouTube has this I'll get in get in clams Thank You Ellen Thank You Ellen you are a champ let's catch this fish it's not a ship it's not a shark but it still has value unless it's a c-plus situation okay yes YouTube is making it harder for Australians to donate they can't do it through YouTube however you can we've put some links in the description if you click the URL it says black lives matter dot card with two hours and there are some links there oh my gosh I think we might be over yes Rome I cut we're over nine we're over nine thousand dollars that's amazing wench mouth wench mouse donated five pounds thank you fifty dollars from Elaine rice DeAndre Anderson fifty dollars twenty dollars from anonymous you folks you folks what do you like you're amazing thank you what an incredible community to be a part of I'm all right let's not get overwhelmed by emotions let's continue hunting for sharks because if you show any weakness if you let the emotions of the situation overwhelm you the incredible gratitude of the outside Xbox and outside extra community sharks will seize upon that weakness and they will bite off your arms and legs okay here we go what's this what's this it's not a shark but it's something it's something that I want I'm going to allow this because I've caught two sharks okay okay okay right oh okay we have a third shark okay right my island is so rich with sharks okay here we go okay be cool oh my gosh all right quick bite quick bite what's it gonna be surely not another and another jaws okay we're gonna need a bigger live stream how to express this I'm not like these fish rare right these are hard to find how did this happen and as that as that great white was reeled in we've passed we've passed $10,000 oh my gosh in in in 20 minutes of this live stream we've passed we've passed tank we've passed 10k that's amazing let's let's let's express this with delight is look if the correct is the correct emotion Ellen says thank you everyone and and yeah echoing that Morgan fenced ermine donated $20 thank you so much oh my gosh I think we may have been pushed over by this anonymous donation of 500 US dollars five hundred US dollars thank you anonymous donate 50 pounds Thank You Jen H 20 dollars Katy kirkenes donated five pounds and all those donated 5 pound wayward kitten says it right when they say we did it awesome community yes thank you all Wow and Kim Stein's thank you good see you in the chat with a hundred dollar donation a staggering generosity oh my gosh where do we go from here well let's let's see how much let's see how much more we can raise ten pounds from cardboard mousse thank you thank you and again I'm so sorry that I'm not able to like shout out all of these honestly I look at the game and I see a bunch of donations fly up I look back I try and read them out hello Peppa I'm blown away right let's find more sharks what's this it's not a shark but hey let's mix it up at karna be sharks come on Animal Crossing leave me something for the rest of June $20 from Brandon new bat thank you right now we haven't even gone over to the other side of the island oh I'll tell you what quick diversion take a look at this it's a Sphinx the Sphinx is the latest addition to the Avenue of wonders look flanked the entrance to my island up to the plaza and then we've got those flowers up there on the left just above just above my head I think they're they grow on your Island when you get a five star rating which I last week managed at last to achieve so that was nice right right where be fish you V fish you beat only small rampant Remco van Rijn donated 20 euros thank you Charlie Watkinson stack donated five pounds thank you 20 euros from anonymous Oh what's what are you a horse mackerel you're not a shark but you're cute but you're cute my friends on your face alright passing Ellen Ellen is Ellen is doing incredible work farm in those clams speaking of fundraising I don't know if you I'm sure some of you will have caught it Ellen did a brilliant fundraising livestream also for the n-double-a-cp on her personal Channel last evening it's on demand the donation page is still there what angelfish lovely uh oh I'm not surprised my fishing rod broke bearing in mind how many great white sharks it's had to reel in for real in what is happening what is happening on this stream I'm so proud as community says aqua ninja and so am I thank you we're all proud of you I know I'm speaking there for Ellen and for Andi Jane and Mike and for producers John and James yeah you will frickin rock 20 pounds from Jax teller again thank you thank you Jack's Eagle Ferrera 50 euros $20 from anonymous thank you right I'll check out this seasonal surfboard that's nice isn't it and look this is a this is a sewing machine that I already have but this one's in a nicer color look at that classic green yeah I'll buy it yeah I'll buy it yeah I've got it I got to have it but mostly what I need is a new fishing rod oh my god look at the little shark I really want to see what the shark looks like when we pop it down on the floor it's my DRS beaut when natural mum reef lovely Alex F thank you 20 $20 5 euros from ma Michael's thank you we're coming up on 11 K incredibly incredibly right right what's in the cabinet to get the fishing rod yeah I need a new one need a new one cool all right we're ready to get back out into it back out into the into the shark-infested waters Arles Accra says Luke that DIY recipe was from Velma it was from Velma why is Velma writing to me after the way we left things Velma is living on Andy's Island now for those who've been following along Wow okay that is that is I'm man I wish I wish I'd noticed just tap in through the screen so quickly from Velma a letter from Velma but why but I mean Velma didn't know I was going to receive it Velma just put it out there I'm lucky that it wasn't actually about me I'm lucky that it wasn't to whoever reads this Luke is a jerk don't live on his Island although my hand is good right where are the Sharks ah you are a regular fish 20 pounds from Jane Cluett thank you five pounds from Draco room it's a letter from the graves the sweet monkey Tuesday oh yes all right come on let's get that there we go let's get that nibble Charlotte Seymour thank you so much for your donation of 50 pounds 50 pounds that's awesome alright let's find something else to catch shall we hey Blue Bear shall we check in which should we check on what should we check in with blueberry catch this fish let's check him Oh Ellen's found a shock shock confirmed alright just go checking be Blue Bear gotta check in with Blue Bear and him and then the shore are you here to hang out with me yes but also by but also by because it's Shark Week folks and we just had a shark warning from Ellen clear the beaches folks unlike the Jaws mayor except I am except I am closing the beach oh my gosh look at it look at its fin its prominent fin Thank You Ellen Thank You Ellen here we go here we go we got it we've got a confirmed shark situation alright play it cool oh wow ok well I did lucky to get that one what do we got what are you it looks like somebody trod on it so small says Ellen yes a sucker fish I thought it was a shark oh wait now I get it sucker that's so cool I'm Ellen by the way thank you so much for the Klan gathering that you've been doing but if you see any fishes and you wanna and you want to if you see any sharks and you want to try and grab one then please feel free I've had incredible luck so far be awesome if we could be awesome if we could all all fish up some some big old sharks brilliant let's catch this little fish bee do bee do be bee bee bee bee bee it is a awesome our five-year owed donation from anonymous thank you so much 20 pounds from anonymous our man and were and we are and we are over 11 we are over $11,000 raised in ordinary 220 pounds thank you so much thank you I can't believe we've raised 11,000 we hope to raise 10 across two live streams because outside Xbox is streaming later so I'm I'm again like blown away by the by the generosity of our community thank you it's it's it's such yeah it's such generosity and it's such an important cause so again thank you I feel like all I'm doing is saying thank you over and over again I am thankful I'm over again so maybe it's appropriate anonymous donated $50 thank you so much this is when led an 80 20 