Amazon General Merchandise Pallet | Unboxing | Pallet Flipping

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big ominous empty box with lots of bubble wrap what could be in here hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] what's going on everybody today we have another unboxing video for you today and uh we haven't this lovely amazing pal latte actually this one is super amazing super amazing super amazing uh palette we got this one from this is a amazon shelf pool palette and uh jessica's gonna go over how much we paid for it yes so this is an amazon shelf pool palette uh we did win this for 460 dollars and we've got shipping at 150 which puts us all in in the garage for six hundred and ten dollars now if you haven't seen uh our unboxings before we deem a successful palette to be successful if we double our money which means that we need to make about 12 20 and have that much come out of this palette conservatively and we've been getting lots of questions about how our shipping is usually like 150 to 100 bucks 125 bucks per pallet and that's because really two reasons uh three reasons i should say one we arrange our own shipping two we try to purchase as many pallets as possible we know that our garage can fit six pallets tight six pallets but we try to purchase at least three to four pallets at a time to help us save on money and the third one is that uh we use a freight company called arcbest which is a local company here at arkansas so that's why our shipping is that way if we would have bought this pallet by itself shipped it from las vegas it would have cost us probably 300 or 350 bucks alone part of liquidation is that we take risks i think i'm going to risk opening this door open and hoping that nothing tumbles out because i really just want to get a good view of what is inside this is an interesting door it's like round oh it's just a pillow okay first impressions i see hp i like hp this i think this is another christmas tree yeah and i'm seeing that for for review purposes it is july so we've been getting a lot of this something christmasy uh this is a broken basket so uh all right well let's go ahead and get to unboxing this stuff i do have a pillow which looking at this right now it's just a decorative pillow this is immediately i know it's gonna go in the flea market booth we sell our pillows for about five bucks and this one will be no different so five dollars here um and then i'm just gonna get this i think those are more pillows up top because that bucks we've seen before this one here these are yeah pillows than what we've got though i don't know if this is a sign or not i really need to get new pillows for my couch and those are probably the right size and these are probably the right size um this is the four pack of 22 by 22 inch let's just see how much they're worth because i mean i'm just one of those people i like the idea of having pillows so that when i watch tv i can kind of lean up against the couch and everything but also most of the time my pillows end up on the floor uh so like if i can sell these i probably will so what i'm using right now is i'm literally just using the amazon app on my phone a lot of people are asking me what app are you using i use amazon and ebay if you go to the search bar you can actually find where you can scan barcodes the reason why i use amazon currently is because these are amazon shelf pools so that means that i know i'm very likely going to find them sometimes it doesn't show up and that's okay that's when we do a little extra research we look at on google and certain things like that but for most part just going to the regular amazon buying app scanning the upc code you'll find the information that you need and sometimes when it doesn't have a upc you see that little b there b07d4 that's called the asi in number the amazon serial something identification number identification number a lot of times you can enter that into google a google search and it will bring up the listing there so they're selling for 28.99 um so i'm gonna go ahead and do what we normally do with pillows i'll sell these local at our flea market and i'll sell them for five bucks a piece may even put them on a facebook marketplace and sell all of them for twenty dollars um and i will meet somebody for twenty bucks we're gonna grab this hp box since uh you've seen it and uh i thought it was interesting and it looks like this it's the same thing we're running in with the last pallet is that these are amazon shelf pools but this was a previously returned item that this item was originally for sale on amazon as a brand new item and they returned it and amazon took ownership of the item and they deemed that it was good to be resold so they sold it as an amazon warehouse deal and then for whatever reason amazon decided that they were no longer going to sell it and pulled it off of their shelf and put it on this shelf pull pallet so huh it's frustrating because i'm seeing a lot of it on this palette already looking at it looks to be part of a printer that's not even a whole printer it's missing uh the glass the whole casing i think can't you buy like i don't know