We Bought This Amazon Liquidation Pallet From Liquidation.com | Liquidation Pallet Unboxing

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are you all ready for this hi there my name is Joe and I'm Jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and say thanks for stopping by subscribe come on in [Music] hey friends to another pilot unboxing this is the first time we've actually done it in our newly rearranged garage so this is very exciting we're excited to see how it all works out but we've got this big beautiful palette for you here today so this palette right here we got for 420 dollars plus one hundred and fifty dollars in shipping it's a little more than we usually pay we are at 570 all in in our garage with this and we just needed to get some inventory so we did pay a little bit more given the times that we're in but I still think that will do really well to double we need to make 1140 off of this 1140 to double for those of you who have not watched our unboxings before due to you know what how we move our items and everything like that we consider a successful pallet is if we double our money this is a Amazon shelf pull pallet that we got from liquidation dot-com from this particular location a shelf full pallet could mean anything that was box damaged like this right here that it was damaged on the way to Amazon to be sold to people like us or you or it was shipped to the customer in the Box was damaged on the way to the customer but the customer never opened it so those couple things so let's go ahead and get this unboxed and see what we got I don't know when you guys are gonna be watching this but I'm gonna let you guys know it is the middle of June and the first thing that I saw that was kind of disappointing for me was this says tree company it's got a Christmas tree on it it feels like a wreath maybe a Christmas wreath which we do not need and it's going to be very hard to sell yeah right about now so let's go ahead and open it so you see what it looks like it is also an Amazon warehouse return which is that amazon has taken ownership of this which means that it's probably been delivered a few times to houses and maybe returned or things like that it's a little alarming the first box we get is though Amazon warehouse deal and I see a few items on this palette that's Amazon warehouse which is right there usually Amazon warehouse is something that was bought and then return back to Amazon it was inspected by Amazon and was deemed acceptable to be resold and amazon took ownership of it is the Christmas wreath a nice Christmas review it's simple it is battery-powered yeah so it's not like a timer I guess it needs batteries in it I suppose I will say yeah it's pretty triple-a batteries so we'll have to see I will say this is going to be something that we're probably gonna hold on to and if anybody is interested in any Christmas stuff it's got like a tree we've got a whole bunch of stuff we had a pallet that happened before this one that actually did have some Christmas stuff on it but if we don't sell it then in six months five months maybe in November so we can start pulling this stuff out put it in our flea market booth and it will be just fine let's find out how much this has actually worth them okay oh that's cute so it's different colors on it is 2699 $26.99 so it's very very cute we could probably sell it for 10 $15 we mark it yeah ten bucks I would say yeah I'm leaning towards 10 I like to be a little more conservative with our numbers that way you know if we get a little bit more out of it it's great so ten dollars we couldn't grab this box here is a little door is over here that way we might just open it up and build me get stuff out a little it's heavier maybe this this is a heavy one this is supposed to be your box it grabs the heavy ones well that's Annette and very cute so it's nice opposing he's got a little box damage right here and then also up here at the top but in the back here but we'll do a little quick inspection I mean it's not in plastic so I don't know if it's been scuffed up or anything and baby items we like because in our area they sell pretty fast and for usually about 70 percent of retail and looks like this one did get a little damaged oh yeah but it's just a little scuffing right there so no structural damage and I was like but it definitely has some scuffing so we won't be able to sell that for anywhere near retail which is kind of disappointing but still baby stuff is very highly priced and so hopefully we can get it's still a pretty penny off of it might lose ten bucks on this it's cute though it's it's kind of I like the little designs on here that's real cute does it move oh yeah it vibrates and it sways so that cool so here we go so we got a fisher-price lotions mess in that windmill 139 so I'm thinking because of that I'm thinking 100 bucks oh yeah a little stretch it's brand new has no quick to the other it's just got a little scratch on there but uh hundred bucks pretty good for that now just a little quick tip while we're doing this you know that last bassinet was a hundred and thirty nine dollars we're gonna list it for a hundred sometimes it sells and sometimes it doesn't sometimes you know the needs just kind of vary so our strategy is that we we start with a hundred dollars now it may not sell for $100 every week we have to refresh our facebook listings and that means that what