Among Us Gameplay: EVERYONE IS SUS! Feat. Outside Xtra, Eurogamer, Dicebreaker & Elle Osili-Wood

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] it still hurts us here you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it still hurts us [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] it still hurts us [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello there everyone welcome to hello outside extra outside xbox dice breaker and eurogamer and welcome to our wonderful special guest elle yeah [Laughter] ready too it's weird to be doing this on a tuesday yeah indeed it feels like a real friday sort of activity but there's a lot going on this week let's i'd say yes broken for a solid two minutes there because our entire chat is people typing f and then i realized somebody before that said everyone press f if you think wheels will accidentally vent again well that's where we're at thanks everyone thank you for the tech support not wrong um so ian's struggling to get into the game yep getting all the error codes today i've just deleted and reinstalled among us right um [Laughter] it's not working why i even haven't installed it right you're all on your server right yes among us you're going to have to space without me for a second technical things okay his computer was like brexit means brexit but the transition period it's gotten all political and spicy i like it all right good luck everybody i hope you have a tremendous time doing your tasks yes good luck to everyone you're more wonderful all right you've got me chat you've got me for this one hard luck it's mike uh but fortunately i'm a crewmate at the moment so um it's uh it's not gonna be too difficult what am i i've got anything medical okay people were telling me to use my map so i'm going to use my map this time uh i say that if you have to use your map it means you just don't know the map well enough but i definitely don't know the map well enough so that's what i'm gonna do reactor johnny what do i do here oh yeah the consecutive numbers thing uh six seven eight nine ten ping task completed dead body reported what that didn't take long it was me i basically did one task i was uh doing leaves in the cafeteria and then i went down south and she was literally just in that southern court i've barely done anything yet yeah i've done one task in the reactor johnny was there it is true i feel quite comfortable uh vouching for mike because i went med bay and he was there and then we went to reactor and i was just doing simon says when when what what what all right sounds good um so where is it in the corridor outside of admin yes okay well i ran straight to weapons l was there as well and i saw i was just going past or two and i saw elle was in there so i think it was neither of us i was out east near well in navigation doing the boop yeah but i was on my own so i can't vouch for anyone unless elle killed and then came to weapons i think we should give our grace period as our guest some shields and then i did the wiring puzzle in uh not inventory comms and the the little panel next to the door in the communications area just voices voted as well no no i skipped uh wheels are you are you gonna nudge without the airlock like what happened to me just repeatedly i'm gonna it's clearly wheels why is it clearly working i'm going to skip but to be honest with you i'm a little bit sussed yeah i'm a little familiar you're the only one who says you were outside of i'm oh no sorry outsider comes oh i went down to shields like yeah right i said looks like right next to [ __ ] wheels we also also we also it looks like no one was ejected ladies oh dang wow okay uh right where am i going imagine having to manage those two i'm just i'm just saying um right weapons weapons pew sheets of asteroids um johnny's following me around which seems fair enough seen as how he knows that i am a good crew member and i don't think it's him because he's definitely had at least a couple of opportunities to kill me what's jane up to jane walked past me probably not a killer probably unless she's on cooldown no she's avoiding me she's avoiding me which is good uh so probably not jane what do we think do we think it might be l do we think uh we have an imposter in our midst uh it's a possibility isn't it i think wheels wheels did not sound convincing that's true oh no oh it oh it was jane oh what a disaster oh dear oh dear i'm looking let's see again oh it's probably two people right no but wait because oh i saw someone there and i didn't see what color it was and now i understand what we're talking about when they forgot to see colors where it's just at the bottom i went to do the the next part of the cafeteria leafy thing i mean it already been an electrical and i did two tasks in there and yeah i saw someone at the top of the screen it might have been orange but i don't know electrical and then i went off yes you and elle weren't electrical i'm in med bay right now or at least i was when the meeting started loading where were you if you're going gonna have the smug look on your face come on why don't you stop standing up for yourself rather than picking on us we start i ran straight to admin because i had the card swipey and then the alarm went off so i did the bottom alarm and then i was curious as to who did the other alarm so i ran up there and i saw jane running away and johnny was doing a task in o2 and then i ran down to shields at shields and then the body was found it might have been pink you know pink and orange can look quite similar in a in a quick little blink of color there jane i'm gonna kind for yourself i saw some of what loli's just described which was johnny by the uh o2 doing the alarm and then i saw space mike and i went up and around and then i was in shields doing the hexagonally thing um in shields so you run you run from two the long way from storage no no the hexagon thing isn't shields the one where you power up the shield jane ran from o2 the long way around you're the only one who knows the most efficient route toyota yeah if we're gonna talk about efficiency i went through the cafeteria that's probably not the quickest route yeah which means you would have passed the spot where the dead body was found yeah i didn't see that i went before the dead body clearly but uh i think it's june i think it was jane jane wheels [Music] [Laughter] all right i'm gonna establish my innocence this round i'm gonna kill off enough people good luck good luck establishing that innocence jane jane oh no react to meltdown oh well i can keep doing my tasks connor uh oh they've given them playstation button things for some reason ah for colorblind people of course except they haven't put a little star there for some reason that's nice that's a nice accessibility inclusion uh just gonna keep doing my tasks keep doing my tasks like i'm supposed to i always get told to do that and when i get killed i immediately am distracted by the fact that i'm dead and so i do forget to carry on doing tasks until my body's reported but after that i mean i think i should be allowed some time to mourn i think that's only fair beep little crystal little crystal thing uh what else we got oh emergency meeting here we go here we go let's see jane's trying to kill me but why would she kill you because you like you're her biggest opponent if she can pin it on you that's much more efficient than killing you can we vote that's a very serious question why do you think james is trying to kill you let's let's see the accusation first yeah let's dig into this we were all in reactor and then and then we came out of reactor and there was like a big group of people just standing around and then i was like right i'm gonna go down to electrical and all of a sudden jane was like oh yeah i'm gonna go that way too i didn't follow you into electrical i didn't go into electric cause i ran to the emergency button instead because you were running after me okay i didn't see you at that point i sorry i think you're paranoid i'm voting sorry it's not me it's not me i i cast like these stupid accusations when i'm innocent that's what you need to learn about me oh voted for me because i have to get the door sorry right it's definitely johnny and wheels then no it's you can't just say it's definitely everyone in the team at least you're not helping yourself here buddy i'm trying to be on your side if i was the imposter i would behave a lot more smoothly than this you need to behave more smoothly anyway because it's so good if you're not you know how bluffing works [Laughter] this one's gonna be a tense vote why do you say johnny though is it just because you went to get the door no i think it's always voting for me and like he does this he gets like really riled up when he's the imposter you always accuse me of being angry or riled up like you know what i look like when i'm angry have you ever seen like i mean like in game riled up you know all i'm saying is the start of the game literally everyone yeah no that's not true you never cast any aspersions on ifa or ian or says wow or johnny's dead he's not here i didn't i don't inject ian at all where's here is there only one imposter or is there two actually there's two total a very very bad move i think probably um anyway we press on we press on and continue doing tasks more wiring tasks wiring tasks being the one that sounds the most suspicious when you say it's what you've been doing because it's also the easiest one to remember um yeah jane played a blinder there i think the uh i think you're just paranoid line was will go down in history as one of the great among us plays of all time uh some good impostering what have i got storage to do storage let's float over to oh this is where i was going when i when i met my untimely death and then loli's totally had me because i was definitely trying to kill him absolutely right i