Why Millions of "Christians" Can't Go to Heaven | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] I don't have my notes for this one today so I'm going to go by however way the Holy Spirit leads me on this message the Bible says examine yourselves examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith prove your own selves knowing not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates now the Apostle Paul he mentions right here that the Corinthians should check themselves if they are in the faith I mean wouldn't they know that Jesus Christ is in them they would if they're saved Christians but if they don't know then what they must be lost reprobates so that's why it is so important that if you don't know that you're saved or you're going to heaven then there's a good chance that it's because you never heard how to get saved that you may have been a lost reprobate all this time that is why it is very important to know your salvation why is that the reason why is because your very own soul hangs in the balance we're not talking about your lifetime if someone were to tell you if someone were to tell you that your life is at stake here I mean next year you're going to die of this disease of cancer so it's very important to set your life in order then you would try to get things prepared right but what if someone worked to tell you that your own soul we're to pass away tomorrow and your soul you got understand is not just your life your soul is forever how long is your life at best your life is 80 years long but how long is forever it's 80 years of your life plus 80 years of your life times 80 times 80 and infinity it's forever see so if you're thinking about heaven or hell forever that is something serious to think about yes it is very important to think about nowadays that's why it's so important to examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith it is important to know if you are truly a saved person are you in the faith today I would like to ask people in my church today are you certain in your Christianity today my title is to examine yourself let's pray every father please still within me the power of your Holy Spirit God I am absolutely nothing without you full of flesh all I can do is go by the guidance of your spirit I need to preach this in power in mind and may you be glorified in all that we do you get the full glory Lord in Jesus name we pray amen my first point my first point about examining yourselves is concerning your faith in Jesus Christ works or faith works or faith let's look at the book of Ephesians chapter 2 please turn to your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 2 why are we turning to the verses pastor because I could be lying I could be lying that's why you got to look at the verse look at the verse yourself look at the versed yourself and see okay is this guy lining up with what the verse is saying so you got to check it yourself you know it's amazing we live in a day and age where you try to tell them what the Bible says people automatically say well that's just your interpretation how many of you have heard that before I've heard that so many times I've heard that many times but you know what the biggest flaw and that argument is how do they know it's my own interpretation if they didn't check it themselves see until you actually check what the text actually says then you can tell oh this guy is interpreting this way so that's not the right way to interpret it see that's why it's so important to look at the verse and see what the Bible says the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast the Bible says right here we are saved by grace through faith remember Paul said remember 2nd Corinthians 13:5 it said examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith that's what that verse says so this verse says you're safe through faith right but notice what this faith to find us what is this faith because if I were to ask you do you have faith in Jesus you know what 90% of the churches will say yes they will all say yes we live in a day and age where nearly every American nearly every American will say yeah they believe in Jesus their faith in Jesus didn't you know even atheists have faith in Jesus no pastor yeah Bart Ehrman who's one of the most respected atheist critics out there this guy majored in studying the Bible so that he can critique the Bible he says whether we like it or not Jesus is a real historical figure most people even liberal schools they all know that Jesus is a real figure so see everyone believes that Jesus is real see everyone has faith belief that Jesus is a real person but does that mean they're saved Christians no it doesn't see if I were to ask you do you have faith in Jesus everyone would say that yes they do but what is this faith to find us you'll notice it continues not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast you know we live in a day and age where religions and churches they they all talk about the faith of Jesus Christ and they all proclaim themselves to be Christians but then they say this if you're saved then this faith that you have then you will get baptized you will get baptized in order for you to go to heaven you've got to go to church to get baptized a Christian faith teaches you that you have to live a good life in order to earn your way to heaven hey Christian faith has taught you that you should dedicate yourself in following whatever the minister says a Christian faith has taught you to read the Bible to pray so that you can go to heaven Christian faith has taught you that you got to give money to the church so that you can pay your way to heaven the Christian faith has taught you that you got to avoid all these sins and clean up all these sins and live a holy life so that you can go to heaven but is that what Christian faith has taught us to believe in no Christian that is not what faith is did you see that