Maya Rudolph on Trump Verdict, Doing Beyoncé Impression in Front of Beyoncé & Prince Tribute Band

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our first guest tonight is a hugely talented person with five emys and a closet full of award-winning wigs to prove it her latest project is called loot you can see it on Apple TV plus please welcome Meer Rudolph [Applause] I hope it wasn't too much Maya you know sometimes people come out here and then they're from a different country and they expect I went for I went for the double kiss two kisses Oh I thought I initiated we were from LA and then you said oh and I thought uhoh maybe I kissed too many times oh I love a double kiss Thank you thank you I I enjoyed it as well how are you I'm great may I ask do you remember where you were on the day you heard that Donald Trump had been convicted of 34 don't we all no I don't know I mean I remember vaguely I will tell you where I was and this um sounds like something that's great for a talk show but it's the truth I was at my daughter's 8ighth grade mock trial at a courthouse in a at a real Courthouse that's right I was in a real courthouse and somebody's grandparent was there and their phone was like like something went off and then um and then people started getting a little Buzzy and excited and then my phone started going crazy and I heard I I looked at my phone and it said bye and I was like what's happening and um and then one said um fell in Von shiten pants and I was like okay uh and then I just got all these beautiful glorious texts while the fake trial was happen while the fake trial while another rig trial was going on that's right what was the trial when what was your daughter was it was a madeup trial my daughter was um was a a police chief oh nice um so she was she was talking about the murder um and then the murderer was found not guilty which is uh really funny because it was a real judge and the real judge said um the verdict was not guilty I think you did it I like I wonder if they do that for real in like real cases like you're not guilty I think you did it there's a lot we don't know I think every time there's one of these high profile cases we go oh that's how it works because we think we know how it works because of TV no no no that's something we should not believe but like I will say I don't know if you've been in cour houses that of but I have not as well and um they make me very nervous I feel like I was in trouble a lot I could see that cuz you have to go through the metal detector yeah like even when you're at the airport and you give them your bag like I didn't do it like doesn't it feel like you you feel yeah when you're driving and there's a police officer and you're like I am going within the speed limit and yet I'm going to slow down just a little I feel like my weed is my my weed you know what I was going I was going to say trunk is filled with weed but we just just got to the root of our paranoia yeah you know we had yesterday and I was wondering uh what your perspective on this was we had a monologue planned and then in the afternoon the verdict was I thought of you immediately and we were like okay well this goes in the garbage and we have to start again great but did you like that I I kind of love it yeah there's something about it that's fun yeah it makes you feel like you're like a journalist like a newspaper reporter or something oh yeah and by the way watching you talk about it is so delicious I will admit I do enjoy it's very it's very it's very cathartic when you were on Saturday Night Live and a regular um did you have that happen frequently or you something would happen in the daytime there were times you know when it happened actually was when I came back to play um vice president KLA Harris because we were doing a lot of those election shows you can clap if you want she going to be here on Tuesday this is good one guy was like um but it was funny because remember the election was so fraught yeah it was somebody someone was being a real drama queen and like extended it for a while anyway um so so that went on for a while and we were kind of waiting and we did the dress rehearsal show and then um and then when Biden and Harris gave their victory speech she was wearing a white suit and so the costume Department like literally whipped me up like a brand new outfit like two a tea I matched amazing it was amazing it was so exciting trained for yeah it was really exciting and it felt like we're truly being a part of history and you um you well you did a great job on Mother's Day you hosted the show uh on Mother's Day very funny I do want to ask you about you had done this once years before you did uh an impression of Beyonce on hot ones the hot W show that's correct and then you did uh Beyonce on hot now does Beyonce weigh in does she know about your impression and does she like she knows about my impression yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah she knows about my impression you know that for sure yes no I I I did it over the years there's been so many different times where she was there at the show I can't remember if it was when she was still in Destiny's Child I think she was there as a solo artist is my memory I can't I I can't remember because I I'm getting on in years and the trunk full of weed and I have that trunk filled with weed um but I uh