Agenda 2021, Science Cabal, Aliens & Top Secret Elites | Signs of the Times (Present II) | Dr. Kim

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now actually um i'm very surprised how long this is taking this is uh i felt like that the last time i taught you that even though i try to cram it at the end you might have noticed that right that i wasn't able to expound and break it down as much as i wanted to and there was so much more information that i felt was missing that i want to give to you so what i'm going to do is to do a continuing of the signs of the time in the presence okay discussing about globalism conspiracies uh ufos etc etc all that i want to cover it again tonight the present so because this is done i think the reason why i'm taking a long time in this is because it's taking careful scriptural and logical evidence to show you why you have to believe in something like that in our day and age so it's gonna because it's taking a lot of evidence and a lot of uh time and hard work to be able to show that to you because it's hard to believe it usually for people it is natural that when you hear a tin foil hat conspiracy that the obvious reaction is no or i don't want to hear it or you're loony so that's a normal reaction from a lot of people in our world uh the last video that i showed you i took time and i showed to you that if you believe the bible is the word of god that's the point if you believe in that you have to believe in some form of conspiracy there is absolutely no doubt about that i've taught you again i'm going to emphasize it over and over again the specifics we all differ because there's just too much information out there and let's be honest the youtube is not a reliable source so let's be honest there is misinformation out there especially wrong doctrine wrong doctrine so because of that you can't easily believe things however i do believe that even though specifics are very abstract that at least at some level you have to believe it and when you believe it at some level with the word of god trust me one by one not all of them but one by one the specifics will become clearer to you and then you're going to be more open-minded to them but let's start off with proverbs chapter 18. proverbs chapter 18 and verse 13. so i explained this before so i'll explain it again in proverbs chapter 18 it goes by specific steps that you have to follow so these are verses that i would recommend to prosper to in case that you have to deal with these issues proverbs chapter 18 and then we'll look at verse 13. remember this you uh you can't answer a thing uh before you hear it you have to hear the matter first so that's the problem is that you're not willing to hear the other side see that that's your problem the thing is is that once you see that video clip or you hear it from the news media and etc then you automatically laugh it off and then you reject it but the problem is this is that don't laugh it off and don't make a decision until you hear out the matter fully first and then when you actually honestly do that then it actually becomes a little bit more eye-opening to you verse 13 he that answereth the matter before he heareth it it is folly and shame unto him so it is important to hear the matter first and by the way even playing the critics side so remember this video is made for the critics of the conspiracies so i'm intending to make this video for them to persuade them even when i'm playing the critics side here they're going to have to admit this too because there's uh if they practice this then it's going to prevent them from misinformation or something that's false online that they watch or they hear right they can even agree that much the critics so you have to do that with the other side as well look at first thessalonians 5. first thessalonians 5. i want you to turn to first thessalonians chapter 5 and then verse 21 verse 21 i think before i would say verse 23 and that is actually my mistake so i want to apologize for that it is actually uh not verse uh 23 like i said at the other videos i hope that they would catch it in the future it's verse 21. the bible says prove notice what here all things hold fast that what which is good now that's the problem that people don't follow what people don't follow is that they don't prove all things what they do listen up now they only prove one side the bible never said that it said prove how much things all so what i do is this is that call it a rabbit hole but the thing is is that i can't just easily say that let's say the conspiracy side for example that i hear something from axios or cnn or fox news or some research journal that tries to debunk it and i go oh okay they're right and the conspiracy site is wrong because remember i told you that the other side where they're getting into the conspiracies and stuff like that they don't have resources like you do so that's not playing fair see it's not playing fair so then what i have to do is if i were to put the same amount of resources on their side examine it a little bit more play the critical lens on the scientific field then how would it go then if i try so that's the thing you have to try to prove if i prove both sides then what happens is then it filters out and then i'm able to able to find what's true and false you can't just prove one side and then etc you got to prove all things and when you prove all things then what happens then you start to filter it down where you hold fast and you find out what is true that is very important so you have to prove all things are you honestly doing that are you honestly doing that when you do that then it becomes uh more fair and then you start to understand that's why it's important to understand that just because you hear something from mainstream news or science it doesn't mean that it's honest and it's reliable and you believe it now why is that because i've told you so many times that within the scientific field that that's the people you have to play suspicion and critical thinking the most so you have to do that the most but another example is this is that i'm going to give you uh some proof text now i'm going to make this very simple i was actually very surprised when studying the phd field i was actually