Among Us Livestream! WHO IS THE IMPOSTER? Feat. Outside Xbox and Dicebreaker

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I hope they try this again but with at least 8 people, the game works better with more participants.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/John-Piece 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Check your dang map, Mike!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/iamcraigman 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Someone with drawing skills, please draw Space Mike standing on clulessly on top of Andy's victims

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrShasshyBear 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This stream made me buy Among Us.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheOutrageousFortune 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so you know [Music] so hello hello welcome to among us how are you guys doing how is everyone how are the members of outside xbox outside extra and dicebreaker space you didn't you didn't say you would be dressing up well i mean go to space man [Laughter] how is the how is how is it out there in space pretty far out sitting in your tin can yeah i think mike mike realizes that he's gonna get booted out into space a lot yeah so i've got all right uh i'll have to um i'll uh that's fine what i'll do luke what i'll do for you is i will just make things invisible while we sort that out oh yeah good idea so what is this game that we're playing yeah it's good i set up the room someone explained why it's good it is called a mungus um so we are we're all hunting a mungus which is a yes we are we're all crew members we have tasks to complete in order to to win the game and just go about our day but one of us will be the dreaded mungus or imposter to use the game's parlance um it is their job to pretend that they are a normal crewmate uh but by the way and stealthily um kill off the other members oh okay where did you send this this this code email email electronics what is this great a telegram should be arriving at your house shortly did it come to me that's in slack mike no no no yeah oh okay all right oh no i sent it through but there are a bunch of different methods several different methods everyone got a bespoke wow yeah wait a minute there's a bit pigeon pecking in my window what's this tied to its ankle ah the code ah okay it's quite difficult to type in these gloves so i might do it a few times the dreaded mungus in this game has a number of abilities they can kill but that has a cool down so don't think if you're the mongoose just like in real life walk into the room and to kill everybody you want to do it out of sight yeah um you can jump into and jump out of a vent and you can also access the map in order to close doors and trap people temporarily or sabotage machines sabotaging a machine starts a countdown and if that countdown reaches zero uh the mungus has triumphed right the mungus can also win by um killing off all but one in this instance of the others it's a bit like werewolf as soon as the uh the player and imposter counts are equal the imposter will immediately win um and that's about it players can report things uh do tasks um there are also there's admin which shows you where everyone is in the space station right and security which um lets you know other things cool are you gonna join this room mike uh i'm trying but not having a whole lot of luck to be honest he's typing with his astronaut ham hands i'm in yeah i mean i have to go out to the main menu and come back it's fine let's put the screen back on so in terms of house rules to keep things fair none of us will be looking at the live chat of the live stream yeah so you know feel free to chat amongst yourselves talk spoilers in there that's fine um we will be muting our muting ourselves yes uh until we get to a accusation phase which point we will unmute and let fly but you will always be able to hear mike so uh you make your talking not lip-readable then we'll be fine yeah okay can any of you lip-read yeah yes yeah brilliantly so when i go like please don't use that kind of language getting a real new grounds vibe from this art yeah yeah it's like yeah it's like flash i'm also getting a little bit nervous we're going to be kicked for an activity all right i'm starting it's just me now it's just you and me chat and i'm not even reading the chat oh i didn't even concentrate on who i am i assume i'm not the baddie i assume it would tell me uh i've got some admin to do i i normally play games to avoid admin but oh weapons weapons uh i know when you play games to avoid admin but i suppose space badminton oh look there's johnny oh oh right to meltdown oh dear well that's bad news isn't it wait i'm gonna follow this arrow uh oh this is confusing what are we gonna all die from a reactor meltdown before anyone's managed to do any killing oh dear 13 seconds can someone fix the reactor please is it is it clear i've never played this game before did oh i'm in the med bay that's no good well um johnny looks worried what unbelievable what happened unbelievable well seems you chumps all got among dusted me the real guy who did it i knew it was you as well because you ran past me and then you turned around and ran towards me and i was like oh no he's going to get me did you kill someone no i just sabotaged the reactor and we didn't fix it in time the coward's way out so i i was stood next to loli's trying to do one of the like fixie things that and when i pressed the thing it was like waiting for second user and then i was like oh my goodness but lolis is right there maybe she is the imposter yeah she was i think she was the impossible same message though that's so weird because i'm saying wait there are two points i was running to the other one and i reached it just this time it hit zero okay this is a big map i was miles away um and i can't tell whether johnny was cooking or not but he had a chef's hat on so i assume hop back into that game um play again space mike we're flying we're off again okay all right all right let's not get real quite so quickly that time yeah all right everyone mute don't be naughty okay one of the good guys again you guys one of the good guys although i mean maybe we're a crew of terrible people and the imposter is actually doing everyone a favor anyone think of that uh what am i doing what do i need to do i'm gonna press e here i'm doing a scan i'm submitting a scan oh i'm three foot six oh no oh no oh who died who died oh lolita okay well i'm pretty sure i saw mike run off in the other direction uh so i don't think it's mike wouldn't running off in the opposite direction no no like so he went off to the left right and i was going to go that way but then i went down the other way to fix the electrical wiring okay scan apparently i'm three foot six i thought it was a lot taller than that i was in i was in la i was in electrical i'm in electrical now fix fixing wiring quote i was in weapons um weapons i was in shooting rocks i suspect that was a very quick vote based on very little evidence i think this might be a self-report i think annie might have done a kill and then gone black what's okay well i didn't do that but it's not me i think it's johnny because i think luke sounded um plausible when he was talking about the weapons thing and i saw mike going off in the opposite direction so that's my vote johnny all right i thought you sounded plausible just now andy because i don't all right okay yeah yeah not hearing a lot of specifics about your tasks unbelievable unbelievable is it unbelievable oh i've turned oh there you go with your chef stayed on so we so we don't we don't find out we don't find out oh man i'm sorry johnny or am i i don't know i don't know well i'm gonna do myself now all right well we're all meeting ourselves now we're gonna do some tasks did i complete my medical scan or not is the question let's go and find out if my medical scan completed uh no i don't think so ah here's luke let's see if he kills me well well well i knew it was one of you two whether to wealthy well at least he's one of you two crimes oh when you said i was an electrical i was like doing what doing what why didn't i say anything he said fixing wires yep which sounded plausible to me that's what you do in electrical presumably i'm not even gonna fix why i played this game before oh all right um all right i'm getting the measure of all of you where was i because i was fixing wires when i died where was i interesting maybe loli's was the impossibility yeah i think lolis was the imposter who is not hanging on floor shall i um shall i uh shall i turn on um uh confirm ejects which which tells you if you ejected the yeah yeah i think so yeah okay all right oh hey mike you need to rejoin as quick as you can okay starting in 5'4 shout out to wet floor for leaving all right here we go right okay so we're in we are in and still hear you mike you haven't muted oh yeah i should probably do that shouldn't i okay right all muted no no just doing some acting you guys just doing some acting gotta look like you're helping haven't you if you're gonna be the imposter but actually i don't really know what i'm doing and i'm gonna have a terrible job of um claiming that i was doing something else if i don't actually know what i'm what i'm doing can i just where's the med bay i know how to submit a scan so let's do that let's do it let's do the submitter scan and then if there's anyone else in there we'll just pump them off it'll be fine here we go in the med bay hmm maybe i can go an event let's see what that's about uh um it really is quite difficult to control with some gloves on right um oh pizza pizza pizza pizza who's calling an emergency meeting well emergency meeting someone's dead wait oh no i just checked admin and i couldn't see all i couldn't see everyone okay so i thought oh i thought someone's dead no we're all no she's alive to me no one no one seems to be dead should we vote for an impostor anyway i mean why not they wouldn't feel like throwing an accusation out absolutely well the vote is about happening and he walked into the room when i was doing a task and he left me alone i've been following luke for ages yeah loneliness and i have been lonely we've got a buddy system which leaves mike so mike does leave mike i was going to the med bay to do a scan because that's the only thing i actually really know how to do good emergency meeting everyone well done good hustle back to work oh okay wow i see how it is absolute monsters right onwards how do i do a thing i'm going to where am i going to go i'm trying to play the long game here [Music] [Music] [Music] admin communications how do i get out of here oh yeah clicky the thingy come on cool down and kill kill murder and skill right okay sorry my singing is not really helping much it's probably not very interesting for you to hear so let me explain my thinking i've killed two people uh i could report a dead body if i wanted to or i could just pretend i haven't seen one at all and just carry on or i could sabotage something i don't want to sabotage anything because i don't understand the mechanic um just gonna carry on just gonna carry on doing what i'm doing uh divert the power to the lower engine you say med bay lovely lovely med bay can i do tasks presumably the imposter doesn't no he doesn't waste his time actually doing anything that would be stupid that would be stupid but no one's discovered my bodies yet which is great i can just kill andy and there we go unbelievable jobs are given i was what the hell just happened i i murdered everyone except me well apart from loli's yellow lease needs to send a message to the others uh three people three people okay so what you should have been ejected because we both two of us voted for you i know but three of you didn't vote i'm so i'm voted because it made sense to do it but it was like oh that's mean but then i was in admin and i saw that there were two people in communication yes and i saw somebody teleport i was like whoever that too is like they're safe so i was gonna