Let's Play Among Us - COSTUME EDITION (ft. Outside Xbox and Dicebreaker)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] it still hurts us here you know [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you know [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's casual friday right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah pretty well your normal clothes the email said how's everyone doing it's good exciting among us friday who's us already everyone looks amazing i'm looking around and i just love everyone's whole outfit can you clarify which cool which cool fbi agent uh yeah i'm agent fox mulder fbi hang on very nice check this out check this out check out the prop work yes oh wow oh it's not also focusing goodness just that's a blurry david dakoney there right you should put the one of him from the simpsons on the back of it for later why don't we go around and say who we say what we're all dressed as that's a fun halloween thing isn't it halloween uh so we've got ellen underneath luke so oh hello um well i am sally from the nightmare before christmas very nice and then we got loli's i am myself good and then johnny i put a hat on um i i forgot to get a costume together but then i cracked out a beer and i realized i seem like an incidental character from life is strange yeah yeah yeah very nice uh then we've got ether i mean at first glance i look like a person who just threw some spooky stuff together but actually i am i've decided i'm a disciple of loaf so which kind of works anyway very nice uh ian i think you're hammerhead from star wars correct correct can you not tell i'm myself in the game with my toilet roll and my simon cowell george pants around my house don't look filthy enough i can't see anything though so anyone feel free to kill someone in front of me because i will not be able to wake yourself up we need a little like screen wiping very nice uh i'm 1970s steve martin as you can tell by me awkwardly holding this banjo and we've got mike thanks mike because why is more terrifying than the cold unfeeling void of space which we will all be trying to avoid how much better will you be playing for us sandy how much banjo much better it depends and jane you seem to be some sort of vampire i i'm some sort you're seeing uh what we do in the shadows the tv show yes i love knowledge so i wanted to be nice very nice she's my favorite cracker yeah before we get kicked out of the game yeah so we're gonna play for a little bit and then i think uh maybe about halfway through this stream we're gonna switch to hide and seek mode which sounds amazing someone will need to explain to me yes it's very simple worry about it simple to pick up we'll sort that out when we we'll cross that bridge when we um murder it okay all right all right oh no that's my mute button oh christ oh no there it is oh okay i think i'm muted for everyone else in the game uh you all should still be able to hear me and the game though uh so let's get going i don't think i'm the imposter um and let's go to weapons first i hope everyone's well today apologies if i'm even more bumbling than usual my uh visibility at the moment is about 32 percent oh i'm doing all right with these targets big things like this are fine it's little bits of writing and stuff that's cool um welcome back by the way if you joined us for our ins why is lolli why is loli's hunting me um welcome back yeah if you joined us for our insert coin stream i wasn't wearing this during the insert coin stream i was um wearing normal civic clothes but uh outside xbox told us that this was gonna be a halloween theme streamy so i figured i'd better dress up although i may have to kill this visor at some point because i can't see it oh no you're dead luke no no no so early we've lost the detective oh no the only fbi agent we had he was the only one that could solve this where did you find luke i find him in storage i was on my way from the reactor to o2 to fix the oxygen and i stumbled across his corpse that's a weird way to go what do you think the reactors on the on the left-hand side and the oxygens on the right now yeah but the quickest way to go is through up towards the through the cafeteria oh look at you map memorizer no i just went the way that made sense to me i didn't have up the map but i knew vaguely where the o2 room was and i just decided to go that way and just as well i did because i discovered a corpse there was a bunch of us in that area already but like ellen andy myself were all in like fixing in an admin or kind of in that area at least i was in the other one fixing with space mike when the body was awoo good i was in electrical i was on my own but i saw luke and ellen just before i went that way i did something electrical is quite close to that room actually is there two impostors yes oh okay okay that was awfully quick i don't think ian is the imposter yeah i think that's fair um oh that's a galaxy level blast yeah i wouldn't put it past him um the body was reported just after i finished doing the code for the depleted oxygen he was i watched him do it who's everyone voting for yeah there was quite a muddle of people around the world did you just vote to space uh jane jane why james yeah because she was an electrical that's all i've got i don't think that's automatically a crime no it's not but i just decided you're very much on the attack here yeah yeah i've known many fine electricians i'm not yeah i'm not willing to space jam just for the crime of knowing where the wires are no i'm not saying everyone should go for it i'm just saying that's what i did you asked me and i'm telling you you're very much on the defensive i don't like it yeah that's what i wasn't even going to tell you guys until you asked i was no but you weren't offended with me i wasn't going to say anything i was just going to quietly vote for james to die no because my vote alone is not going to do anything i mean nearly did nearly suspect all right everyone keep an eye on everyone oh my god muting my microphone is a chore it's difficult right fix wiring divert power comes sabotaged already ah nuts i'm going the wrong way for everything okay down here we had like an ah we had like an hour between streams to set things up and um i had to eat my dinner really fast so now i'm in here doing like post post dinner uncomfortable mini burps there's not much no one would want to be in this uh visor let me tell you right now it is stuffy and a little bit burpee in here right now but i'm not the murderer i think it might be loli's but she's avoided me twice now so maybe it's not let's do some downloading poor luke's dead already as if poor luke's dead we'll be fine as long as i survive it doesn't matter right okay let's have a look at my map so i want to try and reduce the amount of walking i have to do because i'm incredibly lazy oh no what's that then wait report well oh it definitely wasn't ethan ian together alone no you didn't um you saw ian and ether together alone don't right it's definitely loaded together i was what that was a hundred percent nowhere near each other those are the i saw them together before ifa died so that's that's the last time i saw iphone was with ian alone uh okay nonsense i was nowhere neary for coming out swinging ian where did you find the body you're on mute by the way oh ian hello hello can you hear me now yes it's blatantly lolis throwing me under the bus like that i was nowhere near ether where did you find the body uh left um bottom left thruster thingy and i was nowhere near ether until i found her body i saw you alone in electrical together in electrical yeah no i was just leaving electrical and both of you were in there ellen what what have you been doing this round uh i went to weapons and i did some stuff in cafeteria and then also i did just admire all the little bats on the window at the back of the cafeteria it's so cute what tasks did you do in cafeteria um bat analysis i did some on one side i did the the leaves here's the thing by the way um andy was running away from the oxygen alarm just now um johnny can i'm sorry i didn't realize that together i didn't realize there was an oxygen alarm there was a big noise and flashing i don't have my sound on because it gets on them i to be honest with you i'm suspicious of like at least because you come out the minute this started you came out swinging like it's ian also it's andy now also i'm just telling you what the information i have lolis is acting sass but i think um ellen couldn't name the task she was doing which i think is pretty sus ellen was thinking about that that leaves things cute look at the leaves in the thing and then i had to go down i've not gone downstairs yet to do the venti thing where you go push and then all these put the leaves in the coconut fyi if we don't vote for them one of the imposters to go out the imposters just double kill and they win oh okay quick vote for elise [Music] it confirmed on either oh no another doubt is there now oh need to mute that nice sorry it's easier to meet when you can see things oh god let me do my task quickly right what is the uh it's the angeny one that's andy me and andy andy doesn't seem to be murdering me yet which is a good sign use hand okay react is normal oh is it oh there's quite a few people oh oh no i knew ellen was one of them what was that wow you're all rusty agreed i was well played by you two though i have to say yeah i only started to suspect ellen towards the end i mean it was johnny because he was like getting so angry and i was like he doesn't get this anger unless he's guilty as soon as andy was like what did you do because at one point i stood where andy was as if i was pretending to do the same task and i was like oh no he's gonna double check whether it's the same task that he did it was inside of the room i did the o2 there was a delicious moment when i was running around um it was after the