Among Us Livestream! Imposter Hunt Feat. Outside Xbox, Eurogamer and Dicebreaker

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No amount of monstrous space murder can break up the space buddies. Luke+Ian (and sometimes Andy) best space friends forever

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/jackalope503 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Space friends!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/ramblinator 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Space Buddies until death do us apart

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Anarcho-Biscuit 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] it still hurts us [Music] so oh no what oh [Laughter] yes fancy i don't have anything in front of the code oh no oh quick chris is going real well just as professional as i remember now right all right now we're going oh god all right what the heck is going on here all right hello everyone everyone oh jane we couldn't hear you still still on me you're not me hello everyone uh you're with me today how are you all doing hello guys girls and non-binary pals we're just having some fun in outer space oh swipey card ah oh it's it's been a while while i say that i played this on friday um but it's been a while since i've played with this lovely lot and been murdered by my colleagues how are you all doing [Music] that was so fast i was still remembering how to play the game i have to run outside extra on my own now what who fans who i found luke he was in the shields bit where you have to do the hexagons side of the ship is that on the right right bottom yeah so i i went from the cafeteria i went to jackson leaves went into navigation to do the drag puzzle uh i saw ian walk past me in the direction of where the courts was and then when i walked in next task i saw the corpse next to the the task that luke was obviously trying to do is this a formal accusation it's not a form of accusation but that is the only evidence that i have i'm afraid are you sure it's me because i've been up north well it said ian on it so i'm assuming interesting evidence has been added to the court record unless anyone else has named themselves ian make yourself known now that would be a good play to be fair anyone ian you want to comment i didn't see either of them i uh i've just been wandering around doing um shooting asteroids and changing our route through space so that we don't crash into any black holes um [Music] i will say that the shooting asteroids puzzle is the one that is above uh navigation and shields so even if ian was shooting asteroids he could then walk down south from there i went kitchen no what is it canteen not counting yeah cafeteria asteroids navigation which is where i was currently residing uh when the i was in navigation and then walked out of it and i saw you walk past it so if you were in nav then you must have gone after me i think wales is trying to pin it on me okay see now i didn't suspect you up until that very moment hold on a second all right i've voted but i'm not telling you who foreign is that enough for us wow this is exactly how i expected it to go all right mutiny right oh luke's little face bless him right we need to go okay let's go download in communications oh i've got to go oh gosh i've got two okay oh no oh no okay quick quick quick quick quick and then run to reactor and then i get oh electric got to an electrical okay okay okay don't come in i'm coming oh okay okay i trust loli's trust lolis those wheels okay trust the wheels okay okay i think i trust andy okay okay yeah they're both doing very quick toss that yeah i trust wills and andy okay hi lolis right now need to go up here why is it telling me to go this way ah can i upload data here then it's the electrical one there we go security except diabetic power med bay lolis don't murder me okay all right let's i could do the other one i could do the med bay one let's try and do med bay hi andy i trust you not to kill me there we go okay lower engine right let's do a loopy loop round to lower engine and then to admin oh who's that andy okay don't don't you murder me don't you trust you andy i trusted you you had so many opportunities to murder me and you didn't well i'm the fool now jane go the other way and find me find my corpse okay okay let's upload this and then i can follow i can follow andy the little murder pirate that he is all right all right where is everything what's gonna happen who's gonna die someone's gonna die where is everyone there's only loli's here someone help loli's come on jane up up that's it that's it yes up no no jane no no i saw that no jane i saw that happen all the hard work andy well we're well friends that's right ian the plan worked perfectly [Laughter] i think is there a new task by the way because i had to do something with tubes like test tubes which i've never seen it was by the scanner oh i don't know but i feel like somebody has mentioned a new task to me so i'm interested i have done that one before but like it's age is that the one where you kind of have to wait around for it yeah you wait for an anomaly i've never seen that one oh that's that's a tricky one because oh yeah i've done that before i think i've done it like once so maybe it's quite yeah i've only done it like twice [Laughter] what this is brand new information ian what i was like i was just i just thought i'm probably going to get voted for anyway i can't be asked to argue at this point in the game so good all right well that's a warm-up right that's your warm-up yeah warm-up no one was expecting so i was not playing that round at all they definitely did count though no no you never come forward make this very clear yeah i kept walking past him and thinking yeah no no andy's okay because he killed me yeah gotta wait for the right moment to strike i thought you were sustained because you kept walking up to the weapons while i was there i was like what are you doing still there why are you playing looking at me like that and oh she probably thinks i'm the monkey we're just circling each other that was it andy you stood in electrical at one of the things for the exact same right amount of time as wheels had just stood there and i was like oh my goodness he's definitely doing the task and perfect imposter classic although do trust me in future games though someone in the chat was calling for the westerweight gambit which is where you just immediately claim your administration for me only if you're not the actual imposter though if you're not the imposter oh oh loli's telling me how my own gambit works face us uh all right good good game everybody let's get let's get ready all right okay all right meeting in three two one good luck everyone good luck okay again let's do this everyone okay let's go swipe the card oh everyone's going this way let's go this way oh i've got to go to weapons anyway so here we go oh no one please wheels be doing asteroids okay yeah wills is doing asteroids i think yep yep yep yep okay good good good go to admin and i can upload the data and do the swiping card and fix this oxygen there i'm trusting that he's doing it okay yep he did it it's good it's good okay ian fix the oxygen okay ian no don't leave me in here with luke no no thank you thank you don't don't murder me luke thank you let's upload okay so far i trust luke and wheels but again not completely okay luke went past jane don't kill me please don't kill me jane please thank you thank you reactor let's go to the reactor luke's following me i'm hoping that it's for a good reason okay no i need to go up this way andy don't murder me again please hello ian don't kill me right okay oh okay no wrong one there we go no way i did see andy running out of electrical as i ran in so andy is definitely one of the killers and i'm assuming the other one presented and i think it might be wheels um or no instead it must be wheels because i've seen everyone else if jane are an admin ellen was around admin as well so it's a hundred percent wheels and yeah yeah interesting accusation i ran out of electrical and luke was alive when i ran out of electrical and you were running the other directions there's you yeah andy first because i saw andy there and then i think it's a pretty good thing to just call an emergency meeting and vote for wheels straight away oh well that yeah that sounds very convenient it seemed like we happened to have a lot of the same tasks because we went down i was like clearing out the o2 [ __ ] doing the card swipey thing um and doing like the upload download thing um and release was just there at each together alone alone together a lot i was doing a wiring puzzle next to luke i ran out of electrical lolis ran in and then clearly self-reported that's what happened i would have killed a hundred years ago if i was the murderer you would