This Amazon Shelf Pull Liquidation Pallet Was FULL of Mysteries | Liquidation Pallet Unboxing

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what's going on everybody we gotta stop i was like doing some weird things hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] are you ready yeah what's going on everybody today we've got you another unboxing video and uh it's joe and jessica's amazing palate palette for uh pilates you non-french people i don't know it just came out of my mouth so we're going to keep it in there this is a very tall palette yes it's six feet tall i'm six two and uh it's a little less than six yeah then i guess but it's a six foot pallet i mean it came in and i was like i don't even know like i can't even see inside of it so it's gonna be like there's a box that's missing on the top of it so uh if you look at the picture that jessica may show uh of the liquidation palette uh online i'm losing words today then you're like there's a big box that was sticking out i don't know where it went i think i may have put in another palette whoops but uh the delivery driver he had to take it out in order to get it into her garage so so we paid 460 dollars for this baby and we had it shipped here for 150 so that puts us all in at 6 10 6 10 total if you've watched any of our videos you know that it is a good palette or successful palette for us if we double our money so that means that we need 12 20 conservatively to come out of this box for us to consider it a success i say we dive right in and i think we will because that palette's tall yeah it's a tall one i wonder if i should just like make a door normally we would just start unloading stuff from the top first but this palette is so huge there's no way that we're pulling anything out from the top so we've got to open up our little doorway to get stuff out it looks like we've got like this this stack of what looks like to be the same product i really can't see much of anything i know that there's some juice here white grapefruit that sounds delicious but uh everything else i don't know but this right here let's see extra large laptop desk fits up to 17.3 inch laptops now this this is cool if they're you know all the same yeah they're true they're all the same and this is an amazon shelf pull pallet so we usually expect when we do get shelf full pallets to get some multiple quantity items uh but not this many like there's one two three four five six seven eight you got foam boxes like there might be some more over there also give me look yep these are the same wow wow that's crazy now we do mention that most of the time if you see our unboxings you'll see that we like to inspect things before we price them but i'm looking at these boxes um the fact that there's so many of them tells me that it's definitely a shelf pull they're not even opened um and most of the boxes have little to no damage maybe a little bit of the box is damaged or maybe there might be a little hole in it or something like that and in which case we might we might check those individual boxes but we're not going to open each of these individually we don't have the time and we're fairly certain that they're going to be okay all right so i've been looking to see what the prices are for on these laptop desk and we've been having a hard time because they're out of stock i looked on the amazon seller app as you can see right there and yes it is restricted but it's got a price of zero dollars so i did look on ebay and i have found many of these listed uh in the range of uh you see there they've been selling 20 to 25 bucks are we gonna try and sell these on ebay for that price no because the cost of shipping is gonna cost you know 10 12 bucks but i am thinking that we can get 15 to 20 bucks a piece at the flea market we have sold these in the flea market booth before similar to this for about 20 bucks so i think we're gonna go for 20 bucks a piece so 20 at 13 of these that's 260 bucks all right you started off as a bang so nice that was a nice start looks like we got another amazon basics item 24x24 looks like pillow inserts okay and uh this hasn't there's nothing wrong with the box so i do not want to have to open it all right so this is another item amazon item that is out of stock on amazon so when you're trying to find prices for an item on amazon the the buying amazon site that when it's out of stock it won't show up anything so we're having to use the amazon seller app to look up prices um for it and this is a 22 inch square it's a two pack it's priced at 18 right there so i'm thinking for these we've sold similar pedals like this before something in five bucks a piece so ten dollars total so i was looking in the pallet to see what was in there to kind of gauge how well we're gonna do you know a little behind the scenes and i found another box of these same pillows right there same box so we're gonna say another five bucks for each of those so another 10 bucks all right let's get these uh two smaller things out of the way so we can see what's going on here but these these uh we're getting a lot of puppy pads in these these ones