we're gonna do is we're just gonna knock it down five to ten dollars depending on what the item is until it does so we're not trying to hold on to this so we can get every penny out of it we do want to make sure that we move it remember we work out of our garage so we can't really keep a lot of stuff here we also have a flea market booth and we do the same thing with that stuff too we want to keep things moving so sometimes it sells for $100 sometimes it doesn't that's just the way of the game should we uh should we open this or should we just I don't know I'm afraid thing no I think they'll be good okay yeah we can open it that way we can kind of work our way back I love these other doors the best part about these guys is that once we're done with them we can flip them over and put them in the backyard and the kids have a new house like every week they love it they draw on it do all kinds of crazy stuff watch out for that broom though Oh yeah pull these small things I like that broom it may not get sold I've always wanted one of those all right we got some few small things here we've got this good night nighttime underwear I think this is a dolt yeah so these are good we sell these online a lot they don't sell they sell better than children's diapers and underwear so yeah I'm very excited about that looks like some windshield wipers cool nice there one wiper one wiper it's opened yeah and then a really nice little broom here a dust mop I kind of like it yeah all right so let's find out how much these things are worth nothing was going that's unfortunate so while she's looking up the price for that one this little thing right here I have no idea how we're gonna sell it probably on eBay but then I know these things only go for like you know 15 to 20 bucks tops for uh windshield wipers so this may be one of those items that [Applause] we don't even try to sell just because the amount of time that's going to take to actually get money out of it it's just not gonna be worth it to us and then this dust mop I'm gonna keep it because I want something easier to sweep up the floors here in the garage and it takes me back I used to work at Fred's when I was younger and I used to always have to decimal the floors so it took me back to that so I think we're gonna keep it so I was wrong these are not adult diapers I thought they were they kind of looked like it but they're not and in fact according this had an ASI n on here so I could type it in to here and actually get the actual one but it turns out this is only half of the package oh the other half it's supposed to be a pack of two packs of these and there's only one this is a 17 count so we're actually missing half the package so this is probably just gonna go for I don't know $10 at the flea market booth and maybe somebody will get them there yeah see that's the windshield wipers 999 plus eight dollars shipping only 17 bucks I'm not gonna try and sell that online it's just not worth my time I'll probably not put it at the flea market booth with what kind of car it goes for for like five bucks maybe we'll get a buyer this tidy tools map I looked this up just scanned it right here and it is 38 ninety-nine on Amazon of course we won't be making any money off of it because Joe just got $38 dust-mop but if we were to try to sell it maybe 20 bucks flea market booth hello wonder has arrived I wonder what wonder is under what box this win - yeah right there I want this box right here I can see the top of it so I can see would be heavier than this what is it it's a have a heart one door cage oh crap like cargo I was singing I thought it said cargo I don't know I was thinking it was one of those things won the coppa top of the car because my brain sometimes mixes up letters cuz I'm like it seems to me like it's a trap which is great for this area because we have lots we have lots and lots of hunters in this area so if this is what we think it is then it'll sell very quickly yeah and we've had one of these before and I sold it within two hours of being listed on Facebook so it looks like yes the cases that is it that's a little trap you get it sit let the stuff you can see I met a trapper yeah yeah comes with the instruction you don't everything cool nice how much is this worth all right found it here let's see let's click the buying options and see what we got all right 73 1670 317 these are all free shipping yeah so it's about a $70 this 160 81 cents it I mean roughly about the about about $70 so I'm going 50 bucks and this will be a local sale because of just its size yeah I mean it'll sell quickly here this box right here it would probably cost about $30 a shift because of its size so a lot of people ask us we hear this question all the time what kind of pallet should we buy now there's no short cookie cutter answer for that the thing is is we choose to buy these because our local market is very good and a lot of times we find things that work really really well for example that trap that we have we live in a pretty rural area so there's gonna be a lot of hunters out there that are gonna like these things but every once in a while we'll come across something that in our area it's very very hard to sell that's where you got to really get creative so wherever you are in your area think of what your local climate is like think about what your local customers would want and try to find pallets that contain those items