verse faith you're safe through faith not of what your selves not of yourselves SIA has nothing to do with yourself because why it is the gift of God not of works see let me ask you a simple question what does work mean what does work mean it means it's not easy to do right work means that you're putting an effort to that right aren't you putting an effort in staying away from this in an essence or is that something easy to do and nonchalant let's be honest yeah let's be honest that is something hard to do you're putting an effort you're putting an effort to avoid the thing the wrong things you're watching on the screen to avoid the wrong things that you're hearing in your ears to avoid the wrong things that you're saying out of your mouth yeah that is an effort is that an effort to go to church yes it takes effort otherwise everybody would be going to church today and we would be a lot bigger today won't we if people didn't think it took effort isn't it an effort to make sure that you reserve a time and place to get baptized under the water yes it takes effort so then what's that those are works but religion will tell you that no we are all saved by faith we all say that yeah you're right but God says that's a false thing that's a false say why because in verse eight it says this faith is what not of yourselves not of yourselves it has nothing to do with you you might say why preacher why is it not of yourselves because look at the book of Galatians go to the book of Galatians Galatians see let's see what the Bible says what God said in his word and not what men have said let's look at what God says in his word open your Bibles to the book of Galatians and you will find out let me ask you this very simple question this very simple question let's assume that work that you have to do some sort of effort all right that you have to be at least a good person somewhat in order for you to go to heaven well the simple question that I can ask you is this let's assume that you have to do those things then if those things are what it takes to save you you have to do something yourself to save you then my question is this why did Jesus even die for you did you get that did you get that question that question should burn in your brain if you think anything you do you have to do something yourself to get saved then why did Jesus even have to die Jesus died you know why he died he died so that he can save you he did the work for you you can't do it yourself look at Galatians chapter 2 and verse 21 chapter 2 and verse 21 I do not frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain did you read that what is Grace of God are you saved by grace yes I am then if you're saved by grace and you got to realize it has nothing to do with you following anything of the law you don't have to do anything to follow any work of any of God's law to get yourself to heaven why because then Christ is dead in vain Christ died for nothing why did he have to die why did he have to die huh he died to save your soul you got understand he died to pay your sin that's why you can't pay for your own sins that's why you don't do any work for yourself to get saved it's Jesus Christ now let me ask you this if somebody were to tell you you know if you want to go to heaven you're going to go to hell unless you come to my church unless you start living clean you better clean up that's an oh that stuff you're watching clean that up oh that's it up you got in your house clean up oh you gotta do that okay you better start reading the body you better start praying and you better be a good person now you get better start being you better start doing good things how many of us would be offended we would be greatly offended on that one right but if someone were to tell you if someone were to tell you hey all you have to do to get saved is that put your faith on what on Jesus's cross what he did for you that's it hey that sounds easy right that sounds that that just sounds like a good deal it's in it that'd be again but you know what's amazing nowadays the world we live in a very convoluted world they switch it around by saying that it is offensive to hear to put faith on what Jesus did on the cross the Savior that's offensive but what's good to hear is doing these good things will get me to heaven right that's the kind of world we live in that's the kind of world we live in it's been amazing it should be the opposite if someone were to tell me to do all these good things all these hard efforts I find that much harder to do and just what just believing what Jesus did on the cross to say but it isn't amazing that the world thinks it's the opposite oh if you believe that Jesus when he died on the cross to save you and that's the only thing that saved you man that's offensive I don't like hearing that can you imagine that it's like see God is giving you something bigger than a billion dollars you know that he's giving you forever in heaven forever in heaven is better than a billion green papers you don't understand and you know what God says God says he did all the work for you so all you have to do is just believe it to accept it it's like this if someone were to give you a billion dollars if someone were to give you a billion dollars they hand it over to you and say hey this is a free gift for you I did all the work I put in all the effort and let's say that this person sacrificed a lot this person was probably your parent or your best friend he pulled up a lot of hard-working effort and he did all the hard work and giving you this money wouldn't you be grateful to accept it yeah you would be grateful to accept it you'd be happy would you go how dare you do all that I am mad and upset wouldn't that offend the person who worked so hard to give you all that you know what kind of a world we live in that's the kind of world we live in we have God who died who died to give you something bigger than a