have followed her around establishing an alibi the oldest trick in the book i'm not you must think these people were born yesterday loli's gonna come out here make up lies this is this is such a classic last time i saw him i walked past him as i was going up to the reactor did i kill you ellen did i murder you no but you might been on cooldown and then you went down and yeah it makes sense you were in the right geographical area okay well outrageous vote wheel snacks oh wheels i haven't done anything wrong that's a classic it's just because i haven't been around suddenly the only one i immediate meltdown i mean yeah come on someone help me down down down go south south efa unless you're both the thing there we go there we go there we go [Music] well okay um yeah i just wanted to call emergency meetings so we could murder wheels what you want to do you've been very clear about what you want in case of information probably not at this point right but no no i didn't say you didn't say if it was a classic yeah and it's pretty sus that like the second he was able to that there was sabotage going on to try and uh extend the amount of time until uh we call an emergency meeting again said before i found the the bodies i said um that i was more suspicious of wheels and andy because they're the only two i hadn't seen at all that round and then i saw andy with two bodies and like i hadn't seen wheels at all and i'd seen everyone else on the other side of the map as well i don't understand how my normal presence at a crime makes me the most ample suspect but i was on the right side of the map the entire time and i didn't see you over there so you must have been on the other side on the right side because i've done shields and i've done asteroid shooting so i've been on the right side of the map just because you haven't seen me doesn't mean i've not been there the only other person i think it could possibly be is ellen well it's not honest i'm pretty pretty i went straight for the reactor also because i've got two tasks to do that so what two tasks i've got to do i did the memory game and it was literally the same button and i got to the fourth one and then someone found a body in the last round i think they've changed it keeps going from where you left it though oh that's good so you don't have to start getting no it it doesn't well 22 seconds 21 seconds i've voted you can defend yourself well i haven't done anything so i don't really know like i i don't know why me not being somewhere like makes me a suspect you're right this is what you do also what was i doing so well you know what i was doing this round because i ran to the reactor and then an emergency meeting was cool but before that i did shields i did asteroids and the voting times the other end i did shields i did asteroids i did electrical definitely wheels it's definitely wheels and no one was ejected because i didn't i didn't know what to do i just like i can't give you any more evidence because i've not been anywhere that has other people in there so i can't really give you all right okay i'm going to stay here and see the garbage i said i've got to go to reactive i'm going to do these ones first because i don't want to get killed because i said i was going to the oh come on come on no no no no no no no call me no one kill me don't kill me whoever's that no okay no all right reactor i'm going that way anyway come on come on come on come on everyone a lovely relaxing wednesday afternoon okay oh it is oh that's good loli was right ah one two three four all right good okay one two i failed this the other day when i did it it was very embarrassing it's because i was doing it too fast rather than not being able to count but still it was embarrassing right storage oh my goodness wheels is it wheels or it's andy angry from beyond the grave all right let's stick with ether i need to go oh got stuck oh who shot electrical okay now bye diamond okay okay okay so o2 ot okay up to o2 gosh i've not been to the o2 in ages it's a very come on come on come on let's get get in there right right ah oh i'm right here uh three six five one five okay hey okay cool all right i've done my tasks done i'm just gonna stick with ifa so we don't get killed this way no no okay okay wheels don't kill me okay i found jane in admin and the person that i passed on the way was those wheels look no okay yeah i passed by me i haven't been to admin like you you double back you double back for a second don't lie you double back in that area i'm fine with that and i saw um ifa and jane on the right side of the map i know ellen and jane on the right side the map yeah and i i followed efa for a while because i finished my task so i was like i'm just going to stick with someone so i don't die i'm a little bit scared of you i'm really sorry i was like just and then the oxygen thing went off so i went to admin and that's where i found jane don't forget to vote this time everyone yeah i've heard all i needed to hear [Laughter] i said it from the beginning oh i'm not sure about this i don't like ellen's face right now oh no don't worry okay oh no it's kind of a damned if i do dan if i don't see it to be fair ellen wasn't you killed jane ages ago so the fact that she ran past i did die yeah i was dead for a while we did a sick double kill and then lowly's ran into the room [Laughter] the only ones so even if i hadn't run into andy i would have still said it was indian wheels because you're the only people i hadn't seen and everyone else i saw on the other side of the map so it couldn't have been anyone else [Music] well thanks for avenging our death much time there at all actually look you've been killed first in both games yes thank you ether i was hoping not to draw attention to it we went out together luke no matter what happens imposter or crewmate should we stick together this next okay yeah let's do it i love it that's okay space friends friends yeah okay close friends stay friends wait what space friends stay friends unless they end up having to murder andy you took my you took my uh yellow um oh it just it decided assigned to me if you're the first one in [Music] i'll change to brown and then you can have yellow oh yeah hang on i'll change to blue this is important okay and then all right here we go just standing next to my space friend go away you're not no they're like ketchup and mustard you're both sharing your trousers my hair okay all right here we go oh yes yes dream team okay let's let's just go straight down storage i'm just fixing the wiring here yeah don't mind me okay all right let's get that it's pretending to feel the engines i like when it gives you uh different things to do um let's do that let's do that oh no reactor be so easy so easy okay well done everyone cool we did it we did it everyone i'm gonna head over to navigation no that's jane jane jane don't follow me in here no jane jane what are you doing oh there's andy oh what are you doing why is everyone following jane um now that's too that's too obvious i could have got ether there that's too obvious let's pretend to download something in communications communications communications there we go let's kill andy dead there's kind of in the open a little bit um but it's fine just doing the leaves i'm just doing the leaves let's just close someone in the med bay for fun let's do that and just freak him out okay ian and luke's sticking the buddies are sticking together so let's not murder them no one's found andy yet oh well that okay i think i think that's fine i think loli's didn't see loli's didn't see oh my god oh my god i'm so lucky oh unless she did unless she did and she's going now no she's not oh oh no okay okay okay okay careful careful careful oh hello hello hello hello my best space friend ever luke just stumbled across uh wheels his dead body in in storage as you can imagine it was quite shocking it was like the hug i'm glad you were there to find it i saw the condiment twins going around together and it was adorable i was on cams and i could see the two of them like yeah running holding hands [Laughter] defenses it's been great it's been nice i'll tell you what like i don't i don't know what it's going to do to the meta but it's just made this a lot less stressful just like oh i'm jealous i mean for all i i don't even know if i don't even care if he ends the imposter he's been behaving perfectly normally not that i'd tell any of you if he hadn't yeah exactly same here and if luke was to save me till last and and take me out then i'd be fine with it yeah and vice versa and if you need to you know so we've got a liking situation like in uh i mean werewolves obviously because what's that so what's what are we here for can we get whales no one seems especially suspicious from what i saw i feel like i saw something slightly suspicious while you were watching cams uh i