round where everyone was suddenly suspicious of blowies and i was like oh there's someone alone i may kill them and then it was lowly so i was like no no i need you i left you to be spaced but my favorite bit was i i killed mike just as johnny was just watching it i told johnny like where the t-rex encourages the baby to i got done by my own corpse blindness because jane walked into navigation and stood right next to my corpse for about five minutes i was like jane must be the other imposter but apparently not oh wow sorry like i said that was a pretty sloppy round for me that's a warm up yeah yeah i'll get back into it can i be can i be uh the white color yes sorry someone i i was just coming back into the room and i just got a random color there you go all right i'm going to show you another round yeah go for it please here we go improve on our performance yeah that was the best round i've ever played all right meet up okay i am now muted i think i'm not an imposter well innocent ian at it again where are we going oh my god look at that the good thing about this costume there are many minus points about this costume one of them being the intense heat that i'm experiencing right now um the the main good thing though is that no one can see my incredibly suspicious face um i feel like it's my sauce face that gives me away every time uh people just look at me and they thought i found a dead you're really a victim of your own success like everyone wants to kill who he's off i think so who's died yeah so it's lowly's oh yeah so i reported um i was running down the corridor and ellen was running the opposite direction away from lowly's body at that point the corridor below so it's like o2 and then you go down and then is cons above comms the corridor above comms um i was doing ot tasks with ian so that checks out he was already doing a task when i came in i was uh i was trying to find shields and for some reason i thought the shields task was in uh weapons and then navigation and then i looked at the map jane was in shields i did see like i paused and i was like uh that was me checking the map like where the hell is shield i can vouch for that because i had shields and ellen was doing that path as well what's the good word space mike uh well i did the um in electrical you know the little one with the little crystal fuse type thing that goes blue and then i was heading up to uh navigation to do one of the one of the things in there how does it go it goes and then okay i believe is that one in electrical genuine conversion yeah yeah there's like three or four in electrical i thought that was only in the other map yeah i didn't think that was on electrical on this map there's that one it's just wired there's the um the levels that's on the that's on the lava map no it's yeah yeah i'm not so sure about that mike oops no it's it's in there can you take a vote back [Laughter] no sorry andy oh no andy all right let's see who it's for why andy yeah why why did i vote for you because i've i i've i've tried to vote for space mike but i can't see anything oh it's a mistake right right i think he's lying about the task and i think he's going to vote for me because he knows there's another vote for me oh well let's see what about you are we sure about this electrical there isn't the thing in the thing i couldn't say i've no idea i've i've got two two oh houses apparently someone was sure okay muted i don't know that's me muted now there we go i'm muted now um all right wow uh movement that's the thing okay fix lights okay so the lights are off oh god it's very dark can i do this task quickly while the lights are off fuse let's just suck some was there a diamond in there why would you want to flush a diamond into space okay pretty much all of my rest my every single one of my other tasks is located in here okay uh boop boop and boop yeah first time that one normally gets me the one i hate is the memory one where the blocks are like poop boop that's in the reactor room i think okay there's e for what's he for doing why zefa stood still oh god let's hope that everyone else does this because i'm busy downloading some stuff i wonder how many bodies i've walked past because literally the only reason i've been spotting bodies is by the report button like showing up on screen okay good oh that was johnny's up johnny's going to kill me i found i found a dead ether i oh i just saw her come out of electrical and go the other way as the reactor was going off i can confirm i did two tasks in electrical neither of them was the one crystal that you switch i did uh task and shields and it was the one crystal wave switch that was in shields which means that space mike was lying wait hang on why sorry okay good well good hi right good i felt very pursued right then by johnny keough dudley i was running to the table to press the button because i thought johnny was on his way to murder me oh wow no i was well i was going to the reactor and then i was leaving the reactor for you you were going the opposite and then you saw me you doubled back after me and then i stopped and i waited to see if you were following me still and you were you were coming at me i was like oh god run to the table and then someone else found the body so i was just about basically i was just about to grass you up even though just because yes ian were you suspicious enough that you were on your way to the cafeteria describe your level of sus i was running for my life to the cafeteria button he i worked by johnny and he did a very suspicious double back pieces dead so i can't accuse them i mean so i was downloading data at the top side of the comms bit uh and then i started to go toward the reactor it got solved and i started to go back through storage um i i'd like to apologize to ian if i have my guilty fee this happened so much to me last time i was just trying to follow someone to like make a buddy duo yeah i ran a tight hand because he was scaring me in storage this game is a lot scarier when you can't see very much it's an extra layer yeah um luke what were you doing now ran um i did the asteroids on the east side and then the pumpy pumpy oh the good old the tank it's the no no no no no no it's the tank you know the tank you press the button and it goes and then i was heading over to fix the hours ago it was in the building okay i believe you it was in above the reactor anyway i was over there everyone already got it so i went down found lolis i mean ether myself i feel bad i'm face palming okay right oh oh no i don't want to do that um okay oh no oh no andy it's andy he's chasing me around the table i'm scared of everyone i'm scared of everyone okay i can't trust anyone i'm just i've not i've not adopted the body system i've already done at least one bad vote okay there's andy and he's oh he's really close to me i don't um okay i've got a mission in the cafeteria i'm not everyone's sus everyone is suss i just found andy ian was there you've you've luke you did it in front of me what luke you murdered andy right in front of me and he was doing no no no no no no no i walked into the cafeteria i went north you know there's one like on a corner up on the top all three of us were bunched together and just as i started doing my wiring yeah you were going for it what did you call it she's dead so she just as i was going for the wiring thing and the panel popped up top left cafeteria i was just about to do a wiring thing okay because luke just left us in the reactor yeah honestly i don't think he had time to kill andy before you were there because where were you i was right he was already there when i got there yeah andy exploded next to me ian yeah where were you before that uh i went to with andy uh to do the handprint um reactor thingy and then i was going up to cafeteria [Laughter] which they say are the window to the soul all right ian did it i found the course no you mad people you've you've you've alright quickly before we're done has anyone got jobs job subjects i um all right friends jane you're not muted okay i've have i made myself i muted right i want to see what you lot are saying in the comments because some who was it that murdered right next to me was it luke [Music] someone was right next to me but i couldn't tell the color because like my visor was so blurred up oh damn it i need to keep doing tasks as well don't i ah oh that was oh i can't believe it i was the witness to a murderer and then i got framed got framed so hard then i got framed so hard they hung me up in the gallery of the tape modern okay okay okay jane he's gonna kill one of us if we don't carry i'm sorry ian i'm sorry luke and ellen defend yourselves please okay jane i was with you for the react a bit when there was a dead body i didn't go in the cafeteria at all during that last round okay um luke what have you to say for yourself jane called the meeting right now i called i called the meeting because oh okay sorry i thought jake right i was off doing something immediately sorry i was jane called the meeting and i was like well hang on how do we know jane didn't do it no the thing is if i'm the killer all i need to do is kill one person not call an emergency meeting so it would be really shooting myself in the foot if i called the emergency member but wait you were but at the point where you called the emergency meeting you didn't know that did you that there were enough people dead yeah because no one else it was three of us okay well i can account for my time i went round to the west i had something in o2 with the leaves then i went down there was the the lights were out so i flicked the lights so i did that uh and then the emergency meeting was called we basically got nothing to do and that's all my jobs they're all done i've given myself an extra bit of view hole i think i think jane i think that jane way back a few rounds ago when ellen voted okay around i'll refresh your memory