Among Us Livestream! 9-PLAYER IMPOSTER HUNT! Feat. Outside Xbox, Eurogamer and Dicebreaker

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1:20:57 - 1:21:58 (approx):

God, even when you can't hear it Ellen's laughter is still a magical cure for everything.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Katsuro42 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it still hurts us [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody hi everyone hello welcome along welcome gang to another among us live stream the more manga monkeys you can watch this one in so many places yeah oh god all the time can you watch it best of all dice breaker dice breaker is the canon stream every all of the other ones are just like fan fiction yeah the rules just make the table top channel the primary one so if you're um if you're watching this on outside extra then um during the gameplay phases where we all have to mute then you'll be listening to me if you're watching it on outside xbox it'll be mike mike hello it'll be me yes and who's running eurogamers is [Laughter] sorry i still just hear you're a gamer and and think someone's talking about me at this stage we probably don't have to go over the rules again do we just no i think everyone knows how this works all right here we go well let's begin uh we've got confirmer jets off two impostors and nine of us playing and we'll all be muting unless we're luke mike yeah wheels oh yeah and if you if you are killed uh mike wheels ether uh get in that ghost chat and um all right and entertain everyone with amazing criticisms here we go everyone is muted but viewer you can still hear me i'm a crewmate to start with which is good news right let's um let's start doing some jobs look at my uh nice new mohawks that's pretty cool part of the halloween halloween outfits they've added all right here we go what have we got uh press to start adding reagent oh no this one's gonna be complicated isn't it go grab a coffee oh i've gotta wait presumably i don't have to actually wait by it yeah oh good so i can just hover around here waiting to be murdered well everyone if you're watching on outside extra then what a treat lovely to have you along thank you come on come on thirty how did the time don't you don't you do it don't you kill me i'm gonna run back and forth here all right come on come on med bay 20 seconds was is time moving at the speed it normally moves at because this seems oh no here we go time to unmute well that was quick hello casualties uh i don't know i didn't find lollies i found no way i didn't find zoey i found loli's it was in the uh the room that's off the cafeteria to the right i report it then andy i did report it but it came pink yeah that's what i thought i found loli's why didn't you report ladies i didn't i okay i didn't i don't know who i found i found a body it came up as a report i thought it was lowly's apparently it was zoey it was in the top right i found zoe and reported her look there's a megaphone next to my name oh yeah we must have we must have pressed it at almost exactly the same time because i found had a good opportunity to kill me in electrical but didn't take it just before then i saw andy and ellen powelling about together um briefly and no one else i've been in the med bay doing the interminable tasks which you've interrupted now thank you very much wheels [Laughter] i thought it might be a bit of a pressing issue luke face mike uh i have been running around on my own actually awfully suspicious that you're alive space mike yeah yeah that was true no i've i've been doing the there's a two-stage thing where you like dump the leaves out of the thing um and i didn't realize up until now but on the second stage you can actually see it all get jettisoned out the spaceship looks really cool yeah i don't know if other people can see it though that's a lot of corroborating in detail boring [Music] uh okay does anyone have an accusation to make i don't i don't really anyone who's acting weird is happy but oh come on i'm confused because i thought that i reported it because i pressed it at basically the same time right he and i were like together for a long time and he could have killed me in all that time i think we both killed ellen like electrical things uh being very quiet which i'm not used to yeah what's the because it's been a while since i played this game so i kind of was just running around oh voting is about to end anyway i'm skipping i'm skipping but let's all shut andy and never trust him okay all right all right all right see you later right i've muted let's find out if that task restarts shall we i don't know actually oh for goodness sake right well back to the met i guess andy knows where i'm headed johnny johnny come with me and he's gonna and he's gonna kill me as soon as oh it is okay all right good okay andy really could have killed me there i think and he and and i think he would have so should we trust andy i mean it seems impossible to believe that we could okay good all right wow look the gang's all here but some of them are killers where'd andy go there he is cool andy and i are going to stick together follow me bud because it was oh oh god i thought that was andy killing me emergency meetings ready let's talk a little bit about that sabotage shall we yes please okay um the alarm went off i started to go straight into the reactor because i was right by it um if you sort of just came along by me and then you were like no i guess i'll go this way no because i was looking up the map because i forgot where the reactor was i was like oh it's all the way over on the left because i brought it up massive long gap until eventually and i saw you arriving in the room afterwards how profoundly lost can you get really lost because i genuinely couldn't read the map at all i'm also quite lost so there's i don't like it but that's genuinely true the only other information i have to share is that wheels definitely could have killed me and didn't so yeah i remember seeing you on the right-hand side i ran away from you but he definitely could have killed me and didn't so johnny you're casting a lot of aspersions yeah yeah yeah so what were you doing this round ether what was i doing i was trying to find where the reactor was honestly like for so long i was just staring at the map being like but where is where is and then i finally saw it and then it was too late and everyone was in the room he forgot quite near to me as well and didn't kill me but i think wheels was there as well so i i don't know i don't know at this stage no one else has died so if it can't have been on cooldown or anything so no i just can't read maps which is true to real life as well to be fair you always have a good read on this and have basically said very little so far this game is dead oh yeah wow okay sure you're muted no you're suddenly not at reading maps i am sorry i don't think so i uh i'll take that we spent on the sofa while you were just telling me i don't know which way to go in a video yeah ten seconds ellen account for yourself but don't sorry i uh ran towards the reactor i got there after everyone else um and then i did the little going up to 10 in the reactor cool all right wow oh my god i think that's the first time that's happened when none of us have talked about it all right meeting meetings yikes folks okay well so i guess we all just like quietly decided that we were going to kill eve now i've been following andy um assuming that that will make me safe but the fact is now that i think about it that nobody died while andy and i were palling around so although he hasn't killed me where's he going where's he what's he doing oh we want oh he wants to do his jobs i suppose where's he gone all right fine we can wait all right let's take turns let's take turns doing jobs right i've got something to do here and she in shields andy and yes come on bit quid pro quo please right oxygen depleted is it well that sounds quite urgent and i've lost andy oh space mike don't you do it don't you do you wouldn't do it not not in the cafeteria oh it's mike it's mike dare i get closer to him you know it's mike you know mike is the killer i'm gonna accuse mike next time just because he doubled back in that slightly shifty way is that enough evidence it's the evidence i've got good here we go here we go the little gang right follow me folks because i've got a job to do in here okay fine no one's no one followed me there react to meltdown is it and that's just supposed to be okay is it all right me andy and johnny we're trekking we're trekking over to the oh okay where is it it's over here [Music] well look i trust andy will come with me yep hopefully andy will follow me all the way to electrical whoever the killer is they are chilly they are dilly dallying right got some jobs to do here oh for goodness sake right okay let's focus up come on all right i've got another one here good right oxygen depleted is it we're gonna i think we're gonna complete these tasks unless the killers have been unless the imposters have been killing loads of loads of folks and no one's noticed but no one's found a body i think we've got a good chance of winning this one actually just you know winning the organic way as long as no one as long as the oxygen doesn't deplete oh no no no no three two okay folks right i've done all my jobs now i can get down to the serious business of suspecting everybody well is someone here the mungus come on out oh boy here we go space mike thanks mike okay that's a problem because i was going to accuse mike if he was the only one who wasn't there i'm the critical master okay look here's what i'm thinking we can feasibly do this the green bar is so nearly full yeah who who has jobs still to do i've done all mine i was kind of following johnny around to be honest because i was quite suspicious of him i mean so i was hanging around with you because i trust you so we're all right okay well hang on no i've been see i've been palling around with andy and but the not many murders are i happening murders are happening more space might be it seems like yeah there's one one of us has fallen through the cracks in our little buddy system hmm honestly i finished all my tasks i did the one in communications and then you go up into the room where the oxygen depletion thing is and you go and then fix it i went and fixed the oxygen and then i went and did my task which was the little downloady thing and then i went up pulled the the leaf chute and then went down and i pulled the leaf sheet out again but i put it to you ellen that your task in actuality is to killing and sabotage it honestly isn't honestly hmm ellen isn't a terrible liar and that didn't seem like she was like well there had to have been a because that we were in a big club for a long time so there had to have been a point where there was one person who wasn't here because they were killing space mike right i have to suspect wheels and i have to suspect johnny a little bit just because i did think that was convincing of ellen she could have been practicing lying i wouldn't that would have spent the week practicing how long do we have we've got 30 seconds we need to calibrate ellen um look into the webcam and say i am a hundred feet tall luke i am a hundred feet tall i'm really not i'm five foot like two three again