are a little bit different they're broken here um i think that's a puppy pad right there so that's you know that one probably won't be able to be used but uh this is a big pack it's 50 pack it's for bigger it's so cute bigger dogs look at him so cute yeah so we've got an extra large puppy pads cool yep and then we've got this this grapefruit juice which okay so i don't like selling food until we got a 30 bag of chips and now i'm like as long as it's like not expired or anything maybe we should just consider it so i've since changed my mind but we'll see yeah so we had done an unboxing video i know probably over a month ago we got these little popcorn things little chips and uh we looked at amazon they were going for only 12 a bag on amazon it's like ah you know shipping is going to cost five bucks fees another couple dollars there's not much money in there until whitney looked up the prices on ebay granted we'd already eaten three bags by that point and then whitney looked it up and saw that they're going for 25 to 30 a bag on ebay so needless to say we've got them listed on ebay now and we have sold some all right this does not have a um scam scan code so aspca ultra absorbent training i'm looking at this they don't have the actual one but i mean there's some so you know the adult training pads and everything they're going anywhere from 15 to 25 so we'll just call it uh 10 at a flea market booth white grape what does what grapefruit juice even tastes like it can't be as bitter as the other one or sour you probably would like that all right 43 43.56 uh it's selling for i'm having a hard time joe i know i took it out there we go all right so 4356 i know nothing about food joe what are we gonna do well i mean this is really really heavy we can't sell this in our flea market booth you can't really sell food on facebook marketplace i don't even want to try and ship plastic bottles on ebay just because the weight and the size you'd have to double box them it's a lot of work uh so i'm gonna try to sell them to somebody that i know uh and see if they want to buy it for like 20 bucks for the whole case uh maybe we'll get 10 out of it so we're going to call it 10 bucks as a recovery if not we may end up trying out some white grape fruit juice what's that it's a matty where'd it go maddie and may's 12-pack didn't i eat corn that must be food yeah and uh i'm not sure what's going on with this box because this is supposed to be a shelf pool box and i'm not sure if that's a shipping label oh right here yeah this looks like the box has been opened before and re-closed because of layers of tape so open up the box what is this that's a good question that's like part of a vinyl glove box okay so this is not a shelf no there's no way huh it's the water filtration system but i have no idea if it's in use yeah this doesn't even match up with anything that's in the box like this is crazy i mean you can see here okay so we have like a maddie and mays box with extra box like this box here is something else then this is not even anything that's on that that's like a vinyl glove this is like vinyl gloves yeah so we've got this is weird and i mean can you even test this i don't know i mean it looks like all the pieces are there you know water has been in here which is a little scary so this may be a total loss for us i mean it's got the instruction manual here the water filters i'm a little concerned because this is not supposed to be a return pattern no it's not and uh you can see here the on the side here looks like it's got some wear so it's been installed yeah oh yeah right there yep so uh i don't know like this is uh it's got it's had water in it so if this is a return oh yeah look yeah that just came out of the tubes so i don't even know this is gonna have to do some investigation i mean obviously if it's still works but like i don't see a power supply in here how does this even thing even power on like i mean we can look into it if anybody knows anything about filtration water filtration systems and reselling them please comment below and let us know yeah uh because honestly we we're not really quite sure what to do with this so i just want to see what this thing is worth because i've never encountered one of these before and this is crazy no why why that stinks man i guess it doesn't have to have power because it's just a water filtration system water goes in water comes out so but there was did i not just see like a circuit board up here no that was for the uh the control panel maybe you know maybe it has a battery just to control whether it's on or off you know man battery battery yep but their battery's supposed to go here too and there's missing things we're gonna have to test this out we're gonna have to test this out as we'll just call it a tentative zero called attention loss right now if we can resell it part it out do something with it that's what we'll do he quit chewing on my boxes man quit chilling you're chewing on my boxes man so i guess i should have been more attentive because i was thrown off from the get-go about what this was because it was in a different a