remember i voted for johnny yes you did vote for johnny because i was i was a little you voted for johnny thought it was you ian accused you at the last moment no he is ian also voted for johnny no no not that round yeah you voted for johnny that round and then the last round ian's last words were it's ellen it's ellen and then he went out the airlock no he didn't yes he did of dead but it is luke i only blamed ellen because she threw me sure whether it was you or jane but the fact that you're pointing it on me um yeah that's exactly how you know the meeting and it would be a really bad thing for me to do so either you're being really overthinking it and it's jane ellen i trust you don't make me regret it if it's jane i'm going to be so impressed yeah i couldn't i couldn't have called an emergency meeting if you hadn't fixed the lights if it wasn't ian because and it wasn't because the game didn't end then it had to be luke because he said that he saw ian do it i um i was sure it was luke but because it was so foggy i couldn't be sure of the color of the character and then ellen was like oh it was me well then ellen was like ian didn't do the task and i was like oh it's helen it was ghosts rooting for you look i mean like my fault for not getting the right location for the bloopy crystal thing what did i do what what should i have done at the at the end there because i just need to get one more kill right yeah just kill someone you could have killed someone in the cafeteria stood by the emergency meeting button and then just anyone who tried to use it i've never like i don't think i've ever got that far where it's like down to me is the last impossible is the imposter affected by the lights being off no i don't think i can see yeah they can see perfectly um who so who was the other important i can't take it off because it's really stuck in here but i can oh wow oh wow [Music] i can't believe that ellen threw me out here like with like a speculative vote oh johnny you've never done that you did that to me last time that's your mo i thought everyone else was i i was like okay i'm gonna vote and then i just that's my for the next round everyone please keep an eye on johnny thing ian had also voted for you or yeah and i was just like oh what i i just have those chickens johnny they've come home to roost that's not what they're supposed to do they're supposed to be packing in other people's yards i'm so annoyed that i've played myself right at the end there should we do another another round yeah yeah let's go another round don't mind if i do okay all right a bit more visibility now ready to mute well i'm i'm muted yes playing the innocence game today look at me not doing any murders uh okay medley don't normally have tasks in the mad bay i'm normally um normally i have a wiring task i pretty much always have the wiring task very rarely have anything in the med bay oh oh i'm on the way to the reactor so i've got a job in here so that's all good let's uh use that and hold my little hand waiting ready and waiting for a second user come on there we go now don't hurt me jane okay sweet one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve all right where am i going now okay electrical this is the wiring task now don't kill me luke oh it's nice to be able to see although i have like horse blinker vision at the moment like i don't have any peripheral it's still foggy and then i have like just this like it's almost like having a suit of armor on and you've got the eye slit but it's vertical rather than horizontal um so it's making so i can see a lot more now but um it's not as foggy but i'm definitely uh still a little bit blind on my peripherals as long as no one dies on my left hand side or my right hand side oh i knew it i knew it when he turned around i was like i knew it it's exactly what gave me the fear when uh when johnny uh turned around to try and get me it's that double back you're like oh i know i'm screwed i can't believe it stabbed me right in the face with this weird creepy alien tongue hello hi hi dad ian i saw mike um i was with mike when he discovered the body because we were both running up a corridor together on the east side of the ship and i saw the corpse at the same time mike did and jane uh um also fixed the reactor with me uh when that went off so i sort of stuck around with her because i was like well she's safe so um well clarification i didn't fix the reactor i went to do it and i was too late so someone okay someone else is about to go nowhere but also also um i was in admin doing the swipe card thing right at the start and jane was also in the room and could have murdered me but didn't so i'm pretty confident that james i vouched for mike i feel like i've seen a lot of everybody accept ellen near the end hang on everyone look into the webcam for a second hello please have some exciting news what is it what's up mike look into the webcam please the imposter is me i've heard all i need to do all right vote this is huge what huge is true um why would you say something kind of play is that why would you say let's see yeah i think luke wants to win as the imposter having told everyone um yeah that is that's a no that's outrageous why would you double bond what's that quote when people tell you do you want to know who the other imposter is believe them who's the other imposter what's it worth to you oh i see what you wait no but what is it as well it's not what is a humongous one luke what could we what could we coerce yeah what kind of i want protection next round i want my family to be taken care of by which i mean my small among us i believe that i firmly believe that chaos is a ladder um the other imposter is the airlock he's dead yeah yeah well that's how you know that's how you know why don't we keep an eye on luke next round and then we'll know whether he's lying or not i'm going out the airlock i expect i'm the imposter yeah there he goes it's really weird i don't know that's what's going on what are you doing does luke need to go to the restroom yeah wtf that's me doing some non some censorship i don't what is that what what is that play i need to keep doing my tasks i haven't i've hardly done any tasks i'm i'm ruining this for everyone i'm so confused select anomaly okay that one's done what's he say well look why would you do that thanks luke we need to know i'm sorry what dude why'd you eject me [Laughter] how much money have ellen and andy given you yeah yeah i said it was evan yeah johnny johnny was on to me all right how did you know johnny how did you know i just i saw everybody by ellen oh yeah yeah about 20 30 seconds before the body was found i was like i've seen everybody about ellen ellen is either dead or an imposter and then later on i saw alan just got like past like she so did did you too uh luke and i'm sorry andy and ellen just go and wood chipper through everyone did you just work yeah pretty very much i was still alive right right i was the final kill did you just not want to get murdered you just took yourself out luke is that was the stress too much you couldn't take it anymore i told you i couldn't i told you he was possessed by the spirit of halloween wait a minute wait what are you like trying to speed run tasks because as a ghost you can are you trying to speed up your task rate don't try and understand him johnny gaming is it's just i need to know it's galaxy brain stuff i kind of thought like if you're dead then if there's one ghost then yeah you can basically like speed run all those tasks and it's a massive boost to the team overall for only taking one wow i don't think that makes any sense because at the end of the day it's bodies that we need alive and that's yeah yeah yeah i did have like i was trying to convince everyone to vote for ellen and then you dropped that picked out yeah you also just confused the team massively yeah ether and i didn't do it as well ether and i didn't do any ghost tasks because we were typing like wtf [Laughter] that was absolutely bug wild wild well interesting another round yeah once more with felix all right it's so confusing meeting up all right everybody oh jane your little baby spawned in first it's just like oh jane's really small good luck have fun thanks all right i'm muted oh not the murderer again why will i not be that bro i need to hide my comments as well so i didn't see you like talking about who it might be it's time to do some tasks i'd like to do some murders at some point you know i feel like it's about time i didn't murder [Music] so far i've been uh i've been pretty uh pretty peaceful ian is not sus ian is uh he's innocent oh i'm green oh no look i'm clashing with my outfit now never mind okay nice quick download task oh oh what it cancels it if you look at the map oh oh nuts that's right next to me come on let's get this download done and then i can go straight to o2 okay why did luke go to that and not the o2 thing is he gonna murder me no i thought he'd murdered me then hi uh i found a purple body uh which is alan i see in electrical in the upper bit of electrical shocking the kill box [Laughter] anyone see anything unusual suspicious i saw you run away from the o2 yeah that's because i can't figure out the layout of this i try and go round the top and then there's not a connecting way so i went around the bottom but wait you were right by the room when i saw you run away from it well that's not where the flashing arrow was pointing towards the flashing arrow is pointing down diagonally i finished the top one so you must have because you got to the top right one just as i finished it oh okay that would explain it because yeah the arrow was pointing down which is why i changed direction okay i did two tasks i did the leaves in o2 where you have to get them into the slot and i went to navigation and i was downloading the data when the alarm went off which is when i left i saw andy and mike um