okay on a good day now say i am the imposter i am not the imposter whoa whoa okay interesting what to make of that i voted for luke because like no no one like wheels and i've been running around scared of and comforting i've been running around with andy i voted for wheels what where did that come from this could be game over if fair enough it wasn't actually an imposter sorry that i went with a hunch and i didn't think that someone else should go in my head just were like oh screw it the thing was right the stupid thing was i genuinely did get lost it was completely unfair i wasn't actually trying to sabotage or kill anybody and that wasn't oh my god even so i feel wronged by that i cannot believe i was the first person you killed god damn it yeah with my back hold out like that unbelievable you backstabber do you know what's even worse you know what's even worse uh wheels called me right right at the beginning mike mike then stepped over my corpse oh my god i now have a baby also that was sat by my corpse and he managed to step over them and still not see i was like oh the other person must be mike and then it wasn't and i was like okay really not saying mike's playing three-dimensional chess i just want to say that's right ignorance really playing good games there we go no that's okay that's okay johnny it's the game it's not your fault that wheels is so deceitful i saw him running around with andy for so long well i trusted andy from the beginning um i didn't think it was johnny because we were alone in the admin bit at one point and like because we both went to go and fix the oxygen at some point and then uh luke i just didn't think you were it didn't [Applause] [Laughter] i should have voted for luke because i knew at least johnny would vote for him as well so that would have broken the broken the uh yeah but but your your evil imposter mind couldn't conceive expecting to be to be caught so right probably get that thought in amongst them [Laughter] should we jump back in yeah okay here we go all right muting which means i am not the imposter well done me i'm living that good honest life guy i love being i love being the imposter though hopefully soon hopefully soon i'll get to be the imposter i think it's so who's that johnny okay okay okay right operation don't get killed let's get these leaves out oh a stubborn final leaf eh now roaming around alone here if i bump into a killer when i'm all alone i don't really want to be wait hang on is that is that what my job is oh it's over there right no no no no no no no okay all right all right mike explain yourself what do you what what is this to explain i just found you in the room with a dead aether that sounds like it needs exploding corpse blindness you know what they look like mike where did you where did you find eva yeah the left left-hand room i think it's the reactor okay at the moment i was in electrical and then i kind of like went off and then wheels uh but mike went off towards the reactor wheels went behind and then i thought hey you know what i'm gonna follow them because there's three of us and unless i'm really unlucky and they're both the imposter i'll be kind of safe um so yeah uh mike would be better because ellen you were in the the wiring room with me right yeah yeah i was in there came in and then i followed you out i went right and then wheels came out and followed you so i was like i'm gonna follow those two because they're two of them so ellen did anyone else see see mike i mean he could have just done it he was right on top of it i briefly saw johnny right at the start apart from that i haven't seen anyone not a soul i bet but andy i know what i saw i i do mike does get corpse blindness but at the same time mike would mike is also smart enough to use that corpse blindness yeah i mean in fairness bright green as well yeah the bright greenness seals it for me yeah i hear space mike i vote space mike simple man ellen ellen said i was just hanging around doing the electrical tasks the wiring and the little power diversion thing so unless he did it before and if he's been sitting there for a while going mouldy hey yeah how deep i didn't see how decomposed of course maybe andy saw the corpse before i did because andy's got wider imposter vision mike you should have said these things before i voted for you it's too late the group has overwhelmingly voted for you i don't know i'm skipping because i just don't know ellen island's oh dear well yeah that's suspicious i'm suspicious of ellen now that that's fine i'll take that suspicion it's fine i i just i it it could be him are you going to kill the whole [Music] tell it to the infinite vacuum of space mike since you love space so much all right okay all meet it again right good uh right who do i trust do i trust andy again i'm not even sorry he did make that report oh here we go reactor meltdown is it all right fine mug and zero going try and fix it probably get a knife in my spine for gratitude oh it's been fixed who's that andy okay okay i'm just sticking i'm sticking with andy i've got no jobs over here andy andy how about we stick with lolis now there's ellen there's a let's just let's just see where ellen goes let's let's andy and uh andy's andy's cottoned on to me immediately okay so ellen seemingly has a job at the med bay interesting interesting okay well that was very brief for that task which i think is the really long one that's that's that's reason that's reason for suspicion i've just got i've got to not i should i should probably accuse with that information shouldn't i i'm just not confident enough are the tasks always the same don't bother telling me by the way in the chat because obviously for i'm not looking at the chat i'm going to be really annoyed if i die though with this and take this information to my grave no no don't you do it zoe don't you do it don't you do it should i should i should i report this suspicious ellen information well oh this is dead wheels in pretty much the same place he forwards the reactor again okay okay there's a pattern um i i don't think seriously i don't think that ellen killed uh wheels but am i right in thinking that the tasks on the map are always the same like uh they're the same for all the crew members i don't know if the imposters can see them though right well i saw ellen in the med bay and she went up to the tasks that takes a full minute to do yeah you don't have to stand there you can go no that's true ellen but you wandered away completely like whole other side because i wanted to go to the weapons bit and then the uh was it the reactor or the oxygen sorry the oxygen went and then i went to go fix the oxygen before i could finish my task in the weapons there's a little panel so there's like the weapons there's a bit in the middle there's a panel up there that is quite believable and i don't think you were near the reactor so last time i saw wheels was in the reactor room i think it was oh god i can't remember who the other one was who actually completed it with me um because we also stood in the middle i think he was watching to see he would fix it oh we can't yeah we can't hear lowly's which is muted if you ask me okay i think it might have been lolis and i know that loneliness makes the oxygen so i trust lolis yeah i was alone with lolis and um i think andy with the mohawk was that you luke no that was me yeah i was alone with luke and loli's neither of them ganked me so i saw i saw um wheels last time in the reactor room and i walked in and i walked up and across to go to the med bay and andy was stood there in the middle and the last time i saw wheels was with andy is it possible that andy's been self-reporting the bodies he's been killing because he also called the last meeting of course yeah just i mean it's possible it's not true if you called both the meetings then it would make sense for you to like double bluff and call yourself on killing the two bodies because it seems like ellen's got a pretty straight alibi for everything i was hanging around with ellen and luke almost that entire round that's true i was established agent of chaos johnny she always votes when the conversation stalls johnny where were you uh i was i was zipping around the whole place um i what did i do i had previously downloaded from the cafeteria johnny to upload it i think it's nice that's just because that's just who i am as a person how dare you oh come on come on that is interesting ice is time to mute again okay let's see if i live long enough to see if it worked okay now i i'll be honest whoever the imposters are they're playing a blinder right now i have no idea no suspicions do i trust johnny not as far as i could throw him i don't trust anyone but he's got an opportunity to kill me here so if he doesn't i'm gonna try and stick with johnny yeah all right well i don't know what he was doing but i'm gonna stick with him or is he following me it's so hard to tell i need like some i need to establish some like body language no shawnee what are you doing oh he's running away from me okay well i'm gonna stand still in the hope of placating him i wanna like put out i need to like put out a little trail of reese's pieces or something to earn his trust okay um [Music] right good i did that vented the leaves cleaned the o2 filter that's what that was it's useful to now if there's someone in here but there isn't hopefully i can just get these jobs done quickly i'm by myself again this is bad oh no johnny's gonna accuse me i think okay i take back what i said for andy okay luke was chasing me round and round the table no no no no no no no i knew this would happen no johnny i was i was trying to find someone to trust i what i stood by you doing a task i said this to the live stream viewers i said johnny has stood there he could have killed me so i'm going to stick with him then we went into the cafeteria i saw you became suspicious of me i made a joke on the live stream about reese's pieces and needing to put down a trail of them to lead you to me like e.t then i went and cleared the o2 filter in the bottom corner and then i went and did two jobs in the electrical room be that as it may it was scary and i didn't like it that's all well johnny spain's frightening okay and you know what you we shouldn't just use the emergency button for his finding imposters we should use it for raising ship-wide concerns [Laughter] i've done all my tasks now so yeah i'm almost done with mine as well i'm just yeah like i just appreciate it if if i didn't get chased around the cafeteria okay i won't do that anymore i guess i'll just wander around alone and get stabbed in the spine i think we're quite close to completing all of our tasks so if we just focus on doing the tasks we can do this i trust zoe i trust andy zoe and andy were the first to suggest completing all the tasks i because we should lucas us um maybe maybe i was wrong about helen i'm muting uh johnny's the only one who hasn't voted yet it's not ended well as his prerogative he can spend the next 50 seconds oh yeah you can just ambulate and you know wow you can monologue johnny if you want to hang on wait wait wait wait wait wait if if they get if the imposter if there are two imposters still and they get one more kill yeah yeah and there are two imposters because we've not ejected anyone have we yeah we just space