billion dollars that's wherever in heaven and when he gives it to you and say you don't have to work for it I did all the work for you so just accept it and then people go how dare you say that that is offensive how Derrick wouldn't it be the opposite that God would be greatly offended seeing that it's a very strange world we live in right that's why I told you I don't know if you got some little lights flickering now and you're starting to see a little bit of the light and darkness is starting to peel away but it's not amazing what the world can do to brainwash you see it's because you don't think you don't study you just go with how people tell you to do and how the environment is so you don't want to be a robot don't go by don't go by what the environment tells you start thinking independently now use your head use your independent mind and start thinking a little bit start thinking a little bit see God Almighty did all the work for you so this is something serious to think about wouldn't he be greatly offended that you would reject what he gave up his life upon and you would blame him for getting upset and then casting you to hell in the end when he gave up his life for you to save you from hell and to pay all the work for you see that is what God did out of great love God gave up his very own life to give it to you so works are not involved you know what people think no people think this way oh yeah I believe Jesus died on the cross guess what 90% of the religions believe in that 90% of the churches believe in that I believe Jesus died on the cross but you know what they think they think this way I believe he died on the cross but you know I really think that I have to do these good things to go to heaven but you know I have to stay away from these sins but you know I got to get baptized but you know I got to go to church see that's not faith in in Jesus Christ faith is what only what he did only his work not in anything of yourself you go god I'm not going to trust in anything that I do just you just you because let me ask you this question if we were to take God's work and your work whose work is far more trustworthy and better is it for God God right would you bet your soul on your own work would you bet the Eternity of your soul on anything of your work or would you rather prefer to just put it all and I mean all I mean all on god's work because he's the one that created heaven in hell he's the one who created your soul and he is a wine that can hold you up amen that is why it is very important to put all your faith and trust on what God did for you on Calvary on Jesus blood alone so don't are you saved are you saying if you're saved by faith then you're not going to trust anything of yourself just faith on what you just did on the cross the next one we will turn to the next one we will turn to go to Romans chapter 3 please Romans chapter 3 Romans chapter 3 Romans 3 Romans chapter 3 we will look at verse 23 Romans chapter 3 and we will read verse 23 the second thing you gotta understand is do you understand the issue of sin do you understand the issue of sin a lot of people they don't talk about sin are you saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ if you are then you would know the issue of sin but you know what's amazing is that a lot of people will talk about Jesus dying across and faith in Him and they believe in that but when it comes to sin then people automatically get touchy you ever saw that they just get touchy and then they go no don't talk about it why why would you not want to talk about it because think about this why did Jesus even die on the cross then do you know why he died do you think he just did that for fun no he did it to save you right say save you from what there was a problem there right see there was a problem that may Jesus died on the cross what is the problem sin but you know what people do nowadays they would just talk about the love of God where Jesus died on Calvary and then he would take you to heaven and that's great amen that's great but do you understand his love you know what proves his love more what proved his love more was to realize your problem and he saved you from the problem look at Romans chapter 3 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God do you know why you can't go to heaven because you sinned do you know what sin is you know when people say are you a sinner people automatically they say no I'm not a sinner because why they think the word sinner is something like very offensive right like a really really bad person but do you know what sin simply means Sanna Sanna and sinner do not mean a murderer or a person who consistently does really bad things or person who's Ted Bundy or at all Hitler that's not what it is sin means any wrong thing you've done in your life even a dirty thought even the white whitest lie that you told that is considered sin in God's eyes that is sin so if you sin before what does that make you then a sinner well I'm not really that bad but it doesn't matter one sin is enough to make you a sinner killing once is enough to make you a murderer lying once is enough to make you a liar stealing one time is enough to make you a thief breaking the law once is enough to make you a lawbreaker sinning once is enough to make you a sinner but you know we live in a day and age where the world has taught us to feel good about ourselves and to be build up our self-confidence and egotism of ourselves but you know that the dangerous thing about that is that the dangerous thing about that then is that now you're committing the sin of pride now right they sing only good things with yourself you know I'm not saying to get discouraged and then beat yourself in the head and have a guilt trip there's also a thing called false guilt which is wrong which is wrong the Bible says you should have confidence but that confidence is through Jesus Christ you got to realize