for us these pallets do very very well but that may not be the same for you so it's really really important that you do the research for yourself and try to figure out what pallets you should get don't know if I should start on this side or this side I guess we can do this it's bol joking oh it's a pillow okay I'm pretty sure it's a Carol look it's it's a choking I don't know what that means I don't know but it's really weird that it's a pillow I know that all right let's see this is a choke it extra-thick king mattress top mattress topper yeah I was thinking it was now this is one of those boxes you gotta be real careful with any time you're unboxing something you definitely want to be careful I can't tell you how many pallets of return items I've gotten with a big slit down the middle of stuff because people are just careless when they open it so whatever it is that you are unboxing always always I'm going to be very careful about it now this one's easy to know because it's obviously very fluffy but you just never know what's in these boxes and on plan so this okay I'm talking in that accent anymore it looks it's good yeah there's a hole in the plastic but there is no issue here I'm gonna put this would be a local sale for this box I'll Park the I'd say local sale just begin with because that box was all tore up yeah and it is vacuum-sealed as it was before probably because of that hole that we found to you but looking very carefully there are no other holes so this this is gonna be just fine there's no need for us to take it out of the packaging we see no evidence of there being any tampered with anyway it's a vacuum sealed and hasn't been it open so let's see how much this is worth huh alright choke get extra thick king-sized mattress topper king-size ninety four ninety it's very pillowy I guess that's why they call it an extra pillow that all makes sense you know so there we go that's it right there what can you use it on our bed before we get rid of it yeah well we downsized to a queen-size bed because all of our kids are out of our bed now so I'm thinking we listed 460 maybe get 54 yeah I was thinking the exact same thing well this one is you did it again didn't you yeah I did it again oops hey be careful we don't have rights that a song we don't do it but this is a pull-ups we needed diapers and Lucas he fit him so I took the box we emptied EV put on his butt put the box back in there so we have two more things with divers in there once we have a lot of can't you can do it it's like Jenga no it's like well just so you know we have two more things of diapers and we're gonna give it to ya and you know why go to the store and buy diapers when technically we got those at a discount yeah so we'll check both these prices this I think is a dog bed is it big enough for definite no it's like one's little cave things oh I see I think it's what it is but it's some we could probably sell to flea market booth sure and get a little tape on it yeah yeah that's way it's probably gonna mess it up I did a little bit you can see the little right here it may be okay but it's got like a sticky residue from where the tape was yeah and but it's a little cave I used to have one of these how does it stay up it doesn't they just crawl in it anything and there's no way I don't know if there's a brand on here nope so there's no way really knowing exactly what Brandis is how much it's worth you can see some discoloring on the top here so honestly it's not even worth the time to try to figure out what it is so we could probably just sell it for I don't know five bucks at the body market and just move it move it five bucks for it then honestly we we probably could get more if we wanted to wait but I don't I don't want to wait so we're gonna list that for 500 and try to move it quick all right so on the diapers we saved $32 and diapers we've had some in the flea market booth for about three weeks now trying to get as much money as we can they're not selling they're this if you were to try to sell locally you every one area is different but people are at the store they can get these for about the same price so you're gonna have to probably mark it down pretty cheap in order to sell them then you have to figure out is it really worth even trying to meet somebody for $10 just keep in mind that when you're going through your palette there's gonna be a lot of stuff in there that you'll be lucky to make a few dollars on that stuff don't fret about it price it to move it and then let the bigger stuff be the thing that makes your money back on the pallet what's next hot mama I don't know if I wanna go up or down let's go up pro-series pulverize adora mochila I think it's a backpack sprayer which is good for this area you know we live in a very a place where there's a lot of gardening things like that so it is a backpack sprayer damage here in the box I hope it didn't mess it up I don't know we can find out I mean the I mean the original taping is still intact yeah so as long as they didn't get smashed or anything I think we could be good this would be just from the size and shape of it it'll obviously be a local sale and it'll sell quickly in our area Facebook marketplace maybe or even the flea market booth so opening it up it is used no it can be used what is this just looks like it was damaged from a box pan but there's like a rest like a brown residue almost as if it was like