euros awesome awesome yeah ox Fox streaming totally reliable delivery service at 8 p.m. it's a really fun looking game I think it's going to be really otic and you know how well they all deal with that kind of chaos so that's going to be that's gonna be rad all right okay come on think about it if you think about it you do want to be caught by me come on come on there we go what do we got it's not a shark oh it's a zebra turkey fish thank you no no for that 50 euro donation thank you Danny McNamara says can we check in with Diana at 12 K yes when we hit 12 K we'll go we'll go find Diana I will not talk to Diana until that point so if you that's your incentive that's your donation insentive if you want to hear the if you want to hear the diana voice oh my gosh what's this fish quite big you better you'll probably pass I would guess Oh the nibbler yeah not new it's a carp but that's fine that's fine um on the way back round when I pass my home I'm just gonna pop in check out this little beach area also I read is this wouldn't you like to chill out here listening to UM bubblegum KK right okay what do we got what do we got come on show me the Sharks show you me the sharks scaring away the little fish get out of it like this little fish is not scared of me and why should it be Elizabeth Hammond thank you for your donation $20 thank you ten pounds from anonymous awesome awesome a blooms hey there's Ellen what is it Ellen you look like you have something to say do you oh it's it's bait amazing right shall we um should we use some of this baits the Ellen has so carefully and lovingly crafted yeah let's do it let's start by how much inventory space for I got oh my gosh not loads okay we're gonna have to empty that I'm gonna have to go to the shop and be very careful to sell no sharks I believe I can do it anonymous donated $20.00 thank you and another anonymous donation of $20 Vickie W thank you so much that twenty pound donation Ashley H $20 thank you and five pounds from anonymous shy violet says if you sell a shark I'll cry not as much as I will I can't donate the fish yet cause Ellen's on the island helping me fish Oh oh my oh wow okay Oh Oh looks like Helen quietly left oh all right well well maybe this is an opportunity to head to bladders maybe Ellen's having some internet problems I'm sure she'll be back soon why don't we head to blathers in the meantime anonymous donation 19 pounds get some of these some of these sharks logged Oh some of those from us recent fish who did not save oh dear but the Sharks did oh no but not the Suckerfish oh no lost the Suckerfish to a to a Internet glitch nevermind but the like we're having we can grab another one Andy says the Ellen's gone to get more bait oh my gosh okay well let's take the opportunity to actually actually before I do it before I okay yeah no let's donate this donate we're doing it and one at a time because I want to hit I want to hear that on here the flavor text rules I want all the facts no no no no I at first I'm gonna put them on the floor cuz I just want to see what they look like on the floor first anonymous donated $20.00 for naeun dollars thank you to enter 20 pounds from dead zetlen awesome okay here we go let's see what these look like feisty okay that does not really look like a big enough Tang for these specimens if I'm being honest okay here we go here we go twenty US dollars from Whitney yes thank you so much we are nearing the fifty dollars from English twins thanks right let's donate alright it's gonna take a few sips of water to get this much blather blather voicing done well this is undoubtedly a great white shark now might I interest you in a few fascinating facts about your great white shark yes please buy this give it the facts wonderful I would love nothing more great white sharks are obviously a new first and foremost for their biting there are masters of the craft they do lose teeth regularly through biting related activities but luckily those teeth square back quite quickly in fact their missing teeth can be regrown in a single day just imagine their Tooth Fairy related income and there you have him I don't really feel like you prioritized the science in that seeing as it was mostly a gag about a tooth fairy but that's fine I appreciate it and I appreciate krei Whitehurst he Whitehurst sorry if i mispronounce the name who donated 20 $20 thank you right now let's get that hammerhead in the museum this is hammerhead shark now might I interest you in a few fascinating facts about your hammerhead shark yes please buy this wonderful I would love nothing more the hammerhead shark is known for its distinctive hammer-shaped head hence the name obviously many hope this oddly shaped head allows the beast to see 360 degrees around itself from top to bottom imagine being able to see so widely you could check for untied shoelaces and imminent rain simultaneously near rabbits resonating stuff nooo rests all delusions are displayed in a timely manner you have my gratitude we are over twelve thousand dollars raised for the n-double a-c-p that's awesome and you know what that means folks means we're checking in with diana further let's obviously we've got to look at the Sharks first see them in their natural habitat and then we're going to Diana and then we're gonna get more sharks give Diana a shark oh my gosh I'm not getting no no I'm gonna wait Wow look at that I think the whale shark guys still still still this tank sits empty alright we're gonna go find Diana we're gonna go find out yes the angry Evy donated five pounds thank you very much oh my look at that that is absolutely tremendous those teeth look the cold dead eyes what we are dealing with is a perfect eating machine amazing sorry I was just lost there for a minute Danny blue donated $20 thank you Oh a bit Chris's hoodie 450 pounds thank you so much and Alex f $200 unbelievable unbelievable generosity look at that trying to rember some more jaws quotes for that you could do I think what's that thing that Quinn says was like I'm gonna misquote this but it's like for that you get the hid the deal the whole goddamn thing that's my favorite lighting jaws and I'm pretty sure I just got it wrong but it's my favorite bit it's the nails on it nails on a chalkboard seen anonymous today's 20-pound thank you right let's find Diana shall we keep that promise keep that promise you raised an astonishing $12,000 for the n-double-a-cp so they're very very least we can do is hunt high and low for Diana until we find her and then talk to her and do the voice I suppose first we should check out her house which um has enjoyed a few improvements on the outside a few extra decorations right notice that diana has the best house nice or even than mine this is as it should be home I think I was in nonnamous donation five dollars thank you two hundred and fifty dollars from another anonymous donation thank you so much is she is folks your queen well she's moved stuff around cuz we gave her these glasses and now she's popped the fish we gave her up there okay right let's catch up good evening Luke I'm so glad you could stop by no die that's your Nana can't choose your family but you can choose your furniture and really that's most important Oh Diana what do you like with you with you with you pithy little quips so fancy well hello is everything all right no doy my schedule keeps me moving so it's nice to get a little time at home to unwind like this so I'm talking about so I'm talking about Diana there you go folks you're Diana check in do we have anything we can give Diana do we have any gifts I want to give you presents Diana what if I what if I do a video party popper oh oh my gosh okay right okay here we go here we go Diana will this startled you or dirt will delight you or or third option after indifference is there something else you need no dye I'm very particular about my bed clearly I sleep extremely well on my shell bed here I mean just look at me they don't call it a beauty rest for nothing no door oh my word what you like let's hop in can I can I get in yep there we go the pearl in this bed looks staggeringly uncomfortable it's like you'd smack your head and in the middle of the night Quinn MacFarlane donates 10 pounds thank you so much let's give Diana these um let's get let's give Diana a gift um what do i what do I have on me must have something