What you need to know before starting to deliver with amazon

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delivering with Amazon so in this video we are going to cover an overview of what it is like delivering with Amazon don't forget to subscribe and also turn on the notification Bell so you don't miss any of my videos hit the like button if you find this video interesting [Music] the first thing that I want to look at is the types of vehicles that Amazon uses for delivery one is the regular bands that you see the most common ones that this van doesn't hold a lot of packages but it's the the most basic one because you don't need anything more than a licing and you know some driving skills to drive this vehicle you have the cdvs which is a little bit bigger than the regular vehicle it is I think it's almost the same size as a step van in terms of height but the length a step van is way bigger and we have the next vehicle which is the electric vehicle now this vehicle is not at many states but I know they roll out this in certain States like maybe New York or California and so on and then finally you have the step bands so the step band is the most difficult of all the Amazon Vehicles because it is bigger and so the judgment on the vehicle is going to be a lot different from the regular Vans I am also a step van driver what that means is I'm certified to drive the step bands and in order for you to be certified to drive the Step Van you have to do a medical and you also have to do a driving test and this driving test it it involves looking at judgments of the step Vans making sure that you know how to take Corners with it because again the judgment is going to be different so these are the types of vehicles that Amazon uses for delivery when you see an Amazon delivery driver or when you see an individual in an Amazon branded uniform they have the shirt they have the pants the hat everything and the vest and they're in an Amazon vehicle they don't actually work for Amazon so that that's weird right very weird but yes they don't actually work for Amazon the thing is Amazon have DSP and what this means is Delivery Service Partners where they would hire the dsps and then the dsps will hire the drivers so it's basically a third party you understand so we don't actually work for Amazon and I know that might seems weird because we're are delivering Amazon packages right and if you try to reach us if there's any problem via the app you will still get in touch with the driver but we don't work for Amazon and I that's a also a pretty smart move by Amazon I should say because if a delivery driver is involved in an accident Amazon has nothing to do with it it is a DSP that would be responsible to fix any damages so if a driver hit someone house or hit someone car it is a DSP that is liable to fix that damage not Amazon one thing with Amazon is that moreover you will find out that they're coming up with some sort of rules every now and again to be honest some of these rules are some of it is really ridiculous not saying that we shouldn't follow rules but you know rules Can it can get to a place where persons are very uncomfortable and one of the rules that I'm just going to address is the vehicle the engine of compliance I know it's for safety so the vehicle doesn't roll away and put the vehicle in park and all of that but in the peak of the summer when the time is extremely hot why would you want the driver to turn off the van and then the van is going to be extremely hot that when the driver comes back into the van they are burning up and then because the tops are so close you're not driving very far by the time you should turn the engine over again and start the van maybe the next 30 seconds or maybe a minute you have to cut the engine off again so the van is not getting any time to to cool down you understand so this is one of the yeah I don't I don't agree with it but hey just got to follow rules you know what I'm saying especially in the step bands when you're driving the step bands that thing can get hot real quick so hearing this someone might believe that oh that job is hard I ain't going I'll never drive for Amazon and whatnot I mean to be honest it the rules and the expectations from time to time can be very frustrating because Amazon is going to put a lot of pressure on the DSP just so you know the job is done and then the dsps are going to put pressure on the drivers so that makes it it that makes it hard at times just just saying but if you look on the bright side it's like every other job you're going to some days you're going to have good days some days you're going to have five days that should did here relax son self [Music] B e e e is equipped with a nrod camera system this device has four cameras one facing you which is watching everything that you're doing it is it is monitoring your behavior so whether you have a phone in your hand whether you have your seat belt on if you take your eyes off the road it will say distracted driver and so on that is what the front camera does the one that is facing the road it is monitoring your drive it is monitoring your driving so if you run the stop sign it is going to ding you if you are too close to a vehicle it is also going to ding you so let's say you're at the stop light and the light changes to Amber but when you are close to passing the light it changes to red and the camera picks it up it will it will say that you run the red light even though you did not run the red light so sometimes it can be inaccurate the other two cameras one on the left one on