We Bought a Wal-Mart Customer Return Lot for $428

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hey everybody it is Jessica from the family flits and we are bringing you another unboxing today there's Joe in the background so we are full time resellers and we purchase liquidated goods online and we sell them for a profit and we just got a whole bunch of tablets in we're bit we're really super excited to unbox this so let's do it but before we do let us show you how we got here alright so here we go we've got a lot of a hundred and thirty-four tablets these are marked and salvaged condition I have bought from this online liquidator before but I have not purchased from this specific location but I have purchased this type of lot before are these types of items so I'm kind of familiar with them a couple things to keep in mind is like right now it's start at 300 bucks we do have a premium of 10% so as the bid bidding goes up the premium goes up and from where they are to I am it's a hundred bucks but this is just looking at some pictures here these are kind of some learning tablets some RCA tablets some next book these aren't high-end tablets but they are tablets that in good use condition or a good in box condition will bring you know thirty to forty dollars per tablet even this 10-inch Viking pro that's right here see right here it would bring Prime about 50 bucks with the keyboard if there's no issues with it same thing with this next book Ariston a that's about 40 bucks with no issues we've got some here that are not in boxes we've got lots of here in boxes one thing I am a little leery of is right here this is a little security symbol so if you see these these means that they are going to be protected so like if you when you go to a box store and you buy these that have that security thing it means that you cannot activate the tablet until it has been scanned at the register it's a little security feature but a lot of times since these are customer returns is that if the customer has already purchased it they've got it home they filtered through the startup process this little symbol will not matter but it really depends on the lot whether that is going to be an issue looks like we've got about two minutes left I'm gonna refresh here and my thinking is if I can get this lot here in our garage for 500 bucks or under I feel like it's gonna be a great deal it's a hundred and thirty-four items that's about three and a half dollars per per item which is a great deal so one thing with this this particular liquidator is once you bid see it's that a minute and a half right now I'm just going bid $300 just to go ahead and get in I'm always nervous on this part all right so we're in and we're winning it's the other time it went back up to four minutes you see that whoo so let's go and look at the manifest a little bit real quick granted all this is marked as Salvage condition these are all various prices the retail unit per thing some of these are actually kind of accurate but some are not like this RCA Voyager tablet it probably thirty nine bucks it'll bring probably about 25 bucks in good condition and you can see here a lot of miscellaneous tablets those are gonna be the ones that are gonna be in or out of the box you can sort by quantity while these are singles but this one here like an RCA Voyager it's got 14 there's nine of the Leapfrog ones those are a good learning little tool you've got these visual land prestige Tinch those are actually pretty decent I say decent they're decent for lower end tablets and then some of these next books those are all decent lowering tablets but these are it's a good market for tablets so I'm going refresh here it looks like we are still winning it's exciting and so nerve-racking but you can see down here the description some notes that they they have is that the functionality issues may include which is why they have it in salvage condition is that that units have failed preliminary physical and/or functionality testing meaning that there's probably going to be some issues with them that's why it's Salvage that no repairs have been a template attempted it says most tablet screens are okay unless listed on the manifest as correct which none of these I'm not seeing anywhere that it says cracked see if we can download the manifest real quick we don't have a whole lot of time looks like we're still winning and so 300 bucks nobody has gotten on the game yet so which is cool because if this happens that means we've got it in our garage for like four hundred thirty bucks granted will have to pay wire transfer fee which will be a little bit more but that's just like 20 bucks for our bank I think maybe even fifteen dollars and but even cracked screen a lot of these are going to be good to sell for parts because of the international market for a lot of these lower end tablets you can see here it's not noting cracked on here anywhere on the manifest none of these are noting cracked that doesn't mean that they're cracked I have a feeling that there is gonna be some crack even though it says that you know right here unless it's noted that they're cracked but I've with these before it's it's a risk but it's an educated risk because I've bought these before but if you don't know about tablets you don't know about how to hard reset Android devices that it can get very confusing especially if somebody has looks like we've got thirty seconds left especially if somebody has gone through the setup process and they've attached their Google ID to it that it can be a very tedious process of bypassing that Google process it's crazy five four three two one refresh it just in case because sometimes people bid at the end whoo anyone so that's exciting I am oh that's surprising I really thought that somebody would bid on this auction but they've got good reviews the seller does they sell other items but what I was saying about the