nice oh okay I think the bard knife Julie you know like aesthetically in this room its monochrome it's nice let's do it do you want this Diana have a fish is that a real live bad knife job well it's a bit unorthodox but very thoughtful I think I'll enjoy my new pet how can I thank you ah why don't you take this pocket T okay thanks Diana generous should we have a look at it ah that's cute it's not as good as the outfit I had going on but it's pretty cute thanks ty 20 euros donated by Kristoff he'll field thank you so much Alejandro Alvarez donated $20 incredible Wimpy Doodle five dollar donation thank you so much she's gonna eat it says Ellen she's totally gonna eat that says check again one things that it's gonna eat the fish okay maybe she can eat it Michelle Campbell donated $50 thank you so much we are rounding on we are in the what 16 dollars short of thirteen thousand dollars which is absolutely staggering there any bugs in here that I should be either I should be catching by the way I haven't even thought about any bugs all right how about when we hit 13 and a half we'll check in with Cole sweet Cole we haven't talked to Cole yet find out what Cole is up to right where'd all the Sharks go obviously fish the waters clear 50 pounds 10 donated by John Byrne thank you so much Oh sighs Tillman thank you very much for your donation that's awesome lady sanctuary 93 20 euros that's what that's incredible see Clarke then a to $20 50 pounds for anonymous moist drippings donated $5 it's great to see some it's great to see so many familiar names from the Oh X community amid these donations thank you this fish is not a shark why am i catching oops red snapper thank you anonymous for $20 donation that's awesome I can't believe we already caught two huge sharks but it's not enough it's not enough it's not enough to me it's not enough me a shark hungry individual like a shark I must stay hungry like a shark if I ever stop swimming I get hungry you could you be a new fish you could not 20 pounds for value thank you Andrew Castro donated $20 sweet monkey to say 20 pounds awesome okay right you were a shark which bit of the coast would you hang around I think I know the answer the the party Beach you'd hang around at the party beach wouldn't you I was staggered and delighted to find out that you can turn this light on and off so cool where where are the Sharks where have they gone try let's check the secret secret beach shall we it might be that all of the Sharks have headed to the secret beach ah I think Ellen is think Ellen is on on route we do have some bait of course which we will be using Helen Webb donated five pounds thank you and hatred Aston a to 10 pounds 20 pounds from Jason Hunt awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome princess whoosh a princess whoosh 10 pounds thank you much appreciated Lindsay Langdon donated $50 that's awesome if you just joined the stream we're raising money for the n-double-a-cp yeah they're a great organization [Music] yeah okay we're so close to thirteen point five at which point you know check in with Cole and you are Andy Hoyle who appears on these streams regularly in our fishing competitions has just donated thank you so much Andy that is much appreciated hey here's Ellen okay right where is Cole where is Cole Cole maybe Cole is in the secret beach and I'm not just saying that because I want to go look for sharks there sorry I lost your Shark Island don't worry about it it was it was a sucker shark but we'll find we'll find more to find more sharks the ocean is teeming with sharks right Cole where I am no shorts on denial they must be shy oh we've got a fossil the fossil collection is complete isn't is another update on my island or not at all we have completed the fossil collection next time in the museum why do we stop in frog toad colo donated $10 thank you very much 20 pounds from Robert Smith much appreciated if you're interested in finding out more about the n-double-a-cp there's there's some there's some blurb like a description on the page just where you would donate sort of sets out their aims which are um yeah which are so important Ellen said I completed my fossils first now I assume Ellen means I completed all right she means completed fossils faster than me well done Ellen if you thought Ellen was going to let me mention that I completed my fossil collection without pointing out that she completed hers first you don't know Ellen okay to me do I have anything I can set I can sell obviously I want to sell that other great white but I can clear a little space yeah sounds good to me okay an eighty dollar donation from Laura Laura B thank you okay a colorful fishing rod nice bed I was looking what's better looking better I was looking at me says Ellen well that's very lucky I don't like it it's it's good it's said to be good luck to be looked at by a bear doe he favours you where is Cole Cole buddy I mean it's maybe colas indoors seems unlikely on the beautiful day like this Oh everyone on the stream wants to say hi they love you because of your brilliance he's just so cute weird and we're so much where are ya I ALR rascal possib believe hole is at home welcome hey Cole what do you think of my place Luke you want to hang out yes Cole of all places kind of nervous about having a guest on the island feels like we've got to be on our best behavior I wouldn't worry about it Cole I mean Ellen's come right in and he's just turning your gas on on and off so so don't worry about it you're doing great I mean haha if anyone knew how we usually behave they'd say what a bunch of weirdos always wanted to be friends with folks that okay well look what Ellen has changed into speaking of weirdos Cole I want you to stay away from Ellen she's bad news she's bad news look mal for the cold check in cold checking in with Cole is its own reward and yet more rewards are coming oh man okay there we go we checked in with Cole right let's find more sharks spend more sharks I've also seen some mention in the chat about Oh what is that you are a funny old shape you're a funny bug not ceding the shape like you before what the heck okay be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool these won't be cool oh my god that's the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life oh it's like a cheerleaders ribbon that came to life a ribbon eel I love it that is so cool can it tie itself into a bow I suspect it probably can that is great okay right shall we see Ellen was very was kind enough to grab us a whole load more fish bait so why don't we eat know where that no stew deals why don't we use it to see if we can summon some sharks is that a big silhouette or is it just mmm no I don't I'm not um we're just we're focusing on the Sharks today so we're looking for fiddles anonymous donated 20 euros thank you so much aha here we go here we go there's a fin that's a shark here we go that cool that cool like oh cool it's a it's to replace the sucker the sucker fish that we lost awesome our $50 at donation from anonymous thank you yes we got it you got that sucker fish we got that sucker fish awesome right you got another one I did Thank You Ellen and I got it with the bait that you provided come on no we don't want no little we don't want any little fish and no one leaving we don't we want we look at ways to come on we're looking for Finn's folks we're looking for Finn's show me The Thin Mints where are they come on No No all right here we go this is this is gonna be this is gonna be the one this is gonna be the moment one of these one of these fish fates is going to bring us the whale shark the precious whale shark assuming always that the whale shark does show up at about this time now that is a great target let's hit foot let's see if we can hit 14k before cukoo time yeah all right let's go watch the cuckoo clock go if you watch these trees regularly you'll know that we we find a weird amount of enjoyment in watching the cuckoo clock tick over somebody's a big fish big fish well that's it that's all the bait but never fear okay okay as I forged only 220 pounds thank you so much anonymous donated $20.00 that's awesome we are so close we are so close to tipping over to 14,000 $14,000 an incredible sum to have raised for the n-double-a-cp that is rad that is rad as heck 20 euros from anonymous thank you sonic brew donated 10 