think sorry for gaslighting the both of i you the line i think you're just paranoid is going to go down as one of the great among us what a move it worked that's the thing i adjusted my packet i was amazed that jane got away with killing me because yeah ether was standing right there doing it doing a task at the time i was like i tried my best to avenge you mike nobody believes in me apparently to be honest when i voted for loli's because i had to get the door i was pretty convinced it was jane but i was like what's what's the funniest thing to do oh you cost us the win yeah very efficient imposter well done there was one moment in the reactor where there were like all of you were in there and i was like if jane and wheels just killed two people immediately they've won and i was just like amazing yeah i had the same thought that's why i ran away yeah i hope you get to play this time around it's quite fun being just very salty as it goes we're missing who do we need we've got yeah sorry i'm just admiring my victory around the space station no i'm back oh dear it's me and it's me and wheelsy there we go um well no one's gonna believe it's wheels so what i need is for wheels to wheels really needs to defend me it doesn't always happen you don't always see impostors sticking up for each other um maybe i play this slow maybe i play this slow there's there's wheels um that's pretty gonna cause quite a lot of trouble actually right wow well johnny's kind of weird yeah kind of weird because i was running down towards shield and there was a lot of people around yeah yeah there was an i think an l a wheels and a space mic i was around that area but yeah space mic for me disappeared this is what i was gonna say i i swear mike just vented he just disappeared and took an air for me i can tell you that i definitely don't know how to use the vent so even if i was the imposter i wouldn't be too late for that because every time i get into it something happens and then i don't know how to move to other vents so if i was the imposter i wouldn't be using a vent yeah but you could accidentally like do a wheels you could pull a wheel yeah yeah if you did do that that's rude you know if if i disappeared it was um like viewing distances sorry where was the corpse by the way yeah yeah uh just under the vent in that hallway coming from navigation down to shields okay just near there is then closer to shields or closer to now closer to shields right because i walk that way and i don't remember yeah i can see it but that's the thing you you i think l and space like were all around there and then i ran and there was a dead body and i was like okay did nobody see this my corpse blindness is legendary so yeah um oh sorry alan go ahead well i walked past i went like kind of up from shields past navigation and i walked like johnny was walking the other way and i was like oh stay away from me johnny um and then i went up into weapons uh because johnny left me alone because he was obviously innocent and then uh yeah mike came up after me what are you saying but you didn't but you didn't see the corpse i didn't see the corpse because i when i last saw johnny he was alive and walking in the opposite direction right so i don't know ladies were you like more south because i was like in the top bit i was running south from you were running south weapons yeah okay i have the horrible feeling i just walked over well i don't yeah i don't know i don't know two votes for me oh thank you for skip well it looked like you disappeared right around near the vents so is that how that works by the way if more people vote to skip then vote for somebody okay got it [Laughter] wow that was a close one so i'm just what i'm going to do now is just put as much distance behind the distance between me and everyone else as possible um and i just i'm going to stay out of trouble i think probably so let's uh i mean what am i what am i doing here i don't even know where the tasks are in this one if anyone asks me about tasks i'm in trouble so what i'm going to do is i'm going to sabotage you because why not why not why not to take advantage and i was being completely honest about the vent thing i don't understand how it works i jump into it and then i don't know how to move to a different uh different vent so oh well i'm terribly sorry oh that's that's the problem it is 100 mike it is what did you see what did he do allow me to allow me to say in my defense i absolutely was me i just killed elle and loli's ran straight in immediately afterwards it was some really bad timing i'm so busted okay i had you just killed johnny when i walked in then did i just walk over i'm amazed i got through the first round to be honest because yeah i killed i killed johnny and then both wheels and l like were right on me immediately afterwards i was like oh my god i like to live risky and you know fundamentally neither of them saw it anymore but like literally i just killed ellen and loli's walking directly in the other direction well it's a fair cop so yeah there you go i'm like you need to vote if you want to vote for yourself no i'm just enjoying the chat i have to shut up after this so like um i just thought i'd hang with you guys until after ah you know what everyone says oh i just walked over the corpse i'm always like you're an idiot how do you walk over the court how many corpses have i already walked over i have no idea anyway all right i'll skip the vote you guys can carry on playing i'm just holding this yeah all right i'm sorry i couldn't couldn't get around that one there really was no don't kill people in the middle of the cafeteria is the answer but the crucial thing was i did manage to get a bit of defense of wheels in there which is important because um because yeah like it was a good move by him to ask me that and a good move for me to think on my feet and say yes wheels yeah i did immediately kill johnny uh and uh and then you arrived and i was able to bring elle into it as well which uh reduces the suspicion as well i suppose even though it is dead i don't think people will have put the two and two together so let's just i mean i can't sabotage anything at the moment but um yeah ellen jolly sorry you guys sorry it's nothing personal obviously um but yeah how's jane doing hmm not not in any immediate danger it's time for another sabotage i think i think the reactor hasn't gone off in a while let's just keep that going they haven't got many tasks completed as well so you know if we can um we can get a little murdering spree going well the wheels got it all to do basically because he's on his own the poor guy because i was so so bad but if jane's late where is wheels anyway where's wheels hanging out what's he up to is he just miles away from everyone um i'm gonna have to just keep sabotaging as soon as the opportunity arises do o2 or communications couldn't i or electrical oh the lighting that's a real pain in fact that's murder central the lighting isn't it because you get your view thing is reduced so as soon as that finishes ticking down i'm gonna hit that button bam bam there we go lighting haha sucks to be you guys can't see a dang thing uh and they're separated are the herders separated in fact no one's going into electrical really so um i guess they don't they don't see it as a priority i've not seen wheels in ages i don't know what he's doing why are you doing wheels what are you doing uh yeah is wheels just the world's just hanging out is he doing any murdering he doesn't seem to be doing anything has he disconnected what's happened where are your wheels wheels will speak to me speak to me man oh here we go all right ian just chased me down the corridor he was trying to kill me that was shot on camera i saw it on cameras [Laughter] you didn't see it right so the lights went off i went to fix the lights ether had already fixed the lights then i was running to my next task and because i saw ether there and i was like oh fellow team you're again my friend oh great friends i did a little happy wiggle i was like we've got my characters hello don't buy it it was awful didn't enjoy it didn't appreciate it i just want to point out by the way has anyone noticed that ellen is dead around quite a bit actually um i don't remember where i saw her last but i was like i was going to be like oh next time we have a meeting wheels and ellen are both safe because i've been alone with both of you i've seen you did you vote for me yes you chased me on the corridor because we were going the same way no you're too close you have to maintain a respectful distance what but i'm a body system no nobody system well no not as far as you're concerned no listen also i don't think it was jane because i did a couple of tasks next to jane and i didn't get murdered oh bless you and i was about to say the same thing for you but now i'm not sure because ether is so convincing what why am i not coming what have you been doing i don't know look at your little giggly face look at you the button pad in the reactor the one we have ian is so bad at defending himself though to be fair i think about that one i've done a couple of wiring ones i did the one wires are liars oh my god you've if you fight me out you're good is that a new thing well it's an easy one to remember isn't it it's an easy one where did you do the wires exactly uh i did one wires in electrical and one wires in um so many wires admin ian you should have voted you could have saved yourself you shouldn't vote i was too busy trying to protect who are playing the game johnny you're dead go away um yeah i think wheels is gonna have to get riggle on actually because as has been pointed out if they if they falsely uh send out an imposter in fact if i was wheels now i'd call a meeting and accuse her and say efa got rid of ian um yeah that would be the that would be the main strategy all the lights have gone out