We Bought This Amazon Pallet From Liquidation.com | Pallet Flipping | Liquidation Unboxing

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what's up everybody here we are again bringing you another unboxing video hi there my name is Joe and I'm Jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and today what we have for you is a palette that we paid four hundred and fifty six dollars for then one hundred and fifty dollars shipping for a total all in the price of six hundred and six dollars so what we're unboxing today is an Amazon shelf pull palette that we have from liquidation calm and what shelf pulls are if you don't know if you're new to our unboxings is that a shelf pool is something that has been pulled off amazon shelves because of box damaged stuff like this one right here or it's an item that from this particular location that could have been shipped to the customer but the box was damaged on the way to the customer the customer didn't open it or there may be something wrong and the customer sent it back and it got boxed up in this box so let's just jump into it we're ready yes let me just you know so we can get into the good stuff let me just pull some of these other stuff out which there you go Joe your favorite pink pink always so loves his eight cartridges we've got some hair dye sweet which we had some in a previous palette I think it was too just for men yeah but you were able to put that on on ebay very easily and everything and then this probably a local sale but very cute that may go on our counter in the kitchen I like it too I like that we use glass bowls for the fruit in the kitchen but it would be so nice to have something that goes a vertical that would be a year when you say it that way well let's find out how much it's worth first well first of all let me look at this damn here I'm not used to all these small boxes the last couple of unboxings that we've done have had really big items in it so let's see looking in here looks perfect no damage at all it looks like it's all still pretty well packed so I'm not even bother taking it out I think it's good I don't see any external damage moving the box and this is not a return so there's no chance that you know somebody came out and did something to it so let's go ahead and scan this dude on the wall here you want so if you haven't noticed all UPC codes look the same to me and Joe had to tell me which UPC's that we can use them which ones we can't so sorry about that y'all we all have our our things right alright so that's a $30 rack we probably sell it for 20 bucks lately and have to go in a flea market but if we were to sell it that'd be perfect or we could even sell a local on Facebook marketplace even if it didn't work pick them and have them pick it up at flea market booth I think we'll keep it for 20 bucks okay and then I am not a blonde so I do not need the blonde hair dye but this is probably gonna be an ebay sell as well this one junk this one that one right there right here okay I'm gonna go ahead and do this one on eBay since this is probably where we'll sell it we get to focus so it's about the same it's a three pack $28 36 cents single packs 18 19 bucks so so three pack and that's the dilemma that we get in with free packs because we could break it down and sell it as a single pack and we could probably get more revenue for it overall so you could do that if you're interested in that but we'll probably just sell it as a box of three sell at once ship it once and not have to spin as much labor with it it's a four pack which is good second I have all the colors and all the colors usually sell for a little bit more four pack yeah but ink is fickle because there's so many different types of ink it's an M fish damn stick yeah stick I thought it said stash and stamps tech yam stick so looking right there looks like he found it I had to find out on the Amazon seller app just because sometimes with these ink there's so many different manufacturers of thinking can get very hard to find on the Amazon app so Amazon seller app helps a lot so this one's $49.99 so we'll end up pricing on ebay for around the same price and after fees in ship and everything we should get about 25 bucks we have a box and the box is not giving up any information there's nothing about what it could be just well maybe not cuz there's these little holes in here yeah I'm gonna open this up so this is like a checker board or something like it's not but I don't know I think it might be like a drawer or something and have nails experice I think it's a tool something tool really it's not going there [Music] nice it's crazy there's like no identifying markers nothing brand fuel that's cool so it's a off-brand fuel injection something or another it smells like all these chemicals it's not chemicals but right so you can see all this it got loose it's gonna have to be put back in there and there's there's nothing the only thing I think of I might be able to find something using that number by searching on Google here that's got no brand in here does that know this is the time where I really wish I was a handy person when it comes to cars and I don't know how she found it but it looks like I think I just found it but I'm pretty sure I just found it I that was a look at the draw y'all I have no idea so it's a fuel injection master kit for a hundred bucks I don't know I really don't I was typing in fuel injection monitor and then master kit popped