pounds one hundred and sixty dollars for Rebecca Frost Thank You Rebecca Frost thank you for your generosity that there we go we've tipped over that'sthat's done it 14 awesome all right we know what happens at 14 we pop inside to creep off inside to watch the watch the cuckoo clock cuckoo clock come on words Luke come on focus up we do have four minutes maybe enough time to show you maybe enough times my cake a record collection is growing got disco on at the moment I'm trying I've now begun in earnest the process of like trying to like get collect all the KK records it is a long old slog okay right let's take a couple of minutes fifty pounds from hockey thank you just a couple minutes to check in with the check in with the chat see how we're doing the donations tobe Thompson donated 10 pounds thank you thank you so much and $20 from Abby Watson anonymous donated $20.00 this is how well right let me rock on up to the cuckoo clock when you hear the clock it's time to rock to the sweet sounds of cooking time oh man Toby Thompson donated ten pounds Thank You Ellen has changed into a princess for the occasion Ed Smith donated ten pounds that's awesome uber pretty 23 donated 20 pounds that's great all this money is going to to the n-double-a-cp incredible organization $20 from Emily Hill thank you 20 pounds from rumen Fenton anonymous donated five pounds another anonymous donation of 20 pounds oh man that's amazing alright well I better set a new goal alright if we hit if we can get to 16 I'll change into the creepy riddle imp outfit from a few live streams ago I won't do the voice the whole time but I'll change into the outfit and maybe just a little maybe just a little riddle riddling okay Oh Steve block donated $50 thank you happy Elizabeth $10 $20 from Casey Parker Ellen says no not imp but Ellen unfortunately isn't in control of this situation so if you want Ellen to endure the IMP all right okay it's time now to focus on the clock because it we are nearly there folks here we go here we go here we go have a big like spike when we get there when we see that cuckoo hit that like button when you see either cuckoo why is this so exciting we got there oh my gosh Rivendell Panzer donated 100 pounds thank you so much $20.00 from anonymous Christopher's boat donated $5 thank you thank you thank you so much Wow let's talk about this donation from from be Chancellor who donated $500 $500 for the n-double-a-cp that is awesome thank you so much thank you everyone who's been donating but but my gosh that's an incredible donation thank you right I think I said 60 Eden for the IMP and and suddenly we are real close to that T so 76 donated 10 pounds thank you right right gosh we're raising money at such a pace I better get out there see if I can find some more fish all right let's see what we can find I'm let's let I mean I do want to look here's what I want to know and I'll be at the chat I'd appreciate the chats help with this like the the elusive whale shark does it also have a fin because obviously it is a shark but it's well it's the whale sure it's not it doesn't kind of have that traditional like sharp shape I suppose so yeah does it have a fin does it not oh here we go what do you what are you in your own Charlie died in there 10 pounds thank you very much Charlie dire yes they do happens cool good hit good good hint $20 from the Nicole G thank you cool right back to the back to the let's try it let's try and try and find a path that takes in the edges of all the oceans that then sort of dips into a river so we can like look for big fish there as well and a test in 85 pounds thank you so much fifteen and a half I get out of here little fish and you chase you away for the for the great cause of spawning sharks is great okay you know a very big fish but you might be new so what the heck let's catch you he'll don't ya we've got interest Lula LaRue donated $20 Kerry Fraser donated $20 as well yeah Wow you must all want to see the imp careful what you wish for is all I can say $20 from anonymous okay I wonder how long it's gonna be before we're there before we hit that milestone not very long I suspect there's a little fish just so tiny and you're in a pond what are you what could you be safe again ace all right well but look come on now where are the Sharks where are the Sharks people watching the livestream they want to see the Sharks can i okay right let's get that fish away by turning the by turning the lights in the hot tub hey man all right no get out of it lungfish got a little fish in that we're in the shark business for non of us an $85 thank you okay all right Oh his Ellen also on shark patrol I'm sure no no fish don't have a fin you don't have a fin you're not a shark and this is a shark catching live stream $20 from anonymous thank you Alex Samara say Alex Samaras good to see you donated $20 thank you hello my chap what's the latest whiskers hey can I run my life story past you real quick I'm working on my autobiography Oh another time then yeah nice try babe I don't hear your life story okay well you have not seen any fins for a little while I feel like we're now back to the connot the actual regularity with which sharks are supposed to be spawning in the game I feel like we got unbelievably unfathomably lucky at the top of this tree oh cool inkwell thank you so much donated $100 an anonymous donated $50 gosh the donations are not slowing down at all that's that's incredible 50 euros from super Lam banana yeah a little fish oh no no no no Finn no bin on you on that fish no no nope no Finn no Finn oh my gosh were really close to the really close to the IMP amount we're there 16 K 16 K alright you did it by donating you did it you did it doodlee doodlee spin the wheel I love to do where it stops and if I transform into now J sellin down we must we must you ha ha yeah sure I mean that rhymes the Imps not greater the rhymes through the trees Ellen I spy I see you hide you might from my MP shams but you will be caught by my impish arms [Laughter] amid the flowers you try to hide your hiding skills I do to ride down the rivers Ellen flees into the music hall music please okay okay well there we go right so we chased which chased Ellen dressed as the IMP David Finley says if we get to 17 K can the IMP go away forever um Oh Ellen's change it to the Hogwarts girl I don't think the encountered in the IMP is the kind of thing that can go away I think it's the kind of thing that sort of like is with you forever okay Oh Andy says well shark off the pier Luke all right well we'll go check it out and trying to expel er mr. Hume no no my work Ellen okay down to the pier well there's nothing here and sadly I have no fish bait you can chase away this little fish thing come on get out of it fish islands making some bait Jacque Jacque Jacque Jacque confirmed confirmed shark all right play it cool Luke I've had a real good luck oh okay we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it where we got what are you I love your fish face are you a saw [Laughter] $50 donated by anonymous thank you so much it is a sauce are you could call it a seesaw I mean we could how Luke cutter how am i catching this many fish the answer is clear Ellen how am i catching so many in pluck that was cool that was cool all right well that is the fourth shark we've caught in little over an hour in incredibly incredible good fortune we've had right I really really hoped that the new fish and bugs added to the game would keep me busy for like the whole month because I have been Oh Ellen okay right Ellen we'll be right there okay here we go I think maybe Ellen should catch this if Ellen's seen a shark I think maybe it should be Ellen's go oh oh oh she didn't oh she didn't see one oh I think she was talking about the shark right boys anonymous donated $20.00 thank you right got to keep an out for clams now Oh instead of saw shark right right right right right I'm with you Ellen sorry it's me being slow okay let's go up this little fish okay the little fish was not intimidated mmm $5.00 donated by anonymous and another anonymous donation of 20 pounds thank you thank you okay oh I hear a clam but I don't see it wait I I broke my shovel no all right okay we'd better go get a new shovel because we're not gonna be any use fishing up clams until we do and you up you're a sizable fish roll the dice see