different box my eyes box we opened it up it had the gloves box well i just went to put the box up to move the next item and i see this so this is already a used item it was a shelf pull so i don't know if you know how amazon warehouse deals work but most of the time they're on box damage or used items that amazon takes ownership of and they sell them as a warehouse deal at a discount so this item has been used before but if why amazon pulled it from the shelf to put it on this amazon shelf pool palette i have no idea it only adds to the intrigue of this item just looking at the box nothing nothing to say that it's been damaged or anything it is a gamo ooh air rifle yeah these are i've sold several of these before granted it was around christmas time but they sold fast and for a lot of money i still think even now they'd sell pretty good and when we do sell these on ebay that you can sell them but there are certain states that you cannot sell air rifles in so if you're going to sell this on ebay if you get ever get something like this and you're selling on ebay make sure you look up the policies and you put that information in your listing to so that you don't sell it in a state that you're not supposed to sell it well this is weird because um there's no other packaging other than that nothing there's some minor scuffing just some minor scuffing on this this does not look like to be something that would be a shelf pull um unless it was maybe like an amazon warehouse deal maybe the original box was damaged and they repackaged in this and that's why possibly it could i mean it could be because it's got a scope it's got the scope in here and it looks to be a little damaged so maybe the original box was damaged [Music] all right all right so 100 bucks well it's really it's really more of like 115 i would say because you know this one is the cheapest but then on average these other people are selling it with shipping included or added which makes it around 115 to 120. so um how would you sell this one if um i mean would you want to sell this locally or do you think that you'd rather sell it on ebay like we've done with in the past yeah i think facebook it's gonna be really wonky to even try and sell this on facebook because it's an air rifle uh so i think ebay is gonna be the best bet for us and knowing what i know about these things i'm thinking after fees and shipping everything we should be able to profit 65 bucks let's grab these two boxes up front here all right and this is what i'm seeing a lot of these boxes now is uh what does this sticker represent is this it's just a return sticker from the warehouse that i'm seeing lots of amazon warehouse deals just doesn't have it but this one's been sold before this is uh a return label that's been removed yep so that's how we know that and this is a mind reader a minor i'm gonna open that up first has it even been open before look at this we can just scan that real quick yep because it hadn't been open before but we just got a mind reader i've been needing one of those for you for a long [Music] time [Laughter] so definitely not the type of mind reader that i was thinking about so they're going for like 20 something bucks online um she says my sister needs one so talk to her try and get 10 bucks at either out of her or 10 bucks out of the flea market booth she was also needing a little dust buster but this one has definitely been used so i'm not sure what's going on with this these were supposed to be shelf pools but as you can see this is clearly a return so these are selling for like 30 bucks brand and you need to new that we've got to test it so like if we can get 10 bucks out of it in this condition i'll be thankful for that but this just goes to show that when buying liquidation you never know exactly what you're gonna get until you unbox it that it may say it's a shelf pool but mistakes happen and sometimes you can get customer returns just like this that the i'm starting to think that um you know we made a mistake getting this pallet but this wasn't something that we just bought on a whim this was something that we we looked at the pictures we tried to do the best we can to research what this palette was going to be before we got it in and still we're finding ourselves extremely disappointed with what's going on that's the risk in liquidation it's always going to be like that it doesn't matter how often you do it now i can say that it happens a lot less often with us um the more experience that we get but we this still happens to us and this is still something um that you need to consider if you decide to do liquidation we're a little over a quarter of our way into this palette and it's not looking good i mean the lab desks was good um we did the 260 dollars for those because we had so many of them but that's going to be like a long-winded like that's kind of that's going to take a minute to sell all of those you know um so with all of this stuff you know with the the garment hanger the air rifle all that stuff we're really at 365 dollars um so that's not good because i mean just to break even we need to make six