that if you keep looking at the good things of yourself it's no wonder you never think you're wrong and then it's no wonder that when you hear somebody say something you always disagree and you go in your own little world see that's the kind of person that can be very dangerous and that's why it's important to not just keep looking at the good things of yourself but hey I better keep track of you know do I have some errors - I have some bad faults right here that's what you got to be doing and let's be honest if you are to see let me tell you something Church if you were to keep every track of every wrong thing that you've done in your life every time you thought a dirty thought every time you told a lie every time you fell back in your studies every time do you know how many times you sin per day then do you know how many times you send per day I think if you're very holy I think if you're very holy you probably sin only twice or thrice a day but let's be honest you know I mean an average person would probably sin about maybe 20 or more of 20 to 50 times a day to be honest to be very honest so think about this if God is holy and God is holy right do you know do you understand the holiness of God the holiness of God means he give me that means he cannot have even one single sin that means he cannot even have one single sin if you think that God he has to tolerate a little bit of this sin and that sin you got to think about this then that means he cannot be God then you know why he would be lying if he says I am holy what does holy mean holy means absolutely without a single fall without a single sin so if God were to tolerate this sin and that's in this sentence that sin he would be lying about himself being a holy God wouldn't he and you gotta understand that is that is a very important attribute of God his holiness if that holiness attribute is dropped out of God then we would not have God today God can be God because he is holy that means perfect without sin because let's assume that God had some misgivings some false you know what would be a problem then the problem then is that mankind would find more false with God more things to blame him and think well because God is fallible because God makes mistake right here then it is right for me to accuse him for this problem going on that problem going on in my life see then the world would be in chaos and the world would be in chaos and you can't really believe in God to take care of your life but if you believe God never made a single mistake and he is absolutely perfect then you the man cannot blame God man cannot find fault with God and God is God and he is holy but it's amazing that despite of God's perfection and holiness man still finds something to blame God about right and isn't there plenty to blame God about yes there is so let me ask you this question if man can find already this much to blame God and to find fault with God when he is already perfect what if he's 90 percent perfect then don't you think it would double and triple the amount of faults that men would find with God yeah yeah that's why he has to be holy you got to understand he has to be holy and that's why I look at verse 23 all have sinned what is sin to find us come short of the glory of God see what makes you automatically a sinner is very simple is that when you compare God's holiness with yourself then what are you a sinner a sinner see in my eyes and your eyes we're not wicked people we're not like murders killers or really bad people right in my eyes and yours were really really good people but here's the thing if you go to the prisons you know what those convicts will do well I'm not really a bad per they all do that I'm not as bad as so-and-so over there who steal and raped and then the person who's stolen rape when you talk to him he would go well I'm not really as bad as a person as you think at least I'm not like that pedophile over there and then that pedophile over there will go well you know I I I'm not really a bad person I'm actually better than you think at least I love the people you know I'm not like those people who just talk like that pedophile over there who rapes and tortures the children and murders them and in that person you know what see people do they always point each fingers at each other and you know why because people keep looking at the good things of themselves like I mentioned earlier they don't look at their bad points but in your eyes in my eyes we would think of them as man you know you deserve prison or probably even worse if you murdered a person especially if you're a pedophile you're a pedophile and murder those little children why because of that gap right because of that gap you're in a different plane than they are but if you were in their plane in their level you know what you would see oh we're not you're not really as bad as you think you are see that's the thing see in our plane here we're not really that bad you know why because we're in our own plane but look at God who's on a totally different plane yes isn't he on a totally different plane he's holy absolutely holy so that means even just one flick of a lustful thought is enough to grieve him and to hurt him and to even make him judge sin and see that as evil I can't understand that yeah you're right you know why because we're on our own little plane right here just like those pedophiles right here who can't understand I don't understand why it's so wrong to love an underage person see that's mankind that's mankind because we're all look at ourselves but if you look at the gap then you realize wow I can see now so do you now see why you're basically so here's something you're going to hear you're a dirty rotten wretched scoundrel of a sinner but people see when they hear that they're going to go oh wow you're horrible and all that but see that's the problem see we're on our own little plane that's why but when you look at