went into the room jane came into the room i was doing the other uh the puzzle at the bottom of the room so my screen was partially covered when i came out of that jane was gone she wasn't there i went right into the corridor and then she left that same room so it kind of looked like juventud jane i did i think i'm leaning more well i mean there's obviously two but i i have a slight suspicion about ellen but nothing nothing like nothing solid okay i'm sorry i wasn't even sure about that i thought you'd probably completely oh i did vote i did vote for jane oh it's not it's anonymous though so oh yeah all right okay okay here we go back to meeting all right so i need to get ether and uh let's do come on come on come on come on count down count down okay if where'd you go i need to kill loli's next just gone she's just [Music] one gone saved by the bell i'm actually quite glad i found that body because i don't think we would have done no two that was getting a bit tense yeah i was in o2 and i was like is anyone doing it i i found ifa in storage okay um you should say jane um i saw luke and ian i i was in electric glide three tasks in electrical that i just finished and then i ran out and as i was running out ian and luke were coming from the left side of the ship whereabouts in storage because me and luke were both at the bottom i saw the corpse but yeah i don't know we were all the oxygen was there just about saw the corpse sorry i ran down i i said ellen as well in the last round i'm the most suspicious of ellen but again i don't have anything solid to go on i just don't know why luke why wouldn't you report if you report a body it completely nullifies any oxygen problems i don't know i i in the moment i couldn't well i forgot that so either i mean with me the entire time space buddies forever and yeah i've not seen anything together i'm not happy with this space buddy situation anymore because if one of you is the imposter right um one of you like it could be both of you but if it's one of you so ellen wants in on the spacebar it's assuming james assuming jane was the space it's very lucky assuming jane was the imposter and she assuming that she did then if it's one of you we've got like a situation like in werewolf where there's someone who's a lycan who like doesn't just it doesn't care if the imposters win and i don't like it okay ellen i'm not understanding how this is a problem for me or for ian my space buddy that's one of these and i'll be really upset if it's luke at the end but also i think it would be incredibly no it can't be two there we've down we've got one right so we got jane right actually how do you know that because they would have won by now because we've got two imposters left the game would be over so we've got somebody right which it must be jane stop assuming yeah the math is right so assuming it someone i was like am i did i was i not paying attention or did ellen vent into the room that's why i was suspicious one of them is the imposter and one of them is speaking yeah they'll be really interesting would have seen something space friends i think you can run off and one of them is doing their task quickly kill and then come back right maybe or i mean the other thing to factor in is that when i was walking around with ian being space buddies we were both slower at tasks than working so like there is a there is a trade-off there i don't think it's a game-breaking no i was just making a fuss because i was the master oh i want to read out the super chat we've got actually from cynthia who says shout out to my trans sibs on this trans day of visibility oh and hello to wolf in our chat who's off to get their first vaccine dose i've got a fun announcement as well when you're a ghost you can just fly off into space nothing stops what this big [Laughter] explore the news reaches of space who cares about tasks and beyond earthly things now i have done my tasks by the way i must go my people need me george clooney off into the cosmos so i can have a go please um do we want to change maps do we you know i think one more one yeah just getting back into it yeah i'm still still getting into this thing lots of actually space buddies do we do we continue space buddies space friends or should we for the super bowl we want to break the space at night it's beautiful break the space wheel keep going space buddies civil war i think we should yeah i think we should stay space buddies for another game i'm more than happy with that the odds of one of us being an imposter are quite high and i just think it's quite funny by the way luke you do need to come back in yeah oh oh join us oh suss one of us sucks as hell where have you been all right let's do it too late heads dude you've got five seconds three no hats all right see you in a bit good luck see you right now space buddy hello to you oh yeah okay okay now they're getting weird with it all right one more buddies okay okay um reactor unlock oh god communications navigation let's do navigation everyone's here for navigation okay jane and wheels leaving them to it who's alive still they're still alive good right reactor reactor oh my god oh my god oh my god run run run run run run run run come on ether come on get that download finished who was that who was that who was that okay i didn't quite catch the color but um i found lowly's uh ether was in communications it wasn't her um and then i ran past behind me was jane and wheels i yeah i saw you in now and if ian and luke were together that must have been andy that i saw in storage no i was over by the reactor deactivating the reactor thing okay okay how would you describe at the very bottom of storage oh okay so ellen who is your gut suspicious of someone well it's i ellen are you sure that lolis had just been killed or are you seeing someone that was well basically i saw someone run past and i'm like they would have seen her and they should have reported her so i'm assuming it's the killer if ellen uh had wasn't the one saying all this night i would have suspected her because there was literally about five to ten seconds between lily's running past the door of where i was and then ellen running straight past after it literally must have just happened it was very very close because i was over on the road okay now i actually think it's andy now i actually think it's andy because instead of going yeah but luke and ian might be in in cahoots well no if you're accusing me and i'm open by the reactor then why are you doing that if you're not the imposter you need to not go from zero to 100 so fast yeah yeah i don't know i watch the eyebrows i mean i plucked them this morning actually so [Laughter] did we should we just do this just as like an old old-fashioned interrogation like five seconds each andy account for your time okay well i was in wiring uh electrical doing the wiring and then the reactor thing went off and i ran over to the reactor thing to put my hand on it okay l and account for your time five seconds i was in navigation when i walked down walk past communication saw either doing the download thing did anything but i know where i'm going it didn't take my vote in time so that's my fault you're nice to me right i'm staying away from andy right i need to go right ether i'm worried about you for now six four two one eight that was that's that's so irritating okay if is alive we need someone in admin nice try andy nice try okay okay inspect sample i've got to do the sample one so i'll do that run around for the uh okay okay go grab a coffee do that okay hey hey hey hey hey uh you know what i'm gonna i'm just gonna call a thing and say it's andy that's really yeah making up for my error and um i'm going to vote for andy this time turns out okay based on what is this ellen because i forgot to vote for you the last time that's all this is this is the most suspicious stunt i think i've ever seen tell me the last task that you just did please good luck with the last round the last task you just did the one where you aligned the thing on the thing the light this is the dotted line you have to move the thing up there's two of them did the one that was on the left and then the one that was on the bottom it's a line i don't know what it does it's like i just saw you come from the engine room uh which makes me think that that's a lie in the reactor and to be honest i'm running around with my map open so i'm not i don't know where i am isn't the aligning thing in the engine room or is the engine room at the front or the back rooms are top left um and bottom left with the reactor in the middle so if it's a reactor task that ignore me because no i couldn't tell i couldn't tell you what the room from called okay you don't have to this is purely for me this is purely me making up you can all ignore this if you want you can all skip i don't care but it's honestly