Google is that some of these looking at the down here it says power issues they may not charge granted some of these will sell for parts or not working there will be repaired technicians that we will sell this to that they can replace the batteries they can replace the cracks that cracked screens like the digitizer and then the count lock that's like the Google lock that's hard to bypass I may not charge connection is you sound issues and I riff like these are just blanket things that they have learned to put in the listing to protect themselves in the event that some of these items are that way but that's exciting so 134 tablets will be coming here sometime in the next week oh look at that looks like our tablets are here some women waiting floor I have to get them inside come on box and see what we have it's so exciting now a special key with the unboxer this thing right here dump the lid if you can cuz you just never know what's on the other side you want to know how many boxes we've unbox and with returns because the person who originally bought it didn't do that so many night pets in so many life mattress toppers stuff like that okay are you ready for the big reveal with Harry oh yeah that was not as exciting as I thought it was gonna be because they can't see anything hold on let's try again ready ready [Music] alright so now this unbox is gonna be a little bit different because we kind of know what's gonna be in here there may be a lot of multiples which is great for resellers you know because it makes it a lot easier to list so what what this process is probably gonna look like what this process is gonna look like is I will I will let you leave this you're like oh yeah tablet guys everybody's because their tablets they sell quickly B is I know that these were in Salvage condition but I have had experience with buying the tablets from before these are all Walmart tablets and it may be different though like I'm seeing some warning signs already is that these may have actually been to like a repair center already which is bad news but it could still be worth it for money and just because a lot of these tablets are sold we have sold in the past for people out of the country especially down the Dominican Republic so I'm hoping that this is not the case with all of them but the first two tablets we've touched they do have defective batteries which is no bueno yeah these are going to be their right side of touchscreen malfunctioning turns on just fine so it may be no bueno for us but we'll see so we're just think it down box and we'll go through some of this and see how that's an Abby jr. I don't even know net Nabi is it Nabi your daddy but I'm not a Nabi you know it's Nabi no it was obviously already been tested and normally normally these have not been tested so I haven't I but like I said these have all came from Walmart I know they came from Walmart but they usually don't go to like a repair center first for what I've seen but it looks like these yes definitely so won't turn on power light okay and some hope and that some of these they didn't know what they were doing it's just bad batteries and such I've sold lots of these before with bad batteries and they still have done well and what we'll do is we'll lock them up and like tablets of ten and we'll just sell them as is and a repair center somewhere will buy them so so far I'm not looking very good for not the ideal scenario that we were looking for but these should be able to still make us some money even as they are right now because Zoe 134 tablets for 428 bucks so it's a good a good keyboards for those are super artsy so not activated these right here they work a lot of times we'll find some boxes here we do right yeah so one thing that's uh when buying tablets that you do want to look for is this little key right here it's a little key right here because that's right there is a it's an activation security thing that they have that like if somebody was to steal this item from Walmart that they couldn't actually get into the tablet and use it because this little security feature when they check out on the receipt is printed a little code that you enter into the tablet at setup that bypasses that but one thing that we have learned with tablets is that a lot of times that these are bought they use the activation code they get into the tablet and then once they're in it like it doesn't remove it once the phone or once the tablet goes back to Walmart like once it's returned it doesn't go back to being inactivated so some of these on these it looks like they have not been activated so this is a fully functional I wouldn't say fully functional it's a operating tablet but it has the activation code which is required normally this will sell for $29.99 I'd sell these for if it didn't have the activation code but with the activation codes these will sell for about 20 bucks because there's some smart people out there that have created some type of coding that they'll hook it up to a computer and they'll wipe the the Android software and then they'll upload their own new Android software on it so there are ways around it but that's a good a good sign that these are functional that they do have that that uh that thing these can go with you they're just other ones that say that they're not and then this was that next next book with the yeah and it said it's got a bright spot on the screen you were the bright spot this would still sell this is like a $34.99 is what we'd normally sell this for if internet has a price bright spot on it we'd still get about 25 bucks for it hey these are undies are more RCA tablets just like the ones we had but they don't have anything on them so we'll just have to test those there we go so this is an RCA it's a Voyager 2 10-inch one ac I'm not sure it says no keyboard so no other issues that are on there maybe it works maybe it doesn't if it actually powers right on oh nice