Amy Poehler on Blowing Her Chance with Prince, Learning a New Thing Every Month & Inside Out 2

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you know our first guest tonight from many many funny things she is the voice of joy in the Beloved Disney Pixar movie Inside Out the sequel Inside Out 2 opens the theaters June 14th please welcome Amy [Applause] polar hi how are you I'm great good to see you it's great to have you here we just hired slash to be a part of the band yeah you know I have a SL story I have a story oh good I have a question to ask you oh good uh oh it's not a bad one okay um I was working on a film with Billy Bob thoron and I was invited to a listening party for some music that he was making and when I arrived he said we're in Slash's house right now yeah is that true yeah that was my house I sold it to Billy and it had a studio in it and all that and uh him and Angelina bought it and were you upstairs at the time the party was happening or were you not on the did he say that no but we assumed why were you guys were in the it was like a b there was like a a recording basements in in La yeah all right wow how what a Hollywood what a Hollywood Hollywood is something else it really is something else you know by the way I have something that one of our staffers brought in today this is exciting uh the band Yola Tango uh this is great band from about year 2000 wow and um this is none other than Amy polar on the cover of their CD that is a relic that's the first the first and only time I've been on a the cover of a record that's called for those of you that that's called the CD uhhuh oh look at it yes it's shiny it's yeah they were really shiny and you could put your um coffee cups on them and stuff why are you is this blood is this a zombie thing no that is a sketch I did uh with UCB uh my sketch group called spaghetti Jesus and I think the premise of the sketch was a woman there was the face of Jesus found in a bowl of spaghetti and then someone ate it and you panned around to see who it was and then that lady so I guess the fine people of yellow Tango thought it would be a good album C I feel so proud that you found that saw the sketch and then they said yeah we want you with the Jesus spaghetti face on you know it was a different time yeah um well you must know a lot of bands and stars and stuff especially from Saturday Night Live I mean I I'd like to think I do I mean I don't but I'm I'm a huge music fan and with SNL we got to meet a lot of people who's like the biggest one that at SNL well other than Slash's basement um I I did get a chance to um meet uh Prince once yeah that's a big one yeah big one was he friendly well I'll never know because I really blew my chance because he came off stage during the sound check and walked past me and I said and he just kind of you know gave me a little eye contact and said hello and I said how was your summer that's what I that was my question to Prince how was your summer that's what I said he he just floated away into the into the elevator and in a lavender Haze just went yeah he was like he was like I we're not we're not of the same species you and I we're not going to be doing this no we're not going to do that what is your plan for summer oh my God I'm going to continue this journey that I'm on Jimmy thank you for asking yeah I'm trying to learn a new thing a month oh your life Journey my life Journey yeah what do you mean a new thing a month basically like a new skill or a new game or a new I'm trying to keep my mind you know sharp so this is like something decided I I like that when people do that I never never I never think to do anything like that well I'm I'm only two months in so it it'll probably stop oh what have you you've done two things I've done two things I learned Tai Chi you did in a month impressed well I should say I'm studying it and by studying it I mean I've done it twice so you did it twice will you continue or is that it is it just that month I don't think that's what it's about Jimmy I think it's about the flow like will it will yeah the flow is the whole thing I see people in the par have you ever done it I actually really really like it it's beautiful and we I did it with a bunch of friends and it's very hard because you have to be very patient and um precise and deliberate and those three words are not really me they're so so I like that a lot it's like a moving meditation I do see people in the park doing it and I from what I understand and you know more about it than I do it's supposed to be some kind of self-defense but it seems like the only way you're going to be able to fight somebody Al is if they are also fighting in slow motion in slow motion or underwater something like that because there's a lot we have to start to cultivate stuff that we can do when we're older you know we have to we have to go a little slower okay so I also learned maang oh that's fun the game and the game yeah you learned somebody came and taught you how to play I yes someone came and taught a bunch of us and I'm learning it again I've only played once uh-huh um but it's a new thing that I learned and so I'm that's this month's May is maang May is maang may maang may you had taii April and what will we do for June this is a great question I'm open to suggestion oh you are I was thinking about something that had a cool name like parkour or something but then I realized that's so tiring and seems dangerous also it does and I'm not going to be able to do it they're jumping like from building to building running up the side of a wall yeah no parkour is no yeah you don't want to do parkour I don't know what hacky hacky sack are people still playing hacky sack they probably are it's probably I have a hacky sack in my car no you don't I do do you really I do I just realized I have it in my glove compartment just in case just in case is it from the case a way to make friends how did you get a hacky sack in your glove box I don't know but I'm just now visualizing that I have a hacky sack in my glove box and um that's a great title for an album yeah that's that's Yola Tango's fourth album I hocky sack in my glove box maybe uh can would you take suggestions because I think like calligraphy might be something that you might want to take up oh I would love to do that sounds very easy frisbee golf is something that too much activity I think okay calligraphy sounds nice cuz you can sit down balloon animals have you ever tried F I don't like the sound of the squeak oh of the balloon it gives me the chills okay anyone else like you know like nails on a chalkboard no offense to all you balloon artists as we get toward the holidays would maybe something like wreath making could be a a skill that might be fun I mean [Music] sure no you cook at all I love to cook okay well then that's when you have already you love to cook I do love to cook okay let me ask you this what is your food that you are like working on right now because I know you cook a