just me being like i yeah honestly if anyone else dies will owe you an apology yeah a scale of one to ten how sure you that it's andy i'm like on an eight and eight that's quite hard because i either either it's a four or so yeah i just didn't like how like from zero to a hundred he went when i was like oh it might be andy then yeah i can see i haven't figured out yet whether he's not saying anything apparently if i speak or whenever andy when he's being accused yeah yes it's about rage of andy's genius check it and see they can see i'm just passionate about not being falsely accused of space murder i just think it's about not being projected into that right all right all right i'm gonna okay let's let's let's just everyone do what they want with that i want no part of this [Laughter] oh who did that who voted for ellen probably andy has anyone finished their tasks no no no no no not yet when you have follow-up around goodbye sorry okay you're doing that one okay okay if we're right okay all right jane's done that okay okay oh god i just need okay communication so i need to go download the data in communications stressful everyone all right all right okay i've got to all right i've got to empty the sheet now let's hope i don't die here as well [Music] cannot i cannot i cannot i cannot believe that either thank you who dared you ellen well that clears ellen's name might have seen jane running away from her body a little bit where was the body uh at the o2 gauge at the very bottom in storage i was i was just 15 seconds so i haven't seen even i haven't seen the space twins for a while but i i don't think that means anything they're just sort of like not entities now anyway you want to account for for macy and you run away from ellen's body though uh yeah i was in storage coming through storage from the lower right the shields bit i was going up towards the cafeteria i was going up to my last task which was i think weapons because you and alan were pretty much running in parallel and then all of a coming from shields two weapons i was going from shields through storage and then up to weapons because the weapons being the one where you go directly upwards without any cafeteria right storage your tail is being very yeah no i know we're going to present the evidence and we're going to be very very logical about this whole thing but actually i'm lying through my teeth so yeah i've seen no one doing anything suspicious we've been having a great time talking about a different genre we've been having a lovely time but we have come across uh people again like last round it appears to me that ian is doing his tasks though if he wasn't i'm not sure i would tell you because space buddy's right or died so i don't know i mean i thought jane's defense there sounded suspicious i have we i have seen people i have not seen any corpses and i've seen anyone i guarantee you it's jane all right can i defend myself with what i know you can but we've all voted sorry sorry well ether you definitely saw me murder ellen didn't you [Laughter] i was like oh no that's bad timing i literally went i almost i almost missed it because i thought it was wheels for a second so i'm glad that i actually clocked with running of course i should have been like were you sure it was me because what did you say luke what should i have done there oh well i mean i i mean i i can never do the right thing in in in this game but but i think that's the point isn't it where you run to the declare an emergency meeting and accuse the person who saw you yes that's that's what i should try and should have [Laughter] i got killed in exactly the same place lolita so i literally parked myself i was like oh i hope i don't get ki it was funny actually because when i got killed i went to the trash suit and i saw ian just doing a bee line for me and i was like here it goes team sprinting yeah i was like he's not going towards the chat shoot he's coming for me with murdering his eyes so are we changing up the map this time yeah yeah sure okay i know what i won't be changing though [Laughter] best friendship ever we have to quit yeah oh okay right oh okay i'm trying to think of an acronym for us the best i can do is is nasa nice amigos space always good that's good and the good thing is it's not taken so the logo is already nice what about non-amorous space adventures oh i don't know i'm up for something oh you don't want to rule it out firmly established never happened no it gets lightly in space you want you want like that chemistry you know to to be like oh well then they won't name it yeah exactly yeah maybe like season seven or something yeah it'll be like a hint of it but not quite and then people will be talking about it for years to come yeah that's the point when it jumped the shark yeah yeah it's that it's the mulder and scully thing where like once they go there there's nowhere for the show to go yeah that's true so yeah though chat right so i'm gonna tap you the code yes please oh what's up okay yeah because that is that's what you said 786 says you can change the map in lobby now guys lol it's been a long time since we uh by the way if you were expecting us to play the airship map today so were we but it hasn't i don't suppose it was there was it when you made the when you went to the met connect was it wheels maybe it's now but i would assume that you probably have to update the game also slap me the code yeah yeah i too would like the code please okay it's it yeah it's in the zoom chat yeah i don't want to mess with it we don't want to move the windows okay i'll email it hang on thank you huh you should have just emailed it well i thought everyone has to see zoom chat i'm sorry wow i can tell that some people don't have a space buddy system [Laughter] naughty allies space angst which is the different flavors of acronym but i don't hate it zelda boy121 says not always sus aye [Laughter] says nasa never accuse suspicious andy no that's good that's good andy because it means you don't get accused non-suspicious though outrageous the trademark jolts where have they gone oh they're wrong [Laughter] astronauts we're now on um mirror hq okay oh yeah i know which one that is yep it's the lava when the one that isn't lava oh you can go oh yeah hold on so if i go to here and i get a game i cannot see the map option oh i think this person in chat should winding us up all right okay here we go let's do it okay here we go ready good luck everyone i trust you okay your crewmate business cat it's going to do some business oh i've not been on this one for so long whoa yeah oh gosh i've got to remind myself where everything is all the little pictures all right all right so i have to go to the reactor yeah i've got two things to do in the reactor so how do i go let's not die here please good good good oh hello wheels how do i get how do i get in ah ah that way okay oh god okay it's not anything that's gonna completely destroy how do i wait there's another reactor thing i've got ow i can go past that line it's been a while since you've been in this map isn't it isn't it there we go there we go right okay okay so i can cross those borders across those borders i keep thinking they're fences for some reason oh it's the sortie sort yes animals leaf animal gem yay matching oh no reactor well i'm right here i am here everyone come on guys someone come along come on [Music] come on lilies yes lolis yes okay ethan's here is i'm good okay okay i'm trusting him okay oh dead body oh yeah oh ian and i just found andy's body okay where was andy he was on the floor dead i gathered that as is james you were somewhere it was um it was the bit where you come out of the thing and yeah between the docking bill yeah all right okay walkway seeing as this is an interrogation all of a sudden yeah the thing where you come out at the beginning yeah down like the southern most corridor okay oh right right at the beginning there was i mean look i was looking all over the place who can say what happened exactly it wasn't clear to me but why were you there because there's not really much reason to go back to the start unless you've got two tasks at the beginning yeah we've been following each other around so i kind of led him away and then yeah he led me back again yeah it's a bit of teamwork it's a hard like it's a bit of a it's it's confusing because we have to kind of tease which direction we're going in before the other follows and stuff um i will say by the way i don't know what's going on but i do have one task remaining so really no i have been zipping around yeah i saw you in the reactor earlier yep sorry in the reactor i'm suspicious of space buddies why a little bit yeah well the thing is i yeah i'm sort of with ether because ether and lolis were the only two other people who came to the reactor to fix it and then i saw wheels busy you know doing