Let's Play Among Us: NEW MAP, SAME OLD CHAOS! ft. Outside Xbox, Outside Xtra & Dicebreaker!

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foreign [Music] so [Music] that was almost so smooth and uh to everyone else so we are streaming across four channels right now i'm here on outside xbox who else have we got i'm here for your icebreaker i'm here i i keep being advertised as mike on the other channels but it is me did i write mike again oh my gosh i didn't want to bring it up no oh dear [Music] i have confirmation from our end that it was perfect timing by the way so we finally gathered to play the new airship map it's real it's here at last hooray real as it is here just to remind everyone who's watching on outside xbox that you can get the links to all the other uh streams if you want to see this from other feeds the links are all in the youtube description and i assume the same is true of all the other channels yes indeed definitely and ours now says uh andy instead of mike hooray nice cool okay early morning copy and paste so you can watch our amongst uh airship map from four different perspectives what a treat i'm very excited about this i'm kind of terrified because this map is supposed to be huge it's massive yeah there's like eight of us i've played a few times i've only played it twice we have another gimmick as well that we'll be bringing in and we're gonna do some proximity chat so [Laughter] [Music] fyi you get to choose where you start on the map interesting okay bye bye bye everyone okay oh thank goodness so just so you know uh it's it's me playing on video i think oh my goodness it's me playing on eurogamer and uh i'm really glad that i'm not that i'm not an imposter first time because it would be terrifying to start a new map and not know where you are what you're doing or what even what jobs there are okay yeah jobs tasks uh fix wiring cargo bay main hall where where are all these things what oh viewing deck let's go there first uh here we go no andy no okay there we go lovely little bit of wiring to start off where where okay this way let's go this way oh my god i think andy's as lost as i am andy where do you go i'm following you what the heck what the heck the heck where what how do we get up there ellen how did you do that use oh there's a use button now oh we're all going to die we're all going to die okay thank god someone else took care of that because that was that was just terri imposters please give us a little bit of a little bit of a grace period come on now see if the imposters lilies oh i tell you what right um cargo bay i suppose oh this snicker room yeah that's new it's like it's like a train or something all right r.i.p ellen by the way but seriously this is [Laughter] all i can give you is i climbed a ladder oh yeah it tells you at the bottom of the where you are now where we are now it tells you at the bottom where you are right in i'm in the end oh i am also i'm in the lounge wait that tells you where you are on the bottom of the page right now bottom of the screen yeah engine room okay well there's a use button now that really threw me i spent quite a lot of time trying to get up that line yeah trying to get up and down the ladder yeah i remember seeing jane also trying to stop the the crash fingerboard and we were both like i don't know how to get to the other one so we were just running around panicked yeah so is wheels being suspicious oh no he's trying to wait for the floated platform thing which did not come across yeah i did the other one by the way just okay how many imposters do we have two two okay ellen's gonna be really mad if we don't try and solve her oh yeah well nobody saw that yeah yeah i didn't i didn't see anything useful the only person you're are you in the vent in the engine room maybe not if you go to the toilet so you can keep the doors open really dramatically yes yeah all right let's all go to the toilet yeah we have new information here yeah yeah i saw ether and she had lots of elena sorry alan well ellen you should have died in front of me hold on a minute all right okay wait did there no one no one i can't wait till we eat somebody that's great now as well she did die in front of someone now what's that supposed to mean do we reckon oh this is just too large oh cargo bay i have a job here um i am going to be useless at this for quite a while it's a tank in a box [Music] it's a tank in a box yeah someone left their banana um this is really cute though i like the map but i'm just i'm it's just gonna take me a while to find out where i can and cannot go uh oh okay hold on right let's where is that where is that alarm going off [Music] who is jane is said so ian do you want to talk about the fact that you just murdered jane in front of me i do you want to talk about the fact that you murdered jane and you didn't see me just happen upon you at the last second i saw you murder her so i was happily kicking the doors in i saw them i saw it in full glorious hd there's absolutely no possibility that could have happened because my foot was firmly kicking toilet doors in no it wasn't was it kicking a toilet door into the face of oh no i don't know what else to say except that i saw ian murder jane and i i'm really not sure what the point is of asking this question but where i mean i was coming up from the cargo bay and what it says in the bottom of my screen now is that we're in the lounge um it was like in a doorway basically so it might it might just be but yeah sounds like a self-report to me andy voted already mm-hmm i don't know i don't believe it could have killed me there was no one within 10 miles earlier yeah ian's not really fighting back very hard look at look at ian's face he knows he's been hard yeah by someone who's stabbing me but to be fair every single time ian is accused he does look he's got a terrible [Laughter] please no [Music] [Laughter] all all right back to it well there we go we we've solved we've solved one one murderer murder case per jane um i guess the other imposter might be after me now but um oh sure i'm having a wee wash ah hi don't don't judge me shire what are you hear you to tell me i'm dirty it's gonna get rowdy a little uh naughty i can't remember the name oh god okay let's go fix the comms because i feel like that'll probably help let's head down here there we go there lovely oh no this is my job getting the tasks oh there's a wee bit of movement there who's that oh someone's closing the doors run away run away fast quite fast um okay so we've got a job done yeah and a job what's a quickest way to get here probably this way this is how are we ever supposed to witness anything when everything's so spread out oh gosh not this one [Music] this is stressing me out already see right good luck someone's going to come by and murder me uh i knew it right countdown for camden it's fine it's fine you can solve murders this is this should be wee buns right sorry right just nice and slow nice easy does it easy thank god oh nice right okay i swear i thought we were going to be there all night right fix the lights candy i assume it's this way well oh my goodness wow murder machine i don't even know who i just found because i just pressed the report button but um that's why i'm saying i don't know because i just pressed the report button i didn't see who it was it's dark but if i was running around in circles and she did not press the report button so i'm thinking it's ifa hold on a wee second lilies that was a bit that was a bit aggressive first off so i feel like you're you're really itching to place the blame on someone because of course i'm running around in circles we're not as good at this game as you are and no no no no you're running around in tight circles around the body you're like he's tight there's no people has switched to her presenter voice slowly i was not running around in circles around the bodies what are you talking about i don't even know where the body you were no i wasn't well it's right there where you are where i just saw you where and i'm there where am i just just on the top where are we gap room am i getting played by lolita i'm in the i'm in the kitchen i'm in the kitchen lollies and no you're not you're yes i am i just saw you running around michael okay look just a wee second right lilies is going really really aggressively on this i'm really not blaming me you don't want to see me aggression and let me talk to look because you clearly don't want me to right look listen earlier on andy said i was with him quite a lot when uh he when we were on our own i had plenty of opportunity to kill him i reported right okay fair enough but i could have before but that was before ian i saw kill jane and i reported it immediately lilies is now trying to place the blame on me from out of nowhere i'm not anywhere near where she claims that i am i'm in the kitchen i can see him in the kitchen i was running around like trying the lights went out and then that's this is where we're at and i know where the kitchen uh okay ifa and loli's both look in the webcam we'll use this old trick okay okay both of you tell me you're not the imposter i am not the imposter i'm not the imposter but also i don't think i'm very believable but what else is oh you're being really aggressive and i wasn't all i said i didn't see what body was and i'm pretty sure i just saw it running around circles listen to how much he wants to convince you right now did you not vote luke yes i did oh so you've ordered me no i've i voted for ether there was only two votes did i not vote or maybe i didn't vote oh what do we do now loli's helped me wow okay this is interesting all right how do i not die okay right well i my only hope is to press the the button and i don't know where