mikey yes who did everyone else vote for i skipped i said uh i just skipped here but lucas god bless you johnny [Laughter] oh my god you've done the right thing [Music] all right time to move okay good tempers are running high right should i stick with ellen and i no i'm not oh no zoe don't you do it don't you do i'm gonna let you run past me i'm right on the cusp of being thrown out though i i think i just about managed to like oh lowlies lolis you've been so quiet and that's never a good sign oh boy all right i'm focus on my tasks focus on my tasks don't get killed i've got another one in electrical oh no it's this one oh no oh my gosh okay we're close i've done everything i've done everything now and i'm just gonna go stand in the cafeteria no that's fine do i trust andy i don't trust anyone anyone i'm gonna go stand in the cafeteria because i am done my jobs are done good right looks like it looks like a bunch of us have decided to meet up here johnny's just not trying to wander off johnny oh the lights oh god okay i think johnny is smart enough to turn off the lights when everyone is sticking together do i go fix the lights i'm gonna trust someone else is gonna get it and i'm gonna just keep moving just keep moving just keep moving just keep moving because i all right a master class that was great i never even suspected bloody good i bumped into loli's in the in the corridor and i was like oh loli's just been quiet that's never a good sign lolis didn't say anything for the entire round as far as i can tell her very convenient yeah so you you accused mike straight off the bat right andy and he didn't do anything wrong i was like i said self-reporting i said mike you gave a pretty you have a pretty weak account of yourself there uh well i didn't really get i got shouted down didn't really get time to explain myself other than to say that i'd been hanging around with ellen and ellen had seen me do the tasks and seen that i wasn't in the reactor the thing is mike you were saying staying so oddly calm i was like if i was accused i'd be furious the fact that you weren't like around i was like like eyes really like lagged it out of the reactor like didn't she just and it was seconds it was seconds after she murdered me as to when the body was reported it was pretty close i will say the um the two bodies i reported i didn't kill those slowly skilled both of those people oh that was you that was brilliant really took us apart there also um who turned out the lights at the very end that was loli's lolis did you do that because you could see everyone was hanging around together in the we're all just having a nice little chat yeah yeah i know what happened to your mic yeah is it needed because it's up above your head or like does it is it one of those things that meets itself when you twist it up on your head can you can you select it as a different input and zoom yeah or maybe unplug it and plug it back in i'm sure we can figure this out yeah or to pile on them see now now now is the part where we all do actually work together we don't try it oh yeah yeah yeah have you tried pouring a soft drink over it does your uh webcam lolis have its own built-in microphone because uh in that situation you could maybe switch it switched it no i turned off the light at the end because i knew andy and i needed to kill one person each and i wanted to make sure that we killed around the same time so i was hoping to do a stack kill but i hadn't realized that andy had already killed somebody so it was just him yeah yeah i killed johnny in the uh incredible game play yeah i was just hanging out in the cafeteria i have a question for when there's two imposters can do you share the kill cooldown or do you each have your own cooldown okay cool good to know me not that i'll need to use that the future of this stream like not at all no we need a news that my mic was like not working i think for a while because i kept saying things and nobody would like could hear me and maybe i would have just like made myself look suspicious if you could have heard me i don't know possibly okay i'm really sorry luke i'm really sorry no i'm sorry too ellen we accused each other oh mistakes were made no one sorry it's a space mic i noticed i don't have to apologize i costume i assume you want to be in space so i've said that i've sent you survive out there [Laughter] now mike you know what bodies look like now right yeah they're like a boneless aren't they basically yeah um these creatures are amazing because they actually only have one bone in their entire body yeah and yet they get so much done yeah truly an inspiration for us all they don't even have arms so i don't know how they do the wiring whoa they just smash their head on stuff that's what they do but the imposter must be so strong because i had my neck broken which means they broke the one body and yeah yeah basically snapped a lamppost in half people don't really really don't give the imposter enough credit you know that's all that's so true uh who are we who are we missing all right i couldn't find the code because my emails are cool now all right let's get back into it full team got wheels and little wheels ready to roll here we go all right okay crewmate again okay interesting uh right kind of bored of being a crewmate i won't have a go at the stabby stabby but that's how it goes do my job job is done okay immediate sabotage this imposter is not hanging around wait hang on is this a job i think this is a job dead body oh my gosh wow how's everybody you guys already oh i actually found a body well done okay that's the most suspicious thing i've heard mike found her body all right certainly [Music] a bit further along to the left or right north yeah i would say that the person i saw uh coming from that direction was zoe what noise did it make when you stabbed them mike was it wait wait where was it where was it uh it's so not electrical but the room further to the right of that storage i don't know when we all ran away zoe just stood in the cafeteria for a while because i was looking at the map to try to keep just standing why were you just like staring at the auger when it was happening because johnny ran there and i wanted to see if he fixed it so i just ran and stared you stared as well you were stood behind i was staring at you because you were staring at the touch you were all just in a room staring at each other i did see that johnny did the task wheels and i just looked on this is this is how a dice breaker works speaking of which point of order can everyone stop leaving leaves around it's getting ready somebody leaves in space i made an autumn fall flower crown and i thought oh yeah that would be good my aesthetic the only person i'm suspicious of is zoe uh i think she's probably on cool down from uh killing ellen when she ran from where ellen's body was uh towards sort of the electrical area okay i was just running around trying to find my way to uh admin to find them that they don't seem to be exploding very much because um in your own words you'd explode if someone accused you and it wasn't you yeah because i know i didn't kill her but also it's the beginning of the game so i can't remember what any of my tasks are i was just running around trying to do that okay god damn it i wish i hadn't already voted i'd vote for wheels just thank you wheels trying to throw suspicion around thanks normally wheels mathematically it's normal automatically mathematically because i'm sorry oh come on wow unbelievable you know what i'm talking about my flower crowns i gave all of you unbelievable don't read maps anyone you heard it here okay i've muted did we do the right thing you know these are questions that will i hope that i live to ask myself the luxury question did i do the right thing now lolis is exceptionally good at this game but i think she was asking some good questions so i kind of want to stick with loli's if i can hopefully she's not going to get too far away before i come on come on come on come on come on come on all right i couldn't stand forever uh okay let's try and fix that wiring kind of generally i think you're sort of safe in the cafeteria i mean you're not but you're not safe anywhere but you know okay i've got a job in storage i'm two alone two alone but look i'm doing my jobs getting stuff done what more oh wheels wheels wheels wheels wheels are you gonna kill me no oh dear okay well now the lights have gone out i kind of want to stick with wheels there we go if if he will accept me as a partner not freak out like johnny did what's going up there i don't think anyone i don't think there's any reason to go up there if you're not the imposter it's okay wheels you can trust me it's okay it's okay it's okay is this persuasive come on it's not persuasive is it he's not believing me oh i'll pay for that next time it's voting time but i tell you what i have chewed through quite a lot of jobs here i've only got not got that many left see if i can get let's see if i can get one more done before something bad happens uh oh wait where's oh wait this is the order one one two three four five six seven eight nine okay i wonder what would happen if we just didn't report dead bodies like oh no here we go oh it's very suspicious no no wheels i was trying to do the same thing that i did with johnny in the previous game i was trying to oh no come on you can only use that excuse once i found i found johnny by the way and i was just about to click the report button and then the emergency meeting got called but he's in the on the right-hand side somewhere in the cockpit type bit um so if anyone's sorry it did interesting okay i mean i was uh the person who fixed the lights in electrical then i did a task in lights i think i saw i think i saw loli's fix the lights because because i was in the same room i stopped the reactor with space mike sorry we were the two that turned off the reactor and i also did one of them i did a task in the reactor room i was trying to befriend wheels but he wouldn't have it and yeah because you looked very suspicious when you came up to where i was doing my task following me around because yeah that's because i wanted i wanted to see why you'd gone north i'd literally just completed a task there at the top of the cafeteria and i was like what's he going i just wanted to be firing i called the meeting because i think sucks out slightly ran into the room into electrical not to do a task but just kind of like ran in had a look around ran out then i was in the cafeteria and she started chasing me around the tables yeah i was trying to wow i was trying to build an alliance i was like i was trying to run around seeing what people were up to and then like because i know what kind of maniac would do that it sounds extremely suspicious zoe and johnny are dead famously ifa would murder these people first right now now look wow that says a lot as to how petty you think i am like lolita you put a foot wrong there because someone as good at this game as you who's played it as much as you will know that you kill opportunistically in this game and you don't yeah you don't go for people like that would be stupid and you know that lowlys [Music] she says i was chasing around the cafeteria i was just running around because i was talking to chat and then i was like let's be friends let's be