again this is good for murdering obviously but yeah so obviously with ian the game would have ended if he and had been an imposter there's wheels venting so bold um the game would have ended if he and a billion imposter so they know ian wasn't an impostor so the thing to do then is to pin it on aether who was the chief architect of you were chasing me around um here we go now what all right well right okay let's ignoring the fact that johnny quite clearly just told everyone that wheels is one of the killers um i was just watching on the security cams um because because um i i did all my tasks in like the last the last round so i was just watching on security cams and when the lights went off so first of all i saw wheels going towards admin but just kind of standing in the doorway not moving i was doing the wi-fi task by the door by the way okay well then you went in which you have to just stand around for to wait for it to download okay well then you went into admin then the lights went off and jane and ifa i saw both running towards to fix the light and wheels around the opposite direction up towards cafeteria i was running towards the arrow because i don't know where the lights are because i've never fixed the lights on this map before interesting why have you sat on admin have you done all your tasks i did all my tests in the last round yeah i finished so i went straight to cameras because i had nothing else to do i don't believe that no you wouldn't know where it affects the lights wheels i'm sorry i genuinely like wheels has played this enough i've literally only played on these streams i've never played this game outside of these streams you play every single neither have i but i still know where the lights are it's about time bad times now yeah yeah twice in a row i think johnny gave you so hard when you're [ __ ] johnny it was linguistically interesting that you said well that would have been a very good point if you were alive that's the thing the rest of us didn't notice that yeah oh look who wasn't the imposter ian you got it mad that was that was a shitty thing to do what i was saying what what wheels should have done was called an emergency meeting immediately and accused ifa as the chief person who accused ian of being an imposter and it probably would have been quite compelling but it's difficult by the way i'm trying to point out me and mike both ran into a room like killed someone and then immediately everywhere it was amazing your little death rampage at the start like i went past you both and mike snapped my neck like the prizes if you slow down when you snap someone's neck it sucks on east johnny no i mean it was masterful despite despite it all falling apart the egg we have a slight flaw in it for me and mike improving the i had like yesterday's kill that was pretty yeah yeah you is exactly the right thing to say at that point and i was fortunately somewhat quick on my feet um yeah that was good well done everyone well done non-imposters although i do think you had a bit of help from ghost johnny there yeah i'm sorry that i was a ghost yourself when you're dead i'm sorry for suspecting ian but you need to stop chasing people down back friend would have been fine if you skipped the vote who are you missing oh sorry ghost johnny right okay crewmate again it's not a ghost anymore is my comfort zone is my comfort zone where am i going i bet i'm gonna get murdered really quick like i just if i'm a crewmate i just end up getting killed i'm like such cannon fodder i'm operation human shields right here let's get the reactor fixed eh let's get the reactor fixed numbers easy numbers i can do this it's well within my comfort zone there we go task completed uh electrical let's go to electrical electrical's always dangerous it's the kill box electrical is the kill box i've got i've not seen anyone at all i've seen wheels it better not be bloody wheels again what are you up to wheels what are you up to what are you up to i've got my eye on you i've got my own new wheels three times in a row let's go the other way hmm i'm running away from l i'm scared frightened ah wheels again okay fine whatever hello hello oh dear oh we've been busy uh i found loli's in admin uh fifty percent of loli's an admin the last time i saw johnny was in admin we were both doing the same task this has all been happening over completely the other side of the space station from where i've been because i went to the reactor and did the reactor stuff and then i went to electrical where i saw wheels and i saw elle running around in storage and i got a bit frightened and ran around the block boxes but if you were scared that l was gonna kill you i guess that would make sense yeah i don't know the map very well but i went like the navigation i think like the one that looks like the front of the spaceship and then around to do wiring in the like pulling together one who did i see in the reactor my memory is bad i was reacting briefly but i didn't see anyone there i did my reactor task i did storage um and then i went up to fill up the fuel um i saw in my journeys round i also then went into the cafeteria so i saw jane and i saw ether yeah and neither of them did anything i saw um i was in the cafeteria and then i so i fixed some wiring there and then i went to upload data in admin as well did some wires in there too and i saw yeah i saw both ellen and jane um in those rooms you can really leave that area i wasn't the impossible i just want to say johnny had it coming so i didn't do it [Laughter] johnny and lolis were both in admin though or like in that area uh i didn't see lilies i don't know i mean the bodies i don't think wheels was anywhere near the bodies that have appeared i went to electrical did three tasks in there um and then i was trying to go up to med bay and went left and realized it's quicker to go right and then that's pretty much when i saw space mike at the wi-fi thing which was near admin and that's when the report got cool there we go okay [Music] hi all right good luck friends i feel like if i was an imposter that would have been the perfect round to play like those are the perfect things to say uh but when i am the imposter i'm panicking so much i don't say things like that but that's you know oh uh okay um it's weird isn't it it's weird you just get in your own head about stuff and that's where your failures begin there's ellen uh jane's chasing me don't like it uh what are we doing what are these arrows oh my god there's so many wiring puzzles on this when people ask me what i've been doing i'll be like exclusively wiring puzzles and literally that's the truth and what's this arrow here down here is it communicating please don't be bad wheels please don't be a bad man oh dear okay hello hello we've [Laughter] uh down in the storage uh ellen's body is right by where the petrol canister right okay um i've been up in the cafeteria believe it or not i think i've done about three separate wiring puzzles now in this round and i know that's the least convincing thing to say but that is the god's honest truth uh but i've been up at the top they do come in sets to be fair the wiring ones yeah yeah there's one in the cafe top left of the cafeteria which i didn't realize but yeah it's there i did i did weapons top right shot some asteroids um i did a couple of wires i also downloaded a file in the the bit where what's the the one on the right that's near now admin admin yeah i saw where this is in admin yeah okay whatever the one that's the one that's to the left of the toto get down did you self-report this no i didn't self-report this i did report both courts as i've been very unlucky um i started off conveniently close you're like angela lansbury in murder she wrote you're always there murderer so i started off in medical and i did the time thing and i also scanned myself and that made me giggle because it said b t was b plus and that's blood type but i thought but t he and then i went wait a sec though ian i ian i was like an alien sense of humor i was with e and medical and yeah i can confirm he was standing there and it looked like he was doing the did but you weren't i was doing i did the scan straight after you left that was my second so that was when i returned that to pick up the because it's a timed one so okay okay i feel under pressure to vote for someone because we are about to be murdered by a load of women i think it's way olson it's not me i don't know [Laughter] probably i'm sorry [Music] well it turns out vouching for um [Music] vouching for wheels didn't count for anything really so uh oh oxygen depleted you're kidding me um oh and l's just chasing me i don't like it at all i think it might be l uh seven is it is it jane um jane would have definitely killed me there yes i don't really have anything new to add other than that we really need to start voting because otherwise we have no information to go on i know but if we hang around people are going to get killed very quickly so we need to start voting for people and i can't see what the toss bar's at now what is it at not very high we've not done a lot to be honest so el what what were you just doing literally nothing that i was ian the entire time and i ran into a corner with him and then really couldn't see him at start and then realized i was just standing in a corner with him and ran out i saw him i didn't get anything done l didn't kill me so i i'm i think l is fine jane what were you doing i went to get the o2 and mike was already in there so that means it's not him right like he fixed the o2 alarm yeah i fixed it yeah i did the the code was 2771 or something like that yeah yeah i think you can go to your alarm you can't fix the sabotage if you can you fix the sabotage if you're among us okay right right yeah but why would he then call the meeting because he's wasting his own time really it's true no no