if its new anonymous donated ten pounds thank you what do we got the most metal of all fish focal core all right let's go get shovel box box says at 17 K expelled beardo from the island no how could I know Velma sorry should have walked more reverently past your grade video amer off he all Ellen has spotted an eel all right Ellen I think you should try and catch that he'll if you can see it moist drippings with the head headcanon no beard owes bear doe beardo better we're still not sure is blue bears uncle and she would be very upset okay Oh Ellen got it show it off Ellen I want to see you I want to see that eel yay catching eels in the sea Ellen found one good times okay right ox box has dropped a really helpful reminder in the chat that if you can't donate where you are because frustratingly you can't donate by YouTube from Australia for instance people are reporting there is a link in the description and in the chat now which has some other ways to help to help it's it's the URL is blacklivesmatter dot card see a double r d dot CEO so do check that out yeah apologies do australians watching i know trying to trying to donate but yeah hopefully that's an alternative Ellen I love this detective look it's so good it's so cool it makes me want to change out of the in costume but I'm not gonna oh oh we got a shark Ellen Ellen I think you should catch this shark I will just wait for Ellen to hear that okay here we go here we go everybody wish Ellen luck here we go here we go here we go oh wow quick bite quick bite and what is it and what is it whoa it's the whale shark there it is yes amazing amazing Ellen oh look at this happy Mouse oh look at it oh my gosh it's so huge look at its shiny surface is that are there any sharks that we haven't caught on this stream amazing I can't believe the luck we're having wait I want to show I want to I want it I want to stand right next and sure the great white is trying to eat Ellen's as iron is least has Luke in so much pain as he claps for Ellen catching a whale shark on his Island it hurts it hurts but you know what I got very lucky today I caught a lot of fish and it is only the first of June I can be patient I can wait and hey look streams not over yet anonymous donated $5 another anonymous donation of $25 thank you all right get out of here get out of here fishes come on come on little fishes get out get out get out of it okay come on little fish we're shark hunting today okay Oh Kate Samson donated five pounds thank you Claire T 20 pounds awesome awesome awesome awesome I heard John's in the chat saying get me to the church on time Luke I think John wants to see some of the the the wedding festival content or they just want the shark wedding to happen um I think I think we're gonna say that was the shark wedding they looked to me that great white and that whale shark looked very much like they were in love that was my read on the situation anyway come on what do we got what do we got in the river oh you're new an era wanna I'd make a joke but I don't wanna nice great great great great more new fishes are you a new fishes Vicki goalie donated 20 pounds thank you okay a dear little fish trying to find sharks who thought that was a fin but no Brandon Knowles yes $20 yes anonymous $20 $25 from another anonymous donation a amazing why is my shopping what favorited hey come on in Dinka correctly Alice under a bikini donated 10 euros thank you Chris Bower $20 that's awesome $50 from Jonathan echeveria Thank You Man that's that's astonishing we're cut where with we're not far off $17,000 which if you're just tuning in I mean as you can see is is as absolutely smashed what we thought was an ambitious target of ten thousand dollars across two live streams because outside Xbox are streaming later oh we've got a shark we got a shark we've got a Charlotte you got a shark but what flavor of shark come on come on we've got a confirmed shark situation all reeling look come on you got to see that okay it's a big vibration it's a big vibration oh it's another swordfish another so I saw shark even cool cook all good good good Luke you missed a rare bug on a palm tree I did don't know maybe it still is it still there oh did it fly away that was a Goliath beetle what's a Goliath people when it's at home whoa okay how did I miss that it's gigantic right let's sneak up carefully and try and nab it okay here we go the palm in mine it shall come to no harm yes cool I caught a Goliath beetle am i a legend or what I get it because guys yeah checks out good comedy flavor take our Pokemon donated $50 thank you Rebecca Wilkinson $20 that's rad 20 pounds from anonymous thank you thank you and again I've said it before but it really bears repeating thank you everyone who has donated but whose comments I haven't read out there a difference of any there are so many I'm I'm blown away do I have like something the old so miss fossil let's just let this fossil sit on the beach for a while while I sort out my inventory a little start by doing some these clams okay do-do do-do-do do-do-do cool that people was huge and he's doing in prime in the chat by M fisheye it sees a people it's very large it is not little ah Allen found a shock alright alright put the crafting on hold we've got a confirmed short situation chalk okay here we go alright fingers crossed fakes fingers crossed for a new shark and also just that I catch it we got it we got it whoa what it's another hammerhead ah it's so long and beautiful shocking oh my gosh okay right we've got an inventory full of rich findings I need to clear some space I've got some stuff I can just drop at home I just need to clear a few slots worth of inventory Phoenix Phoenix area beige donated $5 thank you and a 50 50 euro donation from anonymous Thanks this is a really important cause and we are humbled and amazed at the generosity of our community thank you all okay right I need the fish bait but you know what I probably don't need the medicine I'm not gonna be the old sewing machine can go I'm gonna need customization kit so I mean keep hold of the party poppers though you never know when you'll need them or go and I probably don't need two axes do is we're gonna dual wield all right let's craft up whoa I've just spied this $500 donation it comes from an anonymous commenter but thank Anonymous whoever you are thank you that is staggering generosity wow thanks that's tremendous right okay right yeah crafting up crafting up fish bait five pound donation from anonymous thank you Luke you still have two accesses and so the Chewbacca whoops all right that's easily fixed oh my gosh we're rounding up on 17.5 okay right yeah now let's didn't want it unfavorite storage good math you wash code donated $20 thank you and Kate Douglas okay Douglas donated $20 also Adrian meet $5 again amazing to see some familiar oh excuse Eve Isis in there oh and some fish bait from Ellen Thank You Ellen right should we see what should we see if we can should we see if we can catch any sharks with this with these bags Oh bait see what we can get no either no you were also not a shark no no come on tell the shuttle tell the ship tell the Sharks to to come that I just want to talk to her talk to them tell them I just wanna chat we two were golden a 220 pounds thank you very much thank you for doing that a haha we have a shark we have a confirmed short situation all right chill out Luke oh wow okay Neil very nearly missed that very nearly missed that oh it's a tiny fish that pattern on it is so bizarre enormous 50 pounds thank you so much and and $5 from anonymous Thank You Jessica my sweet Jessica says is outside Xbox streaming later or is it just wishful thinking on my part they certainly are and they are also raising money for the n-double-a-cp oh we got an eel Ellen you already got the eel didn't you would you like to would you like it would you like a second eel or shall I catch the eel I guess I'll catch to you because you are you already grabbed one I'm suspect you're not desperate for a second one yep but you know what I bet the eel statue is good I bet it's worth catching three eels to get the statue because it's so colorful and cool this eel is demanding quite some precision oh now come on be reasonable see my lawyer on crafty eel quite bad your law missing makes this imp you Arthur oh well okay right hated the employs apparently