dirt or something do you see this yeah but that's weird because the original taping surely something's going on here no I mean it could have the Box got damaged and it could have just go in there yeah yeah well it's been through some it's been through some stuff you can tell there's like some scuffing so even if it hasn't been opened it's definitely not new this is a mystery because it didn't look to have been opened well it smells new it smells like glass yeah so it hasn't been used it's just been either opened or just really smashed up like you know scratches there I don't know that's weird woody McGruff the Crime Dog and not see any other stuff in there I mean it's got this on there still got this yeah it's weird what's that I just looked at price up for this uh-huh there's two results right one of them is 52.99 and the other one is $81 Oh how's that possible I have no idea but this one's Amazon Prime and has better review so I'm assuming this is probably the more accurate so right now it's normally 70 bucks that could be why oh I see that something in 40 bucks for this just because it's it's almost July so we have a good two months left to be able to move this but really this needs to be sold in like two weeks for somebody to be able to take advantage of it for this season because it's hot out there in Arkansas it feels like a 150 degrees so 40 bucks for price into the cell get it out of here on to the next also with the damage that's on there I wouldn't even feel comfortable selling it for anything one yeah so I'm seeing a lot of diapers on here baby and that could be a good thing or a bad thing I mean there's five boxes you see there so they're all size three size three hey you know it's my size Lucas's size three no but you won't be affected for that long so we're going to sell there's a newborn one of these is a newborn oh great so it's been moving these over here so at least if anything we're not gonna have to buy diapers hopefully he'll be a potty trained singer Wow but these are honest ones these are expelled yeah we might sell those and Lucas doesn't care what diapers he's you know how some babies have the sensitive and all that so let's try this one since we've got three of these size threes let's see how much those are right yeah there's one right there oh you got one tower Oh diapers so 25 bucks all right well all right so we can keep a couple of those and sell the other ones four five six ten bucks I'm it's 75 bucks for the three of them do I think we're gonna need that many diapers no no so maybe we keep one and then sell the other two for like 20 bucks together together Oh that'd be nice somebody buy that yeah maybe I'm 25 bucks they get half off because then 25 bucks I don't mind meeting somebody for 25 bucks yeah and so 25 bucks for two of these all right so here's the honest ones like we said those are really expensive 51 dollars mmm yeah and the box is damaged we could probably sell it on eBay for like 40 bucks it's in the cost probably 15 bucks to ship that's probably the best bit so I'm thinking $20 profit for that somewhat some salt salt salt salt skeltox sea salt light gray celtic sea salt 22 pounds of this baby it's a rasilla resealable bag add additive-free delicious sea salt perfect for cooking thank you that's a big bag of salt restaurant and I'm already thinking like how are you even gonna sell this Paddy's minute you can sell it on eBay or Amazon it's 22 pounds I know I mean yeah and it's a it's a giant bag of salt dude yeah and it hasn't been open yet so that's good don't pull it I'm just making sure awesome so it doesn't expire until 2035 so I feel better it's not damaged so it does open up our places that we can sell this thank you know the price we're gonna ship it it's sea salt Celtic sea salt which not just any kind of sea salt yeah so what's it worth Jessica I don't know Bob [Music] no for real $96 Li not a Gasol okay fine let's sell it I was thinking well we'll get salt and we won't need a bike salt for two years no we can sell this baby on but it's 96 bucks so that's awesome the size of the box is awesome so it's a smaller box so I know pretty much anywhere in the United States we can ship this for 20 bucks or under so after fees and shipping i'ma call $50 profit on this thing so that's a most expensive salt I potentially have ever sold because I've never sold salt before I guess that's the salty dance why are you so salty all right so we're probably about halfway there as far as the number of items go and we just did the math it's not looking good remember we paid five hundred and seventy dollars for this pallet all in which means that our goal remember two is always to double that we needed to do eleven hundred and forty dollars and we're only at three hundred and ninety so we need to do $750 more the rest of this pallet to be able to hit our goal of doubling our money I'm not feeling very good at this point we've got a couple big boxes a couple things that I like that I see so I'm hoping that this turns around for us but the only way to find out is if we keep unboxing so let's get to it why not the size the patent pending Box patent me it's freaking box we just bought a patent that was pending that Mun mon0 ultra econ us 24 to 16 ounce so whatever it is there's 24 of these oh it's monster energy drink no it's not I don't know zero ultra are y'all ready for this Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam big monster energy drink I mean like Monster Jam is zero sugar stuff l-carnitine oh well what carnitine I don't know garnet carnitine cart Karan I just ceased zero sugar I see taurine oh yeah yeah right there alright so 24 pack of Monster Energy retail value those are like 2 bucks at the store so you think like 48 bucks full retail value we're not getting that much so what does she know even less even less so this is gonna be one of those items where I'm gonna try to get $30 for it and put it on Facebook marketplace if they let us I don't know if you can sell food on Facebook marketplace but imma try and sell these on Facebook for 30 bucks I can actually sell on Facebook marketplace now with my other account so 30 bucks Facebook marketplace and pray that we get 30 but I'll be happy with 20 what the crap is this I think it's literally for crap for cat crap is soup free literature tray and there's a bunch of them I don't know whether to open this box I'm not seeing any damages to the litter trays themself let's open one up and see what it looks like man that box has been through some stuff it looks like it got completely destroyed and then taped back together it's been destroyed but but luckily you know the packages look fine alright so that's the premise of it so it's one tray scoop free ah oh that's nice you just throw the whole thing away the whole thing away cool so it's worth there like is it going to be easier to sell it as a lot together or would it make more sense of selim individually oh yeah my friends quit Wow what what six-pack 93-95 so this thing is worth ninety three bucks Wow okay so this is one of those things that we can actually sell them online despite it we could but you don't think we should I mean we could but shipping and fees on this box is probably gonna be 40 bucks because it's so heavy and big yes this box to be shipped anyway No so I'm thinking 50 bucks locally because this is heavy this is a heavy box so figure bucks local price it for 60 hope to get 50 move it out move on it's got a lot of big stuff these are really I'm just gonna pull these small things out all right just be done with the small stuff here's one and then we've got so hanger bar water lily princess okay you know Lima is it dead oh I think it's dead babe I think it's a wolf spider anyways anybody else out there afraid of spiders I guess I'll go ahead and do this so pretty sure the spiders dead it's not moving it's just to hang in there so it's not dead so is it a brown recluse babe it's alive it's in the garage and I'll be bombing this place probably tonight with I'll be bombing it with spray not you know I sure thought it was dead or else I would have killed it before and just sort of let it hang it let it hang out but the thing about boxes no you're good you're good spiders is uh yeah but we have a nice little water lily princess which we now have to burn in our kids can't light but our kids don't need any more costumes so flea market booth that's a really nice costume like that's not like your typical Halloween costume like that's a nice little costume you put it right there $30 yep I can't my heart is so ten bucks flea market booth that's costume thing is going somebody will buy it because kids are always wanting to do like that cosplay it's not cosplay dress-up it's cosplay dress-up for adults this cosplay and now what it is yep and then we got another one of these pillows we've gotten pillows pillows we've had so many of these pillows that is that how you say it doesn't even sound right five bucks pillow pillow it's all crooked sorry Jessica's totally lost it because of the spider it's a hanger bar and I don't know if it's all here it looks like a one that we got a couple weeks ago that was missing some pieces this looks to have the whole thing but I don't know what the other one may not have been missing pieces because if they're both coming like this cuz it's supposed to it's a hanger bar it chains and then it has these like oh yeah I know you're talking about now I'm glad you do because I don't know the word yeah I don't know the words either but I know that the concept of what find it I'm gonna find it hold up it's all crooked sorry Jessica's totally lost it because of the spider it's a hanger bar and I don't know if it's all here it looks like a one that we got a couple weeks ago that was missing some pieces this looks to have the whole thing but I don't know yeah you know I just realize that what the other one may not have been missing pieces because if they're both coming like this because it's supposed to it's a hanger bar it chains and then it has these like yeah I know you're talking about now I'm glad you do because I don't know the word yeah I don't know the words either but I know that the concept of what find it I'm gonna find it hold up I'm a brain it's not working anymore there's that spider hey got her that was a big spider like it was a big spider like that now but the other one didn't have the little hanky bar having me either so I guess these little pieces right here I'm sorry those little pieces there I guess those are sold separately but it's not really worth that much selling and it's gonna be hard to sell this the flea market booth unless we put like a print a picture on the box so I'm account that a zero just because I don't know what we're gonna get for it I'm grab this lightbox you grab three bucks these are