the right it monitors just pretty much when you're going in the vehicle when you're um coming out of the vehicle and other activities that is happening to more to the side of the vehicle for the stop sign I can say that the stop sign one is is very annoying for me because if you're in an apartment if you're delivering at an apartment and of course you see that the apartment is not busy and there's a stop sign ahead of you what is going to happen is you have to stop at that stop sign as well even if the course is clear you have to stop if you don't stop it's going to ding you and then 10 minutes later or 5 minutes later you're going to your DPS is going to DSP is going to call you and say hey you just run a stop sign make sure you don't run any more stop sign and whatnot because Amazon is getting all of those notification as well so yeah you you're being watched 24/7 that's pretty much it how can I forget the most important thing when you're delivering with Amazon or when you're delivering in general you want to make sure that your packages are organized when you leave the station or if you rather to do it when you're at the station or when you're at your first stop just make sure that you find some time to organize your packages because this is going to be very critical in how you deliver and the time that you finish because once your packages are organized you will not spend a lot of time searching into bugs and looking all over in the van for one single package so just organize it and you'll be good to go you can just grab and go so I believe that this is the most important thing for every delivery driver organization so regarding salary every state will pay different based on their pay scale and the minimum wage and other factors but for North Carolina which is where I deliver Derm to be specific I believe the pays around $17 an hour somewhere there because when I just started working for Amazon it was about 17750 or or 1650 I don't remember exactly but the most important thing is to note that stepb drivers do make more than the regular drivers um I think they make $2.50 more or $3 depending on the company it depends on the company and uh yes you are going to have more packages you're going to have more stops because you have a bigger delivery vehicle so you're expecting to do more but it's not it's not a big difference because you already know the more money that you pay is the more the more money that you earn I should say is the more tax that you pay so it's not like oh you're a stepan drivers you're going to make like $500 or $600 more than the regular drivers no the more you make is the more tax you pay so it's not going to be far off so if you would like to work for oh no not work for Amazon but if you would like to deliver Amazon packages and work for a DSP that works for Amazon then you can check out indeed.com that is where I sended my application and I was it was approved um or you can if you know of a delivery station in your area then you can check out the delivery station and then see if you see anyone outside maybe you want to go around 10:00 there about 9:30 10 10:30 that's when Amazon roll out their um deliveries and I'm speaking for North Carolina I'm not sure if it's the same for all states but around that time you can go and see if you see some workers and then ask for the DSP and just let them know maybe they will read direct you to the website or you might never know they might just employ you right away I'm just saying not saying that's the case but it's a possibility again it's not a hard job over time you will get used to the rules and I mean rules is what govern the people for people to not go out of line so rules is not a bad thing but I do agree that sometimes Amazon is just too much especially with the vehicle of compliance when it is summer time but apart from that just make sure that you bring your water make sure that you have your food and you'll be good to go oh and one more thing is when you're delivering make sure that you take your breaks it is very important that you take your breakes because I was a victim of this where I would say okay I'm going to deliver for for a certain amount of time and then I'm going to take my break at 3:00 but then you're so caught up in trying to finish and then when you look you have a heavy route so you're just moving moving moving and then and then you realize that you're just working and then it's 7:00 almost time for you to go home and you don't you didn't even have a little snack just make sure that you take care for yourself if you have any questions about anything regarding delivering Amazon packages you can just comment below and of course I will respond to you they also have Amazon Flex I think that Amazon Flex it is Amazon who directly employ those persons I I believe so I'm not one 100% sure so don't quote me on that but I think it's under Amazon or something like that it's not under a DSP that um when you see those Flex drivers pull up at your door it's not Amazon per se but yeah any questions or any concern any comment just let me know if you like this video of course you give it a thumbs up don't forget to like share and subscribe I have more of these contents coming out that you will learn a lot so
Channel: Drive with Jo
Views: 21,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon delivery driver, amazon dsp driver, amazon salary, new amazon driver, amazon step van driver, amazon knowledge, amazon facts
Id: iAZ6xOGQWcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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