WEREWOLF LIVE: We Accuse Each Other of Wolf-Murder, with Dicebreaker - WHO IS THE WEREWOLF?!

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This was amazing nonsense. The humor, the backstabbing, the unexpected pathos...

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/cdskip 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I felt so bad for Ellen, basically not really being able to play. But I will say the Andy and Jane dynamic was amazing as always.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/TheEmpty0ne741 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

That was a whole lotta fun. Hope they do it again which they might've said would happen on dicebreaker.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BlearyLine7 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello everybody hi hi everyone hello look at you all look at all these amazing guests hi everyone welcome along too many people it is thinking it is probably too many people yes but welcome along - wehrwolf we're gonna play the game werewolf it's a social deduction game Oh lowly's is already making a bold accusation oh and there we go and a look Andy Andy already has a suspect in mind okay so for those of you on this video who have not played werewolf before or not played it in a while and for anyone watching at home who is unfamiliar werewolf is a really really amazing social deduction game with quite straightforward rules that I look forward to still somehow messing up basically the way it works is you are all villages and you live in a horrible village in olden times and it's so horrible there's like all sorts of nasty diseases you have to contend with yeah there's there's no there's no game mechanics about the plagues this is just flavor this is just true true stuff that I'm saying it does stay still one of the primary industries and exports of this village you primarily export grief and bone fragments and use primarily import also grief yeah yeah so the way that the game works is you're all villages one of you is secretly a werewolf the job of the werewolf is to kill as many of the villages as possible and not be discovered the goal of the villages is to discover who the werewolf is now the game takes place in day/night cycles so we it will become nighttime everyone on this call will close their eyes and I will then say werewolf open your eyes and viewer you will see at home who the werewolf is don't worry no one here is allowed to look at the live stream or the chats so they will on their on earth they will they will not be they will not be peeking at the stream they will not be peeking at the chat so they will not know you will know who the werewolf is but they do not I will say werewolf open your eyes and then I would say werewolf who would you like to kill the werewolf or write on a piece of paper and hold it up to the webcam who would they would like to kill and then we will go back to daytime and that person will be savagely mauled I will describe it as graphically as I can I'm gonna kill exactly if they're okay with it now there are a few other roles in the village that some of you will be assigned one person is a healer now the healer can keep someone alive each night and they choose who that is and it can be them if they want to yeah that's right they're out there with the defib Jane and the other role is the seer s EE R and and as you know playing as pops dusting in pop star SIA in real life has the ability to detect werewolves that's what she's doing we're all scanning technologies so the seer every night time will be allowed to investigate one person of their choosing and I will let them know via these professionally made title cards whether they are not a werewolf or well okay all right so the rules are fairly simple so I think probably the best thing to do is to just get into it I will be deciding everyone's roles using a d6 or as we used to call it a dice a normal dice time to change so talk amongst yourselves and I am going to we've got this we're doing this over zoom and I will be DMing people their roles so that I have the grief export spin this week well in good news I shattered my hip trying to climb over a fence I've got a lot of bone fragments yeah unfortunately in this in this time that we are living through there's probably not medicine to treat is unfortunately the bright side of things yeah but everyone will be sad because of my death so yeah great production so all in all a good first quarter good hustle out there everyone okay I have messaged everyone their roles so if everyone takes a little look at the zoom group chat obviously poker faces on though and you will see okay all right so well folks the harvest is almost ready you think for once it might be a good year as probably not as the Sun starts to set a glimmer of hope enters the hearts of all of you villages you are a pitiable lot uneducated your position in life on any an enviable by all by all measures and now to top it all off you just hear a faint stirring in the wind suggest to you suggest you that Mike's market there suggest you that there may be something supernatural afoot and it's Mike farting okay so there might be a supernatural foot it might be a supernatural foot yeah so you're all very excited about the oncoming harvest and the grape harvest and good times ahead and you all have that's right you all have a big party in the town square and head off to bed you all foolish you all fall asleep you're sure that things are on the turn for your poor village things again things are going to get better close your eyes close your eyes now do not open them until I say so very good it is now night okay werewolf open your eyes and let me know who you would like to savagely dismember okay scribbling hila open your eyes and let me know who it is who you would like to keep alive okay healer close your eyes sia open your eyes I say once more see ya open your eyes [Music] okay all right you know what we're doing this round without a seer okay um we just are we just uh good news everyone it's the dawn you step outside what's this you go you look outside your front doors why it's the dawn of a new day and what's this in the square oh my god werewolf tracks how do these differ from regular wolf tracks they're bigger yeah yeah also a transformation happened to halfway through so it's like human footprints morphing into wolf footprints [Music] [Laughter] yeah exactly so definitely lasting the footprint with plastic definitely a werewolf has has been through here and yet you look around and everyone is alive Oh interesting there has been there has been absolutely there has been absolutely no murder and yet clearly a werewolf is amongst you if you would like you can now discuss who you think the werewolf could be if anyone would like to make an accusation they can and it will be put to a democratic vote if that vote passes that person will be burned at the stake if however there is no consensus or if no-one wants to make an accusation we move on to the next night time I think it's clear that this werewolf means us no harm because our werewolf came through here and didn't do anything having said that I think s I did interesting the person I selected to survive the night it was me Oh interesting interesting interesting you'd say that Johnny that somebody would try to kill me because it's quite a funny opening move I think the person with who basically has the most aggressive tendencies towards me and is there or likely to go straight from my throat is Alex lolis Oh what do you mean that's a serious accusation I'm marrying an actual accusation would you like to put that to a vote oh my gosh well I'm gonna say some words because because I'm on this say in ye defence well I'm not the werewolf I think I would have been a bit more imaginative with who I would have picked for my first kill it seems like an obvious choice to go for Johnny for me right if I was the werewolf now my first thought had been maybe Johnny's the werewolf trying to cast shade on somebody else but as the werewolf I don't believe that you can accuse anyone what's that speaking of the