you can maybe this is a part i don't know like i remember seeing something on here about yeah this is a particular part so we didn't get screwed it's a tray it's a part it's not a printer itself but it's an actual tray that goes to a printer and it's got a model number here so let's look it up see what it costs because it looks like there's a couple of dust and stuff my concern is it may be very difficult to sell local so i hope it's worth enough that we can actually profit something by selling it on ebay or online this does have a upc so i'm going to scan it okay all right i'll take it i'll take it so that will be online 187 bucks so sell this on ebay after profits and everything i think we'll be able to add 140 bucks to our bank account when we first got this palette in i saw this in the picture when we were even ordering the palette and we had won it so i knew this was christmas we have a lot of christmas stuff on here but when i had pulled down that pillow one thing i did see was this christmas item this christmas item this christmas item so there's nothing wrong with christmas items it's just a really difficult thing to have in the middle of summer um a couple options is that we can try and store them and sell them or we can just try to sell them at a super discount just to get them moving um and at first i was like well we should just sell all this stuff super quick um but the last few pallets we have so much stuff i don't even know if we're gonna be able to sell it until christmas time because it's gonna be hard to find one thing we might try and consider doing is i know a lot of people in the comments have mentioned christmas and july sales and things like that so we may actually try and do something like that because we have so much stuff so that's also an option here's this is christmas here christmas here what these are uh maybe wreaths or something and uh there's another christmas thing here but i'm gonna have my lovely husband pull that out i think let me check let me see how heavy it is it's like a tree box it's a little treat all right so let me open a couple of these and see what it is so um this is all it's probably a small tree warehouse yeah uh here this one's got when they when amazon takes ownership of it they do try to cut off all the labels and everything that's another telltale sign that this was probably amazon warehouse um somebody probably rented all of this stuff for christmas and then and then return it after the holidays um so this is three i don't think it's a wreath i think it's a uh okay maybe it is a wreath uh it i i'm not i just seen a little like berries wherever they are oh oh it's um um what's it called um somebody in the video mantle yeah yeah whitney yeah what's the stuff called that's not a wreath but it looks like a wreath but it's a long line darling garland it's garland thank you she knows all the words let's see how much it's worth that's a nine foot wow wow it's a new 60 bucks some new 60 bucks i guess it depends on when we decide to sell it so uh if we sold it now we can maybe get heart i mean we probably i don't know what do you think i think made 30 bucks i think 30 profit 30 yeah okay we'll price it for 30. so we got that one for 30. this is probably the same thing let me check let me check and see if this is the same because if it's the same thing we could even bundle it it might not work because of that tape's in the way there we go and it is so we have two of those so two of those together that puts us at 60 conservatively cool i'm not seeing a u-p sugars one there but it's probably a small tree if i had to guess i don't know i mean there's lots of little decorations it could be i shouldn't suppose what it is or it could be more garland it looks like it might be garland battery operated i hate having to take it out of the box and then put it back in the box [Applause] whitney whitney knows everything i know let's look it up see uh at least get some wording for it because uh i obviously don't know what it is it's got glitter everywhere i highly doubt this it may scan 729083868 you know this block block of christmas is it's a blo it's a battery powered block of christmas tree i don't think so it looks like a tree a tree i don't know what it is uh whitney says it's a tree i can't find anything on amazon for it and uh i got there's a part number there can you type in that national tree company and then maybe like the part number that's on the side of the box oh paper paper will say it's nine inch by 10 foot crestwood spruce garland with battery operated warm lights and timers what it is all right so i found it and uh this thing is a lot more expensive than i thought it was um you can see here oh my gosh 66.80 and uh do i think we can get 66.80 for it heck no but in use condition i think we can get 30 bucks for it show me what you're working with well plugging right along the next thing in this box is a kappa item which is auto parts and i don't do well with auto parts right now we don't like auto parts usually they sell well when it's the actual item in the box and not fraud uh but this has like you know labels messed up it's been open the box is not in