so this right here will sell for about 35 bucks without the keyboard because it is a 10-inch one and it's got the charging cable so that's cool awesome I actually think I have a keyboard for this from the last a lot of tablets that we that would be awesome that would be kind of cool so we'll see Emily this to the side and see if it fully opens up this just says touchscreen is not register in a small point 9 inch area maybe ok that's another one of those next books that need to be and that's the thing it's like it's not the most exciting unboxing because you don't have all these crazy stuff but as as a reseller it's nice because it's a it's quick you know there's a lot of the same items you know a lot of it just needs to be you know plugged in and tested looks like just a cracked glass digitizer this will still sell for about fifteen to twenty bucks this has everything in it I don't see it's obviously been returned but I can't tell why you know like a lot of them had that sticker that said y-yeah so we'll have to test that one that's then here's that one RCA right there it doesn't have the Google account so right there so awesome we got a good little tablet here it's gonna be a good 35 40 dollars for this item right here and that's good I'm starting to get a little bit more encouraged now tell everybody who's not familiar with sound consumer electronics what it means with Google account so Google account what that means is if you're an Apple user you have like iCloud lock what Google lock is is just if you have an Android device they you know when you register those phones or you sign up that you attach your Google account to it well if you do a hard reset or a factory reset on your phone or a tablet while your Google account is still attached to it then if you sell it to somebody without first removing that Google account that becomes Google locked but the good thing is is that there are lots of YouTube videos that you can follow that will show you how to unlock these devices or to go in and remove the Google account now if it's a stolen phone like do not do that like that's no no cool but when you're buying stuff like this this is obviously not stolen it's okay to do stuff like that so you just go and remove it and it's a good tablet so but that one's not it's no Google that's a good thing this one it's it's another very small tablet it says something about that they somebody named Andy I feel like Andy is very important because it says it says and be checked can't so so Andy is a very important person who knows whether or not they can sell it or not so and usually the clerks it probably has the activation code I don't know it doesn't have the charge or anything with it but it still has the screen protector on there so we'll charge that and see what happens there's also a word on there I think it's a virus on the box so it does save I mean it might be might be an issue I don't know maybe if you do a hard reset on it clears it out use your account log dollar each on eBay so that is weird I've never seen before I guess whoever had these originally issue them yeah should show the people in the big little 15 even that's hilarious and but it's a visual antenna CH can I don't know where I know these visual land they come from Walmart what's your bucks it's the same one here we go we've got a couple of them over there and even if it does has the Google Account on it which it fires right side it fired right up it came on the battery maybe did yeah yeah somebody exchanged this due to promisee shopify note but it says C chomp I know this is interesting oh yeah alright can reset it looks like we got a lot of these this one says cracked so that's another one of these that's probably how cracked okay no this is a smart tab oh this is not the same no that was different oh it's yeah it's cracked it's even got the protected on still crack yeah that's interesting yeah that's a heavy-duty one there yep this RCA dude here I want to see it's a Viking pro I just want to see yeah this is like it if it's all good this is like a $60 tablet and it's right now he's pulling it out it's still in it but it didn't have the charger then have that it looks like to be use it's got some scratches on it still has the screen protector on it it's got a crack crack glass digitizer but I'm not really too worried about that because this will still sell for 20 bucks with it because somebody overseas they'll buy it they'll replace the glass on it and some I'm still I'm okay with but it's still okay we can still make money yeah you know not as much I mean that would be like a $35 tablet if it wasn't cracked but since it's crack it's 20 just one says smells with a zine smells like smoke can i connect to that store and speakers did not like this yeah I think there's some more RCA tablets and we'll test some of these a little bit later on at the end and y'all can kind of see but it's not cracked it probably doesn't smell a smoke anymore note that one says not activated this one looks like a live demo how do you know that yeah it looks like it cuz it says it on there I have a hunch and but that looks like it's a twelve point two inch tablet and full-on laptop it does that's cool and I don't know the brand but it's a demo even if it's a demo you can still hard reset it powers right on and even if it is a demo we'll be able to hard reset on it clear it out and make it like new that's pretty mean that's a big tablet I know it looks like I'm saying I mean look like laptops it does oh this one has a Rick exchange because mr. Robinson said the touchscreen is malfunctioning so there you go that's another one of those oh that's the visual lands that we're in those white boxes yeah this is a demo mode and I'm not too worried about demo mode because I've got them in I've sold them before this is a Hawaii it's so cute you can't tell if it's a really big phone or a really small tablet are you doing