werewolf you just said no one left out this is why I'm thinking I think Johnny's telling the truth and he is the yeah makes sense to me I believe Wales can make accusations yeah okay that's interesting now I think your other work that's me talking about the way the game works because that's my job I pull a large juicy steak out of my pocket and I just sort of starts holding it up just to see if anyone is reacting to it anyone hmm okay who would anyone like to make a formal accusation yes okay Johnny's making it for me like full accusation saying that lolis is the werewolf raise your hand if you think lolis is the werewolf okay that's Johnny Jane Mike that's three oh dear stabbed in the back oh dear oh dear I think this is how medieval justice works ladies okay well in a blood frenzy you grab lolis and dragged her into the square no you you binder think of it what you're doing you find her to the stake and he tries to protest no but his protestations fall on deaf ears because the Moldovan tality mob rule has taken hold happened to the rule of law you strap lowly's to the pyre screaming hymns you set her ablaze and as the fire curls around lolis she lets forth a peculiar scream that sounds human look what you've done lowly's does not transform in the flame I'm afraid from this point lowly's I'm glad you dropped in I'm glad you got an enormous gin and tonic because unfortunately all you can do from this point is sit and spectate it's become clear it's become clear to me right that Mike is the werewolf based on your reactions I've been watching your face throughout and your mouth curled into a wolffish grin as the flames licked around the feet of this innocent woman who you killed clearly everyone has clearly everyone has their own suspicions and you all go to bed with heads full of thoughts and possible accusations from me because I'm dead yeah alright if I turn up dead tomorrow Mike you only have enough fire to burn one person every day ok ok everyone it is nighttime close your eyes for nighttime hath begun a--the werewolf open thine curse' dies and let me know who you would like to slay okay werewolf close your eyes hila open your eyes and let me know who it is you would like to protect this Eve hila close your eyes Cerre open your eyes and I apologize here for the earlier confusion okay the seer has written out a lengthy explanation which is not really appearing clearly on a thing see it we could just get to this at the end of the round you know you just couldn't wait to set the record straight and will like give anyone a clue as to who the series okay so the seer would like to investigate okay right see ya here is your response okay everyone open your eyes Daybreak's you stride out of your home's purposefully but for me because I'm dead except for lolis who is burned it's the day of lo Lisa's funeral and as you gather up the burned scraps that are left you notice what's this on the floor even more werewolf tracks clearly you have been visited again by a werewolf frantically you look round to see if everyone is still present they are another night with no grave yeah the villagers have a way higher body count than the well clearly clearly a werewolf tried to do something nasty this evening yeah disgust try to off me because I was the one healer did you protect me in the night I did you see they try to offer me cuz I knew the truth of it being my cold channel the wolf no but actually if fate suit I'm not the wolf obviously but yourself but what Andy but what Andy said was they someone tried to kill him yeah then we would know it was me yes so someone tried to kill him he's trying to use reverse psychology lose this big city law degree this isn't a bad supposition I will say that I mean so obviously it's slightly Orkin if I talk about the last round and everyone's voting intentions cuz I was leading the charge on that but in fairness I thought I had it right the two people that voted with with Jane and Mike like Mike would like to kill Andy I think that much is just clear if you watched any outside Xbox I think I think well it's it's it's clear to me is either Jane or Mike yeah lo Lisa's dead well folks I'm not hearing doing a lot of talking I notice would anyone like to make an accusation I was saved by the healer how does that work can't possibly be the wolf myself it's it's definitely Jane or Mike I mean can we do it - I think it's Jane okay you go with your gut because I got to make the accusation last time hmm it sounds like someone wants to make an accusation let's hear it okay or else it's nighttime again alright I'm giving Johnny a second chance I'm gonna go with where he thinks so and are you accusing Jane I'm gonna let Johnny do it yeah no okay I'm with I'm accusing Mike okay and he's accusing Mike raise your hand raise your hand if you think Mike is the werewolf yes and if you think that's exactly why werewolf would have said okay okay it looks like it looks like most people think that Mike is a werewolf oh my gosh pushing Mike to the ground you drag him kicking and screaming into the town square he protests his in since he says your crimes wolf he say I mean you haven't done any crimes but paper Mike Mike gestures to his house where where his family stand in the doorway the children are crying yeah watch children this is what happens to Mike is swiftly bound to the pyre and before you know it a blaze is up as the flames lick around his ankles and curl around his torso you hear what's this from his lips and an awful transformation takes place that's right I knew it was Mike you lasted a pretty long time that even though you didn't actually do any werewolf killing yeah he did no crimes still burn wolf pretty good and really in there there's a oh yes oh yeah he attempted murder he tried to and who was the healer it was me it was only it was Johnny he was telling I feel like I'm the first night I was getting cut open I was just stitching myself up fast enough that's pretty metal [Music] Ellen was to sit this year right Ellen yes Ellen was indeed yes although I I told her but I told her mistakenly that she was the healer but Ellen I'm spinning a lot of plates here I'm running the game and OBS you didn't have to give yourself away by writing how to limp the explanation okay right no but I wanted to because I wanted to because I was annoyed that you had and running the game so that's that's my privilege okay would everyone be up for another round yes got everything I need that of that game yeah Wow guys can you believe can you believe that Mike turned out to be a werewolf guys I mean I think we all saw it coming didn't we let's not use the steak because if we want to export the bone fragments we're just wasting valuable yeah that's true the charring yeah all right next next well four feet into a foot oh yeah the artisinal yeah yeah if you get that to applewood-smoked bone I wish no it's the good stuff sometimes if I could perform a small technical adjustment between rounds Andy could you turn your mic down ever so slightly and Johnny if you're able to turn it up at all that would be darling all right I'm going to employ a highly technical solution known as moving it a bit closer that sounds good thank you that sounds good to me Andy all right okay well fear mistrust division werewolf these things have ravaged your town didn't really ramp it out we skip we now advance six months in time and the terrible events of six months prior have almost been forgotten your meager harvest we see Mike sobbing family everyday they're not sobbing anymore they were solving for the first week a new father who is called Mike and is exactly the same because there he is how my folks in the chat folks in the chat saying that Ellen's microphone sounds a bit robotic we don't we are it is as good as it can sound chat don't worry you can tell us anything we don't already know it's basically melted it all so we are basically melting here yeah is it me I'm gonna be that exact guy doesn't werewolf normally start with the day phase rather than a night phase or am i miss remembering them oh you mean like you want to start with an accusation but not well