the button is um let's see i'm i'm fascinated that luke is believing lilies that's that's super interesting uh let's see here um i guess i'm i guess i i need to find the button where where the heck is the button is this it no what okay well there's luke um hopefully he'll see that i didn't there we go okay sorry i i wanna go on the ladies now okay my my bit is let's vote again because okay yeah okay i'm ready to vote again i actually saw her as well oh no it was luke was it lime green and yellow are such similar colors everyone's shaking their heads i made a terrible mistake no that's luke legend luke luke killed me and ian walked over my body and i went we are not having space buddies again i didn't i didn't just walk i danced against each other he didn't do anything we played you two like a damn fiddle fiddle i was actually really i'm sorry you probably shouldn't have come straight in there super aggressive hey lilies i was sure but again like when you were when we went after after the meeting i even said i was like yellow and lime green are such similar colors i could have seen the wrong color really annoyed i didn't listen to myself oh well it's there sorry just quickly off topic is anyone unable to type messages in there yeah oh that's a new thing yeah um i don't know if there's a way to fix that or what i think now the way it works maybe you can toggle this off is you see like there's a little speedometer yeah next to the chat now you can only do like sort of stock phrases i know some people because i think you have to be over 18 to be able to type or something so you might have to sign in if you go on your settings there's a sensor chat option oh it might have something to do with it i don't try there you come hello that makes sense does that work no i think i might need to sign in my sense of chat was on um i think this is because before yeah i signed in so like i had it was my fault it was entirely my fault i didn't suspect for a second he was like i just need to let this play out it's fine he does that one with his hand he's like i don't have to do anything they should add and they should add a new map all the time it makes everything it makes just so much more easy because i was like i'm gonna have to i don't know where i am i don't know i was gonna say like should we also wheels about whether or not we want uh which one of you is streaming to die spray spray coats okay so people wouldn't have seen that wheels actually did show me uh how to kick in the doors in a cool way and then i killed him afterwards do you know what do you know what the most suspicious thing was we were perfectly set up to both kick in the door at the same time like we were epic swap buddies and he didn't even do it so from that point on i was like no no there's something wrong with this character i'm gonna say i'm gonna say my play of the day was asking how many imposters do we have you should have heard me on you watch the orchestra all right good luck folks okay good luck everyone oh okay all right well this will be interesting let's um let's go this way i suppose uh and you're friends right we're friends we're friends here we're all friends here [Music] genuinely couldn't see andy because the lights are off i just walked past and my report button flashed up and i was like okay so why don't they they literally could have been in the room with me and i wouldn't have known okay i walked past you you came up from the armory and then into the engine room yeah i went from i know who was behind me it was ian was he indeed yeah i was i was indeed behind you i'm in the engine room now doing a wiring task the fact that the lights were off made it very difficult to know what was going on i went up i did wiring in the top left i walked past to do another task which was in like the top bit of the map because i don't know what anything's called uh and i saw the report button right in the middle of the room okay i'm i started in the kitchen and i'm on the viewing deck i was just going to fix the light that's because there's a light box on the viewing deck essentially i did like the what's that called when you have like a phone and you're holding it and you're trying to get sick that one yeah i was in the shower yeah i know another just taking a shower there is a shower i'm just cooling off and then yeah goodbye i know i was in the kitchen making a sandwich trying to make a tomato sandwich it's not an actual task it's a burger but yeah so wheels you found the body in the engine room in the engine room i know i know where i spawned and maybe yeah maybe loli's in the kitchen no ian spawned with me in the engine room who did you know i don't know i voted for ian what well might as well because um because ellen said about what i break the habit basically i cross paths with wheels he came out the armory and into there and i came it's either wheels or ian in my mind hold on hold on ellen no no no that's just because of where people are no no sorry i'm not no i want to know how you saw me at the lights were off because i don't remember seeing you you walked right past me and then i went into weapons and the i the lights went off ian right oh sorry well there you go uh all's fair and in love and among us sorry ian oh i heard about this this is a bug that happens return to game you can't you once you spawn back in after meeting you can't move until um until you click the settings button which is really weird all right let's get let's get to let's get to finding some people um what's down here where are we medical okay um [Music] what's in here the problem is i don't know any of these jobs um where is everyone i'm just gonna assume that lily's gonna take care of a lot of this you know i did i did i contributed when the opportunity presented itself uh security i suppose i could check the hall of portraits uh develop photos decontaminate fix the shower is where is your corpse by the by the manila folders wheels so sorry i didn't either of them it was really weird in that first round i was like oh well i went to fix the lights and i was like when did the lights break it was because i was in the middle of a task and i couldn't say that though because i'm like i'm going to look real sad if i'm like the lights were rough i'm more angry with everyone who voted for me just because you went i think it might be i ended up going in pink because you you somehow turned orange oh i did turn orange okay i'll take that back if you want to be orange if anyone wants this green i'm happy to swap as well that was an incredible play ifa and loli's and also did it heal a rift yeah well there is no rest you know that was like when we started i was like ha ha we have teamed up because we're really good i knew we were gonna smash it obviously seeing us seeing us it's very hard not only to get around this place but to know what the hell's going on because none of us know this map should be swapped to one imposter just throwing it out there yeah that might make sense actually with such a big map it seems like the imposters are having a pretty easy time of it uh it wasn't easy yeah i think actually i mean like luke won so like it must have been pretty basically child's play to win with two and mustard i think what we can all agree on is it's very unimpressive i will say luke when we're in that final three you must have just been sat there like yeah no yeah just immediately at each other's throats and you just have to sit back lily's our chat's asking what's the opposite of space buddies because that might be what we are space space how about frenemies evil space buddies [Music] and then it's also space patties [Applause] [Laughter] when i was a little kid i didn't know what the word limit was so i thought they were singing no lemon and i i was only corrected when i was loudly singing along no no no no no no no no no no no and that was only last week i know oh i'm terrible with song lyrics i've found so many of them wrong i tried to sign in just then but it was happening no my orange dance oh i'm sorry in the works i can guarantee you someone's gonna be like i saw orange it was wheels um let's go kitchen i really wanted i want a sandwich i wanna i want them making a sandwich task that sounds fun um all right also probably because i'm hungry as well right let's go this way armory i haven't even been up this way yet let's go communications do you all like how my my flying skills are getting slightly better um i think the key is you know say as little as possible for as long as you can um and try and slip it into the conversation uh rather than making big declarations well i was doing this so therefore it can't have been what the heck is this oh cute okay all right kid don't get cocky um viewing deck oh wow look at the size of this room zoom roomy just swing your arms all around the place enough for him to swing a cat hey kitty he's behind me somewhere um the armory is a bit but ornate uh is that look condimates oh they're right there okay um down here this is a precarious place to be isn't it [Music] oh oh this is oh there we go what you mean you mean you need better than good oh you need to hold it here what was that noise oh it was me right all we need to do everything that we need to do is on the other side of the ship this is lovely all of portraits it's kind of amazing um because uh inner sloth is it's only a team of like five people um so it's massively impressive what they managed to do oh um let's go this way how do i get how did i get there [Music] the dead orange of wheels i wouldn't know it anyway the wheels is dead i don't know um you want to know the two people who ran past me i'm pretty sure one of them was i think ether one of them was definitely ian ian i'm sorry you ran past me yes what it's