friends with lily's and then i realized yeah okay that looks a little bit suspicious but if i was chasing you around and i was close to you wouldn't i have killed you already what task did you do this round i did uh the med bay and i did um the rewiring bits and pieces um and i i don't i don't think we should vote because there's five of us so okay another six too late too late ignore me yeah i don't know what to think i don't know what to think well me either i don't think that was a good eject someone here we are all right here we are okay [Music] who was it i guess like every time i get ejected i'm not actually doing anything wrong that was pretty sus the whole she would kill her workmates yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean yes our working relationship is fine just also can i just point out wheels that once again i was trying to make friends i'm not going to stop doing that i recommend you stop that i was right about zoey right yes [Applause] luke you were so close to finding me but then you turned right and i was like task focused was just around you being like [Music] for me it kind of it happened exactly as i suspected it i i was walking into uh i think now to do my final task and ether walked in and i just went oh i'm dead i have died and then i was panicking quite a lot i was like everyone's moving around and here it's got damage i find it i find it so stressful being the imposter oh i hate it so much i was sabotaging like areas to the ends of the map so that there's only one like two ways and now i was trying to help you out when i was dead but i know thank you all right there we go back into it okay all right one more and then switch map yeah sounds good yeah sounds good now okay what are my crewmate again oh come on game give me a give me a go at the stabby stabby i was only joking just now when i said that i find it stressful i find it delightful it's the most fun right let's start this going and then just like ellen was doing go do something else there's nothing else even remotely nearby though okay well maybe i can get this admin oh there's zoe there's johnny all right let's do this hopefully i can make it back to the med day without being killed i haven't been killed so far which is pretty pretty remarkable so you know so far this stream is a no death run so that's something i mean unless you count dying when the imposters win right are we done now oh my gosh 18 seconds wow i was real quick at that real quick at that apparently it's not worth going somewhere else though not now there we go the lights have gone down the lights gone down but it's not like it's not a big emergency come on three two one come on come on come on come on come on come on that task completed sound that would be a good text alert tone wouldn't it right who have we seen where okay now look johnny and wheels okay johnny's called an emergency meeting hello i'm gonna i'm gonna put out on the line this is another one that i've called because i'm just a little scared but i think lily's a suspect okay why because i keep seeing loli's doing window shopping lilies will pop into a room who's in the room two people looking back no i just came into the electrical because the lights were off i fixed the lights and i fixed the lights came into an embarrassing amount of time you were like admin no i went into admin to do the download task actually you ran out and you didn't watch me hmm i will say this johnny didn't murder me when he definitely could have murdered me if he'd wanted to because we were thinking of johnny i will say this ellen's dead yes oh in back into the call and she was sort of smiling riley and i was like that's suspicious me i suspect ellen um okay so okay well i i said that lolis was suspect and she did look quite genuinely irritated that i called her that so i'm kind of i'm now no longer sure as far as i am aware you've seen me twice one time when i went into advent to do the download part of the upload task or whatever or the opposite way around but that's it once to go to electrical to fix the light when everyone had already done it that's what i'll do um sidebar if we're a little bit unsure here how's everyone doing on task because i've literally just got one trash yeah i've been i've been working through them i had them i have released oh i've got a couple i had the med base scan task so i did that came back so i've only done two working through them how endy i have the simon says one where you do that thing and it takes ages then i had the one in the same the one in the reactor where it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out what i was supposed to be doing but you pressed the numbers yeah the first time i did that i felt really dumb uh i had a thing to do an electrical i had to turn this i had to uh flick the switch up and then i had another electrical tasker had to turn the little knob thing sideways that is a boring amount of detail um because when it gets later i'm going to be too stressed out to yeah we've got 10 seconds honestly i'm skipping what to do i'm skipping sorry ellen [Laughter] somebody needs to take the button away from him well i can't use it anymore okay here we go right that was one of those things where i was so busy looking at everyone else that i realized too late that i hadn't really said anything myself do am i gonna i could throw in my lot with lolis trust wise actually i'm not doing too bad in terms of tasks just because i've got this one to do and then i think my other two are both in electrical ah now is loli's gonna kill me i don't think she is you know oh my god there's a dead body electrical there is a dead body in electrical i came into electrical zoe was kind of going out of electrical and then i was trying to press the started to double back and i started to freak out came across the body click click click click click click click i was only trying to figure out what hat that was and then i realized it was half a body on the floor rather than that i'm sure this is going to make me look suspicious even though i'm trying to prove myself but there were three people in electrical when the when the course was found right because i was in admin looking where everyone was going because i finished all my tasks if there was a third person i didn't see them who was the third person who was the first i know they're all the same color on the other and who was fun as far as i'm convinced there were two and a half people unless well yeah unless you two because i only i only saw two i saw me i saw zoe and i saw the corpse yeah but then it would be silly for johnny to call it if it was the two of them with the imposters right well not if they if they unless like yeah but i but johnny came in when i was like doubling about to go report it so he can't be the one who killed it because he just came straight in after me unless he like invented somewhere and then unvented well no because i was going to go report the body i was just trying to find the button on the side of the thing what were you there to do uh fix the thing in electrical the wiring and electrical you don't have to go anywhere to report bodies it's just about your press no but i mean the the button like greyed out and i saw it pop up and was like wait there's a body in here and then i realized because i thought it was just the top of someone's head because the body was slightly by one of the um the middle bit of like circuitry that would be a good hat actually it would be a good hat it's just a disembodied body on top of your head well how many times that sounds a bit comedian how many tasks does everyone have left to do no you're not allowed to use the map you're not allowed to look to see where you're going is yeah i'm kind of kind of leaning towards zoey wait what again why well if it's true then it might have just been that you killed someone and johnny came in if it's true you're killing you're killing me as one of your crewmates you realize that the imposters don't have to kill many more to survive if you boot me out yeah oh god damn it there's two people dead zoe that's going to happen like officers i don't have a spacesuit i don't want to be out here oh right all right [Music] i just realized i can talk i mean i can talk to you viewers so i'm a ghost killed by lolis right that's all my job's done i think oh no i've got one more i can do ellen my hand slipped amazing so that was so [Music] oh here we go come on come on just let me let me finish this let me finish this task right that's everything where is lowly's johnny's been killed so that's bad i don't who reported it mike reported it well right that was lucky so me sandy and space mike were a cohesive unit brother yeah so i saw you guys just then but before that i saw johnny and i was in i was just in a i was turning off the code just now you did go in the direction of the court i think and they i didn't die so either they're both the imposter and they're playing some kind of four dimensional chess or yeah they're or they're well no with you for the entire thing and yeah you didn't see us kill johnny so yeah exactly it's not wheels it's not mike um it's not me so we've got ether and lowly's it's definitely one of you guys because i was i was in the i went straight to the top of the cafeteria to do wiring because that was the la i just had the third part of wiring job left to do and then i went over to the security cameras because i had like done all my tasks i was trying to see if i could see anything there and then the o2 thing went off and i was running from there she's like right away sorry ether why is it definitely us well i know it's not me so there's not very many people left so it i think actually no i think it's lili's um but what if you guys were running around a cohesive unit then yeah like there wasn't an opportunity say they saw you alone with johnny moments ago i said i saw i said i said i saw johnny on his own moments before the report came in i'd actually i ran past him because i was running to turn off the o2 thing because i was in navigation beforehand trying to do my task and then i had to do like a big loop around to to do that put in the code so i saw pretty much everybody at one point in my peripheral vision what i was going to do my feeling is that if you accused all of us um but then changed your accusation to yeah because i realized that was stupid and actually yeah you realized it was stupid so you changed your tactic no i didn't change my tactic i just realized that okay well if you guys are all adamant that it's not you then it has to be the only other person because i know i was on my own most of the time and i was like i was joking i was like haha it's pretty pretty unlikely i don't know i'm sorry you sound quite suspicious right now okay everything sorry [Laughter] if we don't win yeah if if we carry on the game but we haven't lost then we just immediately shunt out lowly's right yes it's really okay oh no hold on god damn it immediately unloading immediately shut down his spike what's she gonna do what's her plan can't ah nice in it you can't call an emergency during a crisis so loli's called it she just needs to get one more kill but it's over now okay right immediately lolis has been doing all kinds of sabotage to stop this meeting from happening why do you think it's me i've done nothing lolis if it wasn't