maybe no I think I think we know a little something about tabletop games you're in our town now Johnny yeah and I will be I will be running this game as incompetent Lee as I choose also to make it now to make it fair we have to keep going the way we've been going okay so everyone take a look at your zoom DMS you will have been assigned your roles if you do not have a DM you have no role at all you're just a normal ordinary terrible villager Oh Ellen's webcam is going a little a little it is glitching oh alright that's pretty where wolfy behavior that's pretty yeah that's pretty suspicious I have to say she's some sort of did you say she is an elf we're well aware well Ellen maybe disengage your web maybe like turn your webcam off and turn it on again but don't leave the zoom chat or everything will break if you stop the video that should that shouldn't kick you out the yeah you're just an ER you are back you are back well okay can't smell werewolf without er it maybe okay alright well it may be it may be a temperate we'll find out it's good for now okay so um clearly your village is going through another hard time the widow and children of for werewolf Mike are now subject to suspicion themselves of course because did they know that he was aware wolf we bring them up to be werewolf did he raise them to me werewolves the children will always be viewed as suspicions it's terrible time but as night falls it just seems like any other evening and I will ask everyone to close your eyes please very good werewolf please open your eyes and indicate who you would like slain werewolf please close your eyes hila open your eyes please and let me know who you would like to keep alive tonight thank you gila gila fleas close your eyes SIA please open your eyes and let me know who you would like to investigate here is your answer can you see that all right there we go that has registered all right everyone open your eyes as dawn breaks lolis you are heading down to get your to get your breakfast you open your door to walk to the barn which is where the little amount of coffee you have is kept but what's this the doors doesn't seem to open it seems to be stuck you give it a hard shove it's not giving you give it one more push with a sickening crunch something snaps you force the door open and what's this why it's the mangled unmistakable leg of Andi lolis lonely and often leave you where Wilfred this is just gas escaping the body as your as your eyes Rove over the the courtyard lolis you see that you see that bits of Andy are all over the place he's really been torn to shreds it's a real it's a real horror show but he put up quite a fight though it's clear they look like there are urine stains he appears to him wets himself as everybody comes out of their houses Andy from this point on I'm afraid you must not be allowed to say anything as everyone comes out of their homes and looks around you survey the damage clearly a werewolf has struck discus I want to reach out and pluck a tuft of fur from one of the corpses and say look everybody it's purpley tinged at the O's because I would like to formally accuse on the grounds that I'm the seer and I'm a good shot it turns out nobody else claims to be the seer I believe him that round but if someone else claims me this yeah yeah he did it quite late after it was already suggested that somebody could claim to be seer as well am i hearing a formal accusation here mics cutting out which does make it a little a little hard a little hard for her to mount a proper defense all right The Villages grab Ellen and tie her down so she is no no no wait you haven't voted yet so she's unable to speak but you put a pen in her mouth and she is able to she's able to write a defense which she is now which he now is furiously writing your cameras like oh and that's why there was a delay yes the camera may lag but it doesn't lie Ellen I'm on a delay right word word Ellen wood Ellen attack candy is the question yes nd regardless because he routes it out the previous werewolf yeah my first thought was that it was Mike but actually would make sense for somebody else to kill Andy to make us believe that it would be Mike true I'm not I've been doing this person but I definitely would have killed Andy first all right a formal accusation has been leveled raise your hand if you think it's Ellen before I'm bloodthirsty now it's unanimous all right falling upon their prey like the werewolves they claim to fear the villagers drag Ellen into the courtyard through through the blood pool that is all that remains of Andy Ellen is summarily burnt at the stake her screams echo through the village and as she screams a terrible transformation takes place her snout begins to lengthen she lets forth a horrifying how you forgot to use the wood chipper using bone fragments down the drain no you don't even have a wood chipper you've got light now it's more fragmented well okay look it's all scorched up you can just break it up into little bone pieces its first next Ellen was indeed the werewolf Ellen I'm sorry you didn't the technical issues meant that you didn't get to defend yourself properly although it was pretty it was pretty ballsy and I liked it blaming it all on the lag as a cool maneuver and I respect it if you you might want to refresh your clean feet yeah and for those watching in the chat that really is all we can do but we will try it would try and do what we what we can there is now an enormous oil painting hanging in my house in the village and it depicts me dabbing silhouetted with a background of fire with a werewolf just like howling general Johnny is coming to the attention of the villagers he SB is achieved the rank of elder person of the first round that's not forget that what great politician what great politician hasn't burned someone at the stake it's it's part of the history that's not righteous yeah let's erect a statue of Andi the one who got it right and then was horribly they show the puddle of urine yellow haven't been invented yet okay well folks you made a short round of that I'm gonna roll for they're gonna roll for the next then the next allocations hey everyone it's me and the junior so we'll keep track announcer yeah because we're in the UK we don't have air conditioning it's not the whiskey that Wow hey heavy lies the crown of the elder I suppose yeah okay about those murders he committed right tech check Elliot are you back a little behind the scenes if you can hear me yes we can hear you hi hey gonna go actually zoom lagged out so much for me because my very well it's sounding quite unwell yeah oh yeah we yeah we see the area we okay we can sort of be you but it's it's glitchy and it's in and out just try it's a vendor I actually lagged out so much for me that I saw in the morning oh really okay terrifying they said that is some quite intense lag okay right well has everyone looks has everyone consulted their um their new roles yes everyone has a look if you don't have a DM folks you're just an ordinary villager I'm sorry about it okay okay that's true it's impressive 20 years half past 20 years you are my god you are all the children of your past selves this painting my dad commissioned it's so named Johnny the son of the elder has every advantage in village life his pick of the mules exactly when Johnny's teeth he killed my parents so yeah Wow my dad was the greatest werewolf detective who ever lived and he was killed by a werewolf in retaliation I hate all wailing I will find them out them okay well I'm glad that everyone's found their motivation all right oh dear how did we get this far into the street without no one make a like yeah right okay well look you're all having a sort of cool high school village adventure and yet all days must eventually turn tonight and you notice that what's this as the Sun rises one of you remarks maybe it's Mike hey is it tonight a full moon that's your voice full moon but you think nothing of it your parents believe your parents told you stories about werewolves but you all barely believe it they just made it up to keep the village like that M night Shyamalan play this