extremely surprised that once i started to think about let's pick a topic you know maybe the research problem that i can get into is bias when i started to get into bias obviously there was a lot of articles on this information right or what they call the the conspiracy realm but then i wanted to play fair i was like i wonder what it's like in the science field so i type down science bias you wouldn't believe it and this is something the news media or the cdc or the science journals will never uh will never want to publicize to you now they have these they actually done empirical tests and they actually confess this but see it's not publicized to the whole world why because if you knew then you probably have something against them now all you have to do is if you have access to university libraries or empirical research papers peer-reviewed articles all you have to do is simply search word science bias that's it it's that simple and then you'd be surprised what kind of articles will come out when you do that here's one article that i read now they've done a test study on the bias for political opinion both conservative and liberal you know what they found out which is not surprising okay any dodo bird can figure it out both sides have a both sides have a bias there's no okay so both sides have a bias and even if uh they give out they give out the research and peer-reviewed evidences the problem is is that they start out with bias and then they wonder that this then this is confirmation bias then not honest journalism cnn idiots it's not honest research so they confess it's both sides but this is what's shocked me the most i'm surprised they confess this the same this same myopia toward our own side's biases may also help explain listen up because i'm reading their science journals right so you have to pay attention because sometimes the language may be heavy for you but i'm going to try to emphasize it so you can catch it the same myopia toward our own sides biases may also help explain why a field dominated by liberal researchers has been so much more focused on the biased perceptions of the political right than the political left do you know what that translates to that translates to yes they confess both sides have biases but they confess this our research science field consists of more liberals so when the liberals try to prove their viewpoint they're more concentrated on trying to dismantle the political bias of the right wingers not themselves that's why there's tons of scientific so-called journals out there and news media outlets that so that seem to debunk the conservative side do you honest do you understand that now that's why i don't take i don't just believe it like an imbecile like science phd peer reviewed check no idiocy you can't do that so what you have to do is you got to realize that you have to find out listen up now the point like i told you with research journals and all that it's not 100 proof they laugh it off that way there's no such thing as 100 proof it's to convince the other side is to convince you're here that's the point of it but let me show you another one now this one turned my blood cold okay the title of their article and actually you can google it too surprisingly uh empirical assessment of published effects sizes and power in the recent cognitive neuroscience and psychology literature okay basically the point is is that they're using empirical research work to test cognitive neuroscience it's syrian soy and so must be true no and psychology they did both of these you know what they discovered when they took all these thousands of articles they were trying to test something about their accuracy quote in their abstract assuming a realistic range of prior probabilities for null hypotheses false report probability did you hear what they said right there false report probability so they're reporting of their scientific findings of how many articles of 26 841 statistical records with 3801 cognitive neuroscience and psychology papers okay look at all these thousands you know what they found out false report probability within these papers is likely to exceed 50 percent for the whole literature more than half in accuracy that's what they confessed uh let me know when i'm back all right so false report probability exceeds over half that's huge so look what this i'm showing you the science world what they confessed okay they confessed false report probability exceeding more than half and then they also admitted that there is a left-wing bias huge bias that is concentrated in debunking the right the conservative side do you see what's going on so far now you know this there is no sane christian that goes on the left side right there's no sane christian because there's too much that contradicts scripture and the conservative side we christians know that they have their issues too however we do know this if we're going to pick the beliefs most that are that are that line up with our beliefs we go more toward the right side right the conservative side because most of what their beliefs match up with ours in the bible despite of fallacies and i know they have problems i know there's a globalist agenda but forget all that okay i'm trying to point out something simple here okay so don't get all hypersensitive please all right people watch videos and they get hyper sensitive and they just critique so easily so let me just get back to the point the point is is that if we're in this plane then guess what the science is concentrated on more on attacking you do you get that and you believe that see that's why you have to put special critical lenses more so on this side than even in the online world you might say why so because the online world they don't spend that time with statistics and research but this side does to convince so you have to play heavier critical lenses on this side and if you doubt me the simple answer is they do it with evolution peer-reviewed articles you think christians just fall for that even though they have the statistics and all that to prove it no you have to break it down right you have to play special critical lenses right on that one how about that this is even more shocking in light of our findings the recently reported low replication