Wild Kratts - The Roughest, Toughest Animals in the Wild | Kids Videos

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[Music] we set off the Rhino yep we set it off [Music] did you see that see it I felt it ouch no I mean the oxpeckers hung on even when the Rhino charges now that's the coolest thing I win okay you got me but what I don't get is who would want to mess with the third heaviest land mammal on the planet and take on that charge that's who the Rhino was going for we were just in the way they're after the calf [Music] [Music] amazing that's a 1,300 kilogram mega mammal with some fancy footwork [Music] I've heard of toss salad but boss the Lions incoming that horn is a serious weapon riedel defense is awesome oh no I just tuned it up I like it gives a character you know that made no sense black rhinos are solitary they'd never Stampede in a huge herd it's unnatural are you okay Horne you God I'm gonna call you nubs oh but there's no way your mom would leave you behind little buddy or not come charging towards the lost call something's very wrong here poachers I don't know but we're gonna find out let's track them oh don't look now Chris but someone's tracking us they know there's no mom to protect them we've got to get nubs out of here fast I think I'll stick around something about that Rhino stampede just didn't seem right back at you nubs whoa Vitara don't fail us now later rhymes [Music] what are you doing up there getting a bird's-eye view I'll take nubs to safety and be right back don't get distracted and forget about me oh don't worry I won't leave you hanging if it eats an animal it's right up here in the food web this is the sad part of the food web well look at it this way Koki it's how nature works I mean if these predators weren't around in no time there'd be too many of these herbivores soon there'd be no plants left and no one would survive everything's in balance I guess that's why the food web works so well but it's still sad No okay blurr check this out I'm injured Oh Oh my leg I can't run fast anymore my hope of predator doesn't see me yes my trick is working predators usually target injured or wheat prey they're the easiest to catch I'm gonna log on me pythons are constricting snakes that means they squeeze their prey until they can't eat anymore this wasn't exactly but I'll take it could you please press that button for me [Music] yes I'm a Python wait a second no animal eats adult pythons I'm at the top of the food web Chris we're checking something yep it's right here it almost never happens but big adult pythons are sometimes caught and eaten by a super hungry lion or Leopard you mean kind of like that whoa you got to be pretty hungry to tangle with a Python whoa not this time catching food can be dangerous business for predators to prey defends itself and getting a meal isn't always easy so it's official it's rare but leopards and lions will tangle with an adult Python if they're desperate Wow I better slither off and follow that lion got a slide see a blur okay I know a lion would eat the batty it box and you probably have to be on the lookout for spotted hyenas too hey if I could just find one of those I know you probably don't want to find out but I have to finish my food chain martial Eagle oh nice move the old roll on your back kick and bite defense a bad eared Fox classy hey it's not easy being an animal when things are constantly out to get you Martin you think you're tough huh think you're really ferocious well the lion does brother it's not you it's a honey badger oh the honey badger is tough so tough a lion will think twice about tangling with him Wow that puts the honey badger right up there with the African honey bee on the toughie meter time for now and the honey badger has a fierce sweet tooth - he's still following the honey guide honey badger and honey guide now that is a dynamic duo let's program some creature power suits I'm with you honey okay who wants honeyguide powers and who wants honey badger did you have to ask hey it's my turn for the more powerful creature Chris I had caterpillar powers last time well a butterfly isn't exactly powerful I should have the Badger powers because that Lions mad at me for bumping them I gotta watch my back yeah but if I had bad your powers I could watch your back Oh guys you're not gonna have any powers because the animals you have to touch to get the powers are getting away [Music] what he is following wild kratts and honey the little birds in it let us write to the honey and now it's the honey badgers turn to do his thing [Music] Oh nobody can be that tough she's gonna get so stung no animal can survive that many these things it's gonna run I didn't see that coming whoa of course honey badgers are members of the weasel family and they shoot a stinky spray from beneath their tails just like his cousin the skunk except the honey badger also uses his stinky spray like a living can of be repellant but if you can't this one is he'll actually attack a swarm of bees and stand up to a lion when is one of them gonna wake up look the prison so cute but a little nuts he's not thinking a week in the boss lineup is he that's his dad still a lion dads are real protective of their cubs but nobody likes to be woken up see I told you a lion that takes good care of his Cubs whoa that's gotta be nature's biggest hairdo yeah it's a magnificent Mane but there are a few animals who have even longer hair on their head musk ox and yak are tied for third longest horses are second the longest horse mane was measured at five meters long you know who of all animals has the longest hair on their head you do when a human lets her hair keep growing a human has the longest hair on their head in the creature world the longest hair on any human was 16 meters long oh he who breathes fire that's what we've got to call him he who breathes fire in the local