because then he then he has the cooldown again doesn't he so ian and l defended each other it's true um i think everyone needs to in this last 55 seconds everyone's got to say who they is mike calling the shots now because we're gonna we're gonna lose otherwise we're genuinely gonna lose sorry sorry sorry go go go go um ian and l were defending each other so it's either ian and l or it's jane and ether sorry well it's definitely not me i was doing the spinny thing in electrical when the alarm went off i panicked because i was like oh god they're going to get us oh god they're going to get us ran toward to fix it and then i was quite surprised pleasantly surprised that it got fixed uh so it is absolutely not me it may be ellenian or maybe we've already i voted for in last time on fairly shaky grounds i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna take the gamble sorry in i'm gonna vote for you again on the assumption that it's ian and l if it's not we're in real trouble like i voted for space mike oh i think it's ian then because it's not me all of you like makes a persuasive case [Applause] that means it's not him because that means two other people to the empire yeah damn it i'm never the only one for this gift right oh my god to be fair like we were we were in trouble anyway we had to take a gamble if we'd left it like one more stop murdering ian no you say that all right it's gonna vote for hours like elves being too quiet [Laughter] if like one more person had been killed we would be a hundred percent done so we killed them ourselves mike's like i'd rather kill a thousand people that was very well played all right very well played well done imposters sorry sorry for my part i feel somewhat complicit but el there's [Laughter] it's partly ian's fault for defending l so yeah i'm going to blame the victim here [Laughter] to see who was doing a little victory dance at that point i want to see evidence-based voting in the next round people that's right all right okay crewmate again oh man sorry about that i do feel quite bad but ultimately you gotta understand that i needed to do something because if we if someone else had been killed we would have lost anyway so we might as well have taken the chance it was basically like a 50 50 thing ish i'm not good at stats is that ellen gonna kill me don't you dare kill me she definitely could have killed me unless she's on some kind of cooldown oh the lights are already off on a disaster right well i'm gonna go and fix the lights to prove my prove my innocence where are the lights they're not electrical they are an electrical uh oh it's this one all right fine ah oh god the controls are bad there we go lights back on do i have any tasks in here i do have tasks in it oh my god wheels wheels wheels just popped out of event just popped out event no run away from wheels run away from wheels no it's gonna be an emergency meeting emergency meeting it's emergency meeting oh my god i did you see me press the button did you see me press the button that is unbelievable i hit the button i hit the button that is so unfair that is i'm just i'm livid absolutely livid the wheels maneuver he did the ruddy wheels maneuver gotta hear this hello okay did it did it right space mic is by the button space mic was by the button and when i press space it press the button um space mic interchangeably look please [Laughter] me loli's and space mike all went to go fix the lights and it was quite funny because we were all pressing the thing and trying to fix it at the same time and undoing each other's work and so that's a fun thing that i've that's the thing that happens next space like okay and then i went up to go do my work in electrical and wheels was there in the corner yes i saw that and i thought that's weird why is he just i was like the reason is because we offended i was i was like i thought exactly the same thing i was in electrical why didn't you excite now that there's a reason for the button i walked in when you guys were already fixing the lights what were you on your way to do when you were following mike into the camera how do you if i went out how did you know that we were there what do you mean no hold on oh when you walked in you were like the lights the lights are really yeah because i walked past you because i have to go through that tiny little corner to get to my advice don't then go hide in the corner in the top it wasn't really say jurassic park is better than the simpsons the simpsons is better running out of time has anyone seen space mike recently yeah i'm dead he's dead oh that's what i mean has anyone seen him oh no no i saw him going to the canteen followed by wheels and his body was found okay okay sorry for i just had to get my biggest wheels across i thought you were gonna i thought you were like i've been voting for anyways don't get distracted by the cat he's still suss yeah show us the cat again you're stroking it like a bond villain why would you do that that's true yeah there we go you later everybody else oh no that is well i'm glad to see the back of that guy oh boy hard like wheels i'm glad my mad dash to the uh to the button was at least recognized someone witnessed it at least because that was uh that was a disaster right i gotta go and do some tasks i don't know rather than just like being modeling about my uh my fate oh too fast there we go you deserve that wheels you naughty wheels all right what is this is it another fix the i can't fix the lights can i well i can do my tasks instead so that's fine the wheels maneuver the absolute wheels maneuver um okay oh my lining ended fine let's get these tasks done um yeah the the wheels maneuver is bursting out jumping into a vent or bursting out of event by accident and um yeah he did it again okay task completed task completed reactor what oh right okay simon says is it simon says is it i see how it is this is a new one oh this is so annoying finally right that's a real pain okay one more to do one more to do in the cafeteria the tasks are not climbing at the speed they need to be for this to be like a task victory but then i think the task victories are boring i think that's like that's like in civilization where you win by just being the richest oh well slowly he's gone oh dear only dead in 02. oh oh but also i saw like i saw elle running away people around there yeah i just saw elle running away from that exact spot and i saw jane but then i i saw the report button flash up and i was like where is the body so i think jane saw just before me oh so i saw efer yeah obviously um it feels like ether and johnny might be having anything safe because i was following james so i was like why didn't i go in a room somehow and i felt suspicious about that can i trap people in rooms in this like can is that a thing that an imposter can do yes everyone wants to see ghost chat right because i felt like jane trapped me in a room and then and then i felt really suspicious so i decided to just in the med bay well well well looks like your little alliance is finished now i was with elle in the med bay and i was like why is that looking at me i was as i got off the scanner thingy um i don't know what to say to that i i finished all my tasks so i was looking at the security cams and i saw uh jane and if kind of like cross paths and kind of generally run around ellen you're the only one i sort of saw running around solo i think mm-hmm i've been alone in rooms with ellen and she's yeah i ended up like doing the same tasks at points yeah i saw loli's i actually nice try shields and she went up and i'd seen ian up there but i don't think ian did it i don't think he's ian no i've also been in rooms alone with ian and electrical and stuff are we saying al is suss yes this is me i promise it's jane and i'm just putting that out there now before i'm inevitably sucked out of an airlock that's not inevitable it's probably i've not seen anyone do anything bad oh bless your heart well we're not voting ian out this time i don't think we can even if he's passed out i just can't [Laughter] hmm [Laughter] [Music] so we'll find out not the imposter not the imposter there we go exam says l pulling the i don't know what i'm doing play well i mean clearly she didn't know what she was doing uh the taskbar is creeping up a bit but look it's johnny it's gotta be johnny isn't it he's gonna chase ellen in here he's gonna slice her up slice her up good and proper or is he huh what's jane doing bit cautious there bit cautious she going in that vent it's got to be j i'm just i'm i saw those two right beside a body so me and l that um i was in electrical i saw two people i think it was johnny and e for in there before me and they ran out it was me oh we just went in and fixed the lights well you fixed the lights i undid one of your switches were having fun lighting times and then i came in too late and then uh how many tasks do you have left to do beat de la crosse's task it doesn't update [Laughter] i've got one task left and every time i'm just about to do a meeting gets called it's classified i think i don't really have much to go on but if it's making quite a convincing case like at the minute i do suspect jane i'm finished my tasks by the way i had one left in weapons when that uh final or last sabotage went off uh but i ran to do that first and then uh yeah then i went to the emergency button because i feel like we should probably should probably get rid of jane yeah yeah i think she might have self-reported on that last one if we were wrong wait what on who yeah because you saw people coming so you quickly press the either report button rather than wait frosted it and then if it's not jane it's ian and we have to i don't know once more and i've got to die because you can't stomach murdery yeah i wish god i wish [Music] in front of me and then like i was like oh god get to the meeting button he just