go look and then immediately call an emergency meeting and be like it is and then i went to communications they weren't there anymore so then i was like oh no and i went back to admin and i saw mike being like i'm just mike i was singing my i'm casual and not a imposter tune yeah um so i hid around the corner i was like let's see if he comes into the room and he did but then he killed me yeah i had a feeling you got killed because there was a big reaction from the corner of my right and i was like yes did like a proper kermit the floor i was everything tense that i couldn't yeah i couldn't stop myself from it it was more of a mr bean like a thing and then i started hanging around and like i killed luke first and then i was wandering around and johnny was arrested was just lying on the ground for ages everyone yeah no one reported it no one stopped by it for a while i thought oh maybe someone will see my body nope no i'm running around doing so many tasks and i was like surely i'll come across a body at some point like especially johnny's body because i knew he was dead but yeah i guess and then i had to wait for the cooldown so i could kill johnny and then i just ran round the map until i came across andy and then quick slice and he was in half you didn't even stop moving when he killed andy you just took his head off yep it's like a flying clothesline and it just yeah it came off you just closed him in half apparently i'm waiting for the host yeah yeah oh sorry all right we're back in and we're back in the game we're back ready i have a question how come when i was the imposter i only had to keep right well i guess we're muted aren't we and i am a crewmate so off we go uh right bet go do some jobs i love me the med bay i do love me the med bay i'm gonna get the get the scan submitted quickly and hope that no one can no one can kill me in the med bay because if they try and kill me it's just gonna heal all my wounds probably that's how it works three foot six surely surely i'm i'm bigger than that uh right onwards to the next thing onward to the next thing uh what what should i do next uh is this a job reactor no don't want anything to do with the reactor it's dangerous and all nuclear that doesn't work what's going on here that's locked i'm gonna just try and avoid everyone because if you get close to people you get murdered that's what i've learned from being the imposter um oh no emergency meeting whoa what happened it's johnny it's not i was i was just running around with johnny and uh next thing um i ran out of the room and i returned back into the room and i saw johnny disappearing to a vent and the only people who could travel through events are the imposters lolis i'm not i did not disappear into a vent i'm currently in else whichever bloody one it is with two of them i was following you around and i watched you do a task to see if the meter went up and it did so i'm convinced you're not the person what were you where were you yourself i was trying to keep up with you not me i don't really know the map i was i was in a room with tv's that's all i need to hear i've heard all i need to know i like can i when i eventually am the imposter again i'm going to use this vagueness to my advantage oh yeah i don't really know the map there's some tvs if i'm not an imposter vote loli's because i couldn't find her all of a sudden well we'll find out i suppose weren't we yeah lolis was your intel good i hope so oh quick emergency meeting oh my god you can't have an emergency meeting for a while 13 seconds apparently oh okay everyone socially distanced from no no stay away from me stay away from me we're supposed to be muted aren't we until the next emergency meeting be emergency don't kill right okay i'm not the imposter like that would be a stupid move for the imposter to like point a finger at somebody who's clearly innocent also johnny actually said that he saw me do a task he saw the bar go up he did say that before i accidentally interesting it was a mistake i genuinely turned around and i thought i saw him go through a bit maybe it was the fog of war thing you know the fog there's a little fog of war thing maybe just clipped out of the fog of war could be justifying the actions mike did it andy sandy guaranteed it's andy mike oh god gotta be andy surely look at him look at that face oh my god two votes for me unbelievable well sucks to be you guys i don't think that will carry no all right kerry oh no oh i guess i'll meet myself okay all right yep meeting then i'm gonna haunt everyone i'm gonna go and watch watch andy and loli's look andy andy's chasing loli's around like an absolute murderer look at the look at this murderous action tunisia ghost does he know we're watching and judging him i hope so i genuinely hope so look at him following around that is that is a guilty guilty man in that cowboy hat right there what's going on down here oh he's going to hang around in the med no and he's going to go to where the problem is and then just lurk his knee so he can [Applause] what are you doing getting ejected unfairly frankly [Laughter] i didn't do anything at the imposter that round i didn't sabotage anything i didn't i only killed loli's at the end i just stood around and you all ejected yourselves that was brutal that was horrible brilliant it was a genuine mistake oh um someone didn't get in quick enough and we've got wet floor instead of someone no oh really yeah no all right we can start another one we can start could not do that again that would be ideal yeah um all right what do we was it the same code or is it different is it different code now uh i don't know whoever the pastor is just kills us all yeah yeah oh yeah yeah good idea oh yeah we all just sound ow that's horrible oh now hang on it's handy it's luke it's andy no one can see anything sandy sandy why do we have to wait 20 seconds to vote when we know it's andy because i don't know i don't think the game knows that we know it's andy or maybe it does know that we know johnny were you not we're not expecting that you saw andy actually slaughtered johnny johnny were you not using your eyes just then it was luke what is that this is wow you are bad at this game it's luke obviously oh my god johnny this is just embarrassing use the power of your imagination guys is it actually luke guys i think it's luke oh wow oh no one's ever gonna trust me no one is ever going to trust me again okay is everyone ready to hop back into that game yes yeah yeah good all right i'm going to tweak the rules okay i'm sorry okay i'm going to decrease the number of um tasks okay uh by a bit um yeah there's two there's far too many tasks i mean yeah the imposter has won every single time so far so yeah even that one fake time [Laughter] really shouldn't have and should i increase should i increase my short term memory is not good at the moment i might increase the killing cooldown apparently it's only four seconds long all right there we go i've tweaked the tweaks the tweets the situation so now we mute i suppose i suppose we do i suppose we do and off we go ladies and gents who am i today let's find out i'm a crewmate there is one impostor among us right stay away from everyone stay away from everyone why is everyone following me leave me alone i suppose they're not going to do any murdering in plain sight no johnny no no leave me alone i just want to be on my own i want to do a task what is a task that i can do no no lolis no oh oh dear oh the lowly's isn't it because uh how do i react to meltdown right okay let's stop that how do i okay good okay well who was that then lolis came in definitely but she's run off now we all just stay together then no one can do any killing can they yeah this is a good plan i like it i like it a lot you guys all just hang out here nope why is everyone running off i want at least one witness if i'm gonna be killed i'm gonna hold hands like you know elephants walking through the jungle hold on to each other's tails then if one of them gets eaten by a lion it's like uh it's fine i think it's andy okay i'm gonna preface this by saying i can't hear anyone oh okay my assume's gone funny all right okay oh right well well it's it is luke why do you think it's me luke you and i both went to react together to fix it at the same time why do you think it was me i think you but we were moving around as a four just then and the only person not there was lowly's i think yeah but like i don't think i don't think loli's is a um an imposter because i think she's the one who fixed the reactor with me i fixed the reactor yeah no in that case it's probably johnny then why is that um because well i know i know it's not me sure luke and i ran to the reactor at the same time from the same direction so i don't think he could have sabotaged the reactor because i don't think he was over in that part of the space station andy and i were stood by a console doing a task and i think i was the only one tasking no i went down i went down to the same console that mike was on but he was he was already doing the tasks there were two there were two there were two things that we had to go and fix when the reactor went off at the top anyone else near anyone else because i was near lowly's when the reactor went off and we both ran i was near luke and we both ran yeah towards the reactor so how could it been me if who set the reactor off if i was over on the other side of the station with you well i think what happened i did think wow andy's andy can't be the imposter well but then why are you kissing me what have you got to say to defend yourself johnny say nothing if it's you johnny i'm voting for johnny i'm voting for johnny i think it's johnny i'm voting for andy i think it's andy all right and i don't have to explain myself me or someone else oh i can hear you again oh hey johnny um johnny you're just in time yeah uh some decisions were made i didn't vote for you i voted for andy who's the impossible i'm not though but you'd like to vote wow what on what basis was this you're a silencer uh kangaroo court basis yeah yeah yeah it's moving away luke do you have anything you'd like to say luke yeah i did that on purpose knowing that the double bluff would let us as a group circle in on johnny to be the imposter what gave me away what happened um we when the reactor was sabotaged we were in pairs um yeah so so i i was near luke when the reactor was sabotaged and so we were able to vouch for each other i was on my way to the reactor you can sabotage remotely oh yeah sabotage from anywhere i think can't you yeah you just did still accuse me i was in admin and i was like reactors not feeling so hot it was still it was not that we we could all vouch for each other i was kind of running around being like he's you goody two shoes at the worst and there was one point where i was in a room with all of you and i was like doo doo doo pretending to fix something who's not that was convincing sorry it was me cool all right we're getting back in it oh it sucked that i couldn't hear that either yeah well we we made the right decision with the wrong information so fair enough all right see you on the other side see ya right clicky clicky clicky let's go let's go i'm keeping an eye on everyone here i'm keeping an eye on everyone here they're running good what happens if i press this thing okay three of us are an admin weapons and med bay okay fine seems seems legit seems legit okay let's go let's go where did everyone go emergency meeting what's going on johnny just stood for ages by the swipe card console without doing anything that is okay i am bad at the swipe card game but i did i did the task and then i went to check admin and then i left the room saw luke got scared because you me and mike had been piling around for quite a while in admin yeah and then i ran away freaked out because you saw me i watched johnny i was like no one is that bad at the swipe card i am that bad at the straight card game also if you looked at the total task bar you would have seen it inch up because that swipes the cards has gone up so all right i've never played the swipe card game so