Swahili language that translates to a name boom oh ah moto an a puma moto he who breathes fire [Music] nobody is gonna mess with the pride with he who breathes fire as the Guardian he must be 180 kilograms and as big as a lion gets ya an a puma moto looks to be 5 years old and in his prime and that's his job to guard the lionesses anywhere from 2 to 20 plus his cubs from danger of the 36 species of wild cat lions are the only ones that live in a big social group a big old family then where's he going he's going on patrol every few nights or so he'll patrol the prides territory to make sure there is no intruder like other lions around he doesn't wait for trouble to come he goes out to stop it yeah but what if trouble finds the pride while he's gone well the lioness are tough but if trouble shows up that they really need help with like a really big clan of hyenas or other male lions the lioness will call for the lion and he'll come charging back saving the fried with the lion powers it's good to see our pachyderm pals so happy but I still want the elephant to show you who's the most powerful you mean the Rhino to show you hey why don't we show each other ourselves huh a big creature power suit challenge of all sorts of animal abilities to find out what the most powerful animals in Africa are the strongest pushers the highest jumpers the fastest runners the most skillful swimmers oh yeah teracle jump in the hang time baby yes remember when we got aardvark but cheetah powers rip oh yeah hyper speed Aviva this could get interesting yeah it really makes me appreciate how many amazing animals we've encountered and how many awesome creature power discs you've made mm-hmm it makes me tired just thinking about it I'm taking the day off no inventing today I'm spectating the bros are on their own I don't get too comfy Aviva I'm not a professional scientist but I think I observed when it comes to high-tech the bros usually end up needing your help let's start with a strength contest between the elephant and the Rhino you're on rhino power squirrel power huh one one elephant power oh yeah Rhino powers elephant powers are so awesome I can do push-ups with my nose one two three save it brother it's a sumo style showdown of strength whoever pushes the other guy into the mud wallow wins all right bro the moment of truth let's find out who's the strongest Rhino power elephant power [Music] [Music] my guess ruptal bots will make better creature power suits go haywire well Chris and Martin be surprised an elephant is so strong he can push a 15 meter tall I catch a tree over with his head Oh rhinos have charged straight powerful enough to push over a 4 ton truck oh hey Chris you look thirsty oh yeah and elephant powers win not so fast bro yeah you forgot about the rhino horn diva we found thornsley's mom she's stuck in a mud wallow and the rest of the herd can't get her out we need to elevate creature power suits I'm almost done with your discs two minutes and you'll have it look Martin even thornsley's trying to save her oh we could get stuck in the mud to thornsley wait Oh Oh he's stuck - to the rescue [Music] hey you look pretty cool as a mud man you too bro Aviva we need the elephant disks I've never worked so fast but they're ready to go Jimmy is teleporting them now it's okay little guy you'll be back with your mom in a flash like I said in a flash stick around but he will need you to activate our suits [Music] creature rescue okay you grab her trunks with your trunk and pull I'll do the pushing Martin not bad for a fake elephant [Music] oh no this stuff is thick she's stuck again guys were around the corner we can help push her out we're gonna need all the help we can get hurry [Music] [Music] don't worry Thorne's his mom we're gonna get you out wait stop buddy we don't want you to get stuck in the mud again Jimmy keep an eye on him I'm on it oh thanks thornsley I wanted a mud mask today okay guys you're hooked up cow Aviva [Music] his mom or back together way to go elephant bros now that sounds like one happy herd of elephants this is a hard one aardvark it's an aardvark got it aardvark never heard of it you know they're nicknamed earth pigs aardvarks are actually more closely related to elephants yeah but they're really one of a kind with clauses strong as a pickaxe I never knew fingernails could build a house she's got beautiful fingernails and so thick they don't break guys get ready to have the most gorgeous fingernails around gorgeous nails don't you mean digging power yeah that's what I said gorgeous nails I'm getting to work adding that power digger to the creature power suit uh-oh did you hear that laughing sound yeah I like laughing but not that kind nope nothing funny about that spotted hyena Oh hyenas are serious predators for lots of creatures out here including aardvarks she can't get back to her burrow so it's Plan B vegan escape hold our verse can do that in five minutes flat oh yeah good thing she had a head start oh no it's not deep enough yet she's gotta buy herself time those claws are good for something other than digging the fence behind it didn't like that one bit [Music] yes she did it now we know why holes are so important out here whoa this backs a lot heavier when I'm running for Modena that was a close one yeah especially since my backpack almost knocked me over did you slip so your stuff in there when I wasn't looking Oh then why did it feel like it was full of bricks you didn't put your fossil collection in there did you I don't even have a fossil collection you do uh Martin I think there's a snake on my face oh yeah there sure is now which pink snakes do I know lying pink snakes not but they're from Madagascar so it can't be one of those yeah what we're talking you think you can get it off me that is one long Slurpee tongue I'm gonna call you slurpy slurpy to guinea fowl in one leap that cat has some quick