you right then why would you block the door for us to get back to the emergency meeting i can't block the job as you know what to do i really hope we're right [Laughter] come on come on space victory please if it's somehow wheels i'm kind of on lowly's side here yeah i've been i've been completely dead wheels over here yeah thanks for that by the way a friend i thought everybody could oh and i thought it was going to look weird if i didn't and then it turned out like four to three and i was like oh man i could have totally gotten away with school you acted so offended when i started window shopping i was like oh my god i think about that i actually genuinely wasn't window shopping though i was pretending to do those tasks so it genuinely wasn't you might the acting on that was unbelievable i genuinely was like am i gonna have to apologize i mean she was basically i can't believe you're doing this wheels it's like oh that's the most intense round i've played i think that was horrible that was yeah at the end loli's in the ghost chat we were all we were all just admiring your master class in facial lying just like that at home but apparently not i look forward to one day making it to the end of our lives i'm sorry for the first round if i'm not having very little i've emailed a new sorry ellen i'm so sorry i'm not specifically hunting you down you're just always in my path and i'm the imposter oh we do of course yeah i've changed the app yeah yeah just always in my path yeah it's uh it's destiny ellen it's destiny that was an amazing round though space mike made it to the end of a i know yeah yeah yeah it's because you had a bodyguard unit secret service agents absolute unit did you say you've emailed a new code yes it takes mine so much longer than everyone else for some reason no there's no queues in this hashtag mike lived is going in the chat nice yes our channel is just saying our chat is just saying i'm the new space mic there must always be one wait now i'm just in the lobby with ether what's happening yeah oh you need to leave oh it's too late for you wheels focus no because i must not have the new code then what is going on oh yeah it's fine why aren't my emails working please email this is the thrilling behind the scenes you never get to see folks so they get to see it quite often look we we deal best with things when they are printed on cardboard they're all trying here we go i don't know what the letter e means okay i've sent it to you via what's up thank you all right okay all right i've got this wheels have good fun that's what that ends with i was not ready for that last round the code does indeed end with hgf if anyone wants to try and jump in as well because you're running away from me and i was chasing and you were like and if i was like came in and i was like i have to kill johnny no matter what because he just saw me event you saw me event right no oh you didn't oh sorry i started i started the game lolis sorry all right sorry i didn't realize loli's had more anecdotes from the killing fields to share right okay um well it can't be lolis twice in a row can it oh god gotta get used to this whole new map right it's good that i'm not the imposter because i need to memorize a few tasks um for if i am the imposter i need to look currently to lie convincingly is it that no there it is uh cool all right okay doke how does this open can this be opened good can this be open oh i need to wait okay into the specimen room i've done hardly anything in this map before okay don't want to die don't want to die [Music] right the old seismic stabilizers they've gone wrong which is a real nuisance come on put me through hurry the stabilizers they're dangerously unstabilized all right no i thought i'd got one but it's so far away it's all right sorry we're all figuring it okay no the gang figured it out good job the gang uh oh right showing a qr code of course oh wow all right okay andy and johnny let's let's do this let's do this groovy gang let's stick together where'd johnny go where are we headed headed over here that would be great because i've got jobs over here [Music] i found ellen in communications uh just before then i saw luke i believe okay yeah not not near it okay um did you did you did you report like just like you found ellen just moments ago johnny yeah moments ago literally like because we were to the right of that middle building yes into it i went round and up into communications and saw it and immediately reported we all ran across the outside you me and andy oh we all did yeah sorry okay well like yeah i trust the two of you okay okay so okay uh so space mike um i was hanging around with loli's very briefly early on but i did a little dance because i was trying to get you ever i was trying to get you and johnny and i think zoe at one point to look at me on the med-based scan but none of you would follow me it's very frustrating okay i mean it's weird can you come and look at my med base again yeah look at my one bone [Laughter] as a rule when somebody invites me into med bay to look at their bone i don't tend to follow space mike's quiet um yeah i'm just lost by this this entire map confuses me yeah but the kill button's right there you know yeah it's true but yeah have you done this map before i went over and did the i went over and did the was it the reactor or some sort of seismic thing you did do that yeah yeah it was weird though it was weird because andy was stood at the right one and i was like okay i'll go do the left one yeah and then like it didn't happen for ages and then you were there i was stood there for about 30. did you i saw i came up and ran up and saw andy and then ran back down again and did the other one on the other side but yeah lolita you arrived just after me yeah because i went to andy first and then i went to yeah have you done any tasks this yeah because that's a sabotage task which you can do even though it's the imposter right well i have a task i did the i did the wiring thing in electrical but only because like that's the easiest one to spot but i don't really i don't really understand i saw you guys as well easiest one to lie about it no i saw to be fair i saw mike in the office for a while and he like he ran past me and okay it's michael i've already voted for space mike yes i'm going i guess i'm going this map is way confusing though it's going to take me a while to work out what the hell i'm doing in it a lava crikey okay oh that's great it's just a plop isn't it plump all right come watch me on mid-bay let's do some jokes hey okay we got we are going to go we're all going to go and watch loli's on med bay is this everyone this is everyone right this is all five of us it's the five survivors it's lily's just gonna like set off a grenade or something here i can't do anything now that we're here what's the now what okay while we were stood there one of the sabotage comms it's ether it's ether how do i where's the where's the i need to not get killed by if i need to get to the acute the accusatorium cannot can i do this is that it sorry i know i should be accusing you right now but i'm kind of kind of fascinated by this good i think it's fifa there she is it's because we were all running as a group anita just kind of did like a little just ducky wiggling maneuver just to try and get around could be wrong okay i am if eve is up here i'm back oh no no you don't waiting for second user but there's two of them there oh i don't like this i don't like this i'm i'm i am rattled folks i am rattled i wonder if it was either i like mazes where's that one oh it's inside the room okay we're doing not bad on tasks here fix the lights have gone out but that's okay it's not an emergency how many of these do i need to destroy with my incredible shooting skills 20. okay we're one task away from from winning this oh my god and it's my task right right right right come on come on luke run don't get got don't get don't be killed don't be killed you've got this you can do this you can do this come on come on what do i have to oh god [Music] yes that was very close that was so close uh what happened you were on a killing spree at the end that was amazing was it you either i was like it's so unfair yeah it was me me and eve oh did we finish the tasks yes yes yes name a task ever had just killed you forgot to lie about the tasks when you've never played the map before and you literally have no idea yeah that's why it was the perfect question to us i was i was i took two people with me before before i died so i think that's a decent round of applause even after all the lovely bodyguarding i did for him in the last round yeah i know yeah so what was in that last those last moments what was going through your head were you just trying to get any kill panicking because i was like oh i know that they're almost finished their tasks i know that i'll never get this kind of uh immunity ever again because no one will want to suspect me now because i've been i've been victimized and i was saying like i was saying everyone probably would feel too guilty to vote you out for me i've just got to get them on their own but then they're gripped up when we were moving as a pack uh near the top i became suspicious of fifa because we all were running and even just did a little maneuver to wiggle around to the back of the group that was that was actually unintentional like i can't do big plays so you all think i'm way smarter than i actually am can i just say that um come watch me in medical was a very funny yeah what do we do now it was quite good for keeping us all together and therefore like helping run out the club yeah um but also this is really nice on your go we can't see a thing but i laughed out loud when she just went and stood in the corner of the room and nothing happened [Music] [Music] again i don't i don't know if i'm gonna get to be an imposter this this stream okay wheels and space mike why don't we hang out together no you don't want to uh this one again there it is easy easy that time oh god i've gone i've no this is a this is a bad way to go oh okay right this is are we too bunched up for the beginning two bunched up we're not gonna get to our tasks if we're all running around like this someone else get the lights i'm sure i'm right by i'm right by this job yes i think i am yeah there it is i couldn't see because the lights were out okay now what is going on here because i literally just did that job so what is the situation someone here is the mungus oh boy who did where uh loli's and ellen can everyone stop killing ellen no i know okay it's so uh i found loli's at near electrical yes space mike was there again oh we arrived at the same time though and i was like scrambling for the report we were going up and down and the body was slightly off to the side so like i'm i am actually kind of willing to chalk this one up to space mike's incredible space mytopia yes i do want to i do want to vouch for zoey we were lost in the darts oh my god no idea anything is and she would have not seen anyone other than johnny so yeah that's all like luke who are you so quiet for i'm trying to figure out if wheels and zoey are both the impossible in cahoots oh come on just because i saw i told you not been there no i don't either i can tell you what i did i did that like snake maze kind of task first yeah