at the beginning and yeah that makes sense with where andy was i think i don't think loli's is the imposter because i think yeah i saw her do the because i came to do the o2 thing or whatever it is with the code and i think she'd already completed it so um she could have killed me as well i think she was sort of standing there long enough okay like playing among us with a football mask what has the football mascot been up to ian what have you been up to oh me oh i thought i don't talk about loneliness she looks like mr blobby [Applause] uh i did um some downloading data tasks and then when the o2 alarm went off i was in there wow i was in the um i i was doing it astonishing that that was to hang yes deeply embedded in dialysis breaker law oh right good um yeah me and luke were in um admin doing the o2 uh tasks yeah o2 in admin what i thought was weird is that luke came in while the o2 alarm was going off and went to do the wiring task rather than going straight to the o2 thing but it didn't do it because wiring doesn't take long luke are you the imposter again you might be thinking of me i came in to do the wiring task and then i abandoned it to go and do the o2 and i think you were in that room oh maybe i don't know i don't know if anyone heard that but watson thought that was rubbish [Music] okay i'm not it wasn't me don't vote for me i didn't see how many people voted for me because um i i'm rubbish don't kill me okay i'm oh wrong way i'm god i've not done many tasks oh i took a sip of coca-cola just then it's fizzing oh don't kill me voice okay um i was the fuse box in the near reactor near the engine bit doing what chasing me chasing chasing no i was running behind ian you do any tasks no i was on my way you didn't do any tasks this whole round that's actually quite true yeah you were in med bay watching me scan myself but you didn't actually do a task you followed me straight out of med bay no i was standing in med bay what were you doing i was scanning my i was on the scan surface but you were just stood next to the scan surface watch i was like how i remember it i was on the scanner and when i when it stopped i went and you were still there well imposters do have a famously bad memory no is that a thing okay well ian said enough wow oh ian that's that instantly makes you suspicious in my eyes but i'm a little suspicious of jane i have to say i'm suspicious of both of them they wouldn't both be an imposter yeah did you vote for free in last round or was it like yes yeah why did you vote for ian posters they wouldn't be trying to put suspicious suspicion on each other i don't think no well um i don't know look at ian like just look at him i do wish that i chose it allowed me such a flawless poker face innocent feed him to the cons where's jane up there i'm here guilty guilty up there guilty lowly you're not doing what i think guilty innocent see ian you're not doing yourself any favors here buddy i'm convinced that one of ian or jane is the imposter but i know i just have no idea which one it is oh my gosh no i really want to again just forward this theory that it could be both and also ellen what were you up to explain yourself being dead deadly is what she was like and we accept that alibi do we okay did jane find the body in the first i wish i'd voted for jane i've voted for him johnny's the only okay korean we're gonna be killed by indecision what should we do this time let's stick together let's stick together i nearly forgot to meet then i think it's jane don't stick with andy what uh wait i need task oh my tasks are in the the kill box i'm not close enough to do the tasks okay just going to do my engineering this is okay hello hi i just had a task in med bay and it wasn't the standing on the platform scanner thing okay test tubes which means i think they're lying no there's oh ian and jane yeah yeah there are multiple tests in each but we can have different tasks right yeah in the same in the same room and yeah there are different ones no that happens i don't know it's definitely still a drain though i'm pretty sure that's it's okay to have to have different tasks okay so who did you vote for ian you voted for jane yeah ifo what did you do i skipped i skipped if you and i were together in a room where i think we both had ample opportunity to kill that's true so yeah i think i trust you famous last words i'm gonna stick with ether and luke because that sounds convincing i'm gonna stick with you guys i only have a couple more tasks today why do i not sound convincing sorry i thought i had some dynamite evidence there we've only got two corpses so like if we hit the tasks hard okay let's do it good luck imposters yeah bring it thank you i mean ian she was gunning for me johnny [Music] if it's not jane then i'm gonna feel very ashamed oh who's who's mike you're me um yeah if it's not jane then i'm gonna feel very bad if it is jane then uh i'm going to be like i told you so i told you sir look who was right it was right okay this is nice and quick okay hopefully is there a time on this o2 thing oh oh it was jane come on i knew as soon as i saw you hovering outside that room jane i was like it's over for me i was like i'm so sorry to break this to you ether that is why you go do oxygen i really loved it um ian should have had me because i was waiting in an event in med bay bear in mind i haven't been the imposter i don't think in any of our streams yeah this was my first time well congrats on absolutely nailing it yeah it was all johnny literally johnny did all the legwork he carried this team i was waiting an event thinking this would be hilarious i was waiting an event in med bay didn't know anything about kill tuck i leapt out terrifyingly and then i was just like waiting by the med bay because i couldn't press kill i didn't see you i didn't see you vent yeah i i i i was like i really hope ian can't see me just like waiting here to meet her i did that's a little glass do you see me in the reactor did i see you in the reactor yeah uh not that i remember or if i did if i did i don't think i saw anything suspicious i was up top and i was like i was i had been pretending to do a task and then you were there and i was right by the vent i was like i wonder if i could vent and just see if he sees me and then i was like wait my kill countdown's nearly ready again and it went two one and on one you left the room so i was like [Laughter] on the one hand like the way i play this game basically is just i i try and do the tasks as quickly as possible in a super focused way but it means that when it comes to the chat i have no observations about anyone else yeah i've not been looking for other people yeah um but it saved my skin that time i suppose i do want to like try grouping up with people because i think i'm super vulnerable wandering around all the time but it's like how do we know yeah then when you've got an emergency or a task or something you can't yeah so i did the one engine and then the arrow was pointing at the other engine and i was yeah but i was following the arrows like everyone does during the emergency i'm putting us back in the game i mean i ran to flex the o2 and i said as soon as i did as soon as i saw you see me come back yeah like you saw him you saw me coming and then you sort of double back you were like a spider you were like all right here she comes here she comes yeah it's all over for jay i um i really enjoyed um jane and i did chase idiom down the corridor [Music] because of my inability to sound trustworthy in any way you did amazingly well there jane okay here we go once again kill freehand here to save the day people are telling me there's some keyboard controls um in the oh god in the rules somewhere but um i ain't gonna do keyboards i i i would have to keep looking at the i'd have to keep looking down to find the keys oh okay okay i didn't see them uh jade was behind me so i can vouch that it wasn't jane uh and i literally saw luke's legs like that and then they fell so it must have just happened oh so someone going through two wards like i was in the like andy you were on the o2 so i was i fixed the o2 you and i both came in and saw that the uh o2 was occupied and turned around at exactly the same time to go to the second one and then the emergency finished yeah okay i'm getting out ahead of any anything as well because i wasn't near any of this i was actually in the reactor doing the thing because i felt like i was too far away to go to run all the way to do o2 so that's where i was i did the bottom of two and ian arrived towards the end of it yeah yeah i turned up to do the bottom one and lili's had just finished it okay okay so johnny what were you doing i was in navagashwan and i was clicking on the cross thing to make a cross where we need to go okay that doesn't take very long no i know luke where were you why weren't you doing the emergency because i saw a bunch of people head towards it and i figured but there's two good places to do the emergency yeah i always go and we lost the last round because i think i was fixing the first yeah andy andy was behind me so like i was walking down the coast uh jane was behind me as we were going through shields and then i walked and luca just died so it couldn't have been andy and where did you come from when you came into the into my o2 fixing place where do i come from yes uh from the canteen [Music] i think it's such that johnny wasn't fixing the o2 i saw ian in the canteen like a while ago what were you doing in the canteen uh i was doing a wiring where in the top right what else did you do apart from top left top right is the trash suit and it's something else i believe and the o2 and the [Music] i've got a very bad memory i've actually forgotten what i did but i didn't kill anyone don't no i didn't kill anyone i did my memory i couldn't remember i couldn't reply [Laughter] [Music] i literally couldn't remember that's