worth i i was with ian for a time uh and he didn't he did not kill me i trust nothing that comes from your mouth luke quest away okay that's fair all i was doing was non-guiltily running around trying to work out how to there's a code you have to do to make a walkway appear or something and you have to go from one end of a room and the codes are like diamonds and jewels and coins and then you have to run all the way through medical to then enter the code on the other side it's a boring level of detail but i keep forgetting so i have to keep running backwards and forwards i don't know if that's a thing but i'm forgetting is definitely a thing it would be terrific if it wasn't i think um oh my god sorry i just realized how many people were dead yeah like we need to sort this out like now okay well ellen i don't know if i honestly i couldn't say if you saw me because i wasn't really paying attention i ran past andy at one point but once the sabotage went off i was basically trying to find a path up to where it was happening so yeah i was running around with my map out and yeah i saw jaden's dead body and he's still alive but he's having something he's filming my microphone has switched to a different microphone okay no worries i trust andy if that's anything because i walked past him earlier and he could have easily killed me i'm stuck somewhere already wait hold on so just because i ran past you i'm guilty because you ran past me from the direction of a dead body unfortunately because of the number of corpses we're going to have to agree to vote for someone and just hope for the best right all right i'm going to pick you up like the old one well i thought what do you think i'm not doing any ghost tasks if i get voted out again i'm just going to stamp my little see-through feat okay so ian and the other imposter voted for me wait i thought there was one in buster yeah oh was there still two yeah there were two of them oh [ __ ] okay wait didn't we change it to one that's why we created a new room there's one imposter so we killed ian yes you did but we shouldn't have correct yes jay ellen yes uh oh no comes the sabotage i don't know what i'm doing up here sorry i forgot i was meant to be speaking to people um oh here here's something here's something i can do uh six six one eight eight who do we reckon it is then uh yeah yeah um because it i wouldn't say it's luke because he had plenty oh there's the button okay he had plenty of opportunity to kill us there and didn't uh so let's just try and get our tasks on um oh this is the walkway look at this okay please don't be ellen uh but if it's not look and it's not ellen then is it andy hey who could it be ah no why did i get over there how the heck did what's happening of crash course well there we go okay see sneaky he was like oh no i have my mic issues i can't defend myself ellen ellen you're in great danger great danger ellen oh no oh no who else is left alive oh she's gonna she's in so much trouble all andy has to do is wait oh um [Music] no i can't talk i'm too busy fixing these things i do legitimately have microphone issues it switched me over to a bad microphone yeah that was massively done though i watched andy there and he just yeah smashed it also like for what it for what it's worth um like it wasn't andy's microphone issues that made me trust andy it was ellen saying so confidently i trust andy because he walked past me so many times and didn't kill me yeah you know what that's exactly what i did but you still i also didn't kill you ellen and yeah you and eva both walked past a dead jane and didn't spot her i'm sorry i have to have my map out all the time yeah i had my map out and it's visible excuse me for a moment ian will here this will make you feel better spanofsy uh has said a toast for ian forever sus always among us if only his fellows would just instill trust hashtag forever in our hearts nice oh that does slightly make up for the fact that i have been twice condemned to death for the crime of people sorry that would be hashtag forever in our hearts and you're like you're just always so soft though like even even back in school i'd get in trouble for stuff other people did because the teacher would be like victim you were the the imposter in the first round so you know we've we've yeah yeah you know has been the imposter sometimes oh yeah forever sass well i need that on a t-shirt that's from that's too all right well the chat wants me to tell you all about what i said when i was playing with the phone signal game oh yeah um and i was like i did it and then i just kind of went across the screen and i was like well when in doubt wiggle it about and then [Laughter] you know what i agree i did the phone signal thing and i i thought it was one of those ones where you just have to wait i watched it yeah you just have to wait but you have to find perfect as orange which is weird that is weird well i mean i mean look look at the photo evidence we have here orange is perfect to say let's crack on um i think we're waiting for andy by the way yeah we are he's andy's doing things doing things yeah he looks like he's fixing a fire alarm looks like he's doing an among us he's doing wiring and hey come back oh who's back hey hooray they're in the game hey i got a cat while we're waiting [Music] she's gone ditchy okay come join us sandy join us in the lobby there he is all right [Music] [Music] okay we are we are crewmate again lovely okay um i have to be careful though because now that everyone thinks i'm a pretty good liar i don't i don't think my word carries much weight um so i need to i need to pay attention to what i'm doing and remember what i'm doing which is something i'm not always that good at all right this one four four eight zero two someone's coming who's that who was that run away okay so wheels wheels definitely could have killed me there and didn't interesting um the meeting room i was in the meeting room entering my id code the meeting room um okay i was in the meeting room now i'm going i'm doing empty the garbage in a sec uh come on garbage oh what oh there we go oh god all right that's one way to do it it is annoying when your garbage gets stuck though all right uh nope not in here [Music] and we're gonna have a wee shower okay so i emptied the garbage i swiped my i entered my id code and now i had to be sure decontaminated and now i'm gonna go down here oh for goodness sake you don't want to be doing this [Music] wasn't me oh no beautiful orange wheels i saw wheels a little while ago in the meeting room because i was up swiping a car or you're doing the thing where you get out your car and enter the id code and i was like oh yeah there's wheels and he can attest the fact that we saw each other and didn't kill each other so no that's kind of great no he can't attest to anything this is this is liable um i found wheels in security i'm in security right now um i fixed the lights on the viewing deck and then i went to the right through the hall of pictures into security and he was there by the security desk so i'm assuming he was doing like a task there okay i'm in the cargo bay i've seen no one does anyone know how to do the thing where you develop photos you leave it in yes and then yeah leave it and then walk away when do you know when they come out george's leaf there's a timer it counts it down on the taskbar for you and then you just go back later and you click on it and it's like done okay yeah all right well that was right well that was my round the only people i've seen are ellen and wheels and we know it's not wheels and i'm pretty sure it's not ellen so we know it's not that's all i've got do we know [Laughter] um that's bad so nobody has seen andy this round that i'm assuming i've seen nobody who's willing to admit it i don't even know where his corpse is i can see his angry ghost though i think i ran past people did i run past run past pretty quickly so i don't think i saw you know i'll vote with any world accusation if anyone's got one to make no i've got i vote for luke i saw like only james i accept teams i've seen ian yeah that's that would have been their passion that's the imposter hoping that ian would have done it as well that's exactly what happened yeah ooh spicy can you that is spicy i don't think so all right i'm gonna all right back to it squad who do we reckon who do we reckon it is i've got i've got no inkling actually right why was that lighting up oh no i've got no inkling i don't know who it is uh oh stop coming out here you can't walk this way um okay so where are we going then we got to go all the way up i've got to go back to the meeting room that must be taking out the garbage [Music] i hate this i hate it would you just ah and [Music] a n no wait wait okay where am i going how do i no never mind okay never mind so i guess i'm going down here no well well there we go jane get away from here jane all right find my dead body jane come on it's here look it's here jane look avenge me avenge me come on it's right there come on there we go that was a bit scary luke why did you turn around i was just trying to stick with you okay i found aether's corpse the green corpse in what's called the gap room which is the room with the platform that goes left to right yeah that i still haven't figured out um yeah fashionable room whereabouts is it on the map geographically it is in this like north north middle north middle yeah now it exciting is luke asking that to seem innocent i'm asking that to establish how far away it was from me where are you how do you see the map we're in the meeting you don't there's um we're in the meeting room i've got the map open in a tab hacks we're in the meeting room and if you go down the ladder you know the little floaty