different things at the reactor um before he whizzed off and he obviously like was like a task task task to start you know when you can see someone's like making a beeline for stuff um so yeah also he volunteered the information that he only has one task left just there yeah i will say that i have not bothered to go to any of the emergency things because i've just been like i'm just gonna do my tasks that's why i assumed i was like i bet he's in the middle of the long run i'm busy look what was the last task that you did the bio one in the starting area and on the left of it one where i had to press buttons in sequence [Music] should have coordinated there wow that's the natural difference someone's jealous of friendship [Laughter] [Music] okay all right okay so me and lolis are both stuff of them okay right okay can i go in here is there anything in here yes what what is that it that is a very weird um cafeteria by beverage okay oh uh all right let's go for c4 you could just kill my space buddy afl how could you no i witnessed i witnessed the end of this nice astronaut sexy adventures overall no you didn't see me standing there dude i was in the cafeteria ian i was buying a drink and we were almost chilling i was distraught ran back to press the warning button but reported no i can't i just can't believe i witnessed the end of the fellowship you instigated it i will say look how upset luke luke looks like his face all i'll say is i'm deliberately hiding my face because this is the hardest poker face situation hold on guys buddies that was outstanding oh oh oh we're all just waiting around okay i need to go up to the greenhouse and the office so they're both up here okay okay slowly slowly this is the second one guys slowly do i oh i just click on them cool i've done my i need to go to storage oh my god where's storage i've forgotten where storage is here okay oh that's not helpful why can't i click on that x okay ah here is storage what it says storage oh you're on the outside of storage which is actually in the cafeteria uh all right okay hallway i can't help the reactor everyone you guys better get there you're gonna die i'm gonna die because because ian or loli's set off the thing it's got beard and loli's right okay nearly there nearly there nearly there nearly there nearly there ghost done wheels we're all protecting you you're underneath that's it that's it stay stay together i'm dead guys you gotta come find me come find me it's lolis everyone it's lolita i cannot believe this oh poor luke poor luke betrayed by ian they're both ghosts all that sort of no whoa here's the thing here's the thing okay that was uh one of the most fascinating uh games of among us i've ever played i saw ian stab andy i couldn't believe it i went over to andy and i was like what am i going to do i was like i could we could just walk away we could just walk away from this but you could report the death of your good friend and i did report it and then you did you so you watched that kill him reported it and didn't say i saw ian look these were in uncharted wars i think you'll find i was i think you'll find i never said ian didn't do it i chose my words carefully then if you watch it back you you watched it almost almost suggest yeah you'll see i think if you watch it back you'll see me struggling with the weight of the great truth i'm so upset and i'm really sorry because when you killed when you killed luke wheels was right beside me and i was like should i kill wheels and i was like no and then if i'd done it though we would have won right there and then um i didn't know it means nothing to me now shame on you after uh after the andy massacre that's where the game that's when the game really got interesting because then we were just put back into the game muted just meaning next to each other and i was like well i'm just going to do all my tasks as quickly as possible and that'll actually make things really difficult for ian because he has to stay with you i could see ian just like following was it was it a slip of the finger i was supposed to kill you for but you two were stood so close to each other but i accidentally killed luke so if you watch the stream back you'll see me kill him and then be like [Music] i'm surprised none of you lot saw me do it because i was like no like that and then i said what do i do and then i was like focused on the yeah hasn't [Applause] my thinking was i know it's ian like the game is going to go to like at least one more sort of discussion period like this is power i can i wanted to keep you alive for as long as i know i i i could tell you did ian and i wanted you to and i i thought nothing could top the previous west away gambit where's the west away gambit does somebody want to be my best buddy and we never leave each other's side i don't know i'd like to join the game wherever you guys are yeah we're all kicked out yeah nobody wants to be my buddy that's fine i'll be your buddy i'll be your buddy fine fine we'll see fine i'll see nice astronauts no nice amigos surprise assassin look i like this comment that says from penny lane it says this feels like ian's grooming luke to become a serial killer and frankly i'm here for that netflix originals and what do i do or do i when we founded space buddies i yes 20 minutes ago in our garage back in the 80s score and seven years ago i ian and i were ian and i were very very clear with each other that um you know if if murder had to happen that was part of that was part of it it was space buddies over anything or die and space buddies and die yeah of course i did betray you and then die losing everything but but tangled webs but keeping is the thing that mattered the most sorry i'm talking and doing the codes andy do you want to be my space buddy i don't know if i can trust you anymore you've broken the sacred bond all right he's not the buddies in the next round thanks buddy king but andy that's not how space buddies works well we'll see won't we all right okay good luck okay i don't know what's happening okay crewmate i don't have a space buddy right can i can i do anything just all together okay let's just set the speed let's just go everyone come on come on come on come on come on come on all right so i need to go up to the reactor luke and andy are not trusting each other at all you know what i'm going to be alone the lone ranger all right whoa that was quick he's dead he's buddy it was luke that's not what space buddy's about andy come on it's my chance to finally get revenge and he's just doing this because he's mad about the last game that's not why i'm doing this i'm doing this because i saw luke kelly and just now he yeah and i'm actually quite annoyed because i was literally just about to finish my med scan and then the report came in and i'm going to do it again because unless literally just got off it and then i got on you can't do the scan at the same time so wheels is mega sus right now you can't do this you can't do the met scan at the same time you're muddying the waters with your accusing of me now all of us are going to actually little wheels for that what do you mean you can't do it at the same time i was like it literally said on my screen waiting for lilies yeah no no whales you just gave yourself away you gave yourself away big time i don't understand it but apparently wheels gave himself away all right so it's weird everyone it's wheels on somebody yeah it's so sad to be missing [Laughter] i surely love playing among us this is this is wild considering i actually saw luke kill someone and it's wheels who's going to get tasted himself right there like you can't yeah this is your execution squad andy just because you're mad at luke okay how about we use this as luke's execution squad luke did it and i saw him do you vote for me andy yes because he didn't bye wheels excuse me right okay oh wrong buttons all right he's gonna can we when do we oh i've got to get the thing pick up the no watering can although that you can get that for succulents to spray them to make sure things well not those like the herby ones what am i talking about i don't know and among us has got me in the brain okay oh oh there was a whole bunch of there was luke i saw him do it again it's luke i'm having to follow him around he does murders none of you believe me because of my rage and passion that's the second time you've reported a body though andy that makes you sauce what because it's the second time luke has killed someone directly in front of me around like a like a murder sheep dog i saw four people at that corridor who was there i was there andy was there ellen yeah i was about to and jane was there if you're not gonna you're not gonna vote for luke please can everyone vote for me i don't want to witness any more murders i mean yes okay i can't do this i can't do this anymore please do i vote for