still funny every time i actually couldn't remember oh no oh what a why even look i haven't done any tasks what that's why i couldn't remember because i hadn't done a task [Music] oh my oh dear what an idiot let's see what people are saying in the comments oh yeah people up yeah lots of iana's and oh dear forever suspect oh no i'm an idiot i've got only got myself to blame instant i would have voted for me 100 would have voted for me uh map and he's dead in the reactor room oh with the stick a lot of people are dead oh okay i saw andy briefly in the reactor room um when the first alarm was going off um because i was in there resuming the boop task that i had before and then i went to because i have three tasks we'll have two left now and electrical um so that's where i was when the alarm went off that checks out i did the i did one of the reactors and i saw you and andy in there coming to fix it i was nowhere near there i was on my way but i was coming from navigation so i was very far away but i did do the top o2 one when though two went off because again i was right there yeah i was in the i was at the other ot one in admin yeah i saw uh mike and ellen i think in the o2 i think maybe ellen i don't know ellen or mike did it well i got that too late i feel like we either believe lolis hold on did anyone see jane in the reactor during the first alarm because jane and i were running that direction together and then the alarm went off i went into med bay and she kept running that direction i feel like i didn't see jane jacobs and she's not when the alarm went off i went into med bay and you kept running towards the reactor probably i don't remember maybe she's the person i've seen the least and also she i saw her go towards the reactor after the reactor alarm stop so and there's two imposters left so we got it we got it we gotta get someone i wish i don't remember i don't remember as far back as they wrecked a bit but the last thing i did was in med bay so but then that's not what lollies is talking about so uh johnny what have you been up to i was i did shields at the bottom and then i went to fix the reactor from there and then i went into admin okay i only have two tasks left um since i think out of everybody i trust johnny the most johnny accompanied me to electrical okay i think it's interesting johnny i think and johnny the the imposters okay sure that's completely you're that's based on nothing but okay that makes sense i'm surprised that if i trust him [Music] wow i've got laser tasks to do still keeping everyone waiting i can't i can't do those ones can i someone else has to do these ones wait what's up game what's that emery for [Applause] was about to scream in ghost chat i saw jane vent um i can tell you one thing i'm never doing again what's that voting three sting johnny yeah right come with you to electrical i'd be delighted anyway johnny mvp there i killed literally no one i i really had eyes for space mike smith yeah yeah you so many opportunities to kill me and you just didn't i was waiting for the perfect moment marinating you that's what you need to know about yeah no no it was a conscience but um oh my god it was so close when i killed luke i literally i saw ellen and jason yeah i literally saw the legs just go like that and i was like yeah i had by the end i was like i'm pretty sure it's johnny and i and because if was defending him quite sort of enthusiastic because his story checked out i was like well he's been everywhere that he says he has and i yeah clearly that was a mistake if a tree falls in the forest and there's nowhere around to here then if then johnny is a murderer but if not he's bossy who doesn't kill anyone are they an imposter split the vote mike you should have listened to lowly's totally had me like when she's like i saw you i saw you going and i'm like no she did let's not blame um let's not let's not blame anyone except johnny who has such a fantastic amount of chill yeah you just have a perfect laissez faire i don't even care what happens but i cannot muster myself all eight of you invited me out right at the start and i hadn't even oh should we do should we do one more round and then switch to um yes yeah okay all right and this is the real one this is the real this is and this is the real among us all right muted again never never gonna be i'm never gonna get my murderer on gonna have to do some stupid tasks doing all the fixing do not kill me oh my god how did nobody see that how the did no one see that okay okay that was it was the report button that kept flashing when i was in a certain area and i was really confused where are you running back and forth i'm in the cafeteria it's kind of towards the he's top right wait does that mean that like are you behind like a wall or something or no but i was i was running through the middle but you know the way the emergency button's in the middle so i had to run around the table and as i was running past the emergency button the report button was lighting up but then i couldn't see anything so i went back and then i thought it was the emergency button that i had lit up but it wasn't and then i kept running back and forth and then eventually i found ian okay so you did you saw ian's body i did i did in the end yes and it was in the cafeteria yeah top right lolis was in the um in admin with me doing a task from what i can tell i mean on the way in i think she was doing it yeah for an amount of time um i saw jane go into o2 yeah i did the leaves i was in o2 for a little bit as well they can't hear me can they um do we all say what i don't know should we say well the body was actually in the cafeteria then johnny no it is i was trying to work out where to go and then when i went back that way ian was sort of going up towards weapons that was the last time i saw him alive then i went down i saw loli's go up and then i went into admin and did the swifty card which i think mike was also doing could we narrow this down because it was so quick if we if we just all sort of say like what compass point did we sprint off towards at the beginning i went to navigation which is east i saw jane go down i don't think jane could have done it i also went east i went the second have you done a task and navigation yeah it was the one where you move the uh cross hair onto a point okay it flashes green johnny i i went straight to admin did the swipey card and then i had a task in cafeteria and that's when i found the party johnny what were you doing i was pinging my way through some rocks in weapons when they're ready maybe maybe oh um okay is that deserts just desserts or is it deserts he was very fast and loose wow i better do some tasks instead of uh getting confused about spelling download it down oh never um ellen you reported it right yeah yeah and i think by you going i think you were trying to find the report button i don't think you did it i think you were too far away wasn't it luke that was going up though luke was with us for a second yesterday luke was oh okay who was it that was bad it was like he was with us and then died basically it was the same thing where i saw luke's bottom half standing there and then it flipped over oh damn but i i think i i think i maybe saw the culprit like escaping northwards but i i don't know who it was where was the body uh shields so jane and i were both on the shields thing um what what was the task that you were doing on shields jane the hexagons where you go yeah nice nice and then yeah so i trust jane um and i think jane was just that little bit too far away to have killed luke i think someone like swooped in passed through and actually they went the other way they went northward towards did anyone see anyone going i've got a map now towards i guess like navigation or ro2 no i mean that's the way of it i'm a navigation but yeah you guys saw me i went to cafeteria then i went weapons then i went to then i went navigation i was down in electrical enough i was down in electrical and if actually if someone could tell me how you do the thing when the circles are going around oh you got it all right anyway i was having real trouble i was in um i couldn't tell you which room it was in uh but i had a task and i thought i'd completed it and then it failed and so which task uh i honestly can't remember no i've been i've been too busy scrutinizing uh everyone and i think i think it's andy and ether but it could be loli's playing amazing game uh i would say that i would say that ether hasn't volunteered any information no because i'm in this round again i'm listening i was in weapons i was clearing out the asteroids and i it was an admin swiping like my card but i didn't see anything of what of the incident that happened so i'm i'm just trying to gather information at the moment yeah i believe i believe that's my guess unless lolis is just playing an amazing game so i'm going to go for either and hope that someone else is voted wow it's the time i did that vote see the fact that space mike is so um okay ellen stick together with me i'm scared where do you want to go i'll follow you oh this is right next to ether says matt clemson oh wait i thought it was right next to purple oh dear whoopsie all right let's see if i can do it a task this time i've still done tasks i'm the west coast i'm a very very bad space ghost okay done at least i can like speed run my tasks a bit i think i'm very confused today i think maybe i'm tired i think more i i don't think i'm tired actually i'm a bit tired but i think it's more that my brain is cooking in here wow first time geez um oh god i can't do those ones can i what are we doing e electrical okay lower engine lower engine zoom okay and then let's stop off in the reactor on the way and do whatever the hell this is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten tasks completed okay upper engine and then weapons weapons weapons why is he still oh yeah it's