success in psychology is realistic so they admitted with psychology but they admitted for science too particularly cognitive and worse performance may be expected for cognitive neuroscience what the science world considers psychology as more abstract right so it's so amazing that cognitive neuroscience would be the one that's more guilty that has the worst performance that's shocking isn't it that that's shocking how about that by the way in psychology they know that they have a lot of abstract stuff so their most scientific field is actually cognitive behavioral therapy cognitive behavioral therapy that's why they're comparing with cognitive neuroscience here see that so even the most scientific aspect of psychology i guess it's in trouble probably do you understand so these are just two all right i'm only giving you two you can find way more i was shocked i was very very shocked i was i was gonna send a spree of like to all bunch of people that i knew about but i realized that i'd just be bugging them so i didn't do that but i bookmarked and looked at all those people it's shock really bad situation the research field knows that too that there's something so understanding these facts this is fact right here so understanding these facts that's why you have to be more critical skeptical you have to use way more critical thinking against these guys you have to be careful about this why the point is the reason why you have to do that is because of the bible because they're more anti-bible that's the point do you understand that they are way more anti-bible so it requires way more critical thinking on their part not on the churches and pastors sure some of them are loco and some of them may have misinformation if i'm going to play the critics side here but the point is is that if i showed you in the previous video right why is it that you are more trusting with with the with their world than the christian world that scares me that scares me there's something wrong inside here that you have to be very careful you have to be very careful also going to turn to first second timothy no first timothy six first timothy six that's why this is proven true right this is proven to at first timothy chapter 6 verse 20 verse 20. now i want to convict some of the people here all right if you're going to go by the current sciences and current scholarship of our modern day and age you have to be very careful of that you have to be more critical of those guys actually so preachers who tend to be drawn to the highly intellectual crowd and uh i get that because i'm into that highly intellectual crowd too actually i love it when i uh study actually philosophy and stuff like that even though i know the bible warns about that right so i'm just playing the devil's attic advocate here okay so playing the devil's advocate look i'm all into that but the thing is is that the bible just ruined my life and the bible showed me here that with these people you have to be way more skeptical of these guys than just random weird onliners to be honest verse 20 oh timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust although avoiding profane and vain battlings and what oppositions of science falsely so-called they keep bragging themselves science is science science is science and stuff like that and then don't you play the critical lens on these guys god warned you this is present times right present times the bible gave you evidence on present times that when there's a when there's these people that use the term science or boast about that that should be automatic red light automatic red light look i'm not telling you to dismiss what is actual science the bible told you though about these people who use that term and who are the people who use science the most okay who are the people who use science the most and then the next part concerning that is it's falsely so-called so we're not going against actual science we're going against false science but the ones that god deems to be false called science is those who keep using that term who who are the people who say science is science love is love who are the babblers of that profane and vain babblers of that who are they see you know that's why my critical thinking is way more on these guys than what i want than what i watch from some numb skulls online look at verse 21 look what happens remember i what i told you what happens if you go more toward the world's way of thinking right there's science that deviates you more away from the bible from god's people that's proven at verse 21 which some professing have what aired concerning the faith grace be with thee amen yeah you better i think you need it if you did air look at your life have you been hearing from the brethren lately the christian pastors who took a stand in this day and age of the so-called liberal science agenda or have you been siding with the liberal science agenda world shouldn't that scare you okay let's look at uh hebrews hebrews 13. i hope this is eye-opening all right i hope this is eye eye-opening that's why i had to continue this right i had to continue this that way it can be eye-opening so look at hebrews chapter 13. now why would i believe in the ufo phenomenon because number one there is no doubt didn't i prove to you in signs of the times past remember that video that i showed you now we're covering presents so i'm not going to cover that there are too many scriptural references that show you that there are ufo sightings that undoubtedly happen and i explained you the right accurate definition of ufo2 okay it's not like how people perceive it as little green men from mars you know stuff like that although there are some cases of that but i'm not going to get into that point is is that past it undoubtedly happened now this is probably the greatest evidence that people might want to think about there is absolutely no scriptural evidence listen up no scriptural evidence that anything you hear about conspiracies globalism and etc there is no scriptural evidence that goes against it that debunks it i think that should be very very telling to you okay there is no scriptural evidence that debunks the evil that exists in our world the ufo sightings the antichrist new world order agenda etc no no