pursued me all the way to the cafeteria i got i got the flap open and press the button and he killed me immediately story to tell why would you use that excuse me i couldn't actually see the doors because i was at the bottom of red bay i didn't even realize that elle was trapped in the room i was just like why is else staring at me like that it's coming towards me and i was like whoa i was like i just ran out as fast as i could yeah yeah no you were right the wheelchair was the most fun i think i've had in this game i can't wait to watch that back i genuinely recommend it [Laughter] you were like i've got four tasks left it's like that's like all of the tasks that was that was the wrong number to pick you know it's like all of the tests sorry power in should we do a map change yeah yeah yeah yeah or whatever let's do a map we do snap change yeah i've been the imposter three times and genuinely i'm not sure i could take it too stressful i'll space you immediately next time put me out my misery um okay will i email it or was it yeah pop it on the email just in case for okay cool oh it's email okay oh our chat is saying hide and seek a lot we'll we will play some highlights we'll get to it we'll get to it you've got another hour of how you might kill him i'm sure my heart can take yeah i don't i've never played it but yeah oh yeah nobody oh yeah i sent it by the way i'm just waiting got it yourself got it like a lonely loner oh there it is lonely lolis got it there we are i can't say it aloud because we're hiding the code but that's a very funny code i was thinking the same thing yeah yeah also even nice hat thank you i've decided i'm going to become a hard-boiled detective for the rest of us [Laughter] all right we're all in yeah yeah oh yeah ready whoever asks how in the world is carmen san diego everyone always asks who's the imposter nobody ever asks how's that stressed all right jane's ah crewmate again good it's my comfort zone oh which oh we're in oh it's this one isn't it well let's go oh come on drag drag for pity's sake well i don't use jane because she just made the same error as me which is she checked her map and went straight up so it's not jane i don't think um oh my god the stabilizers come on come on hurry up task hurry up task right okay that's fine that's been fixed comms let's go to comms oh dear well well well well well i have two bits of information to share the first is that i don't think jane is the imposter because she did the exact same thing that i did which is run downwards check their map at the start and then realize that there's a drop ship task above and then change directions why are you gonna do me like this i didn't i did the exact same thing you just say um [Laughter] but yeah so uh jane is not suspicious yeah i think mike's legit as well also l is in comms i can actually tell you that i just saw ian running from the body and then he would have not been able to like all that was like oh useful well it's not unless ian legitimately didn't see a big dead johnny oh um where was johnny's body literally like uh when you come down from the reactor like when you run past the launch pad just kind of in that little inbetweeny bit so just carefully i did the reactor with was it jane yeah i was is there react to the thing that's on a little walkway in the top yeah that's the size yeah yeah the seismic whatever the hell it is okay that one yeah i did that one with ian but no that one um [Music] well my info was going to be i trust johnny i i trust loli's because she came up to do the reactor just just as i'd finished it and we went all the way okay and went back the other way and then ether came along with her fancy hat from the middle very fancy yes i was down at the bottom i was kind of like coming around the long way because i've been i kind of i always forget that you can't go in through communications through that fence so like i went down and around to get the weapons and then came back up and yeah i saw youtube coming out by the time did you not see did you not see elves communication it's rare for me it's rare for me to trust loli's but i unless ian would have had to literally step over the body like all right guess we'll see hmm i do wonder about ifa being down at communications and not not seeing elle's body that i i find that enormously suspicious but i guess we'll find out when she kills me she's not gonna kill me no she's coming back she's coming back is she doing a task oh dear oh there's something to be done isn't there um i honestly don't know that looks quite convincing from ifa but it could have been among us acting oh god oh dear well she looks like she's going for the going for the reactor yeah it wasn't damn it damn it should have gone with my gut and not hung around e for loads and here we go here's the self report here comes the self report oh boy that was close yeah i was about to say is anyone doing that to us no you and i were in in switzerland i was already through decontamination at that point i was the same yeah i was standing there with my hand on the thing going is anyone coming i took a long time trying to get the door open i didn't realize the doors were actually a thing guys as well should have trusted my gut i was just about to say oh my god ian's been killed as well it's like oh wait that was yes by the way yeah um when we all left the emergency the meeting room um i went and did wires just outside the door and then i was running towards the the bottom bit of the decontamination room and if i came out of the room like not out of the decontamination room but out of that room and there's nothing really in that room unless you're going into decontamination as far as i know i was like going by the arrows and not by the map so sometimes i end up in rooms where i don't know what is in there that is all that was i will say i hate this map i also did a task that i've never done before where you have to fill up how to canisters oh yeah that one's long annoying um anyway yeah i was running to do the reactor uh because i had been rebooting the wi-fi and then mike's body was literally there so um nice body was at the reactor at the reactor yeah which one the one on the left which one were you at um i was at the one on the right okay so e like wheels and i were both in yeah the specimen room so it was either jane or it's a self report by ifa unless you vented in there all right no there's no vents in de contam see that's why i don't know if you could say that none of us would know enough to tell you there's no there's no events like killing in the specimen is great but also really terrible because there's no way to sneak out of there isla is going to steer the vote towards fifa that's the question i feel like we need to vote for someone because all they have to do is kill one person if we were wrong about you no remember how that went the last time though and i'm more so than i am of jane yeah so so no okay but that's a bad idea because we that happened last time and we just made a very good point for herself either well that doesn't i shouldn't it shouldn't have to make a point for myself if i'm in listen ellen wow i'm abstained i'll be honest i didn't want any part of it wow have we got it [Laughter] [Laughter] where you're like i don't know when i just let up because it was the screen to come up either i was totally like yeah i don't think i think it's jane and then when you were like nah no i don't think we should vote soon as soon as i said that i was like i shouldn't have done that yeah um yeah it was good well played though um i sort of thought i was suspicious of you either because you've been down at communications where elle's body was and you hadn't you know hadn't seen it apparently so the first year that was an opportunistic kill really and i saw you out of the corner of gary because i saw you see me and i'd run into a room by mistake and i came out and you're like coming towards me and i was like oh okay not getting out of this room alive there's a point where jane was following me into the like top right part of the map and i was like i'm sorry literally there was i think wheels both you and i went the wrong way because we thought we could go like as the crow flies and then we were both embarrassed like well i guess we i can't say anything the records show that we correctly killed ian this time yes look i don't often trust lolita right twice a day right exactly it was it was me that was blocking you in that door jane i was like oh maybe i can kill them all with the reactor i knew there was a ghost messing with wheels yes mate in your pop huh [Laughter] again which is fine because i find it stressful to not be the crewmate also people were accusing jane in that last round oh my god lolis oh my god loli's instant instant kill she's too good at this game i'll finish what i was saying which is that um i think one of the things that's interesting about this game is that people forget who was vouched for in the previous round so like i vouched for jane and like i had a pretty good defense of jane and yet by the time like we get to the third round of accusations everyone's forgotten that uh that i was like you know i a i've been killed so i definitely wasn't like an imposter lying and b i was able to like 100 vouch for jane so it's weird isn't it you just sort of forget like each conversation is discreet rather than like a it's not an ongoing sort of debate so what am i doing oh minus 12. um yeah which is a problem it's a problem for the crewmates because you forget who you can like immediately discount and give immunity to we need little like immunity badges that say i am not it um and that would make it a lot easier well someone finally reported my body and also if he's dead dead space night in storage just start calling him dead oh antifa status as well yeah we found a mic though i don't know yeah lollies and i just walked