little dental treats for the puppy dog yeah yep so we'll see if dezzy likes them maybe he'll be smelling like that before they're done we'll see how much they're worth this is probably an online sale if we were to sell it but we're keeping it and then linen spa this has become one of my favorite names yeah but this is a foreshadowing fortunately - right there - sweet get them both let's go ahead get them both mattress mattress we like mattress yeah here all right so it looks like this one here is a six inch probably twin if I had to guess yeah that's a twin size mattress it says tweet which is twins this one I don't know it's so small I don't think this is a mattress at all actually that's hard to tell because it's so light like you saw how I just kind of flip that over maybe a mattress maybe a topper yeah five minutes something my mattress it's just really small so here we go into the linen spa it's a twin six-inch inner spring 80 bucks slow so for us that'll mean 60 bucks for this yep 60 bucks now keep in mind in your area mattresses may not sell the same so you want to keep in mind like when you're looking at like we're talking about how things sell here because we've tried and we've done trial and error and this is what works for us there might be things that sell better in your area for example you know mattresses sell really well here home goods sell really well here but in your area it may be clothing it may be furniture it may be something else that sells really well it's important for you to figure out what it is that your area does really well with and then you know then start getting lots for that so this is a cot size mattress you can see it looks kind of cool yeah which that narrows the buyers so it's not as exciting as before what what this may be getting sold online yeah because I mean we just don't have I don't know I don't know if we're gonna be able to sell this locally for that much we're really learning what our local market is like we're learning what the climate is like and we're trying to move with that climate so looking at this stuff I'm seeing you know the mattresses are gonna sell really well we do really really well with you know home goods and things like that now when you are learning how to do liquidation I would recommend that you try a variety of stuff try to figure out what your climate is like something that sells for 60 bucks here myths may sell for 80 bucks in your area so don't take what prices that we're putting on here as fact because in your area it may be completely different so shop around look around and make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck all right so this little cot mattress it's selling for 168 on Amazon there's been over 2000 ratings so it's a very popular item so we're probably gonna try and sell it on eBay yes the box is damaged but I think I can Frank and box it you know put a bunch of boxes in it to make it look good and $100 profit so so we're gonna shoot 400 bucks all right so the dog treats 12 bucks I'm not even sure it'd be profitable sell online because that looks like it weighs almost it's over a pound so you'd have to ship it Priority Mail and buy time Priority Mail and fees you would be giving it away so if you don't have a dog give it to your neighbor dog because it's not gonna work selling it online besides I'm one desi to have a smile like that let's see here Oh pack and play we like baby stuff yes oh my gosh let me get the rest of these boxes you would like that wouldn't you yes you look like fun out of all the presents it's like Christmas y'all all right yeah Graco pack and play portable Napper and changer I'm seeing damage to the box here but it doesn't even go all the way free yeah everything else looks great alright look great looks and damage there's no stuffing it's dirty too little dusty but if you do that sweet cool alright cuz this is probably gonna be a face book sale all right 150 this is actually very common I've seen this one before so very cool so this is a great co-packing play it's $150 we could easily get 120 for it because it's great it's a great deal all right so we've got I don't like what I'm seeing here why we're house that we've gotten one of these already and one of the slots were broken which isn't a big detriment to it but we got two more of these so the last time that we got this four in one play yard safety gate we've gotten this before the last time we got it it was an Amazon warehouse deal and it was actually broken now a lot of you actually suggested that we fix the baby gate which we probably would do did it end up selling no we have not sold it yet so yeah so hopefully these ones are in better condition but this looks actually really good look at there this was way better than the last one the last time what we had it wasn't even in plastic this has all of the the stuff on it it looks good yeah so this looks great this one actually probably fit self we're almost like new just a nut box yeah so look at this other one and I thought the other one is like that one all righty careful sorry this one's been taped up by this one has been sold before it looks like there is a shipping label here and reason to return this is masking tape like they don't use masking tape at warehouses that's a little disturbing control there's supposed to be shuffled but a lot of what this looks like is that it was actually looking so far the first indicator