flat platform okay this whole area is like the gap room that we're like if you go down the ladder i think okay uh well i i briefly saw ifa at the end there i saw ian at the start of this round i finished my photo task i went up i did a fuse switching in the meeting room and then i saw loli's and that's about all i accomplished i did files in the filing room then i did the right button when the alarm was going off and then i went around to the one of the other one of those buttons you did the left one okay yeah cause then i came around to join you in the meeting room okay all right i'm happy it's not either i think i'm ready [Laughter] and and i'm happy it's not andy and i'm happy it's not wheels those three seem quite innocent to me i mean it seems at this point like we can't accuse ian but i feel like i can accuse you i briefly saw ellen but she could have been on cooldown i don't know i don't know who do we vote for because i saw at the beginning of the game and i think it's jane i don't know it could i mean it must be a self report surely well if i was there and i was just in the air and i left and i didn't see imagine it's not a self-report who would it be then because vote for james james good i think i'm gonna be furious oh my god okay okay i just want to say cause luke is freaking me out luke did turn around and start chasing me a moment ago so it might be luke and i thought i just wanted to say it before okay well this doesn't look good back to you that was that was some good strategy oh baby that was some good strategy by lily's they're just throwing in that little curveball right at the end some good acting you murderer murderer um but look you're wrong to trust you were wrong to trust her where is luke let's find out where he is who else is still alive what's up here let's suppose i can oh alan i should probably still do my tasks shouldn't [Music] there we go all right divert the pyre to the cockpit let's do that let's do our piece alan be careful be careful alan okay there we go let's see done oh half done let's go to the cockpit and do the second half oh look at the little bunks careful helen careful come follow me follow me i'll be your ghostly protector no [Music] done all right i can't do this one i can't help what is this what is that does that show you where people are come on ellen you can do this come on ian this way oh everyone's getting the gangs all here space buddies there you go here friends friends form an alliance forming alliance mature let your suspicions of lowlys manifest manifesting and we're manifesting space buddies are together again be careful be careful be careful i'm forming a protective circle oh no oh no oh ellen this is very confusing ellen be careful you go off that way [Music] hello oh my goodness for a hot second and then i came up and lolis came along on the left and i was like no looks gentle and then he set the meeting alarm [Laughter] i'm not saying it said ages though i'm not standing around waiting to be murdered i'm comfortable that it's not ellen because i think ellen and you'll vouch for me in return i think we both just did the yeah okay okay who's got a task left to do i've done all mine i've oh ghost ghost jane just put her hand up so oh okay it does i mean i feel like one task will win us the game anyway if you look at the taskbar uh okay well i feel like the polite thing to do at this point is to get lowly's knee and to give an account of themselves and i will try and kill whoever i just believe wait but there's no question we just finish on tasks um i mine comes from lowly's i can't handle it is she right is that true yeah there is there's one task to win if we kill someone who is innocent it means that the imposter only has to kill one person to win and so it would be a drastic race to the finish but there's but we need to cool down the kill all we need to do is rely on ghost jane to do a task swift and then okay all right let's should we all skip then and then just everyone out there stay alive yeah yep okay stay alive simple as that i don't like how quickly ian voted ian voted for me it's ian no this is gonna be a massacre elise is gonna hurt her look she's look she that's what she's she's waiting for them to ah look all she has to do all she has to do is wait here she's just waiting here look at her like a spider a spider ellen run run guys run no run away run away no ian don't do it ian don't do it don't oh she's right there at the button waiting guys don't do it don't do it run run jane what are you doing jen do your task jay ian you're about to die where's she gone where's she going where she going [Music] i'm so sorry so bloody long to do that one time that was so stressful i'm so glad the only one who had tasked was already [Music] as soon as that round began um like we went back in and immediately the alarm went off and i was like only lolis knows how to do it that quickly i don't know what's going on with that bridge thing like i pressed the buttons and nothing you i think you can only take it from the direction it's at so when you step on it activates you and i this maps are bastards dark souls but they don't even put levers in [Laughter] do you want to try a proximity to the champions league yeah let's do pro practice is a lot of fun all right let's do it has anyone else done someone's done the safe task right no no yeah i have a combination of the one yeah yeah yeah okay just remember you've got to keep the mouse depressed you got to stay clicking on it because i i was do i did it like 30 or 40 times before i got it right so apologies to everyone watching on the outside xbox stream because that must have been infuriating but we got there in the end we got there in the end yeah so good and like it was quite fun at the end there because me and ellen and ian were all struggling to do the thing and i was like at this point i just know i've got proximity chat on noise so i should be okay do someone want to explain what proximity chat is for people who may not know like me um sure proximity chat means that um ian raised his hand but he's gonna talk about it uh yeah it just means you can talk to people who are in the same room as you so you'll be able to hear people inside the game when they're nearby so you can chat and interrogate them as to their current motives ask them what they're up to that kind of thing so it's a mod that we have in the background settings yeah yeah we've already set them which i think will be set for everyone okay do we need everyone's muted yeah you don't have to be in a game you just have oh i left the i left the room the wheels it's the same room okay yeah the same room uh once yeah whales couldn't hear me [Laughter] oh [Music] you have to set your i think every time you open the proximity chat you need to set your audio settings again because it wasn't saving for me so that might be a thing okay you want to check that it's coming out of the right uh speaker and you've got the right mic let's go let's go around can everyone hear me yes yes can everyone hear me hear me although you've got a bit of an echo going on jen yeah but i see that you're murdered muted in zoom it might just be the people coming through the right right okay can you i think can you hear me okay okay let's go can i be heard sorry i should have asked yep yeah yeah excellent i know it puts us on the side well this is going to be the most social game we've ever played very excited excited let's go so this is going to be a different experience for the viewers at home also ghost can talk to the impossible oh okay say goodbye okay ian can you hear me hi hey hello you're cool yay but you you could you might murder me so i'm gonna run away now well i think you'll find last last week you brutally murdered me yeah but i'm clearly the fact that i said that and wanted to run away from you does not forget should we are we going to form an alliance oh oh oh hello hello hi look at this proximity illustrated i can't i can't hear i'm just about to go down the event man okay this is i'm actually getting distracted from doing tasks tonight i can't hear ellen yeah yeah maybe some kind of an yay this is fun okay ellen are you the imposter i didn't hear the answer to that are you the imposter no i'm not i'm not cool okay i'm not either okay cool [Laughter] [Applause] the problem is i don't want to do any tasks now i'm like yeah all right should we all get on the same spot so that whoever in this room is the imposter can do a nice step oh i think it was luke because luke said why don't we just stack up him who said do a stat kill do it he did it no okay i think it's jane or andy because they said that who died because i feel like whoever did that murder couldn't have chosen it was weird and there wasn't a better time to do it so i think okay it was andy or jane because they came right out of the gate with that with the accusing yeah because i just because i suggested killing someone jane and i were together for ages before the before the kill that's true i can vouch for andy jane could have killed me my ages before i was joking about killing andy for ages and i didn't so that's yeah and i heard her doing it because of procter who was who wasn't in that group i'm completely disillusioned this is wheels and i yeah okay so you know it's not lily's always say the name luke as well luke oh no because i know [Music] kill i don't know that he i don't know name in there as long as if i didn't know it was definitely not something no you weren't there i still think i started one of them now i know it's not me and i know it's not andy so i can only think it's luke but i don't think i have enough information and i wasn't there oh wow for luke oh my gosh the tape will show i wasn't even barely [Music] [Laughter] wow