because he's just stood there being suss af she might have done a kill in a group then um task wise getting very close to doing all mine okay is that all my tasks oh i can't deny it killed mike yeah i saw it too no no no no no these two are working together no that's not that's got really irish no way no no no these two are working together and they waited they waited until i came over like towards the three of them they were all like hubble together and then one of them did a stack kill no no no no because i was in navigation i was setting the course i was setting the course of navigation would have been dead much sooner because we were all in the reactor room i stuck around and watched jane do the beep and they we all stuck together no no no i said i said of course because you went you went down towards the reactor the other way from where we were all going and then she suddenly decided to come back and follow us for some reason no i was because i was doing my tasks rather than like everyone grouping up together waiting for kill no no we were grouping up and going task by task we were following each other to task we were going over to the o2 to do mine now absolutely so absolutely sauce and yeah we passed andy he could have well he couldn't have done anything but wow if if if we don't win then it's andy next hey just because just because i was with jane for the whole time that's right loli's it could be lolis i just i thought to myself this is my third time in a row so i'll just be as blatant as possible and i was like that was your critical mistake my critical mistake was naming appointment of the compass that was near ian and nobody else voting but lowly speculative little products [Music] i had to stick with jane and ellen because i knew that they they definitely weren't them but i knew i made such a poor appraisal of myself in the final thing but if i did anything even vaguely suspicious i was out so i was like i thought it might be mike i'm just gonna prove my innocence look there's literally nothing like if someone else gets killed it's clearly gonna exonerate me and then mike was following me and ellen around like hey friends what are we doing now where do you want to go i'm not holding it i didn't do any tasks because i was like we're not gonna win on tasks i don't think i'm assuming johnny you're the one who was locking all the doors all the time oh my god it was so much fun in the last round i was just when you were along i was like i'm gonna make you pay yeah criteria is closed yeah all the doors were just closed all the time where i was trying to go i was just watching your frown get deeper and deeper i can't go anywhere on this hunk of joke well we nailed it well done to the detective team yeah and jane yeah so hang on hang on hang on what's this well done to the detective team of ellen and james you both saw me murdered right there in front of you it was me yeah he wasn't on our screen even stabbed me in half i was like here we go and then immediately saw you too i thought i was i thought it was done bathed in blood i i i was like well done luke for dying i was saying like i didn't see but jane was too far away from luke to have actually killed him like because like we were both the yeah the cone of visions of you it's a killer the killer yeah and yeah i saw you kind of go oh and i was like oh it's it's fine it's not it's not yeah and i thought it was sad for everyone else all right before we do hide and seek can i tell you could i tell you why why i said i was the imposter oh yes please okay right not when we asked you yeah well okay okay so there was coward it was twofold and both of them i freely admit and admitted at the time to myself and to the viewers of the live stream were bad ideas that were unlikely to work but we've been streaming this enough time i thought like let's just let's try something new yeah okay so so my first thing was if i just say i'm the imposter i just wanted to look at everyone else and just see if there was a real obvious surprise from two people there was a reasonable surprise from eight people which unfortunately rendered that uh rendered the experiment a complete failure the other thing i was thinking is i had this sort of idea for a play when i was the imposter where as soon as i could i would say i'm the imposter and the other imposter is for instance space mic when it's not space mic and then i would surely be ejected but it would throw everything else into such confusion that the person who was the imposter could have a really easy run of it and no one would trust anyone the entire game and it would be like a good way to throw yourself under the bus early doors as the imposter gives someone else a chance i thought that did work i thought the fact that you said your co-imposter was someone who was already dead meant that you were the imposter and you didn't want to name your co-imposter yeah well i like i say it was a bad idea it was a bad idea and poorly executed so it was i mean yeah i mean i say that i knew i knew you weren't the imposter because i was the ambassador but that was the way i would have been thinking about it yeah yeah andy you were the most shocked actually i think well you know what maybe if this was a play that was more commonly used yeah i would be able i would have been a western way of it yeah the west away just chuck it in every night and again see what happens well my thinking was like now forever if i do this i can always do that like when i'm the imposter i can always say i'm the imposter and no one will know what to think i mean it's sort of like i was the first person to vote for you it's always the imposter yeah it fundamentally undermines the social contract which is why i like it as a cat which is what i'm all about oh dear i'm gonna be like um anyway it was a bad idea and it would i would only have paid off if i got to actually be the imposter again which i uh which i i didn't so yeah i really felt like i've been hugging it today sorry about that yeah that was last week it just happened yeah okay so loli's how do we hide and seek okay i've i've started a new room with the rules uh the way it works is there'll be one imposter and they announced themselves at the beginning we don't mute my specialty everybody knows who the imposter is um and then the pastor gives everyone 10 seconds to run away um and then for all of us who are not the imposter we're just trying to like complete our tasks and stay alive the imposter is trying to kill all of us now however like the imposter has like the smallest con of vision ever so it's like the lights are turned off for the imposter and everyone else can see loads so we can all like tell each other where the imposter is um if we see them but if you die you're not you're no longer allowed to share that information because obviously you could just follow the impossible if you don't you mute yourself so we can stay on youtube well you can stay on muted but you just can't share with the imposters yeah um there's no emergency meetings you don't report bodies so eventually you just find loads of corpses everywhere which is horrible um and that's okay and just so just to be just to be clear ladies because sorry i was doing some uh obs stuff in the um when you were laying out the rules to begin with so we don't so we talk to each other through the game audibly in this mode right and the impostor uh is chasing us down our job if you're if you're the imposter you say who you are yeah and you and everyone else's job is just to try and do tasks and not get killed yeah love it that sounds amazing fun that sounds like a way easier game yeah it's not like it's great no deception oh that sounds so refreshing okay who are we missing in this lobby ian sorry i oh i'm not in there [Laughter] i got the code wrong so let me do that again all right oh i see that the email the email title is a different code to the actual yeah well i just i just tagged on to luke's previous email ah a new email threat oh no how many deep is the last one night there we go leagues all right [Music] i hate this bit of hide and seek where everyone leaves you quite scary see jane let the rest of us know so we can try and avoid my communication it was scary i saw her and i ran away and she didn't get me and i hid and it was fine and i don't know where i am this is all good intel luke thank you oh where are you you rascals i had so many of you justin there were catchers you all slipped through my grasp i already think this mode should be the whole game is [Music] is everyone still alive yes well i guess you have to stop talking if you are this is just like friday the 13th when i can't wait you're just making me mad and madder it's just going to be a wonderful get it it's going to be a lot more horrible a lot more anatomical you're using sabotages james you're funny you should make sure you can't you're sabotages i forgot all right okay oh sorry james cheating james all the sabotage jane i don't think i can cancel it but i'll stay no that doesn't make sense because it would be way too easy anyway if you want to sabotage i won't anyone got eyes on this on the jaina morph oh my god i would love to kill someone so much there's a purple who's the purple is that you know it's not me it's not me [Music] yes no person down who was it who's dead me am i allowed to do my ghost test yeah oh man you're doing really well on tasks everyone so um yeah but it's gonna get slower and slower as you play in slag i've nearly done all mine yeah i've done all mine i've done all mine i'm just hiding in a room and i'm not going to say where good luck everyone yeah my task my tasks are all done i'm almost done almost done oh man where can we hide luke i don't know i don't know yeah yeah like generally if you were hiding where would you like to hide what kind of genuinely if i was going to hide it would be in storage yeah i would hide inside i would definitely