made up to sound cool yeah alright and you all fall asleep everyone close your eyes please who will open thine eyes and let me know who you would like to butcher werewolf closed thine eyes healer opened thine eyes and let me know healer who would stop protect healer close your eyes and return to your slumber seer opened your eyes SIA who is it that you would like to investigate Ziya here is your answer çf please close your eyes everyone wake up man that was a crazy full moon party last night you all head out into the square eager for another day of youthful revelry you decide hey I wonder if Johnny can come out and play you go in there and you go and knock on his his old pals door Tony the elder junior yes the elder comes out Johnny a Jew yeah didn't come home last night that crazy Johnny jr. always livin it up at the full moon parties you decide you might be still ow he's probably still out he's probably still raving you go look at his favorite rave spot which is an outhouse you open the door to the outhouse but what's this the door just falls off its hinges claw marks everywhere inside God's inside what's left of poor Johnny jr. is rent asunder [Applause] [Music] you all vomits over the crime scene obscuring any clues villages in what you think might be one of my pockets that's addressed to lolis being like sir no my dad killed your mom and whatever and that probably makes you real mad but do you want to go with me next week oh no he had his whole life to live he was only beginning his useful useful courting adventures villages Johnny has been pulled apart by a werewolf disgust well you're the CA you tell me very convincing so far it's all I would say the night described the true werewolf and its bony bloody Andy ul might vomit Andy oh okay I'm the Sarah Jane I know what you're doing Jane okay I will say to you all if you're gonna fall for this you gonna lose all my werewolf detective to the other side of the veil and going to the toilet I'm the seer and I saw that it's Jane Jane is the werewolf but she's trying to make you think that I am that werewolf by claiming to be the same I was just going to do a bit of roleplay before I go into it but no apparently we're just launching out with the accusations yeah well I'm a Sarah Jane is lying don't fall for it otherwise he gonna look really stupid I honestly can't believe ya I've got a special hat but my detective father passed down to me had a whole bit planned about my family history and the detective DNA that I carried through the generations well am i hearing a formal accusation from anybody I accuse Jane I'm afraid and he got in there first Andy and Jane both accuse each other put your hand up if you think Andy is the werewolf one two three four so you look real down everyone and simply for simply for forms sake put your hand up if you think Jane is the werewolf okay come on check change it but you audit this is your last chance Andy anyone no no one Andy raises his hand to nominate Jayne and that hand is quickly grabbed by Mike and lolis find him they drag him to the stake Oh God fathers did killing me won't bring back your precious apples he is lashed to the stake the flames begin to burn him and what'd you hear what'd you hear but this circle of light that I just saw he's travelling back from the spirit realm okay and I'm the most curious thing in the toilet I'll work it into the law Wow should not promise that okay Jonny world okay alright folks well it's this is now a prequel you are the grandparents of all of the people you are in the last round you don't have wonderful technology like you had like you don't you don't have things like a pyre for burning accused werewolves you're you're barely able to smash up bone fragments into small enough pieces to eat and it's been runs them down it's been many years of fallow bleak and unpleasant harvest things could not be worse in the village or so it would seem for Johnny has just emerged from the outhouse clutching in his hand a large stinking ornament made of wicker the sure sign that a werewolf's coven has placed a curse on the village that's what that's what they did in the olden times the werewolf's the werewolves go to to where the EM to it to where the Wicca thing is in a toilet really new good ones that you ain't heard of shouldn't have trusted that traveling merchants [Laughter] you look over the horizon and Etsy shuffles over Betsy shuffles around the corner into the woods with her Caravan cackling to herself you hear a cackling voice over the gusting winds no well folks with uneasiness in your heart you will just go to bed because it's 4:00 p.m. and it gets dark then and you can't be out because you have no electric lighting so you just have to stay inside and hope you don't get murdered let's let's see the old-time circ let's see how that works out for you everyone close your eyes please thank you very much as night falls the full moon doth rise where we'll open your eyes where will reveal who it is you would like to bite the face off of werewolf close your eyes healer open your eyes healer who would you like to protect hila close your eyes sia open your eyes who would it please you seer to investigate you cast the runes alone at night before heading to bed okay SIA here is your answer see you close your eyes well goes the villager who you've employed to make yeah Roger corporal Joe he's actually hadn't been for cockerel Joe he's actually cheaper than a than a cockerel which is why you've employed him your village as I say is very destitute why the werewolves weren't even stooped to eat him no but what's this you hear from cockerel crowed cockerel Joe even something beyond his normal crowing he goes you all run outside cockerel Joe cockerel geo is dressed in his big cockerel outfits he's gesturing wildly he's gesturing wildly with his beak at Andy's torn off face a werewolf is clearly killed Andy this night discuss a werewolf has lots of they'd be quite hot yeah I thought you were coming after me then like I just want to lay this out no I'm quite her suit but surely a werewolf in a human form would like to be clean-shaven rather than this mess so maximum impact is that what you're saying I'm no I'm not pointing my finger at you at all okay but Tony was awfully defensive yeah this is also true can this I mean I guess the halo and the sea you can just oh sorry going on oh okay well no one's got any leads I mean I would feel any around imperson my pills killing me again his corpse unless anyone's got a really good idea in the absence of any other information sleep on it I am the seer and I can reveal the lolis isn't that's the information I've got but I would appreciate based on that information if someone could protect me the next evening because otherwise you know like yeah right so I'm like you know if I'm dead next night then I can't I can't see anywhere else what can you see I'm gonna I'm gonna try and see someone else if you are dead tomorrow morning I want you to know it wasn't me right okay I mean I just wanted to get that out there because I know I am a villager it is it is a weird thing to say but I just wanted to reassure Mike if this happens to be the last time we have a spoke AHA like I'm not the healer and not the sea-air I'm not a werewolf I mean a common garden-variety villager I just want to say if Andi was the healer you're screwed so thank you well uneasy stairs all round but it looks like I'm not hearing any accusations so villagers you break your huddle none of you quite trusts the other you all go to bed and lock your doors and windows extra tight this evening which is not very tight because the way that you lock your doors not being able to afford locks is just by tying a thin piece of string around your finger for good luck I put a tie on my door that's how I like it lowly's puts a tie well I can't eat them in there anyway sorry werewolves a notorious prudes okay everyone close your eyes it's night time what the werewolf open their eyes werewolf reveal who it is who you would like to bait bite the face off of next werewolf close your eyes Gila open your eyes and reveal the name of the person who