boxing me call you back later yeah okay anything that's kind of cool it's pretty see that hmm we value your time out there so since a lot of these are the same items over and over again we want to bore you too much so we're gonna kind of sleep through things some of this and pick out some of the cool items and just cuz we've already been through one box it's been like I don't know 15 20 minutes and so we're just gonna speed things up but if you like long videos maybe put that in the comment section and we can look at doing like releasing you know a shortened condensed version of unboxings and just a long version so that way you can just kind of see us I don't know just put in the comment section what you like and if you want both I don't know you're gonna yeah I guess she is now cuz I've already said it yeah he don't even ask me yeah so no reason to speed through go through and pick up cool stuff all right so we have finished unboxing all of these got some things we want to point out to you I'm gonna let Joe do it actually cuz I think so this is a salvage lot right we bought it with Salvage we knew there'd be some just from our experience we knew that there would be some issues I wasn't anticipating this mini I was really just considering or thinking that this seller because they're new to the marketplace that we bought it from and you know really just thinking that they since they were new they were trying to be extra cautious which is why they sold it at Salvage versus just customer returns but it does look like that some of these have been through some type of testing center but I also do know that when they do go through testing centers especially with Walmart like they they don't have the ability to do a lot of thorough testing so a lot of these you know their Google Lots which is okay I'm okay with those there's some some scrap cracked screens the correct glass digitizer I'm okay with that because I know that those are still going to sell but I think one of the things I was a little nervous when the first few things that we got out of this lot were looked really damaged but honestly truthfully you when you order a salvage law you kind of have your expectations alone salvage and I think that you know with us we made a really calculated risk based on what we know about salvage Lots what we know about customer and conditions in etc that we know the baseline for what we would likely get and anything above that is better so we really we had our mindset and when we bid on the option and we got the option we we paid what we paid for it we knew that we would at least make our money a little bit of a gamble but even even though we have a lot of things aren't perfect we will be able to profit off of it by a lot yeah you know because it was 134 tablets 428 bucks that's only like three dollars you know a little over $3 per yeah tablet even cracked glass ones and a lot of these will sell for 10 bucks so I know like we got more of these little Hawaii things that's three of them total sets a hundred and fifty bucks we got several of these other ones I don't even know like we got all these here some of these are cracked but that's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 that's 21 of those and over half of like the majority of them already been cracked and the majority of them from what it looks they don't have any issues powering on they just had a password so that's gonna be at least 400 dollars right there for those then we got like these yeah we've got these epic leap frogs here these are nice little deals normally like this has an activation locked and that's the law activation like I was telling you about that it's since it wasn't the code when they purchased it at the register and was printer receipt they didn't put it in its activation lock but I know that I've sold these in the past for around $25 for each item grandeurs fees and stuff to pay for but that's still seven eight of those that you know it's 20 bucks a piece it's a hundred and sixty bucks so we're already with just those three items we are already in the profit and that we still have you know roughly a hundred other items hundred over other we have roughly a hundred other tablets that's gonna be all profit for us so wasn't the best case scenario definitely wasn't best case scenario as far as the the ratios of the items that I'm used to having broken stuff but it did for the amount that we got it for I'm still extremely pleased at the profit potential that we do have with this lot alright guys I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you enjoyed this unboxing true it was a salvage lot so we knew kind of what we were getting into definitely not what we were hoping for above and beyond but it's definitely not the worst thing that could ever happen so we're pleased with it it's gonna keep us busy we're gonna get some some you know good profits out of this so we're super excited comment down below what you think have you ever thought about selling tablets or anything like that let us know and if you haven't liked this video please do and if you haven't subscribed please do we're gonna be doing a lot more of these unboxings in the future we are so thankful that you guys are here to support us and you all have a great week [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 9,097
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: buying and selling liquidation pallets, reselling on ebay for beginners, how to buy pallets of returned items from amazon, buying pallets for resale, buying pallets of merchandise, buying pallets from walmart, buying pallets, walmart, customer returns, Unboxing, unboxing pallets, unboxing amazon returns mystery pallet, walmart returns, mystery box, unboxing therapy, walmart returns pallets, liquidation pallets unboxing
Id: ZaT9mCAg3vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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