and i did my you just like you just make the snake go with the right words like a maze you just find the exit and then i did the flippy i didn't i did the flippy like id things how about you i went to the rocket ship and i had to click on the exclamation mark which is the first time i've ever done that task and then i had to do a qr code scan and then i was trying to do the snakey thing when the bodyguard thank you you asked mate i had the qr code scan this game and that's it was at that console that i saw wheels and zoe and i thought okay maybe i'm safe in a three but then people are still dying and i i don't know i mean johnny hasn't been the imposter reported a body he might have yeah who did report the body sorry oh we both arrived at the same time but john uh it wasn't so you're saying you walked into the room and saw johnny standing over the body down past the body back up and across that okay just out of it out of interest yeah space mic describe a task you've done this round i did the only thing i've done is the swipe card thing andy's not had to defend himself at all yeah i know it's that's a deflecting maneuver isn't it um i did the thing where you turn the card around and you press it against the uh [Music] blunders yeah okay well i just i just killed andy with the last minute how funny it is at the end of the game was it a bad idea i mean andy doesn't think it was very funny i contend that regardless of what happens mike don't you do it regardless of what happens i think it was quite funny uh i sort of believed everything that johnny and mike were saying there so unless they are the imposters johnny are we pals i think we're pals i'm going to stand a safe distance away so to not freak you out again if you will accept my companionship he's doing that there we go i think i think i think i've earned have i earned johnny's trust is he just running back to report me now god how do i even get in here with the lights out okay wow oh my god oh [Laughter] that many times about having some kind of pact for the devil how are you feeling johnny how are you feeling about that i thought it was quite funny and i didn't realize that was paying as much attention as he was to what i was doing and saying in my defense no it was me i voted for andy oh we can we can always know if mike's an imposter and until he isn't one and he has been twice now twice in a row me and mike as well what are the what are the chances that you were doing some grade a lying early doors when johnny was like i saw mike over the corpse i know i'm so sorry johnny i'm so sorry but i did manage to dupe you there i was so upset because yeah i've been killed and then johnny came and i was like yes johnny saw that and he didn't and then they were just running around they were just running up and down the hallway together for a while and i was like come on making friends we were making friends and then and then i didn't even go too well i'm really sorry your trust your trust means a lot to me well yeah the thing is like i absolutely don't understand how you killed that many people in like maybe 10 or 15 seconds because that round is the quickest one we've ever done we've trained murderers clearly we've had so many questions last time and then yeah i just got a good run of everyone was it's quite a big map and everyone was really successful it's such a confusing map trying to figure out where you're supposed to go there's so many things the thing is i saw you and i was like follow me this way follow me this way because you can't be like again yeah sure let's do one more game in this map and then i'll change it to the one we haven't done the one with the yeah yeah yeah i've got a different color whoa pretending to be someone else crewmate one day wow the i mean what are the odds what are the odds of mike and efa twice in a row and and they absolutely took us apart there there's no other way to describe it that was savagery well there's ellen on wheels no they got it all right what's it gonna be zoey you wanna kill me no interesting that's quick wow yeah oh lulu's again oh going ellen okay um where i can't tell who it was um i didn't see the name and some people are different colors this round what kind of what i don't know all i saw was like lolis was in front of me and then she wasn't i've been really confused on this map you've clearly had a show take a deep breath ellen it's going to be okay did not see brown you certainly didn't see brown because i'm i fixed the seismic thing on the left hand side i was up north yeah everyone else so he can vouch for me where did you go from there i don't know i don't know this map at all but did you go down and to the left and down describe it describe it you know if you went up or down or left or right i i went i mean obviously went down from the seismic thing but then yeah i don't know which way i went after that honestly you don't know if you went again in half in front of me after i was like because we were both trying to follow to the other one i got stuck on some scenery because i didn't realize there was like a calf edge but hang on how could i have how could i have gotten down after i swear to god i i fixed the seismic thing could i have got down and killed someone and then i got stuck on some scenery and then i walked around i was like oh wait i'm going the wrong way i need to go this way and lolly's was in half and someone was walking back the other way and i was really confused because i didn't recognize the color and i think it was space fighting for yours have i just done the comedy vote and you've double down double damage don't buy it i think i know it's unlikely but like joni and wheels both voted for mike oh come on now i'm gonna skip this because i don't want to end up volunteering someone else interesting yeah see not just you really think he's the imposter of three times yeah the odds are exactly the same each time gambler's fallacy all right okay who do i believe no one i just didn't think mike was very convincing there i mean who can't give an account of whether you went left or right i mean for goodness sake i've gone the wrong blooming way uh okay comms has been sabotaged they're fixing it they're on it i assume they're on it are we on it you want something done [Music] unbelievable right okay there we go um what's that i've got to get in here in here weapons andy i think you're not muted [Music] [Laughter] you got the fright of your life when you realize the jig was up i just came into near the seismic thing the room with the like it's like a little rocket thing yeah and ellen was there at least half of ifa was there i was i'd literally just walked into that room so i think it's johnny oh my god no i was down i went and like fixed the weird radio thing the comments um it told me no none of you could manage to fix the radio thing that was a comedy event there was like four people i think it's damn long thing and then it was like an end of this thing and it does this and blah blah blah blah blah there was like a little voice that came through which is cool i didn't know his voice acting in this game and then um yeah and then i had to go up and i was getting caught on johnny come on ellen let's give give us your side of the story come on ellen persuade us and then i went i literally went up i've literally gone from south to north and then i went in i saw johnny and then went um because it said dead body found and i i didn't see ether in there so i couldn't report the body because i didn't know that it was there zoe how did you just vote i voted for johnny because i'm really suspicious of johnny i went in johnny what were you doing this round and john was there and then it said report button and i freaked out i went and shot 20 rocks and then i was going up to 80 rocks but that doesn't mean where are you going 40 rocks to have shot um i did there is a leaf thing in this one as well and you get pine cones in it which is quite impressive or they look like little rocks i was on my way to rocket thing when i saw alice standing over the body i was i didn't even know either was dead i got the shock of my life because it said body found and then i got another shock of my life when it was you because i was in the room with you johnny keller's telling the truth [Laughter] unbelievable you're all i don't think it was mike i think i was wrong on mike then we need to just now mute mute honestly even if it's helpful you have to respect the rules okay gosh i don't know what to think i don't know what to think i really don't comms are sabotaged but luckily i'm i know i was close enough to this that come on i can't see how we're doing for jobs but oh wheels oh wheels oh my god i can't believe it unbelievable andy right what i just saw you next to a corpse well i wasn't wow that's a very strong defense all right what will okay i i had i didn't know who it was but the fact that wheels is accusing me means that it must be wheels because i wasn't here of course i didn't kill anyone you were literally just right now oh my god i'm so sorry mike it might have been yellow or orange what ellen you remember this now it's definitely wheels i was saying i wasn't sure of the color ella and then what do we do i feel like i was without i was with ellen fixing the um communications thing and i ran to the left saw wheels and then wheels reported a dead body and accused me of doing it i came from the other direction it's definitely wheels okay he was next to me and he could have killed me yeah and he's been down i think it's wheels i am so sorry mike i i will pay i will pay the price i'm so sorry you've probably paid the price already ellen you died twice yeah i i i just i just like um i'm so sorry because you went i didn't know what direction i didn't know what direction and then that's what made me go okay maybe it was brown that i saw overplayed your hand here wheels so i haven't overplayed my hand i literally just saw you walking away from someone's corpse so i've played i went into the specimen room and did the goop i went up to the rocket ship and did that one yeah there's no goop task in the specimen yes there is there's a goop task in the specimen room what is a goop task specifically that's the task where you have to move the goop around that was that's not one of the tasks i got given in the specimen room i don't have that one yeah there's more than one task no wait all the crewmates get given yeah but all the crewmates get given the same tasks to do not it's exactly you have to i don't know i don't can we just everyone's voted there's no point in trying to convince him it's just you great i mean cool so sorry mike if it was me this would be really cool right now [Music] i am so sorry as i walked onto the screen and you were in the corner my god ellen you caught me red-handed both times where were you and then you were like well i did the thing and i was like this like next to where loneliness was dead from my point of view it looked like brown i think maybe mike is where no sorry i think johnny's wearing a bunch of brown maybe or something like i i definitely like it now what i am wearing this like short term amnesia thing is a huge addition to the game and then i i found the ether but i've sent a new code and then i saw ellen coming up and i was like oh god and i was trying to run through a wall because i thought it was