the best condition it's an amazon warehouse item so um i'm going to open it but i already don't have iphones for this item so yeah trying to set realistic expectations count just so many return fraud when it comes to auto parts people buy brake pads change out their brake pads and then put the old ones in the box and send it back and uh that looks like a tail light or brake light there is some scuffing on it yeah but it's not like you like it's obviously been used or anything so that's interesting um i don't know how to tell where it's from it i'd have to look i'd have to leave so this will definitely be an ebay item because the chances of finding a buyer for this particular brake light here in arkansas very unlikely all right so it's a nissan versa replacement tail lamp and it's 50 bucks i don't know anything about yeah auto parts so i'll let you uh this is where i'm like this sucks because chances of trying to find a local buyer for this light is very unlikely um and then it's only selling for fifty dollars brand new online and this box is not small like it's probably gonna cost 20 bucks to ship it wherever it goes yeah and selling in this i mean it looks like a new open box item it may have a few cosmetic issues but it's an exterior item like we may profit ten dollars for this item uh and that's a little disappointing for the amount of work that's going to have to go into getting it listed i guess i thought this box would be heavier and that's another amazon warehouse i'm like wouldn't be surprised of everything i know i'm not this is all from the las vegas location of i don't know if anybody else has bought from there and they've had the same experience maybe it was just you know when we bought these pallets i did say that there is like well over a hundred pallets that got listed within a few days maybe they were just clearing out shelves i have no idea but i'm not very excited about the last couple of pallets that we've had from them all right this looks like uh another car part it looks to be you've got the running boards that go and that's what it looks like oh yeah you've got the running boards and it looks like these are replacement pieces that go on there so very unique item which tells me already from the get go if we are going to sell this it has to be online strangely enough i did and uh it's actually not for the running boards it's for the beds like the truck beds the size the top of the truck beds so this looks to be 54.86 uh it's for a honda ridge line and um so i'm thinking we could sell new open box profit uh 15 after it's all said and done after shipping and fees it might take a while to sell it but it'll it'll sell eventually 15 bucks this is a cool looking logo so i'm gonna go ahead and hold it down and see what this is is it heavy i was thinking it was like a box of chips or something no it's not chips it's hard whatever it is another amazon warehouse uh i don't know what the sticker is but i'm sure we will find it i can tell by the box that this is that's what it's like a motorcycle park or something guess what i was thinking it's got some kind of part of some sort and it's been open like a lot like and taped up so huh it is it's those little uh saddle bags saddle bags that go on either side that looks cool these are nice yeah i mean they're leather yeah good quality obviously haven't been used very nice those are nice that's cool heck yeah oh i was getting worried too because that we had a lot of small numbers over there um okay so we could sell but we could try and sell locally um to avoid shipping fees and all of that and if we did we could probably make 150 off of this yeah and we've been getting lots of emails and comments and messages about people that are asking i want that item do you still have it normally we don't try to sell to you guys but we also know that a lot of people they're interested in items and we don't want to say no you can't buy this because you're not locally or what have you and by the times that our unboxing videos happen like we've already had the palette a lot of times for two and three in four weeks so sometimes most of the items that are on a pallet they've already sold by the time the unboxing video comes out so if you would like to we have a local selling group that we sell on facebook if you want to be in that group and kind of see the items that we list locally and if you want to pay for shipping you can do that but we'll put a link down in the description for that um brother no brother which is a a printing pack a factory uh the whole factory and it's a drum set for the printer and brother brother is a good quality uh high higher end i mean can be used commercially yeah i mean i don't know how to say this it's not like the highest and there is but it is a good uh a good brand don't we do we did we ended up getting a breath no we didn't but we brother was definitely high on the list of things i'm a homeschooling mom and i like to have a good high quality printer it's a must-have uh so brother was definitely one that we nice look to be not open not even opened up which i was encouraged by that because there's no way that amazon wait wait wait wait