scriptural evidence against it as a matter of fact when it talks about new world order agenda and the globalism and the conspiracies the alien sightings demonism etc there are too many scriptural references on it the problem is the problem is putting uh well that happened in the past or that will happen in the future see that's the thing the problem is is that they don't want to apply it to today's timeline okay but my question to you is why don't you want to apply to today's timeline because scripture is everywhere what makes the present timeline so exceptional compared to past and future yeah if you want to argue your reasoning that's fine but you're you don't have scripture for that that's the point and whereas myself i have too many scriptural evidences but what i'm going to do is also apply it to the present time i'm going to show you why it's logical to think in the present time i mean it doesn't make sense that satan will have activity at the past and all of a sudden bleep let's just disappear and then we'll come back again at the future you know it doesn't make sense his activity workings still go on currently now i'm going to prove it here at with several passages okay so hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 proves that you can have ufo phenomenons here or the aliens phenomenon how do these uh aliens or fallen angels right or angels think about it they come down on the earth like humans or they will ride vehicles right these angelic beings right we've seen that right so that sounds logical if they were to do that would it happen today yes because hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 god says be not forgetful to entertain strangers so god is speaking right here to the people that hey make sure that uh when you take care of strangers make sure you take care of them well why you have to why do why should you do that for thereby some have entertained angels unawares because it can be some sort of other being out there flying out there that's why you have to be careful of the strangers how about that and then notice that uh the writer if the writer is paul he's speaking that presently like make sure you do that at the present time to these believers make sure you treat the stranger as well because you just never know so that shows right here that angels we don't know who or what or where but if i were you i wouldn't just easily dismiss this if the scripture tells me to do something i mean is this a scriptural command it is right it's a scriptural command be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares without knowing about it if it's a scriptural command i would like to go by that you see why i'm more open-minded through this one but here's another one that's probably even more eye-opening let's look at revelation chapter 6 revelation chapter 6. dr upman would uh draw a picture of a ufo that would uh fly out of nowhere and then he would land at saint peter's cathedral and then here comes a 13-foot tall blond-haired blue-eyed christ and then he says peace be unto you i have come back as i have promised and the whole world wandered and worshiped the beast and then i when i listen to that i'm like thinking well he's got such an imagination but actually truth is stranger than fiction sometimes right so let me show you something that old man may not be as batty as you think revelation chapter five now notice this is up in heaven right up in heaven verse one and i saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a bug written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals right so this seven seal is up above not of this world it's up there who pops out of the seventh seal ah see that look at chapter six verse one and i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals right it's not of this world it's way up there when he opens one of them and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and i saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer you know who verse 2 is that's the antichrist but notice he's riding see he's riding when he's flying from up there to down here how about that see and notice it's a noise of a thunder come and see people who claim that they saw these flying objects that they're riding on or these living entities on it with these weird noises coming out or like thunder makes you wonder right but let me tell you something i know that this is future right so this is the future the antichrist is coming down but here's where it's eye-opening the second thing remember as i told you before people aren't just going to do satan worship just like that they have to come through gradual steps gradual steps have to be in place so that they can be conditioned it's conditioning in a behavioral psychology or the sciences of it conditioning is a huge thing by conditioning somebody then they can be able to keep doing that thing or believe in that thing so you have to condition the people think about it the bible says the whole world one uh everyone's gonna worship the beast right the antichrist how are you gonna do that if all of a sudden out of the blue comes out of nowhere no one's gonna go for that they're gonna freak out they're not going to worship the antichrist unless before he comes you condition the people that look this does this happened because the last two years if you haven't even read any news mainstream news been talking about people who are involved in intelligent agencies there's a guy phd in harvard for crying out loud all right that i given the name which is weird so uh what i think he's a chairman i could be wrong about that but i'm talking about intellectual scholars agencies and people who are actually saying that there are these unidentified flying objects or other beings out there why why did they did that all of a sudden especially during the coronavirus right that is especially weird there's they're planning something it's so weird all right but let's forget that okay let's forget that because i know i'm dealing with naysayers here this video is done with the intention to convince you okay so forget what i just said but listen to my point here the last year to now there are too many mainstream news about ufos why would they do that in mainstream news one so acknowledging it