into storage having done the flippy switches on the door and there he was this is worked out really well the space mic defense me and ian both went down and then went back up again because we realized we had that task in the drop ship space johnny yeah yes johnny ian and i um we we me and johnny we were stuck behind ghost doors i thank you [Laughter] the thing went off i ran out ellen was came from the direction of like where the office is and stuff wheels did left seismic reactor daniela right into storage dead body the end goodbye thanks for watching everybody this has been i just skipped yeah i don't know what's going on i don't i don't there's not enough i i i trust jane because i was in the same room as her and she didn't murder me so um yes i am i am encouraging people to vote the way i'm voting it's not an insult it's just my suspicion it's got to be i want people to vote about if i was the imposter right oh me no one meeting everyone can loudly announce that they're the imposter uh loli's played by under there because my body was not found for long enough that um that she was able to come across it like naturally after the after the fact so and then she's just so good at steering the conversation and the debate um it's uh it's real impressive she's very good at this game but yeah it's a lowly's world we're just living it basically um johnny's johnny's the other imposter he's gotta be surely surely he's gonna be all right let's follow loli's let's watch a master class and among us masterclass in action is he in toast oh there's too many people see she's i would have probably killed ian there but um yeah lily's what slowly he's gonna do is she gonna kill wheels she's pretending to do tasks like a pro she knows where all the tasks are on all the maps knowledge of this game is so so powerful um and lolis wields it expertly um comms have been sabotaged as well what slowly is gonna do i'm just following loli's around see what ghost chat is saying nothing ghost chat quiet tonight hmm oh here we go here's wheels right what is lolis gonna do she's gonna hang around by the the drinks fountain she's just hiding i would never do that like here we go this is the kill no no this is the kill what is loli's doing ah sabotaging probably she's doing enough pretend tasks to be completely unimpeachable she's checked out and now ellen is dead what just happened then i was just about to report a body i found on the floor oh and i was like i was just thinking as i was playing that i've not been killed by anyone in this match this whole stream except for the group as a vote okay she's doing a thing okay it's fine and i was like okay do my water jugs oh there's a reactor but i purposely didn't kill wheels because i kept being alone with wheels and i was like i'm gaining his trust i hope i just knocked it i did that did not make me gain your trust when you were all together because i came out of the specimen room and they're like four of you orgasms i wanted to go to the processor that was a master class from loli's because uh loli's killed me immediately and i was stuck in the little fuel shed thing and then uh lolis was able to walk around the entire map come round and then very naturally wander in and report my body as if she just found it some like two or three minutes why are you standing in the bathroom cubicle by yourself though you're standing on top of the vent i was like oh it's clearly here is there oh that's sneaky and that's exactly the kind of place where i'd accidentally go in the back i think jane just didn't incriminate herself at all uh throughout any of those conversations yeah yeah she barely barely said anything it was a matter of very quiet jane it was very quick get murdered kills on do we want to switch to hide and seek yeah yeah it's quarter past really easy can we stomach 45 minutes of sheer terror yeah let's let's i love sheer terror let's switch it half past let's let's yeah let's do it one more 30 minutes of intense yeah we gotta pace ourselves okay one more of these and then i'll make a new room because yes okay okay let's go okay and i'm sorry for suspecting you even when we're gonna have to rename it to trust issues game [Laughter] all right not the imposter not stressed not stressed uh right i'm gonna do the one that's like in the middle of somewhere so that i don't oh god is he just gonna kill me please don't kill me uh task completed oh the lights have gone out ah stressful stressful ether is doing a task over there where are where are the lights in this where are the lights in oh the lights have been fixed right fine fine weapons let's do a weapons task let's do a weapon source oh shooting asteroids an absolute nightmare it's so difficult to control i mean i'm doing it but it just takes takes time there we go right what else have i got to do something in the office something in the office is there anyone in here that's next room next room oh my god the sizing stabilizers fine fine this is normally where i get killed and trying to fix all the problems against oh it's fine who's done that then johnny and various other people let's say i was trying to report lowly's body for the first like minute but it kept opening the door instead where was it where it's the it's the bottom left door that goes into the specimen room so you know it's like it's like the bottom right hand corner so there's the left entrance and the top right entrance it was the left entrance literally just out of the deacon town area that's where i found the corpse because i was going into the specimen room i haven't been anywhere near the special room so i'm no help i was doing the refueling one where you're just going back and forth from storage so i've not been that way either i've run into jane a couple of times like we ran into another seismic stabilizer um yeah but that's about it okay um i saw l when i did the seismic stabilizer near me and i saw ifa up that way as well i've seen johnny up that way johnny came down from the i think johnny and jane came down from the seismic stabilizers as i was arriving um yeah but i i feel like jane was in the office next to me when the when the seismic stabilizers went off i think then the office in the middle of the map yeah next to the emergency yeah i saw someone yeah it must have been i was like i think i'm following you up but um okay all right i feel confident about johnny and mike hmm i saw johnny fix the electrical like right at the start yeah yeah me too about it okay yeah i saw you three all come out of the because i came across from storage because i was doing the fueling one and i came to [Laughter] that's that's big i don't know who it is but i'm going to try and remember that i trust jane and johnny when the debate happens next time because quite often like people get vouched for at the beginning and then in the next chat everyone forgets yeah who it was so um jane and johnny are hey okay yeah i'm gonna vote for ian what's up okay all right good luck everyone good luck [Music] okay i feel like it's bad when there's like no evidence oh that's not good i've not made that much of it all right okay uh so let's oh god this one's a nightmare isn't it turn it over turn it over wave it over the thing task completed okay big big space gang big space gang uh what tasks have i got left to do i've got one in the specimen room um see how many of my tasks do i feel bad that we had a meeting that had no real evidence whatsoever um because yeah it's um you just don't feel like you're making progress and you know people are getting bumped off as we speak uh in fact i think ellen might have just been bumped off i think i just saw her on the video chat go completely wrong i'm not the simon says thing oh my god wait i didn't even concentrate on what i was doing start again right okay fine hurry up simon says i think ellen's probably dead but what you gonna do what are you gonna do i hate this simon says thing there we go task completed there's ian better not be a murderer better not be a space murderer hello hi i just checked vitals johnny's dead also ellen is dead oh and ellen's dead i went off to the emergency report button so that might have happened very recently but she wasn't dead when i first looked i don't think um i have seen i was in just doing the canisters and the oxygen at the tree there before with the levels and i saw elle at one point i saw jane at one point and i saw wheels haven't seen e in her space mike [Laughter] ian was hanging around in the um in the same sort of areas me i was doing the simon says puzzle you know the really long annoying one where you have to memorize the thing it absolutely works um i don't i don't know that he was doing anything productive in there he was just sort of standing around so i think he'll find i've been very productive because i've just i've just done my final task which was assorting specimens into a specimen box in the specimen room all right fair i'm suddenly convinced i don't know i've got i feel like i've been useful i had no useful evidence previously and i've got none now so other people what other tasks have you been doing uh me i did the that stupid one where you have to like flip the qr code over and then like whiz one of you probably wasn't doing it at all maybe it was definitely i was definitely doing it i've done that how many duplicate tasks do you get is it that everyone gets a list of the same ones and then we get different ones yeah i think there's group tasks and then yeah i don't know how many i feel like i haven't seen many people uh i saw either in the middle of the map but just towards the end there just before the alarm i was crossing over to the specimen room because that's i've only got two tasks left well one two part task left and it's in there honestly i've got i've got one task left it's in this best room i've been too scared everyone's going to this place [Laughter] come