million ion things what's something that you like right now and you're like I'm getting better at oh I don't get better I just try it here's what I do I'll make something up and then like last night I made my wife said make me dinner she said it just like that too I'm not kidding she goes make me dinner and I got up and I went in the kitchen and I looked around and I got some garlic and some oil and some tomato paste and some cantalini beans and some uh chicken broth and I put some pasta in it and I made up and she's like oh my God this is great and uh she goes you have to give me the recipe I said I've already forgotten the recipe but that's a good cook a good cook can just kind of that's the dream you find what you have and you throw in well I'm very excited about my KL SLA right now oh really klaa I love fermented pickled things you do I do how German of you I thank you I think um and um I'm really into getting the right klaa version and I I do mine without mayo um okay but High vinegar content really and I've been bringing it into my office and I'm realizing it's become an HR violation now because why I'm forcing the people I work with to eat my co oh to eat your colaw yeah and do they eat the colaw they don't no but um when they when their sandwiches come out at lunch I'm like you know what would be really good with that is my four to five day old KLA but col saw gets the better the longer it's in the refrigerator yeah until it gets soggy did I hear a [Laughter] [Applause] grown we got a guy who's been fishing Cheetos out of navels here in the audience so there's a lot of weird stuff happening well let's take a break Amy polar is here inside out too is her movie and opens June 14th orange who made the console orange do I look orange I didn't touch it orange is not my color not me hello everybody oh my gosh I am just such it's a huge fan of yours and now here I am meeting you face to face okay how can I help uh I can take notes get coffee manage your calendar walk your dog carry your things watch you sleep wow you have a lot of energy maybe you could just stay in one place anything just call my name and I'm here for you okay love that and what was your name again that is inside out to starring Amy po opens in theaters on June 14th the sequel of course to inside out which one the Oscar for best animated feature I know I just saw the movie last night it's so good oh the new one you saw already I was told it wasn't ready yet to be seen ah well I had was given a little bit of a private um I see because I have to start talking about it right so um I have to know I have to know to know what's in it I to know what's in it um but it's so good my kids are dying to see it the first one was um 10 years ago 10 years ago uh yeah we started working on it or I started get getting ready to talk about it in 2014 and I was looking back at 2014 and it was a very different time you look back at the year 2014 okay because I because things are kind of coming full circle the movie's coming out again A lot has happened and I looked back to think what was going on in 2014 do you remember what was going on4 God no uh ice bucket challenge oh yeah wow that was a big thing yeah um uh Aden Manzel became Adele deim forever the Great AA um uh Fel started wearing really crazy hats all the time everywhere giant hats big big big hats big hats um Obama was President exciting um hold on I'm going to cry I know it was a different time uh Seth Rogan almost got us uh in a war with North Korea movie 10 years ago was 10 years ago that that story is under told you know it really is under told it should be a Hulu limited series it should be and then um there was a famous Oscar selfie all right with host Ellen degenerous and that was before and I don't know if you know this but the Oscars existed before you hosted them I don't believe that at all yeah I mean they existed yeah in like kind of hypothetical way phally so they had they held the ceremony they had them I know isn't that weird it's rude is what it is will you now go on a tour around the world we're heading out to Australia in the UK um at the end of this week so you go to the countries where English is spoken because it would be dumb for someone who did voice over to go to like Mexico where you're going to be redubbed by someone who speaks Spanish it's very cool to meet I've had the pleasure meeting a few people who have dubbed in different countries and it's very very cool if I were to walk up to you and say or not me or somebody were to walk up to you let's say it's a guy who pulls Cheetos out of a belly button would to walk up to you and say like I live in uh and I or or it's a woman I voice your character you would automatically believe them right well why are you asking like what because I'm the voiceover artist excited to meet you because I do your voice I would ass if they came up to me on the street yeah I don't know I'd be like I guess I'd probably say prove it oh you would but that's just my personality but maybe you whip out a little Tai Chi real slow really slowly I just changed their energy really slowly Pat Oswalt is here I know and we're talking today about on Parks and wreck you and patton had this scene where that has now been viewed like a zillion times on on YouTube where Pat was talking about uh he was filibustering yeah I'm sure he'll talk he'll speak better on it if uh when he's out here if he wants to but um his character was a local character who had to filibuster during a meeting and just talk nonsense to waste time and patton decided to talk about the Star Wars series and franchise and what he thinks other movies should tackle and he spoke for 10 15 20 minutes um incredibly uh specifically about the Star Wars Universe combined with the Marvel Universe and how those two could then go on and I think and you can check with him I think every single thing he said came true I think you're right A lot of the things did come true well we'll find out when he comes out here oh he's so funny that was such a great time because he just went off and and we were all just staring and watching it all well it is great to see you um congratulations on all your new skills thank you yeah when I come back I want to come as that I I don't want to come as an actress promoting a film I want to come as um uh just a person of the world yeah you know what I mean if you come back in one year here would be fun for you to do all 12 things you learn in a row Amy polar everybody inside out two open of din June 14th we'll be back with Paton Oswalt [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 353,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Guest, Celebrity, Actress, Comic, Parks and Rec, Disney Movie, Pixar, Inside Out 2, New Movie, Amy Poehler, SNL, Summer Plans, Prince, Learning, Tai Chi, Hackie Sack, Coleslaw, 2014, Frozen, Seth Rogan, Voice Over, Starwars
Id: lzMpqhxHF1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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