up and just happened - you're making me look bad because just as the time that I'm confessing that I don't know a lot about cars and equipment and stuff she just starts punching stuff into that Amazon and finds it and makes me look sorry babe yeah but I'm glad you found it so 99 bucks we don't really sell out of auto repair stuff locally I may put it on Facebook for 80 bucks but also sell it on eBay for $99 and after shipping in fees if we do sell it it'll be around 80 bucks profit I saw this fall area assuming this here is an area right yeah it's got all of this there's per light per lawyer falling so it's good that's upstairs up that's like a pearlite there but it's not that rugged no it's cut it's chits cheap in that it's kind of shaggy and like you know the die is only on the very top part of it so I can already tell it's not a huge valued but I'm gonna go ahead and look it up and see if not the flea market somebody will buy it at the flea market yeah put on a hanger yeah which I don't even know I guess it's your turn to surprise me babe what you gonna do looks like ma and man dalla area rug for foot good job babe I think that's what those this appreciate those but that's not it maybe no that's it oh it is it huh yeah see it's got a little design also the exact same design there's the Sun and then there's this here is like a balota sleeve right here yeah I get the two lotus leaves that face each other and then yes this is it it is $45.99 all right so lovely market I think we try and sell it for you know 25 bucks yeah 25 bucks doesn't even maybe even listen on Facebook Marquess for 30 and if we get 25 for it I'd be good with that but yeah that's good I'm gonna I'll do some planning on that later I'm gonna go ahead and grab we've got two bags of this which honestly we could still sell those yeah I know there's holes in it and stuff but you know from what I understand no I'm not the best gardener but from what I understand this is the kind of thing natural rock but it's really great for greenhouses and like growing stuff that needs a lot of drainage we got two bags of it it's at Mother Earth perlite this is by a glove I had grow V okay how much is perlite in the same four four cubic feet it's 50 bucks yeah this is work these are each 4 cubic feet so I don't be about the same yeah so yeah we get 30 bucks a bag for it that's great 60 bucks total yeah I'm good with that yeah and it's the perfect season for it - all right okay we got a lot of stuff in there still no sweet this is a Ritz toasted chips yeah I don't know if they're expired or what our cream and onion my weakness we don't and we don't need any of this I know November 2020 all right that one's still good yeah saving for a birthday party and my heap this is a juice November energy checked protein crisp November 2020 hold on now I just need to see if I've ever seen these before cuz I love something electric protein in it right out barbecue playground Barbara's gonna keep both of these so we are counting them as zero no we don't sell food even though both these are within the the expiration time frame but we're gonna look it up see what you could sell it for you could sell these on eBay or locally and or you can use them for snacks that way should work but it's all faded skin the bag what no that's still a pack of two seven dollars a piece sells for 14 bucks for a pack of two look to see if there's a higher pack size no no so it's something that you could sell on eBay and we might still even though Jessica this open it up we could sell there's 12 bags and there's 11 bags left so even at $7 a box that would be a $77 thing so if you were to sell it online like that it'd probably cost you 20 bucks to ship it pretty much anywhere and then fees so you look at profit of about 40 bucks for that box [Music] it looks like $8 and 71 cents a bag mm-hmm a box that's crazy and there's six boxes in there so six boxes 871 a box that's like 50 bucks roughly after shipping in fees we could profit about 30 bucks but we'll probably hang on to it and use it for parties whenever we have parties again because we've got birthday season is coming up and but you could profit 30 bucks off that all right we've got some training pants box is very damaged so definitely these are never good to sell online for kids for grown folks at diapers and stuff they are because they sell for a lot more than kids diapers and these are underwear for training pants so we would sell those local yeah and the packages don't look to be open but they have been taped up because that box is pretty well messed up so let's let's see what they would sell for all right so good 45 to 76 count 40 bucks 44 dollars so we'll try and sell it here locally for 25 bucks yes and then these trash bags there are 13 gallon they will fit in our trash can in there so we're not going to sell these I mean if you think about it you know especially if we make our money back and we take something like this it would actually be cheaper for us in our own expense to keep these than to sell them and then end up having to buy some ourselves which is why we end up keeping things yeah this was only selling for $14.99 online so even if you weren't trying to sell online by the time you shifted you'd only make like three dollars for it and it's worth us to keep this versus making three dollars and then taking that three dollars and have to go buy a more trash bags try get this small step out of the way we got