wait wait oh no has it been open wait wait wait wait wait it's just the drum it's not ink i know i'm just making sure it's not damaged because it's been oh it has been opened see this this tape it's been undone and i'm like you don't know if it's been like they changed the drum out they could have but it looked good that one not even touch okay so this is comforting because only this one is open so they may have purchased this pulled this out been like nope it's the wrong one wrong one because all of this stuff is still completely sealed so i feel more comforted about that so a little pro tip uh when it comes to ink is we like buying ink it sells very very fast and i'm not saying liquidation every time you buy liquidation ink it's going to be good to be sold because it's not it's not what i'm saying but what i am saying is a lot of people just like this they buy ink for the wrong printer they go to install it and it they send it back and it can't be used but there are some people that they rent their ink from amazon and then send back the empty cartridges so buyer beware let's see how much these drums are worth the whole set all right is right there the four pack and that's uh that's a logix mark this is original yeah so but i'm gonna have to do a little more research because they're the only two that came up but it's selling the the off brand is selling for 50. so if the if the off brand is selling for 50 we this is gonna be an online sale um and we try we can probably put forty dollars in our pocket after this is said and done all right oh big ominous guess what another amazon we're going everything's been amazon it's safe to assume that it's all going to be amazon big ominous empty box with lots of bubble wrap what could be in here what is that what is that okay maybe a vacuum cleaner oh this looks like a uh one of those things that hamsters and the hamsters go in that's what i thought that's what it is it's a black and decker cordless hand vac oh that's cool and it hasn't been used no it looks great yeah it's looking good yep oh yeah it looks great you're gonna like this what is it oh snap yeah oh my gosh is it made out of gold two in one lithium stick vacuum with ora technology i don't even know what that means i don't know either but i like that we have it so 240 bucks brand new this is new open box uh so i'm thinking easy two hundred dollars profit i don't know what it is it's a box in a bag but it's heavy yeah and uh i know what it is coconut something coconut milk maybe yeah which i like coconut never went over them before i don't know if i open the box because we can still sell it yeah but where's the uh okay here we go coconut dream vanilla enrich honestly i don't like that my mom and i could split it yeah ah it's expired though um so we're seeing right there as you can see it's expired which we can't sell that no let's figure out how much we lost so 3601 it's on sale but 3601 for this so we lost about 30 bucks uh so this here because it's expired um i'll make i might have some because you know it's my own health um but this is zero we're not gonna be able to make anything off of this so it looks like the sled five bucks for it i love how we have sleds and there's never any snow never this is one of those little uh that's so weird what is it because okay jewelry oh so this is uh probably 16 inches long that makes sense it can hang earrings yes and uh but it looks like 16 inches looks like that's what that is so uh oh that's cool 55 bucks that's a flea market booth i don't know it'll sell so well there yeah why don't we start it at 35 and if it doesn't sell we bring it down five bucks if it doesn't sell we'll bring it down five bucks 35 we're going to start this off at 35 bucks in the flea market and uh just mark it down until it goes but this this is a broken basket it is brilliant and it's got some cracked pepper table water crepe table water crackers cracked pepper and uh some maine maple main maple champagne mustard champagne you can tell we're culture down here in arkansas i'm trying to see if there's an exploration there's supposed to be like some meat maybe some brick oh this expires january 2019. oh yeah so [Laughter] shall we dine we'll just uh put that over here come on and this is a photo topic mural photo how much this is worth oh yeah 25 bucks how's that so this is going to go to the flea market booth it probably won't sell there but we're not going to sell it online because it's going to cost 20 bucks to ship it i mean i'll put it up there for 20 bucks bring it all the way down to five hope somebody just feels sorry for it brings it home so we're calling it five bucks i was expecting this box to be heavy with as much tape as on there but it's not heavy don't shake it you don't know what to say all right so it's a ventilator glower nissan what yeah it's a car part a ventilator blower yeah for nissan a nissan nissan oh yeah nissan so uh i kind of know what it is i don't know what it's called and uh it's an amazon warehouse deal and there's nothing on the box that shows what it is because amazon cut it off so and this is a generic part there's nothing on this part that is going to tell