join me right fine fine i don't i've got no idea no idea really how do i so we go into the specimen room where i got to be all my stuff is not in the specimen room though i'm not i'm not doing this sorry but i'm going completely the opposite side so when someone gets killed in the specimen room uh i'm gonna have plausible deniability because it'll be miles away and hmm i don't know i really got no idea here it is i feel like whoever's doing it is doing a good job right last task come on come on what do i do here okay it's a refill thing fine i think i've done all the really like laborious tasks oh i've got to do another part of it please don't kill me they're not doing much sabotaging these imposters which i feel like would be helping them out quite a lot if they were if they were to do something right okay this got me my last task ah damn it damn it jane and wheels wow wheels yes let's all go to the specimen room left the specimen room i left the specimen room i was on my way to do the second part of that task and jane just got me by the door i was literally like i killed ian i was like right jane just has to do her bit we've got it just come on i was trying to find her way into the specimen because i was so suspicious of you there's a point where he like came towards me a bit and then but then there was like a meeting called and i was like well i i was doing the water valves and i genuinely thought to myself like ugh wheels are just the bane of my existence [Laughter] my death was like horror movie death because i was in that bit with the rocket and there's the fencing and one door and i saw jane at the fence oh no it's jane i miss you you want to come in here do you elle ellen after i walked out and you guys hadn't seen the corpse i was like eventually someone's going to find that corpse and they're going to know that i walked out of there so i went up to vitals and was like oh no and called an emergency meeting because i knew the corpse would disappear so nobody would know what i did that's a good tactic it was it was good i was all at sea there i had no idea throughout any of those meetings here it was like fair play like wheels killed me and then like run around in a circle around me like as if he was like dancing on my grave and then he called it and he reported my body i was like he's starting to turn a little bit i feel like you have to do it so much that he's like maybe i think i i think i killed you and then i was like wait i don't know what to do now and i was like oh screw it i'll just self report and then i don't have to think about it oh god it's well done yeah well played wins in one stream but i think the imposter like five times times they need to they need to like be better at kind of mixing that stuff up yeah but i guess if it's if you know that it's not going to be the same person all the time then it helps you know who's going to be able to answer yourself who are you hiding and seeking then god anymore the one thing that i didn't realize and i don't know this is like necessary but um apparently hide and seek you can uh the imposter is allowed to take down calms yeah yeah otherwise you're kind of just like be lining it to all your tasks and it can't just sit by the thing they have to repair then the comms thing but we don't need to do the comms necessarily no it's like it's dangerous but like also you can just find your task by running around yeah it's like it just gives the imposter a bit more of a chance because yeah because then the people who are hiding have to like kind of wander around and put can we go over the rules again for hide and seek just uh so we we don't mute our our microphones at all yeah lots of running around and screaming yeah i think when like with last time we had it that ghost don't mute either but i think when your ghost maybe doom you because it was a bit hectic with all of us still talking i think yeah and also it makes it somebody was saying that it makes them more eerie when there's like less and less people talking about god themselves they count down 10 seconds which is just the kill cooldown so they just wait till the kill covenant is done um you can talk and tell each other where the imposter is unless you're dead of course then you meet yourself um should we sabotage calm so that people don't have their task lists well that's why i'm saying you you can do but that's up to the imposter whether okay i want to um you don't report bodies you don't do emergency meetings okay okay i think that's everything we are missing one person i think oh yeah did you send the you did yeah okay basically like dead by daylight yeah led by moonlight yeah dead by the speed of light starlight star lights nice all right this is so stressful i'm not sure what you can take it but i've been the imposter five times in a row mike i'm telling you oh well wow is it john johnny seven it's just it's just one five [Laughter] he's got weapons navigation dudes dude weapons of navigation yes i mean navigation murderers bye wheels oh sorry wheels hello five four three two one extra stressful what how our tasks are johnny's a medical run lollies he's a medical am i he was running no don't go that way like all right fine held quick this way this one coming back i'm running [Music] oh oh do you have a 10 second count between killings right yeah yes damn it well done wow is that our first win by an imposter yeah the comms definitely makes it a lot more difficult that was terrifying that was amazing there's nothing more scary than coming down the corridor and then just a bunch of ones towards you being like [Laughter] [Music] jesus because i think we had like too many tasks yeah that was under the heart some people have asked me to mention to mike yes sorry my screen was uh was blank because we were doing the codes and stuff so um yes it's fun it was an audio it was an audio play and johnny you were there but it's fixed now it was very very funny when like you stopped yeah i think ian's yelp is mvp yeah are you surprised once you've killed someone do you have to me yeah yeah yeah yeah i forgot about that immediately okay oh it's me it's me oh no oh no the one thing what's your name oh no why are [Laughter] all right where where is she anyone see it anyone got ice cream cafeteria cafeteria you don't [Music] the range on that kill is or next to storage i just saw her by storage and now i'm running away in weapons i mean i'm almost certainly going to die okay don't die yeah oh thanks lolis this is going to be in your next performance review ether do you see anything no i'm just trying me past security okay okay i'm not working heading towards not working past electrical quality storage now i have died oh genuinely need to go get a drink because i hurt my throat [Laughter] is what i should not have done then i said see oh my god i can see your baby i can only see your baby no you don't kill me no no no no no i couldn't even baby ran into a turtle i mean how long trademarks i do feel like it feels slightly easy for the imposter i think we maybe need to oh ellen you're muted at the moment um come back ellen sorry i've made the impression it looks longer for us like i've watched streams back and seen myself be killed by johnny and he's on top of me and actually on my screen he's just like okay i mean that feels like an important part of netcode to get right but yeah uh is there any way to make it slightly easier for the uh maybe maybe more of a cooldown um there is what the cooldown is as low as it can go up it yeah i don't know oh yeah the uh yeah vision's smaller as well um the fit where lolis was just pinning you all in admin by the way um we don't need a more like open plan map do we is it too corridor i saw someone in our chat say this map is going to kill you all or something um polis can be quite hard for the imposter though okay like it's they're like the i'm trying to get the sentence yeah sure yeah last time it was impossible for them that's true that's true okay well let's give it another go this one felt quite i've taken away the long term [Laughter] okay i'm a crew mate again oh it's me imposter [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] because we're all friends here i had to choose as well and i was like which one should i go in okay oh hi i literally ran right past you well that was terrifying security cameras it's not good anyone got eyes on no no you keep going i keep going okay cool yeah it's just at the beginning it was time to run away i've got a real blood last night okay here we go no anyone um friendly ellen oh dear oh dear she's coming into engines slower engines into towards the reactor security corridor okay oh my god i'll be fine just [Music] [Laughter] i was hiding in a room and elle just came in and then went out again she's near cafeteria engine lowly stay away from that area cafeteria thank you ah she's coming away how's everyone doing for tasks i'm doing my last one now i'm doing my and then don't run that way i think she's down that way okay the l ellen confusion in panic is she coming from that direction uh reactors engines south reactors engines uh we're running uh clockwise around the ship oh lollies turn around how are you getting on with those tasks johnny [Laughter] all mine are done so i just need something let's stick together we're all done we've just got like a line of two yeah is that because you're a ghost johnny yes i'm not johnny johnny right in front of my eyes [Laughter] [Music] oh dear this is tense tense tense it's over ella's over in your navigation ah she's going into navigation are you dead no okay good who has tasks left is it just johnny okay she's going over towards the cafe [Applause] [Music] how small was your view code and l because you ran past a lot of people yeah the impossible you were in security on the security cameras and then you ran into security and i was watching on camera event