Why Every Amazon Driver Needs to Drive the Step Van!

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Hey, guys. Chris here. Welcome back to the Amazon vlogs. Today I'm going to give you a tour of what the stuff looks like. Why all Amazon drivers should drive the Stepvan and what you need to apply to drive one. First things first. Why the duck is it called the Stepvan? It's obviously a truck. I don't know why they would call it a van. So in this video, if I referred to as the truck, you guys know why. Also, check out my video where I did a tour of the FedEx truck. They're very similar in some ways and very different in others. So let's go check it out. Wow. Cold, cold, cold, cold. Start by going from the passenger seat. As you can see, the sliding doors, just like FedEx on inside out. Here's passenger seat. Any time you have a helper. Boom. Right there. See for them. Orange seatbelts. Nice touch. And the first aid kit is really about the passenger seat. And here's the windows if you want to open it. All you got to do is press together, and they open just like that. But it's like. 35 degrees today. So we're going to leave it close. And in here is the main work area right here. As you can see, it's very clean, like 17,000 miles on it. And it's looking really nice. This is the work area. You'll probably be here for eight to 10 hours. So make sure you get comfy. You can see there are two cabinets up here If you want to put your stuff here, just make it safe. Here's another first aid kit. Some papers and more documents and papers. And this is the book it comes with right here. As you can see, this one's a Ford model. And I believe it's like a 20, 22.21 because the one I had at FedEx looks fairly similar to this. Here on the right side, you got shelf here. If you have any papers, you can clip them on like right there. Here's my badge. And below that is all the tools. If your truck breaks down, you can see like the safety light, but you get things on the road. If your truck breaks down here in the middle you have a nice two cup holders on the left and right side. Got a little cup board down here. See, I'm keeping my sandwich right there. And then you got this smaller hole. So you put maybe I'll know your keys or wallet. And this is the driver's seat. You see, on the right side, there's a trash can, which is very convenient. I really like that. And then you can move the seat forward backwards with this. And then you can tilt it forward and backwards with these buttons. One thing I noticed on my first day in the Stuff.and that there is no radio in the truck it where I've been up here or does a single then radio down here, but obviously is replaced. There's the USB, and then there's a light that tells you if the back door is open, there's two ways you can start up. There's the old fashioned way with the key. The second way is clicking this button. But this truck, I think the key five is dead. So hopefully I can show you in this clip all right. This is the second way you can start the engine. All you do is press this button and has a little circle thing on it. And then you see these two buttons light up your press, two engine start. But once started up and press again to start the engine. That way the keys are in your hands. And all you got to do to stop truck is press this one or this 10, my gosh. And the door open to. So we're going to put the key there. Turn it and boom. Get that oil change, Ford. It's pretty loud. Clearance high is ten feet and ten inches. And the dash looks really nice. You can see it kind of fell, OK. That was me. I was just driving down the road and the dashboard just fell like that. I don't know why I can't pull it back up, but it's really nice. Dashboard you could see in the middle it's digital and you have your gauges on the left and right on the left side. You've got your hazard lights right here. Turn them on and off and your lane. This the lane insists this. I'm actually turned on. When you start driving the truck, it's nice. It just beeps. Every time you're out of the lane, you can turn traction control off, but we always keep it on and all your headlights settings. And was this oh, this is just to dim the dashboard so it could be brighter or you keep it high. The buttons on the dash just control the middle screen. As you can see right here, you have a lot of different options. I'm recording their trip right now. So far, we've driven for about three and a half hours and 27 miles, but usually you'll just keep it on the speedometer. It's important when you drive on the highway because you don't want to go over the speed limit or you'll get dark for Amazon and you can just see going through lanes, this pre collision, all the fancy stuff that newer cars have these days. On the right side, we got the gear shifter. I really like your shifter, but it's just a little tad too far. I'm six foot and it's hard to reach. I know I can bring my C closer, but then there's little space between me and the steering wheel because the steering wheel is huge. Here we have the dome lamp turn on, as you see turned on. Here's the fans. We don't have just one thing. We have two fans. We got the low and then you got the high but it's cold. It's freezing in here. And then we got the spotlight for the back. I believe it's the back could turn off. I think. I think that was off right next to it. We got USB ports and you charge your phone and you charge the scanner. It's right here and on the bottom right here to control all your air. You're he does this have AC. Let me see. It does not feel like it's getting cold. Maybe cause it's cold outside. But that might be a factor. Why it's not getting cold. And right here on the right side is my backup camera as like a bird's eye view. And it also has sensors down here somewhere. So if you get close, it'll start beeping. And on the right side, you have the top. You can see this is the top of the truck. And on each side of the truck, there are cameras. So that's how it gives you that view. Really nice. Haven't used it yet. I'm old school. I just use my mirrors. I can't forget the parking brake. So that right now down, it's disengaged. But if you pull it up, it turns