i can't vouch for how hard or difficult or not you can't you can swipe it neither too fast nor too slow you have to wait at exactly the right speed it is a difficult one hmm all right i'm not a debit card that was relevant i should appreciate that i'm just getting right i'm skipping i'm skipping the vote i don't have enough information thank you right if i might get back to my tasks [Music] okay all right one imposter remains wonder who that is a chat let's let's just stick around with some people you know the safety numbers safety numbers safety in numbers there's luke hello luke hello luke hmm how to plan my next move what would you do if you were me chat would you go an event probably not what's the point in going in vents when you can walk you've got a pair of legs well you don't have any arms i don't that's weird that's not occurred to me before i don't have any arms how am i doing these tasks how can you even swipe a card if uh if you don't have any arms i also will confess to not really really understanding the the the tasks which is like even if i wasn't the imposter i wouldn't be doing many tasks because the the sort of like the the task thing what so what what is happening here hmm so that's a that's a single person task [Laughter] damn it okay so i was convinced and he wasn't the person right because he saw me in reactor and then i went down okay he was dead it did luke was the only other person i saw in that area at the time lolis has been with me for ages uh yeah because luke has just been stood in the corner of a room not doing anything i was doing like you can't kill someone if you're have you had your eyes on him all the time no no no i just found him walking into the electrical room i was doing two tasks in the electric no you're worried it's low leases okay right i walked i walked into electrical i walked into electrical there were two panels that i needed to interact with i was there with lolis we sort of moved around each other for a little bit trying to get the trying to get the sense of it before their own was about to be stabbed right then i was like well at some point someone's gonna have to go for this i started doing tasks louise didn't do anything i thought lolis was standing there getting the measure of me confirming you were in the same room together when i came in but were you i was watching luke yeah and also he was stood on the vents i was like is he gonna go through the event so i kept pretending to leave and then coming back to see if he'd like disappear what's the benefit of going through the vents anyway what's the benefit of that is it just teleported yes a short distance it gives you an option of two vents to pop out who do i think it is he's definitely suss and and somebody else has confirmed that he came unbelievable the direction of the murder victim unbelievable there you go okay auntie not oh that hurts oh that hurts i'm sorry good luck idiots all right can we get a like spike for dead andy and luke one like equals one respect okay all right everyone mute i guess right oh god how do i do this right um emerge emergency meeting hello hello hi that was great i was just very aware that if we leave it up to finding a dead body then the impostor wins so i think we just need to make a decision okay well it's either you or mike so i can see why you would think it was me yeah i don't think i would call an emergency meeting based on what i just said though it's a good point it's a good point um what was so where was johnny was john last time where was johnny when the dead body started appearing i discovered the dead body you discovered the dead body in i believe the reactor doing like the simon says game okay okay so you can report the dead body if you've done it can't you yeah you can yes not that you chose to space where was the dead body yeah where was it at the time it was down from the re i just think it's mike it's down from the reactor where's the reactor left side i think it's johnny johnny's played enough for this game and he's i think he's playing us so i believe i believe he's going to call this meeting with the information when andy was found mike had just come into the room with me and luke right anywhere near enough that we suspected luke strongly enough to eject him from the spaceship mike is now gunning quite hard to make everyone suspicious of me yes i'm i think i'm agreeing with you that it might be mike no because i wasn't i wasn't anywhere near what did i have to do with luke you well i was just saying you'd just come into the room uh that luke and i were in when the dead body was found right but so you could have murdered and then come into the room and then johnny discovered the body or johnny could have it doesn't help because johnny killed him and then reported the body so proximity doesn't really make any difference and this helps me not at all because you were both in that room it's just that mike ended up in it second which i guess would if lowly is telling the truth mean that mike is more likely but one of you is a liar and one of you is telling the truth hmm oh i don't like i voted so i made a rash decision and voted so 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds well there it is um unbelievable oh no [Applause] thank you for avenging me johnny yeah thank you i i thought johnny when when mike got me at the start you came around the corner about a second later i thought for sure you've seen it oh no i hadn't yeah i could tell i could tell from the fog of war that like johnny was just outrageous like i can get away with this i did it and then i like so mike i reckon the pro strat there because you could have killed one more like would have been to do some sabotage i think because had you done had you done a sabotage does that stop the emergency meeting from being called if yes i pretty much pushed the button as soon as we were able to but there's still a cooldown on it yeah there is a cooldown i have to wait hmm i've not successfully done a sabotage what do you do when you've got the menu up do you just click on one of the rooms you just so yeah there you have icons for doors which temporarily shuts and locks all the doors in a room right um you have you also have icons for different things like o2 and reactor and if you click on it it starts to sabotage attempts nice okay all right i thought i'd check the chat check everyone's happy and everyone seems happy so that's good everyone everyone seems happy especially with your performance mike yes that's true i might turn the number of tasks down again yeah it doesn't feel like the crew is getting very close to winning by completion no oh are the ghosts helping when you die can you see the ghosts no i don't think we can see them but the ghost kind of ghost can get ghosts can help oh yeah i've been helping oh i keep just following people around because i suspect them oh yeah okay right all right hmm crewmates this time crewmate wow let's i'm going to stick with lolis and i'm going to keep an eye on her i'm just going to follow around no no no no no where'd she go where'd you go oh there she is that's fine wait where are you going i've got my eye on you lolis she's not being tempted into killing me i'm using operation meat shield here ah you never know if you're the buddy look luke luke luke changing direction look if we're in a little gang of three there's no way we can be stopped look a little gang of three wonderful wonderful oh oh there's andy no i'm following following lolis into oh there's johnny oh scary scary scary scary how do i do it oh no sabotage where'd everyone go where'd everyone go oh no there's lolis chasing me frightening okay i'm gonna get murdered when this happens probably two seven one two four okay okay good there's johnny don't you dare johnny dead body reported here we go okay hello it wasn't johnny because johnny and i were together who who found the body this is correct i found the body i was on my way to the alarm thing so it's either a self-report or it's league okay every single time i i'm with andy and i'm like andy's got this and he's a good guy someone ups and kills andy and it's really inconvenient for me actually okay i'm pretty sure i can account for my behavior since the game started if anyone would be interested yeah go on then yes i want to hear it full report mr luke first i headed west i went into the uh front bit of the spaceship with all the where you can see the most space and i did i did a download minigame and then i did a thing where i had to chart a course like like that then i met up with i was running around with mike and i think it was lowly's and we sort of ran around in a little trio for a bit and then i was like oxygen went uh before the oxygen went i split off from the group to do another task because i thought these folks are just running around they're not actually doing any tasks these waste drawers i was looking for them waste rules so i so i went and did an upload mini game then the alarm went off i went up round through the cafeteria east background looped around to the thing i had did the code entering thing the code was i think 06. some there were two eights in it this is very convincing extremely comprehensive but you could also just be describing game mechanics but i i mean i am convinced but it also that is not lost if the only options are a self-report by lolis or me then i know it's lolis well i get well okay i can tell you what i've been doing since the start i've already voted but feel free okay no go on go on i want to hear it because i've still got a vote to make so okay johnny can johnny and i know that we are not yeah we're cool yeah of course well i i assume that because you brought the number of tasks down that's why i couldn't find any tasks to do i was just running around for ages and as you say eventually there was like a tree of us running around and then eventually that alarm went off so i was heading that way and that's when i found andy just running around couldn't find anything i couldn't find any tasks every time i went into a room i was like nope there's nothing else to kill jack hughes you saw i mean you saw me like i was running in and out of rooms and i'm gonna vote for loli's because luke's description was so staggeringly comprehensive that he deserves to win if it's not here even if also if we just bundle together after this then if it isn't lolis then yeah that's the one that's the one just goes to show it's worth memorizing your entire playthrough yeah why were you prepared for that in any way like no i got up i had a piece of toast the code had eights in it i don't even know what rooms i'm nearer than when i'm playing so i tied an onion to my belt to be honest um i would like to point out before we get to the next voting round when i'm a crewmate and i'm under suspicion i don't really know how half the tasks work or how to do them so don't mistake my ineptitude for like any machiavellian intent all right impossible why didn't you do the swipe card faster johnny i mean it was very suspicious all right everyone hush hush now not an imposter again that's good because i like being one of the i like being one of the good guys one of the innocent victims i'm going to follow andy around because he's a professional victim and um i just want to keep an eye on him because even if he's not the killer he will be killed first that's how the rules go go on come on then come on mate okay that's good that's good knowledge so andy is not then because no one else was in the room so that's good oh hello luke hi late to the party wonder what your game is friend come on try it try it just try it mate just try it look look do you want to kill me trying to kill me i'm sticking with andy obviously because i know he's safe no no no no as long as andy doesn't get killed oh johnny's coming in johnny's coming in [Music] what am i doing okay i did it go on then andy you do something you do something mate uh andy oh my god oh my god okay hmm now i don't know what to think because that appeared like luke and loli's both deactivated the reactor and but can andy deactivate the the reactor sabotage by himself