it run into security and then in my head i was like i'm in security [Laughter] all right panic does things to you yeah it does that was that was kind of fun like i like this a lot more when i'm just stalking prey [Laughter] says a lot about you else who doesn't get a little bit of blood loss from time to time you know right oh someone in our chat dave logan everyone stick together l appears in front of them everyone for themselves oh it's it's me [Music] i hope nobody's in admin right now this is definitely what wheels was doing when he was the imposter in the other rounds as well oh yeah oh [Laughter] i've remembered i need to do tasks now that's good that's helpful so they're going great yeah okay how did i bring space [Laughter] you make those kind of noises i know that you're close and i just scared each other no reals [Music] [Laughter] there's a big computer that tells me where everyone is she's still alive i'm i'm doing a test yeah we got johnny shout out to um the shapes drawn on the wires now by the way yeah yeah nice color-blind accessibility i think also the fact that you can see what hats people wear in in uh discussion is really handy oh yeah oh wrong vincent price i was not the one who failed at navigation not that i'm saying so many wiring puzzles i'm in navigation come to the navigation if you want to come get it just done he got the two the two beans [Laughter] his vision's based on movement i'm probably fine all right sorry i'm losing the space baby liability wow am i allowed to use the admin camera thing i don't know yeah yeah you can okay although eventually like i was like wow why are there so many people oh it registers corpses okay [Music] he's going to navigation he's going into navigation [Laughter] okay he's on the right he's on the right what color is one what color is he ian's revenge red means red okay with the toilet paper red the color of blood of angry man he's running up to cafetera he's in cafeteria i need to no no bbq [Laughter] he's either he's going like he went towards the engine that went down fine okay now he's going towards engines he's going towards engines you're behind me perhaps i was on a camera yes oh no i should have looked at my tasks oh no oh [Music] uh he's gone over to comes he's over it comes no he's not no he's not [Laughter] i mean nothing i mean what gang yeah the pain in jane fought mainly on the plane i think that was ellen he's over it comes he's over it comes just don't go near comes yeah we're here hi i said she just saw you ian where are you lolis has got a big mouth luckily for you ian i don't know where coms is so it's south it's just next to storage on the right just don't go that way okay all right well i think all my tasks are done maybe or are they i think my tasks are done but i'm not sure because the thumbs are down so you know how does it just not tell you when you've completed them all as well no no not when comes it down though can we fix comms is that a thing we can do yeah we can but he's just stalking around that area like a weirdo where are you [Music] [Applause] ah your space baby was your greatest weakness it's trailing come on my uh why are my arms so tiny oh yes oh my god i was trying to cut well done holy crap oh my god that was tense that was that was close the comment is horrible in a good way because you're like have i finished i don't know whether i've done it all good that was i think everyone else is screaming and i'm like well this is no longer effective yeah exactly just floating around doing my ghostly tasks mortal troubles are no longer my concerns [Applause] resurrection [Music] so frightening everyone stay really really quiet [Music] [Laughter] this is the worst of them all dead in storage oh god you can't say that i said it before she killed me [Music] yeah oh she's in the cafeteria oh [Music] um can we keep the uh the leaves out of the air ducts please i know we're all being hunted quite annoying [Laughter] ian come and play no those games aren't fun anymore i don't like it it's good you can play forever [Music] my soul gets eaten hey guys who else is in the engine rooms just like me in the engine room i got got by electric oh wait i'm not allowed to say that i got somewhere chain what all right come on eta okay she's coming up by admin oh um [Laughter] here [Applause] ellen why are you running away ellen i won't hurt much [Applause] [Laughter] that was nasty i was watching that i was like no oh hi hold on hold on wait i accidentally started the game what uh okay no no we're all in the thing we're all in the way i feel like i'm getting cardiovascular exercise just playing this game i really hope you're not secretly a [Laughter] murderer [Applause] get out of there [Laughter] sorry dave i can't not kill you stupid match puzzles [Music] well it makes us even worse when they're so long lower engine lower engine [Laughter] i'm in the is man oh it's tense it's very tense she's a navigation she's in navigation okay okay quick everyone run to navigation yeah she's gonna leave me now and she oh dear uh okay oh god i wish i could zoom my camera okay i've done my tasks oh wow i've nearly done mine as well lily's running storage she's in storage stay away from storage all right oh good my task is in storage good run away mike run away fine how would you run the direction i'm running from because i've got a strategy don't run towards me i'm hiding i've got a strategy and it's the same strategy that wheels was employing as well she's still in storage she's still in storage she has she just loves it there apparently i'm gonna have to tempt her out just go on after you might just leave a trail of treats and she'll just follow them wheels look delicious for mine you know my weakness is everyone's weakness if you've still got tasks i have so many tasks oh god all right oh she's coming ellen run oh my god the range i'm dead where oh oh oh no porridge following me into shields okay well i've done it nearly all my daughters i'm going to do my time the distractions aren't working people trying to follow am i chasing her what's going on they're in storage i just saw wheels running past yeah yeah okay all right everything so let's it's trying to find ellen don't come this way god i'm trying to like be a distraction i finished my task oh okay all right we'll do that together being very brave right now i hope you all appreciate it he's telling stories [Laughter] but now she's running back lower engine uh going back towards storage oh my god i was just inserted just finished my tasks running in stores now that [Laughter] oh my god i really had to do a task in there and it's like one of my last tasks and i was like let's say that we must we must be sure the daughter electrical running back to storage [Laughter] oh my goodness that story was like the pain of my life see like a little glimpse of wheels just like this wheels was really toying with you it was amazing [Laughter] yeah i do not think i can handle more than half an hour of hide and seek no actual lives by like a significant amount [Music] all right well what's everyone got coming up what's what's everyone doing this week what what because it's only tuesday you guys well it is only tuesday but there's a lot of very big embargoes coming up this week i don't even know if we're allowed to say when is what but uh but keep an eye on all these channels at the end of the week lots of big stuff coming yeah and we'll still be talking about cardboard any big big cardboard releases this week oh yeah okay tomorrow yeah we we are releasing a video because me and johnny tried to play tabletops johnny and i me and johnny try to play tabletop simulator in vr all right how did that wow and it was about as ridiculous as you can imagine it was amazing it was quite scary that's on dice spray uh elle where can we find you what are you up to at the moment so this wednesday i have an episode of pokemon's new series where we traveled all around the uk on a big poker bus so that's that's my episode that is coming out um which was probably the most amazing thing ever is really incredible i don't want to rub it in but it was really amazing on friday and i think this went live at 5pm so i'm really sorry ubisoft if it didn't but um on friday at 5pm there's a special opens which is like a big live stream event for valhalla and they sent me to be a viking nice oh my god i made swords i played plunk with a trained raven it's a traditional viking game yes so well yeah yeah yeah did you get to touch the raven we did what we'll hold the raven on like a big sleeve but it's alright it's as clever as a 12 year old and it genuinely was it was really and it can like make noises as if a human is so we kept not being sure who oh that's just creepy that is amazing yeah so that's on friday so it's kind of a task master style nice wow competition i was on a team with gav from rkg oh yes yeah it was really fun i'll be over here being very jealous in wheels [Laughter] i know you do sweetheart lots going on then lots of good stuff this week so keep an eye on outside xbox outside extra you're a gamer dice breaker and on elle's social media feeds i suppose for all that stuff as well so cool thank you so much talked about it [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 168,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, jane douglas, mike channell, elle osili-wood, ellen rose, outsidextra, aoife wilson, zoe delahunty-light, ian higton, johnny chiodini, michael whelan, wheels, lolies, alex lolies, johnny, among us, among us gameplay, among us stream, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us 10 players, 10 players, multiplayer, 10-player gameplay, funny moments, funny, maximum players
Id: jvJZSAUkoy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 50sec (7610 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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