us what it is um so nothing in the box so zero maybe we can like donate it to like some robotics or parts or something somewhere put it somewhere for someone to pick up for free yeah but we can't sell it not making any money off of that [Laughter] that's a rachel ray 12 piece kukina set who's seen that's awesome rachel ray stuff is expensive i know and it's it's open so um and take back with amazon warehouse sticker so i'm gonna have to inspect it it's the best case scenario though that it was just returned and uh any amazon warehouse deals these shelf pulls i don't totally miss the tape oh that's pretty okay hey that's nice yeah that is nice sweet 160 more or less so we'll sell this locally and we can easily get 124. all right so we are about halfway done with this palate and uh remember we paid 610 dollars for it all in so our break-even point was 6 10 but we always aim to double so we're shooting for 120 bucks so i just did the math and we are at 710 dollars so we are in the profit a hundred dollars uh on our way to 1210 bucks so we need another 500 to reach our goal look at this babe does he needs a cute waterfall water bot water but he needs this he's very important drinking fountain no he does not need a fountain but i love him and he needs a fountain he's fans let's look up how much it is before you decide that you want something because we both know that we're cheap well i gotta inspect it because it's been opened before oh yeah looks good yeah so it's like ceramic it's like not your cheap nice water bowl hold on let's see how much it's soaked why do they have water that much i mean i guess you know i just say why do they have water that close to electronic thing but it's a fountain hey i don't know that's where my brain [Laughter] went all right i was just fixing to say 60 bucks did you sell this for 40. yeah he whispered it in my ear he was like i'm thinking 40 and i was like yeah yeah that sounds fine that sounds good so we're gonna sell it for 40. oh lighting lighting hey lighting is usually pretty good it is we just sold lights yesterday um from unboxing we did last month so it looks like it's never been yeah i'm seeing some scratches from the way that they package this which is not good but i'm not seeing any [Music] yeah i'm seeing scratches all over it from how they packaged it no no no no no okay paper okay that's from the styrofoam yeah so that looks good no scratches there but there are some scratches in there yes which is the inside of the light which what people isn't that what people see what kind of i guess they do yeah so that's a bummer that they package that like that okay that's a great light too so 112 dollars brand new uh i'm thinking that we can get 50 bucks for it i think for somebody who is um renovating on a dime 50 bucks would be a good addition for this light i recognize i recognize this um we did this last time this is those monsters those um last the last palette that we didn't know two palettes ago that we did they we had the same box hold on babe this is one too wait a minute and so oh no all of those are looking like monsters looks like monster okay so we can't we can't these are hard to sell in our area yeah um we can't sell them at our flea market booth uh we can and we can't sell food on facebook marketplace um and they're very heavy so they'll be hard to ship because they don't cost that much uh so my heart is kind of sinking because it looks like we have a bunch of these well we have monster drinks i don't drink them you don't drink them and uh we can't ship them or sell them locally in our platforms that we generally sell in so yeah um i think this is just going to be one of those things where we find people yeah maybe laura's husband will want a year supply of monster because this is a lot of monsters and he he bought a case for what 25 bucks yep maybe we can sell nine for 200 bucks maybe maybe he'd want that he can offer it and there's insights there's a whole bunch of people who like monsters so i'm sure we can find somebody in our yeah sphere of influence that would buy a case especially if we selling 25 a pop like we have last time that's a dollar per can uh which means that we'll at least get some money back in our pocket and everybody else is going to get a discount on monsters that's really you know if we can sell them in our facebook live we can talk about how we have those um because on our local selling group we do go live from time to time to try to sell things before we have to list them um this might be a great option for that and hope it sells so call it 200 bucks for the nine two hundred bucks i'm seeing several of these vibe vive uh we had one a couple weeks ago which it's a those toilet seats that go on the toilet seat here right there so we're gonna call these forty dollars a piece assuming that they're all open box condition but we will as we're listing we're going to double check the condition on them and if the price changes or anything by the time we list them we'll put that in the video with the correct price but 40 bucks per so 160 profit for the four that one's heavy in it it's not heavy heavy but it's kind of heavy this is plum tech