a door yeah ellen came in the chicken wire police here for your wheels you do have different tasks from other people just because yeah you do yeah okay i just worry about the same task but either way we got those all we wanted which was you dying i have no regrets we were in chat the ghost and chat were like the ghouls i had to make sure uh just cause i called you out wheels yeah pretty much someone in our chat is ellen did such a good and bad game at the same time [Laughter] [Music] goop is that weird candle brand what yeah that's the fragrance room there's like the one where you put things in their molds and there's uh another one the specimen one is the goopy one is it always in medical yeah and you do the numbers the one two three or five is in ten that's what some specimen room because it's so far away from everything i get so jumpy when i go in the specimen room because i'm certain i'm gonna get killed it's so far away and medical are horrible you're like also there's no there's no vents in there for the killer so it's it's also quite really impossible okay i still have no idea where anything is crewmate again always a crewmate never the imposter two lucky imposters running amuck getting to kill i should i don't know why i'm not i'm not really jealous because it is so nerve-wracking being the imposter good fun though i bet watching mike's streams mike's the oxbox stream when mike won i bet that was i bet that was a trip oh god right watch me fail at a memory game rip that blue the wrong one i don't believe it i'm starting again someone's gonna kill me i can see someone watching me someone stood there come on luke you can do this this is it okay well who was it who was that who was there was it ether eve is there now oh right i'm headed to the cafeteria i'm keeping my eyes open i've not seen enough of anything or anyone the lights are out the killer's killed the lights uh okay c2 good and i've got another job right next to it right yep bend the leaves oh a body where's this okay well lolis is gone as well again i'm in the cafeteria okay okay where is i have reported a corpse because i saw the button immediately i was not the only one in the cafeteria who else was in the cafeteria with you luke like ellen i don't really remember no no but here's the thing i would you know remember the lights went out so the cone of vision was already narrowed i was back on though i was yes but i was doing a task against on the north wall of the cafeteria did it step down saw the report button thought oh is that the emergency button because that's also in the same area but it was reports so i just hit it i didn't even see who was dead i didn't even see the corpse i must have been like within range and i could see that there were other people i think there were two other i think the two assassins are currently in the cafeteria potentially oh my god it's the cafeteria doesn't it does it it responds around the world yeah everyone yeah yes but not but i not at the point when i unless when i pressed report that moved everyone yeah yeah it does i saw wheels and i saw ellen yeah andy and wheels good i'm so used to it why does nobody know colors tonight i've done all my tasks i've finished already i had to do the leaf vacuuming out of the thing i did the med scan in the med bay i swiped the i saw wheels uh fix the lights at the same time as him what i was going to say is i did the leaf tar so if you did we were literally doing the same task at the same place so if we both done the leaf task that kind of makes me think that he's probably all right i got on the panel with wheels and i saw him fix the lights so i don't think his wheels okay i trust those two all right so doesn't add many things i you've got to trust someone luke you must have seen something you must have i mean you could honestly you can go back and you'll be able to watch the stream footage and see if you would have perceived what happened suspicious about that oh man why would he but why would he call him on himself and then suddenly like forget everything that he was going to say yeah like i think he's intentionally saying the only the only other person who's up somebody saw me in the reactor room doing the simon game it took me two goes because i suck at it so someone was stood watching me do a thing but i don't know who oh i forgot to vote i would just like to say frank oh that luke said i'm in the cafeteria like he was starting [Laughter] right oh okay now um see now i'm thinking uh oh god this is a nightmare right well i kind of trust andy i kind you know what you've got to trust someone so i'm going to try and find andy and i'm going to stick with andy if he'll have me will he have me i think he'll okay i think ellen and andy will will will accept me all right seven three nine oh four okay and then i've got another one in here we're doing good with the tasks that's all my tasks done so now i'm just going to stick with andy and wheels are we gonna is anyone gonna just like having just said i'll stick with it for goodness sake come on luke right now who's not here space mike woody where are you going space mike what do you what is your busy business it's it's like look at that look at that that is just just suspicious movement i don't know how else to put it i think it's mike i don't know if we should you know what screw it i know i never get to use this what do you luke i see okay um i we are close to completing the tasks so the main thing i want to say using this meeting is just let's do the task but the space mic movement was so suspicious it really was wait what did i do you came like the lights have been fixed for about about a minute and then you wandered up into the lightroom you know when you see people come out but actually just everyone was in a big group so i don't know you thought well i can't kill these people i i watched michael for a little bit and i i just thought the movement was sus but i don't mind give a good account of yourself because i don't want to make an accusation at this stage when there's like six of us left we just focus on doing all the tasks we're so close the thing is that um like i was interesting so he doesn't want to use anything no i want you to tell me we've got so little left to go there's two of them okay you're done now yeah i'm done because i want to do the task that's the thing you said at the beginning of the meeting is you want to do tasks as well i think it's zoe and mike but i i've done a lot of the one who's suspicious of saying that when that was what we all agreed at the beginning of the meeting i'm i'm voting with my my conscience is clear together all right ultimate bodyguard strat okay right hopefully i'm not being taken for a ride and about to get a spine in the back oh my god okay right okay ultimate bodyguard [Music] it's inexpressible how mike it is someone here has jobs to do i'm a little suspicious of i'm suspicious of zoey and mike mainly look at them hanging around at the back naughty kids in school oh for goodness sake wow oh my god you weren't all supposed to follow us [Laughter] as soon as i saw it as soon as i counted i went to zero i was just like mike and zoey who didn't vote uh i voted for andy on the last one yeah that should have been your clue i think as soon as i knew it was zoe and mike before we went into that round yeah so we already know what fair play that was a door for about five minutes okay now that was genuinely me not being able to press the button that was my only competence let's not get that messed up as soon as that counter went to zero i was like mike come on we have this i was sitting there hovering over the keyboard and waiting for it yeah were you both in the cafeteria at the beginning did i imagine that no no i was really hoping you'd remember the color because you would have falsely accused someone because i was like the other side of the map yeah might kill me like quite a while before the yeah johnny the thing is corpse was festering for some time i would like to point something out i killed loli's first because loli's you're too good at this game so tactically you can't be allowed to live because i genuinely don't want you trying to accuse your stuff when you notice what i'm doing um but i didn't realize uh when zoe killed me up in the lab uh near the reactor and in future rounds my baby was still in the place where i'd been murdered so even though you didn't find my corpse in future rounds you would have been able to see where i got killed and maybe like oh does your baby just stay there after your body's despawned does the same thing happen for pets i think so yeah cause that's adorable i just can't believe how many times mike's been the impasse yes wheel's gone yeah future reference luke you need to stick by me and andy but nobody else i'm sure that's definitely gonna work every single day my mouse was like halfway across the two inches of screen real estate to the report button and then the kill came i have to say that was incredible i was like respect zoe until you said come on we've just gotta finish it at that point because i knew that if we would let's not vote for anyone if we ended that and literally me and might just kill one more person each and now that i know that we don't share the same kill down timer i was all in favor of that absolutely which is why i voted for you yeah that was an incredible the i did absolutely everything wrong that round except accusing mike which i now see moving was completely right yeah oh my gosh what an absolute good game good game guys that was great crewmate again all right i don't think i'm going to get to be an imposter this stream you know oh you win some you lose some i could not believe that the double stack kill play of the game surely play of the stream that was a thing of rare beauty all right let's just let's just let's just see what we can do i'm with zoe and andy and ellen good react to nominal so who was that who was that oh it could have been andy or ellen damn i was really hoping i'd get like a clear view of someone there that i could rule out i do actually have a job up there oh wait no hang on in here [Music] in the med bay flip to switch in the med bay what's that what's up the reactor meltdown all right well that's a big one i don't want to fit i don't want to fail that and also like the whole gang is heading up there so oh is this crystal stacking one okay ah oh i thought that was johnny killing me oh oh oh what what happened here ellen um i was in admin um i went around to do the task in the room opposite admin i'm not sure what it is and uh there was a the report button came up because she was like right by the computer so she's obviously been doing that task um uh yeah the report came up and i was like wait what and then i saw the the bone i saw you go north when i was going west we crossed on that corridor didn't we um when the reactor was going off i was running towards the reactor so he was running in the opposite direction i saw zoeva from the area where you found the body as well just now yeah i just done my tasks in admin and i left but i didn't see a body in there uh there was the body wasn't in admin it was in the room oh right that's where i saw you though and you were doing something with the big green table in there yeah i did the the um i had to get my card out and put in my code um and then