that colorful eel and repeal on donated $50 thank you so much ghost in the hello donate of $20 been Church nice 210 pounds thank you and what else we've got we've got 20 pounds from anonymous and Nathaniel Zuniga donated $50 thank you thank you everybody get out of it fish if you ain't got fins then it's a pass okay right if you'll excuse the pun folks we need to do a little bit of a real talk about what we want to do with the rest of the stream because Ellen and I can keep fishing for sharks we're having a lot of fun but Dee do you want to see the do you want to see the the wedding festival content we would go to Hobbes Island and we would take some wedding photos I'm HAP so happy to do either I will try and I will just look at this oh just look at the chat and I will just like gauge gauge the gauge the enthusiasm there for one or the other wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding or anybody okay yeah all right okay everyone's everyone's saying all right more people are saying wedding there are some there are some voices for the Sharks but more people saying wedding okay so we will do the wedding stuff um Ellen I'm really sorry this means I think I I think I'll probably have to end our online session let me try and do it all proper in fact let me pop my fish up all of my shark since I Calculon skin it and it's gonna head out cool wedding so long as you get changed into fancy dress says Rebecca this isn't what this isn't fancy you don't think this is appropriate dress to be showing up to a wedding because I think it is what bride and groom wouldn't be delighted to to to to look down the aisle on their wedding day down to down to a tree and just to see poking out congratulations happy pair wedding bells are in the air 20 pounds from s ACK thank you very much okay right so I will go I will go change no impresses Ellen all right fine fine let's let's find it let's find an appropriate outfit and then we'll head and do the wedding stuff bye Ellen thank you so much congratulations on your rad whale shark and thank you so much for catching all the bait that helped me catch all those other sharks I can't believe how well that went thanks for best shark lull droll Ellen strolling oh my god we've just tipped over $18,000 $18,000 Wow okay right let's get changed into let's get changed into a nice outfit Oh close the window say goodbye to Ellen all right time for me to take a sip of water excellent I'm loosing my voice 50 pound donation from anonymous thank you so much right right let's get changed in the fridge okay well I think it's got to be a statement outfit and I think it probably should be this one right I mean it is a wedding we want to make you can input all this well this or this these are all good options every wedding needs a gesture you know the old saying this is pretty fancy oh how about the Rumba costume that's pretty cool right toga toga wedding no f1 I mean these are all good okay the ruffle dress is always a good luck always are always always a favorite the coveralls are nice ah look at the dreamy dress look at this no this look paired with their boots that source you know what this is a fun this is a fun wedding dress because you don't want to wear anything that looks too wedding dressy right that's a that's a that's a thing but this is got this says like yes I've put effort into attending your wedding Oh John says towel okay all right but all right let's do let's do that let's do that let's do that you know what let it just let the record show that I wanted to pick a nice outfit but you know what if the towel is what the chat wants that the towel is what the chat gets don't say I don't do anything for you folks all right I'm just putting together my iconic iconic towel look we repair it with the blue DMS no tight but socks and then we need the towel with your fanciest shoes oh that's nice that's a good pairing where am i what am I oh maybe these now that's a look that is a look got these robot boots these Ironman dealies the ballet slippers perhaps these things are quite fancy sort of like 50 Z pumps alright what do you think of these ones I mean they're not really working with the Sox are they hmm towel fishnets wings yeah you know I just I just don't I just don't think that these these fancy shoes look that answer you know I mean obviously nothing's gonna look so fancy in the context of what we're wearing cowboy boots pretty business shoes pretty smart slippers are the cool trainers you know I think it's just got to be the nice boots just the nice lace-up boots yeah it's got to be because it's got to be practical right and then we need we need the yellow a yellow flower in there I've got very I've got I really have to insist on that folks that's part of the look it's part of the iconic look that we all fell in love with that we all love so much yeah there it is all right let's go to a wedding Oh nope to do that anonymous donation awesome awesome thank you thank you everyone who's donating $20 again from anonymous great that's great everyone seem everyone seems keen on this look as well they might be what's this all from Alex dear Luke did you say you're making another one of these but what is it another one of these Oh Alex that's so generous I what I am making another brachiosaur here butter at the skull is actually one the piece I've already got but now I can make two and put them face to face like they're kissing that's even better five pound donation from anonymous thank you so much right we got a crack on folks we got to get to this we got to get to this wedding we're getting get me to the church on time here we go now I don't really know anything about this actually I want to travel over yes that's right where do you want to go on a visit Hobbs Island Harv's island huh wait you're talking about the island harvey lives on yep that's half's island yeah I think I'm all packed and he says towel snacks on wedding chapel dog wedding ruined ruined Ellen says I still need Braccio skull oh no sorry that's John it couldn't be Ellen because of course as Ellen doesn't tire of pointing out she has all the fossils Barun breakfast donated 20 pounds thank you very much oh my gosh all right here we go touchdown like window shopping in a beach towel window shopping in a beach towel we are parks and proud give a quack to wingback shaped a static and so we got a whole lot of radio chatter going on over yonder all right what is happening here ah this must be the happy couple hey I hear you we're still groovy and the anniversary shoots gonna happen I'm just like behind a little I'm didn't have his voice on the fly here well okay but what do we do about the lovely sets prepping them ourselves could get a bit ticklish hey there thanks for coming so I need to borrow you for a minute okay so this here is Reese and I main squeeze Cyrus they're married and in love um a whole bunch far out right anyway they want to get some anniversary photos made fancy ones with sets and stuff gooses do you now Junior's wedding season uh June is a whole season now thing is I'm cool with lending out my studio but my wedding sets are running slow decorations are painting the walls floor but then I need bird flew by and though what is this voice I'm doing I can only apologize immediately Ruben donated $50 thank you long story someone still gotta move stuff around so it looks wedding Yee then snap some photos so think I could ask you to be that someone you'd really be helping this shutter dog out sounds fun really wow you are so lit on down come on let's go oh this is nice this is my wedding picture studio it's actually my kitchen okay I'll let you know if I get hungry since it's your first time one of my Studios let me give you the rundown compressor changed to cool yeah yeah speaking of set decorations I got a special deal go we look shopping you can just borrow one on the spots oh one thing if you've got to take five part way through no probs but talk to me before we go back in okay otherwise Reese's in charge so if you're not to do she's your alpaca oh you all right hello there it's so nice to meet you I'm Reese I'm just pleased as punch to helping us out this is my hubby my darling named Cyrus good to me Jeff I just know these photos are gonna be so romantic and just in time for our anniversary of course we do this every year for our anniversary but it's always