can he cancel it and make it look like he was the other person oh who's dead that's interesting i thought it was johnny was the imposter hmm why did you think that he's here's what i know here's some information but i need i have a question first the question is can the imposter end a um sabotage like react to sabotage can they cancel it i think they can oh i i don't think they can cancel it but i think they can shut it off at the console andy and i'm sorry we've got a ghost johnny saying we can't right so he's happy and he's voted yeah and he's heard all he needs to hear i've heard well i've i think i i think it was lolis i was running around with like here's mike and i mike you were following mike you were following me the whole time finish that thought not the whole time um i can i fixed the reactor together yeah luke and loli's fixed the reactor when i was in the room together when the other reactor sabotage happened i went for one panel andy went for the other one but then i think he probably cancelled the sabotage which makes it look like he fixed it with me but he did do you think you think i know this game well enough to do that kind of high-level 4d chess this is literally the first place that i have i don't know mike andy's very sus it's lolis it's lolis it's lolis guys this is going to be a real bad look oh guys well i will now mute myself uh and leave you wallowing in the mess you've made you're screwed goodbye oh okay slowly then let's chat in ghost chat all right how long till we can call another emergency meeting help help if we just stand here luke no one can touch us and then we can just mash the emergency meeting button right mistakes were made if you're about to say it's me it's not me because i've been doing like 80 of the tasks i've been the one who's been doing the the engine fuel thing i did i'm on my second run of that right now i did the uh reactor cooldown thing with look at the engine fuel thing you have to go there's like a little uh canister and you have to like fill that up and then you have to go to the other side and like empty it and you do that twice and i'm currently like putting it in on the set the second time i mean that is a real mini game i promised to avenge andy if i was wrong about him so i've defended him and uh you're just gonna kill another innocent person maybe lolita you don't know us at all do you think that's if you think that's gonna stop us i'm so confused who do you think it is lolis guilty um well either way i'm assuming but yeah both of you voted for me so bye johnny was doing his donald sutherland oh dear oh well this has gone badly wrong masterful i told you exactly what i did as well luke did you cancel the right thing mike that was a real comedy of errors on your heart don't beat yourselves up i played you all like i i handled you like a sheep dog into my pen using sleight of hand all right i'm going to stop accusing people from now on because it's it is bad sorry that was great sorry andy sorry lolis what happened mike i thought i was busted because um you so the the imposter can't like turn off us i don't know if they can turn off the sabotage from like the map right but i went to the i went to what i thought i'd do was start a sabotage and then go turn it off in view of someone to make me look to clear my name right which did work i guess because but but i actually like you got to the same way no no mike knows what he's talking about it must have been andy because i need to jump back in the game because i didn't click the play again thing fast enough i didn't realize it restarted okay all righty for the host steve what do you like uh i'll tell you next time when i've clicked play again and then we can oh yeah okay yeah we'll do like a sort of because it doesn't matter if i waste weight for you do we need to all right who's the imposter hey steve have they gone all right i'm the imposter let me just stab steve real quick [Laughter] all right well let's just eject steve first shouldn't we eject andy if you're the imposter yeah i guess that it would it would end the the game quicker but it would send a powerful message to steve rejected him first i feel uh do we send a powerful message yeah remind me to remind me to host the game next time that we do this because then it was all dependent on me we can do that we could start uh oh we've set up all the rules and stuff we'll just i'll just do it [Laughter] i mean is anyone else typing in chat to steve no no he's asking politely to leave instead of firing out the airlock johnny says now steve nobody feels good about this but we're also not sorry you are doing streaming we're doing a stream in youtube yes steve johnny says correct we can kick steve oh yeah i'm taking my astronaut gloves off because they're sort of disintegrating all over my face he's an imposter his channel steve says i am seeing you can kick steve you can kick steve if you can kick the phone icon i think we all need to agree yeah something goodbye steve well we'll see the results in a second there goes steve steve was not the investor oh steve you are doing a stream on youtube he's not wrong okay so did we leave game yeah i think we're good if we just if we just this time actually yeah all right is it the same code luke or yeah we're still in the same game okay it's steve steve who actually is it steve i think i think it's luke [Laughter] i think it's lolis i think it's sandy i think it's mike i i haven't seen mike in a while it's been awfully quiet it's been plainly steve this whole time oh steve steve see steve um so who actually is who am i killing it's actually it's me it's me okay oh there's so many zips on this side you know i think we needed like a little sort of minute break there yeah it was all getting quite intense it was all right everyone uh just a favor all right okay i'm waiting for her it's good i'm in the right place doing the right thing all right is everyone in the room apart from me then oh the game i try to join is full oh steve steve steve steve please oh yeah i guess steve doesn't have to leave if he doesn't steal well my steve is the new member of outside xbox mike and over your gun and badge all right well i've quit the game so um mike why don't you oh it's mike what space face mike won who the hell is that oh it's an actual imposter okay it's all gone hide the screen from the yeah it's hidden it's been hidden for ages oh cool okay you you make a you you host a game okay put the code in what map do you want um or any mirror hq sure sure max players five imposters one chat english and what are the rules gonna be we'll do that once we get into the lobby okay uh right well i will send you the code uh via an email oh okay email electronic mail because it's the easiest way to get it to everyone at the same time well well well oh i'm looking at my email mike and there's nothing you get in a minute andy he's lying already already um there you go more imposter behavior is it this the press release about sexual world coming to yu-gi-oh duel links i think that's it is that it for that no it will be the code is with you now the code is with you now let's see how the chat is doing any chat oh look jeremy rock says it's my birthday today my wish is the one place not corrupted by capitalism [Music] uh andy got the god emperor's mercy apparently mike built like buzzes light year i don't know what that means it sounds offensive [Laughter] well i scott jacobs says did lowly's ever see this group play that werewolf hunter game this group will absolutely murder people on super shaky grounds yeah lolis was there anyway what are we do what am i doing about the rules i can set them up i can set them give me uh give me 30 seconds oh you can set them even though i'm hosting i know right god steve really could have undone us i mean more than he did i mean fair play steve you really derailed things yeah uh all right um steve owns my house now emergency meetings one emergency cooldown 15 seconds uh discussion time i'll have a look at the chat again while you're doing that while you're customizing um crewmate vision 0.5 i think that's quite important blake just says good luck about white thanks blake well that was quick fear the mungus we all fear the mungus yeah fear the mungus first there was a wolf among us yeah yeah yeah that's something else i think we're good i think i think we're good with the rules it's not just a plain mungus it's just a humongous starting five let's go let's go waiting now here we go again hmm crew mate guard it got it oh new map new map to be we're in the sky we're not in space we're on like an airship of some sort there's lolis falsely accused her last time so she's probably got it got it in for me okay little gang of three johnny's doing the scan the bar didn't go up the bar hasn't gone up where's the emergency button oh my gosh this is confusing how do i do the emergency meeting where is it what's andy doing something standing still [Music] that's suspicious i want to see this bar go up i want to see i want to see some tasks completed what about here what about here oh okay is andy finished yes i think andy was doing a task yes good good good uh what about what what am i doing where they gone come back my little gang of friends my little gang of friends come back how do i even use the button there we go help no no johnny johnny johnny's coming back isn't he johnny's a killer johnny's a killer help help help help help help help help help no no no i'm not allowed to say anything am i that's so annoying i knew johnny was the killer is that the emergency button where's the where even is the emergency button in this sodding map oh it's unbelievable can i accept that yeah except the diverted power like why not why not there we go task completed i'm just gonna go around doing jobs let's hurry this thing up up a little bit let's let's cause johnny some big problems big problems oh there's the emergency meeting button it needs an arrow pointing to it unbelievable [Music] okay oh boy one by one this is this is fabulously annoying because i knew it was johnny right from the start but i couldn't find the emergency button it's in i think it's always in the cafeteria i didn't even know where the cafeteria is the map's enormous because basically no the first thing i saw johnny and you'll remember this was me walking into the med bay and you were standing on the scanner but no bar was going up basically i noticed that i noticed that and i was like i did think i've been made and i was like you had been amazing i didn't know where the button was um i think mike uh just fyi i think your screen was black for that entire last game oh sorry sorry sorry about that that's damn it because i played an absolute blinder yeah how many of us how many did you kill uh three oh so you didn't i was gonna i was gonna say why did the game end because i was just running around but i guess everyone else yeah it was just you and me it was it would have been enormously frustrating to see it because i just was looking for the emergency button and then johnny murdered me it was that was we were so close to like winning by doing the tasks as well there was just like one time well as a ghost i was trying to do the task to kind of hurry things along but it wasn't yeah well now i know where the button is at least i'll know yeah did you know it was me when i popped out the vent in the the plant room i didn't see it my my view distance is way shorter than yours oh of course because i popped out and literally walked up to you and just stopped and we looked at each other and i was like well i well i came up like rubbed up against you and was like let's see what happens here let's see who sparks play i was still on i was still on cooldown so but thankfully you stayed with me right till i came off cooldown so much to think about i didn't even think about the cooldown yeah well we have to strike that game from the record because mike didn't have anything he wasn't visible yeah so it doesn't count i was a really good mungus sorry bad mungus all right mute sorry about that chat it's difficult i'm constantly concentrating on so many different