yeah my next task was at the computer that ether was dead at um when the reactor went off uh wheels came down behind me and then yeah like as i came from the cafeteria because i was shooting yeah because i i ran backwards up and yeah that makes sense because you would have gone up and down because i was in the lower arm yeah because i think i crossed you when i was going for the awuka but then the auger went so i was like all right my next thing's in the med bay so i'll go do the scan i think i saw a little bit of everyone except i didn't see space mike um i feel like i've seen i feel like i've been near every single person yeah and it's been really difficult because i've been going to the reactor to try and defuse it and it gets defused before i get there and i'm trying to work out who's done it and there's like a pack of about eight hundred people it was like lolis and i did the reactive first time yeah i was on the same one as andy but andy finished it before b yeah i didn't think well hang on hang on was the killer because i i did the the hand print on the other side of the reactor no you didn't i did it with andy yeah hmm no did the reactor go off twice in this game yes it did go off okay so first right first time went off twice i don't know which one it was twice i went in there and there's just a clump of people in there so stop trying to make a happen yeah [Music] yeah i'm skipping because i wasn't near anything wow oh wow hello johnny didn't vote for you no i no longer said vote for well someone said vote for zoe and i think why why did you swap right at the last what was going on there folks that was weird what johnny did he knows how to play this game he doesn't get buttons wrong do i trust andy i think i trust andy see i know that either andy or ellen is okay and frankly like i've you got to trust someone so i'm gonna try and stick with andy [Music] if i can i think hopefully he's sussed out that i'm also okay wheels where'd you come from i've done all my jobs don't i don't trust anybody back off oh we're dead body blue who did found myself a space mic and it was an audacious kill because it's right on the junction of the wine oh my god yeah in the corridor so whoever it is we're dealing with we're dealing with a christian admin and then andy followed me up i did the otu filtering with the leaves so i don't like don't think andy would have been there to do it unless he did it beforehand and it had been sitting there for a while the thing is we all we all ran that way so an audacious kill but i think it might pay off because then urge to kill is getting stronger i think it must be a pretty fresh kill because i believe i was behind ellen going that way and i did see andy up there as well but i didn't see a dead mic so so i saw but but then again because like it's such a such a weird place to find the body that i feel like the people i was with doesn't necessarily because i was with what class were you doing [Music] i was uh in admin i had um two i had the one on the bench and the one in the top right i saw you there what were the tasks they um you can do this luke [Music] you you can do this oh my god this is wasting time shall we we'll move on to something it's already johnny you're so haphazard of your votes you're trigger happy zory where have you been you must remember one time and then went to the launch pad but ryze was going the wrong way so i went to the lab and then i just get backwards in the stream it's my footage that's allowed right now i wish i was the imposter because this would be amazing and it would mean that my vote was on the money um i saw loli's in cafeteria i went out and all of my tasks in the top bit like we both did the same task in the bit under the cafeteria and then she stood by the drinks machine for a bit is that a what what task is that that was just me looking you have to put in the um the code for the drink that they show you they show you okay you're not allowed to not know the way in this game this is so ridiculous if i look at the map once that's obviously me being super suss you know what we're never going volunteering together you're all killing me you've gotta get back to it okay i think i trust andy this is it right is this is it is it we're the only ones we're the only surviv coms immediately sabotaged all right i'm gonna try and fix it in fact i am going to fix it oh my god i couldn't am i going to be killed who is that okay six seven five i can't believe that can you believe i've done all my tasks right so i'm just going to try and follow what what did they just go through here or into that vent they were right there wheels don't you do it don't you do it wheels he's suspicious of me he's not gonna oh my god maybe i'll just maybe i'll just hang here i can't believe i couldn't remember those tasks and i still can't is it there where is it i don't think it's in this room okay all right who fixed that [Music] hmm who's joining after thought saw wheels vent and decontamination oh i saw wheels jump into an event in decontamination we were all de-contaminated i was i was with you i walked up north did you what no you you are you went into an event i saw you going to events i i genuine i didn't go into event okay i i'm considering the first time we played this i would know if i went into event accidentally i um have been just spying on people in admin trying to look at the map and see where everyone was and i saw a bunch of people in the reaction then they went down and then suddenly there was a bunch of people in the cafeteria yeah that was yeah that was a group that was a group of us running together johnny went i was with johnny he went and called okay so which is the decontamination bit is that the bit at the bottom it's the long tall thin hissy acts how is everyone doing for tasks i've done all mine i've done all mine i've got one left yeah i've finished that's space mike's done his tasks i'm telling you like luke and andy did you not see wheels going to event i didn't no but i did wheels was around and then did suddenly mysteriously back yeah we were still there we were all in the in the thing the doors hadn't gone and we all just like what someone johnny makes a strong case i was in admin and then someone appeared in the office that was me okay and then there was a there was uh is there a vent in the room when you come out of the reactor and there's a bit opposite there's like a yeah there's the why thing and then is there an event in the room yeah okay i i trust johnny but i didn't i don't know what so i didn't get a phone i went up north to go do because i realized that i hadn't done my task in in the reactor room that's literally the only one that i've got left to go into that are you sure your game didn't break because i didn't go an event i saw the animation johnny look into it johnny look in the webcam and say i saw wheels vent i saw that's very funny oh come on no no no no no no no man i saw wheels vent i saw wheels fent i saw you if you're going to play like that because i saw wheels johnny you voted for me in the first round which made me suspicious of you don't break my heart god damn i did it again wheels i tried to keep my cards are you sure you're d you're game different honestly the thing is i saw him then and then i saw his camera and you were just like oh uh i could see the wheels turning also i'd like to point out i literally killed no one that game and i really wanted to tell me literally are you sure you're the chat is saying that i saw this vent business too but um i was like here it comes here comes off honestly i thought like yeah i thought he was done and then when uh yeah you both didn't seem to tweet what johnny tweeted i was just like oh maybe he can maybe he's got this yes we almost got through an entire stream without one as well nearly there we were like one minute out so close considering what happened there i think i did what i could solid defense because i wasn't sure you did work really hard to provide an alibi for yourself early on i noticed you were like oh yeah because we passed each other in the corridor without laughing so i thought i was gonna have to say i saw wheels go into event and then i was like oh vent is a very good what's the thing behind that to camera stuff is it if you look super dodgy then you're looking at it yeah i've got to say luke not no not remembering a single task that you've done i was like that's so true though i know that panic but the weird thing was is that i i completely forgot i was saying do you know you know when you're just focusing on what's happening behind the task so much more so i did those two tasks completely forgot them and then when i was trying to remember them in the discussion phase i thought i genuinely can't remember them i thought even if i do remember one i'm not going to say because the most suspicious thing i could do now would be to go oh wait it was the wires or something like that yeah but i still don't remember what i did when when the initial imposter screen came up and i saw it with zombie i was like oh god so he's gonna get voted out halfway through it i am so stressed when i'm the imposter awful i really really don't like being the imposter oh man i run around a lot with the map open and i'm terrified i'll just run over a body someone will see it because i've got to not see the body yeah i can do that without the map yeah i think i did do that a few times already oh well ephesus that was always yeah that was really fun guys thanks for another great among us stream yeah thanks for watching and thanks everyone in the chat for your mostly civil and kind comments um all right uh yeah what's everyone got going on for the next few weeks well on outside xbox and outside actually we've got hallow stream kicking off on monday yeah very exciting spooky times live stream so please do tune in for that um what have you guys got going on eurogamer we've got some spooky streams as well and then we've got uh we've got an exciting xbox series x video tomorrow very cool yeah we've been playing it so yeah and icebreaker what are you guys up to next week oh thanks for asking and that's mike sorry this stream is obviously brown can we lollies can we say what's coming back next week yeah i think so oh yeah dunder mike is coming back yeah johnny please that's awesome just calm down a bit johnny enthusiasm oh did anyone not get to be the imposter i didn't oh i find it very stressful [Laughter] if anyone suspects wheels ever it's definitely him i'm always kicked out regardless of whether i'm the imposter or the crewmate i just i'm clearly inherently suspicious yeah because you never see bodies which makes you very suspicious and you don't remember where you went so i'm like did you yeah tell me i only got killed once as well i think oh no apart from that stat kill at the end that got me oh you see you're too observant nobody wants to go near you because they'll be like no he's got he's he'll know what we're up to walking towards me is it suspicious thanks for watching everyone hope you have a great weekend and we'll see you again soon probably for more of this i expect [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 171,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 9sec (7749 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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