Animal Crossing but its cursed

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looks over at me huh that's a good job on that campfire there buddy I like I know you don't want this guy ran the first try you don't it you love it why say you stop making campfires Oh nervously clapping I like crap go campfire welcome to Denny's this is where the sacrifices our help if you want enter my home you have to pass through the realm of the mad God first step through become one with Lucifer step through and become my sizzling skillet just a nice friendly message to let people to know to come and visit my house now and again what's up to keep on walking to me you want one of these shirts do all of these shirts keep walking buddy ooh that's what I'm talking about give the guy with the stare of a jobless clown and the shirt of one too the ability to craft fine weapons is the one pro pattern oh you better believe it is dude yes so you want unlimited pancakes a slam burger or to be kicked off the island and drowned in the ocean all available from our value menu I don't see anything wrong with that I mean no one's just got a but just don't bump it just don't bump it in there won't be any explosion it's that easy this is a warning to any fish you might swim by this island please used to put like heads on pikes now we just put fish in boxes make a frying pan and put it beside the fish as a second warning this game is really good guys know that you know I'm tired of my constant confused expression let us become smug okay oh oh no no people have been having their fun with this haven't they oh good my video images um why did the lights go off your why did the lights go off cool go we gotta let's go I don't even know how I got I was facing the wrong way just that good I don't know what to tell you it's not a bad one what else do we have though importer pogchamp wait hold on could someone please send me up like the Pawar's where it's just like it like it fits the entire space in a square because it's just the eyes in the mouth it's in pawn breath it's like the second you know what you know what you know what we do on this channel if we can't find it you know we do we make it ourselves the problem we can't find the stupid emo the dang solution we make it ourselves here we go yes hey I'm gonna show you a try I want I want you to tell me what you think of it okay flamingos be harsh it's okay I can take it only the elite get to come to my island if you make it to my island you have to make it through the walkway to make it onto my island you have to pass through the fog guardians you've come this far you must proceed hazel you must go all the way hazel pass over the eye of fate yes one of us one of us I always believed in you a they'll always know are you going for round two are you going in again are you double dipping no okay okay they dare not double dip understandably so I chat which one of you animals brought the dagger dude dude oh wait to show this island someone and lose them as friends forever is there any seam in between this there's no see hold on there's no seam at all hold on I'm thinking I have an idea I have an idea like already locked away in my head I just have to test hold on let me let me read let me recount in my head lay on the ground it just may just plops it on the ground okay yeah don't worry about that trust me don't you'll want to know here's what's gonna happen we got some work to do alright here we are it needs to be big we need as big a mouth as we can muster people just coming into the stream like I'm sorry what's happening you're making animal crotch this is an animal crossing stream right yeah yeah exactly as planned I think this is it this is exactly what I wanted you know why because all of these are the same color so we can just use one piece of art for all of them this is what I've been waiting for this why is coconut balls autoplay after final fantasy Ted battle music you know what we're gonna coconut mall posterize it just a little bit I think that I have to make a new folder for all this stuff I'm gonna call this the hog pieces now we have to enter the Boyd lather of chat here we go oh oh god my files are starting to look really weird guys you know I'm gonna put the files over here it's a day three of Animal Crossing I'm gonna max out all the art in my entire game how long can someone scroll back in the stream how long have we been at this for if you include the other pogs it's two hours all good god I hate it dude all this first the last piece is finally at our doorstep Oh were you here when the POG hauler came together it has been made and now we place it look at my smug little face your little gremlin bro its off-center because you could walk down evenly the whole thing is going to be off-centered oh it's the next level of chaos it's a feature it's not a bug it's a feature it's meant to incite fear to play with your emotions in ways you never thought it would here we go everybody it's all been building up for this moment all my toils all my trials all the time I spent going piece by piece specifically making this image just for us yeah looks pretty good the smoke face really does miles for this doesn't it I feel at peace what fuels people success money status or the hopes of progression the hopes that what you make your impact upon the world will last for longer than you do art the most powerful thing a human can make used for rebellion understanding hope fear sadness lust it's just a lot to take in what ain't whatever angle I choose to sit at in this room I feel sniffed why does this look like art what does this look like like like a Setting Sun in a desert you see what I'm saying it's a landscape shot let's see you wear it B we're getting some good art to go I call this one son of sand this one I dub the glow of love a nice beachside shot if you look closely you can see the water in the distance rippling beautiful far into the distance we have the night sky with the mountains in the background the sand glowing by a nice fire that a couple is lit higher up on the beach you might not see them but you can certainly feel their love it really just takes up so much so much space guys and you eat your coconuts you eat them with or without the peel this is in a Nintendo game right now the centipede of pogs the center POG oh he looks so thirsty gotta give them a sip like oh I can't the pod is too thick to dig through if I just make it this see it looks actually not that bad you know it's just a nice jet-black wallpaper however this is all their mouth if you put this as your wallpaper you are inside the Pug the belly of the beast Side Story that's really funny you wanna sorry did it [Music] I'm a child go let's go let's go without a dead body wait no I didn't put the alfredo sauce away I forgot to put the alfredo sauce away I went shopping just before the stream I'm like Oh
Channel: Failboat
Views: 995,030
Rating: 4.9586329 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, AC, Animal Crossing, New Horizons, Cursed,, acnh
Id: bH1ZQmwZwbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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