ten which i think will do that i think we will break even but doubling is i mean unless we get like a gem in there or something in there that just costs a lot which i don't i'm not really seeing in there i don't know i don't really know that we're going to double on this one it's really disappointing i'm disappointed in all the the vast amount of amazon warehouse deals that we have in here if you see here amazon warehouse deal this one amazon warehouse deal warehouse deal warehouse deal warehouse deal warehouse deal this feels like a return palette yep let's go ahead and grab this big box here it's called the up store the app store another amazon warehouse item there's nothing that says what it is except for it's a ups box uh so we have no so that means it's really not in its original box so we don't actually know what's in here it's a vacuum cleaner oh it's a used vacuum cleaner it looks like it has been used as you can tell this is the handle but if you look here you can see lots of dust and wear and then where is the filter oh lots of nasty dust and wear look at that this is totally gross look at that look at oh that's nasty look at this i mean it's a used vacuum cleaner there is nothing new even slightly look at that oh that's nasty there's no way that i would have paid this much money for returns like i'm not happy right now maybe it's this location we haven't bought from this location before so maybe that's part of it i don't know but this is aggravating this is junk that's zero zero sorry i'm just trying to get my emotions under control because i'm a little irritated make it wonderful that'll be wonderful all right this is a pretty big box uh amazon warehouse i don't know what this brand is frank frank yeah [Music] what is this it's a sink stainless steel sink yeah yeah all right now is it damaged we don't have much luck with sinks this one's definitely it's new which is good it's like it's well packaged it's got lots of styrofoam around the corners i see i actually see no damage to this sink at all let me check the corners because that's where it always is on these sinks my corner sides are good my corners are good oh thank you jesus yeah um oh holy cow what the crap i'm gonna vomit dude this sink people didn't lie it was prophesying to us the whole time make it wonderful omg are you serious did y'all see that y'all take another look wow um well we're definitely gonna have to sell this on ebay because i just don't see us being able to get that much money for it on facebook marketplace so ebay let's look to see what they've been selling for on ebay all right so it's got different models here it doesn't have this exact model but you're seeing there lots of other models dash 22 574 you got an open box 581 open box 550 open box 400 plus 262 shipping oh my god wow dude wow i mean wow and there's been several that have been sold looking like they've been selling so we're back in the game now so this make it wonderful box has made it wonderful for us and uh has pushed us over granted it may be an item that is gonna take a little bit longer to sell but if it's gonna help us get that much money on it i'm okay with it so it's 600 and how much 608 bucks on amazon so i'm thinking after shipping fees 450 bucks we're back in the game with this right here that brings our total right now up to 8 10 which means that we have now made our money back on this palette which is comforting it is comforting um but we still have we're not out of the woods yet if you know what i'm saying we still got a few more boxes in here in order for us to double we still need to make twelve twenty so we've got a few hundred dollars left to try to make our goal and i can't guarantee that anything in there is going to be as good as this gem here sometimes liquidation is just such a roller coaster it is such a roller coaster and you never get used to it i have yet to get used to something like that a tree yeah that's a tree that's definitely a tree yeah yep it is definitely a tree can you see it yeah yeah definitely a tree there's the base so i was thinking and it has never been unwrapped before so the box is damaged so this can be sold as a new open box so that's good potential for more money there and it could be christmas in july that was a great somebody mentioned that in one of our comments i was like that's a good idea oh look a barcode let's see if that works all right it's a uh national treat six and a half foot natural freezer fur fraser that's a really pretty tree yeah we could eat we could probably i mean it depends on when we sell this i mean right now we might want to get it at a bigger discount like dollars we could sell it easy for 100 120 at christmas time yeah easy so what do you want to do you want to try and sell it now you want to wait i think we'll list it now because we don't have a lot of storage in 20 bucks isn't you know okay if we go if we get 120 for it then i'd rather sell it now for 80 and get it out of our hair have the space free but if we don't and it's available then then we'll sell it later on we've still got a few more boxes in here uh we've cleared out this