it on. As you can see, the brake like on the right now to the back so to open door, you twist the key and push the door a little to the left and then it should just slide, which is really cool. Yeah. And to close it, all you got to do is pull this little wire here, lift it up, and then you can close that. And the seatbelt thing right here is what automatically makes it open. So if I let go, it opens. Thanks. Trucks don't have these, but you have this little pull thing right here to keep all your stuff. Here's my backpack and it's nice to have just like right there, right behind me. And here's one of my trucks looking like we're halfway done for the day. We just got to do this side. Totes and these totes are empty. You can see how you just roll empty totes anywhere I want because there's just so much space. It's super nice. All my overflow just stays in the back like this, and you can just walk back here and find it in the cargo vans. You have to, like, dig through them because just there's just limited space. But here, so much space also on the back the shelves open and close. So right here you can see it sound, but if you want to lift them up, you can lift them up. So if you have really big packages and go put them in the back the door is actually really heavy. I think it weighs around £285. And what helps is this little string right here or is it this string right here helps it so you can lift it. And here are two buttons you could unlock. And then there's spotlight. As you can see this button goes for this. You can see this rope is attached to the door. And all you got to do is go down and close it like that. Hey, guys, teacher Chris here totally forgot. How can I not mention the cameras? I talk about them more on my cargo van video, but I guess I can add some more stuff. There are four cameras. There's one, the front one, the back, two on the sides, and there's also two buttons on the right side. You could turn off the front facing recording because it's always recording when these two like they're on. But when you hold down for 5 seconds and press this button, the button it turns off, but the front still records just in case something happens. This is any time you go on a break for lunch, you don't want the cameras recording you. You can click that and then only record the front and the second button here, right. This one on the left side is if you want to record a moment, see that there's a crazy guy. He punched you while you're driving or do a package at you and you want to see that moment. You can hold this for 5 seconds and then this light will turn blue instead. If your Amazon driver right now thinking of driving to step in and currently drive the cargo van, just do it. Your quality of life will increase significantly. Why? They're just so fun to drive and you have so much room. Once you drive to step in, you'll never wanna go back to the cargo van. The only cons of the step in is the size. As you can see, this step fans are much bigger than the cargo vans. Maybe you're not comfortable driving around the big truck. And number two, the workload. Since the truck is much bigger, that means you're going to be carrying more packages, meaning you'll probably get more work. But when you drive this stuff in, most DSPs will give you a dollar raise. For me, the pros outweigh the cost more space better organization, and most importantly, lots of fun. There are some Amazon drivers that are saying they're buried in the ribbon dance ribbon. Please send my DSP some electric bands. I love to see them. As many of you guys know, I was a fake driver in the past and when I started at Amazon I thought I could just jump right in to the step bands. This wasn't the case because you actually have to go to a third party to get approved to drive one. So maybe it took like a month and a half before I could start driving one. But to be eligible to drive one, you need to be DOT certified. Essentially, you take a physical test making sure that you can drive a commercial vehicle. They just check your vision, your health, your weight, just ask your DSP, and they probably will send you to a place to get tested. Once that happens, your DSP is going to send you an application for to step in. This is where it goes to a third party called JJ Color. Then you take some online classes like you did in orientation about safety and how to drive one. It's probably got to take you like 4 hours minimum is it takes a very long time to go through all the videos and after that, you go on onsite training with JJ Keller, it was pretty much two days just doing maneuvers, doing the 17 driving between colons and driving in reverse and backing up in a 45 degree angle. All that fun stuff. Since I was a fax driver, I already knew how to do all this, so I was pretty much chilling and I was just there for pretty much free lunch. It was kind of cool to see other Amazon drivers in different stations and different parts of Jersey that you would never meet beforehand. So unfortunately for me, even with my training and my experience, I still have to go through the training. And that's how you become a certified lover. I mean, certified step and driver, and they even give you certificates check it out, guys. Certified baby. But these don't really mean if you're not in the system. Anyway, guys, I hope you enjoy the tour. I hope you learn something new. That's it for me. If you learn anything of value, make sure you like subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one peace.
Channel: Chris Sing
Views: 66,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laos House, Amazon DSP Driver, Every Amazon Driver Needs to Drive the Step Van!, amazon step van, step van driver, jjkeller training, jjkeller amazon training, how to drive the step van, how to apply to drive the step van, what the inside of an amazon step van looks like, Amazon Step Van training, what training looks like for the step van amazon step van tour, amazon vehicles, step van cameras, amazon dsp driver, driving a step van, certified step van driver, inside step van
Id: WtqDWgGIvr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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