and secondly it doesn't make sense that you just pop a ufo out of nowhere at when the antichrist comes down they have to get used to it see so through scriptural reasoning things start to make more sense about the conspiracy realm now let me show you another one go to the psalms chapter 2 psalms chapter 2. for some of you who don't know psalms chapter 2 is the number one classic on the conspiracies on globalists and elites gathering together to have a conspiracy against jesus christ so this is the classic passage on it psalms chapter 2 notice that verse 1 the bible says why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together see that those are your elitists right so psalms 2 shows that now notice that these elitists excuse me all right these elitists notice that verse 1 they are conspiring see that they're imagining they're plotting conspiracy quote-unquote theory is real in psalms 2 all right in psalms 2. okay i'm not going to apply it today all right i'm going to come to that later but psalms 2 there's no doubt there has to be a group of globalists and elitists that start out a conspiracy against jesus there's no doubt about that all right if we were to do that uh keep reading uh against the lord and against his anointed saying let us break their bands asunder and cast away their courts from us he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the lord shall have them in derision he then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure so notice that the lord is going to conquer these elites there is no doubt it has to happen in the future where they plot a conspiracy against jesus christ now notice who's mentioned here at verse 2 rulers right rulers okay that's the key there so we know psalms 2 has to apply in the tribulation they're going to plot that against jesus now the question is can that be applied today absolutely i believe that the reason why is let's look at several scriptures look at acts 4 acts 4 notice that the disciples in their new testament church age era all right now i know dispensationally there's a transitional era but forget that all right i'm just the church started at acts 2 all right i know it started at the body of jesus christ at the cross but look forget all that okay i'm saying all this because i get a bunch of people who are critical out there okay so knowing all that okay it is accurate to say it's the church age right so in the church age right currently which we're in you know what the disciples quoted about their elites of their days psalms 2 that there are elitists current in their day who are plotting a conspiracy look at acts chapter 2 notice that verse 25 who by the mouth of thy servant david has said why did the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things see there's no doubt that psalms 2. the kings of the earth stood up and the rulers were gathered together against the lord and against his christ see that there's no doubt they applied it to their time period so that's why i believe in that now for argument's sake i know that some people might say well that's applying to jesus first coming when he was down there on the earth it's not applying to right now where we're at but no i believe this i believe that notice that these people believed that psalms 2 had the application of not just the future when uh jesus christ comes down as second advent millennium right like i told you that's millennium future second advent after the tribulation but these disciples applied it to their current timeline that's my point i believe that because they believe that they can use psalms 2 to apply to their current timeline i believe we can use that too you might say you need proof to do that yeah i can do that because notice that they believe it's their rulers right at verse 26 paul warns you ephesians 6 ephesians 6 the rulers are not done god sees the rulers as his enemy and that he sees them as people who conspire against god and i believe that god when he was talking about that as psalms 2 and acts 4 and ephesians 6 how can you say that all of a sudden he changed his mind about his negative viewpoint of the rulers no it carries on one at the millennium sure psalms two one at acts four sure but god never left it at ephesians six he says that the rulers are still what we're fighting against ephesians chapter six verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities demons against power satanism against the rulers of the darkness of this world satanic rulers present church h time present church age time now people might say well that's just referring to evil spirits it's not something to do with the rulers of this world uh look you haven't been reading your bible okay if you i'm not going to show you all these verses but i'm just going to you look up the bible where it talks about rulers just type down rulers look up every verse in your bible and see if god puts them as a positive light or he sees them as something that christians have to deal with and that they are against god those rulers okay and see to it in these verses if not satan is plotting behind the scenes with these rulers against god's people proven in every dispensation every verse so i'm not going to exaggerate every verse there are some verses that will show some of the rulers believed amen so this is proof obviously that not everyone in our ruler is someone that hey you're evil no there are some genuine sincere rulers over there okay i can acknowledge that the bible shows that but it shows a very extremely small portion that's my point it shows that generally generally they are against god and that there's a satanic conspiracy and plan or operation behind it if you don't if you doubt me then you don't believe ephesians 6 it puts the rulers of the darkness of this world with satan's spiritual operation and workings with his devils why would they believe a plot a conspiracy etc why do you believe that oh it'll happen in the future and it only happened that jesus died on the cross not now you have no scriptural evidence on that one whereas on the other side i see it as the apostles when they talked about the rulers all right or god when he talked about the rulers he's seeing them all in this one plane that never changed is that they are against my jesus