it's an elongated toilet seat yes elongated how like how how how does that work i guess for a specific toilet i guess you have to have an elongated toilet or else you'll be hanging on the edge [Laughter] this is what i live with guys oh it's living on the edge okay so yeah it's long yeah wait a minute i guess you should have a special toilet for that yeah uh but the condition looks great it's uh still wrapped up completely uh hasn't even really been undone or anything so that's good so this would be like new open box all right so this one's unavailable on amazon we'll look on ebay but most of the ones that are elongated seats we're going for like thirty dollars brand new uh if we get ten dollars for this i'll be happy i don't even know what's in here it's like a regular shipping box it's like not even like a you know the kind of box that would show up at your house it's just crazy this is supposed to be around christmas time yeah this doesn't make sense oh paper oh did they use like five sheets oh it's big paper yeah luke jolene was wanting more drawing paper yeah this i mean we'll we use paper we'll just keep this yeah and just we'll count it as zero we'll keep it we use paper at home school all the time this would be great scrap paper we buy stuff like this anyway so we'll just keep it so zero dollars for the sake of the pallet the hedge climber climber climber [Laughter] hedge clippers tree hedge trimmers i guess what they would technically be called the whole thing or just the like blade or something i don't know i mean i would i guess it's the whole thing it feels like the whole thing all right we'll find out though we don't have any hedges so we don't need it we have like hardly any trees in our yard it would be nice to have a tree or two yes oh yeah you've mentioned that a few times oh so awesome so it's looking brand new still in the thing got all the stuff the trevor it didn't have looks think it's missing a couple things so i don't know what they have is like it's battery operated well that's what goes in that spot and uh just a little scratches on it i'm not sure why but uh maybe it has some juice don't don't you babe no babe no you oh thank you jesus 112 bucks 112.99 so i'm thinking uh 90 bucks for this yeah i know you guys really love that joe and i cooperate so well and work really well as a team but i'm gonna let you in on a little listen we've been having this silent argument we have been and we've not said a word but there are doing it too there are five there are five more christmas things yeah in this box i haven't wanted to be doing them i haven't touched them i can't pick it over them that being said here's a box of skinny so the christmas guys are gonna come down to the last thing huh i'm trying to count to see who's who's gonna get the turn i'm gonna throw it off by grabbing two items next time you can't do that yes sir that's cheating no we've been grabbing multiple items at some point i'm really excited because i really like skinny pop popcorn i hope it's inspired if it's not inspired like anyway we'll eat it but i just hope it's not thirty dollars a bag yeah there's no way no we did have this one stuff that was it was like made for like people who want chips but can't have chips like for like sugar gluten free reason stuff like that and they were okay they had lots of protein so like diabetics could eat them really well and everything and uh so whitney she was like man she's like i have a specific diet i was like there's no like how much are these bags i'm like oh no they're good i'm like sitting here eating them and he's like she's like hold on hold on she looks them up thirty dollars a bag we've actually sold a couple on ebay but for thirty dollars we don't think that we did it on purpose because we looked it up on amazon and uh they were only selling for 12 bucks and after shipping everything it was gonna be like our profit was gonna be like four dollars a bag and like we can eat four dollars a bag but on ebay they're selling for a lot more and a lot of people they're always really worried about that kind of thing you know like why is it selling for more depends on your region some people can't get that kind of stuff so being able to have it on another platform in a place where you know you think about those like special edition oreos not every region gets those and so some people are willing to pay quite a bit to be able to get something that they can't just go to walmart and get so i'm gonna scan this and while she's scanning uh for those people out there that might say i can't believe you're selling it for thirty dollars on ebay when you can go for that much on amazon well i think we all have the opportunity to be able to shop and check prices on all of the major online platforms a lot of people buy on amazon for particular reasons the same thing with ebay so shop around and you'll get the best price how many bags is this a lot 80 cassie uh 30 30 okay yeah um so there's one here that's 120 bags for 98. all right and then just each individual is that can't be right six dollars and 23 cents for this that bag that's what it's showing well babe i can't eat that i know you