things here right uh not least of which not being murdered by these jokes but trust me johnny i knew it was johnny and then i just couldn't couldn't find the ready button you'll vouch for me right you could at least hear me chatting uh i'm gonna stick around with these people for a bit and see what's going on see what the crack is maybe it's johnny again maybe it's johnny again do you want to go in that vent johnny look i'll prove to these guys that i can do the task what am i doing yeah task completed okay you two no it's not me now right luke and johnny i did a task i emptied the garbage so we're all okay right probably what's andy up to he's an admin trying to work out where everyone is so you can kill him probably [Music] what do we what else we need to do we need to unlock some manifolds what's going on in here oh react to meltdown would be a reactor meltdown wouldn't it would be i don't think luke is the murderer i think he would have killed me by now if he was so let's head to the reactor wait oh that's weird uh there's andy where am i going where i should not have changed the map i was only just getting to grips the last one uh are we just gonna die from reactor someone else better be in there because i don't know how to get there okay we're good we're good is it this way what is happening what is happening oh oh andy oh you monster hanging around in admin like i said trying to work out how to kill oh lolis lolis is in trouble so right this is what i know i was doing the hand scanner thing to fix the reactor and johnny helped me i believe luke was running up towards the reactor as i was leaving yeah i ran to finish the test that i had been in the middle of doing when the reactor went off and i actually ran across mike's body but i ended up running past him to do my task and the person who came from mike's body turned around and followed me was andy and he was the only person in that area that i could see and andy was then the person who reported the body yeah because i saw the body i i was i assumed it was you because you were the only other person in the area but i we all know obviously someone could have buckled up i saw andy looking shifty by the admin desk and i don't know what i i mean by that exactly because the game involves standing still by the end of this yes it was probably i was looking at the map because i spent a lot of time trying to look at the map and figure out what was going on but you can see where people are in that map right strategy no but i was yeah i wasn't looking for people i was looking for the rooms i was supposed to be going to to do tasks but you can see that on your own map yeah no i went into admin i was i don't think i'm supposed to be doing anything in here unless of course there were no tasks on his map apart from to kill um i would say it's probably lowly cause she was the only other person around the body that i found i'm not convinced um but i mean it's not loads of evidence it could have been it could have been someone else exactly what happened yeah you'll see how i voted well whoa we're actually doing this huh okay oh yeah all right let's get killing oh whoa [Music] now now whoa i'm in the sky is that a good cause it's cool [Music] because i i remember i ran past andy i was like oh but he's going to kill me let me just finish this task on the cooldown again um i just uh yeah i poorly timed killing mike it was pretty obvious uh yeah also when i was chatting away while i was running around i saw you standing by the admin desk and i was like andy's probably checking the map to find people to kill yeah so because we had a little i think we had a little gang was it me luke and loli's running around um that isn't what i was doing but i genuinely was checking the map because uh you've got fake tasks that you can be doing i guess so yeah all right everyone right well look who's go it is i need to not behave any differently from how i normally behave because otherwise um it'll look weird so i think what i need to do to start with at the very least is to hang around some other people make it look like i'm watching them make it look like i'm watching them oh what have i done brought a map up didn't mean to do that there we go my inability to operate doors and things in this game is it's pretty pretty confusing whoa andy just seemed to teleport i think that was just it being weird all right little gang of three we're getting three we've got some time you guys got some time to kill time to kill uh because no one's gonna get any tasks done uh they're not gonna get all the tasks done let's kill lolis let's go this way that was good i'm not going to get into self-reporting because i think it's just risky i think you people will just immediately think i mean i could call an emergency meeting without having discovered a body and accused someone it could be like it was lowly she was acting weird and then she'd turn up dead and it'd be weird um where is that see this map so big no one really knows what's going on but at least i've put enough distance between me and the kill to i mean that was that was definitely risky but um it was very risky dead body reported uh oh who's that hi everyone hello so oh my god there's two dead i was in the launch pad and i was on my way where's the launch pad it's where we all started um doesn't clear it up for me at all i did that to carry things absolutely bloody ages um and then i headed south and i headed right to try and um find uh the cafeteria uh i passed mike who was like ma just walked straight past and then three or four paces later i came across luke's corpse and um mike didn't sound the alarm i struggled to see that i don't think in that stretch of corridor there was a door that might could have come out of in order to have missed luke that's pretty damning evidence i think it's either mike or mike doesn't worry isn't that bothered that luke is a corpse i how i'm not sure how you report a body you must have me there is a big megaphone button that says report next to like use and stuff you i i use the keys though e and yeah yeah q okay yeah i think as i said don't like mike mike look at me mm-hmm in the eyes tell me you aren't the imposter i'm not the important i've talked to the fullness i know i've seen all i need i've seen all i need to see it's mike oh come on well i'm voting for to i'm gonna abstain i'm gonna be the bigger man you like space so much space mike yeah i do and you get to know it a little bit better i'm falling towards the ground yeah i got cocky i did get caught i have to confess i was actually on my way to the cafeteria to accuse luke i was on the way to the cafeteria to accuse you johnny is it because server's not the accusing part is because that launch pad uh task takes forever it took so long it took forever and and i know i thought either johnny is also looking at this screen which was it's basically a loading bar going up over about two minutes really slow it takes a hundred seconds to do 100 seconds i thought either and they will join them join the lobby luke oh yeah sorry uh i thought either johnny is also looking at this or he can't see it because he's the imposter and as soon as it completed i moved away and johnny didn't and i thought he can't see it i started it after you uh but i thought i'd started it just shortly after you so when you weren't there i was like he ran off he got bored and he got bored and left he didn't think that task meanwhile i killed i killed loli's just loli's just miles away from anyone and i was just like well why not i was doing tasks left right and center i even helped i don't know i i guess you guys can't see dead bot like ghosts right so andy was in the middle of doing a task and i was like i will help you [Laughter] that's cool oh okay we're starting right off we go crew mate crew mate rocket man okay little gang little gang little squad little little team right so don't kill people in oh my god that's some that's some good sabotaging if who who's with me who's with me oxygen depleted okay there's luke did i fix it i think i fixed it um what's your game mandy what's your game you're just hanging out oh dear oh no i found johnny i found his half his top half presumably well i don't think it was mike because he was sort of hanging around me yeah me and andy were hanging around i was wondering why you weren't doing anything andy but then i guess if you weren't doing anything you certainly weren't murdering yeah well i deactivated the reactor thing and then i was doing a mini game where you have to throw leaves around that i fully did not understand right okay i know lowly's was in the vicinity yeah well i didn't know where the body was found i was around i mean we're all around the same area because we all run towards the reactor right yeah we all went to the same uh piercing with here's the thing i uh the reactor when it was sabotaged was while a group of us were running towards stuff and maybe someone clicked the button while they were running yeah it seems hard to do though it seems hard to do and i wonder whether luke was the one who wasn't in that group of people running it 100 isn't hard to do let me let me say we all play a lot of video games we can open the map and click i mean i did it when i was the imposter hmm i think it's luke yeah i can account for my time it was a short story okay all right hang on wait wait wait wait if you haven't voted yet you're talking to just yourself now luke no i want to use this 55 seconds to say my piece i'm about to be murdered yeah and it's unjust okay why and i want to just take this moment of quiet to just try and remember very clearly just now who it was who first suggested it was me me it was me i'll help you there it was me but i think mike suggested that it was me out of a sort of blissful naivety about the the map i think i think andy pounced on that but i actually thought it was lowly's because she was near but well if it isn't if it isn't luke i think you know what i think it's andy this isn't my problem anymore i'm dead goodbye forever i don't think it's andy because he i was hanging around with it yeah so and i don't think it's like we've all agreed it's not me well i don't know maybe it is oh no right sorry i guess it's lolis so quick everyone's everyone are you using get to the emergency bit where's the image oh there's loli's run away she's here she's got a knife oh she just went an event it's definitely lowly so i literally just saw it going event where's the button oh i don't know someone call an emergency meeting someone who understands this game better than me where's the cafeteria watch out andy lolis is on the prowl oh we need to do we need to fix the lights before we can do a meeting oh this is a nightmare oh damn it no no that was lolis no no no no no no fix the lights on on all of them no lolis no no no no no it's lolis somehow please please please please oh my god she got me my dodge duke left and right i gotta roll under the knife i i was trying but i needed to fix the lights before i could call the emergency meeting but i saw loli's going to event i was like i did get i was like you guys know it's me so i just jumped into a vet and sabotaged something so good like around until i could kill him it was so good damn damn and you killed me as well unbelievable at least we got to kill luke though yeah that's true all right servers up again let's go okay oh yeah um that was fun yeah uh well done i really think i really thought that was game over as soon as you guys were like well it's slowly smells like oh i know right yeah but the thing was slowly it was me who said that and no one takes me seriously no they don't have i was ready to take you seriously just as soon as it was proven that you weren't the imposter which was straight away well you you gave a very poor account of yourself on the gallows everyone hush well guys guys i should really learn where that button is and i think it's probably cause problems uh every single time i'm gonna follow andy ram com sabotage oh my god oh my god well we better go and solve that problem haven't we how do we solve the comms johnny looks like he's