christ my son and that they will plot and that their operations are anti-christian so that should be incredibly eye-opening to you now in romans 13 so let's balance this out okay so in romans 13 we know that uh our job is against the satanic workings and the elites but the point is in romans 13 we are not against with how they run the government doing things that is done for law abiding citizens because if there is no government is that if there's no rulership we'd have chaos right so we go by romans 13 about the rulers you mean to tell me that even the evil rulers today are ordained of god yeah didn't you know that even the evil elites today are ordained of god yeah and the bible says we have to whether look so this is where uh i understand the critics side against the conspiracies i recognize that all right i'm not saying kill people let's start a riot and then you know go up to capitol hill or something like that no we're christians law abiding citizens we believe that even if the person is evil as a ruler the lord god ordained the person and if you doubt that then you don't know your bible you know why satan remember that verse in luke 4 that i showed you about the conspiracies the rulers of this world are given power from satan right at luke 4 but what did satan said satan said god was the one who gave me that power and that's why i have the power to give it to him so ever i will that's the reason why you might say why would god do that you know why because that's what mankind wants they want the evil and god i mean look i know that we might be whining about the elections or something like that but i'll be very honest america got what they deserved what they always wanted all right romans chapter 13 verse one let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of god the powers that be are ordained of god whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisted the ordinance of god i recognize that okay now obviously the drawing line so i know that there are billions arguments against romans 13. so i can acknowledge those arguments so that's where i draw the line see the line is if it tells me to contradict the bible if they tell me to plainly violate what the scripture says and that's no in my book all right everything else that they do that i don't agree with here's the thing if it does not violate scripture i have to follow along you might say i don't believe in that jesus did you know what jesus did i mean he didn't like it when he had to give good money away to roman pagan caesars or their wicked system but then when the soldiers asked simon peter jesus said i don't agree with their taxing thing but nevertheless lest we should offend them let's not do that let's not ruin our testimony pay the money to them see that so just because you disagree with what the government's doing and they're doing it for evil causes just like in jesus case right if it doesn't make us violate scripture i mean did jesus violate scripture when he did that no he's holy he didn't sin when he do that so as long as we do things that do not violate scripture we follow along whether we like it or not and that's proven in every time period in church history see in the church age christians never changed on that one that's what we're supposed to do okay so uh understanding all these imbalance we can see here that i've given you too much proof now all right i've given you too much proof that this ufo alien phenomenon you have to be open-minded to it let me make it this far to the critics okay because this video is intended to convince the critics even the hardest okay so i'm not telling you to even believe all right i'm not telling you to believe everything even if i proven from scripture i'm not telling you to believe in that but from these scriptures there is no doubt you have to at the very least be open-minded to the possibility and that's one thing i proven proven and if you were to do that just a little bit believe me some of the specifics about the evil in our world that you find out in research you're going to be more open-minded to that it's going to make sense because it lines up because why because when something lines up with scripture and you have a fullness of the learning of the scripture then something's anything out there that clicks with it with your scriptural belief inside you and it's going to it's going to be more eye-opening okay so i at least the very much that i've done is you can be open-minded to the conspiracies among our ruler that there is an agenda okay that is against christ okay there is an agenda against christ and that there is this alien or ufo phenomenon and that the current science or what you hear in our world today that there is heavy critical thinking why because scientific one and number two uh it's scriptural it's scriptural and i've proven it through so many other scriptural passages as well okay uh this should be enough to prove all right that's gonna open up a whole bunch of things right to you all right wait till i talk to you about the future now so we're going to talk about signs of the time in our future not today what's going to happen in the future there's going to be a lot of basically what you can call prophecy in this all right so it's going to be a lot of prophecy some of them i'm going to probably have to do predictions if it's not scriptural all right that's going to be interesting heavenly father i pray tonight's teachings have opened our eyes to the truth of your word and that will constantly be growing in the scriptures and to truth because it is required on our part in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 45,367
Rating: 4.9093719 out of 5
Keywords: bible study, end times, revelation, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, bible believer, rapture, Cabal, Aliens 2021, alien invasion, Agenda 2021, rapture 2021, Elite world, new world order, nasa aliens, spaceship, elon musk spacex, elon musk, nasa mars, nasa fake moon landing, sons of god, sons of god genesis 6, bible aliens and strangers, bible study for beginners, bible study for women, end times 2021, end times prophecy, end times signs
Id: Res8ToYBh44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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