you would like to save hila please close your eyes Ziya open your eyes and reveal the name of the person you would love to investigate see ya here's your answer see you close your eyes everyone open your eyes what is that smell everything that was once inside Mike is now outside and spread all over the village it is an absolute horror show there's a hand over there there's a leg over there it's absolutely disgusting mike has been torn apart by werewolf's disgust it was Johnny I've set myself up here thanking Mike preemptively for his service but in in all honesty it's because I felt he was about to be killed by a werewolf a werewolf yeah I'm very suspicious I mean like okay numerically if if I am NOT a werewolf then one of you is there so there are two swing voters that are going to going to make this either go my way or not so I don't you know I don't really know what else I can tell you either then promise I'm not a werewolf I mean if it was Molly's then she would obviously have to like use someone else to deflect um so yeah it's like well I've also been confirmed by or seer not to be the world oh yeah right true so I've got yeah I've got some level of continuity don't know what I can tell you like this apart from Lady he named me would anyone like to make a formal accusation I will lowly's who would you like to accuse Danny I'm really I'm not a hundred percent sure on this but hey it's a superstitious time we don't need to be a hundred so if you're waiting for me to die that's that's me done I understand please if you do burn me at the stake I don't know how we do it these days raise your you haven't invented the stake yet raise your hand if you think Johnny is indeed the vampire oh yeah yeah twist sorry oh sorry did I not mention in the prequel times it's a werewolf vampire it's like a werewolf they got bit by a vampire a vampire yes I love underworld right let's talk about underworld like okay right hands up if you think Johnny is the werewolf Jane votes yes okay having leveled an accusation no one else is putting their hands up no I just want to see who would vote Oh interesting whoa scenes scenes Kancha predator loading you absolutely can accuse again would you like to I will accuse Jane raise your hand if you think Jane is the werewolf there's only three people left and one is anyway I accuse Ellen obviously hands up if you think Ellen is the werewolf Jane is dragged into the town square so you all know Jane she she would ask for no mercy and is certainly shown none I don't have you don't have you don't have a pyre yet so you each you each light a torch and just hold it real close to Jane so that over the over the course of about 36 hours she slowly slow cooks melts off the bone like a brisket and as the flesh falls away I hadn't flops onto the floor and the claws appear to lengthen in a sinister and supernatural way Jane is indeed Oh werewolf lolis that was amazing Andy who did you who did you try to save the first night are you ready for the heartbreaking news I thought I thought because like she hadn't had much play in the big roles so far I thought someone's gonna try and knock her off so I will protect her so that the wolves can't get her all right I'm role for whom house I'm rolling again and then my great-grandchildren have a painting of me hanging above the fireplace yeah they do and I'm so I'm standing on Jane's head and and Jane is a rug Jane is crikey all right you got you is everyone up for one more round yeah well I mean we can we can we we don't have to stop at a point so here we go let's do it let's do another round okay so I think this one is set in the same time no no no in the original time period but you're all different people but with the same names okay cool how exciting if everyone has a look at the chat you will see that you have been assigned your rules for the next performance good okay well you've nearly finished putting up all of the scarecrows in the field currently the field is taken you all it's taken you all season there was no time to plant anything only time to plant scarecrows but boy have you made a lot of scarecrows you think no no crows are going to be getting anywhere near this and next year if there are any of us left alive we can plant something to keep the crows away from you all settle down with jars of scrumpy and hard cheese and celebrate a job well done Chewie Chara screw each other of course there's no cow so it's not really what other villagers would call cheese it's just it's just a yellow piece of stone you found you congratulate yourselves on a job well done and decide hey what better way to enjoy your labor than a night spent under the stars you don't return to your homes this time but just lay back stretch out in the field your all-star fishing out amongst the scarecrows and everyone please close your eyes because it is now nighttime and we know what happens at night Horrors emerge werewolf open your eyes werewolf who would you like to kill Oh Kelly dokely do werewolf people please close your eyes healer please open your eyes hila who is it who you would like to protect kela please close your eyes SIA please open your eyes see yeah who is it who you would like to investigate using your arcane magics see ya here is your answer see ya close your eyes well breaks ah how love what a great night's rest that was man that scrumpy is not sitting well no it's not you you all need to rush to the outhouse it's a shame there's only one there's going to be quite a queue you all rush there what's this Jane must be in there already because she wasn't with you when you all woke up you up in the outhouse door but Jane's not in there at all only a small only a small wicker ornament oh my god I know what this means you rush back to the cornfield you find Giroux you find James let's say face and feet [Laughter] it's pretty horrifying Jane's been caught by a werewolf oh oh my god disgust sir please this is so strange I thought if we were in the original time but I was not my person from before just I'm not supposed to really interject at this point but if as d-m I can just say you're in France all right we need to look for clues and stuff guys [Laughter] The Phantom dejame hovers mysteriously if only the Phantom was able to sonic play on if only the Phantom was able to speak The Phantom can only go ooh in French magnifique there it is yes live la vie après L'Amour with that with that terrifying news okay well okay theories chiffon skirt Illya and werewolf ECE don't live in lush [Music] derriere de la bibliothèque you think the werewolf is behind the library right can we investigate behind the library you all go behind the library alarmingly the village has an extremely well-stocked library it is comparable to the Library of Alexandria it is a tome full of incredible works it is the greatest resource of human knowledge you've ever seen all the knowledge is in there to build windmills and such if only you knew how to read some werewolf so you look at the pictures the pictures are a scary werewolf so you look around the back you guys you look around the back of the library there is nothing are any the pictures of anyone in this group yeah one of the werewolves does bear a striking similarity to someone in this group yes I rake Ashley get rid of a cigarette by flicking it carelessly into the stacks the cigarette bounces into an old scroll and the library is a flame and he runs to the river with a bucket but he trips and falls in and his arms break okay I stop I stop doing things does anyone have any idea I'm not hearing any accusations I'm gonna make it nighttime unless I'm gonna try this again because I am the seer again but Johnny is not a will are you a wolf Johnny no one else has got any information to share that's it I will accuse Ellen then Andi it's between you it's between and Ian Ellen right for me the important bit is that again tonight if you're the healer please protect me still alive lowly's am i right thinking you're accusing Ellen on this yes okay okay we've got enough evidence to accuse anyone then we can go against hands up if you think Ellen is a werewolf hands down if