doing something but is he doing something is he doing something me comes okay hmm this little trio this little gang all right let me do this task i'm putting leaves in a hole more leaves are appearing you guys what's going on in we get task completed job done dragging and dropping leaves it's about the level of video game playing i'm good at there's andy let's follow andy let's see what andy's up to let's see what hmm can he finish the task okay probably we should go and sort the reactor out how do we oh my god is the reactor up here i'm lost i'm so confused we're just gonna get killed by the reactor where is it is this it oh my god it's through this tunnel isn't it oh no quick quick quick go no oh no oh no wow now i didn't know how to get anywhere i know where the reactor is now right so that was astonishing johnny stabbed me right in a way he stabbed me and then mike ran right past but i was just around the corner i think so he wouldn't have seen anything i just as he went past nice nice and then i i vented i was like all the way to the balcony don't forget to jump in johnny by the way oh sorry uh and then i was like okay well i feel like i'm pretty far away but they're to find that body soon so i thought i'll just start a little thing in the reactor and it turns out you can get there in time no i was also waiting by the control panel to kill someone yeah i just saw you as i came in anyway i was doing a thing in the launch pad and it took ages so it does yeah oh here we go all right here we go guys well well well well learn the map mike learn the map uh little gang little gang safety numbers safety and little bean numbers space bean numbers let me no that's not a thing we need to do it's not not even a task not even a task locker room hmm oh my god a dead body already um what happened i saw johnny and luke run in the same direction who's dead johnny johnny is dead luke is it i just saw luke do it luke did it we were we were together and johnny luke where's andy they're off into a different direction i'm next to you in the cafeteria where you just killed johnny i saw you i mean cafeteria you very poorly timed it luke i'm sorry he's not in the cafeteria yeah all right luke it's illegal i'm not i'm not in the cafeteria i don't know what to say defend yourself uh well i guess the best defense i can offer is i'm not in the cafeteria i was in the uh the up room i followed johnny to the north i went down out of the main room i went right east woods we're all like in a group i was kind of at the front slowly was at the back and then we sort of went diagonally up i stopped to fix some wires on the sort of like corner bit then i followed lolis went down she split down and i went up to follow johnny no that's not true i went up and you guys went down to the right no johnny went up and i followed him there open and shut case i've heard enough space mike has made his judgment his face spike has handed down his verdict and luke luke has voted for me with no justification whatsoever massive imposter behavior yes you just you got sloppy luke that wasn't that that was absolutely rubbish i saw johnny and i thought he's all alone and then all as soon as i as soon as i did this and ran away everyone i nearly jumped out of my chair so i was like i'm just gonna get rid of these leaves i love that yet luke while defending himself was also just voting for me based on like literally nothing at all right here we go okay come on gang let's go let's go [Music] let's go do some tasks that one doesn't need doing i'm going to follow what's loop doing what slowly is doing ah oh chasing me are you chasing me definitely killer behavior i would say come on lolis andy's checking the map again to find people to murder obviously go on then do a task do a task ladies do a task day double day gone then come on then can you can i do the task do that task or are you sabotaging things hmm oh oxygen depleted i should actually do the thing but why why would you not do it if yeah there you go should i call an emergency meeting yeah let's do that why not is this the cafeteria where's the button oh i was about to call an emergency meeting as well really okay what about i just saw johnny outside outside the ship yes like a xenomorph i mean that's not a thing that sorry to see him in the corner like we're near i don't know if there was like a vent there or something but he was like if i get an event do you travel if you get an event did you travel like futurama tube like like no you just teleport but the thing is i was in launch pad i started the scan the thing thing then the oxygen was being depleted i went round the corner to do that 0 7 3 3 2 was the code then i went back to the launch pad i mean that's just numbers and i was doing that and it's in the low 30s now the the scan my mike mike called the meeting mike why did he call the meeting i have a question for loli's why didn't you like when you the oxygen was sabotaged you were right next to the thing to unsabotage it why didn't you yeah it was because two places needed unsabotaging and you were there so i ran to the other one but i was in here he checks out why would you not that's where i saw you johnny why would you not just do one on the way so if i was there putting in the code i wasn't outside the ship i think quite a good tactic if someone calls an emergency meeting is to immediately start talking before they can which is what loli's name is to say i was about to call the emergency meeting as well i think lolis was acting weirdly i don't think you were doing a task before the sabotage happened you were sort of standing near one but not doing it so i'm going to i just don't leave one excuse me i'm protesting my innocence i don't know about this i don't think it's i don't think it's mike because i i was going up to fix the top reactor and it stopped needing fixing and then mike ran down yeah so mike and i were there when i went off so i ran towards the other side because there's no point both of us doing the same time but also it's not like something where they both need to press at the same time you might actually voted i love that i voted i think it's lolis lollies is acting weird i've skipped my vote i don't know yeah it's not enough to go on hmm hmm interesting and lowly skipped ladies didn't punitively vote no one was ejected all right everyone okay follow me just chill out okay we've got a mute we got a mute we gotta meet oh yeah oh yeah sorry right i don't think it's johnny so i'm going to buddy system with him in the hopes that okay reactor is how god how do i get reactors this way isn't it johnny knows where the reactor is though why is he going the other way button do the button for pity's sake all right i'm at the reactor someone's going to come and murder me it's probably going to be lolis i'm doing it i'm holding the button if lolis gets here first and kills me i'm also going to feel extremely bad if i am constantly accusing lollies and it's not her but you all saw her acting weird didn't you who did it who who helped oh hi it was i want to see this bar go up lolis i want to see this bar go up come on i want to see this bar go up i'm just going to follow loli's round if we all just stick in a gang they literally can't can't get us they can't get us my god a reactor meltdown both me and luke checking to see whether lulu is coming she's bloody not that's why unbelievable it's it's it's 100 lolis who's up here who's up here deactivating the stuff right good i'm i'm doing another meeting swear to god it's slowly it's 100 lolis oh i can't do another oh i found can everyone hit me i found lolis okay now i feel bad mike and i were both about to call an emergency meeting okay um to be fair again i was going to call it solely based on the skillful uh use of sabotages uh ain't no one sabotages like luke west away yeah that's the thing there's a third decent sabotage and i was trying to get to the reactor and they did the doors as well to decontamination johnny johnny and i were the two who deactivated yeah you were because i didn't open the contamination doors is that what we're talking about no we're talking about the fact that you sabotage they react to luke you imposter that is that might okay okay if we're talking about like skillful use of the reactor map i would just point out that mike was the one who's been talking about that non-stop like moving and running and using it yeah but i still haven't mastered that clearly so well no not clearly because luke luke just come clean you'll feel your conscience will be clear your soul will yes whereabouts where are you i was in the cafeteria and i ran up to the north to do a job in the north bit and as i ran past what was the job do a job keely well i don't know what the job was because i don't know till i get there but it's probably leaves it's normally leaves in that room it always leaves i mean johnny's in the north johnny if you're picking between me and luke we were literally standing next to each other each other between me and luke pick the third choice andy yes johnny and i deactivated the reactor together no no i did it i did it i didn't you didn't i was there that sounds like a confession to me wait you heard luke he said i did yeah you we all heard him i did it he said yeah one thing i did appreciate luke was when um the reactor went off and lollies ran the wrong way both you and i looked to see why she was running the wrong way and i thought that was a good bit of misdirection but otherwise thank you very nice the the well i wasn't wrong was i was like oh man i can't find anyone to kill i've just got to kill the next person i see and it was lolis and so i went for the kill and then immediately it was like oh no no no no we're missing someone i do that it was the su the game you tried to join no hang on oh land mike please don't do this how do i get rid of land mike um just just every just leave and and start a new game it'll be quicker i think the host can kick though can we can the host kick let's find out oh yeah kick land mic kick kicked nice fully kicked all right can you join now space mike i can't yeah looks in rey okay let's go let's go ever coming home gravity well no thanks [Music] all right crewmates crewmates time for some investigating my friends time for some investigating hmm the amount of vision i have is is bang on actually it's so difficult when people disappear out of your immediate view like what what's happened oh the lights are off that's why i see i see oh my god oh my god oh lolis lolis is too good at this game lolis has been streaming this and playing it she's too good she's too too good she's too good i wonder if i could help lolis by doing tasks oh unbelievable i'm well dang i oh okay literally all i've done is i'm doing a diagnostics thing which is taking forever or something corner i was i was in the area you saw me lolis i was fixing the lights and then trying to do the task in the office yeah my i mean we were all up there and mike was kind of between uh kind of on the way there so i was running back the way from that area we don't know do we i have no idea i have not moved from the starting room because that's where the diagnostic console was i think it was steve from beyond the grave yeah i'm skipping vote yeah only then yeah they knew and one of you is acting all casual about skipping that vote big mistake but there's no evidence they don't know what they're doing i'm gonna have to start the plumbing diagnostics again that's taking forever right let's find out let's be a ghost and find out what everyone's up to i i let's follow i mean we might as well follow loli's right we know that's where the action's gonna be where has lowly's gone up here let's try and get into the mind of a killer what are they thinking little crown on the head checking the map to find some murder victims quick check and then wow what can we do i could do a task near lowly so that might be quite funny uh yeah make it look like lolis has done the task let's just throw the cat among the pigeons here let's really mess with people's brains oh yeah task completed lolis well done is there another one should