front half so i'm gonna go ahead and start pulling from the top of the second half here um this one's a picnic time family of brands i don't know what that means like there's always this part of me that's like when i say something like this like picnic of time or something like that and then like somebody like watching is like oh you know or something like crazy i always imagine that in my head just so you guys know what's going on in my head when i say stuff like this ah it's the 49ers yeah it is i'm a chiefs fan i'm sorry 49ers fans but uh it's like a backpack it's one of those chairs that you can put okay the uh a flaw in the uh the seam there so that's no good and this one is not available yep evidently it says it was built to last that right there proves that it's a liar but this right here this i scanned this and it's coming up with a lot of 49ers it's coming up with a lot of 49ers stuff but it's not actually available so we'll have to use the seller app yeah so this will be something that uh we'll put in the flea market booth and uh try and get 10 bucks out of it i'll take five bucks for it just because it's uh it's messed up it's uh flawed so uh 10 bucks this box has been speaking to me it's a lot lighter than i thought oh i don't know why it's speaking to me it's a uh raised toilet it's faking it's a toilet seat riser but hey um these sell well on ebay these sell well on ebay looks like this one the box is uh it says amazon warehouse deal but it looks like it's new packaging so uh yeah that goes down there it's got the handles so this may actually sell well locally also because we have sold some items locally for very well uh like this in the past so i'm gonna look up the price and see how we're gonna sell it so you're looking there's some different vive toilet seat raised handle looks like that's it right there nice yeah so 65 bucks so i'm thinking 40 dollars regardless of whether we sell on ebay or locally 40 profit all right next to come out is a you got the heavy box oh it's a ladder it's a telescopic ladder twelve and a half feet we need a little we need a lot i was just gonna say i was like we might be keeping this because we actually do need one telescopic ladder come on let me pull this out like it hasn't been unwrapped before it looks good it looks like that let's see looking lighter let's see how much it's worth because if this is like a ridiculously precise we need stuff you know but then we're also kind of cheap and uh the cheap part of us should make us like want to keep it if it's expensive because then we get that big savings you know but we're like no we can sell for that much we're good we don't need one right now we'll just keep borrowing one from john yeah we're gonna sell this ladder ooh i mean that's like an average price for a ladder but still we don't need a ladder that bad maybe maybe we do though i don't know we'll talk about this this is something we'll talk about camera we'll probably duke it out i'll probably sell i'll probably say that we don't need it and he'll probably say that we do need it i'm gonna check out the reviews on it see what other people are saying about it before i make a decision because that's what i would do anyways if we were to sell this we would sell this locally yeah the flea market um and i'd say we could probably get maybe 70 100 100 no i think we can yeah all right well joe thinks we can get 100 so we'll list it for 100 i think probably less than that because we've got so many home improvement areas uh stores here in the area and they're more than likely going to go there to buy them than here yeah but i think what's going for us is it's a telescoping ladder you see how small it is it's very compact so for people who may not have big trucks they may have small cars and they need a ladder and transport it this would be perfect for them oh it is a mystery this is a mystery box inside of a liquidation box is this the right side i'm opening i think so i think the other side has opened before we've already opened that side so i didn't start that actually didn't cut anything it's colder no way yeah kohler's expensive stuff i think that's how you say it oh dude it's a sink and it's a kohler it's a bathroom sink i hope it's not almond almonds i'm interested to see what that looks like oh almonds oh and it's not broken here pick it up and let us inspect it underneath of it perfect looks good looks good yeah this looks good all right and it's kohler color's a good brand i mean it may not be a good brand i don't know my limited basis but the color stuff we've sold it's sold for very well so 100 bucks nice yup so uh this is something we're gonna try and sell facebook marketplace first because the shipping on this is gonna be like 40 bucks it's not as expensive as i would like to it to have been for sync uh but i'm gonna try and sell it for 80 locally if it doesn't sell locally i'll try and sell it online and we'll only end up profiting probably about 50 bucks if we have to do it that way all right so after that sink our total now is up to 1215 remember we paid 610 dollars for this and our goal is always to double