God's plane when you put yourself in God's shoes in God's standard then you realize wow I'm a wretched rotten scoundrel who does yes deserve hell see if we see sin as that evil but you see why the world they don't talk about sin now see what happens when you don't talk about sin when you don't address and you know what happens then you don't the evil of sin doesn't seem as evil as before and then it waters down more and more and more and it doesn't seem that much of a crime anymore that's the kind of where we live in now today see we live in a world in a day and age where morality has dropped more and more where people start to now define their own morality and think that morality is abstract and it can be interpreted in various different ways see what happened now see we live in a day and age now where morality is not as strong where it's debated where it's confused and where it's watered down nowadays we've got to go by what God sees put yourself in God's plan put yourself in God true morality would be easy to define if you put yourself in God shoe that's it perfect wholly without sin then it's automatically you know what morality is but see people don't want to do that you know I they don't treasure holiness that much compared to sin that's the day and age we live in so then they treasure sin they prioritize sin they're more tolerant with sin more than with holiness don't you find that something strong and something strangely wrong here when you're more tolerant with indignant holiness don't you think that's a problem here why would you be more tolerant with something wrong than with something right that's something see we live in a day and age we were brainwashed brainwash the television the schools the people around us the generation this day and age we live in has totally changed our perspective and thinking because they're trying to make you think on their plane their level but you got to shut that but you got to put yourself in God's playing God level and guess what then you know you know it's totally different totally different all you have to do to get on God's playing god level is just think holiness that's it put yourself in the shoes of holiness absolute perfection then what are you going to think about all these minor sins you're going to see that as wrong wrong wrong or wrong simple as that so the issue of sin here you got to realize that that is important to understand you know why that is important to understand about salvation is because people don't realize that they're going to hell because of their sin they don't think about that they think they only know about Jesus dying on the cross and I just believe in it and because of that I'm going to have it but they don't realize why Jesus had to die do you know why Jesus died now not only that did you see how Jesus died it was a bloody mess right you know I had some people they would say why why why is that so graphic so violent why didn't she just have to die that way you know I just simply answer to them he did that for you you know why he had to do that for you that's house God's wrath is laying upon sin you know why Jesus had his face so marred more than any man and why he was tortured mercilessly on the cross why he had to suffer on for hours when he did not have to do that at all because that's how God sees sin and when people mock and scoff at Jesus Christ as he died on the cross God was telling the world that's how I see sin see what you're seeing is sin that's why the verse says he became sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him and see when you realize how serious sin is it makes you appreciate more on the love of Jesus Christ remember if Jesus Christ is holy I mean the smallest sin is that much offensive to him how much did he love you then by taking all of sin upon himself you know what grieve G is the most more than anything it wasn't bleeding on the cross mercilessly it was taking sin upon himself can you imagine that that's how much he loved you he loved you so much he took the smallest white lie of a sin to the greatest crime of murder he took all of that upon himself for you friends he did that for you he did that for you do you understand that he did that for you that's how much he loved you and you would say after that I reject it I don't need that that's the kind of where we live after what Jesus Christ gave up to give to you see if you understand your lost condition your sinful condition and you'd realize why Jesus died do you now understand why Jesus died he died to take your sin he died to get rid of your sin problem so that you can go to heaven so are you saved are you saying do you understand the Christian faith now do you understand the Christian faith you know a lot of popular preachers nowadays they'll just talk they will say my ministry is not to talk about sin that is wrong they should address sin my ministry is all about talking about the love of Jesus and dying on the cross that's wrong you know why because people will not appreciate the love of Jesus more they won't really understand the love of Jesus more until they understand sin that's why sin is important but not only that why will you not talk about sin when God's holiness is at stake here see God's holiness is at stake here so shouldn't sin be addressed yes it should yes it should oh why can't you be more tolerant of sin pastor well here's my question to you why can't you be more tolerant of God's holiness like I showed you don't you see a wrong picture here where you're more intolerant of holiness and more tolerant with sin you think that's something wrong right here see sin should be addressed that's why the Lord Jesus Christ he said except he repent ye shall all likewise perish that's why the Bible says for godly sorrow worketh repentance of salvation not to be repented of but to saw of the world worketh death do you know what the first word the very first word Jesus preached