we go into another one i'm your space ghost servant space ghost coast to coast uh yeah um lowly slowly slowly what are you looking for now oh johnny oh johnny it's gone wrong it's gone wrong it's the kill it's the kill it's the murder and a reactor meltdown just to prevent the emergency meeting happening but then interestingly in the vent there you go these are pro strats right here let's wander over to the reactor and see what the crack is well we've got luke waiting for a reactor to be deactivated it looks bad is anyone coming to his aid no no one knows how to get to the reactor and i think what's probably going to happen here is death by reactor oh no andy's here well done well done people why don't i do something now we've got to i've got to float over to admin and what can i do here oh tidy up let's tidy up oh leaves rocks bones leaves rocks leaves leaves is that bones fine um so what's what's the crack oh um difficult difficult whoa wow that was that was good okay i had it down to lowly's or johnny i was i've been dead for a good minute and a half really um i killed johnny and then i sabotaged the furthest room from jonathan i had enough time to then had the caution um yeah that was really that's some pro play from lolis the thing that i never expect is that someone is dead somewhere yeah like i i don't when i'm like oh i haven't seen johnny for a while it never occurs to me that he might be dead yeah that's why the um that's why the admin is good does it tell you when people are dead to show your corpses wait no it doesn't show you corpses it just shows you people moving around right but you know what you can't do if you're dead move around move around got it all right i'm going to hit start let's let's go let's see that wasn't brilliant well done well this is too good at this game i bet i'm gonna be the imposter now i'm crewmate good i like being the crewmate it's too much pressure being the imposter i don't like it at all begin diagnostics i better not get murdered just doing if this is all we see is me doing diagnostics it takes so long oh my god i actually wish i'd never done this because it's not very interesting to watch it's just counting down from numbers uh but i hope you're well hope things are going well i hope you're liking the spacesuit i made a lot of effort for this and i you know i think other than low-lease with their crown everyone else not really making the effort but um yeah diagnostics are going well gotta be done comms have been sabotaged fine fine uh we're only ha not even halfway through this diagnostics task but i'm gonna get through it i'm gonna get through it uh and hopefully everyone else knows how to deal with sabotaged comms because i don't know what they are really i don't know where they are something seems to be going on i feel like it's being solved is this a thing i can leave part way through maybe we might end up with an emergency meeting i get pulled out of diagnostics but um it's good i like that all i have to do is press the spacebar it's not really a game of skill which is excellent um yeah yeah i took my gloves off by the way because they were just disintegrating all over my chair which is not so great um it's quite an affordable astronaut uh suit i think it's probably not rated for a hard vacuum but i haven't tested it yet so we'll find out i guess i might get jettisoned in this game and then we'll know pick anomaly task completed wow cool all right onwards comes still sabotaged my god what's going on in this spaceship what is going on in this spaceship all right who's in johnny's in here i don't like the way he's hanging out by there and has not touched the thing so again most of my accusations are based on a very poor understanding of what you need to do have we fixed the comms guess we fixed the comms now what's johnny up to is he still down there is he doing a task is he a bad man he's just hanging out in here i want to see that task bar go up no oh it's handy oh well played whoa i'm pretty confused there oh yeah me too luke and i were both dead in the same room and i saw mike running into the room so i was like oh here comes the report nice no reply i didn't see anybody because i i looked at the door log mike you're muted in zoom by the way mike um sorry i did i didn't i didn't see any bodies and andy um the comms station is a brilliant sabotage because it is a room that you very rarely go in and so when i got stabbed by andy i was like no one is going to find me and nobody did well then and then loli's went to fix that went to fix the thing and then i stabbed her there as well oh i know i expected it and didn't notice anybody's but maybe i just don't know what i'm looking for i looked i didn't think that mike would probably report the bodies i thought this could get tricky yeah then he didn't i was waiting for it were you i was about to talk about emergency meeting and um accused mike so yeah oh that would have been sweet there was suspicious activity on the door log because it was like wait mike activated the north door and then the south west that's impossible he must have vented and then i was like no i'm not i'm playing with any kind of rhyme or reason because i don't know what i'm doing you must have you must have been standing on the bodies to deactivate the maybe yeah literally lowly's you need to hop in oh no we got an imposter i'm going to kick him boot it out come on in lolis the water's warm space another imposter bye okay i'm ready now get in i'm coming but is it the real emergency meeting did i really just stand on those bodies all right all right crewmate again hmm right i'm not doing that diagnostic thing and it's really boring really very very boring um i don't really feel like i participated much in that last round that's not something you need to do johnny it's not one of the tasks hmm i think it's johnny i'm going to call an emergency meeting i'm going to call an emergency meeting johnny you better kill me you better pop out of event and kill me because i'm using my emergency meeting that's early yes mike mike thinks it's me yes i do because i was on the scanner and mike came in and was watching and then left yeah the bar does not go up gradually the bar goes up in a chunk once the task is done you left when i had three seconds left to go i did see the bar go up quite quite a lot hmm all of a sudden but that it didn't look like it was a task that needed doing it you don't all get identical tasks right so mine was med bay and it was like height way we've established from the last round that mike doesn't really i don't really understand this game at all what's going on a lot of the time i'm not sure if that's enough evidence i'm going to skip i'm going to go yeah luke is dead yes yeah oh yes oh i've already skipped now well okay interesting meeting you guys can take it into your own hands if you want um did you kill those so did you kill luke sorry no i didn't saw me i filled up the uh space gas can um and then i was deciding what to do next well all i've done so far we know it's only me because i called the meeting and also johnny knew exactly why i called the meeting so it's not me no one was ejected hmm i'm going to keep an eye on johnny johnny just gonna keep an eye on you johnny do a task go on do it i dare you i dare you a double day just gonna follow johnny around dead suspicious i'm the space police that's what i am i'm super suspicious checking the map looking for victims looking for victims doing a reactor meltdown come on then johnny are we gonna go and solve this reactor problem together yeah let me open the door for you let me open the door for you let's see what happens let's see what happens and let's see who's already here ah fine good good so easy guys i don't think it's johnny too easy too easy i saw it happen i know i was like well i only have to kill one more so it really doesn't matter if somebody sees sorry johnny i feel bad forever suspecting you no it's fine it's it's the nature of the game and loli's played a good one there i mean i really don't think i did because i can't no no we all agreed i've heard about those sorts of people yeah um right should we should we go again i feel bad yeah i'm sorry i feel sorry oh i did all my tasks as a ghost there oh well done hmm crewmate again i don't think i think the game realizes i can't be trusted with being the imposter because i'm bad at it so let's let's just run around and let's do a bit of looking around and talking and where's johnny going oh let's go up here johnny hey hey johnny hey let's go should we should we do the oh this isn't a task is it maybe maybe johnny has the reactor task hmm what tasks do i have fixed wiring don't know how to do that balcony clear asteroids got it i wonder if anyone's dead there's andy hello andy oh god andy unbelievable oh he's going to report the body now as well oh dear well i think it's lolis yeah i knew you were coming for me i could tell before why did why why lowly why do you think i was coming for you because of your unbelievably suspicious let me tell you behavior what luke's about to say the bar didn't go up because i was doing a task with the wires i did i did one so the taskbar didn't go up and i was doing the thing with the wires and the i did one and the bar didn't go up and i was like great and luke luke just stood beside me when this happened and i went oh god luke's gonna think i'm an imposter apparently you have to do all three of them i'm on the third one now if you hold on a second let me finish the task i'm doing right now you'll see that i'm telling the truth i don't think that's how multi-step tasks work it hundred percent does because i think what you might see luke is a dagger buried in your space face you won't i'm literally in the middle of doing the third out of the joining space mike is dead whoa where were you all when you did this when you were doing this in the hole i was doing the wires in the hall i was with loli's more or less the entire time which actually now that i realized mike's dead makes her a bit less suspicious but i still think she could have found the tower we know she's good at the game i do suspect andy now because it's it's not me and also when i pointed out the space mike was dead and he went whoa like he nearly dropped i wanna just if we go back to where well some people reacted in certain ways when something happened and it was all a lie so i wouldn't go by i was heading to admin to do whatever admin task is but i'm not very good with the map i suspect andy but unfortunately i've already voted now and i know that andy is good with the map because he absolutely mullered me when well i'll tell you now the thing will go up the task will go up so all right all right you're not gonna cat you're not gonna catch me all right let's follow let's see what let's get into the mind of a killer let's bother him let's bother him what's this hmm i love being a ghost it's great you can always see the the wheels turning in andy's head it's so good there he is oh a sabotage oh better go fix it everyone what's sandy doing oh pretending to go and fix it but now that lowly's oh there's lightly oh andy you've made a terrible mistake you made a terrible mistake there are two people on the way and you're the only one i can't wait to see how he wriggles out of this one okay okay loli's died andy andy andy i don't know one of you two but i i i haven't seen anyone andy all right let voting begin in eight seconds give an account of yourself i was heading up to the reactor to stop the reactor i was standing up with the hand on the thing waiting for a second person to join me a blood soaked hand a regular hand a regular space suit handed luke and i came into decontamination together and the corpse was already there given the fact that the doors have to stay closed while it cycles we were both there and we were like click click click click click click click we're in decontamination there's already a corpse there yeah but if you were the if you were the imposter you'd be able to vent around without having to go through the doors but i was doing a wire puzzle in the hall and everyone ran well