andy or do i stick to the space buddy code which apparently i'm the only one who cares about it i'm literally following luke around and watching him kill and none of you believe me i'm like cassandra doom why are you following me around if you think i'm a killer you're fully you're following me around a simple question i'm pretty sure it is look but this is too funny so yeah [Laughter] it's not me it really isn't me it really is luke it really is can we all vote for luke and this round will be over i didn't i spotted luke but i have no idea it's one of them it's one of his unbelievers one is all right [Laughter] um and i'm very sorry that you did not have a good space buddy with you for that second round thank you ian i did not have a good space buddy with me at all i could what i'm supposed to stand by and let you murder at will that's the point i deserved it thank you ellen that is the point that's why i was like trying to use it as an imposter last round a valuable lesson today yeah only one person can use the med based scanner at a time [Laughter] i have to say that was a gift because okay at this so from this from my point of view i was walking around with andy i was the imposter which was fun i didn't know if andy was also an imposter there was it was just me and andy and who was it who died first was it yeah yeah it was ian and and i thought i'm going to kill ian and i just want to see what andy does he immediately reported i got two rounds of shock it was like oh luke just killed me and then andy could you break the space buddy code you broke the code andy you'll never be part of a real money but for real though next time we should be space buddies okay let's do space buddies for real okay now that we've both betrayed each other now we've got to even playing field yeah okay right space buddy surreal mixtape facebook is for real and for life yeah you know that all good relationships start on the trail yes that's why that's what i've always lived by here's the thing like andy like can andy ever be sure that i'm not still ian's space buddy i was also in the afterlife i was your ghost space buddy you couldn't see me but i was there oh so nice [Laughter] all right here we go okay bye bye all right roommate again okay i'm not really getting any murders well i did i did one near the beginning i suppose right let's head what are you all doing come on come on everyone i don't need anything in the med bay i need to go up to the reactor and divert the power to the greenhouse ian don't murder me or i will be really mad it's not murder me you best not murder me okay okay what did i say in what did i say i said not to murder me wow he's been busy i was like why hasn't he okay well it's one of the space buddies but they're not going to tell us which because both luke and andy were standing directly next to the corps side i'll never tell let's do breakout rooms um we just vote for both of them because they're kind of both useless to us if at least one of them i don't know luke was last time i mean there's no real odds why don't we put the other in the break and when i say worrying about asking the question is it worth asking the questions to whether actually it was neither me or andy no never okay i think i think ellen would like us to point out that she's also dead by the way oh oh okay well okay okay well either or i just didn't see the body but i don't know okay wheels is this another biomed scanner situation i think it's wheels i've done the biomed scan so yeah that is not going to happen again i finished my biomed scan i say let's vote for luke because i think it's easier to tell when andy's lying i think the fact that andy said i'll never tell makes me think that wasn't him but i can't i can't space buddy code still stands either for the love of god i feel like wales is actually the most sus out of everyone who have you on the front now i voted for wheels i think it's rather i've also voted for wheels oh turn around oh hold on three of us need to vote for the same person because i'm assuming okay should we agree on luke luke luke let's go all right i can't believe this i can't believe you've done this i'm sick of this whole sworded affair we're never going to be able to get rid of them because no they've got like a horrible something yeah they're an unstoppable voting block this is how illuminati's get started yeah it is all right okay all right should we follow someone around the time yeah i love two-party systems oh yeah all right and i gotta do a couple of things in the greenhouse oh i can do the office one as well upload [Music] lovely well i don't think everyone's gonna survive this one because they were all the other end then they've got to get through the decontamination bit oh no they did they did okay okay it's probably lolisa's on it hey eva's dead now what no [Music] it's either luke or andy because i was standing on top of both of those oh we know that wait why do we know i saw a murder only myself luke and who was killed ellen uh i didn't report the body was already dead lolis was there with me i was lonely i'm safe as long as i'm with lolis i'm safe because they won't be brazen enough to murder me while i'm here with loli's i mean i'd say it can't have been me or andy because neither of us would dare kill lolita did you were you on your own with lowly's when you pulled it it was the four of us and i was like they are the space buddies and that is terrifying so when were you when was this just now good play just before the report was called we were in the we were in the room with you yes you were with me you know andy you know where you were okay i'm not always paying the most attention but i don't remember seeing jane and she does that i think jane seems to us you were talking about oh did you listen to these two no i saw them both standing over a corpse why are we listening to these women listening to this this is madness when did you see them standing over face madness at the start of the game when you didn't believe me i've already voted for that when loli's dying you've got to vote you cannot split the vote across you've got to vote and then andy because it's the only way to be sure would it work if andy you voted for me and i voted for you i've already voted for jane though because i thought it was there okay no oh they've won no no you're all dooming yourselves you're dooming yourselves what a surprise unbelievable i knew it was like because andy wasn't screaming and then i knew it was ian because [Laughter] you either need to just disband space buddies or we have one impossible because numbers don't work is tearing us apart [Laughter] follow me around watching me kill people and then in the conversations we were both just spouting disinformation at random which was surprisingly effective yeah we can't believe you all killed jane yeah luke was like luke said that he was in the room with jane and then i was like changed his story oh man also andy you had a self-report thing on you i don't know how how did you get away with staying i reported yeah andy andy said oh i think jane self reported when the loudspeaker was next to andy's name and no one picked him up on it was actually ian had the clutch play because he was the one who while everyone was talking about me and andy just subtly said out of nowhere what was that wheels or something like that just like i'm splitting the vote space buddy but also we were both imposters so keeping us both alive was in my favor yeah i couldn't believe it when that started and i saw that even was the other imposter the best of space broken among us we're just playing with three imposters no space buddies from now on is this what we're saying we can drop down to one should we do no space i think the only way we can keep keeping functionality is so hard especially if well if the one imposter is not part of the space buddy crowd yeah it only works if the imposter is part of the space buddy and then all right yeah no space buddies now no space parties please lone wolf time but i would like to say a sincere thank you to my space buddies for life ian and andy and chip wins yeah although we are disbanding space buddies i think you both know imagining me bellowing through the megaphone that jane self reported [Laughter] we're all trying to find the guy who did this a quick shout out to our super chats from phillip uh rakkovich who says lolis is too op the only reasonable course of action is to make her play blindfolded that's fair yeah think about it and thank you hello ken for the space buddies for life as well oh his buddies for life [Laughter] oh yes we definitely want the space buddies too yeah he wanted lazy boys oh sorry uh lazy boy says that was the single most entertaining game of among us i've ever watched space buddies why don't we play around no space buddies and then maybe for the last half hour we