you don't want to burn Ellen all right Jane wants to burn Ellen okay all right well Ellen is not getting burned if no one else has any accusations to level I think it's time for everyone exhausted to slink off back to their homes because you get no rest unfortunately they can there can be no rest for you you can keep your eyes open though Jane also you can't say anything yeah but you can if you want to if you want to see the action unfold okay you all go back to your cornfield you've decided to stay there another night because you're stupid close your eyes everyone it's night writing the Scarecrow's because they have pumpkins foreheads and that's the only food around werewolf reveal yourself werewolf who is it who you would like to kill werewolf close your eyes hila open your eyes who is it who you would like to protect this evening hila close your eyes Ziya open your eyes who is it who you would like to investigate here is your answers here see it close your eyes day breaks everyone open your eyes you look around it seems that there's someone missing you look at one of the scarecrows it appears to be gushing with blood oh my god you you am supposed to do that you pull off its scarecrow hat to reveal the mangled her face and exposed half-bitten brain Oh Johnny brain Johnny's brain has been bitten in half he is now a ghost like Jane his spirit floats away and they have a little conversation in French about the in debt I mean II thought that it would be Mike or me who would die this round just suspicious no more well we we know my information was kids Johnny was not the werewolf because he's just been murdered I also did a bit scene last night and I would like to accuse Andi because I know he's the werewolf because I have to see you and I saw it for you isn't it Mike what if he's not the same what if he's just making it up you can't hurt him with your words he's got thick skin and an elastic elastic heart yeah I'm dancing my pants in a big cage yeah did I tell you obviously you told you Johnny wasn't no werewolf he's dead now yeah but I should say thank you to the healer if he was still alive protecting me last night because it could have been toast again I was half-expecting expecting to either be dead again because the healer didn't heal me or for no-one to be dead because the healer would protect me and kill me those things could happen so you formally accusing me yeah formally accusing you all right no I I don't think I did it I'm raised Mike has maybe oh yes Mike Mike Ross made a formal accusation against Andy raise your hand if you think Andy is the werewolf I'm not oh well then delayed but the hand did go up well it is still that hmm lowly's is that a hand up or down no it's up okay down okay there it is the time has expired that was one vote Andy is rigged up to be it become an improvised scarecrow and is quickly set alight to you humiliatingly push a pumpkin onto his head and then cut out little eye holes so that he can see out or go on all of your grinning accusing faces as he burns alive and what should happen as the flames consume him why the pumpkin explodes as his big werewolf head expands to fill it well you assume your final true form when my my true form is the human one I turn into a werewolf all right okay fine as a panic reflex you turn briefly into a werewolf and then turn back if you like but you are absent absolutely the werewolf well the Gila did heal you sorry I accused you of being aware okay I'm assigning everybody new roles okay with a simple roll of my dice where we know are we in Herot German they're sure now you are well you're at it you are I'm gonna say you're back in your back in the good old you of K for this one okay in fact you're in the fanciest part of it it's good okay right what's the what's the setting this time you live under the sea it is the year five thousand and you are you are yes Mike yes you are all swimming around your vast undersea city is as a technological marvel think rapture from Bioshock but like three thousand years further in the future beautiful merpeople swim around dolphins you do have gills lolis and you also have cool steampunk goggles and you have dolphins for friends because because you don't because because you don't have any other friends can announce is a well-renowned Whaler who was dragged down and and fell in love with a person and and that's basically where you are you have heard the stories of old that when the full moon once in a trillion years appears under the sea a mirror an ocean wave a male wolf will swim up out of the trenches and snatch away the merfolk [Laughter] inspiration for nd which which has no function in this game I get to come back to life and you had to come back to life again ik with an electric trident there is a role where we'll get killed you get two you get to just shoot someone as you go out well what else have you been hiding forgive me what I thought maybe that'd be too complicated but if you want we can play those rules should we do it okay I've already complicated enough by try to remember that you're all under under the water okay more people do despite the myths have to get 18 hours of sleep a day or their or their fins rot their tail falls off it becomes toxic so close really nasty things on right yes exactly exactly so you all swim into your little hermit crab shells where you all sleep they're really they're really big oh I should have mentioned your other size of sea monkeys and you you curl up you curl up you curl up and go to sleep everyone please close your eyes now with the werewolf please open their eyes and would the werewolf please let me know who it is who they would like to snap up in their werewolf jaws werewolf please close your eyes hila open your eyes and let me know who you would like to keep safe under the ocean this night okay Gila please close your eyes SIA please open your eyes and let me know who you would like to investigate here is your answers here see you please close your eyes day breaks you all that's what you all sound like by the way you all swim out from your little hermit crab homes you are all present and alive and yet what's this a disturbance in the currents some sort of some sort of werewolf peace pour on the air certainly its hairs floating around you try and enjoy your futuristic merpeople gin and tonics but werewolf hair keeps floating into it oh into my mouth oh oh it's getting in your eyes somewhere somewhere somewhere in your mouth you coughing alarm and accidentally swallow it oh it's really long you keep swallowing but you can't solve our end of it you reach into your mouth and you pull it out and you gradually it takes about five minutes but you gradually pull extricate the you all vomit underwater disgust clearly it all floats away fish eat it clearly you're all the vomits form together into one big ball yeah and that because of the currents and yeah and that ball floats away and becomes a continent that's how consonants are made settled by the people it's settled that was an incredibly graphic description for the fact that nobody died well I had to make it disgusting didn't I even though there was no bloodshed so everyone the only thing suspenseful here is the suspended vomit in Z yeah but everyone is alive but a mayor wolf has struck and well do we ever see you like it's not me this time but do we have any SIA information do we want to try that strategy again it seems to work quite well yeah I think only Mike as the SIA is [Laughter] talking about and like Ellen's talking I can't hear what she's saying Ellen's cutting out fertile but I believe the fact she's talking indicates that she's probably the werewolf because she's trying to well I believe what she was saying was that being the safest target on your back exactly you found out is that somebody is not aware wolf sharing negative information is yeah but also the werewolf wants to take them out next turn because they don't anymore revelations but then unless unless the healer has been killed and they happen because no one's been killed that's a good thing yeah okay we still got healer right we know that yeah because they make