but I believe that uh Fred Armon wrote a prince show for me to do Beyond and while she was there but I believe she declined and then at good nights you have to stand next to the person you just did an impression of she was very sweet about it I said I'm all I said was I'm so sorry it's so embarrassing you I mean she knows that my impression is filled with love and how much I love her but it's still embarrassing to do anything in front of the person and she said no it was good she she was very so sweet May Rudolph is here her show is L right working be really fun yeah plus you get to wear cute little outfits and carry a binder to the kitchen while you're looking for a snack watch me business business business business meeting memo phone meeting memo phone meeting meeting memo hey girl walking backwards backwards business backwards business call me callist backwards business oh oh gosh oh there he is that is Maya rol and I'm a gas a guest star show loot which is on Apple TV plus you play a billionaire yes which seems like a fun thing to play a billionaire so fun it's so fun you get to pretend you're super rich and you could do anything it's like having a little like magic Genie it is really Rebel lamp yeah the the genie that Genie fairy tale is always so appealing like what would you do with with billions upon billions of dollars right anything right you could do literally what would you what would you what would you do what would I do yeah um well I I don't know I'd buy uh probably buy Disneyland and GMO and I would live live there and not let any of the kids in perect I would like that you just ride the matter horn over and over up in Sleeping Beauty's castle just looking around menacingly um you are uh in a band and this is you did an event I know at Netflix's a joke but this is not a joke thing this is it's not a joke I know you have a great voice you're in a prince cover band called Princess Princess it's a all female band well my friend Gretchen and I are the singers and we're females and you do you do the whole Prince catalog and how we just do whatever we want we started doing it God it was like I mean I remember after I had my son so it's been like 13 years um and you know we we love Prince so much we were in a band together in college and it was like the one of the many things that we had in common was like this insane knowledge of print songs and we knew we could sing the backwards part to Darling Nikki you know like in our sleep and it was just her idea after I left snel she said we should start a prince cover band and call it princess did and we did um but we just we started doing the songs that we like at the time you know Prince wasn't really doing um a lot of his early stuff because it was kind of dirty and he stopped doing like his dirty catalog right he had kind of a religious um version yeah so we just did the early stuff that we grew up with that we love the little like which songs do you do oh we do stuff from dirty mind and we do Darling Nikki is quite dirty we do head is is very dirty um yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of dir all prints or do you do other artists as well all prints and Prince related things but then um then we started this tradition where we do a medle because Prince did this wonderful thing where he had great command of his band kind of like a James Brown thing so he would you know he would stop on the one and then he'd make you think that he was done and then he'd come back and so we started a medley where we started just um injecting um 80s uh TV theme songs so like you know Golden Girls and um Family Ties and cheers and stuff like that it's really fun well you do the whole you do the whole songs you do Little P just like little well the the the songs you know the theme songs are short like you know cheers is pretty short you do Cheers Cheers we do yeah and we then we started doing commercials from the 80s we we do um do they flow into each other yeah yeah well like we stop and then we start again we stop we start again it's like 15 it's like a 15 minute long are they related to each other like no no no no they're just stupid fun songs but I I think they're the songs that we that that are in our brains from being children like the Shasta Cola theme song or um the Mani chi theme song or right what was the Shasta Cola theme song don't give me that so so soda the same old Cola I want a rock and roller I want a PO I want a sh sha remember yeah do you remember that I do remember I didn't realize I remember but I totally remember it yeah I remember all that stuff there's so much data from the 19 ' 80s stuck in here I realized my head is full I can't have there's nothing there's no room left it's just 80s um commercials and weed right right here well your show is very funny you should check it out it's called loot it is on Apple TV plus right now Maya Rudolph everybody thank you Maya we'll be back with Jacob Balon [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 653,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Guest, Celebrity, Actress, Comic, Loot, Apple TV, Maya Rudolph, Donald Trump, Guilty, Mock Trial, Writing, SNL, Beyonće, Hosting, Sketch Comedy, Billionaires, David Chang, Prince Tribute Band, Disneyland, Weed
Id: 2LT44VLgKpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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