could do hide and seek yeah yeah sounds good let's do it oh yeah there's a phone here we go all right see you on the other side good luck everyone no space but okay crew mate again all right oh i've got a thing right here oh my gosh i have to wait for this one don't i this is just one that i had to stand here well everyone's oh my goodness okay someone was killed all right i kind of regret that hey who's doing that um where was he in the corridor just going up to the reactor like right by the door annoyingly i think what i should have done is gone through the door and seen who was on the other side but i might say why did you regret it we'd heard your voice before you hit a mute or something no i think if i had just opened the door i might have seen no i might have seen who did it but i didn't do that i just reported straight away um i know that ellen was somewhere else i don't think ellen was in that area i was doing the launch pad thing was up by admin which is sitting for him yes that's where i saw you that's why i saw you yeah i will say that one third of the space buddy problem is solved now hang on he's allowed but then the previous space buddies are now a space buddy problem yeah yeah they are we do need to eradicate them first and then um okay so where was everyone else uh i went up to um the top bit and yeah i saw everybody didn't do any tasks yet because i got lost in the bend where are you that was a very suspicious smile that you just hid with your mug there oh into the countdown from 100 to zero where i'm checking the spaceship and it's taking you don't have to stay there you don't have where is that yeah you can walk away okay wait i've also must have known that no i don't where he is and what's going on so i'm most likely and ellen are we like kind of just backing each other up very very quietly here you do seem to be teaming up what the heck people i'm not saying it is but let's keep an eye let's find out keep an eye great i'm all the way over here okay so i need to go to admin yeah right wheels you're going to follow me because you you're tailing me and then actually what you're doing is all right six two six seven four he's actually gonna murder me yeah sure okay four oh wait uh one eight four hey okay okay all right so i need to go back in here and prime sheet how do a prime shields out there they are lovely all right so i need to go to launch pad and run diagnostics that's sort of running then if that's still going i need to go to okay i'd like to apologize to wheels because i thought at one point in my um thing i was like oh yeah you're following me now are you gonna murder me when i went up to the office and then i went down to go to the med bay and he was dead outside it so i'm like i'm sorry [Laughter] but he did he was like oh ellen suss so i was a bit so different we're north so i still think it's luke i think it's luke because he just went i was with you the whole time he backed me up i was yeah uh so react to laboratory yeah are you together the entire time i was where you do the crystals yeah crystals yeah where did you go through the trailer um we went through the airlock together and we were in the for the last like three or four minutes probably well it wasn't it wasn't three or four it really wasn't three or four minutes it was probably more like 30 seconds but did you leave the cafeteria together no no because i went to do the um there's the we had to do the code thing um every single time with the cafeteria i actually also ian was down south near med bay yeah um yeah i was in i was in mad bay i didn't might not be space buddies but they might be killer buddies [Music] okay ian had so much opportunity to kill me yeah no what we're saying is you're both imposters oh that's the suggestion because imposters last game it's not impossible i guess it's not impossible it's impossible at this point because after who are we voting for anyone no one skipping nobody yeah yeah i think for what the luca are in my pocket [Laughter] oh yeah you would say that oh i am so mad how was i even suspect there oh you right you've all got to go run over here haven't you there's ian sure there we go [Laughter] i tell you what the anonymous voting makes things so much easier for the imposter because yeah i think every single time i voted i said something and then did something different yeah it's just it's that extra seed of chaos that ah i'm so mad i hate to say it [Laughter] because hide and seek with eight players is best on skilled i think okay yeah good idea good idea because this map is impossible to do hide and seek for people who don't know what's going on like me yeah because then i can just do the settings for hide and seek oh what does that say i was just saying to wheels should i make the room um okay so we'll have one imposter and hold on trying to do this while i'm talking this hard uh oh i'll tell you what i can explain the concept while lolis is setting it up it's actually helpful okay so in hide and seek basically we all stay unmuted and one person is the imposter and that imposter basically has to try and kill everyone meanwhile everyone else is trying to complete their tasks and not get murdered and the seeker wins if they you know kill everyone and the uh the hiders uh win if they manage to complete all the tasks and uh unlike a regular game of among us the imposter declares themselves immediately as soon as the game starts that's it um i've sent everyone an email by the way with the code okay great and done we're in okay i hope i did the task settings right i can't remember why are we are we faster to view up the speed oh wow i'll bring it down oh my that is if you'd read something funny or something but everyone was talking you being quiet and i just saw you do this and i was like hold on a minute i heard something i can't remember what it was i think i'd heard someone say something and i was like yeah right we got it uh ian and i got incredibly lucky there because ellen took a perfectly innocent sip of tea we all said i think wheels joked that looked suspicious but then i think ellen didn't realize it was about her and so there was a few seconds where it appeared that ella was trying to sort of come up with a story well i thought he was talking about you because you went like this over your mouth yes and i thought he was saying mike that is something you do i thought i thought he was saying about because your mic was like in front of you like here so i thought it was oh luke just hid behind your mic so i didn't even know it was about me i didn't i thought i heard mike not mug question here from katya are they allowed to report the body in hide and seek there's no reporting is there no there's no bodies there's no emergency meetings um and as impostor you are allowed to um only sabotage comes nothing else cool oh yeah you're not even i think it's incredibly flattering that someone thought ian that we were coordinating over whatsapp as if we have you just got the mental psychic drift you know we've got mine yeah youtube we're not muted in hindsight are we no no no everyone stays on everyone in hide and seek everyone can hear you scream yourself if you die but that's about it um oh and there's a ten second um cooldown at the beginning for the imposter just so we can run away all right okay who is the imposter [Music] you might want to start moving i was frozen with fear just standing on top of wheels i'm assuming i probably should have been counting this round is 10 seconds at the beginning of the game anyway so let's go then i should have turned off space baby space baby's here baby doesn't need to see this place where are you ian we'll come help you luke yeah luke throw yourself hey oh andy andy andy thanks luke not in med bay that was on purpose we're not in med bay [Laughter] right oh i feel pretty exposed here this is good i can do my tasks in a nice relaxed fashion non-descript tasks wait oh no all the markers have gone storage is in storage and now to simply swipe this card no come on should be quite straightforward okay medium speed swiping okay ghost lolis has finished all tasks okay it's calm sabbath regular lily's doing anymore yeah okay okay okay eyes on wheels obviously not because no one's yeah you have to live tell our story okay how we doing how are we doing how are we doing we're good we're good we're good i've done all my tasks okay i'm doing mine uh how many got left got two oh stay out of the way oh oh oh oh look at that [ __ ] get away get away all right yeah come on i run 5k every day come on bring it in not in a spacesuit i love it love love love this voice we were so close one oh my god ian thank you for jumping in front of the knife chased me in like a full circuit around the map and i was like he's going to catch me eventually what am i even bothering and then ian out of nowhere um we had a super chat