can't that's a 50 box 120 bags 98.78 so and that box won't cost more than fifteen dollars a ship dang yeah so uh we're gonna we're gonna sell that yeah i was really hoping first we'll sell it and uh profit 40 bucks i was really hoping for a snack since i just turned 40 i'm gonna do the wise thing and uh i'm gonna grab something else i was thinking about grabbing the christmas stuff but i thought andre last second so here we are it is a yes and looking at it it has never been used so nice little sell it for heavy yeah heavier than the christmas stuff yeah well i don't know you know four five boxes put together versus the one so uh let's see how much it's worth all right so that's a 60 shock 60 bucks so i'm thinking after uh shipping and everything 25 profit she's gonna grab the christmas stuff just make me look bad i don't know what to do i'm like paralyzed by like do i grab it or do i don't grab it look at this box over here i'm gonna get this one it's very light oh i'm so excited they better be size three it's nice six this isn't diapers that's so brief that's christmas look at the box tree nut diapers how is this a shelf pool i don't know uh normally liquidation dot com like the lord was good christmas stuff she she tried to avoid the christmas and she got christmas that's hilarious tree not diapers oh lord how is this tree fitting this is a tiny tree i know and uh switch that's what she gets she should just grab the other box not a tree garland and uh this is probably gonna stay here in our house uh because i'm not gonna try and sell a box that says tree not diapers that's your style jessica you should put some batteries in it oh lord i'm gonna sell it on yeah facebook zero dollars i'm gonna go ahead and get the christmas stuff since you obviously should have grabbed it we've got some mailbags mailbags some mailbox swag you know i just finished editing our last unboxing video and you said baxism too and all those boxes looks this is a 9x10 pre-lit garland warm white so it's pretty close so let's say 25 bucks for this one of course we're gonna test these yeah we just don't have to do that on camera for y'all another garland white so another 25 bucks mailbox swag that's probably gonna be swagging our mailbox come december and uh i don't know what this one is so uh that one will open yeah trying to see if they're the same thing look look at the part right here zero three zero seven one two and this one is zero so no they're not the same these two are different you get to open more christmas stuff i can't find these um i would just call them like ten dollars a piece with all the christmas stuff gone there's so much more room for activities there is oh fine ground sea salt almonds flour crackers and i'm gonna look at this best buy before i even open it because if it's perfectly fine and it has this hasn't even been opened 2020 something that's what i want to make sure [Applause] uh it's a six count and it expired so we'll go ahead and just count it zero i'm not even going to worry about trying to uh no no i might have my snack six boxes yep so this would this is only 25 bucks anyway so those probably suck to begin with because those are only a few months old if i could turn back time that was so corny if i could though we could use this calendar you're so corny you are the courteous dude 2019 yeah we'll let the kids draw on it yeah they'll like it you know homeschooling thing i've got some little ones and look at all these lines we could practice coloring in the lines but this is con effect air contact air can't i can't with you you know my dyslexia help messes me up i don't know what it's it blows air this is kind of gross why is it gross because there's a bunch of hair see all that hair's there there there's like dog hair because if that's human hair were they married to a yeti [Laughter] this has never been used before it looks like it's a hard wired something it's like they went to install it they braided the wires it's a heater yes according it's a heater so new open box it's never been installed i don't know what it's worth but uh this hair is kind of grossing me up it's a 239 dollar electric space heater awesome i wonder if we could use that in the garage the carport area for when it gets hot but we have to hardwire it you mean cold yeah that's what i mean because you know for 240 bucks uh something in 180 profit for new open box so the last update we did we had profited we were dollars in the profit at seven hundred and ten dollars we just did the math and we are at one thousand five hundred and sixty five dollars granted some of those numbers may change after the unboxing because we figure out inspect the items but we're almost tripling our money we've got five boxes to go we need 250 more dollars to do so uh i didn't think that we were gonna come this close uh to that total so i hope we get 250 at least out of these five boxes here so let's do this let's unbox it all right this is kind of heavy this is a euro bar cabinet handle so it's household goods um which is cool because household goods sell well here but i don't know what it is so let's go ahead and oh cabinet handles but they're all loose in