special isn't it it's just like a slice of life from that year a delicious slice almost as sweet as our love right hon that's right sweeter than the sweetest bread pudding Oh Cyrus you always know just what to say anonymous donated $20.00 thank you so much and Jennie eight kin donated five pounds I am absolutely staggered that we are coming up on 19 thousand dollars raised for the n-double-a-cp oh you such a romantic oh sorry I forgot what we were doing for a second there we just got so lost in our own little world sometimes anywho so here's what we're thinking for this year's photo set I'm changing the voice on the fly here a recreation of our entire wedding you can help us by making this place feel like we're saying I do all over again you'll be just side decorating your own place easy peasy oh I almost forgot my amazing saighe I even built some custom wedding furniture for the shoot isn't that so sweet a movie he really put his heart into them so I hope you can make them work just open up the event tap to take a look and grab what you want for the shoot okay so today I'm thinking we should take a ceremony photo in a place that looks like a wedding chapels he'll be just like a real ceremony confessing our love for each other so what we're looking for is a cute set with plenty of pink and white preferably using lots of the furniture might suck I made just let me know when you're ready for us to start posing I can't wait to see what you come up with all right two words for you recent cyrus dinosaur wedding let's see what we've got let's see what let's see what we have wedding bench wedding decoration white wedding wall no no no no no these things on these things are not going to work you don't want microwaves you don't want to get married without a couple of microwaves you go you're gonna want you're gonna you're gonna want microscopes folks trust me I've been to a lot of weddings they're good what you're gonna want the mystic statue you're gonna want to be yeah you're gonna you're gonna want a few of these folks trust me the good weddings are the ones that have this kind of thing ah now you're gonna want tarantulas you don't want to be getting married without [Laughter] all right so I think we're I think with I think we're there with the wedding pictures aren't we okay no hang on hang on now sky tarantulas all right oh I'm I just removed I just deleted myself am i dead we're like am i there if I oh good all right Wow crikey okay right should we try again I do think you're gonna want a snapping - maybe not loads but I think you want one and I think you probably want a great white shark there wouldn't would you not look it's your big day do you want a great white there the answer is yes this is going to be a is quite big though alright let's put this let's put the shark away with the Turtles the turtles are going to be the guests that's what's happening yeah that's what's happening ok so let's try and make it nice I guess now they want lots of like what do they want like lots of white and pink so let's sort of look at what I've got if I got like anything that can go on the walls that's nice how about this poster of has a poster of Axl I think that probably should go how about fine art how about the Mantis head sorry it's just very hard to take this seriously because this is the first point where the game has let me like sandbox this creatively and it's very hard not to fill it with mantis heads you're gonna want you're gonna want you're gonna want some art on the walls because it classes the whole place up you know yeah good that looks good I think we should probably have music so where is we need like a speaker system oh these are nice these wall-mounted candles listen he would tell you all that sup let's have a few of those seat now look you can't you can they are nice they are nice right they're actually nice this is all gone a bit Beauty and the Beast good right oops wrong buttons okay where we need we need a music we need something that makes music we need it because we need to get some we need to get this we need to get the sounds we need a pump in stereo right here we go here's the audio kit probably this probably the skull radio right if you want your room if you want us to be awesome and he's desperate to have dirge playing cake a dirge playing and Who am I to deny him [Music] nice and loud I think yep good good there it is I'll turn I'll turn the game sound up a little so you can hear the urge to dirge great awesome yeah that sounds great very romantic well let's have some golden candlesticks because they match the decorating as we go you know put them out nice right we need some we need some like benches benches for the attendees oh they're nice can you can you sit on the Imperial no table I suspect not if you can that would make a lovely bench no okay well that's so I guess I'm going to store that end okay I mean I kind of want to put down this [Music] look yeah we're gonna need the bunny day arch bring a little bit of the bunny day magic into your into your big day is what I would say good good good I said you I just not I'm sure I have more seating than this okay here we go these are quite sweet they're kind of rustic people could arguably want these it at their wedding all right let's start start organizing them good here we go just pop these out the way for now and he says do a log maze and the couple must navigate it it represents marriage that would be nice that would be nice and I mean not actually nice obviously I've got to I've got too many too many of these now I don't need as many ventures they are they are crowding the place up good let's pop that there where should these go I suppose they should go just put them behind in a row behind for now find someone nice for them don't worry now of course [Applause] oh don't tell me I can't put it over I get this should go behind them right oh yes look at look at that this is this is already coming together look it might it doesn't exactly fit the brief that I was given by the bride but I think that she will be pretty pretty excited when she sees when she sees what me and the wedding design team have come up with make this nice and symmetrical because I don't want it to be on symmetrical right now let's start populating this thing with Turtles where are they who blessed me right and are you with the bride and the groom good yeah nice this is really coming together and you know what look Reese and Cyrus have every opportunity to stop this they are right there they could walk out I'm taking the fact that they have not done that design I think that what I'm doing is good and fine probably they should be getting married there should be a turtle officiating this really I can't place the turtle down there that's frustrating now the turtle here or me yeah this is in the kind of like maid-of-honor position a ring bearing turtle yeah good very good now is that I really feel like we've nailed it but is there anything it how about some of these wreaths on the walls nice bit of look at that see look at all the beads nature's bounty that's that's pretty that's cute no one could be mad about that that's good and then yeah this is looking this is it this is looking nice folks you know what five minutes left of this left of the stream a TV showing pro-wrestling suggests Andy oh yeah I mean I think that would think we'd be onto a winner there I'm not sure we're missing anything I think we've got everything you need for a really magical day is there shall we put should we put down some of the some of the event stuff though look wedding bench I mean we can put one we put one down but we're like how about just how about we put just one in the corner see problem of the wedding benches you can't put a turtle on it so it's it's basically a it's basically a useless item but we can put it in the corner there if it if it you know if it makes them feel better it makes me let it get me a higher score that's fine I don't mind that this Chapel is is looking really nice now are we missing anything about this wall oh that's what we've already got obviously [Music] alright let's just have a quick skim through the items to see if anything jumps out tarantulas etc what wedding doesn't have a rocket that's for the couple to that this is for the couple to leave in we could have a stone arch now the egg day stuff is more romantic