so we want to hit 120 bucks which we're five bucks short with three boxes to go let's grab this i know what this is um they're not my favorite i mean we make money off of them it just takes forever um so it's it's these uh liners that go in the bottom of your vehicle i don't know what vehicle it's for they're usually uh made specific for certain cars this one looks like it's for an f 2019 2017 ford f-250 i'm not seeing any issues and even if there's small cosmetic damage these go in the foot of a truck uh so i'm not too concerned about them looking pristine or perfect let me see how much these are but these are 170 that's incredible um that means we can sell these online yeah how much would that cost to ship i know it's not right 30 bucks yeah because i'm sitting here thinking like if we list it for 170 yeah you know sell it sell it include and then we get shipping we'll still make what 140 120 140 somewhere in there somewhere around there we'll split the difference and call it 130. but uh yeah i mean i think that would be really good i think we could do that yeah so knowing that this is 170 um we can list this on ebay shipping will probably cost around 30 bucks um so we can make somewhere maybe around 130 and then also i might go ahead and put these on facebook marketplace uh just to see if we can sell them locally first is it heavy or light it's light i mean it's not like super light but it's like that box this box know what's going on with it it's upside down oh it's cool all right look look oh cozy urban set it's one of those poofs a what it's a poof uh it's like a sitting poof thing you sit on it okay but that box has been looks like damaged then re-taped it's a poof yeah it's poof oh oh there's several of them this isn't what i thought this was so you don't sit on that at all no i thought that's what it was because that's what it looked like what is this it's a does that not look like the kind of things that you sit on but it's not slide down but it's not what is this whatever it is it's a cozy urban set what in the world are those supposed to have lids this one has a lid this looks like it's supposed to have a lid but we don't sit on these see don't sit but it's supposed to have a lid i think and this one's kind of warped a little bit i don't even know what these are i think maybe for like blankets and stuff no this one's warped no that's messed up oh you just said that i did i'm sorry it's cool let's look it up and get some more information poof it is a poof but the poofs don't ha wait maybe they just go upside down ah it is a poof i'm not an idiot yeah i guess it doesn't have a lid they just go upside broken oh yeah and that one's warped so how much are they we're all poofed out on this oh man dang dang that sucks that was 165 bucks and one of them's broken two of them are broken one's warped oh man that sucks honestly babe we can try and sell them one at a time like this we could sell at a flea market yeah but i mean this one's gonna go like this so you can't even tell that it's warped when it's like that flip it over yeah you can't even you don't sit on it do you this one you do okay so this is one you don't sit on this so you don't take a poop and poof i mean if you do it your poof whatever that's a small hole to get you know and that one's broken this one's broken so we could sell them as a set of three locally facebook but then say that this one's broken and because it's broken a little bit you just don't want to sit on it i mean somebody who who doesn't wait like a child might be able to sit on it and uh but somebody may want it for decoration i mean you could put like so you know this could be i mean it's plastic so you could i mean we could i mean you could put like like plants or something cute and cozy on there to make something like aesthetically pleasing or something yeah something if we sell them as a set of three with it broken um if we can get 50 bucks out of it i think that would be amazing to get more you think we can get more i mean i think we try and list it for 70. 70 bucks okay and see and if we get 50 great but i really think that i mean these are super in style people love these i love them like i'm trying really hard not to keep them myself um i just don't want to keep them for 70 or 70 dollars yeah um you know but like these are great would be great outdoor pieces we live in a town where these kinds of things sell so well anyway and so i i'm gonna go ahead and list it for 70 i think okay this could be worth money it's a stainless steel sink oh and it's heavy okay don't hurt yourself i need the car it actually says heavy it doesn't say team lift though heavy yeah hd gonzales here's another thing that's wearing yeah so the box is damaged the box has been open it's not a shelf pull looks like it was an amazon warehouse deal maybe it was originally bought it was the wrong color it was sent back i hope so it's like they've done some measurements and it looks like they bought it and it was probably the wrong size maybe a construction somewhere so scared and uh so hopefully oh it's beautiful oh it's not oh it's been used they totally