is that size really doesn't even look like it's been thinned out and looking down at the very bottom of the box I'm not seeing anything on preliminary Thanks yeah it looks to be brand-new also so well that was weird very mother's very concerned very like very I'm encouraged now because this palette unboxing hasn't gone the profit way that I'd like so these two they might help they may help so let's see what they're worth what is one of them smells it smells like wet urine no that sucks ammonia if it's that or if it's just the plastics probably the plastics not highly doubt somebody would pee in the box hey listen weirder things have happened alright here we go yeah $88 well that's nice no no yeah that's what I know yep yes that is nice so 80 bucks eighty-seven dollars a piece can we get eighty-seven dollars for it Hank no but can we get fifty bucks apiece for these I think so so we'll price them for sixty hope to get fifty and go on into the sunset with some more money in our pockets so I'm feeling a little more encouraged the pallet started off with a whole bunch of really small things we've had a few items that equaled zero and so I was getting really nervous I was like man I think this might be one of those pallets where we just don't double and for us when you include fees and booth rent for our flea market and all of those things if we don't double we actually don't really profit and so I'm feeling really really encouraged because these last few items have been high-dollar items which gives us we only need two hundred and eighty-five dollars left to meet our goal of doubling our money so I'm hoping that these we've got what two more items in there babe we've got two more boxes left so I'm hoping that this these two boxes will equal two hundred and eighty five at least all right so we got two boxes one I know what it is one I don't know what it is let's do the one you know what it is what is heavily damaged car see whoo okay safety first row and go safety first is just your basic really no grapeo so it looks like it's been sold before because it looks like they've cut out a shipping label here it's usually what Amazon will do is they will cut off the shipping label that's why there's no customer information on there it is very damaged yeah which is okay because we would sell this as a local item anyway so the box is not that important just the condition of the item is oh it's a pretty color oh yeah pink and gray yep looks really nice well real looking at it there's some dirt in there yeah not sure what that is maybe just from the box being loose but it looks good still got the bag in there so it's never been used but get that cleaned up yeah it's a little dusty just from being the box and stuff being damaged so it looks good let's go ahead and see how much it might bring us all right I found it it is the safety first growing growing glow 139 sweet hundred $39 so we can probably get a hundred bucks for this maybe even 110 yeah dollars for it price it for 110 bucks you 200 bucks yep so if you've been following along this with one last unmarked item in the pallets and we don't know what it is but in order for us to meet our goal this thing needs to be at least $185 I'm just gonna be really really honest with you I'm not feeling all of that hopeful but you never know we might be surprised so let's figure out what this is it's a I think it's a box in a box because I see a little bit of the report you know me get that yeah so this is a box in a box I've seen cardboard immediately underneath this is a wow that's a bummer big box I know what that is that box that box it's another bomber it's very very messed up the box is extremely extremely damaged but the inside looks okay can you check that hole of fu hole over there looks good over here it looks good over here too so that's just another $50 right there right yeah so there it is which that's a slow $50 because we don't just have one of those to sell we now have three of those to sell so it's gonna take a little bit longer to get our money back on this on those items because that's three it's just more supply less demand less money as fast as you want I think you understand what I'm saying all right so the last item it didn't get us the one hundred eighty five bucks that we needed to double our money so we finished up around thousand a little over a thousand bucks in revenue so we fell short of our goal which not good it's not the end of the world it's the first time in a long time that we've not been able to double our money but that's the way it goes sometimes we got some good items like the car seat and the little bassinet thing lots of baby gates some mattresses and man did we get lots of diapers so it was a success oh no cuz we're gonna make money but not what we want and that's just the way it goes sometimes so I appreciate you all tuning in today watching this unboxing with us if you have liked the video already please do so and until next time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 63,712
Rating: 4.9081569 out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon returns pallet how to buy, amazon pallet flipping, ebay mystery box unboxing, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets
Id: DSgS3StlW-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 12sec (3072 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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