hide near the tree i was so nearly nearly done if it's not in storage gosh i don't know where tasks would anyone like to do now who's still got who's still got tasks someone's [Music] [Music] i didn't want to ask what it was because i was trying to turn the key for the drop ship and i was like how do i turn the keys oh my gosh that one took me ages i've not done that one before ella was in the i chased ellen into the drop ship then i killed oh i killed johnny and i assumed it was johnny that i saw go into there but presumably it was both johnny and ellen in the drop ship no that was right at the end i didn't i ran off all along that was spectacular let's never play the old version again i've added another task just to give the imposter a bit more yeah the other thing you could tweak i guess is the the view distance of the imposter like no that's the whole point yeah yeah yeah i know but like if it got a bit easier yeah it was too easy um because it did we did have a lot of people still alive at the end yeah good luck in posture yeah who died great time who died in that one i died three people died i did that's not too bad all right here we go okay all right what's your disguise color okay even camera color it's me i'm the imposter oh my god it's nick okay nine eight he's doing the countdown all right come on come on come on who can i find i don't like it when you don't see him okay my kill button just flashed up for a second but i didn't see anyone you saw me oh my god the kona vision is so tiny honestly if the imposter runs into a room with you my advice is just stay still i just saw luke bottom left map his vision is based on movement is awful it's really annoying yeah that's horrible well well oh my heart was in my my fair that was terrifying i thought he went a different direction so i just chilled out and he got me how people doing on tasks i've still got a few to go i've got four left does anyone want to come and meet me in the laboratory he's in the laboratory i just saw him who did i just kill i think it was eve i didn't even stay to look at the name there's no time i hunger i hunger i saw that who was that oh my god he's blue congress he's tearing through very scary by scary storage that's where he keeps all the spooks oh my god is there anyone left who's left there at some point yeah who's left tell me who's left where are you and what location he did just then but you'll never actually do it oh he's up there johnny up there so you must be down somewhere mike this is like having a blindfold on it's so where are you i've done my tasks i too wait no everyone who's done their tasks report to the main spaceship for medals oh my gosh guys you heard the announcement to the main spaceship i love murphy's we're all going to get space medals he's here he's here no he got mike he's got mike this gets harder and harder the more people you kill because the tasks just get like the clock task clock is just going up and up who's left me so no one knows um he chased me through the moon by storage no that's good i want to kill the ones who've done all the tasks finish your time who's left dude come and get me luke yeah luke i will come and get you jane finish your tasks tonight oh i thought that was the last task that was kind of cocky oh yeah oh wait oh oh boy you'd like to know where i am wouldn't you lose yes please johnny if you could let me know right a place with lightning and a handprint damn if i knew this game even just a little oh you'd all be so sorry and you look no idea how stupid from here you have no idea how furiously i'm clicking right now who's got eyes on luke nobody just a bunch of corpses just a load of photographs you were so close right there and luke were like so close hello who was still alive there johnny and jane yeah um i would suggest uh bumping up the imposter cone of vision a small amount fraction but that was brilliant that was fun you were a very scary scary yeah when i saw the spikes of that mohawk terrifying [Music] oh boy oh everyone yes there's duties yes okay not sure all right who is it no wait we're not sure it's me yes finally [Music] i'm coming that was yeah [Music] [Music] i don't know how big the kona vision was for you lot but i was okay ian just ran past me i didn't say anything he's in the laboratory i had to stay quiet so that he wouldn't double back and get me great work dude is he doubling back and getting you yeah [Laughter] i was able to tell you quite successfully yeah like i saw in quite clearly and he didn't [Music] he was miles away oh god outrageous okay who's left me [Laughter] oh my god it's a bloodbath i can't wait to go back and watch this on the eurogamer one left it's doing a chance to anything finish yourself finish your tasks there's a lot of tasks left to do all right stop this this race crazed killer race through those lights [Laughter] they're coming to get you set it's hard though it's just hard oh my god we're in the final quartile or whatever tasks how do i oh i've got one more to do i've got one more to do i've stuck myself in a thing ian has trapped himself in a [Laughter] [Music] why have i done this to myself ah we put the map on me leave me by communications if you want an ass kicking [Music] where [Music] are you still alive mike yeah oh nice one i thought you're a ghost well yeah they can't that if there's just one person alive then the imposter wins right oh of course yeah i was in decontamination i could see ian pressed up against them [Music] oh no this is the real game as far as i'm concerned this is the game this is the fortnight the original one is save this is video games people come on the games all the ghosts were floating around you johnny trying to form a protective circle around you if we all join hands maybe the evil is defeated [Applause] [Music] you know no mercy try to make yourselves look as least tasty as possible well i'll be the judge of that who is why the tasks take [Music] oh my god no yes [Laughter] you thought i was someone else i'm doing the worst [Laughter] oh oh my god oh my god i'm calling it now i'm calling it now that was the best jump scare of halloween [Laughter] [Music] honestly sweating this is terrifying they actually might [Laughter] [Music] who is alive not ian [Music] [Music] space [Music] no even though i'm already dead it's all right it gets harder and harder for him don't panic don't panic we got this we've got this the first joke that popped into my head one of you must have something to do in admin [Laughter] oh my god i can't believe we wasted an hour playing the other game all right i've done all my tasks i've also done all my times where are you johnny i thought he might fall oh oh oh god he's in it he's in the airlock bit uh [Laughter] oh this is so enormously him i'm having a good time i like video games friends are fun for everybody this come on guys friends do it for us hey that was so close honey you are so scary that was terrifying [Music] that was fun [Laughter] i can't wait to look back at the footage when i open the door and johnny is stood still on the other side like hello i was wrapped in the decontamination room going oh my god is he in here with me who is me from ellen for so long while i was waiting the cooldown the cooldown is long okay are we good to go yeah you can do 10 seconds no not not best to not start just yet yeah [Music] this changes things i found venting wasn't super useful because the cone of vision is just small i didn't use it you can get it round faster what color is that are you ellen purple the color of murder [Laughter] [Music] which one of you will die before you die stay where you are okay laboratories in the laboratory in the laboratory [Music] oh god that's where i was heading run away oh andy you made me jump sorry i'm gonna finish all my tasks and then i'm just going to follow ellen around broadcasting no i can't because i'm a ghost yeah damn it oh god no don't everyone come into this room that i won't don't say where it is that's a clue it's the one by the with the tree yeah that's right yeah don't oh my god oh the tree room yeah yeah yeah good room over there i'm having a really hard time with one of the tasks but i don't want to say what it is because then oh is it is it that was amazing because it sounded like a like a radio going static she's in the car where is she where is she oh she's right next to me [Music] oh [Music] it's okay she didn't see me oh she didn't see me i stayed quiet and now i can do my last task nice all my tasks are done no i'm gonna go and i'm getting there i'm getting there follow i've been chased away from a few by a rampaging ellen i'm just going to tuck myself away in yeah secrete yourself maybe not like tombs he secreted himself [Laughter] yeah use bile and such to create a nest who's still alive me me me i'm dead wait it's just the three of us that's a terrible hiding place lolis don't say that don't you look in the terrible house you'll know they're looking bad hiding places also it's a good hiding place actually i've tabulated it scientifically all right i've finished my task okay i've got one more ha it just proved itself a good hiding place well where are you then all right tasks are done i'm going to stay here because then wherever ellen comes from i think i can make a run for it [Music] um there [Music] okay okay how are you going to make it harder lollies what are you going to tweak just give us more tasks i think yeah it does there is a tipping point where it goes to just steam yeah yeah because because the ghosts don't have anything in the way so they can just zip across the map so if you're really good at the beginning and kill a load of people it's actually detrimental towards the end of the game yeah yes yes see this game can be just as deep as the one where you talk oh yeah the one we can scream [Music] sorry i'm not looking at the camera was it ethan yeah yes what color come and play with me okay