three little small ones yeah I don't know what it is though Oh bass port dogs cool I'm just interested to see how much it costs but we'll just keep it for des yeah this is an air compression therapy device this could be worth some money that sounds like it's worth money huh the box is all damaged so we'll have to check that out and then this is an active kids chair you probably sit on it wobbles around and helps keep kids focused that's me okay if we had one kid that may be going to us that we have three and then they would all be fighting over this let's see let's start with I guess we'll just start with this act of chairs I don't see a usable UPC but Joe will probably tell me I'm wrong no there's not okay active the box looks okay yeah gonna cut it open well I surge ahead and do this and you guys can look into why and looks looks fine it's pretty basic it goes on there got the two little bases one space one the chair that's it right there right yeah it is $57.99 awesome we could sell it for 40 bucks yeah I think we can get 40 bucks out of it especially right now yep yeah nice forty bucks so it's currently priced at ninety dollars but it's on sale it's normally a hundred and forty nine dollars so I'm gonna price it on eBay for the original asking price and we are hoping to profit a hundred bucks off this thing and I'm feeling good about that though hundred bucks oh we got lots of big boxes left off eBay I see linen spa twin size mattress the box looks great great and looks like it's got a little damage right there but uh going all the way through yeah looks like a solid so twin size mattresses usually pretty good money they sell pretty quick and okay I got super excited and I was like no way because I looked it up by the UPC the first one you see there's five hundred and forty five bucks but it's clearly not so this is the linen spa twin size six inch for $80 yeah so 80 bucks will be able to price this for sixty get at least 50 bucks for it all going on the mattress twin awesome this is a different brand this is deines we've had these before yeah well we've had the bed frames never had any mattresses of my what we did the warehouse and we're at the warehouse we got you but box is damaged it all looks good up here it's crazy it is a pressure relief Green Team F is it a mattress made out of green tea mm-hmm we go so it's like a limited time deal it's 98 dollars right now normally 150 bucks so this is one of those things where do we sell this now and have the screen shot of what it is selling for now or do we wait until this limited time deal is over with and try and get more for it it's the question I think what we do is I think this mattress is worth at least 100 bucks so I want to try and get a hundred bucks so even if that means waiting a couple weeks are waiting a week to list it until this is over I'll do that but hundred bucks I know we can get a hundred bucks for it because it is a memory foam mattress top and it'll be good you're halfway through this palette we've got five big boxes left and we are currently at $500 now remember we're all-in on this palette it's six oh six there's a lot of stuff we're keeping for ourselves either because you know it's hard to sell or we don't want to sell so this would normally this might be a lot higher if we weren't doing that but I have a really good feeling about the rest of this stuff these are bigger items I'm seeing another mattress I think I think that's another mattress back there so I still have high hopes that we're still gonna double our money so let's keep at it lots of big box this is heavy oh these are the boxes that I like you do like a big box we'll get more room for more big boxes the reason being is because it's an easy sell especially this one this is a crib a three-in-one convertible crib of nice yep and they're very easy to list you don't really have to put them together unless there's like some damage but I'm hoping not so we're gonna open this box real quick that's good so it's looking pretty good there's nothing going on here just the box and all that looks good all the corners look good this all looks good there's no really damage to the rest of the box except for really this corner right here and the box did its job so it's awesome and Jessica's looking up the price and you can see it goes from crib to daybed to toddler bed which is awesome there's a UPC over there dream on me three-in-one convertible crib now ours is this one's white isn't it or is it a spread espresso it is okay so that's it so 139 seventy-six it's in great condition we could get a hundred bucks for it easy okay so price it for 120 bucks we'll take $100 for it easy sale don't have to put it together I love this one I'm gonna pull this one because it's also a dream on me all right it's uh it feels dude what if this is a mattress that goes with that crib it's gonna be pretty sweep it is and it looks like it is it feels super light it feels like the right yeah oh my gosh what if this is bad you crazy it's a toddler mattress this box looks like it may have got weight a little bit just a box yes that whole thing but the box is wet but like this little paper has been but you know what this mattress is encased in plastic so even if that was the case being damaged yeah that's crazy that's exciting yeah I think this could go with that yeah I think it does okay so yeah it looks like you know it's been it's been a little wet but the inside has it's all in plastic so