pause to what she wants in on the action hey that's cheating cheetahs rarely steal food but competition is fierce out here between the Wildcats this isn't cheating its cheetah inge wait oh no we lost her again at least we got a fast ride home race yeah [Music] activate cheetah power [Music] first one to the Tortuga wins [Music] I'll be waiting for you Oh what are you guys doing Aviva said get your fast but not like a destructive meteor I'm sorry I won though no way I had you by a whisker any luck finding my birdie not yet but that's why we need a bird Libya to lure in that crafty caracal it's finished the guinea fowl flapper it's perfect don't worry Eva we'll get your birdie back that's what you said last time but now we have a bird low feel that birdie is really really important to me please we'll find it [Music] continued mission bring back badminton birdie let's go guinea fowl flapper [Music] nice flying action Chris thanks bro but how long are we gonna have to do this how about another guinea fowl alarm nice would it bull me uh-oh it got a spotted eagle owl attention evasive maneuvers nice turn Martin but don't accidentally get away from the caracal a mixed herd of herbivores this is great yeah all these different looking creatures eat grass and leaves but do they all eat exactly the same plants or what we need to get in the middle of the action to find out I'll stick with necktie maize hey buddy and I'll go zebra [Music] [Music] zebra power to wrap our herbivores here we come you go ahead I've gotta figure out how to balance this neck the gazelles are nibbling on the delicate tender grasses they're not eating the thicker tougher stuff but the Zebras are theme big mouthfuls of the thick tough hard to digest grass it all looks like a bunch of grass but the herbivores are naturally splitting things up it's nature's know how it work again and if the grass eaters are doing it maybe the leaf eaters like the giraffe are doing it too Martin we've got a breakthrough here yeah me too look I got this long neck balancing thing down almost thanks Chris whoa everything looks different from way up here everything's so small like those cute little kittens over there where where right there behind those wait a second those are kittens there [Music] Lyons Oh [Music] add another benefit of a little neck to the list address are you for spotting danger far away necktie oh no a classic lie in ambush have one lion hide up ahead while two others push the preys straight towards them they do that on purpose [Music] Wow up up kick that's a dinner plate sized hook right the face yeah with enough power to kill a lion Oh they've had enough they're out of here whoa okay okay that's enough herbivore action for now deactivate dude that's our cheetah buddy from the last time we were in Africa when Aviva raised her cheetah racer against the Zach terrain I don't believe it when did blurr have a cub from the looks of mine say about seven weeks ago because he still has that black and white coloring on top oh I've gotta come up with a special name for him [Music] what does she see out there no but her black ice shapes are absorbing the sun's glare so she can see when it's bright oh wait I've got just the thing here it is my black baseball grease when I spread it onto my eyes in the Cheetahs I stripes it gives me the cheetah power to look out onto the bright Savannah and see a lion Lions are always trying to take out cheetahs Lions see the Cheetahs competition and they'll kill a cheetah or are you gonna cheat a cub any chance to get that chirp means hide a special chirp for each command now blur is going out to distract the lion she's trying to leave the lion away from little Oh what am I gonna call him [Music] now that is one clever way to avoid predators cheetah style [Music] oh I spot speed of light lane running machine oh here's my chance to update and improve my cheetah racer bring up the cheetah racer [Music] hmm blurred lures away lions with her cheetah speed to keep her cubs safe because little Cubs can't run fast yet check out the racing stripe black fur on his back with a white stripe down the middle I wonder why a cheetah cub has that and his mom doesn't hey where is his mom I'll use my cheetah vision to find her there she is here we go a cheetah hunt she has to catch a gazelle to feed her cubs [Music] the fastest land animal on the planet it's 70 miles per hour look there must be some kind of mistake we're getting carried off by termites I'd say there's a mistake all right hey easy on the jaw grip there termite I know karate yeah Joe my jaws a tough and strong cookie they're collecting grass and we smell like grass so they think we're just another blade of grass of course they do wait oh yeah more smells in the house oh sorry JZ they're gone huh Viva Koki are you sure they always tell me when they're leaving I know I panic look at this someone spilled something Savannah grass whole canister got knocked over which knocked on the miniaturizer and judging by the angle it's on the beam was pointing right to the puddle footprints Koki and Aviva it gets worse look termite prints what ah termites mystery solved what what sold don't you see JZ they dropped the grass in on themselves accidentally got miniaturized and termites carried them off voila yeah what we gotta find them but there are millions of termites all over the African savannah more than all the mammals combined and lots of creatures eat termites now they're with the armies of termites heading right into the middle of a predator-prey battle zone oh we gotta find them fast we'll need some creature power help for this creature rescue let's split up I'll use the power of the termites to infiltrate the colonies and search for them there and I'll use the powers of termite predators to hunt down as many termites as I can and I'll just freak out wait termites activate termite power [Music] termites