from lloydmove that says uh a happy trans day of visibility [Laughter] table trick honestly one thing we didn't want to happen around without having to look at the map okay wait what color is lollies we all came up with a different color there aquamarine what's the uh what's the imposter vision cone like it's smooth yeah she's she's moving in a little bit she's with me a little bit get out of there everyone come here in the caf oh no okay it's okay i'm gonna i'm gonna lose i didn't lose her killed me instead i did the opposite of loser i lost two there oh okay okay okay we're okay why is this so stressful we're okay we're all good can ghosts talk in i can't remember anything you can talk but you can't say where they are no clues oh god you're gonna like school okay oh stay away from the vents people stay away from the vents there's no vents in this med box i successfully used events for the first time ever in this uh yay oh oh god i just already killed someone oh dead she's on she's on countdown oh sorry she's on countdown let's get out of there do the stationary task she's on the countdown wheels you [Applause] please you've got to stay hidden stay safe keep myself secret keep myself safe here's the choice comes the prophecies when someone thinks calm stuff oh i guess there's nothing around we can't do anything all right float around until you see something yellow all right okay oh i found a yellow corpse except that anything else yellow where did i kill luke what's wrong i'm not gonna help you by reminding you um i don't recall it was okay fine it was on the bottom left i remember i killed andy i remember where i call killed ellen yes absolutely terrifying uh we've had several calls for space buddies t-shirts by the way so far yeah across channel effort that's a logo i told you they weren't mine yeah [Laughter] oh oh i instantly forgot i forgot where they were uh instant storage storage run run run get away [Laughter] i'll save you till last your little space baby makes it very easy to follow you i still lost you though because i run away i don't run away i got caught on the table not today no luke no here okay but i'm also doing a task all right good now i'm leaving you have a suspicious aura i didn't like your energy okay i'm running up towards cafeteria oh oh let's watch this chase i'm done i'm done yes [Music] okay i've done all my tasks all right i got one more you can do this [Music] what are you talking about i'm not in this area you're in an area you're a urine area oh no ian please don't follow me ah ah ian help you spread time no if you don't go in here oh my greatest weakness okay yeah my tasks are also complete same yeah so what goes on come on where are you tasty humans the imposters are doing well the haters the seekers are doing well today [Music] well well we're just a good bunch of killers [Laughter] it's the bodybuilding system that give you the courage there was a moment when ian ether and i were both hiding in a room just not saying anything just being quiet and ian just walked in and i was closer but i thought maybe he'll just walk past me would go straight for me i thought yeah i thought the old space buddy instincts would keep but i was just mashing kill at that point fear's a better motivator than friendship to be honest that's why i let you go that first time who is that well looks like we're back [Music] again get ready for squeals time for wheels oh that is the wrong one sorry michael squeals wheels wheeling i will uh i will purposefully not go to the lights because i shouldn't have no i'm fixing it they're right i'm throwing myself away sorry i thought i'd gotten away with that for a second where is everyone i wonder whittling away at their little tasks there's rats [Laughter] you know what we do with rats don't you eat them strokes give them a healthy life we look after them because they're lovely little fellows but do you know what we do with humans kill them treats eat them just like ellen lust to the waist where uh where were you ellen i can't say because i was a ghost i'm a ghost i can't say no i'm sorry you were so honest i already said that i yelled rather than saying the place i was so miss my chance where could everyone be hmm i did an incredible yelp when the wheels was stood about a meter in front of me oh wow there's a really good view out of the upper engine window you know what else there's a really good view of andy's [Laughter] [Laughter] no wait maybe i'm confused then no that's definitely a luke my tasks are all done where are you cafeteria okay cafeteria i just successfully lost him with the old table trick oh nice yeah that's a good one yeah it is they never expect the table at the table electrical he's an electrical okay good intel thank you it's your responsibility babies are for life not just for one among this round christmas also all right like the biggest hero in the world i fixed comms ghosts get on it while you can i've done all my tasks thanks spooky friends seven seconds away [Laughter] he seems to have a horrible one-liner ready for every violent kid listen that's just part of part of the job being a horrible murderer in a horror film you know like yeah you gotta have a rolodex of yeah one-liners just ready to go i think we've got time for one more yes maybe even two that didn't take too long but we can only promise one for the movie okay let's make it let's make it a good one really depends on the imposter is if it's slowly as we probably put a couple more in [Music] idea of play involves me bleeding he's in shields wheels and shields oh god remember [Music] oh wait i don't like it yeah yeah well that's not how i've played it hello hello hello andy yeah hello hi luke and uh it's good to see you here in electrical oh i thought we were in yes oh it is electrical now that i look yeah now that i look at it and then play with me don't want to though it's the problem you do it you're ready you see what you see my [Music] well i'm dead thanks to you okay do not go near lower engine oh damn that's where i am also i mean engine ah could kill me easily here in lower engine i better just sit still here in lower engine here living that lower engine like where are you no oh no white columns cafeteria i'm in cafeteria i'm in cafeteria it was a cafeteria cafeteria how did everyone flee running around tables here in the cafeteria still in the cafeteria good keepers okay she's going to work mid-bay um so that's the thing okay head on swivel everyone i've done all my tasks she's an admin she's an admin oh yep when you're waiting around and it's like when someone reports where ever is and i'm just frantically scanning them i think she went down to storage guys she went down to storage i think okay i don't know that she's still there but she just went there okay my tasks are complete my tasks are also complete yeah yes so my tasks are complete oh all right all right who's who's got tasks outstanding right i mean we don't need to talk about that do we don't yeah let's go we don't need to get into it oh i do actually i didn't count several yeah all right i'm just heading to electrical to do my wiring yeah oh god that's all the task that was really hard that was hard i did up the test from the last time but just i just added a short one i couldn't see anybody oh yeah if you just end up in the wrong place then it could be it could be a little bit tricky we're finishing just in time for the new map to drop [Laughter] well how about we do another one of these maybe with the new one with the new map yeah yeah i don't know folks do you want to you're like sounds like they're all right actually yeah let's do stuff this week maybe what do you think yeah yeah [ __ ] get space mic back nose buddy no space buddy buddy ups though yeah no space buddies unless unless we explored the concept of space buddies and friendship in general and the space buddies were impossible we found it unwanted i think we learned a lot about ourselves about space that friendship breaks the game so yeah all right friendships well thanks for watching everyone i'm off to make a separate slack channel that's just space buddies [Laughter] yeah hit the like button on your way out if you wouldn't mind we'd appreciate it and we'll see you again for more mungus soon don't forget you can sort of see everybody else's view as well so it just gets better with every with every sort of persp perspective that you do go back and really watch all the perspectives new insights that's what we're seeing so dice breaker it was my perspective and [Laughter] awesome thanks for watching [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 88,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: taxdtMsUypY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 26sec (7286 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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