it's very romantic Oh a heart that's nice right is nice that's that's that's sweet we'll have that and I think we just this is Jake there's no room for Papa panda because he's so gigantic alright harp yeah nice rocket this is for them to leave on honeymoon in afterwards and also just to make sure it's in the foreground of every image 20 pound donated by anonymous thank you and Sara McGriff donated $10 that's that's incredible mr. motley donated 20 pounds thank you oh that's okay that's brilliant right you know what I looked away from the chat and then I looked back on this and I was so happy with what I saw so I think I think we're ready to take I think we ready to take the picture unless unless there is I do kind of want the Papa panda there though is the only thing I'm thinking so let's what if we move these things oh alright don't don't panic don't panic you lot what do we move these back just trying to create a bit more room for Papa panda because it's not it's really it's not really a wedding without Papa panda oh okay I've dragged the rug a bit but that's fine that's fine we just move and just move that around okay surely that is faise enough now for for Papa panda yeah great great under the watchful eye of Papa panda they confirm their love afresh you know what there's no room for these nice candles now they're gonna happen go can I change the lighting oh yes this is nice she's a nice wedding this is a nice wedding and everyone agrees you know what I'm gonna lose the rocket pop that down there and we're done Luke you're a bit blurry oh my gosh have I gone like I have I've drifted out focus let's get the thing back all right cool and we're there right let's start taking the pictures should I should I be in it probably yeah I probably should be like here probably that's where that's where it would be right for me to be I'll just I'll just you know what I'll just stand I'll just stand here looking different looking I'll just stand here looking dignified I didn't think about where I didn't think about where I was gonna go hang on hang on hang on hang on we can fix this we can fix this there we go we'll just move this one and then I'll just stand here like I'm like I'm an usher yeah good yes good why are they facing this way I could probably get probably can get them to look that's the nicest color scheme probably you know what probably just normal there it is folks I always cry at weddings oh no hey that's sweating always sweat at weddings good good happy with this congratulations folks we did it yeah I took the pictures didn't I oh right oh so that was just a practice that was just some practice Cameron will you be our photographer okay press - to change what's in the frame back to my post good what are my options then oh okay I can okay how about this how about we try and take the picture as I just burst into existence or burst away like the wedding pictures taken just as I spontaneously combust good good all right I think we got the shot I think we got the shot yeah just look at the last one it was one tiny thing I could change about it I'll try to match up the colors a little better just adding a few more splashes of the colors i mentioned before would do the trick I think anyway I have a little something to show our appreciation I hope you like it my side guy I made it for you it's a wedding bench now I get the wedding bench I think I had that to begin with and because I'm just full of surprises I also have some heart crystals for you they're so cute that I just hate to give them away my side guy likes him - he'll try you for furniture okay hard crystals good once again thank you so much for everything you helped us make a wonderful new memory arm you know this was so fun would you be incident helping us out again tomorrow I'm astonished that you're asking me race but yes we have the studio space rented for the entire month okay Riis that is a little extra well I'm gonna leave the happy couple here I think ah look at that look at that charming charming hey are the mmm cool alright then we're good then we get to head home item delivery in liquidation services start here alright okay so this means that I can show up sure we'll the wicked wicked don't even worry about it don't even worry about it okay can I can I go home now I reached home let's head out and I think folks that is gonna about do it for us for this dream I can't even begin to express what it means to me and Ellen and Jane Mike and Andy there's the staggering generosity of spirit that our community has shown in donating to this cause it's yeah it it's been amazing that this donation page will stay up yeah and outside Xbox we'll be continuing this later we're so close to 220 K so let's see if let's see if maybe by the time outside Xbox take up take up the take up the donation let's see if let's see if we can we can let's see if we can get there in fact you know what why don't we do why don't we see if we can get to 20 K before we end fully on the stream let's try and end on a nice round round round mark well stream for just just a little bit longer because I I feel like one last push would be good angel wheat says let's get to the 20k k slider yeah let's do it let's do it let's see if let's let's see if let's see if we can just hang around just a little bit more fishing see if we can hit that 20k because that would be really awesome and yeah out later outside Xbox are are streaming [Music] yeah that's at 8 p.m. that's an all that and two hours we'll put a link and here for that it's it's yeah we're raising money for the n-double-a-cp black lives matter and this this was one way that we that we hope to be able to make a small difference and thanks to the incredible generosity of all of our viewers it was a it was a more sizable difference then we hope to make so thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart this is um this is yeah I'm sort of operating right now on pure like live stream adrenaline but I just know I'm gonna go to pieces when this stream finishes and it's because of your generosity and what's this new blue shell let's focus on that says I don't cry or Nothing okay right little fish no where are the Sharks come on we've gotta get 20k when you get to that 20k and we want to see the big fish oh my gosh growl okay the donations coming in thick and fast now 20 euros from gentleman drill Thank You Raven donated $100 incredible Alex under Hanson $20 Thank You Nate the media who donated $10 with that that is wow what a what a or a burst of generosity we put on there um PW Killen donated $50 thank you it's sorry donate to $20 thank you everyone again sorry I can't read these all out this this there's so many of them Wow okay and we're there we're at 20k that was fast real fast thank you Thank You Ellen John Andy in the chat saying thank you I know that Jane and Mike are also watching this thank you for all of us yeah so outside Xbox later the link is going to be in the chat so check that go head on over to that page have a look at it come on voice we're so nearly over the line if you haven't been able to donate if you have donated and and you think you might have a little more to give there's a link in the description it's the it's the URL it starts black claw black lives matter it's a it's a link to like other places where you can where you can go to um to donate you can to contribute yeah the link is the link is there in now and to to outside Xbox yeah this was um yeah right I don't know what I'm not sure what more there is to say to be honest accept accept thank you again you've all been unbelievably generous yeah cool all right take it easy folks enjoy the outside Xbox stream yeah stay safe out there and yeah wow thank you everyone who donated Mattias Hillman incredibly generous thank you wow just just put that at the end all right take it easy virtual hugs yeah stay safe and yeah thank you see you next time see you on the aux box stream good bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 79,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acnh, animal crossing new horizons, new horizons, eloise, villager, Coelacanth, fishing, shadow size, gameplay, designs, design, funny
Id: S16bDCzkmD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 10sec (8050 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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