oh let's do this miniaturized and standing by okay it's done guys okay oh oh look at those huge scoop holes of sanity grabs with their hind feet we better hustle Chris oh now this is an impressive base I'll call her croco Dilla Oh check out those teeth sixty-four dagger teeth twice as many as we have oh it's a good thing we just looked like a couple of crocodile eggs see you don't trust her either just don't awaken the Beast guys whoops I don't even think she sees us she's in that special trance that crocodiles get into when they lay their eggs the trance she's at step 2 eglee nope you're good 56 57 57 eggs yeah one by one she lays her eggs in the nest chamber whoa if all these hatch don't be lots of little Nile crocodiles running around here in about three months she's burying them are you kidding me she just drops her eggs in a hole and covers them up I told you guys that is one cold creature we'll see let's get in there Martin what get in where where else the nest we're crocodile eggs those are our pals down there Aviva besides how else are we gonna find out the secrets of crocodile birth let's get crackin Martin [Music] guys wait we're losing you I have to make some adjustments to the signal receiver whoa she's stomping the sand looks like she's packing them in I knew this was a bad idea never trust a crocodile I'm getting a signal again Oh God we're fine the eggs have landed she's done hmm how did an ordinary hair become a quill let's see how this works Wow the quill has a light spongy inside and the outside is hard and thick and it's attached to the skin just like a hair is you made him raise his quills I get it every porcupine quill has a muscle attached to it that raises the quill when the porcupine gets nervous if the quill is touched even lightly by say a lion it can easily rip free and gets pulled right out thanks clover huh won't be long now guys porcupine power discs on the way good because we've got some floating animals to rescue [Music] rocket boots ready to go all right Wilbur my pointy little pal give us that porcupine defense power activate all set blind porcupine bros oh whoa watch where you're swinging those quills oh sorry Zach you can't take all these creatures and turn them into your robots yeah and they don't like being in the sky they want to go home oh no you don't wild rats it's wild grass whatever I'll do whatever I want I guess what my sad bots are recharged Charles oh gotta get to those creatures bats I'll cover you [Music] back off zach-bots we porcupines don't like to use our quills but if we have to all right I warned you lost a few quills and that defense Chris it better hurry babies don't worry you're going home thanks to porcupine power [Music] enjoy the ride pal coming at you guys oh hey Chris no problem we're on it that's amazed all right we've got to help him but we can't show up around gourmand with the truck full of raptors first of all then all the African Raptors go Marshall Eagles away so long spotted owls be free chanting Gus Hawks fly away home Falcon not so fast Aviva I need to borrow a little speed from this Falcon first activate peregrine falcon so I can sit back and rescue my bro sounds good Martin will get the rest of these non-african Raptors back to the Tortuga safe and sound alright Chris get ready for a raptor rescued so far boy can't move so fast now Kenya that was just a lucky shot gourmand well one thing I know about Birds they can't fly right unless their feathers are just so and I'm not talking about so muddy it'll take you forever to clean off your creature power suit and by that time I will have surprised your blue brother and the rest of your friends and I will recapture my record I can't find my creature glad to warn them alright buddy thanks for the escort but you better get far away from here now because no one gourmand he could be hiding behind any one of these clouds now to get an eagle eye on the situation because all Raptors have awesome eyesight engage Falcon vision bro it's now really the best time for a mud bath look he's stuck and he's no Falcon he's a sitting duck okay Oh Falcon has 450 feathers so it takes me an hour to clean each one then I'll be here and fill up next Tuesday rocketed from the skies baby the most awesome Raptor power but it's nothing without our feet that crap oh nice save bro where's hipster there what's he doing let's go [Music] Oh No he's heading back Mayday Mayday Mayday Mayday what's with this slimy rock hey you're not a rock you're a hippo that means this is not slime it's natural hippo sunscreen thanks bud I wish our skin made a natural sunscreen like yours does whoa gotta keep my eye on Tusker if he finds that elbow stuff in this river there could be trouble that's it try to get past that big beasty varmint oh and we may just be too busy to help if they get in a jam follow that hippo oh right he's calling a prayer now's our chance okay hold on tight we're going in it's Tusker he's back and he's taking on a challenger who wants to take over his part of the river [Music] we gotta get out of here I think we can flip around and get the tips what we can't get between these two we have to try wow those gusts are like massive swords jabbing at each other it's like two sumo wrestlers in a sword fight are you guys getting out of there I'm working on it dude [Music] when Tusker wins defending his territory hey okay I get it hippos fiercely protect their part of the river [Music]
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 8,861,791
Rating: 4.3000312 out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts TV show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals, lion, rhino, cheetah, elephant, hippo, Africa, African animals, the wild, tough animals, dangerous animals, python, snake
Id: ZSkdGffvLSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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