was his very first word repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand do you know why that is so important because sin is something first you need to know before you understand and accept the love of Jesus Christ on Calvary if you don't realize you have a problem first you won't understand the solution the solution is Jesus dying on the cross yet how can you understand the solution if you don't realize you have a problem first if there is a solution then that means there has to be a problem right and if there's a problem that means there has to be a solution yes so are you saved by faith if you are then you'd understand the issue of sin you understand the issue of sin another one right here another one right here let's open up our Bibles please back to 2nd Corinthians 13 return to second print news chapter 13 please look at verse 5 second Corinthians chapter 13 and we'll look at verse 5 notice says right here examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith prove your own selves knowing not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates so notice right here Paul is telling them to check their salvations and he's asking them this rhetorical question don't you know that Jesus is in you you would unless you're lost unless you're lost so the third thing is is the third thing that you got to check yourself if you're in the faith or not is do you know you're saved you're going to heaven I mean if you believe that Jesus died to save your soul if you believed in that then what then why are you fearful after that to to hell why are you questioning your salvation why are you thinking there must be more things to do to go to heaven see are you in the faith if you're in the faith then you wouldn't think of anything extra involved for your salvation you wouldn't think like that that's why it's so important to know that you're going to heaven if you're to die today are you 100% sure you go to heaven we'd ask that question that's the first question a lot of us would ask before we knock on the when we knock on the door and when we talk to people on the streets we ask them if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure you go to heaven why do we say a hundred percent sure because the reason why we ask them that question is because some people they might have something in their heart where they don't know that they're going to heaven so it is very important to know that you're going to have and is very important to know and to get that question solved are you sure you're going to go to heaven after you die think about this you're forever in hell or in heaven that's something to think about right you're forever in hell or in heaven that's something to think about right that's why it is important to I you know what I should know I should know right now I should know right now that's why it's important examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith it's important to know right now and let me tell you Church there's no better time to know then right now on your seed and to get that question solve that for your salt this is not to pressure people but rather to get that thing put behind you the problem put behind you your fear put behind you so that you can live in peace so that if you're dying on your deathbed right now you want to be frantic and worried and say oh man I wonder if I'm going to heaven oh man call the pastor get him over here real quick what if the car were to come out right now run you over would you be able to die in peace or would you go oh man oh man get the pastor here get the minister over here see that's why it's important to know now to know now why do why do preachers keep talking about getting saved right now getting saved right now don't pressure me let me do things in my own time we're not trying to force people do it because everyone has a free choice but rather because we know how important this issue is because we're talking about forever in heaven or in hell so it's best to get it over with right now and guess what after you get over with right now they don't bother you I can't have two that I make say that way the Holy Spirit don't bother you anymore but if you do get bothered about that then my question to you is this why are you bothered about that if you're already saved I mean if you think you're going to heaven you're saved and why are you bothered about that about people telling you are you saved are you going to heaven you wouldn't be bothered about that you would just say oh yeah I'm going to have an after I die because I put my faith in Jesus Christ but you know what's so amazing nowadays is that when we try to tell people how to go to heaven you know what the world automatically does they say this don't cram your religion down my throat you're being so dogmatic let people believe in what they want let me do things in my own time you know what there are better ways to do this you don't have to preach that on the street you don't have to say that to people when you knock on doors you don't have to tell it to your family members and friends let them do what they want to do that's what the world has taught you to believe it that's the robotic mindset that we're all prone to believe in now do you know why I'll tell you why the easy answers because they don't think it's that important forever in heaven or in hell forever in heaven or in hell they don't think that it's that important hey if a hurricane what to happen is to come to our way right now you know what the world will do I'll tell you what the world would do they would warn you and tell you get yourself saved right now evacuate you know why because they see it's important but when people tell you oh no don't warn people don't tell people about forever in heaven or in hell you know what that means then they don't think it's that important can I tell you something do you think it's more what do you think is more crucial