okay i already love this that was amazing that was amazing also jane sounded super sassy do you promise it wasn't you i promise do you promise on on on being channel buddies do you promise channel buddies for life okay fine until you murder i still don't trust him it might not be and i don't know oh guns oh why put them where oh put them here oh here we go can i not keep one of these just in case why can't i keep one okay let's go this way you're jane's voice hello there is an ethan hi um the lights have gone out fix the lights oh oh oh wires this is so weird i love it i should really like this version of the game uh okay god wires everywhere all right me [Music] hi hello what's kind of here that's fine okay maybe it's not jane then because she had a perfect opportunity there and she ran away okay uh what's this oh no surely i'm running okay down here don't know it couldn't be wheels we we knew to trust wheels we need to trust your wheels it couldn't be right it can't be me okay good i've done all my tasks i'm bodyguarding now oh can you come with me then i've just got to do two more and they're done here in electrical okay i'm with you thank you someone does something i'll i'll report them okay you do it all right let's see so oh no it's this clicky button one how's your timing oh delivery um how do we get through this thing you can say i've just had a i was like fair play delivery is even better thank you oh here we go this is my last task uh divert the pirate to the cockpit oh but i need to go to the cockpit now to finish it off okay wheels oh god this has become a horror game i like this though this proximity chat's really cool yeah it's great okay um how do we get no where are you trying to get oh it's like a maze i need to get to the cockpit but how do we oh we can just go this way yeah right this way all right the lights are back oh no okay it was shane she [Laughter] [Applause] no i was uploading stuff no i'm sorry i've already voted so i was like okay before you vote before anyone else votes okay just entertain for a second the idea that it's not me because because we know it's not lolis we know it's not wheels i don't it can't be either because for a while i suspiciously but it can't be ether um it's not me because i know it's not me just entertain that notion for a second um who does that leave ian and andy i was working on the safe and i was singing a little song and then i heard you jane and you're like is that ian's voice in the fence yeah because i could i could hear you but i couldn't see you i could hear you i couldn't see you now ether i'm kind of just talking to you here i know it's not you mm-hmm um if we just vote for one of the three and then call another emergency meeting and then vote for another one okay eventually we'll win this is well you can't brute force among us well i don't know this really jane oh jane actually pressed report but that might have been yeah i reported it i saw the body and then i saw two movements so i was like i was back wheeling and reporting at the same time this really depends this really all comes down to how good a liar we think jane is like because i kind of believe her right you know i'm a terrible liar no you don't want too fast though i think whose body was found uh it was who was it was lolita's party i think so it was um it was yeah no it was lollies it was definitely where was his body it was um at the bottom of the ship where you go outside to do the mobile phone reception thing okay so i was down there just in the kitchen doorway and i passed andy andy andy walked towards lowly's and then i disappeared off sorry andy dandy what when was that sorry when was this ian just earlier oh who voted jane either did you i didn't i did i did oh no see that look i would have been happy for even what's the problem the plan is we call another emergency meeting and then vote [Laughter] oh no oh no was it jane was it not jane i i well we only have it we only have a few more tasks oh no wheels is gone i want i want my i want my bodyguard back okay all right well we're done our task let's just find someone let's [Music] i don't like it i don't like it run away from andy what are you up to gene i heard you oh my god i heard jane say sabotage i heard her say it when ether is what did you see i heard i heard jane whisper in the distance saying something about a sabotage and i was like no is it her and then i ran away because i was escalating with the sabotage yeah it's weird either i definitely couldn't if i were the imposter i definitely could have killed you then if unless you're on camera unless you had cooldown unless you would cool down well no one's died no one's died so he couldn't have been uncle well unless we just started i guess how long how long's the initial cooldown 30 seconds yeah that was that must have been longer than 30 seconds it's the same as the emergency meeting right i think jane did a panic self report personally to be fair how can i convince you not when when andy's guilty he usually goes really aggressively shouty i'm gonna say that much but he knows that now he's not doing that this time no that's true he's not he's not i don't i don't have a tell you absolutely what's happening [Laughter] uh i'm a terrible liar um um it's weird how proxy chat doesn't actually make this easier you know no it makes it even more connecting doesn't it yeah because it's like oh i think i heard someone say something um it is funny hearing people go when they see you [Laughter] this is really hard um i think look the plan is solid let's just hope it's one of these wheels wheels wheels let's let's meet up at a spot like let's let's stick together yeah yeah um we can hear each other when we're when we're picking a place can't we so we can talk yeah oh yeah that's okay all right pick one of these three to vote for them we'll all vote for them okay all right i i reckon jane jane was the only one we saw next to a corp so let's start with jay yeah i died on that but i was next to the course because i reported it i'll just vote for andy next time if that's the case why don't you vote for andy first because no i'm sorry we've got two pieces of evidence you were in the stack and you were next to a corpse there's gonna regret this come on [Music] okay all right oh no keep a kitchen go okay where's the how did i get to the kitchen from here how did i get to the kitchen from here ah where is it oh it's so far away oh no wait if i can i get to the meeting room from here can i get to the meeting room from here where's the meeting room where's the oh i'm just gonna go for the [ __ ] where's the what do you mean it three five what is happening help chris i'm doing it i'm doing it do the thing do the thing i put it down [Music] [Music] okay all right so i all right it's andy because if annie were next to each other yes so vote for andy yes there we go all right thank you very much everybody thank you unbelievable i don't know ellen was able to vote for me [Music] the moment you become a ghost and you start like you instantly hear all the ghosts haunting the imposter is incredible [Music] [Laughter] because we were haunting him the whole time it must have been horrible oh i didn't i couldn't hear you now you can't hear the ghost no though they were like yeah that must really mess you up have a normal conversation with someone you can hear eight voices yeah well you should watch that i should watch ellen's footage back andy because yeah okay this is incredible so nearly if i could have gone across that gap i could have got to the last one of the last two but i had to go a big loop round i can't believe it i vouched for andy right right at the beginning that was my mistake cause we were running around together for ages yeah yeah that's dad killing his comments absolutely this is when andy was like who even died and i was like you know i didn't i didn't because it was a staccato oh i can't believe all that all that ghost work sorry right i honestly think the proximity chat makes a good game even better this is awesome slightly terrifying but like it just adds a whole new dimension because especially for the people streaming because like people like if you walk past someone they can hear you and then i guess i guess people who are streaming are at a bit of a bit of a disadvantage because obviously the people who aren't can just stay quiet and they're not putting themselves at risk so that's super interesting wait a minute can i go through the engine room let's go this way um where what the how do we oh we're learning a little bit at a time oh oh what are these what is this what is it the oh this is adorable what is this who even cares get on your wichi like that's so cute oh lots of gold what is this place the vault oh my goodness okay cool um let's see oh hello meeting room um i guess we'll just get all our tasks out of the way so then we can just hang out with friends once we're done um let's see 95860 nice let's have a little do you like my ginormous gen glass by the way it's quite scary when you can hear people coming okay okay what you up to just uh emptying some trash out of the chute okay what are you doing i was just doing the swiping one of you no i was doing the swipey swipey um i'm gonna start the fans in ventilation and then download the data in medical so i'm going this way uh wait what's the best way i guess i can how do you use this thing oh the button says use of course it's so simple all right and then we'll go over here dine what the shires in the locker room and then right so what what's the task here oh it's there okay but hi day oh boy what scared the [ __ ] out of me sorry i found the language okay sorry i found a dead ian where where was it [Music] about like two or three minutes ago up um near