sure they keep Ellen alive because she might be the where we think is the seer now if the seer comes forward then the healer can keep them alive for the next round yeah from the chandelier ah and I can tell you with the full force of my authority that Jane is not a werewolf oh okay that's good sorry okay all right no no I think it's it either Michael lolis because I'm not a werewolf so it's one of those soon great argue Ellen is the healer Johnny is the seer Jane isn't the werewolf because he's checked I know that I'm not a werewolf so it's either lolis or Mike and Olli is being wasted space right now yeah it could be me but I'm telling you it's not I think it's either and ER Mike because my first and I'm leaning towards Mike because my first instinct was oh he wouldn't have just comment right out and said I'm not this year but actually would you because you're obviously not gonna say I'm this year when you know there's an actual seer around so as the werewolf is trying to find out who this we're rid of the seer I agree I agree with Alec but the fact that Andy's agreeing with okay I know it I know it does but I've already been werewolf twice it's extremely unlikely it's random it's random I know it I know it I just I just needed to interject and make sure everyone is aware I know I know and I will never be werewolf and that's the way it is you making out with somebody they give you one little bite and then oh no I'm not gonna claim anything else strongly because everyone's gonna think that I'm a werewolf but I'm not you know that was that wasn't good you didn't tell good advice for me yes and in being too quiet I think like a spec to reveal himself anyway I swear yeah I mean Mike is just generally quick to reveal themselves [Laughter] about that [Laughter] am i hearing a formal accusation folks because time is time is waning on in the finden in the far future the days are short it's it's not it's not me so I was sweaty on the sack of whatever alright well and I'd call oles oh okay alright my cassock Hughes Mike has accused lolis it's happened it's written into the fabric of history now folks raise your hand if you think lowly's is the mayor wolf Johnny Johnny spilled innocent blood in the first game and he's gonna do it again in this I mean I mean on the mob mentality I'm sure whatever yo I'm gonna wait until I'm totally sure it's just like that tipped me over there just like no now you're saying that because you get no because at the moment I think it's Mike but I also think it's Andy but I also because Ellen so I mean who died who died Acutes no one well my hands not not down is it okay so Mike Andy and Johnny have raised their hands Jane and Ellen it doesn't okay Ellen has raised her hand as well wow that was a all right thing I think she would have reacted differently hmm everyone has cast their vote she's shown herself to be an excellent the ocean to not occasionally spill innocent blood Jane you can't accuse Andy yes okay hands up if you think Andy is the mayor wolf loli says yes Jane says yes to save my own skin yeah suspects by this point I would be angrily resigned to it but it is actually not me that is not the required number of votes unfortunately to put Andy to death and so let's see how does this happen make harpoon yes Johnny runs back to his hermit crab shell and gets his big C harpoon and he says still always does lowly's is lashed to a big bit of coral I suppose using sea cucumbers see ya music seaweed yeah that's no cucumbers no it's cucumbers now and and as you all assemble around obviously you can't set lowly's alight underwater we can ride a seahorse but you do you can and do ride a big swordfish into her and then shoot the swordfish with a harpoon lowly's is pierced through the heart and as the life leaves her merfolk body what's this nothing all right it's my only the sound of science lowly's is life has been extinguished and exhausted but unsatisfied you all fall into a deep sleep everyone close your eyes you watch I'll turn up dead and it'll be my werewolf open your eyes please and let me know who it is you would like to kill with your big claws werewolf close your eyes kela open your eyes who is it who you would like to protect this evening okay kela close your eyes see ya open your eyes who is it who you would like to investigate here is your answers here see ya please close your eyes well everyone open your eyes none if you got very much sleep and the one who got the least sleep of all was Andy who's dead his guts float away and on nibbled on by little clownfish or do you get the most sleep no like ya eternal sleep he gets all right you all fine if we count death the sleep he gets an eternal sleep nibbled by nibbled by little fishes often get caught in the propeller of a passing boat yep there's nothing left to bury I think Ellen's already made an accusation I think has accused Mike well I'm gonna have to run with that formal accusation and when you just like a werewolf when your remote Andy you can't say anything thinking it from beyond the grave okay I think it's yourself please hands up if like Ellen you believe Mike is the werewolf okay all right so every year that is all right well I'm not hearing any council leave this I'm not hearing it a counter accusation you dragged Mike out into what passes for an underwater town square you are poonam through the face and sure enough what should roll out of his head but a big werewolf tongue is indeed your folks it was an elegant deceit I try to tell you all you did either try to tell us Andy could you could everyone go for one more round yeah all right okay here we go at that finally we could all open our windows and get some breeze in in turn talk amongst yourselves while I find out who will be your final werewolf so why did you decide under the sea wait are we still under the sea though no you're not as I see you are now you are now back in the for the look for the last game you're wrecking the og village setting with the moon no that would be fun but no big reveal at the end Mike is that the old og village setting is on the moon there's astronauts going do you think we'll land on the moon one day alright everyone has been assigned roles if you would all check your private messages in zoom if you do not have a private message you are simply a humble villager bumbling about your short and pointless life until you die at a statistical age of 22 and it's only that high because old Alfred pushed the average up when he made it to 70 okay right well well as you gather in the what was it that the village produced again bone fragments as you harvest in the grief and bone fragments you take a look at your wheelbarrows that doesn't have a wheel it just has a human foot bolted in the barrel you haven't figured out the wheel yet it's a circular yeah it's a memory circular it's three it's three feet attached to an axle and it worked for about an hour but um but unfortunately you went all moldy as indeed has the whole village and as indeed will you all in time but one of you is about to go mouldy potentially a lot faster than the others because due to their death because as what was the name of the cockerel mad because as cockerel cockerel Jo cruel joke goes to relieve himself in the outhouse to pop in an oak [Laughter] what should you hear Buttkicker the Wicker sign of the werewolf oh this again this again immediately you upset your wheelbarrow full of your meager harvest and all sprint to your homes and lock your doors and wait there quivering in fear until eventually night falls you all pray but are the gods listening close your eyes it is nighttime now werewolf open your eyes and reveal to me werewolf who is it who's arms and legs you'll be pulling off tonight werewolf close your eyes hila open your eyes and reveal to me gila who would you like to protect a little closer healer of humanity that's okay thank you Gila and now close your eyes SIA open your eyes and reveal to me who you would like to investigate here is your answers here open your eyes everyone well you wander down to the water as a group to draw what passes for water in the village it's actually