more dangerous a hurricane or Hellfire forever what do you think is more important see obviously getting the Eternity of your soul is far more important so are you saved are you 100% sure that you're going to go to heaven after you die you can know right now because remember you're not trusting in yourself right who are you trusting in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ are you doubting Christ's sacrifice are you saying that when Jesus did the work for you on the cross that it is imperfect it did not pay all your sins that it was powerless no of course not right it is powerful enough he paid it alright because God is God he is all-powerful so why can't you just put your faith in that that's it just put your faith in that put your faith in that and then what you know you're going to heaven you know you're going to heaven do you know you're going to heaven after you die if not then it's so important to get saved right now and if you still have lingering things in your mind and doubts then that's why it's very important to get it over with right now my last point to talk about examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith is also being stressed and the importance of doing it now distress and the importance of doing it now a lot of people they keep prolonging it and they say later later later you feel the conviction now the Holy Spirit is stirring in your heart now and I bet you you never heard something like this for a long time or maybe this is the first time you heard something like this can I ask you this question when's the next time you're going to hear something like this see maybe that's why this could be your only chance to hear this this could be your only chance to finally think about all this stuff this could be your only chance to get that conviction right now because as soon as I close the service with amen and it's over I guarantee you this if with this conviction in your heart if when you're hearing all this right now you will not get saved as soon services over and you're by yourself and you don't hear all this stuff and you don't get the conviction what are your options why are your chances to get saved after this that's why it's important to get saved right now let me ask you this question what if this was your last five minutes to breathe your last breath what if that this was your last five minutes then there is absolutely no turning back there's absolutely no second chance that is why is very important to get saved right now and you know what it's so simple it's easy to get saved it's so simple to get saved 10 seconds or less 10 seconds or less 10 seconds or less you go God I realize how much you hate sin that I'm a sinner I repent so I'm going to put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross to save me now was that even ten seconds that was probably shorter than 10 seconds just now right come on you know you can do that right now while I'm talking well I'm yakkung yakkung yakkung you can do that right now and you're done is it that see it's so fast it's so fast you know like hotwire.com or certain prices like sales at the malls or Black Friday people will literally line up for hours and even a day earlier you know why because they know that offer is a limited time only and it's a great offer and they know they're not going to get a chance like that again that's why they would line up and and they won't care how much they sacrifice how unpopular it is or how crazy they look if they like if they believe that item is worth it they will go through all that because they know it's a limited time only can I tell you something Church there is a greater gift than all the black friday markets combined because heaven is bigger than all those things and you're going to see a million more of those things up in heaven it is the glories and the spectacular creation of heaven itself didn't you know that saved Christians saved Christians you know what we are promised in heaven no more pain no more depression no more sorrow the Bible also says that we will have gold silver precious stones the Bible says you will have your own mansion the Bible even says that you can even rule cities on this earth didn't you know that you can even rule cities on this earth it's so funny nowadays is that people they want to become rich they want to get a good job just to what get a small portion of a city but you can have one whole city and even more to rule on this earth did you know that that can be yours so but just what the world is just too small for you to have God's going to give you all of heaven all the world and even all of the universe itself you're going to have planet and planets and people are going to spread out throughout outer space the glories of it literally the sci-fi stuff in star wars is a reality but guess what mankind's creation of that their imagination of that is far far too little to what God has imagined and created for you it's amazing how people just want to buy video games and spend hours on the video games because they are just so amazed by the graphics did spectacular graphics but guess what those graphics are man-made and they're not even real but imagine the graphics of the Lord Jesus Christ and they're actually real and and that's an offer that you can get in 10 seconds or less that you're going to turn down and especially that's something you're going to turn down for what risking your soul burning in hell hey would you risk a hurricane coming when the hurricane coming is probably like 80% chance you've heard weather forecasters doing that right like 75% chance 80% chance look you don't care if it's 60% chance 70% chance if they say hurricane is coming you wouldn't risk it right but God said Hellfire is 100% certainty and you'd risk your very own soul for that there is no greater opportunity than to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ right now you know in this