asked me so you say every man jack so you claim phone for [Laughter] [Music] solid bit of deduction sorry lolis for accusing you so strongly right after that i did like the point where you were like oh actually we were both standing there together so you can't have been killing anyone who's the point where i was like oh actually now that i realize mike's dead it gets to me the problem uh right well the server's going up again all right glad you saw the error of your ways and that's all right yeah yep all right let's go oh mute oh yeah especially while i have a coughing fit right let's let's do some tasks let's do some tasks let's do some tasks let's do some tasks um what can i do what do i need to do reactor start reactor balcony measure weather uh i could sabotage something can i or i could pretend to be doing this task let's try and sabotage something why not sabotage the communications why not why not treat myself wow okay okay i just found lolly's dead body in the corridor i don't think it could have been luke because he was fully over the on the other side of the space station which choreographed either just want to say that um which corridor and i don't think it was johnny because he was over on the right hand side he's doing the office thing so uh jack who's mike oh come on luke what what have you to say um i thought that andy was i thought that andy had done it and was doing self call until i heard the way mike said oh come on i always say to be fair i always say oh come on in every single scenario i was going to do the leaves you know you're just going to have to leave the shoes i believe this is what i said when i was steve last lying of a scoundrel i was doing the leaves put it on his imposter tombstone it's an impossible inspector i was cleaning up leaves do what you like we will do what we like and what we like is injecting you into space [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] we're all in we're all in let's go i like being the crew member better it's just easier to not yeah it's nice it's nice to not like nice to not die nice to be nice all right everyone eat okay i'm bad at being the imposter i told you it's better being the imposter i like being uh dead meat instead it's much more fun what do i need to do admin enter id code chart course i've got two things in admin if i can remember where admin is then we're away aren't we we're away task what's the other one where's the other task is it on here uh what am i oh in my wallet zero six nine seven one pow task completed run away from luke i don't i don't like it luke's acting weird luke's acting real weird he's gone an event he's gone an event oh hello i think i never left the room mike you were just with me yeah and then you disappeared i thought it was you we were dancing around the table yeah but didn't you go into an event after that luke no are you sure there is i don't think there even is a vent in that room also wait hang on oh wait you're saying that i danced around the table yes and then you must have gone to the cafeteria to report where was johnny who reported in the cafeteria i reported it but only because i i didn't even see the body really i just the report button lit up and i've spotted it this time so okay uh i don't know what to say i don't i don't think it's mike i don't think he's self-reporting because i haven't really seen anyone else this whole time i've been doing reactor stuff so i have no intel really yeah i never left the first room i was doing the diagnostics thing i was on like that does yeah it does i think you can leave i think you can set that going and wander off no can you i think so yeah the dead speak the death speak i haven't actually just been sat there well i did that for like a whole year that's what i did yeah that's what i did for a whole round as well but yeah so i think it's luke or mike but i can tell you why it's not me it's because i'm completely without artifice um and you already know i'm a terrible liar you have lied a few times wait hang on why are we accepting this narrative that it's you or me mike uh well because it's not me and it's not auntie right but we could okay and it's not johnny we don't hmm yeah i think luke is us luke get out that moon door whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay hang on i was about to skip what's the timeline according to you mike get out that movie uh well i'm defending myself what's the timeline according to you if apparently we would dance around the table together for the whole time then the timeline is mine is also yours um wait hang on hang on what do you think i did be clear i like i kind of came in to have a look to see what you were doing and you were just sort of dancing around the table not doing anything i was avoiding you and then you i'm avoiding you i'm trying not to get too close and then you ran off to near event and disappeared no i disappeared because i because i you left my line of sight you can't 10 seconds i know if you're one of the orders just fyi all right well i i think it's ten seconds to grow somewhere i'm voting for andy i don't know here we go come on come on yeah good effort did you go an event luke well done oh man did you go in the vent no i mean that makes it sting even more the fact that i didn't even understand properly oh boy that's four o'clock guys that's that's two hours one more and this is the golden snitch round this is the right let's just hope i'm not the imposter because i'm very bad at it we're missing a player here there we go okay oh let's crack on last round no no no no no someone it's not me that's a fake link it's a fake luke it's a fake luke sorry i started it you got a fake luke on your hands ah you can all just leave the game though i think that's probably the quickest yeah all right they saw this leave oh okay man same lobby yeah i think so yeah are you ready wait wait wait wait wait i just gotta rejoin isn't it gonna make fake luke the host i can kick real luke is i'm in the room okay johnny and mike are here also i've destroyed [Music] that is the real real me yeah okay and lolis is here yeah it's all the real everyone yeah everybody can't believe how bad i sucked in that last round or so annoyed myself hey hey being the imposter farmer okay last round not the imposter let's go let's go let's keep an eye on these lot i immediately suspect loli's because she's the best at this game lolis is gonna do one of those like insta sabotage things oh fixed lights you say fix lights well i guess i'm gonna have to fix those lights let's get those let's get them lights fixed lolis is already there pretending to fix the lights i might as well do a task upload folder did i do it upload oh that's how uploading works i understand now it's a tiny me carries the documents down an ascii road there we go done task completed someone might be dead who knows what's like what was loli's doing hanging around there no luke no bad luke bad luke i'm gonna follow luke around i'm frightened but i'm hoping just like the odds are that luke is not the not not to man oh wiring no i don't how do i do it what do i do oh no uh wiring wiring okay wiring uh reactor meltdown oh god how do i get to the reactor it's up isn't it it's up oh it's up it's up and across where am i i'm lost again it's in here isn't it it's in here let's go i mean this is this is bad news isn't it come on come on come on come on someone else better be there someone better be there come on stop decontaminating quick quick no oh andy oh my god well they're going to lose anyway because the reactor is about to go off in two seconds there's no one else interested in fixing the reaction i was dead and i was like watching everyone just faffing around golden snitch and snitch andy got the snitch he's the best mungus okay i was so all right i was following mike around and i was so suspicious of him he went and stood by a panel and he was stood by that panel and i was watching the green bar to see if it went up and then instead of the green bar going up the alarm went off and i was like here we bloody well go but then did the bar go up the bar didn't go up or at least i did the wiring i did do it eventually you have to do all three of them for the wiring for it to go up that's why basically the reason i sort of then mike sort of trotted off and i was like oh yeah he wants me to follow him and then so he's standing by the emergency button ready to lean on it if only you've been ready to report the reactor ready to reply it didn't occur to me that anyone might be dead i was so far away from the reactor i was like i won't make it over there they got this no i didn't think that andy was waiting there to kill me all three of you were just stood around that area and i was like and i was ghost i was like i can't do anything and i just saw the three of you just stood around and i was like no one's well mike went over there so i shanked loli's and then i immediately sabotaged the reactor to try and get everyone moving over to that direction but then mike was the only one who went up there so you just started oh look let's fix the reactor together but then bam the old fork in the eye jumped in the vent jobs are good well you didn't even need to jump in the event because there's about two seconds left on the reactor so if you weren't there to help we were stuffed anyway so so we all assumed that somebody else would would do the right there's a lesson in that for all of us yeah only mike was prepared to do the right thing unbelievable i was dead all right and lolis was dead yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry mike i'm sure there'll be like a black box on the spaceship or something that will yeah they'll recover and we'll vindicate you yeah we'll tell your story i destroy the black box we all had some good games and some terrible games there yeah yeah yeah there's a nice nice mix i died a lot i liked it when we killed steve oh yeah good times that's steve all right well that's going to do it for us but uh eurogamer are um just kicking off their uh tavern time let me pop a link in the chat um if you've not seen it before i think you will really like it um while you're doing that let's see if there are any more we're also we're doing a um we're doing an ox venture uh metaverse uh this year the new york comic-con x mcm comic-con event um but we are doing a uh a ticketed event on saturday october the 10th it's another one of our cool q a panels we can come and ask us questions uh and hang out um and tickets are available at the link that i'm popping into the chat right now check it out get a ticket come along hang out it's going to be really good to enjoy unless you are among us yeah yeah yeah all right one guy no manga all right goose um i'm i have completely failed to find a link to the eurogamer uh tavern time eurogamer will start you on your journey yeah yeah it's annoying though because i want to put a link are they doing it today i assumed so oh maybe not maybe they're not that would explain do they start drinking at five like i thought they thought it started at four but but them not doing it would explain why it's not happening well all the pieces are falling into place okay well instead instead uh yeah go to uh go to go to the link that andy put in the chat and grab a ticket to our um yeah again get a ticket come hang out it's gonna be fun well thanks guys thank you very much mike for running this stream that's right sorry about the one game where no one can see anything no that's fine apologies to johnny for that yeah like it's stricken from the record probably nothing cool well it wasn't the golden snitch around the first place well then snitch um yeah thank you for watching and uh i guess we'll say goodbye yes goodbye go check out the icebreakers dice they're not imposters they're good at what they do okay [Music] bye it still hurts us [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 181,723
Rating: 4.9530125 out of 5
Id: BGBgC4eenyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 24sec (7704 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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