a salty sludge it's directly connected to the outhouse why did we set it up this way you set it up this way because you burned down the library which had information there's beautiful indoor toilets with there you know the mosaic flooring you have no understanding of illnesses germs or anything of the like but what you do have an understanding of is what's this a trail of thick blood leading from the well into the woods someone must have been thirsty in the night and braved leaving their home to get a refreshing [Laughter] great taste indeed you see an appended cup next to the well and a pool of slurry outside of it they didn't even get to enjoy that last taste of slurry in a panic you grab your pitchforks and run into the woods following the trail of blood eventually it leads you to what I suppose was once it's now now goes my accusation says Jane lowering her pitchfork nervously as you look around you realize Ellen it's not with you that would have been an easier way to tell who had been killed but as I say not very smart this village you're out in the woods now and it took it took you so long that it doesn't appear that there's time to make it back to the village you only have time to panic you only have time Oh you only have time to frantically accuse each other if you so much discuss what if we each tied ourselves to trees overnight and then yeah that's the gist of that threesome would anybody either werewolves try to make your job easier there's anyone as they were never heard of a Tom team yes because it bleeds yeah if we all stop paying money in now yeah whoever survives gets into on me yeah we don't have any money though we've just got bone fragments okay maybe no maybe why don't we all just promise not to be aware we all swear on it it won't be a werewolf okay do we have anything to go on I shouldn't anyone did anyone hold a grudge against Ellis I think I know I know I say nothing you are you gonna incriminate yourself that was the most badass bite of a cucumber I've ever seen I thought it was over she knows like damn slices of raw egg blood okay you worried about coming out to see it to it Mike's probably not to see ya because he would have told us no I would've loved a nurse I have my suspicions about somebody but I don't want to say them now because I don't know so anybody have any information nope well folks it sounds like I'm Tibet you you you all all mutter in a in a cowardly fashion but apparently none of you has the nerve to make an accusation it's it's clear as you exchange glances you all have a firm idea individually a firm idea idea you believe the werewolf is and yet no one deaths speak the terrorists using any one may be the healer we'll get it right you all curl up in the woods in a big pile and go to sleep [Laughter] there you reason that if you're all in a big pile it'll be harder for the web to get it would actually be easier for the werewolf but as I say not so smart Ellen you have may of course keep your eyes open and watch proceedings if you fancy werewolf reveal yourself in the light of the silvery moon and who is it who you would like to slay werewolf interesting werewolf close your eyes healer open your eyes who is it healer who you would like to save Thank You healer close your eyes and finally seer open your eyes who is it SIA who you would like to investigate SIA here is your answer day breaks and you all open your eyes as you look up dead as you look up from the tight circle that you've all crammed yourself into you notice that you are surrounded by a perfect circle of werewolves tracks frantically you will fall out of the pile and stand up look is everyone here is everyone here Andy's here yes where's but where's is Johnny here yes there's Johnny Jane yes Mike yes lowly's yes everyone is still alive good work healer discuss yeah okay all right now and reveal what they chose okay I am the seer I didn't reveal in the first round because I investigated Ellen and she was already dead this night I investigated Alex and she is not the werewolf I am actually the healer and I healed myself because I had a feeling that the werewolf would come after me and my suspicions in the first round we're that Johnny was the werewolf and I didn't want to say anything and I thought he'd come after me it's my Jane or Johnny if you're gonna come out and say I have my suspicions I think even if the werewolf was me or wasn't me like any one being the werewolf would be like oh that's suspicious I'm gonna try and kill though these I'm on to the werewolf I'm gonna accuse Johnny right now before he accuses somebody else and kills somebody all right an accusation has been made by lolis raise your hand if you think Johnny is the werewolf Wow I'm not seeing a hand going up from animals who was not the werewolf in the first round oh look oh yes yeah all right let's surveen mob mentality let's go for this cold it looks like everyone is fighting to kill Johnny will you enormous leave regretted oh well you you wrestle Johnny to the ground who are you you restrain him and drag him over to a nearby tree you look around for torch and tinder with which to set Johnny alight when all of a sudden with enormous werewolf strength Johnny bursts free from his bonds he drenched he transforms in a moment and with his enormous claws in ferocious jaws he goes through you like a lawn mower Andy Andy is eviscerated straightaway but he's the lucky one Jane is eviscerated boss slowly Mike and lolis start to make a run for it but in a moment johnny is upon mike pulling his cuffs inlex off with his arms lowly's lolis runs and actually makes it to nighttime and she thinks maybe she's in the clear the village is in sight when she looks up in the trees and what's that perched on about why it's Johnny the way yellow lies are the last thing you see as he swiftly descends and kills you you actually won that because johnny was the werewolf well done I just thought I just thought it would be fun for the last round for the werewolf to kill everybody well in lolis I knew you were on to me even though like there are no direct lines of sight when you're looking at somebody on a monitor like oh no I can feel that he's tried to kill you the first run oh yeah but I think when I protected myself I looked at you when when when that was revealed that I was still alive and you well you might have faked it but no amazing well thank you everyone for joining thank you everyone for watching in the chats that was that was absolutely ace I don't think any werewolves one did they know where we stupid village we're pretty smart and in slow motion you all high five and then there's a freeze frame and the credits roll thanks so much for watching everyone oh definitely go buy our pride shirts I will pop a link to them in the chat right now they are cool you might we'll be playing this again on a icebreaker right we absolutely will this is part warning of a werewolf two-parter we are going to be playing this on dice breaker yeah yes we can mix up the rules we can mix up the rules you've all got time to practice your poker faces yeah here I put a link in all profits from the show we'll go to the Marsha P Johnson Institute in the US and to gendered intelligence in the UK a couple of great causes you can support there and they're just cool shirts thank you everyone for your comments and and and chat I'm sorry that this wasn't the kind of stream where we got to really read them out but I'm just gonna sum up the general mood when I say that trash Wolfman growl says nerf lolis law that is a good thing that means you're overpowered that means you're overpowered be just that was that was absolutely true man good time so thank you everyone thank you everyone we will see you next time take it easy bikes bike oh yeah like spikes might hit that likes to give that like button and then bye-bye have lovely wee gates [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 216,149
Rating: 4.9503107 out of 5
Id: 48MfYUaV0rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 26sec (6986 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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