installed it and then returned it and then returned it the old one or this could have been returns fraud they could have got a new sink like a remodel bought a new sink took out the old sink sent it back that's messed up this is all that's disgusting this has been used this isn't just no this isn't just something that was i mean this has been heavily yeah used that's awful that sucked oh my gosh are you serious can we like clean this up so that's the sink hold this oh my gosh i'm gonna cry oh that just makes me so sick it's been heavily used i don't think there's any clean in that babe no there's no cleaning that sweet sweet man of mine i'm i just this is the the biggest blow that we have had ever um yet since the second most one was another sink and that's a kick in the stomach i'm just trying to take a minute real quick uh joe's in the other room right now he's checking other platforms he really is trying to figure out a way to make money off of this disgusting sink um and so yeah i'm just really trying to deal with the disappointment of it all because when we first saw when i first thought i was like i think that's going to be money we opened it up and uh my stomach just dropped when i saw the awful how awful it looked i mean we've had sinks before back when we had a warehouse and we had done a whole bunch of unboxings um we've had disappointment with things before so it's like one of those love-hate relationships that when i see a sink on a on a pallet i get really hopeful and excited but i try to be cautiously optimistic the thing is is that we had we had a really good sink on this palette beforehand so i let myself get my hopes up a little too quickly and so now i'm really feeling the disappointment of all of that and so yeah i'm just sitting here in the other room taking a minute and uh joe's over there and he's trying to uh trying to figure out how to make money off of that there's using selling on ebay they are i think it's a shot you know it's in a really expensive nice sink and if we get anything out of it something is better than nothing i mean can we get all that glue and sticky stuff the glue and stuff yes the scratches no um i don't know it it's a long shot to even sell but i don't know you know trying to recover some of the money um i mean okay so say we got all the sticky stuff off and all that and everything we polished it up and we got everything but the scratches off of it if we sold it used i mean we'd be holding on to it for a long time so we also got to think about how much storage that's going to take up but if we did how much would we be able to get from it you think if we get 100 bucks out of it i'd be happy with 100 bucks it's sometimes it's about trying to get something out of it but you've got to find the balance between holding on to stuff and wasting time and space versus trying to get the money out of it it's that walking that fine line but that was a big kick in the stomach i wasn't expecting that all right there you have it folks uh now that we've had our breather and had a chance to go through all of this stuff i mean we got some pretty good stuff um some of it's some long tail items we've got those uh lap desks which was the first thing that we unboxed but then we've also got this really cool sink here that we'll get about 450 out of and then we've got a lot of other smaller stuff that'll sell really well in our flea market booth so you know when we first started out with this palette it was moving really really slow there was a lot of broken items and so i was getting really really worried so we paid 610 dollars for all in for this palette and our goal is to double and we did do that if we do get five if we do get a hundred dollars off this broken sink this nasty sink we do clean it up and we do get a hundred dollars out of it then we will have made conservatively fifteen hundred and twenty five dollars um and so that's a good day that's a good palette um it was a very emotional palette uh and i'm tired like i just want to go to crossfit uh and try to burn off some of this emotion um but that's that's the way liquidation is guys this is a really good picture it's kind of funny it's like in this one palette you got a really good picture of what liquidation really does look like it's a lot of work it's a lot of hope you get crushed a little bit and then you have to figure out a way to adjust and move on and that's that's what it's like here but i really hope that you have enjoyed this unboxing with us yes um we do appreciate if you have any questions feel free to comment those down below we watch every single one of them so we thank you and we bless you until next time [Music] uh you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 82,424
Rating: 4.9105101 out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing,, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon returns pallet how to buy, amazon pallet flipping, ebay mystery box unboxing, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets
Id: zf0HkhPkrsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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