we just opened up a crib and by the luck of the draw I think we just got the mattress to go with it yeah go figure it's got the plastic down here I think it's damaged but there's nothing wrong with that mattress so the problem is there a uh we should have scanned that first yeah you couldn't hmm this is Spence so it's got $65 than their new free shipping $85 there so 70 bucks and we'll sell for seven yeah maybe do the both of them for uh you know I just bought it together for like a hundred and fifty bucks that we can meet one person do more dream on me but yeah so we got two more dream on knees dream on me and so we're gonna go ahead and get this one here this in wiser ones ya know seven in one yeah it goes from crib to talk to youth bed yeah all the way to use full-size bed you want there's like the conversion kits sold separately but still that's how they always are you have to buy the conversion kit separately to like move everything mama put this right over here let's leave it cut open this box here in the corner that's where the damage looks to be but look at how the other box was packed I highly doubt anything is wrong with this one so looking at it over here it looks like the box again did its job styrofoam here did its job nothing's wrong with the bed itself so that's awesome and this is the crib oh that's nice yep it's the natural color because you can see here it's check-marked mm-hmm so this is the color that it comes in which is actually the pricier color is it yep because if you go to buying options it's brand new 200 bucks so we could sell this for I don't know what do you think 170 180 170 180 yeah so we'll go ahead I mean I honestly I would mark this 180 and see if we can get anything 160 170 okay with that no another dream on me well we got lucky with these three modern variants is that okay that is a five in one this is a six five seven style number so if you are new parent out there we got the five and one the six and one we got the seven in one yeah that's crazy and it looks like I don't know what happened tail oh yeah Joe it's a pretty cut look at this color anyone Wow I think it's got one little scratch right there all right well so looking here where the box is damaged on the corner it looks like there's just a little bit where you can see right there that's it right there but that's not bad at all that searched when I saw a UPC on the side the right kind of UPC no no 124 so this is $100 Chris yeah 100 bucks that's awesome we got so many cribs I don't know where to begin so we got the last box remaining dun dun it's another mattress it's a sinus it's a larger sinus I don't know am I out there you know you'll type out sinus both listen us rinsing we are not the best at pronouncing stuff so y'all gotta help us remember remember the crack cut machine yeah we're not good at that I suppose we Cricut Cricut machine tech crack that forever but well my brain still sits right good in my defense my brain exploded yeah alright so it's a mattress I highly doubt there's any damage to the mattress unless it's like cut or torn and but it's so pretty little tightly wrapped cinnamon roll looking at it all the way down there it looks good you can see there's nothing wrong with the mattress itself and queen-size mattress 6-inch memory foam queen mattress there we go 1:40 so what we sell this for baby taking a hundred one hundred and twenty bucks and we get a hundred bucks for it that's awesome price it for 120 and we were talking about getting new mattress but I think we want a nicer mattress than this one because my back be hurting so that was the last box unless you've been keeping up with the total we haven't done a lot of the rundowns of the total sense of the halfway point but that last box just put us at 1,400 and how much twelve dollars and that'd be it that'd be a weird number one thousand four hundred and ten dollars and just to kind of recap we got all these mattresses twin mattress twin mattress we just got the Queen mattress we got all the dream on meas over here we got the training pants the compression stuff that was cool the rug and some of this perlite the perlite and we got all that so lots of awesome stuff and lots of stuff that's gonna be very very easy to list stuff that should sell very very quickly for us and I'm excited about that feel really good about this pallet it was a good variety of stuff big stuff small stuff things that sell really well things that might sit on the shelf for a little while and then even a few things for our house that yeah it's always cool when you get good stuff for yourself too so he was a good pilot I had fun with him it was good so I hope you all enjoyed it also if you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to put those below we read every single one so that's done [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 32,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing, Extreme Unboxing, Customer Returns, Returns Unboxing, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, Pallet Unboxing, Ebay, Mystery Box, ebay mystery box, flea market, returns pallet unboxing, amazon pallet, garage sale flipping, Shelf Pulls, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, amazon general merchandise pallet, reselling on ebay 2020, sell on amazon for beginners 2020, reselling on ebay for beginners
Id: 3yZEdFvGlPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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