the meeting room we were up on the top level um yeah last time i saw him was the meeting room okay uh i thought lolis and luke were like a duo there did either of you i saw them in the vault because i was like i was with lollies and luke jane was with me for like a minute at the end i would not even a minute it was like 10 years yeah yeah yeah yeah i wouldn't allow her into guilt-free club that lolis and i could occupy you've helped yourself too fair enough one bit of uh evidence i would suggest is important is that there haven't been any sabotages which is unusual so it's not lilies okay got it so it's probably not i know i know it's not lolis okay i will say uh ellen was also very innocent looking because i i found ellen and we were standing around for ages and i think i heard ellen talking about her task when she didn't know i was there i think i don't know but we'll see yeah the mark of an innocent yeah i was like download and then i saw wheels go past i was like oh look there's wheels and then we both did the phone ones there was there was one point where jane was jane was running after me and she was like abbie i stopped doing it because i realized although it was funny it would actually make me quite suspicious to be like handy come back here andy here we are yeah here we are now where is the inspire i've forgotten oh god i couldn't tell you i reported it but it was it was in the corridor oh yeah oh okay where was it quickly okay middle i saw andy in the engine room on the cameras oh wait what why wasn't jane ejected though if there was two votes for her who were the other two votes for yeah what who else was oh if if more than two people skipped vote maybe oh there was two skip uh okay oh all right um hello i'm a little bit suspicious of you so i'm gonna run away um okay [Laughter] stop being adorable it's not going to work right um hmm how do we get across let's go to medical first let's go this way stop it whoever that is you better not be oh god how do we get to medical what's the what's the okay um oh here we go yes i will use this thank you the only reason i'm suspect oh god stop it oh god the lights are off okay so whoever whoever is the imposter is now reacting to the fact that we've said uh the imposter is not using the sabotage stuff uh i still can't what the what what is this what is this what is this i feel like they were talking about this one earlier and i don't know i wasn't listening what's the code how do i do this okay uh ruby coin ruby emeralds ruby coin i don't know where the heck i think you were talking about gems yeah i don't know where the what how did i do this you didn't you talk about this before jane come back how do i fix that how do i do this puzzle here did you do you can't you can't i don't think you can do this one you have to go i don't think you can isn't it just like a platform right i don't know [Music] what did you say all right what did you say what do you think oh [Laughter] i right to deny jane entry into guilt free club you absolutely were and i tried to get on that bandwagon tried to jump into it you pushed me right off that bandwagon and you were right so who's going to throw me off this goddamn bishop apologies i'm just gonna say proximity chat makes a really good game even better like it's so funny it's really fun oh i can't hear anyone else i think we should not even go hey andy hey andy handy obviously yes i was about to scrounge you andy i knew it i know how you are when you're about to set me yeah yeah yeah you do you ask me i was like oh hi jane it is so much fun but also a good giveaway yeah so jane even though you're stalling for time how is the actual way you do that puzzle you have to remember the code and put it in somewhere else i wasn't stalling for time i genuinely do not know how i was not writing to you i have no idea you have to remember the four jewels in order and then run all the way around to the other side hey everyone it's echoey luke here that's a nightmare we need to go into the other robots are hanging out oh sorry sorry all right we're having too much fight in the other room all right let's enter our code uh we're having too much fun here um but let's do it all again hello hello and we're back hello hello hi hi welcome hello to the danger zone yeah hey hey um apparently still i've never made it like that but yeah that's right [Music] your kitchen kitchen fun making a sandwich i really wanted to get that task i like santa oh this one is this is not a good burger really i can't believe it's on the theory even in condiments condimates look oh okay now then let's see um gonna be very careful what's up here what's up here i always hear you singing away [Music] [Music] do this is very funny okay let's see here um where is everyone oh boy i found a dead jane in the bath in the toilets oh no oh and he and his knee and it's also dead oh god yeah i heard him that's helpful because i know it's i thanks ian um because i know it's not ellen and i'm pretty sure it's not lowly's um how can you be sure it's not lily's we're all in the kitchen at the beginning yeah lolis is making a sandwich i was making a sandwich yeah [Laughter] i'm sure that sounds just as okay as it is it's fine for yourself so i started off in the cargo bay um and then i went south into electrical it's never going to work it's too good at the game for yourself i was doing that i was in the kitchen for a bit and then i was in the but um it's like a maze i don't really understand how it works because the doors are all like different um and then doing some wiring in there um and then yeah just i went in uh to do some stuff in the vault the big bit at the top of the statues what tasks have you done this round wheels what tasks have i done i've done the design yeah that was yeah wheels you probably didn't need to repeat that question i probably didn't need to repeat that question yeah the extra thinking time i think that you'd buy an extra second of thinking time yeah i don't know if it does find me actually no i'm gonna stop now um so i've diverted power um i'm the cargo bay i did some wires i also uh i think i've got a phone thing is that in the bottom left yeah that's the one the one where you have to hold yeah you think you that's the one i was walking towards yeah it's either that or it's like the the panel that's on the wall wheels you and i just did that game in the last round and we were we were right next to we're right next to each other so i think nobody there's man wheels is so successful i haven't been there uh and i don't know where 10 seconds i might vote for andy i dressed up a mannequin i had to put a little hat on it and an eye patch and a like a tank top thing i've not done that task before that was new and it took me ages to get in there because i had to go down on some stairs okay well i'm dead okay there we go hello hello uh what have i got to do i've got to fix the wiring empty where's the garbage you're the imposter you can tell me i would trust you look if i was the imposter i would totally tell you because i've seen you you've actually you've actually banded up with them pastors before haven't you so you can tell hey look that was a space yeah um okay let's see where are we going down here all right where's the what's up here oh it's sharks okay um medical development room oh look it's ethan what um okay it's kind of sucks kind of sucks okay hi wheels [Laughter] um all right hold on i need to where where where is it oh oh interesting okay okay okay where is everybody else okay let's see this is so funny okay let's see divert the fire okay where is this going where are we going here yes let's use the thing where do we avert the crash course uh two six no that's all right uh oh okay thank you okay uh nine hey oh okay i'm just gonna where is it what's happening okay where where oh yes okay i saw ella on vitals okay in the engine room so i saw ellen ellen went up the ladder and then i ran to vitals and ellen was dead so she died within seconds of me seeing her um [Laughter] luke and andy have you been together that whole time more or less yeah there were a few seconds at the beginning it's possible i think it must be e5 because it happened literally in the last few seconds before i i met you two i didn't see you only got one impostor left hold on because there's four of us and the game would be over if there was two well like i haven't seen anybody i saw i saw no wait because i saw look and andy a few times i hadn't seen you at all lilies but even no stalling what was the last task you did the the rifles like reloading the rifles reloading yeah you have to pick them up and put them on the thing not reloading but picking them up and put them on a different place now see here's the thing i asked ifa when we started that round are you the imposter what did she say did she say yes she said that would be conclusive she said no yes wow okay i didn't say no well you should have asked me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait unless she's lying i don't i'm not a very good well i am a good liar but i would have i would have i would have said because look look throws his lot in with imposters anyway so i told the two of you that ellen was dead and then then andy went to find the body so why would i do that if like if i was the imposter why would i have said i just saw her dead on vitals i i think it's ether i i would be ready to believe that lonely is actually lolis and she's playing the long game i was around you for ages and didn't kill you ages yeah but i i split off before around 30 seconds because i thought you were on a cooldown probably right well that but that doesn't like that doesn't mean i wasn't i was the imposter like and then i saw both of you running around i spent so