for everyone in the chat saying sabotage comes by the way the rules state you can't sabotage no sabotage i'm telling y'all it's not sabotage that was short-sighted of me oh my gosh [Music] i should have done some more creepy stuff because i i didn't do enough creepers oh it's just andy hello just do sweet handy sweet sweet innocent precious oh too hello stop saying hello [Music] hi oh it's okay ellen it's just me oh i'm a sad ghost now oh [Music] what no you've not seen me you're bluffing you're bluffing you can't possibly you don't no no no no no no no you don't know [Music] so many of us killed horrific because she doesn't even stop she doesn't stop to kill she just runs and kills as she runs break stride i think i just saw it she was heading sort of by the drill oh man [Music] extra who's still in this guy i am i guess stop screaming as soon as i see the imposter nobody freaks out ellen she can't see you it's all mind games don't let that get in your head ellen just don't let her get in your rib cage why won't you play with me multiple reasons most of them stabby too many to list oh no man do people who have to wear like suit and ties all the time just regularly pass out most of them don't have to play among us they're so warm in my spacesuit most of them don't get to play them okay clearly demon all right all my ghostly tasks are done ghostly just doing my last one as mulder i would be more excited by looking at all of these aliens [Music] uh a ghostly tasks done yeah same here and then the aliens would leave and ten seconds later skully would walk in yeah there was a mundus right here scully yeah you said for god's sake scully you never believe me taking your little notes okay ellen's having a very quiet panic attack all right as long as it's quiet oh i'm dead you killed me it's mine it's oh no this that this oh no i have one more oh i thought that was it oh it's okay it's okay don't panic i'm not panicking that's it i've done all mine someone has someone hasn't done that what who is it is it a ghost is it mike don't speak out of the decks no no you didn't you didn't you never did was it like a two out of three job that's why yeah there were two points there where ifer was running straight towards luke and then went when you went up to the um the room right at the top yeah yeah luke was literally next to it on the left doing the fuel cans i had a feeling because i know that i've left that till last a couple of times when i was a crewmate because it's like the it's the riskiest one to go to i think yeah my life is the beginning like i was like kind of like hovering around as well so that if you chased either of us you would chase me because luke still needed to finish his task very difficult now so like like if i got really close there she only had to kill one more i think oh yeah yeah that was okay all right who's not in the room at the moment yeah we've only got time for one or two yeah i think okay okay okay let's make it [Music] is you have to stay in there you have to stay in there for 10 seconds oh no she's a quick counter i know his number's real good four and a half three three and a half two and a half one one and a half one two three four okay let's take it back she doesn't know numbers at all she's trying to continue physics degrees all right who have we got oh there's purple trapped in this room with me there's no way out for you in this room where are you ellen where are you no way for you to leave this building except for one door it's the worst because you can hear the please of your friends like just this day i'll tell you what with jane as the imposter i really shouldn't have gone where i've gone [Music] no in the bathrooms is the right place to be when chainsaw imposter [Laughter] wait what colors characters [Music] [Laughter] or maybe luke was in his custody i was in the room next to it she's in the lab she may be coming down into decontamination he was in the room where it happens okay i cannot believe i made it out of that one alive she's just beneath storage what's storage oh god that's close to me i mean that's not very close to me oh such a long way all right i'm with ian and andy so the challenge is that oh no the chance is that awesome cool the chances that jane will kill kill me before she kills them don't use my body i have to go i have to go back here andy because i haven't finished my business oh god this could be it oh [Music] oh do you have anything terribly important to say to space mike oh no i suggest you tell him now i've always admired your helmet crazy i've just seen jane she's down by weapons he's in weapons follow me mike mike just follow me follow me and keep breathing you can do this you can do this you can do this pump those little eggs you can do this mike i just want to talk come back to you funeral arrangements no thanks okay all my tasks are done that was textbook mike i'm heartbroken that you've evaded me once more no matter what comes through those gates we have a better chance oh i'm doing terribly look at all the tasks you've done together friends to marry hide hiding place i think you're winning like you're winning the psychological battle completely terrible back away from the door andy i need to find someone to hide so you're somewhere with a door is it oh my lucky [Music] yes andy if she gets one of if she gets me [Music] oh [Music] stay alive you geniuses you've got this you've got this come on come on come on come on come on come on luke come on would luke be saving his final tasks oh mike you jammy come on come on why are there so many asteroids to shoot i know i shouldn't be saying that but it's gonna matter [Music] [Music] one more one more one more final one [Music] copyrights speed up and see what happens the what speed speed of the the motorizer no like that would be all of our speeds all of our speeds yeah okay yeah let's try it can we change the music to benny hill the long tasks are so tense yeah i actually i've already started oh nevermind it's fine i did it before you said [Music] oh my gosh oh my god he's after us already through the skull [Music] real fast resident evil villain monologuing perfection of my creation is only matched by his hostility no not this task why would it be this task [Music] we've done i can't keep doing this good mistake i had that i had the bloody simon says button pressing one oh no so long [Music] the thing is as soon as you see him that's it you've got this loop come on this is your whole life focus up boy you've got this what are you trained for lucas what are you training for [Music] oh i did have to do this one i can't breathe oh no oh come on dang it i'm very confused by one of these tasks every time i'm doing a task and i just see another video oh i witnessed a mug oh it just came out the police he literally came out the goddamn walls then where are you now oh my god come on come on at least come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on it is very fun to watch lily's on the map and then look and see her analog on the screen i'm doing my last task who's still alive me me why would it be this one again task them do them do them taskings i'm now also finished my tasks okay one more time it's like it's controlling you yeah this murder spree this is the voice of the brain yes yes i missed it hey mike no i knew you were on cooldown the whole time it was 3d chess so many occasions i ran past and just missed the because the speed is so fast just miss hitting the q button when i when i was the imposter i was basically just like non-stop like on the kill button just mashing the kill button yeah yeah that was too stressful and it was too stressful thank you i never want to do any of that you need to play a site night andy yeah andy please sued us mike is here [Laughter] he's scary and bad i can't i [Music] you look like you're ready for a hodon ah thanks for watching everyone i'm stressed and can't handle it i need to have a lie down yeah i need to do a dramatic loosening [Music] it's your time rewinding powers no thanks everyone i'll never do this again no what's this once our hearts can't enjoy it [Laughter] what's up going on oh yeah could i put yeah let me put the link to our movie watch along in the movie night yeah it'll be much more relaxing than this i promise what time is that kicking off uh in just under an hour at 5pm i mean that's unless mike starts killing everyone yeah if it's possible mike i feel like we can get you like a daily buffer with a brain slug on it that'll really complete your outfit yeah yeah oh wow um yeah dice breaker what have you got going on uh dungeon breaker returns tomorrow in the sword coast it is a lot it's wild so i like what are you guys up to well i just put out a video today that has some brand new spider-man miles morales creative gamepl and the game director so there's lots and lots of nerdy comic book chat in that so do check it out and then tomorrow what have we got tomorrow ian we've got a let's play of a game which i i think the embargo has lifted but i'm not 100 sure so there's a let's play of a game tomorrow mystery it's a little a brand new one yes and uh over on oxtra we have the grand finale of our links awakening let's play [Music] thanks guys that was fun yes yeah thanks everyone everyone terrifying everyone
Channel: Eurogamer
Views: 70,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us gameplay, among us reaction, among us funny, among us stream, among us highlights, among us memes, among us funny moments, among us tips, among us live, among us eurogamer, among us dicebreaker, among us outside xbox, among us outside xtra, eurogamer aoife, eurogamer zoe, aoife wilson, zoe delahunty-light, among us live reaction, among us cam, eurogamer, eurogamer live
Id: 3W7RtbDMFYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 26sec (7766 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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