entire message that you heard about this preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ you realize right here what it takes for you to get saved I'm not God never told you to believe every single theology that Jean Kim believes in or what this church believes in God never asked you to believe in every single theology and doctrine that I teach and preach god never asked you to clean up every single sin in your life God never asked you to live like a holy Christian start living clean God never asked you to condole and accept his religion you know what all he asked you to do was all he asked you to do was if you realize that you your sinful problem right here and then by repentance you would put your faith just believe all you have to believe is what Jesus did on the cross to save you and that's it that's it I never discussed did you hear me mention a single different religion in this whole teaching I never mentioned a religion right here except probably atheism but that's not really a religion I didn't mention anything right here you know why because God never asked you to believe in that or that or that or to think about that wrong all he asked you to do it is so simple 10 seconds or less we're not asking you to put money in our play I don't care if you don't come back to my church again I don't care if you don't even like me alright I don't even care if you go to a different church go to another place for all I care if I wanted everyone here then we want to have this many numbers right now right look all I wanted you to do is this and all God wanted you was to do this all you have to do is that if you realize your sinful problem and that by repentance you just believe just believe what Jesus did on the cross to save you simple right not complicated not complicated that's all you have to do hello this is Pastor Jean Kim of San Jose Bob Baptist Church have you ever asked this question that if you were to die today are you 100% sure that you can go to heaven my friend is so simple to get say you first got to realize that you can't go to heaven because you've sinned against God and God as a holy judge he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left heaven came down to your on earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away this for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't damn you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lives with a gazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to grow in truth and get involved in a by believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number 1 get involved in a Bible believing Church near you number 2 study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number 3 study dispensationalism so you can find the right doctrine and truth number 4 study only under by believing teachers my friends this is all explained further in the resources link below so please click on it and get to work in a Bible eating word because you only have one life to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace in the smoke Obito thick I'll drop to my knees about drops in my face like those Navy SEALs do and I'll start calling a circle and I look down then libraryís over here and I'll see her a throne and I'll see some feet got holds it up and it got jeweled sandals on they'll pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried only speed White's appearance with her hair okay glorious you're gonna let him do the static you know if they all got saved up hallelujah and the angel the worship and the favorable worship and the Damned in the worship and they've gotten in a pitiful [Music] [Applause] I'm glad I'm happy to hear another song say once I was training in Tim's dark Valley no hopeful in that I see they searched in heaven and found the table Wow for you God stood out there my Sodom and he's go ahead Jesus without a favourable for any preaching them and our people that's ringing the bell there we go and he's stand of it and AH and keeping welcome they said Wow fennekin [Music] Oh God it's the name of Jesus Christ it's not to Mohammed he did not do anything for you it's not true Buddha it got to the commandment it's only to pain in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ Oh turn the printer off [Music] [Applause] she's like you skin returning the Guru something on the what's going on be about two more years iCloud how you doing hey mom hi blast hey way down there at the edge of that grief they have the Waterford glory and bounty comes off that'll kill would come down for sitters and he comes down there well done my good and faithful prepare to go a little metal boys bark one Thomas is forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever net and he lay down on that table and doctor great got out the castle and he removed that old post stony heart out of my friends oh it starts to crashed him and he put a brand new heart into my friends check and when he finally woke up they looked around that oh my everything has been changed everything looks different I'm so happy not in a head of a heart operation gave three saucers no the signal in our garden I'm not [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] ah Oh [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 358,541
Rating: 4.7797441 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Hutson, John R Rice, Charles Lawson, Zion4131, Robert Breaker, David Peacock, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, Phil Kidd, Jack Hyles, CT townsend, Steven Anderson, Sanderson1611, Donnie Romero, Roger Jimenez, Sam Gipp, bryan denlinger, husky394xp, vigilant christian, vigilant citizen, ruckmanite, kenny baldwin, danny castle, david hoffman, gail riplinger, Chicktracts, Gregory Miller, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind OFFICIAL
Id: QOy9lZDXWns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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