much time with andy and quite a lot of time with lowly's i don't know i'm sorry for if oh god what if loli's displayed just like a dancer [Music] well well the game the game is so much harder when you're the imposter and you can hear the ghosts because you can't respond to them when you're streaming so you're like bill said he was like feeding you information but i didn't want to say anything in case anyone else was in earshot so like i was like because [Music] [Laughter] as well when we're dead and you're the killer no i don't think so yeah that's just the dead and the living in the meeting yeah but it was so funny i saw i saw ethan earlier on and she was singing and i'm like i couldn't possibly eat the ifa because she's singing so beautifully and innocently and then later i found out that it was ian singing singing we were doing a jet from beyond the grave that's dark that's so dark [Laughter] okay once more onto the bridge oh okay oh my at least there's less tasks you know we get things done quicker around here um so let's let's start from the top oh darn okay it's gotta be lilies um okay so we've got a yep put away the i was too slow on that i couldn't really i couldn't really defend myself because i wasn't paying enough attention to the to what the tasks were oh no no you've convinced me wait a minute wait a minute put away the pistols wait a minute oh they're down here oh there we go and i'll just take one just for safekeeping oh i can fix this down all the doors wait somebody shut all the doors sorry for hello [Laughter] no someone shut the doors and i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared someone's gonna kill me someone's gonna kill me wait how do we get down there can we get down that way yeah let's go through the kitchen um how do we yeah through here because you have guns and then you go get your oh it's a party in the kitchen no nobody run away from because it was scary you were scary beep beep excellent oh this is over this feels really sketchy being here [Music] you two need to stop scaring me you're so jumpy you're so jumpy if i was suspicious why would you two come towards me are you ganged up oh my god we're lucky [Laughter] we just wanted to show we wanted to find luke to show him the condimates in the kitchen at the same time they were like i was then i was chatting with ian i was chatting with ian and we walked down to do the i walked down to do my phone tasks i don't know what you're almost doing but then ether was also supposedly doing the phone task and then he was like whoa are you going for me it's like walking i'm competing why is that suspicious though like that's a natural reaction [Music] [Laughter] well me and ian were nowhere near andy so yeah where where did you i was yeah if you didn't oh you were all in the kitchen because there's no dead andy corpse in the kitchen so andy is in the like the um you're in the kitchen at the beginning of the first round how are you still in the kitchen i've been inside that's my fault i've been making him look at the condymates on the kitchen shelves yeah i was mainly chatting with you oh my gosh we were having the best time um i think it's the room with like just the one shower in it you know where there's where you take a shower rather than what is it in the main house oh uh hang on it says it says communications but i don't think it's oh communications is by the bridge yeah by the cockpit yeah oh okay i'm mixing my room up room's up then i love how we know when the game's on you jane because you turn pink oh yeah sorry about my i have no idea why my camera is turning me pink whenever i opt out so that's a bug to fix after today at least you're pink in the game um yeah it matches skip come to the kitchen kitchen if we were both going to kill you why wouldn't we have just done it why did you come after me and say i was sus then why did you come after me yeah you did yeah you did yeah you did e4 [Laughter] get away about this get away oh my god get away he's gonna murder me he's gonna oh [ __ ] okay wait look look please don't leave please don't leave i think i think it's gonna kill me let's stick together okay he kills this he'll have to kill us okay until we can establish his yeah yep can we as you are now our prisoner yeah okay sick can we go to electrical so i can do my task no yes i have tasks in the electrical so we'll lead the way okay i'll go can we stop at security as well yeah security's on the way okay right i need to do this one i don't think we've ever taken a prisoner before no i know i feel it i'm feeling powerful i have this task now i need to go to the showers personally but i don't mind where we go i've also got two in the engine room so how do we get through this place over here okay i just need to go don't you use don't you use this you see how the lights yeah i don't like this i don't like this the lighting doesn't matter because if one of you are dead you know it's my bro oh hi oh no [Music] respect my boundaries please come on let's go let's go i don't like this get away from me follow us no i do not want to follow you both oh my god get away get away from wow [Music] oh my god oh right right i followed ian around for a bit as a ghost yeah the ghost voices are really quiet yeah really quiet but like that was so scary running around [Laughter] no that i know that it was one of you that i was at least half justified and that's suspicious [Music] and um we made him so we stuck around as a three and we told wheels that if he tried to make a break for it we would report him straight away that was well played both of you i was terrified yeah here we go again here we go oh okay oh my goodness all right whoo main hole here we go all right let's get these tasks by the way because i like these rooms the least electrical's just the worst there we go we can do this one first what's this then what is this what oh look at look what's happening how do i do this you have to pull the handle down and it's like oh it changes what do you mean i thought it was the same old times i think i've done it it's got a five on top of it i don't like how dark it is no neither i'm going to come back to this one because i don't know how to do it okay go down here oh how the heck this has got two on it now i don't know i don't know i'm gonna go what the wait is it something to do with these rooms what is this i'm going to come back to this this is stupid um it's kind of being jack yes this way this way making my way downtown walking fast i don't eat anything anything [Laughter] oh i can go down here what's down here hi hello download [Music] simplicity itself uh can we get a perfect can we get a perfect can i get a perfect please no oh yeah here we go quickly quickly quite fast quite fast there we go nicely done gosh no thank you no ma'am boop boop boop there we go all right fix the lights nice this way now why haven't i gotten to make a sandwich task yet okay i still don't know how to do the electrical thing so we'll come back to that let's go up here oh god what's happening [Music] let's go through the engine room up to the top and oh my gosh i've got so much left to do hi how have i got so much left to do fix light someone else can do that i've already fixed the lights today uh-huh swipey card a lot of folks are nails so maybe there are maybe there is no imposter it's me you and ether in here oh god oh okay how do you do that okay luke's gone okay hello um let's go down here okay here do you know how to do this do you know how to do the thing the the breakers in electrical because they just they just like they're they've numbers on them and i don't know how to do the thing you have to oh oh oh okay oh oh wait i just found a dead loli's in security okay the last time the last time i saw lily she was telling me that ian was dead because i think she'd been on the cameras or the vitals or something okay could this be a self-report from luke i was with ifa and i was about to say if you want to do the electrical thing you just have to like go to the main order so like one of them will say one two three four five and then you just in the america ether and i were and wheels were together for a time at the beginning yeah in the election right yeah was struggling with the numbers i didn't know the answer but i felt like her struggle was i felt like i've still clearly i was asking yeah i saw andy in the kitchen while i was making a burger and they weren't even up to the vault because i was polishing the ruby uh i had to run away from me very rudely i was just standing at like stabbing length you pull the thing off and then you align the stick i did that i had some wiring stuff to do look where did you go after the meeting room where when you were in the meeting room in the top right um when i was with you yeah after that where were you i vented the leaves in there went down okay uh it went down into the middle bit and then then i went broadly south to where i am now security and where was loli's corpse where was i the floor no but where sorry have was playing a very good game if it was her andy is the one i said he first information on yeah i only saw luke can i can i just point out we've got one block of tasks left who's i've got one left what's everyone got left i've got to do that electrical [Music] well you would say that luke you can see my problem here let's go protect ether in the electrode yes please wait what what it's like it was making pretty fancy oh my god it's like it's slowly electrical um okay we need to reset the breakers and then we gotta we gotta we gotta do this thing all right let's do the thing i'm i might have messed things up there i might have i might have jumped the gum too quick uh let's find out um beep boop i say i say be boop do you sir and then why