there and uh i'm not sure these are going to be worth any money because the way that these are packaged is that they are loose in the box which means that they're all going to be scratched up somebody's doing like a uh you know a uh renovation on a budget may want these but that's gonna be limiting how many people that we sell these two uh so we're just gonna go ahead and call this zero for now um just because that's a lot of inspecting each one of those bars to figure out what we could actually sell one thing i might do um we're gonna tentatively mark this as zero for the intensive counting the intent of counting um but this is a fifty dollar box this was purchased for fifty dollars i may just go we go facebook live and we try to sell a lot of this stuff before we uh list it um and i might just have someone make me an offer on these um you know and just see if i can at least get it gone somewhere so i'm probably gonna do that and tell what this is all right box number two cannot chill watch tish we're gonna open this dude up shower head like shower faucets or sink no that's sink wait no no it's a shower oh that's cool look at this oh that's cool the problem is is do you see a upc or like an instruction map don't be ripping the phone sorry heating up the upc the sticker it caused it to come off and we tried to be as careful as we could but it happens sometimes so we're just going to list it on facebook shower head we did notice a couple of scratches on it it's like a bronze antique finish shower head uh that we're gonna price it for 30 bucks alrighty i just seen what the last box was and i was i'm familiar with that box so i got a little happy but it looks like we have a uh little uh oh a nice little monitor 18 inch monitor we don't need a monitor so this is definitely going to be sold the brand i'm not familiar of it's a small little monitor i guess it's a tv not just a monitor yeah it's a television so we just don't need an 18 inch television but yeah that's cute i mean that'd be great for dorm rooms yeah oh kids uh you know like all the the college kids who might need something that's versatile it could be a monitor or a computer uh i'm sorry a monitor or a tv and go find out the price that one right there yeah fine the suspense whoa how the heck is it that much no way that's crazy i don't know if i'm just like cheap or i don't know like what is happening but my mind is blown right now so this this here i couldn't find it on amazon i found one that was a little bit bigger and it was still running pretty i mean pretty high so i actually went to the website and looked up the pile tv i put in the model number ptv led 18 and its msrp value is 344.99 through i i'm like i don't know like maybe i'm just cheap am i cheap we're cheap oh i mean we wouldn't i don't know the last time i bought a tv because i've always had like hand-me-downs because i'm like i don't want to pay that much for a tv uh i guess two tvs i bought in my life uh y'all probably want to hear about them so we'll just keep going maybe selling it on ebay because that's where we'd sell something like that there is a huge discrepancy in the price on ebay only 94.99 which is more realistic i think that's why we were having such a hard time like swallowing the fact like how is this a 349 18 and a half inch monitor so 94.99 sounds much better for us i feel good about that so uh after shipping and fees 60 profit all right so looking at the box here it is a toilet seat nothing fancy it may be fancy i don't know but it is a brand new wooden decorative seat all right so looking online 34.99 so we'll put this flea market booth and hope to profit 15 bucks almost um so this is our last box we need 150 to triple and i know this box um it does very well for us but it's not 150 so sadly we won't triple but i am very happy with this being our last box especially a little heavier than i expected but this is a 12 and a half foot telescopic ladder we got this in a pallet um a couple pallets ago and it sold very well and it sold very quickly and we had a lot of interest in it so i'm actually kind of happy that we have another one um we sold this for 90 um and we'll sell it for 90 again all right as you can see we are all done now and we finished up at a whopping whoppingteen a whopping 1 700 1 760 almost tripling our money remember we only paid 610 for this so well over a thousand dollars profit it was a pallet of twists and turns still lots of returned items that were originally returned that were now shelf pulls which is i'm hoping it was just this isolated incidence of all of these pallets that we bought but we hope that you enjoyed this unboxing video for us with us not for us uh and until next time peace [Music] [Music] i
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 59,689
Rating: 4.8861208 out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing,, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon returns pallet how to buy, amazon pallet flipping, ebay mystery box unboxing, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 28sec (3388 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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