is this so large all right let's go dining around um yes yes we got this we've got this they said they were coming okay right numerical order um you would think is quite straightforward but uh on i'm gonna do this one first i'm gonna do this one first look don't you kill me don't you kill me look i can look i'm not it's not me so this one says i'm going to go do the crash course okay all right okay okay okay six okay we don't want to do that what's what number is this one we need to find one right no that's two i think i've got the hang of it now what's this one oh where have they gone someone needs to do that three where the heck this must be one this has to be one yes okay all right it's all on us it's all on us we can well it's not all on us there's some more tasks today as well set this is so there's so many where was two can anyone remember does anyone have a two six no i think two was up here wasn't it this was two no that's five numbers my one weakness yes all right it's gonna get easier as we go would you ever stop imposter just let me do my thing this is this is incredibly stressful wheels look saw me down here like that's not gonna help him pinpoint wheels but wheels god damn it i i was with you that whole time oh and who was the other who's the other imposter then uh it was andy he looked at me yet come this way let's haunt let's haunt let's haunt what's on us what is he going on [Music] actually i'll finish my tasks as well oh darn i'm still in the middle of resetting the breakers um oh i hate that mission look look look survive for us live for us luke come on stay away from wheels there is another perform the protective circle perform the ritual yeah our ghost thoughtly forms will bounce okay i really knew i need to go and do the breakers to give him a better chance hold on i'll go and do this okay let's do this really quick [Music] i'll do this as quickly as i can i'll do this as quickly this is too funny this is just too funny right okay please down here yeah uh that's me um we need to find right three got it uh this is four guys uh what's this one uh seven no this is so much easier as a ghost oh my goodness six no uh where's five this is five [Music] you killed us [Music] all right [Music] honestly that whole round was just walking into people and they were like stay away from me i didn't realize that one vote was enough to get you spaced if no one else yeah yeah which is the majority bs yeah yeah yeah honestly we would have won yeah i had that one vote we had to just kill one person luke had not managed to cast suspicion on me one last one we've got it's not great this map is way too big it's horrible especially with only eight of us if there was ten of us maybe but yeah yeah it's big but also you can't move through most of it like yeah straight are we missing that's the thing there we go all right that's good amazing are you ready have fun all right good luck everyone good luck out there everyone good luck have fun [Music] oh my god it's luke [Laughter] please give me the sandwich oh never the sandwich never the sandwiches um let's see all right we gotta be fast because we haven't got much time so we go to the cockpit we do the download data task we gasp because we hear footsteps uh grand perfect thank you uh clean the toilet where right over crash course where the heck is that [Music] okay is it is it not here where is it i'm gonna assume those guys are gonna figure that out i'm gonna go to the viewing deck because we haven't got much time there's no time to explain come on come on everyone yeah there we go perfect okay perfect perfect [Music] next oh they're all so far away i don't actually mind i go pick up some cards just killed james whoa i just thought spicy right okay explain in the engine room i don't think luke saw me um so you did do it so you didn't kill it no i think luke didn't see me and killed jane right in front of me like i know she was just behind jane jane and i were running from the main hole um what lolis is saying the opposite um i'm going to vote for lollies i voted for lolis wait wait wait slowly lolis what were you doing what happened it's murdering james i did the um i was going to do that arm on the right but wheels already did it and then i had to finish the task there then i went through the showers to go i don't even know but jane was saying to me [Music] [Laughter] because i know you're all voting for me but it's not me i just need you to know that oh i need you to know that yeah but you're saying that no question luke what were you doing this around okay uh ian showed me the condiments in the kitchen quite a long time luke what tasks did he do then i went west to the armory and i put the guns away and then i went south to the thing with the phone and did the perfect phone reception and then i was on my way i was doing that i didn't see you i was doing that when the meeting was called and i didn't see any any person can have the same task right yeah but i didn't see you at all and i was around that area just saying i we vote luke oh okay okay okay wow it's luck as well that was a real sauce okay uh that was very exhaustive look and we didn't see him right like i'm not very good at picking these things up but i definitely didn't see look and he claims to be doing the tasks that we were doing around that time not a trace not a trace of look did we see all the way around hello the platform's not there if you need it wheels is showing me how to get around be careful okay thanks god that was such a mom thing to do anyway as i was saying um i can't oh no okay always so you need to all right um i can't even remember what i was saying this is too stressful um but i do really enjoy uh this for maybe yeah i no that's what i was saying i like this size of map i don't actually mind it at all because i don't know especially with the procs chat like having that space hiya to like um hey i'm just saying don't you think like the size of this map works well for the proxy chat because like there's enough room for us all it's good i like the way you sort of hear people fade in and out yeah i don't know there's enough room for everybody oh oh i was oh you're so about to kill me oh why did i delay but that you broke my heart in two like what you did that was work that was fast forward it was luke i knew it was luke i voted me and me ether and ian but it was on the wrong side and and ian was like can you show me the way to get around wheels i was like yeah i'll do that i take him all the way around and i'm like ian if you kill me right now it's gonna be very annoying did you accidentally did you not see me when you killed jane oh no i i am no no i didn't i killed jane then saw you you reported it and i know what to do in those situations if you immediately get there first that was uncharacteristically weak defense of yourself then well it was because i i was like luke jumped so fast on it that i was like if i just stay quiet and they see that luke is like really trying to get out of it then that people might believe me more if i'm more calm about it and then people straight away started jumping on me when i explained what happened if i'm too calm or if i'm too loud people are going to think i'm susceptible if we if we thought about it loli's would never kill with a with a witness yeah she would never yeah yes wow i did think about that also and that was just a real good clean game of among us because um because like the the task doing did it i thought i thought we had ages more yeah we had loads more time getting it done just absolutely smashed through the tasks as well but the game was finished so quickly yeah i knew i knew it was about to kill me well both you and wheel said please don't kill me just before i killed you both were you like oh yes i'm just getting the signal oh i've got the perfect signal i was screaming out ghost mode trying this [Laughter] sorry that we screwed you over the end it's fine it was bound to happen at some point i screwed over at the beginning i guess it's fine you you just come full circle exactly that was also my fault actually a little bit it's my i had color blindness i think it was dark and lime and yellow are the same honestly it was citrus [Laughter] well well you saved me from plunging a toilet look so thanks for that yeah yeah yeah i was stuck in electrical doing the switches and i was like where's number one for like a minute and a half i can't find number one yeah that's a bad that's a bad time if you enjoyed this three why not hit the like button on whichever one you're watching on yeah yeah yeah yeah they're free my favorite favorite comments are the people who are like i'm watching this one first then this one then this one yeah yeah yeah did we win that last game yeah yeah oh i'm so used to the victory thing meaning that oh well danny space buddy's right again [Music] and it was the first and the last one right yeah yeah incredible amazing like a facebook sandwich oh my god what does it mean this goes all the way to the top [Laughter] all right great times good work thanks everyone do go and do that okay all right so you
Channel: Eurogamer
Views: 58,932
Rating: 4.97541 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us gameplay, among us reaction, among us funny, among us stream, among us highlights, among us memes, among us funny moments, among us tips, among us live, among us eurogamer, among us dicebreaker, among us outside xbox, among us outside xtra, eurogamer aoife, eurogamer zoe, aoife wilson, zoe delahunty-light, among us live reaction, among us cam, eurogamer, eurogamer live
Id: BtfF9Y1Wcwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 34sec (7354 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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